Vabur dies.

Posted by
Kaizen [legacy]
30 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

BkD continue to die left and right when they venture out of their Guild. Here, Vabur dies a few squares from his home ... Groo and Bragl take him out ... this is about 5 minutes after they take out Balzamon near Rhosgobel.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 05:09:57

    The ShadowBringer was here!!

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 May 2002 05:30:28

    I would, but he never leaves his fucking guildhall. And when he does, he's either in a gangbang party, or there isnt anyone on. And then when someone, lets say me for example, gets on, he goes into hiding.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    07 May 2002 01:50:05

    been around where for a long time? hey! where am I? How'd I get here? *groan* where is my medication...

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    06 May 2002 15:58:12

    Uh, stuff. I've been here a long time, but I dont remeber shit... ;p

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    05 May 2002 22:38:53

    Yeah, brahm, he sucks so much that at level 16 he still hasnt been killed despite the best efforts of your entire guild.

    *shrug* instead of talking shit why dont you just go and kill him and prove what a newbie he is.

    Newbies die in wars right? Why hasnt he?

    Baklen, i have no fucking idea what you're talking about, but suck my cock anyway.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 May 2002 20:40:17

    Wow Talan you sure are something, seems you changed since I've been gone, all I was doing was stating a point thats about it.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    05 May 2002 09:51:42

    No, I'm just saying that Kaizen is a newbie compared to half the mud.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    05 May 2002 08:01:44

    So, you're saying that you're special because you know who baklen's alts were?

    (just clarifying)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    04 May 2002 23:53:28

    Proof of how truely ignorant Kaizen is, thinking Baklen is new here.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    04 May 2002 19:49:59

    The part of them saying they got us disbanded really ticked me off. Its clearly false, though they did beat on us, it had nothing to do with us disbanding as a guild.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    04 May 2002 19:47:52

    BKD had nothing to do with Cou getting disbannded that is true, Wait wait, First thing was, because I was COU. I was there I know why first hand. And Bkd Killed a hell of alot of us, I don't care what you say. I got gangbanged to level 14 from 19 while I was cou cause I was the only one who either left when Bkd were on or two stupid to do anything. And I clearly Remember the war, they had no part in us disbanding cause we couldn't meet the race amount in the time that Turin set for us. You forget I've been in every guild in arda, I just didn't play as Baklen as some seem to think. This was before BKd even got there gh, and a little into them getting there GH I remember Azim Attacking me one day. And I said why, he goes you have whip. Why else? Just goes to see how people change. I also Remember you leaving to join the stupid ass megs. But lets not go into history to much.

  • Author
    Kaizen [legacy]
    04 May 2002 17:35:42

    Baklen, where do you get this revisionist version of history from?

    At what point did BkD and CoU fight and at what point did BkD 'wup' CoU's ass? Not that it matters - but I figured someone new to this place would read the crap you spew and actually think it took place.

    I think its hilarious that the BkD actually take credit for CoU being disbanded - when they had nothing to do with it. Why are you so high on yourselves?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    04 May 2002 17:09:37

    I have gotten over 35k in reimbursements, I've died twice.

    I have had less than 25k in fines which wouldn't equal 2 deaths, but I've killed a lot more than 2 Udungul.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    04 May 2002 09:01:51

    thats not at all what i'm saying, i'm saying that what you say has no bearing on reality most of the time, and this string of comments proves it.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    04 May 2002 06:44:13

    *snorts* Kaizen you were singing a different tune when BKD wuped Cou's ass into the ground, ohh but let me guess didn't you just pack up and leave? Oh yah thats right.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    04 May 2002 06:02:53

    Yes, and we all know that you are all knowing, Talan. *stifle*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    04 May 2002 04:30:13

    *whispers to the bartender that the next few rounds should be on the house and not watered down...*

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    04 May 2002 03:10:21

    This just shows what kind of crap usually spews from brahms mouth.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    04 May 2002 02:45:09

    What, you hunted and barely hit him once, big deal, any assassin could do that. And fuck off about the idle kill, you're the moron who went afk during a war. I wasnt praising it, I was just stating that I had never heard of you before that kill. Btw, the reimbursements that I've gotten out of this war far outweight the costs of my 2 deaths, and the number of udungul that I have killed far outweight my fines.

