HP:150 EP:150> You open the northeast door. The main room of the Rufty-Tufty Inn(stage, bar and sw) About you, you can see: At the main room of the Rufty-Tufty Inn: Isilwende the sindar Empress (Hand of Eru) Necsipaal the sindar Empress (Demonic) Hume the dunlending Medicine Man (Angelic) Alcniliel the sindar Accepted (Moral) Fingol the sindar Fence (Heroic) Orlandu the silvan Warlord (Villainous) Wyngel the dunedain Ship-King of Umbar::::(Black Sash) A silent man nurses his drink { sitting } A elderly man is here, drinking away his woes { sitting } At the bar of the Rufty Tufty: Anthlar the dunedain Trailblazer (Moral) Atli, the barkeep A trash can You close the southwest door. HP:150 EP:150> The sensuous myrrh Fingol is wearing tickles your fancy. Wyngel nods aye aye. beam Fingol smiles a cunning smile. You beam brightly. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel greets you. Wyngel greets Fingol. Alcniliel smiles happily. Fingol gives you a bouquet of fresh flowers. Necsipaal goes "Woo!". Chort wipes away a tear. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. smile warmly You smile warmly. Necsipaal cheers enthusiastically for you. Orlandu says: didn't even get the wedding dress? From the bar, Anthlar stifles a giggle. The sensuous myrrh Fingol is wearing tickles your fancy. Alcniliel looks at you. Wyngel hollers at Beruthiel with most noble corsair style(tm) Fingol looks at you. Necsipaal looks at you. The southwest door swings open. Tantor enters. Tantor closes the southwest door. Orlandu says: u can't have a wedding without it! Wyngel looks at you. smile You smile tenderly. HP:150 EP:150> -> Isilwende approaches the couple and bows deeply beofore them. look robe The silk fabric of this unadorned robe feels wonderful against your skin. With some work, the tailor could easily turn this into an elegant dress; but then, some people prefer shapeless robes. The silk has been dyed jet black. HP:150 EP:150> ' This one is just the perfect robe You say: This one is just the perfect robe HP:150 EP:150> The southwest door swings open. Hochopepa enters. Hochopepa closes the southwest door. Necsipaal says: I love your dress sweetie! Wyngel says: i want to play a song You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Fingol says in Sindarin: nice Tantor looks at Fingol. grin You grin with sharp teeth. HP:150 EP:150> Chort mumbles something about his shop. Isilwende looks at you. From the bar, Anthlar leaves main room. Anthlar enters. Alcniliel nods. Wyngel looks at you. Hochopepa bows as a Gondorian dignitary. Wyngel oohs excitedly. The sensuous myrrh Fingol is wearing tickles your fancy. Hochopepa will be right back... Anthlar salutes warmly with the honor of a pledge of Dol Amroth. Tantor looks at you. Orlandu looks at a nice silk robe. Fingol says in Sindarin: I didn't know what to wear? Wyngel says: you're so hot Wyngel grins like a seasoned corsair. Necsipaal says: your dress is stunning fair lady ;) look fingol You are looking at Fingol son of Maglor... a tall, lean, and handsome Noldorin with long raven hair and piercing green eyes. He is dressed in black leather with a stunning white elven cloak! The myrrh Fingol is wearing makes your head spin. A fine piece of jewelry catches your eye. He is carrying: A bottle of earthy myrrh. A pair of town shoes (worn). A rich elven cloak (worn). Black leather pants (worn). A Jet Black Leather Jacket (worn). A stamped staying-permit. A backpack (worn). Beruthiel's Mithril Wedding ring (worn). Fingol's lute. Fingol's Sweet Love Ode harp. HP:150 EP:150> Hochopepa looks at you. Anthlar looks at you. Alcniliel looks at you. Fingol looks at you. Chort says: Oh, Romana, why? Wyngel says: its haradrim silk Necsipaal laughs out loud. thank necsipaal You thank Necsipaal. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel hmms thoughtfully. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Orlandu whistles innocently. Fingol looks at a nice silk robe. Necsipaal says: Ok You guys are all ready??? Alcniliel looks at a nice silk robe. Wyngel shakes his head. l Dark and dingy, the Rufty-Tufty Inn is hardly considered the home of Gondor's elite. Patronized by the farmers and peasantry of Calembel, this dungeon-like tavern is constructed out of aged wood and stone walls. Shields are hung on nails on the walls, as mementos of battles past. Tables are scattered about the room, and to the north you see a small stage area, made out of rickety old wood. To the west, you see two small booths. To the east, you see a bar, and the usual menu listing the house specialties. The southwest door is closed. The only obvious exits are stage, bar and southwest. You are standing in the main room of the Rufty-Tufty Inn. About you, you can see: At the main room of the Rufty-Tufty Inn: Anthlar the dunedain Trailblazer (Moral) Hochopepa the dunedain Untouchable (Angelic) Tantor the sindar Trailblazer (Immoral) Isilwende the sindar Empress (Hand of Eru) Necsipaal the sindar Empress (Demonic) Hume the dunlending Medicine Man (Angelic) Alcniliel the sindar Accepted (Moral) Fingol the sindar Fence (Heroic) Orlandu the silvan Warlord (Villainous) Wyngel the dunedain Ship-King of Umbar::::(Black Sash) A silent man nurses his drink { sitting } A elderly man is here, drinking away his woes { sitting } At the bar of the Rufty Tufty: Atli, the barkeep A trash can HP:150 EP:150> Hochopepa wonders if he is welcome. Necsipaal smiles and says: Bah! Necsipaal cheers enthusiastically for Hochopepa. Hochopepa smiles warmly. