set up

Posted by
Allantir [legacy]
18 February 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

after koda gangbanged me, i go for some revenge with holic hunting and montar attacking, its a set up! note they both lost me, todays lesson is train your stalking


  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    22 February 2002 18:55:38

    Tuareg you clearly implied that I befriend people to benifit from them, especially skilled once. Thats why I replied to you. I dont like arguing here because it is plain stupid, but the fact that implied that I am 'afraid' of them and thats the reason why i stand beside them just pisses me off.

    Anyways, about my nuking, it it not what it appears like. I did not say what melkor put in my legend, I was chatting on the comm just like everyone and it appeared the way everyone are seeing it. I am not going to say anymore about that.


  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    22 February 2002 05:11:25

    Tuareg, unlike you my friend, I dont look for benifit friends. I got to know Baklen because once there was an aliance with FRA and SoU, I do not know if it is still on, but thats how I got to know him. We helped each others randomly and got to be friends. He helps my new character through his new character? Well, no comments... Hope that you could actually get some help, and stop accusing people of anything that pops through your silly head. *mutter*.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    21 February 2002 17:52:59

    Gotta love the part where he tells Anton to mind his own business and not to accuse people of something that he's only half sure of. Immediately followed up by telling him to go find someone so that he can execute his gold swaps with.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    21 February 2002 13:44:37

    Aww Tuareg, you've been looking at my typist's picture? I'm so flattered ;)

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    21 February 2002 04:02:39

    Tuareg, damn man, you really have the ability to piss people off! I have been wondering before why do people dislike you this much, but just now, I have realised! My kissing Baklen's ass?! Wtf, he is not even playing to benifit from him, neither do I know him irl, I just posted a comment, and you started whinning how people dig deep into each others asses. Excuse me man, but this just makes me understand why people hate you this much. Bah!


  • Author
    Hades [legacy]
    21 February 2002 00:44:08

    I like the use of Mizrahi's vocabulary, 'Stop ranting you eternally-negetive peevish cunt. Your ineluctable post is prolix and displays alot of puerility,....' now thats some funny shit

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    21 February 2002 00:42:47

    Hey Tuareg: Shut the hell up. Thanks. It's not that I don't like Baklen, I just got annoyed with him being an ass to Vallejo and figured I'd say something. Tuareg, on the other hand, is a hell of a loser, and I'm sure he knows what he's talking about when he says that 90% of his friends aren't worth whatever, because I seem to recall him accusing half the Meglivornth guild of being FRA alts, and then leaving the guild. Total friends accumulated since then: 0. Color me surprised, he's got such a wonderful personality.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    21 February 2002 00:06:57

    Baklen, maybe you'll stay gone this time for once. That shit about only commenting when someone says your name, total lie, be well.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    20 February 2002 23:27:55

    WoW, I guess,, I just wanted to stay in touch with my old friends Kian. I loved you once like a brother, but I see how you feel. Anton I only comment when someone says something about me, sorry. Well, you are right Thanks for the fun guys. Didn't realize all my friends didn't really like me. Guess for 5years playing here was a waste, my mistake. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    20 February 2002 21:46:27

    That's just the thing, Baklen. 'Do what you've done and then I can talk shit.' I don't _want_ to go randomly kill any level 15-19 who has a contract. I only kill people who have messed with Rimsilval, and odds are that they know we don't like them if they've done something to us. There's a big difference, and I guess I've just become 'anti-Baklen' because you don't even have a character anymore and you keep posting crap about how amazing you are. The 'you're just a shadow of me' thing really set me off, because it makes you sound like Fjant. And yeah, it was nice of you to say that you're not going to post anymore because you know how good you are...but if we want any reminders, we can read any of the last 20 comments you've written to any log, because they all contain crap about how you're so goddamn amazing. I don't brag on here, with the rare exception of bringing up that kill in Mordor, because I don't have anything to prove. I don't need to tell everyone for the 18th time that I'm god's gift to pkilling. And that, I guess, is why I'm talking trash to you. I'm just sick of hearing it. :P

