
Posted by
Holic [legacy]
07 June 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Talks shit, we don't like him, hence the massive gangbang that took him from perfect to dead.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 05:02:43

    A shadow was here!

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 June 2002 22:42:16

    Yeah, too bad they were so good at making everyone hate them, or maybe they would still be here.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    09 June 2002 12:01:04

    Ugh i forgot Run. Run was also an original meg. He went inactive while waiting for the meg guildhall hahhaahah, or maybe he was an alt??? It took meg years to get a guildhall they got screwed.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 June 2002 05:43:48

    Whatever, come out of your guildhall and tell me about it why dont you? I'll meet you at rhos, whoever makes it back to their guild alive is right!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 June 2002 05:42:00

    Long fingers, its obvious that you have no fucking idea who i was because you keep making uninformed statements about me. I was one of the policy makers for the meglivornth guild since the beginning. There was no such alliance with fra, indeed if there was an alliance, why did you not help us with our war against the durmanhoth until valerian allied all the durms enemies?

    I dont care enough to get them, but i have logs showing our position with the FRA, and you're quite wrong, there was no alliance.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    09 June 2002 02:53:26


    I have no clue who you were.. nor do I care, still

    megs and FRA were allies. We stored gear in your armoury regardless of what is in your rulebook. Coming from an obscure moron or not, it's the truth, and if you were someone important or even someone with the slightest clue you would've noticed.

    and nogo: I dont respect you, and you dont respect me, which is fair enough, but still this meg/fra alliance stuff is something I think even you can agree with me on...

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    09 June 2002 02:23:48

    I remember when the megs used to send me typed flowers every hour, with different colors, just to tell me they loved me.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 June 2002 02:05:16

    I never said i was on their level Nogothrim, but i do know of what I speak. Just because I am not as ancient as they are, does not mean that some obscure moron who may or may not have have been around in 1997 can make up whatever history he sees fit for the meglivornth guild.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    09 June 2002 01:15:38

    Second member ever. You had your head up fenris's ass and then what? Beowulf gets you to join pre-guildhall meg? Bahaha you were a faggity little noob back then. Just cause you were online when the guildhall was put in the game you achieve uberstar status? Beowulf,Toodle,Kraun,Flint, not you.

    But you are right, Longfinger is an idiot. His greatest accomplishments are reading and writing posts. Hes not a player hes a spectator. So cut him some slack.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 June 2002 00:21:08


    Oh my, i love a good laugh.

    Longfinger, you really should figure out who it is you're talking to before you start saying that I have no idea what you're talking about. You seem to be the master aged historian, but for the life of me, i have no fucking idea what you're takling about. I was around, and there was no such long lasting 'alliance' between FRA and Meglivornth.

    'Talan.. _you_ have no idea of what I am talking about. This was before the alliance war, it was in 97. I doubt you were even around then. We always kept gear in the meg armory until we got our own. We just didnt trust the floor with Globe :) ' -Longfinger

    Actually, the meglivornth's policy to not store uniques was written in the guild rule book, and was part of guild code to not store uniques for other guilds/clans for the entire history of the meglivornth. You_did_trust the guild floor with the globe. As i recall, marsellus eventually got nuked for using a tick timer while keeping the FRA floor from resetting. Nice example tho...made me laugh hard. :)

    'Ask Tricky or Jad(?) or some of the megs that were members back then if you can find them and wont take my word for it.'

    I was the second member ever admitted to the Meglivornth, and neither Tricky nor Jad were the first...it was some guy called kraun. *shrugs*

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 June 2002 21:44:32

    All those long comments...

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    08 June 2002 21:21:00

    Does anyone else find it ironic that the only log that concerns Avaar whatsoever is the only log that he doesn't spam the hell out of with ignorant comments? :P


  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    08 June 2002 18:49:29


    Yeah that's probably true :) That and the fact that a bunch of other founders were old megs. The alliance lasted for quite some time after plisken died though.. until Uther became GM basically.

