Tua... uhm, Fuingul dies!

Posted by
Lotraz [legacy]
28 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Its not very often I care to show logs. However, I just found out who this guy is, so I figured it at the least would make your weekend. The log is boring though, so do't except great entertainment!


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    29 April 2002 19:29:39

    Tuareg. Note the :) at the end of Baklen's comment. He seemed to be joking about how the fact that eveything is mping. He really didnt seem serious at all.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    29 April 2002 15:59:27

    Blah, everyone knew about Ruiniel Bashgeroy. He logged off as Ruiniel and 2 seconds later logged on as Bashgeroy about a zillion times. Kinda obvious

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    29 April 2002 15:16:36

    Umm, thanx, guys, but just don't pay attention to fags like Tuareg:P

  • Author
    Squibb [legacy]
    29 April 2002 05:13:13

    Uhm if Lotraz really didnt know who this guy was and he talked shit then I don't see a damn problem. Even if he knew who he was and he talked shit I still don't see a damn problem killing him.

    And no, I'm not anti-Tuareg and have never tried to kill him nor would I even think about it, but on the flip side just because we know who someone's alt is should not be a reason NOT to kill them if they start shit with you or your friends.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    29 April 2002 01:48:07

    Mp stated by melkor. Mp is knowing of something from another char that this char could not possibly know. Also talking/sharing/eq passing/gold passing and anything like those sorts is also mp if passed between alts. So therefor Tuareg your ass couldn't know that hb or shouldn't know it, let alone have the same fucke emotes:)

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 23:49:59

    Phew. When I was reading through the comments, I thought I was gonna have to dig through logs and find Tuareg doing the 'Ruiniel/Bashgeroy' thing. Thanks for that, Lotraz. Now I think it's time for some fun...

    'What the fuck?! Why the hell should Ruiniel have to rewrite his whole fucking alias system just because some bastard cheating son of a fucking Tuareg scumbag multiplaying so-and-so can't keep his mouth shut? Raaaar! It makes me so mad, but only when it happens to me!'



  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    28 April 2002 23:42:37

    'I could reveal a crap load of alts here if I wanted, but I don't do it.'


    Date: 23. Apr, 2002, 20:50 By: Tuareg

    'You could have posted that comment with Ruiniel too, Bashgeroy.. would only have been the third in a row.'

    Just don't say you don't do it. Im sure everyone knew that kind of information, but don't lie Tuareg.

  • Author
    Morgar [legacy]
    28 April 2002 21:09:45

    Tuareg, you left the room, then i attacked, i said if you leave the room i would do so, you did and I attacked. I assumed you went to go heal because you were fighting all 3 npc's at the time. Keep bitching about it

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    28 April 2002 15:38:54

    Wasach, post shorter things so we the dumbs here can read them, ok?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 April 2002 15:29:14

    that was pretty fucking random

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    28 April 2002 15:25:09

    and to break the hum drum flamer comments, I present this true story for your reading enjoyment. Sorry, hankies not included...

    >Richard, (my husband), never really talked a lot about his time in VietNam

    >other than he had been shot by a sniper. However, he had a rather grainy,

    >8X10 black & white photo he had taken at a USO show of Ann Margaret with Bob

    >Hope in the background that was one of his treasures.


    >A few years ago, Ann Margaret was doing a book signing at a local bookstore.

    >Richard wanted to see if he could get her to sign the treasured photo so he

    >arrived at the bookstore at 12 o'clock for the 7:30 signing. When I got

    >there after work, the line went all the way around the bookstore, circled

    >the parking lot, and disappeared behind a parking garage.


    >Before her appearance, bookstore employees announced that she would sign

    >only her book and no memorabilia would be permitted. Richard was

    >disappointed, but wanted to show her the photo and let her know how much

    >those shows meant to lonely GI's so far from home.


    >Ann Margaret came out looking as beautiful as ever and, as second in line,

    >it was soon Richard's turn. He presented the book for her signature and

    >then took out the photo. When he did, there were many shouts from the

    >employees that she would not sign it. Richard said, 'I understand. I just

    >wanted her to see it'.


    >She took one look at the photo, tears welled up in her eyes and she said,

    >'This is one of my gentlemen from Viet Nam and I most certainly will sign

    >his photo. I know what these men did for their country and I always have

    >time for 'my gentlemen'. With that, she pulled Richard across the table and

    >planted a big kiss on him. She then made quite a to-do about the bravery of

    >the young men she met over the years, how much she admired them, and how

    >much she appreciated them. There weren't too many dry eyes among those

    >close enough to hear.


