Wasach and Ansuil die

Posted by
Talan [legacy]
18 March 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Wasach and Ansuil think they can infiltrate the dark lands unobserved, but the eye sees all, and they are dealt with swiftly.


  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    22 March 2002 08:49:17

    Essays always welcome

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    21 March 2002 18:52:09

    I'm not sure this kind of long comment has his place in the log pages, but well this is an interesting discussion, and now this can't be undone. Just for the references, my quote is an exctratc of 'The letters' this one is the 154th written To Naomi Mitchison, i forgot to specify it.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    21 March 2002 18:47:51

    'Some reviewers have called the whole thing simpleminded, just a plain fight beteewn Good and Evil, with all the good just good and the bad just bad. Pardonable, perhaps (though at least Boromir has been overlooked) in people in a hurry, and with only a fragment to read, and of course, without th earlier written but unpublished Elvish histories.

    But the elves are _not_ wholly good or in the right. Not so much because they had flirted with Sauron; as because with or without his assistance they were 'embalmers'. They wanted to had their cake and eat it: to live in the mortal historical Middle-earth because they had become fond of it (and perhaps because they there had the advantage of a superior caste) and so tried to stop its change and history, stop its growth, keep it as pleasaunce, even largely a desert, where they could be 'artists'- and they were overburdened with sadness and nostalgic regret. In their way the Men of Gondor were similar: a withering people whose only 'hallows' were their tombs. But in any case this is a tale about war, and if war is allowed (at least as a topic and a setting) it is not much good complaining that all the people on one side are against those on the other. Not that I have made even this issue quite so simple: there are Saruman, and Denethor, and Boromir; and there are treacheries and strife even among the orcs.'

    Now, regarding to the light/(darkness?;)) of this quote, we are, during the Third Age in a state of War, so it seems obvious for me that in general Mordor forces do not fight themselves, but at the same time conflicts/betrayals/jealousy may occur inside each 'clan' that's indeed what happend in CU for the orcs or when noldor slaughterd the teleri. So when you peole point out the fact that it is used to see orcs kill each other, I do agree wholeheartsedly, but I'd also add that this state of beeing is also true inside Gondor or Rohirrim armies.

    Thus, on your contrary Wasach I can figure easily that a General of Mordor's armies would spread Ulkhalad or Githbromiel's blood, because of some occult reasons (or maybe just simply because he desires what they possess, lust is always the best motive after all), and at the same time we could imagine an obedient servant elf of the valar making roll Celeborn's head, because of his love for Galadriel (and why not Celebrimbor? :p).

    Of course these deeds would severly weaken each clans, and of course Sauron or Galadriel would not be pleased of it, but mostly, people of Middle-earth are in general selfish and they do consider their own pleasure before the one of their clans.

    That's the reason why i think PPlaying and RPlayint shouldn't be opposed so firmly, morover I think PPlaying is more realistic, for I have more troubles to imagine a knight of dol amroth for instance, loving his whole city and caring to protect all of his petty citizens (even this man who took the love of the woman he adorns, or this other knight whom he jealous the grade, etc...), I just figure a brave man pluging in the horror of war that would prolly close his eyes, while seeing a black arrow running through his lieutenant's chest, knowing that his death will make him take his place, will make him more Powerfull. And is not Power the most hidden and desiring lust of most beeing, whatever the races/forces they may belong too?

    Not that I don't think that the type I man is unbelievable, he is just much more hard to find.

    Thus, if the state of War oppose in general corsairs and knights, this doesn't avoid the inner fights, most likely this would even increase them, knowing the expensive price of surviving in these kind of times.

    And well, this turns the game more exciting than a simply 'paladdinz' way of acting 'I protect all of you my dear and neighbors NPCs', because this include also reckonings, lies, alliances, and provides finally less manichean deeds of war.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    21 March 2002 00:58:50

    I never said Udungul were the mordor police force. PoM is. Udungul is not required nor bound to protect mordor, Udungul thematically protects easterlings in Northeast arda, and perhaps other easterlings as well. And furthermore, Paraiko is right, If a PoM member sees an orc fighting another orc, which orc do you defend?? Its impossible. Same goes for other servants of sauron who are killing in mordor.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    20 March 2002 21:52:54

    I'm waiting to hear that Tarn grows up into an RL socipath then pleads not guilt by reason of insanity and blames it all on Two Towers.