  • Author
    Kaizen [legacy]
    04 May 2002 02:12:42

    Before 'we' killed him in this war? You've never killed me in this war. You've never killed me, period. One of your ex-guildmembers who no longer exists idle killed me when I was a level 14. Congrats! That shows a lot of skill.

    But - since you brought it up:

    A cursory search of the archive demonstrates that Udungul has killed you twice:

    ( &


    And, genius, in asking: 'What has he done so far in the war, btw?' -- please take note of the log you are posting to. It kind of undermines your argument when you post such a comment to a log where I'm participating in a kill on a BkD.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    03 May 2002 23:27:41

    Funny how I never heard of Kaizen before we killed him in this war, now he's talking shit to me like he's something special. What has he done so far in the war, btw?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    03 May 2002 22:47:21

    GO TARN! Nothing better than NOT living with your parents! Just make sure to get yourself a nice long couch that has a little sag to it for playing video games comfortablely...and save up money to buy a shitty refridgerator and convert it to a kegerator.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    03 May 2002 21:49:47

    Brahm, you say you were killed by a 6 man party..but you had 5 people in your party. That was the time YOU tried to gangbang the shit out of ME with a 5 man party, and got it TURNED AROUND on your pathetic ass.

    Then that other '5 man kill' wasnt really that either, it was 4 man, i was there but i was just doing finds and drunk.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    03 May 2002 20:44:46

    Hmm.... I wouldn't call BKD a joke, afterall there has been some pretty good logs posted by them.

  • Author
    Kaizen [legacy]
    03 May 2002 19:50:06

    I think the difference, Brahm, is that Udungul are

    A) battle tested players and B) older players in RL.

    A - the Udungul - or at least many of them - have been around long enough to know how to fight a war. Frankly, I think the BkD are stupid (not brave) --- 5 to 10 BkD die every week and you think we actually consider it insulting when you comment on our play style? You sound like an idiot.

    B - many Udungul are in their late 20s (like myself) and play from work -- which explains the 'idleness' you are trying to persuade people

    is us being scared to come out of our guildhall.

    In fact, I think BkD is one of the weakest enemies I have ever faced in my years of playing

    here ... the accusation that we idle in the Guild out of fear is a complete misnomer. You think we are afraid of you? Are you fucking kidding me? Your guild is a joke.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    03 May 2002 19:26:32

    Yer a badass Brahm! of course, the rest of your guild is a bit lacking, but you just rule! DUDE! Well, Nogothrim or whatever supposedly seems pretty good too, but he just uses those dumb boats to get everywhere which is just wierd. (who cares if it lets you dodge pks, its still wierd. wiierdo!) Oh and my parents are dumb. 2.5 more months with em and then I never have to live with them until my life falls apart and I become completely broke and have no were else to turn too. Which hopefully wont happen

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    03 May 2002 19:22:50

    To have mudsex with goblins!

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    03 May 2002 18:59:07

    Why get on when you're just going to idle for 2 hours?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 May 2002 18:53:35

    As the old sayen goes, why take risks when you don't have to?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    03 May 2002 18:43:27

    Tarn, find out a little bit about what you are talking about before you make assumptions. I've been attempted over 15 times. Most times it being at least 5 people (only 3 with less than 4). I've only died twice, once by 5 people, once by 6. Hence I don't have to wish them to attack me with 5 people, because its all they do. I'm just saying that they run scared when they don't have what it takes. Whereas the BKD who get killed don't give up on what they want to do and just go for it, taking the risk.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    03 May 2002 18:32:04

    oh and Udungul smell funny

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    03 May 2002 18:31:38

    Wow Brahm. Pretty amazing. Of course that happened to me for well, lets see, about 5 months straight. Of course Udungul is much better than, VC beorning amruin etc, but then again you've died a lot more than I did during that time. I mean, are you really complaining that they aren't getting 5 people together (and they need an assassin. Assassins are suprisingly rare sometimes) and go gangbang you?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 May 2002 15:41:58

