
Posted by
Rome [legacy]
25 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

In a heroic attempt to gain glory,in all honor, Balzamon challenges me to a duel...


  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    30 April 2002 00:05:17

    by reading half of the last post i can tell Wasach has a fucked up life

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    29 April 2002 22:14:18

    hehe :)

    sorry bud...

    I used to work this graveyard-time-slot job once and everyone trashed each other all night long. I worked it for 7 years so it's pretty habitual for me to start insulting someone and just get on a roll. I've been trying to get off that for the last couple of years but man it's hard not to just tear into someone.

    (I once made a co worker cry and go home when he bragged about stealing my girlfriend from me. she was at my place the night before their first day, so I started by saying to him, 'so how does my cock taste?' and just tore into him verbally after that.)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 April 2002 19:13:50

    For god sakes you 2 stop it man... it is like you are married to him Wasach, holy crap :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    29 April 2002 09:08:10

    Hey Squibb, that wasn't cool . Flame whatever else I say but stories like that deserve better alright.

    ps. you only thought it because you wanted to be it.

    *pushes Azmodan's head back down onto his cock* to bad you got beat out by mr. hoover :)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    29 April 2002 06:09:39


  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    29 April 2002 04:16:51

    Wasach has a husband?!

    I always suspected as much from him....

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    28 April 2002 15:21:14

    Here's a good story...

    and it's true...

    >Richard, (my husband), never really talked a lot about his time in VietNam

    >other than he had been shot by a sniper. However, he had a rather grainy,

    >8X10 black & white photo he had taken at a USO show of Ann Margaret with Bob

    >Hope in the background that was one of his treasures.


    >A few years ago, Ann Margaret was doing a book signing at a local bookstore.

    >Richard wanted to see if he could get her to sign the treasured photo so he

    >arrived at the bookstore at 12 o'clock for the 7:30 signing. When I got

    >there after work, the line went all the way around the bookstore, circled

    >the parking lot, and disappeared behind a parking garage.


    >Before her appearance, bookstore employees announced that she would sign

    >only her book and no memorabilia would be permitted. Richard was

    >disappointed, but wanted to show her the photo and let her know how much

    >those shows meant to lonely GI's so far from home.


    >Ann Margaret came out looking as beautiful as ever and, as second in line,

    >it was soon Richard's turn. He presented the book for her signature and

    >then took out the photo. When he did, there were many shouts from the

    >employees that she would not sign it. Richard said, 'I understand. I just

    >wanted her to see it'.


    >She took one look at the photo, tears welled up in her eyes and she said,

    >'This is one of my gentlemen from Viet Nam and I most certainly will sign

    >his photo. I know what these men did for their country and I always have

    >time for 'my gentlemen'. With that, she pulled Richard across the table and

    >planted a big kiss on him. She then made quite a to-do about the bravery of

    >the young men she met over the years, how much she admired them, and how

    >much she appreciated them. There weren't too many dry eyes among those

    >close enough to hear.


    >She then posed for pictures and acted as if he was the only one there.


    >Later at dinner, Richard was very quiet. When I asked if he'd like to talk

    >about it, my big strong husband broke down in tears. 'That's the first time

    >anyone ever thanked me for my time in the Army', he said.


    >Richard, like many others, came home to people who spit on him and shouted

    >ugly things at him. That night was a turning point for him. He walked a

    >little straighter and, for the first time in years, was proud to have been a



    >I'll never forget Ann Margaret for her graciousness and how much that small

    >act of kindness meant to my husband.


    >I now make it a point to say 'Thank You' to every person I come across who

    >served in our Armed Forces. Freedom does not come cheap and I am grateful

    >for all those who have served their country. If you'd like to pass on this

    >story, feel free to do so. Perhaps it will help others to become aware of

    >how important it is to acknowledge the contribution our service people make.


    >I hope this gets around to Jane Fonda!!!




  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 April 2002 02:01:01

    Yea, theres battles. Like once every 3 weeks. As opposed to someone getting a prod a couple times an hour and a possibility of killing someone for free

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 01:44:56

    People will never stop whining.