    Anyways, the only thing I said was that we used to be allied, I never said it had nothing to do with alts, because honestly, I dont know, we were already allied when I joined.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    08 June 2002 18:43:09

    ***' Longfinger has no fucking idea what hes talking about, Megs never stored uniques for anyone, and Megs and FRA were allied during the short period of time where EVERYONE was allied against durmanhoth. '***

    Talan.. _you_ have no idea of what I am talking about. This was before the alliance war, it was in 97. I doubt you were even around then. We always kept gear in the meg armory until we got our own. We just didnt trust the floor with Globe :)

    Megs and the FRA were allies... This was before Uthers time, mars and uther had troubles and thats what started the first meg/FRA war and ended the alliance war. Flint was GM back then. Ask Tricky or Jad(?) or some of the megs that were members back then if you can find them and wont take my word for it.

  • Author
    Vlad [legacy]
    08 June 2002 10:49:32

    And White Power Skins or Nazi Skins as it is commonly called is the worst part of the Skinhead history. Its all about beer and football.

  • Author
    Vlad [legacy]
    08 June 2002 10:36:22

    For your information not all Skinheads are racists. Majority of the Skinhead groups around the world are S.H.A.R.P (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) and infact early Skinheads originated from Britain and befriended the Jamaican immigrants.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    08 June 2002 10:03:00

    To Nescipaal: Congratualtions on the longest comment in the entire section :).

    To Tarn: Quit thinking small, its not necessarily killing this 'race' or that race. Lets aim for the entire species ;).

    To Tuareg: I still love you *coughs*

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    08 June 2002 06:52:17

    Uh, I didnt actually these lame comments, just searched for 'Udungul' and 'megs' so i could detect any slander going on, as is usual from my enemies.

    Anyway, i found some!

    Longfinger has no fucking idea what hes talking about, Megs never stored uniques for anyone, and Megs and FRA were allied during the short period of time where EVERYONE was allied against durmanhoth. But really, you could just as easily say that FRA and VC have a long history of alliance, because they were a part of that alliance as well.

    And yes, Nogothrim, you're a superpower. You rule!

  • Author
    Mornaner [legacy]
    08 June 2002 04:32:13

    Jesus, I still don't understand how all this started over killing Dreyboren. :P

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    08 June 2002 04:19:59

    I know Vittorio, mea maxima culpa, but Ijust couldn't resist to the tenmptation!

    Necsipaal guilty but not ashamed ;)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    08 June 2002 04:10:56

    this is the comments section for this log, not the philosophy/book writing hour :P

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    08 June 2002 04:03:21

    Earlier in the page. Avaar said: 'i dont know holic, how many times have you killed me? 0? 0 to 0 isnt beating anybody'

    It's 1-nil now.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    08 June 2002 03:57:18

    I'd first extend to agree with Zoso, at least concerning the first part of his comment. Etymologically speaking, the 'racism' term do not suit with the matters concerned in this thread.

    Though, the fact of generalizing about people or pretending a culture is better than an other is surely not racism, but is it more legitimate?

    The essence is quite similar to me and the proper word of it could be 'segregation', well it is maybe not the most appropriate term again, but I can't find any other right now that would suit better anyway.

    And Morpheus, your quote addressed to Tuareg was clearly segregationist no matter if it is a russian an indian or an azherbajian who wrote it, and even if this was written before WW2 I think russians people have no lessons to give to germans, which is also true for americans (don't forget so easily from where you come from, btw) or whatever country/people in the world, I'd bet none of them could claim his hands are bloodless and begin to give lessons to the others.

    After all, mankind is human, too human as would say the philosoph.

