The Excellence of Execution quits

Posted by
Arithon [legacy]
02 May 2011 00:00:00
Player Kill

Posted for and related to by Crytzch


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    06 May 2011 16:46:14

    Hirgail, you read this and you do not fucking disagree.

    You are not perfect. You were not perfect. You made some bad choices. Same as every fucking person who plays this or any other game. You also made some good choices. Call it sad or whatever else you want, but you are one of the few people that I will not forget from this place, and I remember you for the good you brought.

    I am exceedingly glad I got to know you before you left.

    You, Hirgail, are a good, solid guy.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 12:18:54

    Thanks, I'd like to think I've let go of a lot of the stupid shit I was caught up in when I played T2T but honestly I can really be sure. What you say about FRA/ROI rings so true though, even though I was completely caught up in it. I guess it's like being in highschool, you don't realise how much of a bully you were until you grow out of it.

    One of the best friends I made on the MUD was Chelsea. I don't talk to her anymore but I'm so embarassed about the way I met her. I was just picking on her for being in PoT and after I'd killed her a few times we became friends. I really wish our friendship had started off differently though. Same with a lot of people I met there. I'm glad Norin still plays. Of all the people I met in FRA he was always the nicest. Him an Joel. We all did a lot of fucked up things and he was always just there, one step outside of it being a pretty cool guy that was dragged down by some of the incredibly creepy things we did. And I'm sorry for that man. You were a loyal guy and you didn't deserve to have your name tarnished by the things the rest of us did.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 May 2011 11:57:00

    Wow, Hirgail.

    A bit emo. But I agree with you on all aspects. I never had text sex with Scorpion or let Quiauh piss in my mouth, but I did my fair share of retarded stuff too. What you just explained is the reason why I always disliked FRA/RoI even though I somehow liked a lot of the people on a personal level. I always liked you, and I always disliked you. The same goes for Greg. Nowadays, I just like you guys! <3 etc.

    The sad thing however, is that there are people that are still exactly the same as they were 5-10 years ago.

    Not me however, of course. I am just as super awesome, super cool, super nice, and super humble, as I was ten years ago!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 11:47:57

    You know, this site is really depressing. It makes me look back on some of the things I did on T2T and I'm so ashamed. At the time I just though I was being funny. I guess that was my niche in T2T, being 'funny'. The thing that got me banned was that shit I pulled with Scorpion. Pretending to be a 12yo girl just to fuck with him. Baitlia? What was I thinking?

    I thought it would be so funny. It wasn't though. I showed it to people and they didn't laugh, they just thought it was fucked up, from both perspectives. To this day people pick on the guy because of it. The truth is though that I picked on the guy and used the fucked up mind I had to manipulate him into giving me something I could use as a joke against him. I've seen a few comments lately where even years after people still remember him for that and he still faces consequences for it. He shouldn't. Whatever embarassment he felt at the time is enough. I pushed him into that corner and he reacted badly. Whatever he did wrong nobody was hurt and he doesn't deserve to be treated like this years afterwards.

    I'm not even sure what kind of point I'm getting at here. I just started typing out of a sense of guilt I felt for something I did on the internet years ago and it brought up a lot in me. Like I saw Douglas say something positive about me recently and I've only ever been mean to him. Shit I lost 10 years of my life to the Two Towers. Shit, sometimes I try to justify my trolling this site as just me looking for cheap laughs. But cheap laughs are cheap. The real reason is obvious to anyone. The T2T is hard to let go of. I can't even give you an intelligent reason why. I spent years of my life on that place and I still couldn't tell you why, It just seemed right. It was fun. I dunno, life is hard. I respect those of you that live a good life and just use T2T for mindless fun but for a the rest of us T2T was our Prozac

    Honestly I'm just in an inrospective mood. How can I justify coming back to this site years after I've been banned from the game? Anyone that calls me on that bullshit is right to. I'm sorry DW, I won't lie I still think you're a massive hypocrite but then, aren't I as well? I even have guilt for fucking with Quiah. Sure the guy is unstable and offensive but it's pretty obvious to anyone with at least a little bit of sanity that he behaves that way because of a series of issues he has no control over. I should have just ignored him instead of using his issues as a platform for comedy. Whatever he had to say he couldn't help but I could have done the right and mature thing. I didn't though. I was in my mid 20s and the time too, I don't even have youth as an excuse. I was just being a bad person.