    Mordor is much more fun now than it was before. We actually have battles there now, and although it does mean you cant go kill some npc for a prod whenever you want, i think this is a much better choice.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    27 April 2002 17:21:12

    New mordor is ok if you like exploring vast areas of nothing and questing the occasional fang... But thats about it.

    Ainur, Bring back old mordor!

    *snorts(trademarked Baklen of course) that'll be the day that I die*

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    27 April 2002 16:27:48

    yea, old mordor was much more fun

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 April 2002 11:28:02

    The ASB has been upgraded. Go get one so I can see a log of you being pked.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    27 April 2002 08:56:33

    Old mordor was heaps more fun

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    27 April 2002 07:02:34

    Hmm with the new mordor out does anyone even get 1 asb per boot? hell no so it should be back to the way it was or even better concerning how hard the quest is and how hard it is to kill in mordor now

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    27 April 2002 05:30:45

    Yes Baklen, it got degraded that much. I've heard all kinds of 'wonder stories' myself but it just aint what it used to be.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    27 April 2002 04:37:54

    Hey man, Asb used to rock, I got backstabed once after I got striked, had 130hp

    I was shadow

    2rounds, Dead. Well that was old, was it degraded that much? haven't been moral in a long long time.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    27 April 2002 03:23:08

    BLEM is the 'red-headed-stepchild' of the ASB

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 April 2002 23:49:49

    Dude, blem kicks ass. So long your like HoE and level 1-2. It last forever... :p

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    26 April 2002 22:42:51

    The ASB sucks balls, it's an insult.May be say that the BLEM is a helluva cool weap for morals too?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 April 2002 22:21:48

    You are right, NC, I have seen both types of players and I remember our little talk over the Elder's shield quest (I've never questioned your RP since then *smile*). You're wrong about the sapphire sword however, Hochopepa and I were throwing insults one day (just for kicks, we're silly like that once the booze starts flowing IC and OOC) and he disarmed me as a joke. I was wielding a sappy at the time and while I never landed a blow on him, I ran out of the room and condition the sword only to find it 'falling to pieces'. Not hit, only entered into combat with a moral player and it works the same for NPC's...

    Sapphire sword is fine the way it works now. It is my preferred weapon of choice, mostly because getting the ASB requires more work than my slacker tendancies allow :) although I am fond of the crimson longsword...if only Talan would log off long enough *chuckle*

    Look at it this way, Evil's (of both player types) have access to every Unique in the game but a moral RPer has access to what, Anfi (bleh), HBS (if they're a ranger), mmail (if you can survive in mordor long enough) and DTA (which I categorize with Anfi).

    Now, evil's can get a fang without having to kill anything in mordor, the fang has much better stats than the sappy(at the very least it's more accurate than the sappy which isn't hard) and it only costs you a couple hundred gold which you get quite easily I am sure...

    Look, as much as we all don't think it, weapons are balanced quite nicely or else start submitting those mudmails to Melkor.

    No idea where to get this berserking medallion...curses :)

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    26 April 2002 22:05:10

    But the VC can't attack you with the MELS and whip while the SoUs can.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 April 2002 21:27:51

    As it was stated before... all is unbalanced, btw, what uniques have todo with this log? :)

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    26 April 2002 20:46:53

    Tentacle is not villianious .. the dude you saw align it must have had awareness 80 or something Or perhaps beed a Dwarf *grin*.. the Tentacle is Shadowswaon of Mordor .. but you still have to kill the orc .. And what packs are there for evils ? considering how many good packs there is for morals .. Anyway .. I was thinking of PK matters .. I don't care is Sapphire sword rox against Evil NPC's .. but if you wan't to kill a Shadowspawn .. buy the beserk medallion and backstab him with a sapphy.

    Let thoose evil players have nothing still .. only gives them a challenge .. but remove the damn sapphire sword.