    Yup that just sums it up.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    03 May 2002 14:01:32

    Wow... lets talk some more smack! Udungul suck, and don't ever get EQ on their own, and fade everytime they leave their halls, and there are only 2 people that leave their halls and they always gangbang, and they have Talan do finds for them so they stay safe, and they don't RP, and they don't defend their area, and they idle too much, and they can't solo. Ok, did I miss anything? Oh, and they are all Mplayers and cheaters. Please, feel free to add more.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    02 May 2002 21:07:06


  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    02 May 2002 20:47:11

    Lol...I love how baklen has no idea what is going on but he posts rambling shit anyway.

    Udungul does not defend this area, but we do kill dwarves. Dwarf happened to be there when we killed him.

    We also killed another BKD here today, so thats why you saw us selling gear from this area, it was off his corpse.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    02 May 2002 20:25:10

    Its kind of hard to kill Udungul when you log on, someone notices you and Kaizen and Twocute are idle for 45 minutes in their guildhall, Jayz gets on, they all stay idle for another hour and 15 minutes in their guildhall when its been 2 hours of me wasting sheriff's times with the same finds while I get a couple hauberks and flasks, a dws, and like 6 or 7k gold. The reason I see it that we are losing the war is because we actually go out and kill shit taking chances when they have 3, 4, 5 members on. But when we have what we need to kill them, they fade to leave their guildhall or make sure Talan has them updated with a find every 15 seconds. Shit

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    02 May 2002 19:32:23

    Post 2:Kaizen said

    Those orcs are property of Lord Sauron and are there to support the invasion of the Elven

    Kingdom of Thranduils. Vabur should not have been killing there ...

    --Rumours go that Udungul are also killing those Orcs, cause I saw an Udungul selling all their gear..unless its loot from another player who killed there..

    I dont know. I dont care. I wont meddle...But just wanted to say this. If you protect them-->dont kill them (my opinion)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    02 May 2002 18:18:15

    yea! fuck rp and just go pk people. much more fun!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 May 2002 16:44:59

    You call the rp and warnings and all that gay? Well you brought it upon yourself, if every tom dick and harry didn't report everyone for protecting an npc then it wouldn't be that way.

    Shit it should just be your a dead man and enemy to my race, now die, and then you guys are on your way. Hunting someone with 5 fucken people is no where near rp I don't give a fuck what you say, what it is is a cheap fucken way to kill someone in the name of your NEW rp. Fuck that.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 May 2002 16:41:25

    You can't say this is a pk mud. Cause well its not, the players may make it that way. But everything is coded against pkilling. This mud is so easy on pkilling its not even funny. Go play eotw. or go play some damm rom mud were pkilling is totally rampent. This is nothing. Now to my next point. Arda is changing its no where near what it was and it wont ever be again. You can not force your rp onto someone else. Thats total horseshit. We have standards to go by or try, so now hunting in rp combat is ok? Now that is total fucken bullshit. I don't give a fuck who you are, you saying its rp we are defending and Driving the enemy out. Know what I could see this from maybe koda if they choose to. Because I know they are trying to rp. But Kaizen and them, they simply want a head to say ah I killed them. MAN GROW some FUCKEN skill and do the deed god damm right. If you want to fight and rp then fight and let them run or you run vice versa, If you want to kill go and kill someone with some balls and some skill. Its really lame, and If you keep giving this fucken excuse to kill, then you know what? You ass is gonna get romped into the god damm ground, cause its fucken Pathetic.

    PS Even though you can't get out of the line of killing trust me I've tried, it gets forced upon you, so what you got to do is suck it up. And do what they do to you. Thats how you got to live.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    02 May 2002 16:03:35

    Its bad RP to run from thrans to rhos is 4 seconds so now to be in theme everyone should spend 3 weeks (irl) going from thrans to rhos (And another 3 back)

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    02 May 2002 14:59:01

    Oh Azmodian, shut your trap. If you define the merits of a guild by its ability/willingness to PK, then yes, BKD is wimps.