    Fuck I don't know where Im going with this. I'm pretty sure I don't have a point to finish on, just...I was an arsehole to a lot of people on T2T and I have been many more on this site. I'm sorry for it, mostly I was just trying to be funny and it wasn't anything personal but that doesn't make a what I did alright. You were just trying to play a game and spend some time having fun and I used my over abundance of free time to fuck with you. I can't remember ever person I was a dick to, but it was a lot of people and if it was you then I'm sorry.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    06 May 2011 11:10:38

    Who is Greg?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 10:45:47

    Fucking seriously anyone that doesn't know Greg sucks. At one point on R Comm which we considered to be some kind of off mud equivalent to the thieves guild Greg was the only person I saw with the courage to stay up for someone like Deboraha. Everyone else was a misogynistic fuckhead but Greg had the self-belief to stand up for a support a person he believed in even though everyone around him had a different opinion. I cannot over-emphasize how much I respect him.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 10:41:55

    Doesn't everyone that's ever said that deserve such a title Greg? Actually this is one of the reasons why I adore your arse. You've been here forever and you've never fallen so far. You've always just been here and been Greg. A billion alts in every place one could imagine and you've always at least managed to present a facade of loyalty and decency, even if R Comm got to hear the truth. I'm not calling you out on anything here. Whatever came out on R comm you still always managed to be a decent and upright persen. Frankly if anyone deserves a legend from the past 10 years it's you. You've been everywhere and most of that time you've been a respectable and intelligent guy.

    Fuck Rendor, Grimscare and Ash and every other TG motherfucker that devoted hours of their time trying to imtimidate you. Greg is the guy that's been everywhere and done everything. He deserves a legend for as long as this MUD lasts.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 09:21:05

    Hey DW, weren't you all about how you've done a bunch of stuff to be remebered for? Well, what stuff? Don't fuck around. You say you deserve to be remebered for stuff, well, what stuff? Or are you just full of shit?

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    06 May 2011 09:17:03

    Zaellyer deserves a legend for 'dramatically quitting and then coming back again more times than almost anybody else.'

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 May 2011 06:20:31

    Zaellyer, obviously Daywalker doesn't care about anyone's approval or what they think of him. That's why he posted 2 pages worth of comments trying to convince everyone he doesn't care! JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!! LEAVE DAYWALKER ALONE!!! LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE TOO!!!!!

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    05 May 2011 23:37:47

    didn't you just ramble on for pages like an idiot about wanting people to remember you in a txt based game? l o l

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    05 May 2011 21:56:07

    Sunflash, I find it disturbing that we agree on a second thing. First one is NBA :)

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    05 May 2011 21:11:55

    Really, Douglas? That's the reason you managed to come up with for not liking Kharash?

    Jesus, you are one bitter, jealous sad sack of shit.

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    05 May 2011 20:27:06

    I think its funny that Douglas, most likely the most unpopular typist I've seen in a loooong time comes up with a quote like, 'you're a douchebag daywalker. very few people like you'.

    Please keep this magic coming!

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    05 May 2011 19:45:03

    Please, Douglas, give me your approval and respect, I can't sleep at night without it, all I do is to please you and the other morons like you!

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    05 May 2011 16:44:02

    as far as 'not likable to your kind.'

    you're a douchebag daywalker. very few people like you. you act like you're god's gift to the mud. there are people who are skilled like rendor, and then there are people who just try hard. that's you. you havent added anything to this place. you just try really hard to prove you're not as bad as everyone knows you are. the people who were truly skilled here never had to whore themselves for recognition.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    05 May 2011 16:39:22

    i'll start with the first thing that comes to mind: spamming alexa with crap from mordor with high ass prices because he thought he was the only one who could run shelob's lair.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    05 May 2011 02:54:59

    So Douglas, ok, you don't like me, im fine with that, I am not likable to your kind, but please share with me, what was there not to like about Kharash?