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Alcniliel grins. Wyngel chuckles with an evil glint of malice. Necsipaal says: ok let's start Necsipaal says: Shh. listen You listen. HP:150 EP:150> Anthlar looks at Isilwende. Orlandu says: then speak english ;p Alcniliel says: Shh. Fingol says: sorry Necsipaal says: Greetings, Fellows of Middle earth! Necsipaal says: Here we are gathered to celebrate the bonding of these souls, that an unlikely Doom has decided to unite till the very end of Arda. Anthlar smiles kindly. Necsipaal says: I, Necsipaal Leocolindiel Agganâlo Eldomë, Ancient Spirit of the Past world,have been called by my fellow Beruthiel, mighty Queen of cats and Witchcraft, to bless by my words and prayers, her union with Fingol, proud heir of Feanor the well named. Necsipaal says: Beruthiel bade the Darkness to grant this event of their terrific presence, therefore I came, I the Shadowbringer, to cast Night's Realm upon this sacred Day. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Necsipaal says: I summon Thee, ô People of Silent Necsipaal says: Infernal Gods Necsipaal says: Blinded Chaos Necsipaal says: Gloomy Abode of the Dark Lord Necsipaal says: Souls leashed to the shores of the Dead Marshes Necsipaal says: In the Cave of the fleshless Death Necsipaal says: Forsake the supplices Necsipaal says: And Come Necsipaal says: Come promptly to nuptials like you have never seen! giggle You giggle. HP:150 EP:150> Alcniliel smiles. -> Wyngel hops onto a keg of Umbar's Finest. Necsipaal says: May the wheel of fortune stop Necsipaal says: May the torture end Necsipaal says: Let the dragons be released Necsipaal says: Let the Nightslaves sigh for this Dusk Necsipaal says: Now Necsipaal says: Thee, who I have ritually invoke Necsipaal says: Heavenly body of Night Necsipaal says: Proceed! Necsipaal says: With your face of blessed times Necsipaal says: Your horned and terrific mask Necsipaal says: Proceed! Wyngel throws his head back and cackles with glee. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Necsipaal says: For thee Necsipaal says: According to the uses of my kind Necsipaal says: I have untied my hair Necsipaal unties her ebonite long hair which begins to flow in the cold dusk wind, wrapping her shoulders like a royal manttle falling gracefully to the small of her back. Hochopepa ponders something. roll You roll your eyes. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel hmms thoughtfully. Necsipaal says: For thee Necsipaal says: I have accomplished the rituals Necsipaal says: I have casted rain in a cloudless sky Necsipaal says: I have set sea empty and stem its waters to the depths of abyss Necsipaal says: I have stopped the tides' flows Necsipaal says: And Ocean has gone back Necsipaal says: Crushed under the surges' heavyness Necsipaal says: Waves have resounded Necsipaal says: Through the winds' silent Necsipaal says: The Sea motionless has been swollen Necsipaal says: The arch of an ancient Forest Necsipaal says: Has lost its lightness Necsipaal says: By the only power of my voice Necsipaal says: I have brung back the Shadows. Necsipaal says: Arien has paused in the middle of the sky Necsipaal says: Anar is flickering Necsipaal says: By the strength of my canto. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Orlandu sniffles. Wyngel looks at A medal of the White Hand. Necsipaal says: Time Has come Necsipaal says: Beruthiel, Time has come. Necsipaal says: Come assist my hand, Necsipaal says: This sacrifice is for thee. Orlandu wipes his eyes. Wyngel blushes cutely. Necsipaal says: For thee, my child, Lady of Twilight Necsipaal says: For thee are those garlands made of snakes Necsipaal says: tressed nine by nine with my bloody hands. Necsipaal handles Beruthiel a fair dim garland whose rubied eyes seem nearly alive. Wyngel looks shocked and mumbles, "Oh my!". Wyngel wrinkles his nose and exclaims, "Eww, Gross!". You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Wyngel says: you're elves!!! Necsipaal whispers to you: Put it on your head, sweetheart ;) Orlandu will be right back... Orlandu opens the southwest door. Orlandu leaves southwest. The southwest door swings shut. Wyngel sighs sadly. Anthlar looks at you. Alcniliel blinks. Alcniliel tilts her head. Alcniliel blinks. : puts the garland on her head and smile merrily You emote: Beruthiel puts the garland on her head and smile merrily HP:150 EP:150> Anthlar blinks. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Necsipaal nods. Necsipaal says: Lo! Here is the Blood of Isildur, the blood of the Foe. Necsipaal says: The Gift of His Death. Necsipaal says: Lo! Here are the ashes taken from the Pyre of Denethor. Necsipaal says: Still impregnated by the poison of his inner grief. Necsipaal says: Lo! Here are the feathers of Thorondor. Necsipaal says: Taken when eagles were defeated before The Mighty Dragons. Necsipaal says: Lo! Here is a black scale of Ancalagon Necsipaal says: Taken before he drowned, slayed, in the sea. Wyngel grins mischievously. Necsipaal says: Altars have groaned! Necsipaal says: I recognise the signs in the sky. Necsipaal says: The Night is coming. Necsipaal says: I can foresee the scar of the Moon. : bites hard a snake and smiles. Necsipaal says: Dark! Necsipaal says: Palish Star, Necsipaal says: Spread a sprightliness Night. Necsipaal says: Cheer our people as never. You emote: Beruthiel bites hard a snake and smiles. HP:150 EP:150> You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Necsipaal says: For ye, onelike souls, the sacrifice Necsipaal says: For ye, the spreading blood on the altar of Earth Necsipaal says: For ye, the fire robbed from the sacred Trees Necsipaal says: Burning in the darkness. Wyngel cheers wildly. Necsipaal says: For ye, I've shaken my head. Necsipaal shakes her head charmingly as if possessed, her hair moving around as ghostlike vipers. Hochopepa sighs clearly in resignation. Necsipaal says: For ye, Necsipaal says: I've thrown my nape back, Necsipaal says: Saying the words Necsipaal says: Acording to the secret of the Black Arts... Necsipaal raises her head and you may behold her alabaster neck shining under the Moonbeams. You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. : claps her hands You emote: Beruthiel claps her hands HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal says: For ye, Necsipaal says: I will slay my arms with the Sacrificial Knife. Necsipaal raises the dagger in the air. Alcniliel boggles at the concept. Necsipaal says: May my own blood flow on the altar. Necsipaal says: My hand Necsipaal says: Learn how to handle the dagger. Necsipaal skillfully plunges the adamantium blade through the veins of her snowy wrist and a wide tide of Blood begins to flow along her arm down to the floor. Anthlar whispers something to Hochopepa. gasp You gasp in astonishment! HP:150 EP:150> You smile as you notice the scent of lavender from Isilwende. Necsipaal says: The blow has been given Necsipaal says: I have offerd the sacred fuild. Hochopepa nods solemnly at Anthlar. Alcniliel nearly faints Anthlar passes out cold. Isilwende gasps in horror. Necsipaal spreads her blood on her right hand, and marks Fingol's forehead with it, drawing a chaos star. Necsipaal whispers something to Fingol. Necsipaal marks Beruthiel's neck, drawing a dragonhead. Necsipaal whispers to you: Darkness bless Thee! Necsipaal raises her bloodsoil arms and cries loudly: Necsipaal howls Burzum Krimpatuluk! Necsipaal howls Burzum Krimpatuluk! Necsipaal howls Burzum Krimpatuluk! Necsipaal says: The prayer has been granted Necsipaal says: The Werewolves of Angmar have yelled three times Necsipaal says: Carcharoth didn't move back Necsipaal says: Three times, from the sacred Fire Necsipaal says: A blaze has gushed out Necsipaal says: Notifying The accomplishment of the nuptials. Necsipaal says: All has been done now, Darkness have acknowledged the union of Beruthiel and Fingol under their Mightyness,and forever they'll protect their love into an ebonite collar. Necsipaal says: Now Fingol, son of Maglor and proud heir of the mightiest Feänor, repeat your vows and promise to be loyal to your Bride, Beruthiel one of the fairest Lady of Twilight. Necsipaal whispers something to Fingol. Anthlar smiles sadly. Fingol says: I promise Necsipaal says: Why is Great! Keep your words, Fingol, do not let false love soil your wedding, do not even let Your Oath rip your heart, keep your words, or you'd be curse forever by my very hand,and would wander in the depth of insanity for the rest of your life! beam fingol You beam at Fingol brightly. HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal says: Now Beruthiel, Child of dawn, queen of cats and witchcrafts, repeat your vows and promise to be loyal to your betrothed, Fingol the bravehearted whose words have known how to charm your minds. Necsipaal whispers to you: say your promise ' I promise You say: I promise HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal says: Why is Excellent! Keep your words my Lady, do not let ambition, bitterness nor grieves poison your wedding, keep your words, Fair one, Or I shall take you back in the outter void, far beyond the misty Realm! smile softly You smile softly. HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal says: I know declare you husband and wife under the Night's Lawsys, you may bite the bride. Anthlar smiles sadly beruthiel. Necsipaal grins. laugh Wyngel throws his head back and cackles with glee. You laugh. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel rolls on the floor laughing. Isilwende grins. Alcniliel arcs a curious eyebrow. wait fingol You wait for Fingol. HP:150 EP:150> Hochopepa hmms. Wyngel says: and I Alcniliel says: Shh. Anthlar stifles a giggle. Alcniliel winks. Wyngel says: I declare you husband and wife under the Corsair Law. You may rape and pillage in Gondor. Alcniliel grins. grin wyngel You grin at Wyngel with sharp teeth. HP:150 EP:150> Fingol Bites the bride Necsipaal says: to bless your weding and since you both souls like poetry I will now sing two cantos in your honor. Necsipaal says: The First is a song for the husband, that 'll recall him of his glorious heritage! Wyngel bites you. Wyngel hops. Alcniliel blinks. : kisses Fingol You emote: Beruthiel kisses Fingol HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal begin to gently sing a sad and cruel prelude...: Taken the long way Dark realms I went through I arrived My vision's so clear In anger and pain I left deep wounds behind But I arrived Truth might be changed by victory Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: Beyond the void but deep within me A swamp of filth exists A lake it was of crystal beauty But Arda's spring went by I've heard the warning Well curse my name I'll keep on laughing No regret, No regret Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: Don't fear the eyes of the dark lord Morgoth I cried All hope is gone but I swear Revenge Hear my oath I will take part in your damned fate Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: I will always remember their cries Like a shadow which covers the light I will always remember the time But it's past I cannot turn back the time I don't look back There's still smoke near the shore But I arrived Revenge be mine Necsipaal finishes her song with a tenebrous flourish and let everybody cry and fear.... Necsipaal begin to gently sing a sad and cruel prelude...: I will take part in your damned fate Morgoth I cried It's my oath So don't fear the eyes Of the dark lord Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: Soon you will be free Set your spirit free "Suddenly I realized The prophecies I've never believed in My deeds were wrong I've stained the land And slain my kin Burning Soul There's no release from my sins,It hurts THE CURSE OF FËANOR RUNS LONG Time and only time will tell us Tell, was I right or wrong? When anger breaks through I'll leave mercy behind Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: I will take part in your damned fate Morgoth I cried It's my oath So don't fear the eyes Of the dark lord Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: I will always remember their cries Like a shadow they'll cover my life But I'll also remember mine And after all I'm still alive Wyngel raises his hand. Necsipaal finishes her song with a tenebrous flourish and let everybody cry and fear.... Necsipaal says: The second is for my sweet Lady whose teeth shines brighter than the purest jewel. clap You clap your hands enthusiastically. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel grins like a seasoned corsair. Wyngel claps his hands enthusiastically. woo necsipaal You go "Woo!" at Necsipaal. HP:150 EP:150> Alcniliel claps her hands enthusiastically. Fingol applauds vigorously. Necsipaal begin to gently sing a sad and cruel prelude...: We have become haze, Our fighting was not vain. Said the Misty One. Hochopepa is silenced in awe. Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: Drowning in the sea of lamentations, Sinking in the Abyss of desolation... Orb Within Orb, The Moon Marry The Sun, And The Universe Will Burn, Orb Within Orb, Eclipse. Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: Upon this realm of grey, Neither the night nor the day. But the death of the Sun. But the agony of the Moon. Neither the day nor the night, Below the Holy Throne, no delight. Orb Within Orb, The Moon Marry The Sun, And The Universe Will Burn, Orb Within Orb, Eclipse. Necsipaal play a dim and passionated interlude which shows you devasted lands: The sky is open wide, The black pit masking the light The Kingdom of Mist. The clouds have drawn the Dragon, This, the time to be what You are. Necsipaal finishes her song with a tenebrous flourish and let everybody cry and fear.... Necsipaal says: Now you can exchange your vows, I have done my part, always remember what you have promised under the face of the Night my children, and may my shadows always protect your Love. clap You clap your hands enthusiastically. HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal says: Honor, riches,mariage blesing, Necsipaal says: long continuance and Increasing, Necsipaal says: Nightly joys be still upon you! Necsipaal says: Leocolindiel sings her blessing on you! Necsipaal wraps her cloak, like ebonywings falling around her and she fades into the shadows, leaving behind her the scent of sulfur and night-blooming jasmine. Alcniliel claps her hands enthusiastically. Wyngel goes Holla! at you. Fingol applauds vigorously. applaud You applaud vigorously. HP:150 EP:150> Tantor cheers wildly. Isilwende applauds vigorously. Hochopepa says: Alayambo! Necsipaal curtseys with the evil grace of a Dark Ainu. Necsipaal smiles with the demonic face of Melkor's sister. Alcniliel smiles. Hume cheers wildly. ' Our vows will appear little after such great poetry You say: Our vows will appear little after such great poetry HP:150 EP:150> laugh You laugh. HP:150 EP:150> Hume congratulates the happy couple Fingol nods. Fingol says: indeed Alcniliel smiles. Wyngel has a gift. Fingol has a questioning look on his face. Isilwende's eyes glaze over with despair as she sits spellbound by such Dark and Eldritch Ritual. Tantor pats Fingol on the on the back. Wyngel coughs. Necsipaal blushes. Fingol says: I'm still a bit dazed Tantor looks at Wyngel. Wyngel ohs interestedly. Anthlar looks at Wyngel. Necsipaal says: now come the vows of the young couple ;) Fingol says: from such poetry Wyngel grins mischievously. Wyngel says: as Ship-King of Umbar, i have to offer you a gift. ' Such words are beyond price You say: Such words are beyond price HP:150 EP:150> Fingol says: indeed Wyngel says: it was not easy to find something, for such people like you two Alcniliel bows her head Alcniliel smiles. grin wyngel Wyngel says: from High lineage You grin at Wyngel with sharp teeth. HP:150 EP:150> Anthlar tilts his head. Wyngel says: so i offer you ... Anthlar listens. Wyngel says: a honeymoon on my boat Anthlar gasps in astonishment! Wyngel says: not the Bethagan Fingol says: ahhhh lol You laugh out loud. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel says: but on the Love Boat Wyngel strums on his lute and sings: Love, exciting and new... Come Aboard. We're expecting youuuu! Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: Love, life's sweetest reward. Let it flow, it floats back to youuuu! Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: The Love Boat soon will be making another run The Love Boat promises something for everyone Set a course for adventure, And your mind on a new romance... Fingol giggles impishly. Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: Love won't hurt anymore It's an open smile on a friendly shore. Yes LOVE! It's LOVE! Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: The Love Boat soon will be making another run The Love Boat promises something for everyone Set a course for adventure, And your mind on a new romance.... Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: And loo-ove won't hurt anymore It's an open smile On a friendly shore.... Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: It's LOVE! It's LOVE! It's LOVE! It's the Love Boat-ah! It's the Love Boat-ah! Wyngel giggles with the soberness of a corsair. Alcniliel giggles. smirk You smirk in amusement. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel finishes his song with a flourish. Alcniliel claps her hands enthusiastically. Anthlar applauds vigorously. Isilwende claps her hands enthusiastically. applaud wyngel You applaud Wyngel merrily. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel smiles like Cmdt. Stubbing himself. Hume says: but watch out for the palantir hidden in the corner of the bridal suite! Hochopepa present his congratulations to married couple and bows in the Belfalassian fashion, as Lord Angelimar did in the days of ere. Tantor opens the southwest door. Tantor leaves southwest. The southwest door swings shut. Fingol says: well I had hoped to finish a new ode Wyngel smiles like a mischievous corsair. Fingol says: but I didn't quite get it done Necsipaal says: the vows, the vows! Fingol says: so I will sing my 1st ode Wyngel tells you: LOL Necsipaal nods. Alcniliel nods. Necsipaal listens. Anthlar nods. Isilwende tells you: I did not expect the Shadow to gain such Dominion over the Light this day. Fingol masterfully plays an instrumental introduction and sings: Who will weep for this maiden dark? Who's fallow eyes gleam without a spark Who will clutch her sorrowful hand? And lead her into the light Fingol plays a moving instrumental passage and sings: Who will covet this orchid black? Who guards her heart from love's attack Who will go to that shadowy land? And rescue her from the night Fingol plays a moving instrumental passage and sings: Mournful lady why must you feel such woe? When your beauty like the moon doth glow And shine beyond compare So fell and yet so fair Fingol plays a moving instrumental passage and sings: Who will look for the deeper truth? That hides behind her sharpened tooth Who will offer their soul to brand? In tribute to this wicked sprite Fingol finishes his song striking one last swelling crescendo. tell isilwende You are the light, the defender of its banner You tell Isilwende: You are the light, the defender of its banner HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel smiles like a mischievous corsair. Wyngel claps his hands enthusiastically. clap Necsipaal cheers wildly. Anthlar claps his hands enthusiastically. You clap your hands enthusiastically. HP:150 EP:150> beam Necsipaal goes "Woo!". You beam brightly. HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal claps her hands enthusiastically. Fingol says: It is I who offer my soul to brand Necsipaal says: again, again! -> Wyngel goes Holla! at you. laugh You laugh. HP:150 EP:150> Isilwende rises from her seat and applauds vigorously. Alcniliel claps her hands enthusiastically. Alcniliel cheers wildly. Hume claps his hands enthusiastically. Wyngel says: alas, i must soon take my leave... ' Composing a song is long, but though I already composed one for Fingol, I had time to complete a short one suitable for the occasion. You say: Composing a song is long, but though I already composed one for Fingol, I had time to complete a short one suitable for the occasion. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel says: i could play another song, if you want : tunes her harp You emote: Beruthiel tunes her harp HP:150 EP:150> Fingol sings: Butterfly oh won't you fly to me... for you cannot escape your destiny... for love shall be thy doom... not weeping in the gloom. play harp wed1 You play an entrance on your harp and sing: Silence for a time, mortals without foresight! Minstrels will now sing the secrets of our hearts, Hopes of utopia defended with broken wings, And they'll hear the whispers in the abyss, The calls of draconian odes summoning bliss... HP:150 EP:140> You play an interlude on your harp and sing: Of all unfair deities rejecting the inane blames In the circle he stood, raised against thy throne Anger was growing in his heart as bright flames, In the remembrance of the Jewels that once shone... The father of thy father, of thy strength the source. You play an