    And to Faris, I just say...'whatever.' Go re-read any post I've made in this thread, because I get this feeling that you haven't.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    20 February 2002 19:44:19

    One more thing that I left out. Click on baklen,

    count the logs of me using galadriel vials. I counted 10, out of 80?

    shit 80 logs out of 316

    Yah anton I only use vials

    *snorts* try another one.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    20 February 2002 19:38:00

    Heehee we bring up the Galadriel vials heehee. Awesome, I'll defend my self a little bit. Risan gets soloed by me and mordor. First thing he does? tells me his alt is ketan, whines, gets all mad, then what do I do, nice guy I am give him 10k for it. What now Anton? oh that mordor kill. oh shit yah I remember that, check what I said to the party that day. I was pkilled 15times at level 15:) what did I say when I turned assassin on durmanhoth comm. what does yun say. Let your enemies think you are stupid and when you kill them. its that much more fullfilling. Ah kian my dear boy, you were singing a different tune before you became such a big hot man and great killer.. I've stayed the same throughout all these years. You all changed. I'll put up logs of massochist and early vallejo sucking my balls for whip and asken me how to do that do this, but nah I won't. heehee You can deny all you wan't but I deedited that log I posted about my ban. I wasn't banned for any of that. *snorts* Melkor asked me, lol I won't go into any of it. Talk all the shit you want Anton' way your kills against mine any day, vials or no vials and you will be wieghed, judged and YOU were be found wanting.

    I will not post on here no more cause infact you are right I'm gone but I know what I did, I know how good I was. You can talk the shit here, but when it came down to it on the mud. You died like the rest. Oh shit you may have 5lots of killing me ketan, and everyone I tried to solo and was led to a tb gangbang party. *snorts* go talk some shit, do what I've done as I said, show any log of you doing anything, and I'll come up with something more spectacular.

    The Storm.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    20 February 2002 17:56:26

    Stop ranting you eternally-negetive peevish cunt. Your ineluctable post is prolix and displays alot of puerility, considering you're hardly in position to call anyone an ass.

    People will say whatever the hell they want about whoever the hell they want, and no one gives a damn about your thoughts regarding the matter, nor the senseless preaching. Don't define anyone's term for 'friendship', because you hardly have any friends to know.

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    20 February 2002 12:28:36

    Whats this shit I am hearing about Baklen? Anton, you really think that Baklen is such a shitty assassin? I mean true you didnt say that directly, but still, you were doubting his unique skills. Baklen was never a trigger hunt-backstab assassin..Hell, he can get you even if you tried the best huntbreak you have. But that not the point. We all have our shitty moments, like when you died to that gangbang you were expecting at lothlorien? Not throwing shit here, but stating simple facts. Plus, Kian, trashing Baklen like the way you did, just out of the blue really sucks. Maybe he is hardbanned, but thats something that happened because of his own will to evade the low. I don't like to defend Baklen, because I know he can handle himself, but the fact he said he is not coming back to defend himself here, does not validate your comments on him. I have respect for that mad killer, and equal respect to both Vallejo and Anton, but this kind of thrashing is not...nice?:P


    P.S. This is my longest post on the log page!:P And no, I am not hardbanned, never was. ;)

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    20 February 2002 11:50:03

    Problem with lightning is they get 4 rounds to break your concentration instead of 3. Bonus that it ignores RM though :P

  • Author
    Saijin [legacy]
    20 February 2002 05:45:19

    Holic doesnt like me! Fuck this game! I'm hibernating.

    Speaky the english holic? Let me speak slowly.. I said if he 'hadn't' wasted time trying to fry you he would have reached edoras with plenty of hp to spare. There is no way after the strike and holding a phial he wouldnt have made it to the hb. Even if your hunt hadnt broken there was no guarantee he would have died since he was just a few rounds from the hb. At that point a lot of luck was involved. When you can lead someone anywhere you want, you can do better than attacking them that close to a major city. My point was if he hadnt risked trying to kill you he wouldnt have needed any luck to escape.