    Now indeed, the fact you called him 'german friend' is quite the same as him calling armada 'israelic sicko' (though I'm afraid I do not know what means sicko, I assume it means fool.*shrugs*) An I do not see segregation in that for if you design someone by his nationality this doesn't necessarly means that you samelike designs the nation he belongs to as a gathering of cloned people who would bejust like this person... (I am getting confused again here, am not I? :p)

    Now if you intend to specify the nationality of your enemy to make fun of him _because_ of this nationalithy this is the limit of segregation and the innocent use to make sure whom one is talking about (after all one may find other qualification to make sure people know of whom one is talking about). But since I am not aware of the exchanges/inimities that could have occured between you, I would take good care not to express a judgement.

    What was the most scary part Hrafn? Once again I'd say, no country can pretend to have the crown of the most scary/odious history,and if, in our days the dim WW2 tortures stay what strike the most the minds, and is by the same way, the most tabou, it does not mean that the others are less serious; I mean, beginning to value mass murdering according to a rank of order is also a form segregation, that one mays call positiv and which is maybe more dangerous than the other one.

    Thus, if, as you said Morpheus, it is not racist to argue that certain nations historically had a tendency to like their autocrats, all of them had anyway; on the contrary when you begin to *classify* people according to a specific *value system* as all this quotation was about, meaning: English and americans are ok and free people (God bless them? though i know Herzen was not particulary a god believer:p) and on the opposite Germans are bad bad bad autocratist beeings, well I'm asking you, does not this classificatin reminds you of smething? does it not recall you of a way of acting used precisly in a specific period of their history by the people you are arguing against?

    The snake bites its tail.

    Necsipaal, The Devil's lawyer.

    PS:I'd like to apologise before the webmasters in case of that post has nothing to do here, but since there was nothing in the rules that forbid it, well I just felt free to post it.

    PPS:Morpheus prithee to not answer to my sayings by your usual fallacious argument, ie: 'I won't answer for I do not understand your english'. Sure my words are sometimes confuse, if they are just tell me when and I would take time to explain it in other words if needed, unless you don't want to debate.

    PPPS: props to Tarn and his excellent cynical observations, kill them all whatever may be their age, social conditions, countries,religions or politic belongings, THAT's the spirit!! ;)

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    08 June 2002 03:09:25

    (Long comment ahead)

    I am sorry I missed out Morpheus' long post and only saw the short one. So I have to reply:)

    The point I was trying to relate to you Morpheus was the fact that it is not needed to refer to anyone's ratial origins or culture. Is calling someone German or Bahraini, or even American a racial comment? In my opinion it depends on the way you say it and how you intend others to understand it. From my prespective, the word German you used appeared to me as if you are critising (I hope thats the right spelling) his German origin. Maybe you did not mean it that way, but is it my fault that I interpruted it the way I read it? I do not think so. It was totally unnecessary for you to bring up his background info.

    Zoso: 'It is the belief that racial differences cause the superiority of one race over another. Period.'

    When you refer to someone's race out of the blue that is what? Are you not by that mean trying to make yourself look better than the one you are talking to? If not, thats just my opinion. *shrug*

    One more thing, I used Morpheus as an example in my comment just because you were the most recent one. Ofcourse there are more aggressive comments like natzi and crap like that which was directed to Tuareg, and me quoting you was just a use of an example. All what I was trying to say is that you should listen to the argument before you make the judgment neglicting for a second who he is and where he is from.

    And on a sidenote, if you said: Our Bahraini friend, I will break your neck because there is no need to include where I am from as there no need to say our American friend.

    Also, sorry for my previouse comment it was ignorant since I did not read your long one Morpheus.

    I will only respond to constructive comments or argument like Morpheus'.


  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    08 June 2002 02:54:39

    As usual, Morpheus leaves the juice of the argument out, and decides to comment on the thing that can make him look smart. Blah, I am done commenting on this log.


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 June 2002 02:38:17

    Please don't comment on this logg anymore, it had no color and was just run run run, not worth to get on most commented. Go comment on some other logg!