    Perhaps you should take a llloooooonnnnnngggggg break from towers, Tarn?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 March 2002 17:28:39

    I admit all the time I kill some people for very little reason. Heck, the last person i killed was some random amruin because some bkd reported me for attempted murder. made me feel all fluffy and good inside.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    20 March 2002 12:37:09

    What if one of those servants is Ulkhalad or one of the other major mordor npc's? granted nothing is lost when a pit creature dies and sure any fool can shovel shit into a beasts mouth but what about say, Gothbrimbel? (did I spell that right?...damned rum)

    What I'm saying Paraiko is that you can't pick an area to defend and then say you will defend this servant of sauron or that servant of sauron. That would be like KoDA saying they will protect the lads but not the farmers and shepardess' ing Gondor. Or that Amruin saying they'll defend the guards but not the vagrant. Or the SoU saying they will defend Balforth but not his assassin lackies. Or CoU saying they'll protect pelargir but screw that huge ship in linhir and all the corsair npc's around the bay of belfals. That kind of RP looks shitty, lame and all together not like an actual RP. You can powerplay and roleplay at the same time but you can't powerplay as a form of roleplay otherwise we might as well stop kidding ourselves, quit the mud and all of us go play counter strike...which is a hell of a lot more boring.

    Another thing to consider...

    They all serve his purposes in some manner, sure there was that massacre in the tower but do we actually know IF sauron was ambivalent or unhappy over the matter?

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    20 March 2002 02:38:39

    Maybe Mordor police force was the wrong term. I see Udungul as opportunists in Mordor. They kill intruders who the KNOW Sauron would enjoy seeing dead, like Ansuil and Wasach here, who are certainly small thorns in His foot. But neither do they, or should they thematically, intercede in a conflict between two of His servants.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    20 March 2002 02:35:11

    Now, I want to address a common misconception, voiced by Wasach:

    'When ER's are introduced again, evil guilds are given the choice to disband or convert into ER Guilds. It makes more since thematically for Talan to be an ACTUAL easterling defending the easterling camps. I mean really SoM elves and corsair hobbits, who are we all trying to fool here?'

    First of all. SoM elves. What is so difficult to believe here? If you recall from the Silmarillion, the sons of Feanor and their forces wrought incredible acts of evil and destruction, and did more for the Shadow than the vast majority of Melkor's servants. Granted it was not done in Melkor's name. But it proves that even the most righteous of creatures can put aside their morals in pursuit of a goal. Dwarves proved the same in their slaughter of those elves who possessed that Silmaril on a chain (forgive me, my Silmarillion is in my dorm half a country away). Hell, I roleplay a dwarf whose lineage has been serving the Witch-King for over 1300 years in the promise of a Ring of Power. The promise of power, wealth, or revenge can corrupt anyone. Granted, no elf should pledge his soul to Sauron. But it would be conceivable for one to serve him until he completes a vendetta or completes a goal. Or at least, he would tell himself that. Personally, I would think that having a Sindar leading some of his forces would amuse Sauron greatly.

    Now, I'll admit corsair hobbits may be pretty damn ridiculous. But its not beyond the realm of possibility, considering how Tolkien is always talking about the adventurous spirit of some hobbits. One could have followed one of the many rivers flowing south to the sea and been captured in a raid. Who knows. But the point is, don't discount the possibility of an evil elder race.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    20 March 2002 02:35:09

    ah, but my dear Paraiko...Udungul IS claiming to be the mordor police force...

    Not that the rest of your argument doesn't have merit, especially there at the end.

    I think the point people are tying to make is, if Udungul is going to claim the role of defenders of mordor then they should defend it from ANYONE who kills in there and equally so because they are ALL 'committing crimes against the Dark Lord' (to use Talan's words).

    Or perhaps I really shouldn't mind it if BkD or VC kills Prince Imrahil or the First Knight or the Steward of Gondor or perhaps you shouldn't give a rats ass if someone kills Balforth because he DOESN'T serve a purpose at all. I mean, CoU could careless that I slay all of their npc's and their are blatantly open about it.

