run run run

Posted by
Ixnay [legacy]
22 May 2002 00:00:00

Should have died, but fast fingers and alot of food saved me ass....also Raqtors inability to hunt properly, and charge :p and yes yes, train RM :p But manner was suppose to be in a treaty with the guild....guess hes dont care about guild agreements or GM orders huh?. Good Job rest of the SoU have honour :p Personal yet? Bring it on fucker. (result of Manner flameing me out after)


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    24 May 2002 18:17:07

    Actually, in real life, you die and your dead. You dont learn anything afterwards. Wierd concept isnt it

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    24 May 2002 16:38:10

    'Learn, die, and learn again. Thats life'


  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    24 May 2002 14:31:48

    Ixnay, if you think you can get away with telling me i am not Fit to be SoU, that is flamin me and insulting my honor. Learn, die, and learn again. Thats life.

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    24 May 2002 12:25:59

    im not god, i dont even try. I keep out of alot of PKs too as ixnay, i could be involved in so many more, but i dont want this char to be all kill kill kill. But some people just annoy he hell out of me. Manner went against a Guild Agreement. and told me i was gonne be killed to i suicide. So i should get at least one free attempt on his life, or be expect to retaliate in one for or another.

    Talan, you guys killed me after the third attempt...a gangband, but none the less...i died, why? becuase i tried to kill someone. As a result i have not botherd you anymore. I accepted, in the end, why i was being chased.

    Baklen, he was in a party of 4 on the attempt on me, i will use no more that 4.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    24 May 2002 00:52:25

    Oh yah he will only need one chance with 5others, WATCH OUT

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    24 May 2002 00:52:11

    You call that a flame??

    Thats not a flame, this is a flame:

    Date: 10. May, 2002, 02:08 By: Talan

    Uh, well, We just assumed that you would have some balls and want to fight back, but i guess we were wrong.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    24 May 2002 00:52:03

    Umm who is ixnay? he acts like he is god.

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    24 May 2002 00:29:23

    I bascialy told you you are not fit and dont deserve to be SoU.

    Manner tells you: know this, you come after me, i will come after you a LOT of times, i do not attack much

    Manner tells you: anyways i have to go now, send whatever you need to send i will reply later. and dont ever say i am not fit to be SoU again, or this will become personal

    and i will need only one chance.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    23 May 2002 23:33:37

    Ixnay, you are a liar. I did not flame you, why make up stuff. I did say i am sorry for attacking you keep on insisting that i had you triggered. Man stop talking and do what you want. You have one chance to do me, after that, you should rest peacfully. I willd efend myself however, and be prepared for it. thank you.


  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    23 May 2002 07:13:22

    First emoting was lame now double breaking is?


    you fucken assassins just whinge and whine *grin*

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    23 May 2002 02:00:54

    Should have done ;-) .. Yeah well server is real laggy atm so I better set the anti break trigger in good time .. and had we been prepared things might have been diffrent .. the target change to ixnay was just a couble of secs before this... And perhaps I knew of a lil nifty break close to there wich I didn't want anyone in the party to know .. then I would have to trigger it myself *ponder*

    Nice getaway Ixnay .. even though I still think double breaking is as low as it gets .. but against a 4 man party you are allowed to exploid a few holes in the trigger system.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 May 2002 01:09:47

    er, peeps. sorry, I always mispell that

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 May 2002 01:07:55

    Raqtor just should've stayed on trigger to hunt. He had enough peps to trigger all the other random shit

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    23 May 2002 00:54:48

    Raqtor could have had a trigger to re-hunt Ixnay, and that would have kept things going. That's why you don't see people just double breaking at Amruin guildhall and skipping away freely whenever they get attacked in Edoras. :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 May 2002 00:46:48

    Yeah you should've died. damn. lucky bastard

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 May 2002 00:25:06

    We have a treaty with Beornings? Didn't know that. Oh well... (kicks his broken computer, and the one at the library)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    22 May 2002 23:50:18

    lol:)) I hate it when i set off hunt triggers and the target stays inside the break too long - everything screws up:PP

    You deserve it for attacking my Ixnay.*ponders expanding his shit list*

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 May 2002 22:19:33

    against a bang all worths

  • Author
    Morgar [legacy]
    22 May 2002 22:17:43

    uhh, he had a trigger to follow you through mirdain hb, double breaking without hunt trigger will cause someone to not follow, wasn' his inability to hunt.

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    22 May 2002 22:06:50

    might have made my second break, but hey, lucky i did not need to :p