Posted by
Toto [legacy]
04 April 2002 00:00:00

Read this.. Kinda long.. it's funny tho.. Has the events of the Mini-Mud Party.

Rumour  46  Toto         (Thu Apr  4)  West Coast Mud Party!!!

As you stroll by, you take notice of the old gossiper
chuckling to himself with a wry smile. You grumble to
yourself and attempt to pick up your pace to avoid his
gibberish cackle, but he shouts to you "Haven't you heard???"
You sigh, roll your eyes, and mumble to yourself about
passing by this way..
The gossiper hobbles over toward you quickly and giggles
in glee.
"Oh it's just wonderful.. Wonderful.. Haven't you heard??
Oh, haven't you?? No..? No?? Well then you just sit down
right there sonny and listen to me. I have such wonderful
"Dammit", you mumble to yourself.. This is going to make
me late for the party at the bar..
The gossiper sits you down and begins to hobble about,
pondering how to go about the tale.
"Ah yes," he begins, "It all started with that rungler
Toto.. That damned Warlock.. you know, he's scared me quite
the time with his witchcraft and sorcerery.. Almost blew
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me to bits once with his fireworks and such.. Oh and
just the other day, his skin turned to bark right before
my eyes.. He was so close to me I was afraid if he touched
me, my skin might turn to bark aswell!!! Oh what a
terrible thing that would have been..."
"Can we just get on to the point old man?" You grumble to the
"Oh.. yes... many apologies young stud. I'm sure you have
tons more important things to do than just sit here
and listen to this old man blab on endlessly about
nonsense.. well. Thats too bad."
The gossiper cackles to himself and
 bonks you on
the head with his staff. "Now where was I.. Oh yes.
That damned wizard Toto.. he was mumbling something
about a party.. what was it.. oh.. a MUD Party.. whatever
that may be.. something from some different domention..
with all his sorcerery, I wouldn't doubt he has been
to places unknown by Ardans.. he paied me over 1000 gold
to tell this story.. so you sit here and listen up.
Now listen here.. this is what he told me to say,
so don't go blaming me for the nonsense about
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different dimentions of "Earth" or whatsoever.
"Personally, I think it's just a bunch of nonsense, or some
dream.. but the man paied me.."
"It all began with that fool Toto. He had been talking with
Talan and Squibb and heard that they lived in Southern
California.. Toto mentioned to both of them that they
should get together and have a small gathering to meet
eachother. Well.. thats how it began anyway.
Last weekend, it ended up that Toto hosted a Mini-Mud
Party at his house in San Luis Obispo.. The events
that unravalled are quite hilarious..
Friday, March 29th.  9:00am - Toto drives down to Los Angeles and picks
up Deadlok from his house. Both drive back to San Luis
Obispo and pickup a bum along the way, who completly
defiled Toto's car, while getting a ride for over
100 miles. *heh* How nice of Toto. Toto and Deadlok head up to
Gilroy later that day to pickup Raen, Orlandu, and Mitch.
After Raen's parents told their life story to Toto and Deadlok
we all headed over to Klouse's house in Hayward.
Ended up at Klouse's and kicked it for a few hours chatting and
telling stories of old. After a few hours, drove back down to
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San Luis to Toto's house. Kicked it for the night, chatting
and playing PS2, X-Box, and Mudding.
Saturday, March 30th. Woke up and Toto made pancakes,
which were way the deal. I might add :)
Headed over to Avila Beach (13 miles away) to play
some football.
Ended up being Orlandu and Toto vs. Deadlok, Raen and Mitch.
After about 2 hours of playing, and 1 hour of resting between each
play (Sand wears you down fellas.), Toto and Orlandu
were the victors with an 11-8 win. Wooo. BTW: The
beach ate us all up with its jagged rocks and wood chunks :)
After football, Deadlok, Orlandu, Raen and some other guy
played a game of BBall, where Deadlok was down 9-4, and came
back to win 11-9. hehe Nice DL. Daedin style bro.
Saturday kicked up with the crew heading back to
Toto's and taking showers, and gaming.. Toto and
Deadlok went to the bus station and picked up Serex.
We ended up waiting approx 45mins for the damed bus driver to take the
out of the bus, where he finally realized everyone was
waiting for his slow chunk. *snicker*
We headed back to Toto's and introduced everyone and began
an intense game of Risk. While Serex, Deadlok and Toto were
slaughtering the newbies, Raen, Orlandu and Mitch, Talan
showed up from Los Angeles. Introductions went all around
and the fun began.
We chatted while playing Risk and all was going well for Toto's
World Domination until Konthor and his young breeze showed up.
The game ended in a draw and all went to Woodstock's Pizza.
With beer flowing, pizza scarfing, and HOT WOMEN
like you can't imagine in San Luis Obispo, the fun was
rollin. Chatting about times of old and characters
long gone, the night passed into morning..
And Toto still couldn't beat the damn Mrs. Pacman high score
even after dropping almost $5.00 into it. *snicker*
Well the party wrapped up and headed back to the house.
TOTO just now realized that his days are off, and the
party began on Thursday.. So friday was thursday,
and saturday was friday... Anyway::
back at the house friday night.. after pizza, people crashed.