    Perhaps no one should care if I go into Mordor and slay Martalk or beat up some little orc in CU for his whip or some stupid orc loses his key and the asb taken.

    Perhaps no one should care if Elrond is slain or Galadriel is butchered or Imrahil is destroyed...

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    20 March 2002 02:16:00

    There are lots of arguments for why evil guildmembers can kill in Mordor. Many of them are valid. But it boils down to the fact that there is not a guild with a theme that labels them a Mordor police force. That's the Nazgul's job, basically.

    Mordor is in a state of perpetual unrest. If you read the books, you don't even have to read between the lines to see that Sauron's servants kill each other all the time. The massacre in Cirith Ungol is the prime example of this.

    So if servants of Sauron that work side by side kill each other, it should be even more reasonable to see people like the Durmanhoth, who don't work with the denizens of Mordor on a regular basis and are not subject to the same chain of command, kill in Mordor. Why should another of the organizations that work beyond Mordor's borders, like the SoU or Udungul, put their necks on the line interceding on behalf of a side? How will they know which side to ally with? Hell, thematically they would either move on and pretend they didn't see anything, or join on the side of the most powerful of the combatants, because if the weaker one is going to die anyway, they can only gain if they help the stronger one out.

    However, Ulkhalad and the Nazgul in CU or two NPCs that should never be killed by any guild claiming to be evil. This is because the death of either of these NPCs would inevitably warrant Sauron's wrath on the attacker, since they are irreplacable. Anyone can shovel food down a fell beast's throat. Few (thematically speaking) are skilled in sorcery.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    20 March 2002 00:41:26

    Actually Baklen the most fun I get out of this game is when I take an army out on the Pelennor. That is for me the height of roleplaying, it's not strolling into Pelargir and shouting 'Long live Prince Imrahil!!' then killing some corsair npc's that any level 10 could probably take.

    It would be nice if I could sally forth from the gates of Minas Tirith leading a unit of Knights in full harnass or a company of pikemen to make short work of those mumakil's...

    However this is not how most of the game looks at RP and I myself do not get to lead armies much anymore...

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 March 2002 22:10:39

    Shit am I the only one who ever comes and says fuck I killed you CAUSE I CAN, thats the bottom line shit, you don't need a reason to kill, for me it was pure pleasure/hate/anger/vengefull for what people did to the storm. Come on fellows just admit sometimes you want to kill someone for the hell of it, why hide it? its not a bad thing.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    19 March 2002 19:43:54

    *rotfl at Tarn* This was the funniest comment I've read in the last months:)))

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    19 March 2002 19:31:49

    Ulky clearly has the mithril needle because he is a heroine addict. duh

  • Author
    Rezos [legacy]
    19 March 2002 15:58:23

    Will see.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 11:42:20

    I doubt that Manni, I doubt that very much...

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 March 2002 10:44:24

    I'm sure evil races will have as difficult a time entering the gates of Minas Tirith as free/good races have of entering the gates of Cirith Ungol.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    19 March 2002 10:17:21

    My sweet children, I got an exam in like an hour and a half and I can't read all the spam.

    Mordor is Mordor - it's supposed to be dangerous and dark and such.CU even more.I like it thisway.

    The idea of the CU entrance taking off EP like this is ridiculous.It's some goddamn mountain - Caranras is far more dangerous and hard to climb.

    SECOND: The forces of Mordor are generally vile and don't care much about alignment or such.Orcs kill each other too.It's in the books, morons.It's NP for an evil guy to kill another evil one.

    Third: It's quite cool that we have such places as CU now - dreadful to enter for good aligned people, it's so close to RP and to uniting RP with PK, wonderful.

    Something's amiss though.There are such places for immorals but there aren't any 'moral' places which evils will fear to enter.A bunch of Dunedain knights go to CU and get slain by the horrors there - riiight, exactly after the LoTR.But then we have Rivendell, MT, Lorien and Gondor open for everyone.Remember what happened to the nazgul when they tried to cross into Imladris?And a bunch of Nazgul are surely far more dangerous than some Dunedain knights.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    19 March 2002 09:30:09

    Well, right now, Ivon, we would report them. Thats because the system is set up that way.