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    05 May 2011 00:02:38

    sunflash: not true. there were plenty of people who didn't have their head up pounder, mornaner and kharash's collective asses that didn't like them.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    04 May 2011 23:39:59

    yeah, it got lost in the translation

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    04 May 2011 23:37:22

    'I was as kind as a sheep' is that a bulgarian saying?

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 May 2011 23:18:29

    Kozlo was a good friend, I don't recognize him today. :P I was as kind as a sheep, dunno what your talking about, buddy!

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    04 May 2011 18:31:37

    The megalomanias of the Exhalevs and the Winnetous of T2T were both pathetically comical and infuriating at the same time, the megalomanias of the Quiauhs, Anguss' and Daywalkers differ, as they were never infuriating.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    04 May 2011 17:27:21

    No one hated Kharash.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    04 May 2011 15:02:44

    I fully agree on Kharash and Rendor. Like them or hate them, they are/were one of arda's finest.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 May 2011 10:28:32

    I prefer to haunt your days as the dark ghost who might emerge from the past and... (get levelbashed by you) rather than have a stone statue somewhere which tells you you are safe!


  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    04 May 2011 05:13:45

    There are a lot of people who are memorable in this community, but they definitely don't all deserve a legend.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    04 May 2011 05:12:45

    I mean, the legend can talk about how much he dies and shit, just make the legend. We all know who he is, he's famous enough in mud terms to justify it. There's a lot of people like that. I would support Kharash's inactive character being replaced with a legend too

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    04 May 2011 05:11:45

    If Winnetou is ever hardbanned, we should probably get him a legend too. Face the facts, he's a memorable part of our community.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    03 May 2011 23:51:39

    Let's get TNT BACK!

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    03 May 2011 23:36:40

    I think Marthaon deserves one, yes. In my opinion, of the older generation of players, so do Rendor, Throm and Karanach. Rendor actually had one, briefly, but it got removed when he insisted on remaking with the same name. Despite all of the trouble his brother went to in order to coerce the Moron Council into voting yes, too. Tsk tsk.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 23:02:54

    Akhazir, you are not getting it. Crytzch is Zandramas' stallion... at least was few days ago, she is not known for keeping them long.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 23:00:24

    Etrius is on the right track, as usual.

    However, blaming Ainur in this case is not enough. They have only partial fault. It is the playerbase and ainur both not giving a shit about this game anymore. If the playerbase was more demanding and actually did care about the changes that are being done, things would be different. And with careless players, you get careless administration.

    Careless administration leads to errors, missing features, or even worse - ruining features that were coded by people better understanding the game.

    Try going to an ainur with the idea for legends and I am pretty sure you will get 'shoe'-d away.

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    03 May 2011 20:39:08

    'Am I missing something, the entire log was mounting/leading etc Zandramas stallion. However, it's supposedly posted for Crytzch?'

    Horse thief. Daywalker was trying to prevent a crime.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    03 May 2011 19:59:52

    Give Marthaon a legend.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    03 May 2011 19:22:36

    judging from the amount of slander & pages of text from people who dont even play anymore (that I didnt even read) the answer is negative?;p

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    03 May 2011 19:12:44

    Who needs legends? Those who are not legends. :) I.e. I am legend, you are NEWBSZ!

    jkjk you kids alright?:)

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    03 May 2011 18:58:55

    The problem with legends at the moment is that there's no existing procedure to 'request' them for departed players. There have been a handful implemented over the last five or six years, but as far as I can tell those were installed at the whim of people high up in Valinor.

    Both the Mortal Council and the Petition System were imperfect institutions. Getting a legend via the former depended on who you knew, and getting a legend via the latter depended on how popular you were. Nonetheless, I think either system is preferable to none at all. There are still 'legends' coming and going, not to mention a lot of past characters who are widely considered to have deserved one but never got it.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 17:57:11

    Cifke, i am quite sure a lot of people managed:) some of them even left proof:)

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    03 May 2011 16:02:00

    Maybe he was trying to mount Zandramas

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    03 May 2011 15:57:03

    It is Zandramas' point of view, yes.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    03 May 2011 15:47:37

    Am I missing something, the entire log was mounting/leading etc Zandramas stallion. However, it's supposedly posted for Crytzch?