    >She then posed for pictures and acted as if he was the only one there.


    >Later at dinner, Richard was very quiet. When I asked if he'd like to talk

    >about it, my big strong husband broke down in tears. 'That's the first time

    >anyone ever thanked me for my time in the Army', he said.


    >Richard, like many others, came home to people who spit on him and shouted

    >ugly things at him. That night was a turning point for him. He walked a

    >little straighter and, for the first time in years, was proud to have been a



    >I'll never forget Ann Margaret for her graciousness and how much that small

    >act of kindness meant to my husband.


    >I now make it a point to say 'Thank You' to every person I come across who

    >served in our Armed Forces. Freedom does not come cheap and I am grateful

    >for all those who have served their country. If you'd like to pass on this

    >story, feel free to do so. Perhaps it will help others to become aware of

    >how important it is to acknowledge the contribution our service people make.


    >I hope this gets around to Jane Fonda!!!




    ps. Adunazon, it's only cool to 'fall asleep' while commenting *cough cough* if it's caused by the previous consumption of large quantities of alcohol...

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    28 April 2002 14:52:35

    Good point, Klouse.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    28 April 2002 14:25:42

    Looks like a kill with 2 people. Whether you were expecting it or not it happened. You should only trust yourself on this game...and take 'into' consideration of what other people say. Use your head not your heart on this game, that is when they rip it out and hand it back to you. Just play your game, stop bitching and crying about when you die. Take it like a man. So what, people will kill you when you log on an ALT because of your 'Primary' character. I have gone through that for 6years, and I don't give a fuck. Just

    makes you better. Also, there is a huntbreak that is close to where you were. You could of used the stairs to CU his ep goes faster than yours, but you decided to break where? Thanduils? *rotfl*

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    28 April 2002 14:05:45

    Ah, it felt good to kill again.

    -Norin the Nameless.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    28 April 2002 13:51:21

    Talan, talking crap is a very serious reason to kill someone:PP

    And, blah, hypocrites.Who the fuck cares about contracts? If you wanna kill someone, just go do it.It's damn ridiculous to kill people because they are killable.

    Blah, you have no idea about the penguins in Sudan and the camels in Alaska.

    Hum hum, whatever you may say, props to Tuareg for leveling up and playing.And..Tuareg, if your a bitch and behave like a bitch, you should be ready for gangbangs.You don't seem to get it.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    28 April 2002 12:32:03

    Duniv has a really good point imho.

    It would only be fair if those of you who complain about alt char affiliation would demonstrate some self critisizm on your own behalf, for revealing yourselves to your friends.

    If no righteous crusader comes forth, then no righteous crusader should complain. Anything else is hypocracy.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    28 April 2002 12:12:41

    heh. No Kujo, like I said, I fell asleep after reading the title and then posted. And the sad thing is I understand it all, even after sleeping through so-called 'explanations.''

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    28 April 2002 12:09:31

    I had a really good comment to make here.. but then I fell asleep again. god dammit. Maybe next time.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    28 April 2002 12:08:24

    Did you actually read Lotraz's comments before you posted Aduna?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    28 April 2002 12:07:57

    Oh, and while having read Tuaregs posts I must add one thing.

    I don't in particular find it nice style to reveal something like this on a place like this. I know full well, that Fuingul will have no chances of social interaction in the future. He is pretty much destined to go around Arda alone, being on the 'free-to-kill' list of most any guild.

    Noone likes this player on this mud!

    However, hadn't it excactly been this person, I wouldn't have lifted the information, knowing it would have these consequenses for him. But, the prick is the single person on this site to have revealed the most alts.

    Whenever he gets the chance, he uses it to mention those alts he knows. Taking this into account, I feel rather well about returning the monkey to him.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    28 April 2002 12:04:37

    *yawn* oh.. I just woke up after reading the title of this log. Don't you ever do anything new? Don't you ever do anything besides pk people because of who they WERE rather that what they are? Just another reminder why I find solace NOT logging on the mud, contrary to why I started here.

    Thank you.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    28 April 2002 11:59:12

    Just to clarify for the dimwhits.

    I saw a contract on Fuingul, people in the guild felt like having him dead for Fuinguls offenses towards Vallejo.

    Norin and I killed him.