    We would love to have it changed though.

    Of course, that would mean that we would be able to hunt amruin in edoras too.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    19 March 2002 08:47:14

    Well, i didn't read all of the spam, but i have a question. If some Udungul player is caught by Amruin killing in Edoras, they hunt him and he dies, will he report them?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 08:27:39

    My dear friend, he has already stated that 'Though we have no strict guild policy as yet...'

    Perhaps they should think on what an enemy of mordor is. I am not Udungul and will not tell them how to make their policies. But just because I call you friend doesn't mean I won't stop you from killing one of my citizens..if I can.

    Perhaps they should change the lawsys so that if your outside mordor and immoral or 'lower' your free attackable and if your in mordor/cu and your immoral or 'lower' you answer to Sauron's idea of law and punishment.

    *zooms off to make an idea report*

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    19 March 2002 08:02:35

    So if a durmanhoth cleans mordor, he hasn't committed crimes against mordor and shouldn't be dealt with? and if I am demonic/SoM and kill in mordor, you won't attack me since it will do good outside, for I will be killing morals?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 07:37:42

    I will apologize to Talan and the rest of the Udungul. Serex mudmailed Rougan that Ansuil and I were killed because Rougan had reported Serex and some others after they failed their pK attempt on Rougan. Rougan refused to withdraw his report so they threatened him and Serex says this was the result.

    Now I know Serex is not Udungul (or atleast that's my hypothesis) and I will look at it as it was. I still enjoyed the fight but I only see Talan's motives as being honest, I guess. I mistook what Serex told me afterwards and should have gotten pissed off then...

    btw, funny how Rougan was attacked but didn't have a contract...

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    19 March 2002 06:52:22

    Uh, excuse me?

    We killed you because you were a Koda killing NPCS in mordor.

    in addition, we killed you because you attacked our members outside of mordor.

    Anyone else who says otherwise is lying.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 06:49:13

    I agree Adunazon, I do really but it's a matter of convincing the rest of them. Personally, I have just come to accept that most people in evil Guilds pay throw-away characters. Melkor's rule of 1 character per Guild is super but it resulted in all the alts that people stacked into one Guild being spread around all the other Guilds their Guild is friendly with.

    Honestly if you reduce the game to hunt/kill, the admin might as well just remove all 'texture' from the game and make it a blank setting because it has nothing to do with playing a Tolkien theme at all.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    19 March 2002 06:49:06

    Fine, so maybe the code is in to RP this way now, IMO, it never should have been this way, but anyways I know a lot of close-minded people consider defending an area, the ONLY way of RPing. That of course, is only one way of RPing, and probably not even the best way. As far as RP/PK in Mordor, as I've said before, if you're in Mordor, and are pked, consider RPing vengeful people :P


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    19 March 2002 06:43:15

    You go into Mordor, you will be hunted, RP or not. I've heard plenty of times that 'SoU use RP as a guise for pk'ing'. What about the pansies who use RP as an excuse NOT to pk? (Nothing directed at KoDA, I respect your theme and RP style, I hear those comments coming from non-KoDA more often) 'It's RP! You can't hunt!' 'You hunted, that wasn't RP, it was PK!' Just because you're playing the role of a killer killing someone, (note the dyslexic 'role playing' in that remark) doesn't mean you aren't RPing.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 06:42:33

    I haven't even played another mud let alone a mush, so I don't have your frame of reference. I am not saying you right or wrong. However the admin saw fit to set it up so that certin Guilds couldn't kill certain NPC's or be fined, or were told that they weren't allowed to kill certain types of NPC's because it violates their theme. Perhaps that's why you can now trade a certain piece of head gear from a prominent elf to Ulkhalad for his needle.

    When I joined the Knights this was the 'type' of RP going on. People make fun of how me and Wyngel insult each other through auction tags but its good fun RP.

    Here's a thought for you all to ponder....

    When ER's are introduced again, evil guilds are given the choice to disband or convert into ER Guilds. It makes more since thematically for Talan to be an ACTUAL easterling defending the easterling camps. I mean really SoM elves and corsair hobbits, who are we all trying to fool here?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 March 2002 06:38:52

    SoU used to be alright.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    19 March 2002 06:24:22

    I have never understood the 'defend NPCs' way of Roleplaying anyways.