    You mount Zandramas' tan stallion.

    You spur your mount to go faster!

    Zandramas' tan stallion is walking along slowly.

    A large stone road(se, w, e, s and n)

    A haradrim woman

    HP:113 EP:134> e

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    03 May 2011 15:32:51

    This isn't his first meltdown. He's been entertaining us with his messiah complex for years.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    03 May 2011 15:19:23

    I love this. You are having a complete melt down and i get front seat tickets.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 14:45:43

    and speaking of ratings:

    User Rating

    Belkas 6

    Cruice 6

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 14:45:08

    Lol, I changed my rating like 15 minutes ago :) It was 6 until now, it will be 1 for a while. At the end it might go to a 3 or something(which is proper for it). OMG MIRNAC YOU WIN YOU ARE SO SMART! THANKS FOR POINTING IT OUT.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    03 May 2011 12:56:00

    'Wish I could link my latest 100 ratings, you will see they are quite adequate.' Ill link your latest rating that happen to be on this log: 'Daywalker - 1' This shows that you don't rate on the log but on the people involved. Case closed.

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    03 May 2011 10:44:16


  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    03 May 2011 09:18:56

    True story son. Word.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    03 May 2011 09:17:59

    and norin will always be the numba 1 stunna. he so pleased 20 grannies lined up for it!

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    03 May 2011 09:02:20

    There have been legends in the last 8 years.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    03 May 2011 08:53:28

    Hirgail actually had skills when he played, and knew his pvp quite well. The others on that line up i can not speak for. :P

    (Just figured i should toss that in here for future reference.)

    And Pablo, are you sure you want your mom on youtube doing those nasty things with me? :S

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    03 May 2011 08:51:46

    so. the teddy cam i put in the room while norin was babysitting. wow. that is so youtube material.

  • Author
    Malek [legacy]
    03 May 2011 05:14:11

    Please DW next time you decide to open mouth and insert cock, let me know, I'm tired of sloppy seconds..

    Oh and hirgal kudo's for riding the full 8 seconds...

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    03 May 2011 05:07:33


  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    03 May 2011 05:06:17

    Haha, Daywalker you're such a whiney bitch.. I bet you'll be remembered in the ever so great MUD history, just as that.

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:58:08

    No, Daywalker, I'm in no way, shape, or form sad. I'm actually fairly amused.

    Before I really get going, let me add a caveat. I fully agree on the legends. There's plenty of people that I would love to see get a legend that can't and won't. I think it's a fucked up system that disallows them. Also, mine was...11 years ago? We didn't have donuts then.

    I guess to start, I play this game for fun. I don't play it to validate myself. I don't play it to prove something to myself. When I log off Crytzch or Arithon at the end of the day I'm perfectly content with who and what I am. When I get back on either one of those, I don't have to prove anything to anyone, not even myself.

    You, on the other hand, for whatever reason that I don't know and don't want to know seem to have a serious problem with establishing your dominance over people on a text-based game. When confronted with your actions you use all sorts of justifications and rationalizations to convince yourself that you're still the man.

    You're right. I don't RP, I don't Pk, I grind all day. That's how I enjoy my gaming experience. When I get tired of that, I'll turn to something else. Questing? Trying PK? Who the hell knows? But so long as I'm having fun doing what I'm doing, I truly don't give a fuck about anything else.

    And I guess we finally come to the subject of balls. This is what you fail to realize. This game doesn't require balls. Going and typing words versus you typing words and seeing other words on a screen to determine who wins and loses something doesn't require balls. Personally, I sit with my flag off and laugh at you because I know it infuriates you. You of all people should know that I don't mind dying; Arithon's got 40 recorded deaths. I do this simply because when you log on and notice something I've said or done, or something one of my 'useless herk friends' has done, and you realize that you can't touch me...dude, that just makes me laugh.

