
Posted by
Winnetou [legacy]
04 May 2011 00:00:00
Player Kill

Doesn't appear to be posted. Good old times.


  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    25 May 2011 12:32:57

    @Hirgail, I'm saddened that I wasn't included in the R comm list! :( I want to be an elitist too!

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    19 May 2011 11:50:47

    neither can you :P

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    19 May 2011 09:57:05

    Actually Douglas, he can't judging by that last comment of his.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    15 May 2011 16:17:35

    Look, the bulgie can speak English

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    15 May 2011 13:06:29

    look. the herkie learned a new word!

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    15 May 2011 09:44:39

    Well, I guess in this case he'd be a typing contradiction huh?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    15 May 2011 09:43:55

    Lobo's comment rating: 6

    Daywalker is a walking contradiction.

  • Author
    Mornaner [legacy]
    15 May 2011 07:07:04

    Oh R comm, how I miss you all.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    12 May 2011 19:55:45

    Yeah, you're a bit late with that info.... talk about slow typer....

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    12 May 2011 18:16:55

    You should've gone straight south then Grozin and you'd be back at thranduil signpost, or stayed put so i could've gone back and got you. Ah well, too late now, by a few years.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    12 May 2011 16:54:53

    I always wanted to be a bad kid on T2T, never made it though. Meanest thing i did was becoming BkD gm... :( i will never forgive myself.....

    BTW Hirgail, i always thought you were funny.... but then again people say i have a strange kind of humor.... so that's not much of a help

    In the end Kozlodoev seems to be the smart guy here... though i still hate him because he killed me.... stupid Kozlodoev

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 May 2011 07:57:58

    I'm still fun to talk to I just drink a lot more than i did and when I do...well you can see the results for yourself.

    Oh the bitter irony! It used to be me making fun of people fucking up and saying stupid things on the internet.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    10 May 2011 19:10:56

    Hirgail found jeebus?

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    10 May 2011 16:19:29

    Add me on MSN or Skype or something, you were fun to talk to god damnit!

  • Author
    Mekero [legacy]
    10 May 2011 14:59:13

    I like how people know eachothers IRL names. Im Lisa!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 May 2011 10:57:52

    Shut up mark:P

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    10 May 2011 10:29:09

    Hirgail, thank you so much for those comments!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 May 2011 07:54:35

    Shit, one more thing to say sorry for. Um all the guy i just trashed, sorry I have no fucking idea where that came from. Whatever you guys did i did worse and you were at least funny about it.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    10 May 2011 07:46:57

    Oh God...I suppose now is as good a time as any to realise that I've transitioned from hilarious drunk to emo/angry/giant baby drunk.

    I can't even read these comments.

    In other news I just installed a brethalizer on my computer.

  • Author
    Demandred [legacy]
    10 May 2011 05:40:56

    I am actually thinking... 'Fuck I hope this isn't me in 2 years time when I turn 30'. Chin up Jamie you big girl. We were all did stupid things back in the day.

    ' The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it. '

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    10 May 2011 00:55:49

    Anyway, I never took any of this shit seriously. I still don't. That includes you. And yes, Armada was the jew. Actually, I'm pretty sure Fimbu is the son of Abraham too.

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    10 May 2011 00:52:21

    I liked Hirgail a lot better before he found Jesus.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 May 2011 22:55:12

    Yeah, CoU is fucking hillarious. I agree.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    09 May 2011 21:12:59

    The pirate guild was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen happen on this game.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 May 2011 20:56:58

    Heh, yeah i can live with being a dick for killing another char on t2t. No problem. ;)

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    09 May 2011 20:35:35

    I only spoke to Ansel a few times, on MC business, but he came across as a thoroughly decent and likeable guy. I thought you were dicks for doing that to him, and I still do.