    You may say .. MELS and Whip can hurt alot too .. Yeah but they are unique .. you cannot get attacked by 3 Whips .. and you have a chance of following up on who has that unique. but sure if you want to compare it with Uniques .. go ahead and make the sapphy Unique.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    26 April 2002 19:45:29

    Wasach, there are some type of player that truely are 'Evil' and there are some type of player that as long as they don't piss off their employee list, it will be fine. I am sure you have seen both kind of players...

    Been VERY long time for me since using sapphire other for doing specific quest, but last time I checked, the weap degrade its value and condition along with how long you use it to attack moral NPC. Correct me if I am wrong in this case. :)


  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    26 April 2002 19:24:13

    Quam: No, I dont have another ch. and i prbly wont, and technically i didnt abuse any bugs, but when your brother uses the same computer as you, and as such has the same isp, it doesnt really matter what you did and didnt do.

    Trempk: Who cares ;) Just b/c they know the 'can' get it doesnt mean they know 'how' to get it.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 April 2002 19:10:19

    Which is why KoDA is dumb. You guys go kill orcs all day long, but when you guys want to kill some dunedain assassin you get in trouble.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 April 2002 18:44:56

    well, your bound to hit them atleast once Trempk :)

    I hate to break this to you Tarn (actually I don't) but pKing someone for just because of the weapon they have is crap. If I am going to kill another player it would be for something more substantial. Like if I was still in KoDA and you killed some Knights for no particular reason or even if it was by contract, sooner or later I'd lose patience, kill you and get fined by my GM for violating Guild rules and not getting permission first. There's nothing 'thematically RP' about killing someone for a weapon, because I am a Knight and the other person is a Corsair would make sense (not that I am threatening to kill corsairs or anything...).

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 April 2002 18:25:03

    Ok, guys, think of getting good uniques from a different perspective. The good guys thematically can kill the bad guys. So if a bad guy gets Mels, good guys can go pk em and take the wep. So if you want mels, go kill someone

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 April 2002 18:22:20

    Oh, and I dont think you even have to hit a moral NPC to trash a sapphy, I think just being in combat with them does it.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 April 2002 18:21:40

    Bah, you fuckers giving away the HBS info, damn shadowspawn rangers will be in there all the time now. *mutter*

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    26 April 2002 14:20:16

    Now now.Everyone can get a weapon.I've been a SSpawn, kept that align for long (without abusing the SS bug) and believe me, it wasn't hard to find weapons.

    Don't bitch about the globe and the Vornmegil.It's just 2 weapons with cool stats.It's not that great.You can always avenge an ESS or forge a sword and have something of the kind.

    On the other hand, the two best weapons in the game - the MELS and the whip are coded in such a way that the one can not be gotten by moral players while the other one can't be used by moral players.

    The immorals also have the CC and the shadow sword which are far better than the globe and the Black sword for example.Erm, the SS sucks but that's just my opinion.They also have the luinglin, the GRB...well, yeah, the GRB sucks.And such things like Anfidurl are an insult to moral players.

    You can't have the whip and MELS and bitch about stuff.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    26 April 2002 13:04:36

    Sorry Rhoads...misinterpret :)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 April 2002 11:42:15

    NC, I know the quest, I wasn't going to lay it all out for everyone but anyways...

    the orc 'technically' steals the jewel from you and I've been hearing alot lately from 'evil' players about how there is alot of infighting in Sauron's forces...would you allow Anathema to steal a jewel from you just because she is SoM or whatever she is? (Note: this is purely an example and I am not accusing NC or Anathema of anything)

    as for the tentacle, it auto attacks you. therefore your only defending yourself :)

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    26 April 2002 11:34:48

    Wasach, to enter you need to kill an orc, and to get the carapace's jewel, you need to kill an orc, and about the tentacle, he/she is villainous (I know some of you aligned and show up with immoral/impartial but when I do, 9 out of 10 show villain)


  • Author
    Manthalion [legacy]
    26 April 2002 11:24:37

    Indeed he does!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 April 2002 10:02:42

    Is it just me or does Azmodan have a beastiality fetish?