    However, after years of strong preasure from Valinor and internal conflict as a result, BKD has changed so they don't like PK, they don't focus on PK and in general aren't particular willing to PK.

    In return BKD build other strengthes in regards to roleplay and theme.

    Strengths that currently are being destroyed by Udunguls decision to force its own definition of roleplay onto BKD.

    That is a prime example of why this is a PK mud and not a RP mud.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    02 May 2002 10:38:20


  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    02 May 2002 08:29:11

    It may surprise you to know... BKD are wimps

  • Author
    Jayz [legacy]
    02 May 2002 06:56:42

    Just because the Udungul seem to at present have the dwarven forces held back, certainly doesn't mean we are logging on in record numbers. Believe me, we rarely have more than 3 logged on at a time either, so don't blame frequent pkilling and attempts of a particular guild for the lack of people logging on. It might surprise you but most of the time there are more bkd logged on than Udungul.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    02 May 2002 03:57:54

    Talan said:

    Anyone reading this log, just keep in mind that whatever BKD says is biased.

    I would just like to point out, that before Megs became UD, I visited their guildhall one time(cuz I had couple friends in there) and I startd talking to Sqibb about this. I was like Squibb dude is your new theme going to cause us to actually hate each other, and Squibb's reply was 'I'll try my best to keep this strictly RP, and not have it affect out of RP.' And this is a war, but UD keep calling it RP, it is NOT RP, just don't say that word;) BkD being attacked at Rhosgobel.. Hmm how many evil minions are at Rhos I forgot.. Or alias from MT to Edoras.. I don't know about everyone else, but when I run my MT to Edoras alias, I'm usually not killing any of Sauron's bitches.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    02 May 2002 02:42:15

    I don't have time to read all the silly junk you guys are posting, but I'd just like to mention that, Italacus: No hunting is NOT the basic rule of RP combat. It is BS ;). Otherwise it's very hard to combine PK with RP, wouldn't you agree?


  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    02 May 2002 01:59:24

    Oh yeah, and Kaizen's right.

    The old days were all pk. There was no RP bullshit combat until the Amruin started it in late 98.

    We did have 'personal rp' as i like to call it. With Regor and Uther and so on. That type of RP is one of the things Udungul focuses on. Being in theme, having a character history, living your character.

    RP combat is just an idiots attempt to be in theme, we go a step above that.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    02 May 2002 01:56:37

    A lot of Udungul RP on a personal level. We fight amruin KoDA and BKD in 'rp combat' in the traditional sense.

    And most importantly, we RP with our allies just sitting and chatting, smoking, drinking..whatever. We are an example of a PK AND RP guild. You may say its impossible, but we beg to differ.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    02 May 2002 01:32:40

    What old days Kaizen?

    And once again, so even the less bright people can follow, I agree, your way of looking at RP is one way to do it Kaizen. But, realize the consequenses and live with it.

    How is BKD activity these days?

    What happened to those other kinds of roleplay BKD had before you started to force your RP onto that guild?

    How is the Udungul activity these days?

    Is Udungul seen as anything else but a PK guild?

    Do Arda see you roleplay any other times than when you PK?

  • Author
    Kaizen [legacy]
    02 May 2002 01:14:58

    I agree with Nogothrim 100%. He is consistently the only member of BkD who has any balls and doesn't run off whining and reporting when you

    attack them for some technical explanation of how the attacker crossed the line of 'RP' and ended up attempting a PK.

    I submit that the style of play that Talan and the Udungul participate in is the ONLY true RP. Everyone else is just cockfighting --- ooooh

    lets yell warnings at each other and not hunt so

    we can wimpy out of the room and be pussies. And if someone is bleeding lets bandage him so that

    we don't get fines and shit like that. Fuck that. The 'old days' that people mention so much never had any of this bullshit RP shit. RP is for people who are too lazy to make money to pay their fines or else to afraid to engage in combat to the death.