    I make no apologies for the R comm. Some of the stunts we pulled there, such as making our own pirate guild, and the League of Lindon, were the most fun I've ever had on this game. Those players are also among the closest friends I've made on here. None of us took the game too seriously. We played for fun, for each other, and had a good laugh doing it. If that makes me an elitist asshole, then so be it.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    09 May 2011 19:46:27

    [new] Date: 18. Aug, 2002, 22:11:51 By: Netwarrior

    All I see is many peaces of SHIT that kill around cause they don`t have dicks to play with. I mean ... there are many nasty things a char can do in T2T but this was totally disgusting... A person who has no respect for others is scum!

    I laughed.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    09 May 2011 18:15:57

    Best part of that log:

    Galandrin tells you: hi, is there any place in arda, special, that you can take someone you like to?

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 May 2011 17:56:36

    Koz said 'impotent'. *giggle childishly*

    I must say i somewhat agree with your judgement though.

    Heh, one of my meanest moments as Norin must have been when we totally destroyed Ansel's happy 100d birthday with mass murder, and (indirectly?) making him leave the game. That was some nasty stuff, but i can not say i really regret that either.


    -It was pretty messed up, all of it. :P

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    09 May 2011 16:30:12

    I shall now proclaim my judgment.

    I thought Pyro and Scorpion were fair game, but I had a problem with the Quaiuh bashing (I actually did tell you about it) and that last girl that you finally got banned for - I think that was harassment... The whole business with Q always looked to me like a bunch of middle school kids attacking the class retard, laughing at his impotent rage. Scorpion did a very stupid thing and got a good lesson out of it, I think you did him more good than bad frankly. The Pyro incident didn't seem that bad either, I think because in the log the teasing didn't seem as too malicious (maybe it wasn't the whole story though), and I do think people need to learn to keep RL stuff offline or at least secure. Worst thing I did was that Anguss kill, but I somehow fail to feel any remorse for it.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    09 May 2011 14:54:23

    I agree with Norin here, everyone is a jerk in their own way at a certain point of their play. True, messing with RL things in a mud is just wrong and gets you banned.

    However, mud isn't by far the worst that can happen to you. I am sure many people on this mud improved their communication skills, most of the international players improved their english, all of us (not the idlers) improved reactions, logical thought, etc.

    The time I had in the mud was much more productive than the few years i spent drinking and going to bars with whores. Yet, this is another thing a young person just has to go through, to see it for himself.

    What is sad is you are so emo at 30 years of age. I mean grow the fuck up. You did some shitty things, pissed off people, you spit bullshit daily at people (like me for example) without even knowing me. You say you changed, well what makes you think I didn't change too?

    This is childish and stupid, cut the crap, grow balls, talk to the ainur, get unbanned, make a character and play, or just move forth with your life and stop compensating for lost emotions on a log page of a game you don't even play.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    09 May 2011 10:15:27

    Well all games like t2t needs some bad guys. I dont see the problem with that. And if you made someone really upset irl it's a bit sad, but i would blame both you and the 'victim'. Some people allow themselves to be afected by things that should not affect them at all. People needs to just be a bit less serious about what happens on the web.

    And turning 30, looking back on your life you can do it 2 ways i guess:

    1: I spent all that time on t2t, what a messed up waste of time! I wish i could go back and not play t2t. I would have spent my time [insert some other hobby/education/job/drugs/criminal activity/etc]!!!

    2: I spent my time on t2t having a shitload of fun for years, met alot of cool people, and sayed out of irl trouble that could have messed my life up way more than any internet game could.

    I'm closing in on 30 too now, and only thing i regret about my time in t2t is the lack of focus i had on my education years ago. But whatever, i can improve my grades if i need it later.

    Cheer up, it's not that bad Hirgail. ;) I mean it.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 May 2011 09:36:54

    I dunno. What does it matter now? It's all been said and done. I'm posting out of regret because I'm turning 30 this year so I'm looking back on my life and weighing up what I've done with it.

    I wish when I'd started playing that I did so with the mentality that I have now but then maybe I wouldn't have had as much fun?

    Maybe the reason I look back on some of the time I spent on T2T with such nostalgia is because I was so immature then?

