Fuingul shows just what he's made of

Posted by
Ketan [legacy]
09 June 2002 00:00:00

In a blaze of skill and glory, Fuingul shows us all that the best way to escape imminent death is to just type "quit." A special thanks goes out to Fuingul on this one, because of all the time and effort he put into hitting the "q," "u," "i," and "t" keys in rapid succession.


  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    11 June 2002 17:40:28

    *laughs* I remember when this was totally ok, wow the mud sure is changing, For the worse Actually. Guess I got to keep up with times.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    11 June 2002 07:29:44

    3 different characters eh?


    My secrets out,

    Im really Fimbu, and Brahm, and Raen, And.. Vittorio!

    ehehehe *skittle*

    In all seriousness, I doubt you can find a log of me commenting with '3 characters', Vit. :p

    And if you do, Please..... stfu and not say anthing else.... mmkay?

    I dont remember mentioning all your alts to _anyone_, let alone on the fucking log page

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    10 June 2002 18:54:20

    this coming from someone who likes to post comments on the same logs from three different characters :P

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    10 June 2002 05:48:55

    peeps take this shit to seriously

    Its a fucking game.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 June 2002 05:41:43

    Continuing in a strong tradition of me not reading logs, I didn't read this one. The comments are also pretty boring, so I only read like half of those. Rather disappointing for 44 comments or whatever this thing has. You people blabber about the dumbest shit I've ever heard of :)

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 June 2002 05:01:23

    Actually I'm just laughing at the fact that I knew I wouldn't have to say it, because it would come spewing from your mouth sooner or later. It's quite interesting how much you can learn by shutting your mouth every once in awhile. Wouldn't know anything about that though, would you, my foul-mouthed little friend?

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    10 June 2002 04:48:36

    mmmm Ruiniel, close there werent ya? just another 2w and you woulda had a shot... *tsks* just too slow

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    10 June 2002 04:42:43

    My assumptions lead me to believe that Adunazon is still bitter because he's a sad introvert and my comments caught him pretty strongly. I almost feel bad for hurting a lesser man's feelings. Oh well, Im already over it.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 June 2002 04:42:33

    I can't connect, damnit

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 June 2002 04:37:00

    legend spartan

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 June 2002 04:30:24

    '...don't you ever fucking comment on me as if you know something about me, you're a piece of fucking garbage and you know absolutely nothing about my beliefs and subtle nuances. Get a life, one day you say you'll stop commenting here, the next day you quit and feel like you have to save face, even though absolutely everyone here thinks you're a loser with a big mouth.'

    Holic has no idea how right he is. Maybe the hypocracy will be his first clue.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    10 June 2002 03:49:49

    And in case I wasn't clear before, you quit in combat, yes you did. Having to quit to avoid pending death is indeed quitting, there's no difference between the way you quit and if someone quit with 20 hp and someone hunting them. In either instance the target is fucked and used quit to cheat the assassin of what he had earned.

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    10 June 2002 03:33:45

    I like to hear what he has to say

    Holic, you damn idle killing bitch! :P

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    10 June 2002 03:18:48

    I refuse to post with the name Vallejo from now on, the character was stricken from me for completely unfair reasons and I will let that name die forever. Moving on, Tuareg, don't you ever fucking comment on me as if you know something about me, you're a piece of fucking garbage and you know absolutely nothing about my beliefs and subtle nuances. Get a life, one day you say you'll stop commenting here, the next day you quit and feel like you have to save face, even though absolutely everyone here thinks you're a loser with a big mouth. Just go away and save yourself the trouble, I say this because no one else pays attention to you but yourself.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 June 2002 02:54:32

    The reason you have no quitter tag, Fuingul, is because there's no way codewise to judge whether someone was quitting to avoid imminent death if they weren't in combat. What you did was low, and you know it. Just accept it, give up. And if Ketan quit in that situation (Which he wouldn't, of course) then I sure as hell would be pissed at him, although I wouldn't do anything cause he's my GM ;)


  • Author
    Manthalion [legacy]
    10 June 2002 01:09:39

    He DID try to fade, bash and leave. But he couldn't leave the room, because of the little EP draining wizard.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 June 2002 00:36:56

    He coulda at least tried fading/bashing?? Couldn't you, Fuingul? But your brain has too little RAM:P

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    10 June 2002 00:27:21

    Why is Fuingul revealing his alts?

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    10 June 2002 00:03:23

    I guess that's why I got no quitter tag in my description now.. because it's the same thing. Like I already said, you're applying double standards.. You and me know that if Ketan had been in my situation, you'd have applauded him for anticipating the attack and avoiding it. For me everything has been said here, so I won't comment anymore in this thread.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 June 2002 23:14:09

    Erm... I'm sorry, but Ketan is right Fuingul... There's really no room for discussion on this one. Using quitting as a tactic to avoid imminent death is what makes you a 'quitter'. It's the same thing as quitting in combat...

