Mebedir becomes a brother of the Aina Amarth

Posted by
Undome [legacy]
26 July 2011 00:00:00

There is only one way to become one of the brotherhood, only one way inside of Angolkor. And may The Holy Father guide you who dare seek immortality.


  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    07 August 2011 23:58:23

    I didn't mind dev22 in principle. On face value, it was a good idea. Staffing, as ever, was limited, and a semi-automated guilds system would have saved on valuable manpower which could have been used elsewhere. Far Harad and the new ER project were in full swing, and no doubt Draugluin wanted all hands on deck in that department. Scatha, whom I believe was responsible for the project, deserves kudos for handling such a huge undertaking and negotiating the relatively smooth transition from the old system to the new.

    Unfortunately, Valinor failed to look at the bigger picture. They do that a lot. Just as they failed to foresee that the lack of a global lawsys would lead to rampant spreekilling and gangbanging, they failed to predict that a do-it-yourself guild creation system would lead to an excess of organizations. I believe their consistent lack of foresight has been to the great detriment of the MUD on several occasions.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    07 August 2011 04:00:33

    Actually, if it weren't for them, we'd get disbanded much sooner. The only reason they got a shot at that was cause we were desperate for members.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    04 August 2011 22:34:23

    I didn't forget about them. I've never heard of them, to be honest. I must have been away for those exciting two days. I lament never having had an alt there, though.

    Loathe as I am to 'defend' the Thieves Guild, their endeavour, if it can be called such, had nothing directly to do with Glorglas' eventual disbandment: which was caused by a lack of activity. Although the incident may have affected morale.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    01 August 2011 21:59:11

    I am sorry, Alkath, dear. Not in the mood right now, got a headache and had such a long day at work...

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    01 August 2011 18:34:56

    Yeah, he married you so you could escape Russia. Don't give him shit for it, thank him.

    By the way... how could you ever wish that onto someone even if you are clueless of the outcome of the event? It sickens me that under perfect circumstances you still manage to somehow indecently. Idiot.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    01 August 2011 15:52:56

    Norin? You're married? Jeez, the depths some people will sink to... Disgusting!

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    01 August 2011 02:22:53

    Etrius forgot the great Stalkers of Druadan Forrest! Their theme was riddled with spelling mistakes. They lasted all of about 2 reboots.

    It was fucking bullshit when SoTP got taken because Aule's wife is a dog. Same goes with Thieves Guild and their behavior that led to the disbanding of Glorglas. One dickhead got a legend for it too.

    Dev 22 was about the last time this game was fun for me. I miss the awesome advantages RoI had over every other guild in existence (except TG).

    Cool log but.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    01 August 2011 02:04:55

    You're talking to yourself! I don't know what to think now!

  • Author
    Undome [legacy]
    31 July 2011 20:14:51

    My, how many feelings we've gathered on this page now! Hatred, Love, Confusion, Respect, Envy, Pride.

    And Hrafn, you're a lingwilócë-foa! That haukarl you bastards call food smells worse than the cheapest brothel in the Red Light of Amsterdam.

    And please, can we keep Norin's marriage out of this topic?

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    31 July 2011 18:52:25

    How many times Falgor!? :O

  • Author
    Falgor [legacy]
    31 July 2011 18:19:47


  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    31 July 2011 17:45:54

    This thread keeps on confusing me... Why the hell is my marriage suddently the topic?

    And Koz, please come back and talk to yourself again, it's so much easier to follow retarded ranting when you do it.

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    31 July 2011 16:04:30

    Oi, another word for you Norin, would be 'aris'. Eastender slang for ass, though it derives from their rhyming. And it's short for Aristotles :) Oh, and married, yes. I know you're only the man in the marriage on paper. Have you reported her for beating you up yet? :( It's a horrible way of living, you shouldn't let her do that.

    God this was an fucking long read, kinda regret bothering. And about the log? Meh, nothing new. We all take a beating once in awhile.

    Undome, when did you learn all that Quenya? Bet you just ripped it off somewhere!

    Uhm, oh. Hirgail. Yes. I am the forumtroll, lurking in your dreams! Thanks for thinking about me, but I'm to busy being out in the sun :P It's hot on the glacier today!

