Relg and Brahm die

Posted by
Talan [legacy]
13 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

A battle between Dwarves and Easterlings on the banks of the Anduin. The Dwarves attack Talan en force, but he is merely the bait for a rather nasty ambush.


  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    29 July 2002 18:04:12

    what else is new..bkd dying... another rerun


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    16 April 2002 11:07:06

    no one cares what you look like Rhoads, just so long as if you get drunk at a mud party and put out...(remind me NOT to go to any mud parties attended by rhoads)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    15 April 2002 23:23:55

    I am not Barren damn it, I am by far more good looking than that thing! ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    15 April 2002 21:57:33

    That's not irony Barren, that's someone not knowing the complete laws of the Knights.

    I curse this log because I laugh my ass off everytime Vallejo posts something. That was classic Vallejo, they have to be eating some tough bread now with that book posted. To bad for a secret Guild that 99% knows of it's existence and the location of it's hall.

    now, I'm not a Durm so I don't know if that book is a sham or not but it seems to me that if you wanted to keep your Guild a secret, all your kills would have to be solo but you guys aren't secret...not in the least.

    btw, log is cool, this comment string sucks because all this bitching is pointless. Udungul won't protect Mordor or CU from Durms because if they did then Udungul wouldn't have anyone to help them kill Dwarves :( aww poor Udungul, even worse RP then as Megs :(

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    15 April 2002 18:45:24

    Hah, it is rather ironical actualy :p

    I remember a durm complaining about a KoDA who faded to pass an attack cause that was against their guild rules :P

    Very ironical :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    15 April 2002 15:58:37

    Huh. Still trying to figure out the syntax to read that book.... :p

    Actually, thats a cool theme and all, but its not very fun and this is a mud, not real tolkien world place so it doesn't work as good.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    15 April 2002 13:43:53


    you only just realised that book was there??


  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    15 April 2002 08:17:05

    wow, that is strange, but sounds like a good plan for a guild. I wonder how long these rules were lived up to, as I know practically nothing about the Durmanhoth.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    15 April 2002 07:05:35

    Found the coolest thing while dressing the Mutalator statue in lingerie. There's this book there, and you can read about the durmanhoth, pay attention to numbef 7.

    The policies of the guild are as follows:

    1) The contract is ALWAYS fulfilled.

    2) Loyalty to the guild and its members is absolute.

    3) No mention of the guild or its activities is EVER tobe mentioned. This includes over public comm lines and in private speaking.

    4) All members are required to support the guild through moneys earned by contract fulfillment or other means.

    5) All contracts must first pass through the Guildmaster to be official. Failure to follow this chain of command will be considered free-lancing; an offense punished with death.

    6) Never sell items purchased in the guild's shop anywhere but the Durmanhoth shop, and only give these items to another member.

    7) No assisting other guilds' plans will be tolerated. We are a secret society, and are only meant to be the weapons of the silent war.

    8) There will be no giving out of any member's name to any other than another member.

    9) Any member who deserts or is expelled will not be re-admitted to the Durmanhoth.

    Failure to observe these rules will end in the members subsequent termination.

    Funny huh?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    15 April 2002 04:13:39

    Yea, only difference is Avaar is cool and Tuareg is a moron

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    15 April 2002 02:13:30

    And for the 88th time, Avaar, no one gives a shit what you think, you're starting to remind me of Tuareg.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    15 April 2002 00:40:08

    ive said this about 88 times, bashgeroy, you have solo'd 2 people, your awesome

    not to mention you always complain about the durm/udungul alliance, nobody complains when beornings and vc pk together about every single time, shut up, you suck, be quiet

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    14 April 2002 21:01:04

    1: wtf is PoM?

    2:Your all 'evil scums', there is no difference between Talan, Rome, Adunazon, Duniv etc.Just I'm not allowed to kill some per cent of the evil scum yet.

    3:I wish Variel was here.

