-> Maniac slips while bla bla bla

Posted by
Raqtor [legacy]
02 May 2002 00:00:00

Its reboot and I din't get a claim *sniff* .. I see the lil basterd Maniac online and go after him even though I have no eq but an axe .. He could easyly have fireballed me away or get his friends to help by attacking. But no he will rather go and do a foul full emoting,fade,break. That makes me tick. First man to kill him gets 5k from me in return for the proof of deathblow. Hell I would give that to the 10 first if it wasn't a nuke reason.


  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    27 April 2003 14:52:58

    We have another brilliant comment, thanx Etor

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 May 2002 18:32:21

    No, its more like Dwain gets a contract every 3 days

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    04 May 2002 23:12:45

    Dwain get's a new contract per week, if that is not harassing them contracting Maniac 10 times wont be ;)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    04 May 2002 14:21:18


    damn i hate when that happens :)

    *pets Sunshine lovingly on the head*

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    04 May 2002 14:09:12

    *whispers to Manner* i think he meant that _he_ would be nuked for contracting him 10 times..

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    04 May 2002 13:36:50

    I dont see why you say that he shouyld be nuked, because he emoted what you triggered on?

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    04 May 2002 06:44:34

    *points Delgaur to the Tagwall*

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    03 May 2002 21:53:09

    Actualy Etor, Raqtor kicks ass

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    03 May 2002 21:52:58

    Erm, Raq, you dont know how to get past emotes? i expect better from you. its just soooo easy. and i mean, its a mud trigger that dont set off with emotes. It is possible, i can do it. Catch me online and i will prove it :).

  • Author
    Etor [legacy]
    03 May 2002 21:07:56

    Tarn when you try I will put your foot in your ass!1 suggestion.Take 10 more idiot durm.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    03 May 2002 14:19:41

    Raqtor kick more much ass than Etor. So quiet mouth Etor 'fore I shoveo my foots in your ass.

  • Author
    Helio [legacy]
    03 May 2002 12:53:58

    He has nice hunting emotes...wonder how he did them =)

  • Author
    Etor [legacy]
    03 May 2002 10:21:55

    Raqtor become a thief really that is perfect for you!not dangerious,not hard for your small brain

    really trust me .)

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    03 May 2002 01:05:15

    The funniest thinga bout this log is that he ran from Glorf to rhos when there are MANY huntbreaks in between, what a dumbass

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    03 May 2002 00:44:27

    rotfl running from gh to rhos :0 fun shit

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    03 May 2002 00:32:15

    Is it me, or does this way of trying to emote look suspiciously much alike?

    } Sharkan quietly says something, so quiet that you can't make it out.

    -> Sharkan As if in response a large slab of the floor begins to slide away

    Sharkan revealing a hole in the floor and a set of stairs. With confidence,emote they take the stairs down. Once out of sight the slab starts to

    -> Sharkan move back into place. With a final thud you realize you missed

    Sharkan your chance to follow.

    Sharkan fades into the shadows.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    02 May 2002 23:27:34

    Maniac and his friends tried to claimjump us at GRB and then take the Ithildin from ol' Limdul. Thanks Raq :-) I'll join you on the next one

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    02 May 2002 22:46:46

    I didn't have enough ep and I had no chance in hell of killing him .. I only tried him cause I was bored and perhaps I could get lucky. .. I don't care that he got away but I care about what he did.

    I was standing there at Cirdan thinking LOL I will get my ass kicked here ;-) .. and then I attacked. .. Going linkdead like he used to do when attacked would not tick me of ... but pulling this thing on a solo attacker is far beond anything I can live with.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 May 2002 21:04:48

    I feel your pain, but damn, he run that far :P I dont even know if you had enough ep to end that hunt raq

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    02 May 2002 19:31:46

    I do wish assassins were able to place contracts .. Anyways good hunting.