    It doesn't matter I suppose. The point is that after all these years, at least now I can look back on it and realise what an asshole I was. If I spoiled some of your time by being an asshole I can't give it back but at least you know that I'm suffering because of it now, even if you've long since forgotten about it.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    09 May 2011 09:25:17


    Like I said before, I agree with you on all aspects Hirgail. I am glad to see you've come around to change your mind about these things, and I am glad to see that you are mature/bold enough to voice them; I think it is healthy.

    Like you said, Log'O'Mania might not be the best place to dump your issues on, but I think that the only negative responses comes from other messed up people. I mean, if anything is sad, it is not your venting, it is the people who are still too blind to see the log in their own eye while they are calling you out for the speck in yours.

    With that said, I'd once again like to mention that I am far from any angel. However, I'd like to think that I've changed for the better during the last years as well as Hirgail has.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 May 2011 09:05:53

    Now that I think about it maybe Caber wasn't Jewish and it's Armada I'm thinking about. Either way though.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 May 2011 08:11:31

    Oh and while I'm venting all my T2T shit. The one thing that upon reflection I'm most ashamed of is not calling Otoron, Fimbu, Caber, Mithgil and Yun on their shit.

    Fuck R comm and fuck every goddamned Tidbit they posted.

    They were racist, misogynistic, elitist assholes and every single person that was a part of that clique (including me) was a weak willed nerd that gave up everything they believed in just to be part of a cool group. A cool group. On a MUD. The fuck?

    If any of those fuckheads post a response to this it will come in the form of 'Oh but Caber was a Jew so all our Jew jokes were funny!'

    Or 'Fuck MUDCHICKS everyone with a vagina that plays a MUD is a cunt...except Cabers mud girlfriend Sariltarl or whatever it was'.

    'Hey we're right to try to fuck with the admins because they're all idiots ...wait what?! One of us got banned because we we're assholes towards the Admins or cheated?! That just proves that the admins are corrupt!'

    That's the one thing I'm most ashamed of. There were a lot of sides i never wanted to be on but the one i chose was the worst.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 May 2011 07:52:22

    Oh and Greg I wasn't being ironic I meant that. You are a pretty cool guy because you had the courage to stand up to your peers. Most people don't.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 May 2011 07:50:27

    Oh fuck and because I have to respond to Kozlo because some of the most fun I had on that game was with him.

    It's easy for you to say that because when you played you never did anything that fucked up, at least as far as I know.

    I'm not feeling bad for the PKs I did. I feel bad about WHY I did some of them even though 90% of them were just contracts or guild hitlists. That 10% still matters.

    No what I'm sorry about is being a creep and I was a creep. A huge creepy creeper.

    One of the things that got me banned was from stalking Pyro. Now, people have their reasons for not liking Pyro but what I got banned for was messed up.

    I was stalking him for a PK and I caught him in a courtroom with someone and he was talking to them about Tevildo and his real life issues with someone else. Instead of just thinking 'Well, I can't kill him here so I should go' I decided that I should make fun of him regarding that real life issue Tevildo had.

    He did the right thing and reported me for that.

    Of course none of my inner circle thought that was fucked up! You shouldn't be banned for that Hirgail! All of them made up reasons (based on pure technicalities) why I shouldn't be in trouble for that.

    I agreed with them because I didn't want to get banned but looking back on it I was just being an asshole. People should be punished for being assholes.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that while people shouldn't take the internet too seriously that doesn't mean that it's ok for you to act like a total asshole online just because you think the person you're being an asshole too shouldn't take it seriously.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    09 May 2011 07:13:59

    Um, I dunno...

    I'm not sure why the last log I posted in was closed. I can guess that it was because it would only end up in 1000 comments worth of flaming.

    I haven't checked this site since I sobered up because it's so embarassing to see the kinds of things you write when you're drunnk after you sober up.

    The worst thing of all is that I can spend time on this site looking back on my comments and I can clearly see the shit I got banned for.