interlude on your harp and sing: Driven far into the realms of mist and lost aside Beyond the circle he stood facing the outer wall, And the weeping goddess opened her window wide Mourning for him on her cheek she let a tear fall... The soul of my soul, of my own myth the offspring. Chort says: Romana, the shop is so empty without you... You finish your song with a flourish. Anthlar applauds vigorously. play harp wed2 You play an entrance on your harp and sing: Silence for a time, mortals without foresight ! Minstrels will now sing the secrets of our hearts, Dreams of utopia defended with broken wings, Ashes of our deceived hopes, ruins of the past Grasping the clepsydra that flees all too fast. HP:150 EP:132> You play an interlude on your harp and sing: Lost in the deep abyss of thy mythical essence Wherein all my dreams lost their innocence I saw the reflections of my eternal grievance Against ineluctable fates that convey nonsense. You play an interlude on your harp and sing: Forbidden insights Of endless fights - Let darkness rises Under starless skies ! You play an interlude on your harp and sing: Days after days youth as a candle corpse is gone Aren't echoes of legends now lost, and I alone... and days after days a high city was built of stone Its destruction will take one night, and you alone... You play an interlude on your harp and sing: So let's fly one last time over the lands in wonder Dying under a bleeding sun, and we alone together - In a song our memories and our voices united forever. You finish your song with a flourish. Anthlar claps his hands enthusiastically. Necsipaal goes "Woo!". Alcniliel claps her hands enthusiastically. curtsey You curtsey with the grace of a wandering poetess. HP:150 EP:135> Wyngel claps his hands enthusiastically. Alcniliel cheers wildly. Wyngel claps his hands enthusiastically. Necsipaal claps her hands for you. Isilwende claps her hands and laughs merrily. Wyngel hops onto you and shouts: GIDDYAP!! YEEHAW! Wyngel says: cool Hochopepa would like to present a small song to the couple. Hume cheers wildly. Necsipaal says: You are the best sweet heart ;) Alcniliel smiles. Wyngel blahs in anticipation: P. Fingol applauds vigorously. Wyngel grins like a seasoned corsair. Fingol is stunned Wyngel pats Fingol on the back. Hochopepa says: Although it is old and offered to a perverted lord, whom I once served. But I kept the song, since it beaty surpasses the twisted Lord. Necsipaal says: Isilwende, Isilwende! Wyngel says: yep man Necsipaal says: Now it's your turn, lady of the Moon Necsipaal says: Shh. Necsipaal listens to Isilwende. Wyngel blahs i gotta go sleep. Hochopepa waits for Isilwende. Isilwende says: I fear that the Light hath entirely failed under the waxing Shadow. I am sorry, but I cannot proceed.... Necsipaal goes, "Aww!". gasp You gasp in astonishment! HP:150 EP:142> Isilwende bows her head in utter shame. Hochopepa asks whether he can present his little song. sigh You sigh. HP:150 EP:143> Necsipaal says: Prithee mylady togo further Wyngel raises his hand. Necsipaal says: I would have been pleased to hear the words of the valar Necsipaal smiles with the demonic face of Melkor's sister. Wyngel says: i have a song, that would fit the Groom Fingol says: Yes speak Isilwende Fingol says: if only but a few words Necsipaal says: wouldn't you honor us with your words, fair lady? Wyngel looks at Isilwende. Isilwende says: Perhaps...but at a more opportune moment... Wyngel mumbles damn elves. Fingol looks at you. ' The light and the darkness are the two faces of a same divine creation. Please let the two equilibrate. You say: The light and the darkness are the two faces of a same divine creation. Please let the two equilibrate. HP:150 EP:148> Wyngel whistles innocently. Necsipaal kicks Wyngel hard. Hochopepa mutters: at Wyngel. Necsipaal agrees wholeheartedly. Wyngel smiles happily. Fingol says: yes both halves need to be represented Alcniliel nods. Fingol says: as we are all of dual nature Wyngel nods aye aye. Wyngel smiles sweetly. Necsipaal smiles kindly. Fingol says: please give us a blessing Fingol says: for we still need to exchange our rings Isilwende says: En el aerlinn gilgell, Fingol, heir of Maglor son of Feanor, and Beruthiel, fair Lady of the Twilight. -> Isilwende bows to the Bride and Groom each in turn. Necsipaal curtseys gracefully. smile very happily You smile very happily. HP:150 EP:150> Fingol tried to give you a message stone but you could not carry it. Isilwende says: Im iest gell, Uireb meleth. In the name of Manwe, bless this union. zzz You emote: Beruthiel slips her gleaming silver ring of betrothal from her slender finger and, with a loving smile, places it gently in the hand of her lover. He then follows suit, and then two cute elf-children bearing mithril rings on plush pillows approach the couple.... HP:150 EP:150> drop ring You remove Fingol's Mithril Wedding Ring ring. Ok. HP:150 EP:150> The southwest door swings open. Azoriel enters. Azoriel closes the southwest door. Azoriel says: Whew! Necsipaal arcs a curious eyebrow. Anthlar looks at Fingol's Mithril Wedding Ring ring. Azoriel bows modestly, as a lowly footman. Azoriel tries to grin but forgets how to spell. Fingol removes Beruthiel's Mithril Wedding ring. Fingol drops Beruthiel's Mithril Wedding ring. Azoriel removes his glittering Ithilien longsword and sheathes