    Nogothrim is the only person I've seen lately that espouses the right way to RP.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    02 May 2002 01:06:10

    Yes Nogothrim, very true ... Ive never doubted these things to be fine from a perfectly thematic point of view.

    However, the way this game is build, having a focus on this big on PK, will bring sideeffects.

    Sideffects Ive mentioned more than once on this site.

    And quite frankly, history has proven on this mud, that either you can have:

    Roleplay that focuses on other things than PK.

    Or you can have PK.

    It is simply not possible in a situation with two sides to have both. You can call PK RP, but by doing this, you are deliberately choosing other types of RP off.

    Change the mechanisms of this mud, and that may change. But not until then.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    01 May 2002 23:51:21

    Nogothrim, your words are a little harsh. Try to keep the critisizm on the constructive side. Talan, try not to be so defensive.

    (begin rant)

    From what I can see, there are two types of RP fighting that seem to be most prevailent at this time.

    One is 'rp combat', where word is elevated above deed. Character exhibitions are the focus more than gameplay.

    The other is what I see (from the logs) in this war. Deed is elevated over word. Gameplay is the focus, rather than character.

    Neither one is superior to the other. They simply have a different focus.

    The question is, can we create a style of rp and emphasizes BOTH word and deed at the same time?

    (end rant. note: this is based on my observations alone and by no means do I claim to be RIGHT, but I hope you find what I have to say insightful)

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    01 May 2002 23:16:23

    Mithgil speaks of word and deed being RP. I believe your actions are more important than your words when RPing. Not headbutting at ND, not hunting, bandaging, giving warnings, etc...tells me that you are only saying the words of RP and not following through with actions. You people created this pathetic notion of RP because you are all lazy, weak, bums.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    01 May 2002 22:56:49

    A group of easterlings see a dwarf to the southwest killing orcs. They ambush the dwarf and chase him into the forest where they hack him into pieces laughing the whole time.

    Thats what happened right?

    I guess it would have been more inTheme if the easterlings had walked into the room with the dwarf and asked him to plz leave and be on his way.

    Hmm..Yeah it probably would have been more of an RP log if when the easterlings ambushed the dwarf they just let him run away.

    This log was a standard 3 on 1 PK. I doubt the killers were thinking of tolkien when they did this kill. But, wow....this perfectly fits into the books I love so much. Udungul and BkD are true enemies. That is what makes it so cool. Both sides will unintentionally make great RP logs like this one. Which in-turn will trigger other unintentionally great RP logs. Hopefully from Vabur's point of view.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    01 May 2002 22:20:31

    Blah. Well, I dont really care. You guys are just spewing forth the same old shit. Meanwhile we'll continue to kill you for RP, no other reason. We kill our enemies, we dont play with them. I RP a lot, anyone who says different is lying.

    Anyone reading this log, just keep in mind that whatever BKD says is biased.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    01 May 2002 19:39:06

    Well fuck, none of these wars are RP cause if it was real then everyone should die in 1 or 2 hits. You gotta have playability with RP too. Its a freakin game people. Bend the rules and have some fun for once. Go crazy. Get that 'ack its not rp!' stick outta your ass and go spreekill with a maxed char. Its fun. You should try it... :p

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    01 May 2002 19:35:32

    Ok, I have a couple comments to reply to.

    'Mithgil, they are at war, if there was a warning given, most likely Vabur would have gotten away.'

    Well then, maybe there is an advantage to 'rp combat' after all. It allows you to act your character in a way other than running your ass away.

    'What are you talking about mithgil, you give these stupid expressions but then no examples. What could we do better?'

    Well, let's take this log for example. The most any of the killers said was 'heh' and 'lol'. No battlecries, no roars, no screams. Maybe they could have said things like 'Die dwarven scum!' or 'You cannot escape from the dark lord!'. Or something, just some thoughts. If there's not enough time to say them during the PK, they could make them part of their aliases, or something.