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    08 June 2002 02:23:53

    Tarn you live in the south? Good god i hope you don't live anywhere near me. :-p

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    08 June 2002 01:52:03

    *ears prick up*

    Did someone say Blues?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    08 June 2002 00:35:27

    God, get rid of the comments feature of the site already. It's quite obvious it isn't being used for its original purpose.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 June 2002 00:26:30

    All those comments in about 16 hours.

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    08 June 2002 00:18:02

    You all need a refresher course on racism.

    It is the belief that racial differences cause the superiority of one race over another. Period.

    Saying one culture is better than another is NOT racism, and generalizing about people who have a certain culture is not racism.

    Often, racist arguments are couched in cultural terms. I don't expect most of you to have the ability to spot those arguments. So if you can't, shut up.


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    08 June 2002 00:16:58

    Reading all those comments would take time, I don't have time. :(

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 23:58:49

    There is some pretty nice hip hop out there (not to be confused with gangsta rap)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    07 June 2002 23:44:07

    I know blues rocks, wasn't talking about it:P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    07 June 2002 23:39:51

    Ruiniel... blues rocks :P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    07 June 2002 23:24:44

    Hey hey, races do exist.And I'm really proud of my red hair (prolly coming from the ancient thracs).I do believe I'm supreme.But I do beleive everything about me is supreme, that's called ego, not racism.I don't hate the other races..some of them are cool:)

    And this American thing about races is REALLY pissing.I watched a movie about Jason and the Argonauts and ORPHEUS WAS BLACK!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The greatest musician of the antiquity!!! He was from Thrace damnit.He was born in no more than 50 kilometers from where I live.And there were NO blacks there.

    I kinda like the blacks.Only their music is dumb.But what the fuck??? Why should the Americans impose their racial problems everywhere?We have no problems with the blacks here.There were no blacks in Thrace. If America has racial problems, let it keep them for itself, I don't care.This American (and western in general) problem appeared AFTER the rennaisance.Damnit, why should they ruin history?

    It is really ridiculous to see half of King Arthur's servants and some of the knights black.

    When your making a hystorical movie, do it like it is, don't twist things like a totalitarist government.

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:56:39

    Oh, and Pounder, by the loose standards used to define each other as racists on this page, Tolkien would qualify as racist and more than racist.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:44:48

    Ooops, posted twice:P See? God makes mistakes:P

    Btw, I once saw something really funny.A guy had a t-shirt with a 'white power' label.He was very tall, blonde and very thin. He looked like a big spider.

    I laughed my ass off - I mean, ok, he was white but where was his power?:PPP the wind coulda blowed him away:P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:40:25

    Nah nah, you don't get it.Quit this racism crap and see the truth: I'm a god.You can have me as your god if you believe in me.:P Do races matter?:P

    On the other hand..I don't understand one part about racism - why should you hate the other races if you believe they are weaker??

    Why hate the weak?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:40:24

    Nah nah, you don't get it.Quit this racism crap and see the truth: I'm a god.You can have me as your god if you believe in me.:P Do races matter?:P

    On the other hand..I don't understand one part about racism - why should you hate the other races if you believe they are weaker??

    Why hate the weak?

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:37:44

    Wow, that was Random, who the hell is Anatharn anyway? I've never heard of him before, kinda reminds me of Nichodemus with his crazy, incoherent rambling. Keep up the good work!

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:28:52

    say it like it is brother anatharn!

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:26:34

    Yeah it's really fun.. Fuck you all, I'm just tired of all of you. It's always the same shit you're bringing up anyways.. I'll stop commenting now until I feel like doing it again... until then, you'll have to find someone else to throw your shit at.. or keep throwing it on me in my absence, I just don't care anymore. This page is even more fucked up than the game it is about.