    And all the 100 others, F U. I don't got time for this :p

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    31 July 2011 12:03:43

    Being married is a crystal clear, and quite obvious indication as to how little a person knows about the concept of dedication and commitement. Right? ;)

  • Author
    Akhazir [legacy]
    31 July 2011 08:50:26

    Being blind doesn't make anybody immune to insults. I don't see anybody here making fun of him or insulting him for being blind anyway.

  • Author
    Cogline [legacy]
    31 July 2011 00:36:35

    The core of Aina Amarth is derived from two clear threads in Tolkien's works: (a) the blue wizards/the Ithryn Luin who were Istari (like Gandalf) who went east and founded secret cults that outlasted the fall of Sauron and (b) many passages describing mortal men's yearning of immortality and envy of elves.

    Just a quick note on the comments from lame TG guy attacking blind players, go flame somewhere else, we don't need your input. It's not our fault you'r married. You obviously have no clue what it means to commit to something. The two towers needs more blind people and you should embrace them and not hate insult them.

    Now, for those who have a genuine interest in the cult, its first embryo is available on the more than 13 year old webpage Most would agree the cult has stayed true to how it is depicted there up till today.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    30 July 2011 21:58:20

    Jonathan and his deep dedication to guilds. Great read.

  • Author
    Ansgar [legacy]
    30 July 2011 19:06:31

    I enjoyed reading the theme. Very well writen.

  • Author
    Lobo [legacy]
    30 July 2011 18:26:53

    Polk must be mistaking us for people who actually find him funny

  • Author
    Undome [legacy]
    30 July 2011 18:16:28

    I was asked by a blind kid to post a comment for him, gee. I'm sorry that I'm not such a coldheart counter-strike'r like you. How'd that Glorglas do anyway? Oh wait, what am I doing!?! I'm resorting to retorical trolling!?! Must.. type.. suic..

    'You have been disconnected from the server.'

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    30 July 2011 18:06:15

    Polk looks like a troll.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    30 July 2011 17:30:49

    geez undome you just cant stop trolling can you

  • Author
    Undome [legacy]
    30 July 2011 17:26:30

    posting a comment for Jonathan: Nice log, was amusing to read. the thing that was even more amusing to read was the constant flaming the log receaved. Like, really, just enjoy the game for Amarthatar's sake. Daywalker, I love your comment... 'if the requirement is to pay the guild 100k in advance, or to kill yourself for that guild, fuck that guild.' um, that tipically happens anyways when you join a guild. A guild isn't just something you can go into, and leave at will, it's supposed to be a unique brotherhood, not just something to get in for a few days, oh, I don't like it, then leave. Plus, gold is easy to get, why complain about it? The cost of one death, and the benefits of being part of a guild, for a long time... I honestly dunnow which would way out. All the fun times, laughs, times you've had in a guild, and you bitch how one death would make you not want to be in it? heh, cute :) To all the people who are saying roleplaying cultists and stuff is bullshit? it says, I believe, in the lost tales of Numenor, something about secretive cults that outlasted the fall of Sauron... what is so wrong with that? I've seen so many things in this game that aren't thematic, and people complain about a religious cult? :D

    PS. keep on flaming, people, my pyromaniac side loves it :)

  • Author
    Undome [legacy]
    30 July 2011 01:08:59

    Again I come here to give thanks. All the comments here have given me inspiration. The inspiration can be read on the gossiper, but I warn you. If you read the whole of it, don't complain. You could have stopped.. Hah! Really, it's to good! You can't stop once you've started!

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    29 July 2011 08:14:34

    Smorgasbord, fisticuffs, spelunker, shenanigans, all good words. It's too early to think of more. But words like those reminds me of Osse for some reason... anyone know why? And is there some place i can learn more words that sound as good as the ones above? -thanks.


  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 July 2011 22:49:46

    Somewhat bizarrely, we had our Christmas works meal at a 'Scandinavian Themed' restaurant. Everybody agreed that the smorgasbord was the highlight. Also, I like the way the word sounds.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    28 July 2011 22:48:43

    Hah! Obviously!