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    09 June 2002 22:38:41

    Didnt know that the attackers couldnt enter....

    never mind my comments on this one.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    09 June 2002 22:31:25

    He wasnt even attacked right?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 June 2002 22:28:08

    I can't believe you people are endorsing this. :) 'If I quite while someone's attacking me, props to me for surviving enough rounds for it to work?' 'Who cares as long as he survives the attempt, no matter how he does it?' Should I write down all your names so that if I attack you I bring enough people to kill you before you can quit? Pansies :P

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    09 June 2002 22:21:46

    He outsmarted you guys. Next time go 'webs' faster. He knew you guys were coming.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    09 June 2002 21:55:47

    Small note of clarification: He couldn't leave the room for the same reason that I couldn't enter the room: There's code in place that stops me from going in and killing him while he's doing the quest, and there's code in place to stop him from leaving the room while he's battling the spirit. It's not a bug, it's how the quest goes. I entered the room the second the anti-leave and anti-enter protection ended, and Fuingul was nowhere to be found. Go figure.

  • Author
    Manthalion [legacy]
    09 June 2002 21:25:50

    I don't do that quest much, but... If something says 'You remain where you are,' it is usually a bug. It was for me anyway. I found a place in Linhir where I couldn't go, and it returned the message 'You remain where you are.' I bug reported it and heaved in some cash. (Woohoo!) But, I am probably wrong. And let's all just TRY to get along, okay?

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    09 June 2002 21:07:27

    Ya know what woulda been really funny in that log, if Fuingul woulda stood and fought and lighting'd the shit outta you guys and actully wipped off lightning's and killed you all, that'd a been funny as all hell

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:52:29

    And theres also a difference in quitting to avoid a death, and quitting so you can leave the game and do something else.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:51:06

    I think you'll find I said 'guess I'm just another cocksucker of the FRA, eh?'. I don't hate you Anatharn. I don't hate anyone on t2t. I have people that I talk to, and people that I dislike, and don't talk to reasonably. People that I can't stand are on my ignore list. None of your characters are on my ignore list. The reason I dislike you goes way back to when I left megs, and you branded me a 'traitor', even though I so obviously wasn't...1 example of why...i was the person who told you that Caras ladder stopped being a huntbreak, even though Mizrahi told me not to tell you. You didn't know about that, and thus I may have saved your life once. Yet I disagree with you once on something, and you say you can 'hear mizrahi in my voice' and then put me on ignore forever.

    And yes, once you stopped badmouthing me on this log page, I didn't have anything against you. I didn't mention you, and you didn't mention me. But then you started the whole hate thing and insulting people all over the place, and I kinda realized you hadn't changed. And Klouse wasn't right at all. I wouldn't have attacked you under normal circumstances. A moment of bloodlust clouded my judgement, and having 4 other members in the party raring to attack you, me saying 'no, wait, we can't do this' really wouldn't have stopped them I don't think. So I decided to just get it over with.

    At the end of the day, the attack wasn't backed by the Guild. Rimsilval isn't saying 'right, we're going to attack you now because we hate you'. You aren't on the guildboard as a target even. And you're welcome to complain to Razor, and we will be disciplined.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:44:46

    Uh, there's a difference between an 'emote-breaker' and a 'quitter.' And you're retarded. But I'm done talking. Talk is nothing. Read the log, be proud. I know I am.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:41:58

    Well, Ketan..

    'quitting is quitting and you're a quitter' I don't know how often you wrote that down in your comment just to make yourself look like you had a point. By your own definition everyone is a quitter then.. if quitting is quitting and in any case it makes you a quitter, well then we're all quitters I guess. The old definition of a quitter though was a person who left the game during combat, when he was already low on HP... In my case I had full HP though and wasn't in combat with anyone. But your definitions are no real ones anyways.. when someone emotes a huntbreak, he's an emote breaker for you. But I'm pretty sure you'd do the same to make a huntbreak alias more save.. when someone calls _you_ an emote breaker then you just shrug and say 'don't care what you think, I prefer to live' and for me it's the same.