    And *lol* the funny admins of this page closed my account it seems. Quite a good tactic I might say... have some people accuse me of this and that and then remove my ability to respond to them. Did you get some mud mails again from people complaining over my comments? Awww.. fuck you, Muaddib and Nicuramar.. you just don't know what's going on. You only listen to one side of the parties who are arguing anyways. I don't waste my time to also send mud mails to you little kids crying about what others write in their comments here. You should have entitled your so called 'public site' FRA/Rimsilval logs from the beginning, then I'd never have visited it. Some people (especially Vallejo and Co.) really know how to suck the dicks of those who have the power on T2T or this webpage in this case. (I know this comment will be removed.. I don't care about it though. this is the last time I visited this shit site anyways.)

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    07 June 2002 22:19:51

    What the fuck is all this garbage? For the love o f God, I killed Dreyboren, talk about that, just give up all this racism arguing and focus on the fact. Tuareg loves calling people fags and cocksuckers because one day he hopes someone says: 'Yes Hitler! I'm gay!! Let's Paaaaaaaaaaaaarty!!'

    But because this obscure fact is often lost you guys sit there and fucking babble on and on about something stupid. Thank you for your time.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    07 June 2002 21:53:25

    Man, I heard morpheus was posting so I wanted to say hi. Now, I am glad I have left the mud. When race and racist comments enters tolkiens wonderful world, its the saddest thing and a complete disrespect to tolkien and his writings. Too bad it seems the reach of power has swept all into its grasp leaving none but the youngest from the mercy of its claws. May you all find peace within his worlds.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 21:13:53

    All I can say is all the Americans need to die. Racists bastards! All of them!

  • Author
    Morpheus [legacy]
    07 June 2002 20:58:18

    Does anyone else find it funny that Manner, in a long diatribe about racism and generalizations, ended with the comment 'the American characters are the ones who start all of this'?


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 20:58:07

    Well Manner, I'm sure you made a valid point and argument, but no one gives a fuck about anything that is actually reasonable.

  • Author
    Morpheus [legacy]
    07 June 2002 20:56:51

    (As always, this is long)

    PLEASE Manner. We don't laugh at Sunshine cause he's a German, we laugh at Sunshine because he never stops laughing at other people for shit he does all the time.

    As for me being a racist, Manner, you're goddamn right. Because I couldn't at ALL have been making a comment on the fact that Taureg likes little tyrants when they're on his side, and is proud of the fact that his guys can beat your guys down. And since I was reading Alexander Herzen about five minutes before I posted, I figured I'd post that little anecdote. I don't at all understand how it is racist to say that certain nations historically had a tendency to like their autocrats. I read comparative political works all the time that speak of French flirtations with fascism... does that mean those scholars are racist? How about any commentary on modern Americans apolitical nature?

    I take this charge from you as being total bullshit, said solely to score points (with who?), because you know I don't have some sort of zealous love of my country or 'race' at all. I'm just gonna assume the point of my post went right over your head, and feel free to level charges of racism at me and the Russian intellectual whose anecdote I quoted solely because you confuse opinions on the political culture of a nation with racism. I found the anecdote funny, and I thought of it later when Sunshine was doing his normal rants about how evil and unskilled those he doesn't like are, and how righteous those he considers friends are.

    And as for 'our German friend,' I was using FRIEND ironically, Manner. Irony. Hint-o-sarcasm. The GERMAN part was to note who I was talking about. Like if I said 'our friend from Bahrain' when speaking of you, or 'our Israeli friend' when speaking of Armada. Or if I was talking about Solomon, 'our Kiwi friend.' Or Wildchild, 'our Aussie friend.' I'm confused how knowing someone's nationality and stating it is racist. Please, do explain. And as for 'not-necessary'- what the fuck on this page is necessary. Sorry this was so long, I must be desperate to feel ok about myself, eh Manner?