    I hate referencing RL. You can make whatever ignorant jokes you feel like about prison sex, bitches in prison, whatever. The only thing that I know is that you wouldn't last a day where I've been without sucking a dick out of fear. I don't have shit to prove here because I've already proved anything that I've needed to to myself and those who know me RL, and that's really all I give a fuck about. So sitting here and challenging my balls on a text-based game? Get the fuck out of here. You wouldn't know what balls were if they were hanging between your legs.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:52:13

    Ah fuck it, I'll ride this firey wreck into hell.

    No. What specific things have you done? See, I've done things too. Everybody has done things, in fact I am doing things right now.

    What are the specific things you've done that you believe you will be remembered for Oh Mighty Daywalker, arbiter of all things T2T.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:46:09

    Hirgail, you are bringing up top 20? Seriously?

    Please go to the all time top 20 and check the logs again, more than half of those logs dont even deserve a rating higher than 3, and you know it.

    There have been many better pieces of history, not mine, but by other people, which have been downrated by morons (sometimes me). Rating is obsolete. For a LOOOONG time, this log page has been nothing but a place to trash your emotional garbage. Morons like you and Mirnac, and Douglas (was about time you come to the discussion, read the nobodies section) made it what it is. Morons like Cruice that logs every single log with a 1 just for fun, because he wants so, they made ratings obsolete, not me. Wish I could link my latest 100 ratings, you will see they are quite adequate.

    Anyway, what I have done is there to see. I have done stupid things, i have done smart and cool things, key point is: I HAVE DONE THINGS.

    Even if I am not remembered as the best player, or as the worst player, I will be remembered as a PLAYER. Not a useless trash talker, like the above mentioned.

    SO FUCK YOU:) (see when there were moderators, such language was not tolerated)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:42:43

    Wow...I just...I should get off this trainwreck while the going is good.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:37:29

    Arithon, looking at the legends, most of them were given out like donuts back in the days.

    There has not been a new legend in the last 8 years, I am sure of that. You can't tell me there were no legendary people that played at this time. Ainur just decided they are not making more legends just like they decided they will remove pvp.

    I am not saying i am worth a legend, but I know people that are, and dont have one, despite many of us talking to ainur about it.

    Also, I am not speaking of something you did 10 years ago. I am saying, ever since I met you, you have been nothing, a zero. I dont give a shit about your legend. Mud has changed. A LOT!

    And saying 'Success in The Two Towers isn't defined by PVP ability'. What is it defined by? Getting questinfo and managing to get an item? Or maybe creating some unique piece of RP? Like your undescribed guildpack maybe? Or your useless, unthematic guild?

    Explain to me, you don't RP, you dont PK, you grind all day and share your fucked up RL with other people with fucked up RL like Zandramas?

    Ok, she is a bitch, she has an excuse, what is your excuse for not having balls? If I had you standing against me challenging me, I would do something... are you that sad?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:28:50

    Y'know DW, there's something about you that really rubs me the wrong way; Your unwarranted sense of self importance and entitlement.

    You don't like the opinions other people hold? Then they don't matter because of some arbitrary goal posts you decided to set that suit you.

    You don't agree with the logs that everyone else liked being in the top 20 here? Well those idiots are clearly just ignorant and you should take it upon yourself to change that by using all your logs page accounts to vote up the ones you like (which more often than not were your logs).

    People quit on you? Fuck those bitches - you'll post a log to shame them.

    You quit? Oh no see, it's ok when you do it because um...they didn't deserve to kill you because you're Daywalker and if it wasn't for reasons x, y and z they wouldn't have anyways and blah blah blah.

    Just out of curiousity, what exactly is it that you've done that you think will be remembered? What makes you so special and amazing DW that mudders the world over will be talking about you with high praise for centuries to come?

    I know the only thing I'll remember about you is that you're a delusional bitch. Luckily I'm a nobody and my opinion doesn't count.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:27:27


  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:25:45

    I don't have to defend my actions or accomplishments in-game, Daywalker. Success in The Two Towers isn't defined by PVP ability. Sure, it's high on the list. And yeah, I'm not even in the top 50% of pvp'ers. I really don't care whether I am or not. If I feel like doing it I'll try. If I don't, I'll amuse myself by talking, questing, idling, whatever. It really doesn't matter to me.