it in his baldric. Azoriel takes a seat at a table. l Dark and dingy, the Rufty-Tufty Inn is hardly considered the home of Gondor's elite. Patronized by the farmers and peasantry of Calembel, this dungeon-like tavern is constructed out of aged wood and stone walls. Shields are hung on nails on the walls, as mementos of battles past. Tables are scattered about the room, and to the north you see a small stage area, made out of rickety old wood. To the west, you see two small booths. To the east, you see a bar, and the usual menu listing the house specialties. The southwest door is closed. The only obvious exits are stage, bar and southwest. You are standing in the main room of the Rufty-Tufty Inn. About you, you can see: At the main room of the Rufty-Tufty Inn: Beruthiel's Mithril Wedding ring Azoriel the dunedain Weaponsmaster (Hand of Eru) { sitting } Fingol's Mithril Wedding Ring ring Anthlar the dunedain Trailblazer (Moral) Hochopepa the dunedain Untouchable (Angelic) Isilwende the sindar Empress (Hand of Eru) Necsipaal the sindar Empress (Demonic) Hume the dunlending Medicine Man (Angelic) Alcniliel the sindar Accepted (Moral) Fingol the sindar Fence (Heroic) Wyngel the dunedain Ship-King of Umbar::::(Black Sash) A silent man nurses his drink { sitting } A elderly man is here, drinking away his woes { sitting } At the bar of the Rufty Tufty: Atli, the barkeep A trash can HP:150 EP:150> Hochopepa nods solemnly at Azoriel. Azoriel stands up. Azoriel salutes as a Footman of Dol Amroth. Hochopepa salutes Azoriel sharply as a Knight of Dol Amroth in proud service of Lord Imrahil. -> Anthlar salutes warmly with the honor of a pledge of Dol Amroth. thank isilwende for these great elvish words You thank Isilwende for these great elvish words. HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal salutes with the Pride and Malice of an ancient god. Hochopepa salutes Anthlar sharply as a Knight of Dol Amroth in proud service of Lord Imrahil. Anthlar salutes warmly with the honor of a pledge of Dol Amroth. Wyngel salutes in a brief corsair fashion. get ring 1 Ok. HP:150 EP:150> i Gold: 206 Encumbrance: unencumbered You are carrying the following on your person: Beruthiel's Mithril Wedding ring. A bouquet of fresh flowers (in hands). A green iris. A sheer silk scarf (worn). A nice silk robe (worn). A beautiful silk cape (worn). Reeth's Encore! lute. A stamped staying-permit. A backpack (worn). A fiddle case (closed). Beruthiel's cursed horn. A blank songbook. Pedron's Snazzzy mandolin. The Tale of Beren and Luthien. Beruthiel's bleeding chords of delusion and mind tormenting harp (in hands). HP:150 EP:150> Isilwende smiles happily at you. Anthlar tilts his head. wear ring You wear Beruthiel's Mithril Wedding ring. HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal goes "Woo!". Fingol gets Fingol's Mithril Wedding Ring ring. Fingol wears Fingol's Mithril Wedding Ring ring. woo You go "Woo!". HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal cheers wildly. Hochopepa smiles warmly. Anthlar smiles shyly. Necsipaal congrats Beruthiel Wyngel salutes most honestly with the dignity and pride of a low but honest and kind-hearted Knight of Dol Amroth(tm). Necsipaal congrats Fingol Wyngel goes "Woo!". Fingol says: am meleth vronadui Beruthiel a Fingol Hochopepa tickles Wyngel incessantly. Wyngel congrats!!! Fingol kisses you. Isilwende says: May the Holy Light of Elentari shine down forever bright upon this happy couple. Varda bless this Marriage! Alcniliel cheers congratulations. Anthlar huggles Wyngel. Hochopepa says: Alayambo Beruthiel! Alayambo Fingol! Wyngel goes, "Aww!". Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. rkiss fingol Wyngel looks emotional. You return Fingol's kiss with an even more passionate one. HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel blushes cutely. Azoriel oohs excitedly. Azoriel tries to grin but forgets how to spell. The southwest door swings open. Feris enters. Feris closes the southwest door. Wyngel goes "Woo!". Wyngel says: Fingol Feris says: holy shit Fingol smiles a cunning smile. Feris blinks. Hochopepa salutes Feris sharply as a Knight of Dol Amroth in proud service of Lord Imrahil. Feris says: got spammed massivly Necsipaal says: bah all the Kodas miss my stunning speech -> Anthlar salutes warmly with the honor of a pledge of Dol Amroth. Feris salutes Hochopepa sharply as a Man-at-Arms in the Black Company of the Knights of Dol Amroth. Necsipaal snaps her fingers. Feris goes, "Aww!". Fingol hugs you. Feris hugs Necsipaal. Azoriel salutes Feris as a Footman of Dol Amroth. Azoriel tries to grin but forgets how to spell. Necsipaal eeks. Necsipaal says: no hugs on me! Feris grins. Necsipaal sticks out her tongue and says: Ick! Necsipaal sticks out her tongue and says: Ick! Hochopepa tells you: Would you like to hear my song of old? Fingol says: now where are those damn caterers Wyngel says: I grant you the Knight Cross of the Royal Order of the Keg with Oak Leaves, Diamonds and Swords. : thanks all their friends for being here You emote: Beruthiel thanks all their friends for being here HP:150 EP:150> Azoriel says: okies; no hugs. ;) Necsipaal nods. Azoriel huggles Necsipaal. Feris grins. Necsipaal frowns. Azoriel snickers insanely. Alcniliel smiles. Feris says: didn't say anything about huggles! Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Necsipaal doesn't want to spread blood during a wedding Wyngel goes, "Aww!". Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Wyngel looks emotional. Feris pats Wyngel on the back. Isilwende says: May all the Valar in Aman and the Hither Lands bless the Lord Fingol and Lady Beruthiel! Azoriel pats Wyngel on the back. Wyngel points alcohol. Necsipaal cheers enthusiastically for Isilwende. aye You mutter "Aye". HP:150 EP:150> Azoriel oohs excitedly. ' Almighty Valar ! You say: Almighty Valar ! HP:150 EP:150> Wyngel cuddles up with Azoriel. oops You blush and say: Oops! HP:150 EP:150> laugh You laugh. Azoriel blushes. Hume leaves bar. From the bar, Hume enters. Wyngel falls down laughing. Fingol says: let us drink! Hochopepa says: Will you name for the Valar, Isilwende? Necsipaal rolls her eyes. From the bar, Hume leaves main room. Hume enters. Fingol says: until the food arrives Hume gives Azoriel a tankard of beer. Wyngel desperately wishes he had someone to love. Feris whispers something to Wyngel. Hume leaves bar. From the bar, Hume enters. Wyngel throws his head back and cackles with glee. poke wyngel You poke Wyngel in the tummy. HP:150 EP:150> l Alcniliel says: time to buy beer? Alcniliel looks at Fingol. Necsipaal raises her bloodsoil arms and cries loudly: Necsipaal howls Burzum Krimpatuluk! Necsipaal howls Burzum Krimpatuluk! Necsipaal howls Burzum Krimpatuluk! Wyngel starts to sway and chants Iluvatar, Iluvatar, Iluvatar! You take a cautious step back. Wyngel starts to sway and chants Iluvatar, Iluvatar, Iluvatar! You take a cautious step back. Wyngel starts to sway and chants Iluvatar, Iluvatar, Iluvatar! You take a cautious step back. Wyngel starts to sway and chants Iluvatar, Iluvatar, Iluvatar! You take a cautious step back. Hume drops a tankard of beer. Hume drops a tankard of beer. Azoriel thanks Hume. Feris blinks. Azoriel drinks a tankard of beer. Hume leaves bar. From the bar, Hume enters. Azoriel looks at an empty tankard. Necsipaal starts to sway and chants Melkor!!!, Melkor!!!, Melkor!!!! You take a cautious step back. laugh You laugh. HP:150 EP:150> Necsipaal smiles with the demonic face of Melkor's sister. From the bar, Atli says: I hope my minstrel returns unscathed. Wyngel starts to sway and chants Iluvatar, little piece of hefty bastard, Iluvatar, little piece of hefty bastard, Iluvatar, little piece of hefty bastard! You take a cautious step back. From the bar, Hume leaves main room. Hume enters. Wyngel whistles innocently. Azoriel leaves bar. From the bar, Azoriel enters. Hume drops a tankard of beer. Hume drops a tankard of beer. Fingol says: and we haven't even started drinking yet From the bar, Azoriel puts an empty tankard into a trash can. Anthlar looks at a tankard of beer. Feris must attend some business. Congrats Fingol and Beruthiel! Feris opens the southwest door. Feris leaves southwest. The southwest door swings shut. From the bar, Azoriel leaves stage. From the stage, Azoriel enters. From the bar, Atli says: Drinks! I'd offer you music, but my minstrel has gone. From the stage, Azoriel leaves main room. Azoriel enters. Wyngel strums on his lute and sings: I didn't hear you leave I wonder how am I still here And I don't want to move a thing It might change my memory Alcniliel nods. Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: Oh I am what I am I'll do what I want Azoriel takes a tankard of beer. Azoriel drinks a tankard of beer. Hochopepa looks at Isilwende. Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: But I can't hide I won't go I won't sleep I can't breathe Until you're resting here with me Fingol dabs himself with earthy myrrh. Azoriel looks at Isilwende. Necsipaal gets a tankard of beer. Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: I won't leave I can't hide I cannot be Until you're resting here with me Anthlar gets a tankard of beer. Necsipaal drinks a tankard of beer. Fingol holds you close. Anthlar drinks a tankard of beer. Necsipaal drinks a tankard of beer. Wyngel plays an interlude on his lute and sings: I don't want to call my friends They might wake me from this dream And I can't leave this bed Risk forgetting all that's been Wyngel winks sensuously at you. Hume goes, "Aww!". Wyngel finishes his song with a flourish. -> Isilwende calls for a silent moment of solemnity, and seeing that all is quiet says, "Now that all the Valar have invoked their many blessings upon this fortunate couple, all that remains is the naming of the One Name. That of Eru Iluvatar! The light of the All-Father doth shine down upon you both. Know that you stand ever in His Grace, and play the strings of his great harp of love that shall be played in the Second Song." Wyngel waves. Azoriel claps his hands for Wyngel. Azoriel waves a little, tiny banner of the Ship and the Silver Swan that he quickly pulled out from under his cloak. The sensuous myrrh Fingol is wearing tickles your fancy. Azoriel goes "WHEE!!". Wyngel shouts: CYAAAAAAAAAAA Isilwende waves at Wyngel. Wyngel opens the southwest door. Wyngel leaves southwest. The southwest door swings shut. Alcniliel leaves bar. From the bar, Alcniliel enters. curtsey isilwende . You curtsey to Isilwende gracefully. HP:150 EP:150> The sensuous myrrh Fingol is wearing tickles your fancy. -> Isilwende curtseys gracefully, gives a HUGE hug to each of the happy couple, and takes her seat.