A dash for freedom!

Posted by
Fimbu [legacy]
04 May 2002 00:00:00

Hmm... This isn't a good log. But it works if you can imagine the state of mind I was in while running by those three or four sheriffs. Don't you hate that? Idling in the GH, and it turns out you forgot to pay a fine...


  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    06 May 2002 06:40:33

    Yeah, denezar, i got to that one first.

    I went wanted faded with a buncha kegs. After like 2 hours i faded off and did it the normal way though.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    06 May 2002 06:10:07

    heh this..

    Gazza asked me if i wanted to get fimbu and i just partied with him (having no idea what 'getting fimbu' ment cause i wasnt aware he was wanted)...

    I was off the mud when this was happening btw, mud kicked me off.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    06 May 2002 03:56:03

    Ah, well...in the Sheriffs defense, we really don't 'get notified' like the little message says. Which I think really needs to be changed. It makes it look worse for Sheriffs, who already have it bad enough is some areas. The fact that, in the log, it clearly says 'The sheriffs have been notified.' (though in bad english) makes it look bad after he passes three Sheriffs while going to pay. But that's just the way it is, I suppose, unless we can get the message changed.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    05 May 2002 13:30:39

    Rather shitty shirriffing.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    05 May 2002 13:06:57

    hehe, tell me about it, the whole time I was wanted...I was trying to hook up with Ladykris at the Bree courthouse.

    Die, go revive in bree, head to courthouse in bree, get attacked, die, revive, die, etc etc until Ladykris managed to get me cuffed. It probably would have gone on for a long time since I didnt now a damn thing about the game.

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    05 May 2002 12:02:02

    I was wanted first and guess where I was...At the bar of sheriff guild...Heh.It took about 20 mins. for me to find a sheriff to arrest me.I was there in the bar.Some sheriff was there but he was idle.I sent tells to some other but they were either low level or idle too...It sucks,doesn't it?Anyway I went to an inn room and finally managed to get Fofester's attention.He came and cuffed me.Forgive me but sometimes sheriffs suck horribly.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    05 May 2002 09:49:58

    I had this sweet plan to fade before I went wanted once and then keep infinitely drunk and faded until my time ran out. What a waste of thinking, forced fade off, some crap about people knowing your face and looking for you or something. *mutter*

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    05 May 2002 06:54:18

    You're lucky I wasn't on. :P

  • Author
    Helio [legacy]
    05 May 2002 05:35:07

    Guess most of the Sheriffs didnt know yet. No one triggered for you. Lucky guy =)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    05 May 2002 02:26:56

    Last time I went wanted, I got levelbashed in extremis. Something like 6 or 7 levels in about 5 minutes. Back when I didn't know a huntbreak...*groan* or even what a huntbreak was.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    05 May 2002 02:06:13

    Silly Manthalion, you newbie! ;) *ruffles Manthalion* Go wanted, and then try to fade. heh.

  • Author
    Manthalion [legacy]
    05 May 2002 01:56:16

    Fade, boy. Fade!

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    05 May 2002 01:43:08

    Good job, you don't know how many times I did that, while in the Durmanhoth GH. It was a little more scary. Going from gh to edoras... *yikes* :)