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    28 July 2011 22:48:27

    Alkath's just jealous I don't need him for my dialogues anymore, eh.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    28 July 2011 21:45:06

    Such a sexy comment section.

    1. Daywalker talking crazy some more.

    2. Kozlodoev being mentally handicapped.

    3. Etrius using the word 'smorgasbord'.

    Life could only be sweeter if I had Dekker giving me a lap dance right now.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    28 July 2011 16:52:20

    I like how you keep bring up that I commented seconds after you posted it. The log was up when I got home from work and turned my computer on. Don't flatter yourself, thinking all I do is spend time here waiting for you to churn out more crap. This log doesn't affect anyone but those involved. Once again, stop flattering yourself. You posted the log with comments and rating enabled. You wanted the attention. Now suck it up. Stop acting like you're a victim. You're just another troll.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    28 July 2011 16:27:21

    Ahh, the standard 'let me show you how much I don't care by writing ten lines on it!!!!!!1111!!' comment. lolol

  • Author
    Undome [legacy]
    28 July 2011 15:42:11

    I would like to thank Daywalker, Douglas, Etrius, Lobo, Polk and Proximity for taking the time to rate this log. It truly shows the difference in the playerbase on this mud. And this is not a popularity contest, not at all, though some like to think so. Obviously alot of you took the time to read this log, and obviously from your comments it affected you in some way. Douglas even took the time to comment here seconds after I posted it. I thank thee for the attention once again. And Etrius, thanks for standing up for the little David, though we're quite used to fighting Goliath. Our history has survived time, Valinor and a decreasing player base. Obviously we are different, and that alone is a normal hate. Obviously we don't let other people tell us what's right or wrong, that is another reason to be hated. Well, I must say, all this attention over a little log showing only a tiny bit of our secrecy. What on earth would happen if you figured out the rest?

    Take care good people, and keep on flaming. It's hard to burn another fire ;)

  • Author
    Cifke [legacy]
    28 July 2011 11:53:48

    Cool, it amazes me everytime how much hate and disrespect almost every single log receives :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 July 2011 06:58:56

    What the fuck is this shit? It's so stupid. Hrafn, are you trolling us?

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    28 July 2011 02:49:49

    Oh, and Etrius, didn't you hear? Meglivorth's new RP is to fill their public shop with gear appropriate for the first through fourth level players who can't cross the High Pass yet to get it.

  • Author
    Arithon [legacy]
    28 July 2011 02:48:17

    Give Aina Amarth a little bit of credit, yeah? At least they're trying to put something different into the game, something a bit more than just PK. Of course, however, they're not all that original. As we all know, RP = PK, and I just saw someone self-PK in the name of RP.

    Mark this day down. Dekker and I actually agree on something for a change. Just enjoy the fucking game.

    And Koz, you actually made me chortle out loud. Thank you, sir.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 July 2011 02:29:02

    And once again, I'd like to reflect on the hilarious irony of a Meglivornth member casting aspersions on anybody else's theme. AA made up a theme, but at least they follow it. The Meglivornth made one up, and none of them could give a shit about it. Here is a genuine conversation I had with a Meglivornth member, on a low level alt, earlier this week:

    You tell XXX: Hey. Do you have any packs for sale?

    XXX tells you: Not atm

    You tell XXX: Would you be able to quest any anytime soon?

    XXX tells you: Not atm

    Honestly, you'd get more joy trying to get blood from a stone than trying to get a Meglivornth member to engage with their so-called theme.

  • Author
    Dekker [legacy]
    28 July 2011 00:13:22

    Lol @ Dek

  • Author
    Dekker [legacy]
    28 July 2011 00:13:03

    Dekker, why laugh? People care about this shit you know..Quit fueling the fire. Besides, AA brings a theme very different from any other to the game, it's neat. You really should read the references in which Undome is eluding to. Or better yet, just enjoy the game for the sake of it being a game and leave others to their own accords.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 July 2011 00:10:09

    Christ, I didn't realize how long that comment was until now. What a pointless rant. *puts his soapbox away*

  • Author
    Dekker [legacy]
    28 July 2011 00:09:37

    Lol @ Koz

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:59:17

    I'm aware that that lapsed standards of guilds in general is a consequence of the larger decline of the MUD, but I'm lamenting it all the same.