    4:Morpheus too.

    5:There is NO Durmanhoth and NO Udungul.There is Durmandung (or durmdung).

    6: Ugh, damn, I died *whine whine whine*.

    PS: Me am gonnah solo yah all.

    PPS: Why the fuck should we go to Mordor?It is filthy, the air there is like the air IRL.There is no cooler stuff there than the stuff outside Mordor.Everyone outta there, let's leave the evils have their gay parties in peace.

    PPPS: I don't fuck orcs, why the hell should I go to Mordor?

    PPPPS: Why should CU drain EP if Caradhras, which is far more dangerous and hard to climb doesn't?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    14 April 2002 19:20:15

    A VC-Rim alliance, Adunazon? You're not keeping up :-p There _isn't_ a VC-Rimsilval alliance anymore.

  • Author
    Morgar [legacy]
    14 April 2002 17:29:23

    Wish i coulda joined in that one. Lots of uniques were going around:)

    Cool log

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    14 April 2002 08:57:39

    Sorry Talan, that's pure bullshit in my eyes.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    14 April 2002 07:18:59

    On the topic of SoU vs. VC war. That will never happen. I tried. It will ALWAYS be SoU vs. VC, then Beornings start helping, then the Rimsilval start helping, and before you know it Erebor dwarves are aiding VC in pkilling SoU members making gold in Linhir! Throw that 'I'm a pussy' 4-way alliance out of the picture and SoU would gladly beat the VC into submission.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    14 April 2002 04:23:33

    Vallejo, what about the fact that Karios kicked me out?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    14 April 2002 02:55:48

    Uhm, Okay. I think i've been over the make up of this party before...not going to bother saying it again.

    Rolf the reason the PoM doesnt kill durms is because they are for the most part demonic and Shadowspawn. Mordor is a chaotic place. Orcs killed orcs all the time, so whats the harm if say an evil dunedain kills an orc? Who will the PoM attack? Which one is in the wrong and which one needs to be protected?

    You might also want to note that the Udungul is NOT the PoM. PoM is a clan, Udungul is a guild.

    Does that make sense?

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    14 April 2002 02:12:54

    What the hell? Go down on me, Orlandu and Nagash are durms, they've posted logs with their ceremonial daggers in their inventory. As for Vaerilyn, who cares, level 15 kid doesn't require attention, he'll die in a few days I'm sure. Ichneumon, hmm, don't know him, he's just some thief that took a year to hit level 18, I know it's at least a year because we used to kill him in Mordor daily. But at anyrate, knock the non-Udungul members out of this log and what you have is a sheriff with 2 phials trying to beat off 5 durms, yeah, that's not going to work.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    14 April 2002 01:45:52

    Oh yeah, plus people have friends in the strangest of places here on T2T and that must be taken into account.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    14 April 2002 01:42:40

    Dear Vallejo, Brahm, Gazza, me, whoever else,

    I have not been playing the Mud for a good part of this 'war' but I can answer a few of your questions I believe. A couple comments down, Manni stated that none of the members of the Udungul party were members of the Durmanhoth at the time that Manni left so I presume that they still arn't... though things change quickly. Also both Udungul and Durmanhoth are 'secret' guilds, meaning that their guild info usually isn't in their legends. The reason why Talan may not be commenting on the Udungul members may be because of this reason. Also if Udungul and Durmanhoth guilds have a treaty, then it would be wise of them to NOT tell the rest of arda... just like the war of the ring, victory may rest on secrecy. Though if there are no treaties then Udungul may have tried to stop Durmanhoth from killing in Mordor, but the results may have been less that worthy to have posted on this log page. Who talks about failed attempts or peaceful laying down of arms? And Brahm... ouch baby, I know I suck but I didn't think that bad. Gazza, yeah I know I am sexy... maybe I'll take you out toa bar sometime and get you drunk and take advantage of you. Nogothrim, good idea.... more wars would give me more logs to read!