    I mean, I know it's nice and thematic and all, but the fact is, on a MUD, NPCs were made for one purpose. They were made to be killed by players, so that the players could gain that equipment/gold/experience. (though I'm sure you guys won't agree with me, you're set in your ways.) The fact is, treating NPCs as real entities with personalities is more something you might see in a MUSH than a MUD. In fact, this is the only MUD (and I've played a lot), that I've ever seen where the players try to defend NPCs as if they were real personalities. In my opinion, you should ignore the NPC's in your RP, and interact on a player-basis.

    Of course, I'm gonna hear how wrong you think I am, but, guess what? I don't care.

    -Jas (wondering how the MUD has fallen into believing in this kind of 'RP'.)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 05:46:22

    You know it's a fucked up world when the only evil Guild RP worth a damn is coming from the SoU...

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 March 2002 05:33:54

    Ouch, that stings.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 March 2002 04:50:23

    Should have known that before they even switched, I never believed for a second that they would change. ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 04:36:06

    You know what, I just logged into towers and saw an interesting post on the our Guild board...

    You don't get to see it but I will tell you what it makes me think of the Udungul...

    Fuck you and fuck your 'we want to RP' rhetoric. Your boy Serex goes bragging that you guys killed me and Ansuil because him and montar failed on Rougan and got reported.

    Your fucking guild sucks ass, atleast the Durms have the balls to just say they wanted to kill you. You report them and they just come right back at you. Udungul is a bunch of two faced, limp dicked salad tossers. It's really too bad, you had a shot at being an RP guild but you blew it. You guys changed your name but not your ways, fuck you, fuck your guild fuck everything about you, because it's all bullshit. You should have just been removed, waste of fucking code.

    XXX member of Udungul says, 'Hey man, we're roleplaying here.'

    Is a load of bullshit, call yourselves what you really are, Durmanhoth par Deux...except you guys suck.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 03:26:52

    Actually Manni, your dead wrong. You come in my castle with weapons drawn, intent to do harm to my citizens...your gonna get the unfriendly side my weapon no matter who you are.

    Take for example Pounder; friend of the Rimsilval, don't see him in Gondor whacking lads or slaying DA guards but I know he has killed the First Knight a couple times...what did I do when I spot him hanging out in the DAP Scribes room?

    Answer: I warned him to leave, he didn't I attacked him and drove him away.

    When you ask me who I want to see with the DAKS, the answer is simple, the First Knight. Until they code a quest to EARN the DAKS or change the DAKS so that it can't be used by immorals and/or against morals, then I will do all I can to see that it remains with it's rightfull owner.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:45:57

    Would you rather see the First Knight, Rimsilval, or me with the DAKS? Obviously your answer is the First Knight. But that's not going to happen. So what's your second choice? Well it's Rimsilval, obviously. So you hinder me from getting the DAKS, and when I am driven off, you permit Rimsilval to get the sword before I come back with numbers. You are saddened by the loss of your knight, but you are happy that I do not have the sword to use against you. Is this power playing? You're damn right. But is it a reality of life and the nature of the mud that this is the best possible alternative for you, your guild, and the city of Dol Amroth? Yeah, it probably is. The same applies to a greater degree in Mordor, where a courier means less to Mordor than the First Knight means to Dol Amroth.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:44:56

    I agree with you Manni, that powerplaying and Roleplaying can be done at the same time. However powerplaying in a way the is contradictory to your roleplay is bullshit.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:43:20

    I disagree Wasach, even if the entire Glorglas members list was logged on, I bet Cirdan and Co would rip them to pieces!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:38:34

    Wasach, my whole comment before was trying to argue that power playing and role playing are not entirely separate entities. You can 'power play' and role play at the same time.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:37:21

    Hehe, those couriers don't carry anything in their packs. Orcs that guard prisoners who escape would be killed by Sauron anyway. And as for Ulkhalad, I stand by my argument that it stimulates Mordor's economy...But why would Ulkhalad randomly be carrying a mithril needle anyway? I don't quite understand it.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:35:06

    ermm, I got a few problems with what Manni is talking about...