  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    07 June 2002 20:30:48

    WARNING: (long post coming up Ignore if you do not like this rasicm related thread)

    Well, first of all, the reason that made me comment on this racism crap was becuase I felt that everyone on the mud that practicly hate Tuareg are using German and homosexual related comments jokes just to shut him up and make others laugh at him. And this picture was created:

    'A crowd is listening to a debate. One of the debators use a homosexual or a rasict comment to shut up his opponent. Everyone starts laughing at the other guy and start pointing fingers without listening to what he has to say. No one is brave enough to admit that this someone can make a valid point or whatsoever.'

    Hence the situation of Tuareg Vs. the rest of the mud. I personally do not like most of his comments, but he does sometimes come up with valid arguments that are responded with stuff like: shut up you german mouth you natzi blah blah.. Need proof? Simple, go back to logs that had more than 100 comments and see if Tuareg is there and I am sure you will find all the proof you need.

    Second of all, about him posting an offensive legendinfo in his legend that was refering to you. Well Armada, I am not saying that what he did is right. Hell if someone put that sort of legendinfo I would hate him, that unless -I- offended him with a racist comment before that. Now, I cannot tell weather you did call him german or whatever before he put that legendinfo, and quiet frankly I am not interested. I did not state my argument to defend Tuareg Vs. Armada, I posted that comment to defend all forign characters who get accused of rasicm when infact the American characters are the once who start all of this.

    (sorry for the long post)


  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    07 June 2002 20:18:56

    Not to support Tuareg, but Armada calls me a racist and doesn't back it up as well.

  • Author
    Poseidon [legacy]
    07 June 2002 20:17:41

    My props to orlandu, who made the only comment worth my reading.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    07 June 2002 19:01:07

    To Longfinger:

    You said FRA and Megs were close allies. This was due primarily to the fact that, Plisken, a Marsellus alt was in meglivornth at this time. So, I guess Tuareg's alt theory holds some water. Meg was really weak and pathetic at this time and needed allies. All us superpowers had left the guild long long before.

    Racism omg you guys are fucking losers...astounding how retarded people can get.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    07 June 2002 19:00:35

    Those are 5 minutes from my life I'm never retrieving.

    Tuareg, you've provided me no justification what so ever.

    I'm going to stay simple with this, remain in levels that you can understand.

    'Israellic sicko' is no different than 'German friend'.

    Both are adjectives that describe a nationality, and both the latter are nouns. Friend is just less vulgar.

    You've accused Morpheus of racism.

    You're a racist by your own term.

    That's unless, you reach the conclusion that Morpheus used 'Germany friend' so people know that he's refering to you. Well, my sincerest apologies to you if that was the hidden intention, however, judging by the context of your former appends, that is not the case. Either that, or you need to learn how to express yourself.

    Now, unless you're going to respond to me with an illustrated post about why 'Israellic sicko' is nothing like 'German friend', and why the context of which both were used are no where familiar, I'm going to meintain the assumption that you still are, a racist, once again, by the terms that you yourself defined.

    If you choose to retaliate with your typical self, which includes slander and dumbfounding gaybashing, do not expect me to take further participation in this log thread.

    Also, Manner, with all sincerety, you've been taking an active role in this conversation. With no belligerency intended, I state that I am very curious about your position in this thread, after having read the newly found information. You are invited to contact me with your opinions.

    Yoav has left the building.

    Good day, and god bless you all.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 18:59:28

    Fuck a bunch of Israelis, Germans, and Americans

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    07 June 2002 18:28:02

    Heaven forbid, if I'd put something like 'An American got nuked' in my legend, half the mud's population would be verbally raping me. Come forth, righteous martyrs!

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    07 June 2002 18:25:33

    meh, thought that break would work, but it didnt, i know that now and next time ill go somewhere else

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    07 June 2002 18:23:56


    So it was directed to me.

    Well, sorry I misunderstood you, that must make it okay!

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    07 June 2002 18:22:06

    Yeah Sunshine, I just remembered that legendinfo.