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    14 April 2002 01:19:00

    You don't like my kills, Manni? *chuckle*:)) Or it is no fun when the enemy fights back?:P

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    14 April 2002 01:14:06

    btw, the log is good.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    14 April 2002 01:12:28

    From my experience so far Tarn, more durms then BkD are killing in mordor, the land that Udungul so bravely protect.Are they shielding you inside since they're 'useful' to you? I hardly believe that a durm has ever been attacked by a udungul inside mordor. And don't give me the 'Saurons equipment is good in durmanhoths hands' crap. That's just a very bad excuse for not being brave enough to stand up for your theme and confront these kinslayers.

    And on another note, ever since the first fight when Udungul got their guild we've seen durms in their war parties, you can't deny the fact that the BkD-Udungul war would NOT look the same if they hadn't gotten these 'allies'.

    Some of Udunguls members have large sums on their heads, do you see the Assassins of Arda going after the money?

    My conclusion is: There must be a treaty between Durms and Udungul - 'You don't kill us in mordor, we don't kill you outside.', Or Udungul is just Durmanhoths twin brother. (This should fire some sparks eh? ;) )

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    14 April 2002 00:39:03

    Talan says, 'Uh, no, vallejo, without allies we still would have WON.' Won? the war isn't over Talan.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 April 2002 23:21:36

    Sheesh people, listening to you guys bitch at eachother is funny, but yet boring. Brahm states:

    'Your guild is more skilled on average than ours because all of your unskilled members quit.'

    This has todo with what? It doesn't matter who left, that's the past. This is the present it doesn't matter who or what happend in the past. Most all the comments are woulda coulda shoulda.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 22:27:54

    Your guild is more skilled on average than ours because all of your unskilled members quit.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    13 April 2002 22:14:57

    Which leads me back to why I kill them. Tarn I fit into number 4.

    Brahm tells you: well its kind of <censored> when there have been more durms and non-udungul members in their kills than them.

    So now Durms aren't allowed to kill people? I would make all the contracts kills I could possibly do, but the ainu have taken away my ability to do that (claim contracts). So, I resort to just killing people. Otherwise I would follow rp more closely and take out more contracts.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 April 2002 22:05:22

    Radazen, your just to cool to get attempted... ;p Guess you'll just have to be really bored

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 April 2002 22:04:08

    Durmanhoth is not part of this war. Durmanhoth likes to kill people. Udungul are far more useful to us than BkD. This is because Talan can do good finds, whereas Rolf's repair skill is only so useful... :p

    Also, BkD has killed some Durms. The ones that you see helping Udungul kill BkD are either, 1. Have been attacked by bkd (or killed), 2. Dont like BkD, 3. Just like to kill people and rip there heads off and then sacrifice them and go haha I got more kills then you, 4. A combination of the above.

    An SoU vs VC war wont ever happen cause SoU aren't allowed to kill people. Or at least thats just what it seems.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 22:01:15

    Uh, no, vallejo, without allies we still would have won.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    13 April 2002 21:44:17

    Dear Talan,

    Earlier you said: 'No, brahm, actually i dont think anyone in Udungul would agree with you on that. Though we are small we are on average a hell of a lot more skilled than you. Our allies have no effect on the number of pk's you have on us, and you've killed like one Udungul member in the last 3 weeks.'

    I was looking at the log, without allies they would have killed you probably, so yes, your allies DO affect pk's on you all.



  • Author
    Radazen [legacy]
    13 April 2002 21:17:01

    In reference to Talan: Yeah, Horror died. Balinul and I killed him. Just needed to clear that up, in case it's the reason that nobody ever tries to kill me. :(

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 21:10:55

    Talan, you already said you were going to shut up and not respond to my comments, so please do. And if you didnt have any help from the durms and it was just Udungul vs BKD. The kills would be like BKD: 18 Udungul:7

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 21:08:15

    Would you have joined the was if significant numbers of active Udungul had 3k contracts...