    Your trying to blend powerplaying and roleplaying. The Orc courier has the pack for a reason and is on a mission for Sauron, if you kill the courier your hindering Sauron. Do you know what the Orc courier might be carrying, troop dispositions, logistics reports, etc etc?

    What about Ulkhalad, what is his purpose for having the needle?

    You kill NPC's for their gear, it has nothing todo with whether or not your a servnt of sauron or a follower of Eru. Having an OCP, Fang, or CLS doesn't necessarily your going to be a better pKer or better Roleplayer, these things are there so that we get to see something othe than the ordinary weapon emotes and can carry few more pastries.

    Honestly, if what your were talking about was true Manni than every KoDA would be up there hacking away on the First Knight, every BkD would be whacking Gimili, every Glorglas would be tearing Cirdan and the guy with the GRB to shreds...because those weapons would do more good in their hands. However, this isn't so...the NPC's thematically are active, you see this on the Pelennor as the troops for BOTH sides shift around over the course of the battle.

    If Udungul or SoU wants to defend Mordor and CU then they have to defend them from everyone that kills in there regardless of their affiliation. Otherwise their just full of crap. Do you think that because I have friends in BkD or Mirdain or Beornings or whoever that I am just going to shield some NPC in Minas Tirith or a lad going down the road? Hell no, I warn and attack, I won't hunt you because that is not our way but if you piss me off you better run farther than the next room (you got that Hellriser)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    19 March 2002 02:04:28

    Would that orc courier be more important delivering crucial messages to the dark lord, or carrying 6 flasks while killing some guy who will just relevel the next day? Why would Sauron send an NPC to the Cirith Ungol tower just to be killed for a key, or if he really wanted you to have a crimson longsword, he would have one given to you? Would Ulkhalad, Sauron's top necromancer, be more useful researching great spells in Carchost or lying in a pool of blood? I'm sure there will be some pretty active opposition to this comment, but through the simple use of deductive reasoning, I am right. No questions.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:55:19

    For the SoU and Udungul to turn their heads when their friends attack Sauron's servants is, of course power playing. However, just because it is power playing, that does not mean it isn't well within the bounds of role play. For example, would an orc courier pack be more useful to Sauron on the back of a vulnerable courier on the paths of Mordor which are repeatedly raided by dwarves and elves fighting against him, or would it be more valuable in the hands of one of Arda's most famous slayers of those same elves and dwarves? Would a crimson longsword do more shoved in some remote, inaccessable room of the Cirith Ungol tower, or beating down Khralek(see 3 or 4 logs above), an assassin of the Valacirca? Would Ulkhalad be more valuable grasping tightly to his mithril needle, or would Sauron prefer to have Mordor's economy stimulated by the influx of gold to the weaponsmith and the use of his own Fang against morals? I'm sure there will be some pretty active opposition to this comment, but through the simple use of deductive reasoning, I am right. No questions.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:26:21

    And Faris, lately SoU simply started o kill in mordor unfortunaly.

    UGH -> Translation -> And Faris, lately SoU simply started to kill in mordor 'right and there' unfortunaly

    Damn me :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:10:50

    Don't mind my typos btw ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:09:55

    Really, if people stoped the hipocisy and simply said 'we go in Mordor to kill, it is mordor damn it!' people wouldnt care much, but claim to be RP, even when some peopel on your guild are known as the complete oposite of anything sucks, I mean, reporting, beeing lame and stuff.

    And Faris, lately SoU simply started o kill in mordor unfortunaly.

    Just say it 'we kill in mordor cause we want to, it is lawless' no one will care :P just stop this rp switching like some SoU 'turning off when certain allies went to get a prod' as some people said not long ago :)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    19 March 2002 00:04:22

    Though we have no strict guild policy as yet Wasach, MY answer to your question is as follows:

    If they are enemies of sauron, they will be attacked without warning and hunted. If they are allies (who sometimes still do kill in mordor) we will warn them and shield the npc. Thematically, if we see two of Sauron's servants fighting, we just try to break up the fight, because we arent sure which one is in the wrong.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    18 March 2002 23:39:49

    Please note that the below comment was not solely targeted at the KoDA, (I just used them as an example) but rather the entire RP mud community.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    18 March 2002 23:36:58

    Not everyone roleplays the same way, this whole 'it's not rp if you're trying to kill me' is a realtively new idea, and pretty damn stupid in my opinion. I understand you KoDA types love chuckling it up on the comm with your Corsair buddies right after you're done killing eachothers citizens, have a half-assed rp fight and an auction war with stupid tags. You wonder why there are so few Rp'ers these days when this is the example they're supposed to live up to?