    It's so humiliating to see it because I never got banned sober. Every single thing I was banned for I was drunk while I did it.

    Alkath said I was being emo and he's right. When I'm sober and I look back on the things I type here or the things I did on the MUD and it feels like someone else did it. When I'm drunk; Fuck it I'll just type whatever morinic words come to mind.

    This site is probably the worst possible place I could dump my issues onto because there's no way I'm going to get any kind of positive response or advise.

    But I do it because whenever I've fucked up on the internet or whenever I've done something I would otherwise regret I've done it on The Two Towers LP MUD.

    I hate this game. I really do but when I'm depressed and I just want some kind of escape from reality T2T is always the first thing that comes to mind.

    One day I'll come back. I'll move and I'll have a different IP and as embarassed as I am about the way I've behaved on T2T I won't be able to resist coming back.

    When I do I can only ask that those of you that hate me for what I've done don't fuck me too much.

    The fact that I've come back is enough to make me feel bad about myself.

    You killing me over and over again because of the crazy and borderline evil shit I've said or done here isn't going to make me feel worse about it. I already feel bad enough about it.

    That being said! DW and Winnetou for the love of God shut the fuck up!

    Where the hell is your humility?

    FRA: as a collective we've done some super creepy shit in the past that we shouldn't be proud of but we never did anything shameful enough that we'd let the Bulgarians join. Those ego-maniacs will take over and ruin everything that FRA ever stood for. When the MUD finally ends and it will one day, it can either end with DW being the prominent figure in FRA or it can end with the FRA just being another memory.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    09 May 2011 01:24:33

    Hah, I miss Ehtyar.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    08 May 2011 02:58:11

    I think it was his client, can't explain it otherwise. Good to see you pop up Logan :)

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    08 May 2011 01:51:00

    Killing someone with the medallion is always stylish, and it's risky too, considering the EP drain (combined with the fact that it hits at random), Pounder also earns some style points for keeping calm and giving away the whip at last moment. Anyways, nice to see people getting nostalgic i guess, this used to be much more of a community than it is now.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    07 May 2011 18:39:40

    btw my skype is 'ivaylovasilev' if anyone wants to add me - just say your mud nickname in a msg

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    07 May 2011 18:37:35

    Say one of the more fucked up shit I did was back in the Beornings... Rambler had been GM for couple of years, and then suddenly he did some intensively stupid stuff in terms of governance (related to not listening and paying attention to me, which as every body knows, I couldn't handle at the time, esp. in 'my' guild). Then what I did is I came back and for ten days led a campaign for his overthrowal, that was like kicking the guy in the head repeatedly, and eventually he resigned and suicided... hadn't come back to the mud for years after.

    Trust me, GMship is fucking messing up with your mind sometimes, and in this case I possibly inflicted some hard wounds on the poor man who had been saving the guild for a long time. But on the other hand, I possibly did him a favor since he stopped mudding? I will never know, but I know how it hurt making that stupid egoistic decision to put myself in the center, as always...

    Good thing is it all came to pass, he returned just last year or so, and appears not to hate me for my immense idiocy. So everything comes and passes... And it's all for good, you know.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    07 May 2011 18:31:48

    Hirgo, bro, it was fun. I don't think I interacted much with you?

    I felt a sense of liberation after I stopped the mud - just too many goddamn hours wasted every day. And I've had periods of 12-16hrs/day during summers in my old school days. It felt good for a while after I got hardbanned.

    You know, this game is a game, and life is even a more fucked-up game, and as you said, we all have issues...

    I've also made tons of mistakes on the mud, like killing innocent Valacircans... and stuff like that! Point is, mud just lost its attraction to me in the last years, but I still come here and brag around and stuff.