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    26 April 2002 08:42:57

    blow a horse quam

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 April 2002 05:58:09

    DWS and Carapace...can't think of the tentacle's alignment but the spider is impartial.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    26 April 2002 04:21:23

    Ok with hbs ppl anyone can get it, you just have to know how ;). Its not easy :P

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    26 April 2002 04:10:45

    You guys comparing weapons, now why don't we compare about armours and shields?

    Name me some good armours/shields that evil player often get?

    And any ranger can do HBS quest....


  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    26 April 2002 04:01:02

    Bows dont suck. Arrows do.

    If you went and got the composite bow and had a good quarrel of torched arrows, you can inflict heartily damage, especially if you manage to hit each time. The prblm is finding arrows that actually do major damage.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    26 April 2002 00:52:55

    Bows do suck in the game and I don't really understand why...

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 April 2002 00:47:02

    Bows -> The weapon :P

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    26 April 2002 00:31:49

    I thought your comment:

    Bows majorly sucks here :P, was meant for me..

    If not, nevermind my comment then. :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2002 23:58:25


  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    25 April 2002 23:39:25

    When I agree with someone, I'll say it.

    When I dont agree with someone, I'll say that too, rhoads :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2002 23:19:50

    Bows majorly sucks here :P

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    25 April 2002 23:01:47

    I agree with Talan.

    Nicely spoken.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    25 April 2002 23:00:27

    I just have to laugh at Raqtor a little. 'Berserk medallion?' You count THAT on the list of moral uniques, and then say something like 'And I guess if you count the shadow sword as an evil unique, ...' Give me the shadow sword any day. I go for it if I'm on for a reboot. That medallion, on the other hand: Costs a fortune, drains EP like crazy, and is only good for people that only kill evil stuff, and only if they don't mind losing 100EP randomly during every fight. And HBS isn't a 'moral' unique. Immorals can get it, too. You just have to be a ranger. *shrug*

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    25 April 2002 22:46:49

    Uh, since when could evil people get mmail or the globe rhoads?

    I have to agree however that on the whole the evil uniques are better than the moral uniques. This is balanced by the common weapons being way better for the morals. This is also in theme, because in Arda, only the most elite of sauron's servants would have good weapons, but their weapons would be VERY deadly. Orcs weapons by and large sucked, and that is reflected in the suckiness (and lack of selection) of evil common weapons.

    Now, turning our eyes to morals, the distribution of weapon power isnt so skewed. Sure, Anduril kicks ass, but any old elf would have a pretty damn decent bow or sword or something. (compared to the average orc) And, for the most part, thats what we also see in Arda.

    I think this is one issue that the gods actually did very well...

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 April 2002 22:33:47

    I wouldn't call you 'moral' either my friend, perhaps 'amoral' though :) *chuckle*

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    25 April 2002 21:56:38

    And when is the last time that a moral got the mmail?

    'said trempk'

    Ok im not exactly saying i was moral trempk, but i got mmail the last 2 boots :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 April 2002 21:17:43

    You all fail to mention one important feature of the sapphire sword, all you have to do is land one hit on a moral npc/player and the sword goes to pieces and becomes worth 1 gold. It is very inaccurate, wanna guess how FUCKED it is to have your weapon destroyed during an RP fight? *shudder*

    ps just for Ketan I'm going to get drunk and comment LOTS MORE :)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    25 April 2002 20:53:33

    Err wait have you fucken used ASB lately

    I rocked, it up last night with it and

    ohshit I'm not even supposed to mud, I'm banned, forget I said anything.

