Draugluin vs Rauko

Posted by
Castamir [legacy]
26 April 2002 00:00:00

An example of our powers in action (even though Draug was just a lord when this log took place).

@ Rauko: Anything else going on that needs my meddling?
^ ]Newbiecomm Indra: anyone know of where I can start at quest, only level3
@ Rauko: Well I shouldnt say "need".
^ ]Newbiecomm Indra: even a town??
(I) @ Draugluin: I could use a nice town full of mid level variags, with cool
     quests, rewarding experiences, and decent equipment. Oh yeah, and its
     gotta be fun.
@ Rauko: Is there anything going on that is trying to avoid my meddling
     that I can screw with?
^ Mithgil: jees, this perfectly good new mead hall is completely empty,
     except for me
@ Rauko: No no, it has to already exist for me to meddle with it. :)
^ Quenn: shock suicided!?
Devlyn shouts: SKYEYE get a stone
(I) @ Draugluin: It does. I can whip up some .c files really quickly ;)
^ Mithgil: i'd think some of you rohirrim would be here
(I) @ Eol: I'll help :P
(I) @ Draugluin: See? :)
^ Mithgil: yes, quenn, shock suicided
@ Rauko: Well let me save you the time and tell you that it sucks.
@ Rauko: Ha!
(I) @ Draugluin: Of course it sucks, thats why you are going to do all the
     above stuff and make it great. :P
@ Rauko: I destroy, I don't create!
^ Mithgil: boy this mead is good stuff
^ Turk: ya but its so public. we'll wait till the hype dwindles down.
     Besides will kill enough amruin just sparring
(I) @ Draugluin: Thats the meddling, the meddling!
(I) @ Draugluin: Ohhh.
^ Quenn is shocked!
(I) @ Draugluin: Elves then. Go meddle with the elves.
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Tinytits has drawn Rauko's wrath and is no more!
(I) @ Eol: What's with you and elves. What did we ever do to you?
@ Rauko: I destroy, I don't create!
            _--                  --_
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Lkjkl has drawn Rauko's wrath and is no more!
@ Rauko: Destroy!
(I) @ Draugluin: Besides being sick, foul creatures deserving of nothing but a
     cruel hard death?
(I) @ Draugluin: Besides making life tough on me, my master, and my masters
System message from Rauko at Wed May 23 19:41:10 2001:
     You're not dead.  You may continue breathing now.
@ Castamir: heh
@ Rauko: the problem is that they're in tight with your master's master's
(I) @ Draugluin: How so?
(I) @ Draugluin: Oh wait, I read that wrong :p
@ Rauko: Being his children?
(I) @ Draugluin: Quiet you!
@ Rauko: Doi!
(I) @ Draugluin: Please don't throw your facts, theme, and common sense at me.
     If you can't just be part of the 'destroy all elves' faction, you're not
     helping! :)
@ Rauko: thpth
[ Rauko has left The Two Towers ]
(I) @ Draugluin flexes.