    I mean.. Vallejo usually goes like 'inn room breakers' are the worst class of mudders on the game. If you use an inn room to escape his hunt, he's slandering you on this page (and everywhere else) like only Vallejo can do.. yet last time we tried _you_ Ketan, you had two dogs protecting you and you ran into an inn room like a pussy.. I could have logged that too and posted it here, Vallejo wouldn't have said a word against you. It's just that your own terms of what is 'okay' and what is 'cheap' or 'poor' don't count for yourself.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:37:22

    And if I couldnt leave the room because of that message, then I would have waited until i could, and then bashed the door and left, if they happened to kill me before i could do that, then congrats to them I guess. Fuck it, I'm not going to quit like a little bitch.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:35:31

    I would have bashed the door and left.. *boggle* wtf? ;)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:32:20

    Yeah, Gazza...

    I really wonder where you got all that hate for me from. I mean.. for some time we were okay again (or at least I thought so) and when I asked you if it was true that you wouldn't hesitate to attack me (Klouse wanted to bet 10k on that), you said that you would NOT attack me, because I hadn't done anything to you or your guild (which is true). Then, like a week later you, Ailin and Klouse attack me and even after that I only asked you: why? And didn't offend you in any way.. The one who said 'guess I'm just a fucking FRA bitch now, eh?' was you.. remember? And now you say you would have loved to see the outcome of this log if I hadn't left the game.. now what the HELL did I do to you please?

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:27:33

    Heheh, you're wrong there, Roku. I'm not pissed off in the least. Do you know what kind of joy I get out of posting this? It doesn't matter how 'clever' he pretends he thinks he is. For someone who always bitches about people and their alts, it's hilarious to finally see a log where he's trapped, outsmarted, and has no choice but to die...so he quits and logs on with a different character, probably running finds to see if we're still there. This is a lot more precious to me than any death could be, and for the same reason that quitting is never worth it: This log will last forever, but he could have made the stats back in a couple of days. So anyway, Fuingul, call yourself 'clever' as much as you want. It doesn't help anything...everyone can see how you really react under pressure. The whole concept of quitting doesn't change just because we didn't get to attack you. Quitting is quitting. The point behind how pathetic it is would be the fact that realistically, you can't just go 'Oh man, I'm screwed, I guess I'll magically disappear!' and leave the game. It doesn't matter if you're being hunted or if you're trapped: quitting is quitting, and you're a quitter. But go ahead, keep patting yourself on the back for being such a quick thinker. You know you deserve it!

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:26:09

    I suppose Roku. Maybe I'm just biased because I would have liked to see the log if he hadn't quit.

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:16:15

    Yes, it was kinda a newbie thing todo, but look at it this way (which I know no one will because you guys are ignorant but oh well)

    He avoided a death didnt he? and pissed off some FRA in logging off, now that's pretty funny

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:07:38

    Well, if he did something else, he would've died

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    09 June 2002 20:03:55

    It wouldn't be the first time he quits.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 June 2002 19:49:44

    And Anatharn, I really -do- believe that Brahm would have done something other than quit, in that situation.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    09 June 2002 19:47:58

    I really like how Fuingul is desperately...DESPERATELY..trying to cling on to the little self-respect that he has. Which is really funny. Especially considering the content of the log. And for the record, I -REALLY- laughed my ass off at the following:

    'little dumbos... took you 21 seconds to find out what was going on. You really got some fast brains '

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    09 June 2002 19:44:30

    The only thing that pisses me off is that some idiotic people (like you Brahm) might think now that this log makes me look look like 'a little bitch' as you say (although this term rather fits yourself). Because in my oppinion it doesn't make me look anything but perhaps clever enough to prevent a death which would indeed have been stupid and superflous.. I directly faded when I saw them north and tried to leave the area.. but I got this annoying 'You remain where you are'. So what other choice did I have? Dying? You'd probably have waited for death, Brahm.. sure sure.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 June 2002 19:29:25

    Its funny how you get pissed off every time someone makes you look like a little bitch. ;)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    09 June 2002 19:04:48

    By the way.. funny how you were looking like the stupid dorks that you are when you entered the room and only found the maiar Spirit *lool*


    *scratch scratch scratch...

    *where is he?!?

    ..little dumbos... took you 21 seconds to find out what was going on. You really got some fast brains *mwahaha*.

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    09 June 2002 19:00:34


  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    09 June 2002 18:59:46

    *smirk* I wasn't even in combat with you guys or anyone else. So it wasn't quitting.. if it was, then you become quitters like 5 times per day, when you login and logout again in your halls. But apart from that.. as long as it pisses you off, it's sure worth it. Cheaters complaining about others not following the rules is the definition of hypocrisy anyways.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    09 June 2002 18:45:15

    Would have been even funnier if Tuareg would have bashed the door in like 20 seconds after he quit on you all. ;)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    09 June 2002 18:39:22

    Hehe... This was REALLY, really funny ;) Go Fuingul!

    -- Fimbu