    And as for your question about what I've done that will be remembered in this game? It's already there, in a format that you'll never have, no matter how many people you kill, no matter how hard you rage, no matter what type of legacy you feel you have and will have. It's called a legend, and I had it before you showed up to this game.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 04:04:02

    its a discussion, I like discussions

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    03 May 2011 03:59:02

    worthless opinions yet you continue to respond to them with your flaming

    and why would anyone not pathetic give 2 shits about being remembered on a game. keep the entertainment coming noob

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 03:54:35

    Arithon, don't even get to the RL part of it. You are not commenting on my real life right now, you are commenting on a pvp event, a part of the mud you don't understand.

    I will list the names of you all spitting shit at me:

    Zaellyer, Arithon, Mirnac, Malek, Hirgail.

    Now that you are lined up, I can see clearly, you my dear sirs can comment as much as you want. Your opinion is worthless. It is just as worthless as me commenting on rocket science.

    What do you have behind you that has forged your knowledge in the game? What have you done here that will be remembered (in the pvp aspect)?

    I can tell you, NOTHING. Here is the log page, go to the search and show me what you did?

    So say whatever you want, i don't give a shit, because you are nobodies. Most of you are not even actively playing at the moment.

    Also, I dont need your or anybody's respect. Unlike you, I have earned my respect. Not by taking advantage of people that try to help me, like you did Arithon, or being a bieatch of the herks, like Zaellyer, or just spitting bullshit at the log page for years without even playing like Mirnac and Hirgail. But by playing, by taking a stand and keeping to it.

    Unfortunately, I can't outplay ainur, I can't disable their stupid pvp flags that keep you alive, and no Arithon, I can't kill Zakure from perfect shape at reboot from Pelargir sp to untriggerable break in kadar wielding a shop unique. Nor can I kill him 10 rooms from his guildhall in outpost, in a travelto quickly. But I tried. And I will keep trying. I will take anything ainur give me and will shove it up your ass.

    So yeah, keep flaming me :) Its fun :)

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    03 May 2011 03:29:24


  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    03 May 2011 03:25:25

    yep you really showed me lobo *boggle

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 May 2011 03:18:11

    Have I woken up in an alternate universe where DW and his brother have a history of respect and admiration? Because the one I fell asleep in had them pulling this kind of hilarious shit for the past 10 years.

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    03 May 2011 03:13:21

    'And if some day the pvp flags get removed, I promise you a lvl 15 average level for the GB guild.'

    How's this going to occur? By failing one of our lowest levels twice and nerdraging so hard that you offer 15k per shot for his head on the comm so someone else can complete the job that you repeatedly failed? You're this quivering ball of nerd-rage sitting in front of a computer validating yourself by 'killing' 'people' on a text-based game. Sure, you've got your standards for what makes a game fun, but so do other people. Like Mirnac said, nobody's holding a gun to your head forcing you to play. If you don't like it, leave. What makes me laugh even more is that you've got your head so far up your ass that you'd rather toss away the respect that a ton of people had for your playing style and quit rather then let 'that bitch' get your ear on her necklace.

    And, finally, I'd insult your brother by saying that it looks like he hopped on your account to play some but a) I like Winnetou, b) not even he would pull such a dumbshit move as attacking an ER two rooms away from the Morgal Road and c) even if he did, he'd have the balls to sit and take his death like a man, not quit in a fit of pique.

    Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:58:25

    'Ya'll are pussies!' *quits to avoid death* - Daywalker 2011.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:58:22

    i actually had a doubt about it :( my english is getting damn rusty :(

    But please, do correct me!