    Ultimately, what's done the most damage to guilds has been the horrendous inconsistency of Valinor's policy toward them. There have been so many u-turns, and so much flip flopping. Firstly, they were tied to professions. Then they weren't. Then someone decided they all needed to be very thematic and several guilds were forced to change their themes as a result. Then someone else decided that actually, theme wasn't all that important, and that anybody should be able to make a guild. Enter the infamous dev22, engineered by Scatha.

    Unfortunately, dev22 meant that there was a pandemic of guilds. Suddenly, they were everywhere, with each one more ridiculous than the last. There was the vaguely Italian sounding elven guild in Rivendell. Khamul's Vanguard, which acted as an apparent magnet for the mentally challenged. The Citadel Guards. The Quickblades. The Cymbrogi, who sounded as though they'd have been more at home on a Doctor Who MUSH than anything related to Tolkien. We had a veritable smorgasbord of absurd guilds run by absurd people.

    So what to do? Well, Valinor did what it does best: an ill considered knee-jerk reaction. They introduced activity restrictions, which were a cruel solution to a problem of their own making. Then they hiked up guild costs. At some point along the way, Aule's shrew of a wife took against SoTP and even more increasingly arduous restrictions were placed on guilds. Costs were hiked up. KRs were tightened. We got to a point where it was incredibly easy to make a guild, but incredibly difficult to keep one. As a result, some guilds died. Most notably, the Glorglas.

    All that's gone now, and I hope it stays gone. I hope that one of the few good things to come from the current dearth of active is that we'll see minimal needless tinkering with guilds. I hope the most they do in the future are banal cosmetic changes like guild missions, or limited area defence.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:56:21

    I know, right?

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:56:09

    Heh, that's pretty good...

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:55:59

    'Well he makes me laugh!'

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:55:43

    What was it?

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:55:35

    Yeah, I had the perfect response to that...

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:55:16

    Damn, I thought one of them was going to say something along the lines of 'This shit ain't funny, Koz. You suck!'

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:19:19

    Or actually, it was the bizzare policy of 'let's let everyone get their own guild'.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:10:14

    Etrius my dear, you're mistaking the effect for the cause. The shortened getting into a guild process didn't make the place worse, it was the place getting worse (or perhaps just less populated) that forced guilds into shortening the application process.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    27 July 2011 23:00:01

    haha. koz is funny as fuck. and undome, as far as RP goes, i actually prefer stuff like this to carver's bullshit. but, well, if i had to pick between cow shit and dog shit, it'd be cow shit if only because an occasion, some good mushrooms grow out of it. otherwise, they both fucking stink.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 July 2011 22:54:09

    Given the current state of the MUD, namely a large number of guilds competing for the attention of a dwindling playerbase, I fear Daywalker is right. Applicants, especially active ones, are greatly sought after and subsequently have more bargaining power. How many guilds even have long application processes now? Have many do interviews? I've heard of at least two which seem to admit everybody who applies except Nildnab.

    Ten or twelve years ago, getting into a guild was a privilege as opposed to a right. Most guilds, even the less 'elite' ones, had stringent vetting processes. I spent three months as a Rimsilval applicant before I was admitted on a trial basis. Viewed in today's terms, that seems astounding. Recently, I've had applicants pester me about their vote two days after applying. Oh well. It's another reason the game has gone to pot, I guess. No pun intended, of course.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 22:31:55

    Different accounts! PLEASE!

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 22:29:32

    Yeah... You were right as usual...

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 22:28:18

    See, Koz? I told you it wasn't worth it!

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 July 2011 22:01:02

    Kozlodoev i wonder when did you lose all the brains you had... Was there a nuclear leak around where you live?

    You can never know how good or bad a guild is until you join. If the requirement is to pay the guild 100k in advance or to kill yourself to join, FUCK that guild, regardless which one it is. This is no way to behave to an applicant. Because you know, the applicant is the one that will do a favour to the guild, not the other way around.