    I know you have trouble keeping your mouth closed around men but i'll be god damned if i take an insult from a little cocksucker like you holic. Shut the fuck up. I have no interest in anything you have to say. I'm out of this conversation.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    20 February 2002 04:36:51

    Saijin will now be referred to as 'The absolute moron.' or TAM for short. Now if you'll read closely I disbanded the party and began to hunt him, then I began to massacre him, but because of some shit happenstance of luck I lost hunt with maxed stalking. This is where luck comes into play, if you don't believe that my skills are maxed then ask a friendly ainu to check my skills and I'm sure they'll concur. Now also, you'll notice 2 very vital things that completely go against that 'stand and fry' tactic which you seem to have patented. 1) He wasn't able to keep his concentration with the onslaught of the whip and headbutts, trying to fry me would have just meant he would have stood still and died. 2) Had it not been for that backstab from Bashgeroy, then poor Allantir's wimpy off wouldn't have fired and he'd bouncing off the walls, I'm not sure if you can cast spells while moving in magical fairy Saijin land, but in Arda you can't. So if you have any more tactical discussions to bring to the table, please do grasshopper.

  • Author
    Saijin [legacy]
    20 February 2002 03:29:19

    Well that was pointless, made no sense and had nothing to do with what i said. But at least you didnt make any grammatical mistakes so good for you.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    20 February 2002 03:05:06

    No, Saijin, there is such a thing as luck. It's not Holic's fault that his hunt cut out on him, and it's actually pretty shitty. I'd like to hear how your magnificent pkilling self would be able to succeed where Holic failed. And when I don't hear you tell me how you'd have kept hunting, then we'll both assume it's because you realized that you _can't_ do anything to keep that from happening. And don't give me some lame response like 'drink a stalking potion.' Allantir is a lucky, lucky person. Period.

  • Author
    Saijin [legacy]
    19 February 2002 22:27:04

    So if Allantir had embarrassed himself and ended up dying he would have been copying you, bashgeroy?

    What's this shit about luck? If someone is following you around in a party and you cant kill them. That's just a fucking terrible setup. If Allantir hadnt taken his time and tried to fry holic it wouldnt even have been close.

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    19 February 2002 22:19:30


    Lightning + anything less than 100 HP = HELL NO.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    19 February 2002 21:04:35

    True, there wasn't all that much skill involved here. I don't think that's the point though. Anyway, it would have been better if you had just tried him outright. It's not too cool when you fail on a setup like that.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    19 February 2002 21:02:43

    Someone vaccinate Anton for rabies...or maybe it's too late to save him :).

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    19 February 2002 17:40:43

    PS: Someone's just a shadow of you, Baklen? Maybe you're confusing yourself with an infamous killer. You didn't turn into anything until you left Durms and joined FRA, and started chugging Galadriel vials. :P

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    19 February 2002 17:39:31

    Dear Baklen:

    If we want to bring up old memories about people, I'll have to try digging up the log where you were in a 5-Durm party in Mordor, and I solo killed you. Solo killing isn't easy when you're not picking off random targets with contracts, which is the argument I generally do make against you.



  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    19 February 2002 15:47:10

    Yeah, that was pretty lucky. Oh and use lightning Allantir! Its more fun.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    19 February 2002 12:51:09

    First, this was NO skill.Allantir is like a sponge - he copies everything, I suppose he tried to copy Fuinor.Guess what, wizards are my fave targets:P

    Second, Baklen, Holic cares for his friends.

    Lupin, shut up.

    Umm, Baklen, shut up too.

    Umm, me shut up too.

    Nah, I won't shut up:P

    Allantir just got 10 TONS of luck.There's no way to break me unless it comes to things trained with gold.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 February 2002 12:25:18

    Did they have MUD's or even computers when Holic was a baby? Or is Holic not very old and Baklen is ancient?