  • Author
    Endrek [legacy]
    25 April 2002 20:03:16

    At least sapphire swords can rip the watcher a new asshole, right. ;)

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    25 April 2002 18:38:06

    Alright, we'll say this and leave it at this,

    all of towers is unbalanced

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    25 April 2002 18:36:12

    Oh, and I know of alot more dwh calibr weapons that immorals can get, but I choose not to tell anyone. :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    25 April 2002 18:34:10

    Yeah, I was typing this off and on while getting eq and stuff. When i noticed i had the black sword in the immorals list, but the page was taking too long to load and i had to go to class, so i didnt feel like being late just so i could correct myself.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2002 18:28:07

    ALl eq is unbalanced, but about PK/Anti PK eq wich is what seems to matter most around here, afterall... who wants a Mithril Coif except Mimak? :)

    Also, most people that consider themselves impartial only keep their align for a certain porpouse, who don't know the famous HoE Ranger alts? How many people would really be SoM or Demonic if the Whip, CC or SS wheren't there?

    The top 3 uniques for good would be: HBS, GLOBE and MMAIL.

    From those 3, 2 anyone can get (Globe and Mmail) and the HBS is coded so only HoE Rangers can get it, but some people on Valinor got tired of people making alts to get it for their guild so they changed it in order to make it only usefull for the char that quested basicaly.

    Also another note: Like a SoM using bright runned longsword it looks damn bad for a HoE to use the globe :P

    Now let's take a look at the 'top 3' evil weapons: Whip, SS and MELS.

    From these, 2 of them depends on your align, everyone can get it yes, but not everyone can use it (in opose to mmail), either they get weaker when a moral use, or they do hp damage on the 'wielder'. Mels.... that thing somply hurts, people who can get that shouldn't even consider complaining about a sapphire sword :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 April 2002 18:14:43

    Consider that good players cannot wield/wear the 'evil uniques' but bad who generaly dosent give a damn about align, can, think about that :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    25 April 2002 18:13:22

    Well yes, SoM get a free ride to mordor, 'cept there is NOTHING to do in mordor other than get a very rare fang when its up or pk thieves trying to steal from BD. Oh and maybe have another healer

  • Author
    Ichneumon [legacy]
    25 April 2002 17:51:20

    Indeed, Evils can have problems with getting these things, but since when Durms are Evils *boggle* ? As far as I know only weapons that are harder to get for them are Globe, DTA and Mori. Second thing. Why evils can't use SoB ? Since when Kurak is servant of Sauron or other crap like that? Third: Many of uniques are crap. There are plenty semi or common weapons with really nasty abilities. Fourth: You are Moral or Evil ? Hell, everything has it's price. Rules aren't for wussies who can't accept them. Both sides have their advantages and disadvantages. Fifth. Ever heard about auctions ? As for sapphy (which should be called Silent Slayer :) it's really crack weapon (vs SoM's only), but very innacuarte. If you afraid this thing, you can: became a Moral, drop you align to weak Demonic or became a munchkin (and you don't have ANY problems, except being wussy of course ;)


  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    25 April 2002 17:32:04

    I like Sapphy since alot more players are real shadowspawn now, cause they want to enter Mordor easily..It's a descision you have to make. You want a free ride into MordoR?, then pay the consequence for it. Its a win win situation.

    Morals have alot harder time to enter Mordor, so that settles it. You have free access we have sapphy.

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    25 April 2002 17:31:30

    Speaking of which, when you compare all this, please leave mordor items out of the picture. Its very very rare morals go there

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    25 April 2002 17:15:54

    Well Trempk .. REAL evils can't get the MMail cause you have to kill some evils to gat it .. and is there really a way for evils to get Blackie ? I don't think so .. Talking of GRB and IL .. Bah I would rather use a prod or something like that .. but then again .. Evils can't get prod. .. there are a few of the (Impartial getting weapons) that are ok. DWH, fang .. but DWH is kinda boring and Fang is really rare.

    I really don't want to complain about the weapons .. I only think the Sapphire sword is the drop that owerflows the cup.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 April 2002 17:10:55

    That's really strange Trempk.

    Last I checked, Black Sword was guarded by a garrison of trolls.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    25 April 2002 16:40:07

    Yeah, evils only have whip, mels, grb, il, daks, black sword and shadow sword.

    Morals have the globe, sob, mithril mail, hbs. First of all, the HBS can only be gotten by rangers, and is only good for the person who gets it.

