A log of the comm. By request

Posted by
Westar [legacy]
03 March 2002 00:00:00

Alot of people asked me what really went on at the comm. This is a log of the comm as much as the buffer could take. The log was not logged by me but from Theodrek there was also online on the comm. I did edit all except the comm stuff out (tells, says, room descriptions and so on, But none of the comm lines was removed.


  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    06 March 2002 13:09:13

    Quick response to Deb's post. I surely never had 14 warnings. I have gotten like 5-6 real warning total over the years. And for very small things...

    Its good to know i have been restored! Thanks Tuareg. In a few days when i can logon again i'll find out if i have any kind of punishment waiting for me...

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    05 March 2002 00:05:37

    First of all. I will like to thank everyone of you who has said so nice things about me, both here and on the gossiper on the MUD. I'm am way behind flatered by your posts, Special because i have seen so many people i never really thought of as friends stick up for me. Thank you guys and girls. I'm at the moment stuck in a hotel room in the middle of no where, I do have an internet connection here but the port for the mud is closed by firewall and i have no way here i can bypass it. I'll logon next week and try to see if i can solve anything, I just read the latest gossip from Culfinglin on the gossiper that it is now up to Roscher, I hope to work this out with Roscher and hopefully get my character back intact with all bodyparts in the right places... When i do, I'll thank you all in person!

    (Note: There are a few people i wont thank.. Hi Musui!) :)


  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    04 March 2002 20:13:54

    More evidence of bullying tactics:

    Balinul the dwarf was imprisoned by Solomon for offending Culfinglin

    [ Idle for 3m 31s ]

    On for: 29m 27s Gender: male

    Age: 39d 2h 10m 50s

    Can be mailed: Balinul@Erebor Balinul has recorded a life story.

    Balinul is in Rivers End Minimum Security Prison at Cell Block A.

    Balinul is afk: Well, the story is quite simple: Culfinglin nuked Westar for a reason I fail to understand as nothing more than her harassment of a mortal. So, everyone was yelling at it making the popularity of Valinor drop rock bottom. So, I made a gossip, asking everyone to chill out. In that gossip, I also explained a possible reason as to why certain things happen, something some may translate into the current evolution of Arda with its playerbase changing and all. However, Solomon chose to see it as a flame against Culfinglin, which resulted in him Imprisoning me and giving a warning.

    You tell Balinul: still imprisoned? sheesh

    And if it isn't more of the dynamic duo abusing powers, why is it that Solomon was the one to imprison Balinul? He certainly was not the only ainur on when that gossip was posted.

    This reminds me of Culfinglin, as an OL, yelling at guildmasters and threatening them on the GM comm for arguing with her husband. If mortals are all wrong about everything involved in the Westar/Culf debacle, these actions do nothing to show they are or make players feel any better about playing.

    Culfinglin made a dumb mistake out of anger (She should have given the warning and tossed Wes in jail until Roscher, the actual pol, was around to decide, if she was that offended) and she and Solomon are compounding it.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 March 2002 18:03:07

    Nukes for stuff like this is just dumb. Not like it hurts the mud or anything. Just like Avaars nuke. Oh no, language and harrassment. = Avaar killed you and said 'you fucking died haha'. (well most likely, dont actually know what happened)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    04 March 2002 17:29:09

    Well If I remember correctly Culf couldn't hack it as a player so she immorted. WELL I'LL be damm if she is taken vengence!! *lol* shit maybe all the people who die or get bullied should immort and one day then can nuke who ever they god damm please!

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    04 March 2002 17:13:14

    What I want to know, Westar, is, knowing that Culfinglin is a bully, why did you needle her? What got that whole thing started? I saw the original log and it seemed to pick up halfway through the original conversation. I'm just curious.

    And Culf, when you read this, as I know you will, and you say to yourself, 'I'm not a bully! Deb's just being a bitch again,' think for a moment. Think about how your actions can be percieved as being a bully. A bully is someone who is 'a blustering browbeating person; especially : one habitually cruel to others who are weaker'

    Doesn't that apply to your 'management' style, Culf? From what you do and have always done in public, it sure does to me.