    Yes, maybe I and my bro have said lots of shit, and might not be as good as we try to portray ourselves, but as I was telling Zandramas over skype the other day, we did have our good moments and laughs. It's been increasingly hard the past years to have the same good moments... But we did some amazing pks, we were top of the world at least for several short logs, etc. That's been kindof memorable :)

    But truth is it all sucks bigtime, except possibly the friends one makes. I found several along the way, many forgot me (Drcayngel, for eg.) but it always was kindof cool in Megs to be able to do something for those who need a little more help. Not to mention they were financing a big chunk of my ridiculous 100+ deaths.

    Bottom line is, I think, that we have so too damn much in common - and in this sense I love you guys - it's ridiculous that we have spent so much time and keep coming back to the logpage, but it kind of connects us. And that's good! Can't be bad.

    All the bs that happens, and that I've given in the past, well... It's unreal. Love is real, the good moments are real :} So just take everything as one big joke, and let's collectively laugh at ourselves.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    06 May 2011 22:13:22

    And to respond to faglor from the other log. I know I'm disliked. I don't give a fuck. What other people think of me has no bearing on my qualifications to call someone else a douchebag. If anything, it strengthens my credibility because I know what it takes to be one. You should aspire to be as much of a moron as daywalker. At least then you'll have some kills under your belt to go with your mouth. As it is, you're about on the same level as I am. You have no skill or experience in this game to back up anything you say. At least I'm good at pushing people's buttons. You're just another namarik, boffo, quiauh, streak...a minor annoyance, easily ignored.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    06 May 2011 18:49:28

    I'd post it with the utmost respect, of course.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 May 2011 18:33:34

    Hey Koz, just get the fuck out, ok? We are having a moment here. Have some respect.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    06 May 2011 18:32:47

    I wish I had Hirgail's password to the logpage and could post HA HA JUST TROLLING YOU FAGS for him.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    06 May 2011 18:30:38

    combined = confined, sorry.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 May 2011 18:29:46

    Also replying to other thread that was closed for some retarded reason:

    Thanks for that Hirgail, we sure had some good times in and out of FRA. :) Damn how many good laughs i had back then. Good times indeed! Miss having you around in the halls. (I seem to recall i even came up with a title for your necro that i found a bit funny and gave it to you halfway as a joke. You stuck to it though. Hah!)

    Oh well, we are all getting old and sentimental now, are we not? ;)

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    06 May 2011 18:04:43

    I am also responding to the thread which was closed:

    Perhaps as a result of your slightly off key sense of humour, Hirgail, I can never tell if you're being serious or not. But if you are then thank you. I happen to think legends should be combined to single characters, and unfortunately my play style has never reflected that. I have, as you say, 'a billion alts' (34 to be exact, but whose counting). Thanks again, though, for your kind words. Incidentally, I'm now on good terms with the people you mentioned. Maybe a sign that I've grown up a bit.

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    06 May 2011 17:53:57

    I started cutting myself after reading the other thread that has been closed.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    06 May 2011 17:08:45

    Hirgail you need professional help... Seriously:)

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 May 2011 09:11:09


    Ok... Well have fun wherever that is! ;)

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 09:06:10

    I'll never say:P

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 May 2011 08:48:47

    Where are you admin now?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 08:36:41

    Never? I'm hardbanned and I have been for years. Also for good reason. Since then I've worked as an admins in another place and I completely understand why I'm banned and I honestly don't have a good reason to suggest to the current admins why I shouldn't still be banned. 'Yeah I did some fucked up and creepy shit to earn my ban but please unban be I promise I won't do it again'?

    The fuck does that even mean? The last time I asked for my ban to be removed I was fucked up drunk and I don't even know what I said. Suffice to say it wasn't enough to have my ban removed.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    06 May 2011 08:25:30

    Oooh! :D This woke me up a bit when i got to work today. Thanks. So many words!

    When will you come back Hiragil?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 07:42:37

    No I was just saying that I respected your patience. I didn't always like it because it killed me a few times but you never did stupid shit like those two dickwads did.

    And you started playing a good 7 years after they did!