Oh.. BTW: Talan wasn't there Friday night.. he came saturday.. hehe
kinda confusing, but stay with me :)
Saturday afternoon,
Toto, Deadlok, Serex, Orlandu, Raen, and Mitch were still around..
Konthor went home early that morning, and Talan has still not arrived
We headed out to Pismo Beach and had clam chowder, where while eating
on the pier, were attacked by flocks of seagulls.. heheh
After lunch, we went to Morro Bay, where there is a  HUGE  ROCK 
in the middle of the beach.. Out of nowhere.. (It's
a lava dome for those geologists out there) **Toto is taking
geology** :):) -- Anyway, out into the water, there is a
huge line of rocks that lead to a lighthouse of sorts..
a few weeks ago Toto was exploring the rocks and found
a small alcove in the rocks.. We decided to see who had the
balls to enter the cave. Mind you, these rocks go approx 200
meters into the water, with waves crashing upon them.. making
them slippery as all hell and dangerous as going up
CU Staircase with no EP :):) -- We began the rock climbing
and ended up biting the dirt quite a few times.
Toto ate it hard atleast 3 times, bashing his shin and
causeing bloodloss :) -- Deadlok literally tried to eat
the rocks, but they massacred his face :) heh -- to the cave..
We reached the cave entrance and timed the waves.. Toto enters without a
Orlandu follows like a savage.. The rest of the group is wary as
the waves begin to swell.. Deadlok braves it and enters the cave.
Mind you, this cave is under a ton of rocks, with waves crashing upon
them, at
high tide.. when the waves come, the cave begins to fill with water, then
it recedes.. Just like doing the serpent sword quest ;)'
hehehe.. anyhow. We all begin to bounce, when the mother
of the waves comes and decimates the rocks. Toto and Deadlok, being still
inside the cave,
get DRENCHED and the others get wet from splash damage.
hehehe -- Fun stuff -- heading back to the car -- head back to Toto's.
Begin another game of risk after showers..
This is when Talan actually shows up... We play through the
game, and with Toto near death, Mitch destroys Deadlok's defenses,
giving Toto an ample opportunity to turn in cards, claim
armies, and put Deadlok out of his misery. The next round, Mitch
skrews up again and misplaces units where he may have been able to
finish Toto once again. Toto turns in Deadlok's taken cards, and
decimates Mitch.
Next round, Toto turns in Mitch's claimed cards and finishes Serex off.
Toto is the World Ruler. Domination baby yeah. ;):)  -- Dares
someone to challange him to risk :)
Anyhow, the night comes and we head out to Avila Beach again with beer :)
Head over to the barrels with firewood.. This part gets fun :)
Toto attempts to stack some of the chunks of bark on the earlier
party's dwindling coals.. puts a few pieces of small
wood on the fire and dumps a bunch of gasoline in the pit..
No avail.. No flame.. just heated coals.. well..
someone lights a paper on fire and tosses it into the pit.
Yey.. flames.. Toto reaches for the gascan (Plastic with approx
1 gallon of gasoline) -- begins to pour gas onto the flames, and BOOM
the gascan catches on fire. *AHHHH* Toto abondons the gascan and
EVERYONE DIVES FOR COVER! hehehehe -- the gascan didn't explode
luckily - just burned and along comes some random
guy who was at the fire earlier, and like a SAV, picks up the gascan, and
tosses it into the pit.. Save of the day bro.
The night goes on with Toto's firebuilding skill increasing drastically,
and having quite
a bit of fun. 
Saturday night ends.. sunday comes and people go home.. Nothing really
happened sunday, but was fun nonetheless :)
I really doubt a lot of you read that whole
thing, but if you did, good for you :) I will post the major
events that happened -- Got pictures of some of them.
1. Football on Friday afternoon - Toto/Orlandu beating
2. Orlandu pucking after football.. snicker..
3. Eating on the pier with the seagulls.
4. Climbing the rocks and having a ball.
5. Going to Woodstocks pizza and having a blast.
6. Playing Risk.
7. Going to the beach for a bonfire.
Those are the major events.. feel free to ask anyone or comment about
There will be pictures soon, just have to develop the film and
scan them.. getting there.. 
The other reason I posted this is to inform everyone
about the West Coast MUD Party..
Toto is going to host a HUGE mud party on the July 4th weekend.. 4th-7th.
There are 5 beaches that all have fireworks on the 4th, and that weekend
will be POPPIN in this town..
Please lemme know ASAP if you will be able to make it, Spread
the word and Come to have a blast. It was really fun this past
People who all attended:
Toto, Serex, Deadlok, Raen, Mitch, Orlandu, Talan, Konthor.
*I seriously hope i'm not forgetting anyone*
Others who live in California include:
Bolgerman, Newcomer, Karios, Squibb, Shira, and Silverwolf.
Heard some other rumors, but Most are down to come on the
4th weekend.. Please lemme know and we'll get the next party
rollin. Thanks everyone.
-Toto, Lord of the Dark Elves, High Necromancer of Daedin.
PS: My RL Stuff:::
Raymond Lucas
1373 Fredericks St.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
(805) 781-8022 -- My phone (On Internet most of time)
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(805) 541-3636 -- House line.. call here if u need/want to talk to me.
Quazar@lantrocity.com -- email.. dosen't work atm.. will soon.
2115165 -- ICQ.
:) -- All mailbombs/virus's will be returned.