    Secondly, morals rarely get the black sword because usually an impartial or immoral comes and killes the girl(which is very easy compared to the npc morals have to kill) before we can get our part.

    Third of all, is that we have to get climbing gear for the globe and black sword, so that makes them even harder.

    And when is the last time that a moral got the mmail?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 April 2002 16:24:45

    Say it how it is, Brotha' Raqta'

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    25 April 2002 16:02:36

    *grin* Darknova think for a moment .. Morals have BlackSword, Globe, SoB, Beserk medallion, HBS & MMail

    Evils have ?? Whip, mels & DAKS ? .. and if you think ShadowSword .. try to compare it with Sapphy .. the very rare extra hits .. does they really messure up to the extra damage sapphy does ?

    Morals have OCP's, DAP's, Ice staff, All the mordor and CU stuff . Evils have ? LHP's, Cirdans sword, The new and balanced Galadriel potions ?

    I have several times seen Sapphy do between 85 and 95 damage from a backstab .. I am sure shadowsword can do the same .. but how often? .. I have never seen it. ... Thus also considering that ShadowSword is a Unique that is very hard to get.

    Morals are allready bathing in good weapons, So yeah


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    25 April 2002 16:01:42

    Yea, blacksword and globe sure suck ass

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    25 April 2002 14:07:43

    We need more people like Wasach, it'd make these comment pages a lot funnier.

  • Author
    Darknova [legacy]
    25 April 2002 13:26:01

    but then again, the unique weapons morals can get are so bad, its just plain sad. Anfidurl, ick. Dragontooth, ick. So as I see it, it is balanced, (well, sort of). And note, the sapphire sword is only good against true shadowspawns. Not a great many are true shadowspawns. Stop chanting balance! *covers his ears*

    --Darknova wakes up with a dwarf migraine.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    25 April 2002 12:52:02

    Nah you think to much of theme and books wazzy .. What should be changed is the damn sapphy sword .. it is way to easy to get .. there are way to many of them .. and they hurt like hell to us shadowspawns .. Its almost like a shadowsword for the good .. only its not unique .. not even semi .. and you can get it with a snap of your fingers ..

    *chant BALANCE IT!!!!!!*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 April 2002 12:00:12

    My fucking knee to both you cocksuckers (note I am drunk while writing this so FUCK OFF, WHEE)

    I'm sorry but pasties (or any food) and a flask?

    bunch of fucking pussy ass motherfuckers.

    Someone ask Deb the last time I went into an RP duel so unbalanced...I got sent running for my life, no time for any of that shit.

    Not to mention where a piece of shit like that gets off wielding the DAKS, oh yes, I mean that SO FUCKING POORLY CODED UNIQUE THAT IT GETS TOTALLY IGNORED BY VALINOR! I hope Melkor reads this shit, like the DAKS getting used by CoU to kill FUCKING PRINCE IMRAHIL shouldn't have set off his alarms as to the poor coding of Uniques...

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    25 April 2002 08:03:21


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    25 April 2002 07:33:34

    I love seeing a good duel to the death. My respect to both of you.

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    25 April 2002 07:25:22

    Good honest clean fight. Didnt think that was possible from Udungul. I could of fought alot better, made to many damn mistakes. Next duel wont be for awhile though, finals coming up soon its gonna be a week or two until im even leveled again with all my test coming up. *returns handshake and Rome's knees buckle in pain* :)

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    25 April 2002 07:12:21

    It didn't look too fair. :) Sapphy vs a villainous? pasties in a spar? wtf, I thought bkd had the IL?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    25 April 2002 07:09:34

    Train yo dodge, son! You can get that shit up 5 points higher by training, why wouldn't you? :P

  • Author
    Rome [legacy]
    25 April 2002 07:01:05

    I enjoy duels to the death alot actually, win or lose, 50/50 chance, I did have more eq than him, but it was a clean and fair fight, we have made an agreement for another duel in the future, that log will also be posted. *grips Balzamon's hand in a firm handshake* You fought well.