    I heard that this was Westar's 14th warning for crude remarks/profanity over his lifetime and that has been held against him as well. I doubt, no matter how high the player outrage, that Westar will be restored.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 March 2002 15:52:55

    FDL. yeah, sucks going bye bye after playing a char for three quarters of a year. Makes you wonder what you could've been doin during that time. Well, I didn't really know ya, but yeah it sucks and that was pretty damn harsh. Heck, I've had like 3 warnings spread over 5 years with like 50 chars and they didn't nuke me. Its an outrage.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    04 March 2002 08:07:43

    Shit happens.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    04 March 2002 01:28:41

    Bell! Bell, damn it! Bell!

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    04 March 2002 01:25:55

    *fdl* Keep ringing those balls Durkin.

  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    03 March 2002 23:27:41

    Actually, I'm surprised Culfinglin reacted so harshly, I thought she liked that kinda shit... Does this Miscomm from back in the day ring a ball for anyone else?

    '^Solomon licks your pussy.'

    You can guess who was in the room with him :P

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    03 March 2002 21:32:46

    I think Tuareg had a good observation there. Also, I think most of us here know a certain quest with some 'perverse' syntax needed to complete it. Personally, I would not like to be doing that to Navin, for those that know what I speak of.


  • Author
    Durkin [legacy]
    03 March 2002 21:20:40

    Ah, yet another falls victim to the phenomenon known to me as 'The Culfinglin PMS nuke' Someone should really post her schedule somewhere so we all know when to avoid logging on the mud :P Would save the other powers alot of trouble undoing all the bullshit nukes she throws out :P

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    03 March 2002 21:11:05

    It just makes you wonder if Culfinglins work in Valinor is worth the extreme miscredit her presence there brings with it.

    I don't think so.

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    03 March 2002 20:52:19

    Culf has been civil towards me twice since she ainured. And by civil I mean she did something I requested, I thanked her, and she didn't insult me during the process.

    How many times has she been rude and hostile to me? Well if I remember the two times she wasn't, that should give you some idea. They were special events. I damn near broke out the champagne.

    I'm not saying powers have to be airline hostesses, but when you love to dish out snide comments, then you nuke someone for getting them in return, that amounts to baiting people into insulting you so you can nuke them. That may not be against the rules, and Culf always does things legitimately, but it's still immoral in the extreme.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    03 March 2002 20:33:35

    I just want to say that I feel just like Muaddib.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 March 2002 17:43:42

    Ah Sorry bro . That shit really sucks, I'm on culf's good side, She has done numerous name changes for me, got me out of hib a couple times and even removed warnings. Bah just guess you need good friends. Again Sorry bro, take care, come join me in the nuked section of Two Towers, with Yun and the others, have a beer, sit down!!:)

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    03 March 2002 16:18:21

    Only proves that Culf(female dog)y should not be alowed to wield the power she has today. Such a totally power trippin' , out of controll and grudge holding (female dog) makes me feel very unsafe when logging on to the MUD.

    Even though I have always gotten straight A's in English, it is not my native language. We don't learn the strange and obsene slang used by the (female dogs) in the dark streets of Bronks.

    Westar surely didn't mean anything sexist with that comm and I know he doesn't wan't to slobber on Culf(female dog)y's cunt.

    Just for the record. This is the first time someone on T2T has made me feel really sick to my stomach.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    03 March 2002 15:21:53

    If I 'thought' your nuke was bullshit old friend...now I KNOW it is.

    Considering some of the the things I have said and not been nuked...This cannot be justifiable.

    I hope Culfinglin (who I dont recall ever meeting) is a big enough person to admit her mistake...unless everyone else IS right about her.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    03 March 2002 14:08:29

    good point Miz

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    03 March 2002 14:06:02

    ^ Westar: Mailed, Waiting 2 minutes, nothing happend

    ^ Culfinglin: that can't be the first time it's happened to you, i'm sure.

    If what Westar said was sexual harassment, so was this, so why doesn't she nuke herself, one would wonder.

  • Author
    Booze [legacy]
    03 March 2002 14:01:29

    Culfinglin has cooties!

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    03 March 2002 13:53:13

    To make one thing clear for everyone who might wonder. I never really ment to insult Culfinglin on the comm, Was just having fun and kidding around. She also returned a few bullets in the comm. At least how i got it. I also never knew that 'eat' could in slang mean 'oral sex' sure makes me regreat the people on the mud i said 'bite me! or 'Eat me!' too..