    I don't ever recall calling you a racist, but coming to think of it, if I ever did, that former legendinfo of yours sure as hell provided justification.

    Well, Mr 'Woo the Israellic sicko got nuked' - I don't know about skinhead or antisemit, but a miserable excuse for a personality and an immature racist is certainly what you are. With proof.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 18:19:01

    ah. well fuck me

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 18:02:13

    You did, I've nothing against germans, and all that. I just pointed out Morpheus saying had nothing to do with Tuareg, but with Germany's history.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 17:58:26

    huh Hrafn. ok, so because its happened in their history it means that if a german is accused of being antisematic (whatever), he automatically is? So since I live in the South of the good ole fucking USA, if someone says I'm racist that means I automatically am? riiight. But then again I could've misenterperated whatever you said

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    07 June 2002 17:51:46

    I remember reading a certain very racist legendinfo of yours Tuareg when Armada was wrongly-nuked.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    07 June 2002 17:05:50

    Erm, nevermind. Mornaner hit after that, I figured it was just that long ass emote the fang gives when you kill someone.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    07 June 2002 17:04:46

    Was I the only one that noticed he died from a scratch and find it incredibly funny?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    07 June 2002 16:21:50

    Manner got a point!

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 16:12:07

    It might have been racist-comment, but it was based on historical facts. Now ask yourself what was the most scary part... The fact it included germans, or the fact that some anglo-saxens (I think) like to have dictators? Oh, sorry, Emperors.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    07 June 2002 16:02:24

    '...he discovered afterwards that he was in fact a lover of the opposite sex.' Quoting Barren the great sexual tendency professor. I think this sentence mean that Tuareg is gay atm and will become stright? Call me crazy but are you guys not argueing that it is the other way around. Plus, I really believe that I first heard these sexual related comments from people like Vallejo and Klouse who started these talks.

    And one more thing, why do you keep making fun of Tuareg's nationality? Its not like you are in anyway better than him. Hehe, I remember how this mud supposed to be not racist at all and Melkor fighting racist groups and stuff like that. It was supposidly the forign characters that start all this racism crap when in fact it always comes or atleast starts from you Americans's. Handle Tuareg's comments in relation to what he accuses you in the mud, I, and I am sure many more, do not appretiate you including these pathetic German jokes that you never get bored of.

    Anyways, thats all what I have to say, and I will be waiting for comments like: you arab, muslim, or whatever. Especially from Morpheus who will despretley try to prove me wrong in anyway possible because he wont admit that he made a racist non-necessary comment. And if you were wondering what was I refering to, it was: 'My suggestion: don't try to understand our German friend, and go on your merry way.'

    The End.


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    07 June 2002 14:54:37

    Why do rims need to give a reason?

    I usually don't kill for any particular reason, except that its fun. Ain't that a good enough reason?

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    07 June 2002 14:44:13

    I think Tuareg has some sort of inner homosexuality conflict. Go figure.

    Anyhow, Rimsilval participated in killing Dreyboren for the following:

    - Stealing gear from their portal when he was a level 1.

    - A tasteless OOC comment to me through AIM.

  • Author
    Blood [legacy]
    07 June 2002 14:39:20

    Gazza is dumb

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    07 June 2002 13:38:29

    And that one of the founders of Megs became a Fellowship Master and a legend...

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    07 June 2002 12:57:12

    Morpheus: I did? Hehe I miss the comm :) It was better in a lot of ways because even if the amount of trash talked was about the same we didnt have to put up with all this tiresome talk about stuff going up people's behinds all the time.

    And well I dont know why I bother explaining really because I have a feeling its pointless, but just because some of our members have friends in a certain guild doesnt mean the entire guild is allied to them. It's just the simple fact that our members can and are allowed to think for themselves. Myself I have a healthy amount of dislike for almost every other guild..