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 21:06:24

    No, brahm, actually i dont think anyone in Udungul would agree with you on that. Though we are small we are on average a hell of a lot more skilled than you. Our allies have no effect on the number of pk's you have on us, and you've killed like one Udungul member in the last 3 weeks.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:37:52

    I told Squibb we would join the war if significant numbers of active BkD had 3k contracts...I don't know what happened to that because Squibb and I both left the mud, but you Megs should still do it!

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:23:43

    Klouse, I agree completely with you. Durmanhoth thematicly should fight for the side that pays them the most money. But nonetheless, they should be fighting!!

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:20:00

    Actually, I think that would be really cool. I haven't seen a good VC vs SoU ruckus in a while, and everyone loves to see them. :)

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:19:04

    Yes, I think that would be a very good thing for this mud to experience Brahm.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:17:09

    On a thematic note...Durmanhoth are not suppose to be in wars. They are simply in Arda to take out contracts, nothing more nothing less. They 'choose' to be in war. There theme has nothing todo with war.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:14:34

    If you want to go to the extreme. But if it was like that, most guilds would lose half of their current members.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:07:27

    BkD was not supposed to last one week against the powerful forces of evil. But, we have fought on and that is something to be very proud of. I believe it is the job of the evil guilds of arda to pose a constant threat to the remaining population of T2T. I believe it is the job of the moral guilds of arda to fight that threat. The war on the pelennor fields is renewed constantly and so should this war. If you dont want to fight then you should not join a guild whose themetic background FORCES YOU TO. You should remain solo and out of the war, like bombadil, you can chat with your pals and read gossip posts without being in a guild.

    I salute the allied forces of SoU, Durmanhoth, and Udungul who have been my enemies, your knowledge of group warfare and tactics far exceed my own. You have posed a constant threat. I hope you can understand that killing a dwarf from lvl 20 to lvl 1 is a very themetic thing for you to do. What is not themetic is if that dwarf reports you even once to the lawsys. Lawsys is here to protect newbies and people in guilds are not newbies.

    Great job by both sides. I hope SoU/Valacirca CoU/KoDA Amruin/FRA etc etc learn from us and begin massive pk wars with each other aswell.

    Fight on.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 20:06:19

    Why are you guys trying to drag FRA, Beornings, etc into this. Total they have helped with only 1 kill I know of and that was Ailin's SRS strike on Rome. You see durms in almost every udungul kill. Without all these outsiders, they wouldnt have a chance, and Im sure they would agree with me on that one.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 April 2002 19:48:57

    Well, dont forget Beornings. Aka Leto and Bashy. And FRA really hasn't done anything cept that one thing

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 April 2002 19:44:06

    And also, I'd like to hasten the process of this WWF-like storyline which has been dragged out over the past few months. In the near corner, we have BkD, FRA, and Rimsilval. In the far corner- Udungul and Durmanhoth. I want a good clean fight, no Bashgeroy involvement and no whining. Let's get it on!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    13 April 2002 19:41:25

    My list may be a week and a half older than yours, but none of those guys were in Durm when I hibernated :P

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    13 April 2002 18:59:26

    You left Udungul, Cammy? God of the few decent guys left :-(

    Be well my friend.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    13 April 2002 18:55:48

    Sure, in a war you bring your troops, but Udungul didn't look like they brought their own troops that time. Ichneumon, Orlandu, Vaerilyn, Nagash.....these aren't Udungul, last I checked my list! These be durms!