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 May 2011 07:26:58

    If you can tell me 10 specific deaths I've had on Cruice, I might tell you something I got that took 10 deaths to get. Being patient and waiting for your target is part of being a good assassin, and most of my attempts on you were solo.

    I also thought that we always got along fairly well, so I didn't have much reason to kill you.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 06:24:45

    Oh yeah Cruice? He's killed me more than you two fucktards have. I remember i killed his thief in BD once and he went all out against me. I'd login and he'd be there outside my Inn in BD, I broke him a bunch of times and he figured out how to fuck me. Them him and Hellflame fucked me. How many times have you fucked me? When the fuck have you two figured anything out that didn't cost you 10 deaths to get it?

  • Author
    Cruice [legacy]
    06 May 2011 06:15:11

    Hirgail ftw.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 05:28:18

    And you wanna post those two times you dipshits managed to kill me? One was when I was in SoU and Rand and Drille did a pretty sweet backhunt with berzerker medallion and aiglos, while Rand had mmail and MELS. That was a good kill by the way, I love re-reading that one. The other? Oh you guys got sick of attempting me and failing so you 15 manned me and then came across like it was a joke, instead of it being the only way you Beorny fucks could kill me.

    Because that 15 man kill came after you'd tried 5 manning me (and I broke your sad asses, then then 6 man where I broke your sad asses and then the 7 man where I broke your sad asses) then you guys figured fuck it, let's just put everyone in to kill him.)

    That's two times out of the what? 100 times or so times you attempted me?

    I don't remember exactly how many times I tried to kill you two but it was around 30-50. Of that 30-50 I got something like 20 kills maybe 30 kills and not a single report.

    You guys aren't good you're just proflific.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 05:04:24

    Ah fuck it. You two remember all those times someone killed you on the backstab? Like right after you'd finished pking someone most of the time? Yeah, that was me.

    It was fucking easy. Just 'who' and then figure out who'd you most likely go after, follow them around, wait for you to attack and then finish you off a bit after.

    Didn't get a single report. I mean I think I did that shit like 20-30 times.

    That's what being an assassin is. Not the out in the open obvious and exnensive bullshit that you guys pulled. Where you'd fucking die ten times to one kill just so you could post a log.

    Disguise race dunedain, disguise prof warrior, disguise level 19, kill a bunch of dudes. No reports.

    Yeah you're fucking thinking back right now to all those times you got killed on the backstab and didn't get a report.

    It was probably me. You're not even as close to good as you think you are.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 May 2011 04:26:42

    Oh hey shit, since this is the most recent I'll post it here.

    Has anyone else ever noticed that whenever some logs page flaming comes up about the Bulgarian Brothers that shortly after one of them will post a string of unimportant and old logs about something?

    It's almost as though they can't understand why they're disliked and in a miserable attempt to right what they feel is wrong, do the very thing that people originally disliked them for.

    If it weren't for the other Bulgarians I'd met on T2T I'd assume it was a weird cultural thing where Bulgarians just had this wierd culture that didn't mesh well with the modern world.

    What it really is however is just that these two people come from the same family and share the same kind of fucked up psychological conditioning.

    Also learn to solo you weak and shit faggot gangbangers. I know the log I'm posting in is a solo but 90 fucking percent of the shit the Bulgarian Butt-Twins post is them being a member of a bang.

    And if you two over-sensitive dicks had a memory you'd see most of my logs were solo. A couple of bangs here and there just for fun but when I did someone I did them fast and quick.

    I didn't die 20 times just so I could post a log like you two miserable failures.


    Get the fuck off the internet.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    05 May 2011 23:56:03

    aww you will get demoted by the MHA

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    05 May 2011 23:38:25

    oh wait wait i said it wrong 'nice mp'

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    05 May 2011 15:57:28

    doubt it

  • Author
    Zaellyer [legacy]
    05 May 2011 15:42:46

    mp i bet

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    05 May 2011 11:17:50

    clients :}

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    05 May 2011 02:53:33

    impeccable timing on the give whip to Ehtyar