    I remember when if you were caught killing in Edoras by the amruin, your ghost would be floating by a second later, or if BkD caught you killing a dwarf under there protection, you would be lucky to make it back to your guild without dieing twice. You show no quarter to your enemies, you defend your citizens vehemently and with every ounce of your being, you stand up for your beliefs and do not compromise for the sake of peace with a guild you have no reason to be on good terms with anyway. That is true RP, the quicker Arda goes back to these standards, the better it will be.


  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    18 March 2002 23:36:09

    'If the Udungul were out to just flat out kill me (and granted they had cause this once) '

    'Don't call it an RP defense if you hunt (not that I saw anywhere that you did)'

    Wasach makes a tongue-in-cheek remark, and always follows it up with a disclaimer :-) I love that. I've noticed it a lot of his comments :-)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 March 2002 23:23:23

    hehe, was I not IN CU? Going up those stairs or knocking twice on the gates is enough warning of what may happen to me...

    On the other hand, hunting while merely RPing is foul. If the Udungul were out to just flat out kill me (and granted they had cause this once) then just say so, 'we were avenging our Guildmate'

    Don't call it an RP defense if you hunt (not that I saw anywhere that you did)

    But I have a question, If someone enters mordor or CU and you catch them killing, will you warn them and if they choose to leave, will you let them without hunting them?

    Anyways, dont know one detract from this log, it was a hella good fight. Sucks we died but it is mordor....

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    18 March 2002 21:48:13

    Wasach has committed Crimes against the Udungul as well as crimes against the Dark Lord. Thus no warning was given. We will warn who we see fit to warn.

  • Author
    Faris [legacy]
    18 March 2002 20:08:10

    So to RP you actually hunt people? Thats the first time I see this kind of thing defined as RP. Do not compare Udungul to SoU because SoU do not hunt in mordor. We give warnings that we will hunt if they do not stop the attack. *shrug*


  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    18 March 2002 19:59:16

    Rolf, the durms might get the mordor the same way we get ours...By killing people.

    Our party entered through the gates. That means none of our party had killed in mordor for the last 3 weeks or so. *shrug* think about it.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    18 March 2002 17:40:43

    What surprises me is that they are friends with Durms,when durms have an armoury full of mordor items. Can you say 'powerplaying'?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 March 2002 17:33:58

    I wonder why ASH always appears in RED on Talan's log, heh ;)

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    18 March 2002 13:59:08

    Props to Koda for a good fight, props to the killers for a good kill.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 March 2002 12:22:11

    Well, this sucks...my pc locked up about 3-4 minutes before the attack. I rebooted and reconnected then restarted the log I was running before but (unlike previous times) the rest of the log from when I locked-up till (I'm assuming) I die is trashed.

    Does anyone know what causes that?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 March 2002 12:12:23

    Yeah, it was a great fight believe me. There are a few things that IF they were different this fight would have gone the other way.

    I liked seeing Ailin say he doesn't kill in mordor...then attack. I' sure that's not what he meant but the timing was funny.

    The only thing that bothers me about groups claiming to defend mordor is that they don't defend against everyone. I haven't seen that yet, when I do then props for RP will go out.

    Anyway, good fight and good night!

    *bows to Talan, Serex and Ailin*

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    18 March 2002 12:05:12

    Ahh, I think I got it now :) So you're preventing

    people from killing in mordor as you're the servants of the dark lord. So its kinda like SoU,

    serving the dark lord by protecting mordor (except

    from your allies and friends?)

    Ahh nevermind, I like the way mordor become. Its

    way more realistic now. Can't wait till I go there


    Proops :)