    Like I said before, word and deed at the same time.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    01 May 2002 19:19:23

    The only diff between this war and a lot of other guild wars is that this war is much more thematic due to the fact that going by bkd's and udungul's theme you guys are actually enemies. Heck, I remeber one time back in the day when their was like a 3 day guild war between BkD and glorglas. Now that was some funny shit

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    01 May 2002 19:16:30

    Cant there just be a fuckin guild war between BkD and Udungul and everyone just quit bitching about RP?

    Oh and BkD use to be more of a pk guild than durms use to be. Then they got in theme and started being kinda gay like the VC

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    01 May 2002 19:01:21

    This is not about roleplaying. This is about Talan finding pleasure in his gaming style. Thats fine and great, ... except he is destroying things in a OOC manner due to that.

    Ive argued this before, and Talan has argued against it before, and he properly will again.

    This is an destructive attempt to hide PK as RP. It is destructive in the manner, that the focus of the playerinteraction and the 'playing a role' is solely focused on that of the playerkilling.

    So while Talan holds the banners high and claims he is broadening Ardas concepts of roleplaying by taking it to a more realistic level... he is infact not broadening, but more precisely greatly limiting it to another aspect ... namely that of the playerkilling.

    And mind you, this 'war' is not a reality by choise of BKD ... it is solely the result of the hurt ego of a few Udungul.

  • Author
    Italacus [legacy]
    01 May 2002 18:54:13

    I know I'm inactive and I shouldn't say anything, but it just amazes me how some people could still call this RP. I thought the most basic rule in RP was 'No hunting', and that is clearly not the case in half of these logs, and Erebor has Fallen to Udungul??? When I was active I never once saw a UD inside The mountain, but of course that is because I was killing in their little camp as they pass by me and don't say anything.. Maybe that is where they were headed:p

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    01 May 2002 18:40:25

    There were posts on the gossiper not long ago about 'Erebor has fallen to the mighty Udungul!' and shit like that, that gave me the impression that the war was over?

    And yeah Vabur. Good use of lexis. An example to all.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    01 May 2002 18:30:34

    Yes, and we all know that Tarn is all knowing in everything on this log page.

    The BKD have been striving toward being more of a RP guild than a PP guild for a very long time. Some may wonder what room is there for playing the role of a character in the fast pace of a pk war. When you are attacked by 4-6 people, there isnt much time for you to do anything besides hit an alias or two and rely on your skills and equipment to get you out of it. So, the question is: Is the mere use of triggers, aliases, equipment, and huntbreaks roleplaying?

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    01 May 2002 16:06:19

    Hehe whatever tarn :) you know shit about old days

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    01 May 2002 15:57:22

    Ok, so it appears that BkD is claiming to be better to rpers, but sucky pkers compared to Udungul. Which would be fine with me

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    01 May 2002 15:56:26

    You guys are in a guild war. Quit your fuckin bitching. This war is starting to remind me of Durms vs VC war. We'd wait for them to go to loth war camp or moria which is like 2 rooms away from there guild and then go take em out. ah the good ole days.

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    01 May 2002 13:17:30

    Tuareg, we're not whining, we're just confirming it.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    01 May 2002 13:02:40

    Oh, I forgot. I've not spoken to Talan that I can recall, but he has some particularly nice IC log descriptions on this log page.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    01 May 2002 12:57:58

    Yes Vabur, all present and correct, but the rest of your punctuation leaves something to be desired. ;)

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    01 May 2002 12:27:18

    Btw, gazza - i think i have my there, their, your and you're's right ? :P

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    01 May 2002 12:26:38

    Oh for crist sake Talan :P You're never in character, I have never seen one Udungul act in character and perform something that just reminded me a little of RP. I complained about this before this and 4 udungul tried to set me up, but lucky for me i left before they sat their triggers, next kaizen begins to 'RP' at thrands signpost, by asking me something like: 'So you say that you're a fag?' *boggle* not that shows some impressive rp skills from you guys :)

    Oh and i must add, this is the first time I see Kaizen leave his guildhall. The only udunguls that I know of that leaves their GH more then 20 rooms away is Groo and Bragl.