    Also, I find it much better proof you are worth it if you kill and stuff a member, than to stuff yourself.

    But AA have found a way to get only obedient morons, so good for them!

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 22:00:30

    Kozlodoev, when arguing with yourself, please be considerate enough to use different accounts, it freaks me out.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 21:57:54

    Kozlodoev, do you not see that by carefully pointing out logical fallacies in logpage comments you are:

    Feeding the troll - 20% of the time

    Arguing with an idiot who doesn't grasp simple concepts - 79% of the time

    Debating with a reasonable person who will see the error of their ways - 1% of the time.

    You are the moron 99% of the time. Moron.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 21:53:57

    'I did apply', 'AA is not worth dying for' 'I gave them the middle finger'

    I do wonder, do you not see how your post proves that in your case it was a legit test to weed out non serious applicants that worked perfectly to not allow you into a guild that you don't really care about? You are basically saying 'It's a stupid ritual as shown by the fact that I didn't join AA, a guild I think contains idiots and morons, because of it'.

    Logic. It just doesn't work on the internets.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    27 July 2011 20:41:34

    Actually I think this is one of the most stupid things ever to be thought of. To kill your applicant in order for them to join is a bullshit. I did apply, and when i got to the point where I had to die so i can 'prove' something to someone, I gave them the middle finger.

    I mean, neither AA is worth dying for, nor is this any RP at all. Its a test so you know you accepted a legit moron.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    27 July 2011 19:41:32

    'are we really that fucking desperate for comments?' <- nice.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    27 July 2011 17:45:17

    'Undome grips Mebedir's arm in a firm Roman handshake.'

  • Author
    Undome [legacy]
    27 July 2011 15:38:28

    I have never read about any mercenary guild, why actually I've never read of ANY guild in the works of Tolkien. Disband them all, wouldn't hurt us as much as others :) Oh, one more thing. 'are we really that fucking desperate for comments?' ;)

    PS. There are many references to 'us' in Tolkiens works, though we're never mentioned. Because it's loose threads. If you read our theme and references, you'd see that. And seriously, how many guilds even roleplay theese days? I'm sorry to say I'm not Carver, but I never did roleplay like him anyway. Never knew him, so don't take it the wrong way. Probably a nice guy.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    27 July 2011 11:22:19

    Careful Polk. The poster will start spouting off on the comm about how you're jealous and have no life while he spends the majority of his time playing a mud.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    27 July 2011 03:49:57

    Do note that the retarded label was directed towards their RP, not the people themselves. They're a cult goddamnit, that's retarded enough by itself. And their theme departs from the canon way too far for my own liking.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 July 2011 03:33:03

    They have crafted out their own, highly original albeit slightly, disturbing, theme. This is, after all, an MMORPG. It gives us a capacity to create our own stories within the works of an existing realm. AA have done this spectacularly. No, their theme is not taken verbatim from the books. No, you won't find a passage which cites them directly. Nonetheless, they put more effort into acting out their existence than ninety percent of the more 'obvious' players and guilds.

    Also, I'm trying very hard not to scoff at the irony of a player so greatly associated with the Meglivornth raising eyebrows at anybody else's theme or role in Arda. Oh, wait, whoops.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    27 July 2011 03:18:36

    So, are there any references in the books to this sort of RP? I have never heard of Amarthatar, Angolkir, and that stuff, but perhaps I have not looked deep enough.

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 July 2011 01:52:18

    I think a 'bunch of retards' is quite a contentious statement. What makes you say that, Polk?

  • Author
    Armandil [legacy]
    27 July 2011 01:29:31

    This looks like one of the executions by al keida, or maybe, you forgot 'amen'. :)

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    27 July 2011 01:28:23

    they roleplay a bunch of retards. did you ever commend Quiauh for doing that?

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    27 July 2011 00:36:25

    I greatly enjoyed the log. AA are one of the few guilds in the game that make a genuine effort to roleplay, and deserve to be commended for that fact.

  • Author
    Douglas [legacy]
    27 July 2011 00:18:13

    are we really that fucking desperate for logs?