    *chuckle* the rambling thoughts of a tired chem major at 3.20 am...

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 February 2002 05:21:38

    I really got to stop loging on here under the influence. Ah talk all the shit you want, your nothen but a shadow of me. Check your alias's your logs, then check my shit, who copies who?

    And I was pkilling while you were a baby.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    19 February 2002 04:39:31

    Oh, and how is it the least demeaning to call someone an alt? Am I supposed to fall into a spastic rage because I'm a new character? I can level a character to 19 in 2 or 3 days, am I a piece of shit just because I'm able to do this? I really don't understand, and Hrakno, I'll be out of hibernation in a few days if you think you can take me, I'll be around.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    19 February 2002 04:31:29

    Is it that time of the month Baklen? Once every few weeks you lose it and turn on your friends for no reason, why is that? And blow your fucking nose already, so damn tired of you snorting shit at people.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 February 2002 03:51:03

    I used to remember when you were the shit just starting out on Vallejo, and masso before that.

    Then you turned to an arrogant prick who cares fo noone but himself. *snorts* whatever.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 February 2002 03:50:03

    You are nowhere near maxed Holic

    And, I fail to see how you lost him, that has never happened to me in 3years with Baklen, and I've hunted through the swamp countless times. *hmms*

    Thats what happens when you pull a fucked up crap like that.

    Next time try to kill him solo, without doing a pussy ass setup.

  • Author
    Hrakno [legacy]
    19 February 2002 03:02:33

    Corsair pride!

    Err Holic, judging from the previous logs where you participate, pretty much anyone that feels like it can take you down. :) pk-alt.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    19 February 2002 02:26:15

    Lupin, do you have your head that far up your own ass that you really believe that it was skill that saved him? Lets get this all straight: 1) Everyone was setup in the wrong room, 2) We drove him down from high health to the teens TWICE, 3) I had only dosed my flask once and still had plenty of EP, I'm sorry, but I just fail to see how there's skilled involved in losing a maxed character at a fucking hitching post. All these guilded players, man, you can hide all you want...but don't you EVER dare to try to discredit me by telling me some noobler wizard with 20 HP can take me down.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    19 February 2002 02:18:02

    Nah he wasn't lucky, that was skill, to bad you couldn't have finished off holic :) that would have been to cool. to bad you can't cary more than 1 vov now. :(

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    19 February 2002 02:08:57

    *pats Wasach on the back for doing a good job* They should be rewarding you not punishing you. I've heard Allantir's been a total twat with KoDA.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    19 February 2002 01:47:03

    Wow, that was a good log.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    19 February 2002 00:40:22

    Man Allantir you are EXTREMELY lucky ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 February 2002 00:32:57

    The best part is that when we banged him, I asked some sheriff I didn't know for a find. The sheriff asks me why he should help me and I say look, all I want to do is kill Allantir. If you dont want to help fine. The sheriff then says, oh him, well I hate that guy, he is in (well, you know where you were).

    Some people just aint got no friends.

    I would also like to add that I got in serious trouble for banging him. Leave me alone because I got huge fines to pay to my Guild now. All in all, I am still debating if it was worth doing the favor for a friend.

    Note to self: Dont do things against Guild policy when the AGM (who is a hardass) is online.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    19 February 2002 00:20:25

    Oh, well, some people are just lucky:P

    Legend me btw:P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    18 February 2002 23:58:54

    Awareness : 69

    Stalking : 80

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    18 February 2002 23:50:07

    Common Skills:

    Aim : 86 Attack : 85 Awareness : 47

    Defense : 90 Dodge : 87 Fire building : 32

    Riding : 46

    Professional Skills: Other Skills:

    Assassination : 84 Criminal justice : 1

    Deception : 100 Law enforcement : 23

    Disguise : 71 Tactics : 46

    Stalking : 100 Wilderness : 54