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    13 April 2002 14:24:22

    In war - Which you guys are in. You bring all your troops to the enemy, ALL. That is why they call it war. Anyhow...nice log this is one of the better ones I have seen in awhile.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    13 April 2002 13:59:52

    Nice fight . nice kills .. Awesome get away Endrek.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    13 April 2002 13:28:07

    Yeah I died in RP combat, though if attempted in a pk I probably would have died cause I was always stuck on friggin CU staircase or low on ep/hp from that filth Elrond. btw I am no longer a member of Udungul and as soon as I can pry myself away from this log page I can have a good 80 days away from the mud. All it takes is will-power Camillus.... you can do it, common!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 April 2002 08:25:56

    Haha. Relg and Brahm died

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 08:14:10

    Well, He certainly thought he was abiding by it. Its a lot easier to kill someone who is unaware that you want them dead.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 08:00:28

    I don't claim to know what's going on, but I got the feel from some comments on the 'Rome dies' log that he agreed to leave Udungul and BkD agreed to leave him alone. If those are the circumstances, I'd sure like to know how he can 'abide by his half of the agreement' while in Udungul.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    13 April 2002 07:30:06

    so half agreement means full?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 07:17:07

    No, he was abiding by his half of the agreement while in Udungul. He was not going to attack any of you, he posted as much on the board.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    13 April 2002 07:15:32


    Wasn't Rome who broke agreement by staying in Udungul, therefore still making him an enemy?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 06:47:25

    I dont count idle kills nor kills in RP combat as playerkills.

    Camillus: Killed in RP combat

    Kaizen: Idle killed

    Rome: Had a peace agreement with BKD

    Horror: Did you even kill him? If you did i left him off the list.

    Jackel: Yes, i forgot you killed jackel, it must have slipped my mind.

    And by the way, I wasnt whining about gangbangs. I actually like it when people attack me, even if they are gangbangs. So, keep em comin!

    Anyway, i've had enough of this banter. If you continue i'm just going to ignore you here like i do on the mud.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 06:28:39

    I'm flattered that you think everyone in our guild takes 5 people to kill them. And its nice of a guildmaster to call members like camillus, jackel, rome, horror, and kaizen noobs. Wait, maybe they are newbies?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 06:14:08

    Thats cause the five people you killed in our guild besides spartan and edelidan are newbies. Big skill there: 'I killed a level 16 who doesnt know any huntbreaks with only one other person! I rule! Then i killed him 3 more times to get our kill count up!'

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 06:01:08

    Who the hell is Dulal, btw? ;)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 05:59:50

    Look at the percentage of our kills that have more than 2-3 people, and then look at yours. Then start whining about gangbangs, Talan.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 05:46:25

    Yes, we're all afraid of the ferocious dwarven fury. All of our members have gone in active and left the guild! We suck! In fact, I was going to suicide out of fear until i realized that If i did that, I wouldnt be able to get gangbanged by shitloads of dwarves any more :(

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 05:45:32

    Always nice watching dwarves die

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    13 April 2002 05:30:45

    You sure you're not just looking in a mirror and confusing yourself, Brahm? Or maybe you're just confusing Dulal (seperate characters? Hah!) as an Udungul.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 05:17:14

    Ah, a couple fresh recruits that no ones ever heard of I guess. I guess your guild needs quick members since half of them have left, hibernated, or gone inactive.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    13 April 2002 05:06:38

    Apparently your math is a bit off, either that or you dont know who is who. Easterlings accounted for a majority of the people who killed you.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    13 April 2002 04:51:29

    Top quality as always Talan. They should have run, though their continual headbutts hurt you a good deal. If you had finished off Endrek, it would have topped it off quite well. Two more for Sauron.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    13 April 2002 04:49:35

    Thats a positive way of thinking :)

  • Author
    Endrek [legacy]
    13 April 2002 04:49:04

    Enough advertisement for my webpage I would have to say.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    13 April 2002 04:33:06

    Cool. Color would have made that bloodfest so much easier to follow though. :P

    Id say yall needed a wizard there, but kedrimond was there, who knows what he was doing, with the proper shielding, he could potentioally dish out some hated lighting on all 5 of yall :P

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    13 April 2002 04:20:47

    You cant really say easterlings conisider you only consisted of 1/3 of the group.