Marsellus Suicides (old log obviously)

Posted by
Longfinger [legacy]
20 March 2002 00:00:00

Ok when reading the log from the racechanging bastard westar :) I remembered that I have one (1) log that a few might find interesting.. its from October '98.. strange how you still care over 3 years ago. Well read if you want.. don't otherwise. Colour wasnt invented in '98 btw...


  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    22 March 2002 21:47:09

    Umm I started playing T2T before Marsellus and always saw him as an enemy. But Marsellus was not a fighter. His method of combating my characters was trying to get gods to nuke me. He relied on chalmers muscle to back up what he said and did. I found him using the exact same macros and ideas as Rdaneel and other FRA. He wasnt a good player at all. He just made alot of gossips. I'm just amazed all you swedes let him be your leader. You guys were the ones with the skill and the power. Marsellus was a politician. And Politicians get no respect from me.


  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    21 March 2002 03:24:01

    Saw some old names in the who list there....let's see...I guess that would be a year or two after I first started.

    I don't even know if I was a Meg yet when Mars suicided.

  • Author
    Uinen [legacy]
    21 March 2002 00:32:54

    The mortal who smacked Mars in 1996 was named Doncla. :)

    Small level assassin, dunedain female if I remember correctly. I don't think she even got 10 days. :) I got him right after he was nuked - I was level 11, he was level 9, and he was doing the level 10 quest. :)

    I've had many characters, although I'm a far better coder than I am a player. I get bored with playing a particular race/sex/guild/profession and suicide, and start all over again. Although the ERs were the most fun, I think, of all, since there seemed to always be something new to do.

    I'm not sure whether it was the first dome or the second. I'll post the list of Dome members up when I get home, we'll see if it rings any bells.

    By the way - ainurs can't suicide. :)

    Which is why you tend to see a lot more old ainurs popping in from time to time - ladyhawk and faust and orome, etc, than you do with older players.


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    21 March 2002 00:24:09

    *cries sighs jesus the good old days

    Btw I do mud with mars again, come over to wheel of time mud.

    Come join our way of life, he hasn't changed a bit

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    20 March 2002 23:57:29

    Uinen, there is one reason that FRA acts smugly superior to everyone...

    It's because... We're superior to everyone.

  • Author
    Eothalion [legacy]
    20 March 2002 23:34:55

    I think Tuareg is Roku's alt, they are so similar dont you think? :)

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    20 March 2002 23:04:13

    If you check the log carefully you'll see that both me and Hirbel was in the MC at the time.. I wonder why :)

  • Author
    Melfice [legacy]
    20 March 2002 22:21:19

    Isn't that the same thing as this?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    20 March 2002 21:43:55

    and all this is why he has a legend...I even found an old MC case where he wanted to make the MC his to control or something. I thought that was really ballsy even though I didn't think it was cool.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    20 March 2002 20:11:09

    Heya Uinen :)

    The third person was of course good ol' Mercutio.

    Heh.. yeah the fight with the ents was pretty wild.. for a while we thought that if we defeated them we'd get our hall :)

    and yeah mars got nuked a couple of times, even though 10 sounds a bit much. Hmm what was the name of your mortal who smacked mars?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 March 2002 19:26:49

    Huh, well, thats neato. I rember killing Spurv several times in mordor with an alt of mine. And are you talking about the first set of DoME or the second... ah the good ole days of logging on for an hour and never leaving edoras once (fighting with the guards eq against various amruin with a bunch o friends). I think it was FRAs fault making me prefer the whip, mmail some flasks and runnin around pkin though.

  • Author
    Uinen [legacy]
    20 March 2002 19:19:04

    Oh, I forgot to mention the appearance of Gommel!

    Gommel, the Dunedain Warrior (who's homepage is in pink), I will always remember you. You were my first mud friend, my mentor in the Meglivornth, my harasser and guilt-tripper when I immorted ('How could you leave our guild when we're at war?'), you'll probably always drive me nuts, but I would love it if you'd come back and drive me absolutely nuts again. :)


  • Author
    Uinen [legacy]
    20 March 2002 19:17:05

    My favourite memory of the Two Towers is of killing Marsellus.

    Unfortunately, I did get reported, I did get killed over and over by the FRA for it until I suicided that character, but gosh darn it, I solo'd Marsellus. (As a mortal, just for the record).

    I remember with my first character, we had all three of the guards from Hamlet, act I. Horatio (my first, and perhaps my favourite, who I later immorted), Marsellus, and Bercutio, if I remember the third person correctly. Which led to some odd quotes on the comm. :)

    'Tis here, Tis there, Tis - gone!'

    As an immortal, I admired Marsellus's gumption and sheer stubborness. Aule must have nuked him about ten times, and yet he came back, and leveled with amazing speed. Of course, each time the FRA made him the gm at the lowest level a char was allowed to join a guild - which ment the FRA frequently had a level 5 guildmaster. :)

    I remember when Aule finally sent the Ents to destroy the FRA guildhall, all because of some fight he and Marsellus had. Tit for tat. It was amusing. Pity, I use CRT 3.0, and it doesn't log. (But it's great for editing files, which is what I do 99% of the time when I'm logged in).

    But Marsellus wouldn't let anyone - not even Aule - put him down. And that, while amusing to watch the nukes and the ents, was admirable. He could've made peace with Aule. (It was, I think, a personal fight more than anything else). He could've backed down. But he chose to fight it out, and for that, I still remember him.

    Of course, he could be very arrogant. I remember when he turned down my third char's application to the FRA, he was downright mean. Which is why I solo'd him. :) And ended up loosing the character over it - but what a way to go.

    Since then, I've learned a lot about how to avoid a PK, and I've lost a great deal of respect for the FRA - any guild that acts so smugly superior and vain really deserves a good smacking. I was incredibly amused when, two days after he sent my mortal packing, Marsellus tried to get me (Uinen) to be his Guild Liason. In those days, each guild had it's own ainur. I went with the Meglivornth - my favourite, my former home - but it did have me laughing for a week. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell anyone about why I was so amused.

    I've had several characters since then, and I've been in three different guilds, and two clans. Anyone remember the Dragons of Middle Earth? I found my tell alias for that the other day. Half the people on it do not exist anymore. :)

    But I'll always remember Marsellus and the FRA.


  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    20 March 2002 19:12:05

    Perica the silvan Archmage (Immoral) (mortal)


    I remember Spurv... He was the first swede I talked to on t2t... Or was he norwegian?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 March 2002 15:46:25

    Wow Tuareg, your a dumbass

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    20 March 2002 15:38:02

    *smirk* Tuareg.. I dont think there's anything I can say that will make you look like a bigger fool than you yourself do...

    I have to wonder what makes you tick though.. why do you get off on trying to hurt people you've never met? Now I've afaik never talked to you before and hopefully never will again so please keep your childish comments to yourself.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    20 March 2002 12:35:51


    its basically because I'm a bastard :)

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    20 March 2002 12:34:01

    Sad log indeed. Why do you have to post those depressive things Longfinger? I hate you! :P

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Pharzan [legacy]
    20 March 2002 10:10:40

    WOO! i was on that who list :P good old days when t2t wasn't a crowded place

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    20 March 2002 08:24:46

    Ever since I first logged in, I have heard of Marsellus. I always felt that I had missed out on something not knowing him or those of that 'era' of the mud...

    Alas though, I am of the House of Pathor and all you dogs see that my brother was there for the leaving of Marsellus. I feel somehow...connected.

    I mourn.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    20 March 2002 08:19:00

    Damn dude, thats kinda sad :( i always hate to see good players leave the mud.