    Also, since we're talking about corrections, where you read 'his' you should henceforth read 'its'. thanks :)

  • Author
    Ayal [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:54:47

    You mean in his place, good sir.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:52:21

    God, it has been long since i last put a herkie on his place. I miss that shit.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:50:53

    'kill **typists**'? 'a stupid choose'? Zaellyer, just shut the fuck up and stop that verbal diarrhea.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:46:35

    ok so you're mad cause you only care about killing typists in a text game and those typists choose to not participate in pvp... pathetic? and complaining that you admittedly made a stupid choose... lulz? also, get a kill umm you're dead whenever you log back in. more lulz?

  • Author
    Malek [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:37:13

    I think I died maybe twice during all three, and both were good kills on the part of GB. not once did you hear me complain or whine about it. As a matter of fact I kudo'd them and complimented them on the kills both times. Hard to escape a party of 3 when you're snoring out loud with a dark arrow stuck in your ass. Here you made the mistake of attacking a ER near morgul road with no healing for EP. so I say once again STUPID.. I do hope you had your 30 seconds of Tard happiness that day and you learned from it. though I can not say I wouldn't mind reading more logs like this.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:33:56

    I don't really care for your excuses. If it's so fucking bad, then quit and walk away. But you don't, you stay. So it's your choise to play and play with the pvp flag in game. So don't whine. And still dosnt matter what you say, quitting especiely from an old skilled player like you, that is just pathetic.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:30:53

    And since we are at stupid, stupid is what Megs are doing at the moment. GB declared 3 wars at Megs, banged you and most of your guildmates many times during those wars, refused peace etc. when the herks were active. And now they are like, 'ok herks are gone, we want to be peaceful and quiet' and Megs are all up for it? Like nothing ever happened?

    Fuck off, thats stupid, thats pathetic.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:27:05

    And to Malek:

    'That was pure stupidity on your part.' - It was quite risky, but it was not stupid.

    The 'stupid' things that we try are the things that bring progress.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:21:42

    I so wish you were right Mirnac. I wish people would stop doing 5 finds per second on me for being their only enemy. I wish they wouldn't quit when they see me online, or hide in gh 24/7 when not pvp off.

    I had what I had, this is the only chance I had on that bitch, and I took it. I knew she was baiting, she came and left 3 times, doing finds for sure. And I knew I dont have healing to run away, but i still took the shot, because I am persistent. I dont care about your or anyone's approval. I will continue to take my shots, some of them will hit, some of them will miss. And if some day the pvp flags get removed, I promise you a lvl 15 average level for the GB guild. But that ain't gonna happen, because pvp is dead. There are like 3-4 pvpers spread into different guilds, mostly friendly to each other. The rest is pussy shit like Ararim, GB, Duncan, etc.

    You are all like, omg they pwned you, omg you died. Yeah, I am here saying FUCK YOU ALL, and if you had balls enough, you would go pvp on and say okay, lets see what you got.

    But nah, its all pussies, go hide in your holes, rats. Because I will get you, sooner or later:)

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    03 May 2011 02:08:13

    'Normal thing, with the pvp flags I was forced to attack at a place i have severe disadvantage, and i got trapped.' Where someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to attack him on a text based game? And don't talk about history, when you do some weak shit like this, you erase your history. And now your just a quitter.

  • Author
    Malek [legacy]
    03 May 2011 01:56:57

    Well DW..

    First rule of thumb, never go after someone without healing, especially in a place you might get locked in. That was pure stupidity on your part. All I can say is Kudo's to Zand on a excellent job and shame on you for the quit..

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    03 May 2011 01:51:31

    aww someone's mad they suck

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 01:32:12

    ah, and also with ainur fucking up the game, I don't give a shit about fair play, quitter, non-quitter, fucker, whatever. My history speaks for myself, unlike ALL of the people in GB, except for Cruice, there is nothing to you but a bunch of newbies protected by ainur, and by nothing i mean NOTHING.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    03 May 2011 01:29:01

    why don't you add the 1001 finds on me by all of your guildmates, or/and you included?

    Normal thing, with the pvp flags I was forced to attack at a place i have severe disadvantage, and i got trapped. I am not giving you a free kill that you don't deserve. When you pvp on and lock me somewhere, which will never happen, you have my word you will get a kill.

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    02 May 2011 23:42:46

    *waits for excuses