    To Tuareg and friends, did you know that we used to be allied to megs for years? Megs are actually the closest allies that we have ever had. We used to store uniques there long before we got an armoury, and even after that we were very close friends. Well.. I really doubt any of the cool megs from that time is still in Udungul but still :)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    07 June 2002 12:17:17

    Doh, pressed 'Add it' too soon. Carrying on...since loads of people wanted him dead, he's obviously still an uber-wankah, and so I added him to our kill list.

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    07 June 2002 12:13:28

    could Dreyboren be an alt of yours Tuareg? :? anyway you suck =)

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    07 June 2002 12:07:12

    Tuareg, Mornaner killed Dreyboren because *I* said he could. He's trash. I've had many encounters with him in the past.

  • Author
    Morpheus [legacy]
    07 June 2002 11:31:36

    Barren my boy, I think he's trying to say that, 'because one or two of the typists from Rimsilval might/do have FRA chars, that means these two guilds MUST have really close ties. This, of course, is ahistorical, coming from Tuareg, whose young age and utter stupidity means he can't realize that for years we had huge animosities, and that Longfinger once chided me for an hour on the comm for talking trash about FRA hiding in their guildhall when I wantd to kill them. See, Tuareg thinks that just because two groups are friendly (or even kinda friendly), it _must_ be because they're alt-lovin', m-playing, cheatin bastards. He can't imagine that people he doesn't like might be doing ANYTHING for any possible reason beside, 'hey, let's cheat to RULE this mud and beat down those people we don't like!' He can't imagine that no matter how often Rims tried to make peace with Megs, they would dick us up our proverbial asses by attacking us not long later. Same goes for Durms (except under Manni, many props to him). We MUST be in league with FRA, in some sort of conspiracy to fuck over Taureg's friends.

    My suggestion: don't try to understand our German friend, and go on your merry way.


    ps: I have a good quote from a very famous member (in fact one of the fathers) of the Russian intelligentsia that I think is fitting. I hate generalizations, but think it is oddly fitting now:

    'When an Englishmen or an American says, 'I am an Englishman', 'I am an American', they are saying 'I am a free man'; when a German says 'I am a German' he is saying '...my Emperor is tronger than all other Emperors, and the German soldier who is strangling me will strangle you all...''

    pps: I don't know why, but Taureg's comments made me think of this. If you care, this was written long before two World Wars decimated Europe.

    ppps: Sorry this is so long. I'm drunk and (as always) verbose.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    07 June 2002 10:28:08

    'you're a fucking Rimsilval where FRA players have their old-'only idling now'-trash in,'

    Do me a favour and reword that so i understand what the hell your talking about ?:P

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    07 June 2002 10:24:49

    *fdls* Tuareg, I love you man, you crack me up :) Too bad you can only wish you had what it takes to piss me off ;). And you threatend me? Damn I didnt even notice.

    Lotraz, I once knew a guy who had a fear of homosexuals, much in a way Tuareg seems too, he discovered afterwards that he was in fact a lover of the opposite sex. Perhaps Tuareg will come out of his shell soon?:P

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    07 June 2002 09:59:23

    Why is it that Tuareg more or less is the only one constantly speaking of homosexuals? I'll agree with Barren on this one because Im a FRA alt... Oh wait! I am a FRA! Dang!

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    07 June 2002 09:24:13

    btw holic that was some nice triggering, apparently they changed that sou double break too :P

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    07 June 2002 09:11:56

    Im going with Mornaner on this one, apparently Tuareg is getting jealous about something. Can we say overcompenastion ?:P

  • Author
    Mornaner [legacy]
    07 June 2002 08:57:24

    Tuareg, I don't know you, I don't want to know you. I don't know what I did to deserve insults from you, but I'm gonna put it plain and simple. Fuck you.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    07 June 2002 08:38:38

    'Lets see what excuse he uses this time!'

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    07 June 2002 08:25:26


  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    07 June 2002 08:15:59

    let it be known that it bugged up during the posting and I couldn't put up the color version