    Else, it seems like you sit and chat with eachother on icq and then you all logon in the same minute, go try to pk someone and then you all logoff. Thats just pethetic. I dont care, i dont wanna sit in guildhall all day thats just boring really. And if you think killing me will make me stop you're wrong :P

    have a nice day *babble babble*

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    01 May 2002 09:45:19

    What are you talking about mithgil, you give these stupid expressions but then no examples.

    What could we do better?

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    01 May 2002 08:15:40

    Mithgil, they are at war, if there was a warning given, most likely Vabur would have gotten away. Bkd kill the same way. Both sides are doing pretty well it looks like. Good war.

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    01 May 2002 05:50:05

    Like I said before, Fimbu, you gotta be in character in word AND deed. This log shows them walking the walk, but not talking the talk.

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    01 May 2002 03:16:00

    So stop dissin on us guild-idlers

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    01 May 2002 03:15:28

    Hey, the only reason you work your ass off to get into a guild is so you can look cool and sit in the hall

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    01 May 2002 02:39:43

    Yeah, but do they kill everyone that attacks in that camp? nope. And when I cleared out the camp, all three were unidle. Kaizen came out and defended poorly due to him being very weak, but then after he hunted and I almost killed him, he went right back to hiding in his guildhall.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    01 May 2002 02:13:31

    Actually, yes, you can ;) A guy was killing orcs in Sauron's camp and sauron's servant killed him...Hmm.


  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    01 May 2002 02:04:49

    You can't see that from this log.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    01 May 2002 01:34:06

    Very true Mithgil, and we are

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    01 May 2002 01:33:16

    Er... I got mixed up.

    'not only walk the walk if you want to talk the talk, but vice versa as well.'

  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    01 May 2002 01:26:31

    Killing each other while at war is fine and dandy... but that doesn't make it RP.

    When it comes to rp, you could say you not only have to talk the talk if you want to walk the walk, but vice versa as well. Be in character in word AND deed, not one at one time and another at another time.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    01 May 2002 01:19:10

    Speaking of being lame, has anyone else gotten nuked for passing gold to their alts?...besides Azmodan that is.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    01 May 2002 01:12:21

    give what up?

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    01 May 2002 01:08:49

    BKD might as well give up it's quite disturbing how lame you guys are

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    01 May 2002 00:37:56

    Uh, balzamon, he logged off afterwards, so obviously he did have to go.

    And its nice that you can kill in our camp when we're all idle. Bravo. Bravo.

    When we're active, we defend our camp with a vengeance.

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    30 April 2002 23:51:00

    I like how jackel passes me twice while Im killing in easterling camp. Then logs off soon after. Thats cool if you gotta go and cant defend but I mean the entire camp was cleared and im fighting right at there entrance and he just passes me not saying a thing. If he had even bothered to shape me hed of seen i was about average shape so its not like it would of taken any work to drive me away. Udungul claims to rp yet they never defend their own damn camp.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    30 April 2002 23:33:11

    Stop killing my orcs! They are minneeeeeee!!!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    30 April 2002 23:30:44

    Well, it is RP if they are at war with each other...but I am not in a Guild so what do I know...

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    30 April 2002 23:22:16

    Brahm, my guess would be that you are too difficult to be killed so close to guild hall. Apparently Vabur is not.

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    30 April 2002 22:47:53

    Mithgil, it's Udungul

    I dont think they can spell RP

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    30 April 2002 22:31:51


  • Author
    Mithgil [legacy]
    30 April 2002 22:28:47

    And this is RP?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    30 April 2002 22:23:42

    I cleared out your camp twice this morning, why didnt you kill me? You had 3 people on..

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    30 April 2002 22:09:40

    damn you :P

  • Author
    Kaizen [legacy]
    30 April 2002 22:03:27

    Those orcs are property of Lord Sauron and are there to support the invasion of the Elven

    Kingdom of Thranduils. Vabur should not have been killing there ...

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    30 April 2002 21:49:44

    That'll teach em for killin those orcs. Killed 20 rooms from your gh...Ouch.