    THEN I find out who it was. The only action taken due to Fuinguls alts was the posting of this log.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 07:17:09

    Ketan, thats fine for only killing him once, but i wouldn't talk about one kill as being 'doomed'. I was referring to the future kills that will happen, because of who his alt is. You wouldnt kill someone who talked trash more than once, but i bet he dies many times.

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 06:38:20

    I think some people did't get the fuingul alt thing

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 06:26:57

    This 'log everything' plan is working out pretty well for me. 4/22/02, 5 days ago, Vallejo told me he was about to kill Fuingul. I asked why.

    Vallejo tells you: Fuingul tells you: well, he did... and it doesn't matter to me if he's 'almost in' or already inside. I piss on your multiplaying guild and yourrude, respectless behaviour. Believe me, Morgar is the right man for your gay assfuck guild.

    Yeah, let's all have pity on Fuingul, because we're picking on him for nothing he did as Fuingul. *smirk*


  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 06:14:38

    Doomed by nothing he did with that character? See, this is the problem with talking about stuff that you don't really know about, Talan. Fuingul was put on the FRA kill list because he was standing at the Edoras gossiper talking trash. I do not like people calling members of the FRA 'fags.' Which leads to how we found out who he is...he escaped a pkill attempt with the exact same emote and tactic in Bree that a certain other person does. *shrug* He screwed himself over, don't feel bad for him. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut, which isn't unusual.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 05:34:21

    Vallejo, your alts are all the same character. Fuingul was a totally separate character. If a player tries to play different chars differently, then it is ridiculous to kill them because of their alts. Furthermore, my alt was level 6 and i was just fucking around, the fact that i actually killed some TB alts is still something that brings a smile to my face, however, I only attacked one of your alts.

    however, i misread Lotraz's comment on this, I thought he said that he found out who he was and THEN he killed him. If he killed him and then found out...thats alright. I still feel sorry for the character Fuingul now though, hes doomed by nothing he did as that character.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    28 April 2002 05:05:10

    Talan, don't be a hypocrit. I still recall your little newbie assassin trying to kill 2-3 alts of mine that had no contracts and had done nothing wrong to anyone. Furthermore, does no one read what I type? The character _Fuingul_ was put on the FRA free-kill list for insulting the guild and it's members, and if you'll pay close attention to what Lotraz said in the damn description he admits that Fuingul was dead and THEN he found out who his alt was.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    28 April 2002 05:01:31

    Why not just do what I do. Only have one character ;) that solves all that 'alt' bullshit prblms ;)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    28 April 2002 04:21:07

    Ugh. Before this turns into a huge flame war. Erm, actually it's a bit late for that. This will be my last post at any rate. If you wish to play your characters as entirely seperate entities, more power to you. If you do that, you most likely won't be killed because of an alt. Not nearly as much, at least, as if you mix them. I was just commenting on how people who constantly whine about keeping characters seperate when it comes to deaths, contradict themselves by mixing characters when relating to their friends. I'm neither condoning mixing characters, nor condemning it. I only have one character, so it doesn't affect me.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    28 April 2002 04:03:34

    Killing people cause of who their alt is is ridiculous. I suppose its alright for me to kill Lotraz now even though he hasnt done a damn thing to me?

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    28 April 2002 04:00:36

    I have been playing all my characters seperately, Duniv. I don't know why ppl can't do the same. And when I play, no one know who am I and I don't bother to tell them 'Hi, this is me.' That's why all my chars' friend/enemy list is different from each other.


  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    28 April 2002 03:53:25

    I have no problem with this log. If you didn't notice, Fuingul also had a contract. Don't tell me if you saw a contract on somebody you knew just happened to be an enemy of yours on another character, you wouldn't take it. Why is it people accept the mixing of characters when it comes to their friends, but complain when their enemies do it? Given the fact that most people play out of character most of the time, how much different are their seperate characters? Even when people roleplay their characters, it is the actual personality that drives the motivations of the character. Just my two cents.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    28 April 2002 03:45:08

    Shut up fag, 1) He had a contract, 2) He was on FRA kill list for insulting the guild two days ago.

  • Author
    Grum [legacy]
    28 April 2002 03:03:39

    Its not very often I care to show logs. However, I just found out who this guy is, so I figured it at the least would make your weekend. The log is boring though, so do't except great entertainment!

    Why? Whats the point Lotraz? You kill him because of an alt? Thats awesome, you sure are cool now! *thumbs down*