Osse says: who wants to get gated to Barad dur!? Inglorion asks Radagast about elf hookers. Radagast says: I'm worried about the Ranger's Daughter. Perlaien: Guys, I think we should let Westar in. I dont like the guy, but we need a new guild maggot. Ketan: Mortell devon Falix is on. Can you get my contract please? I don't want him after me. Ketan: I mean...ohmygosh! Namina: Yes, it's not even 2 oclock in the afternoon. I felt liked drinking =P Namina: ah dammit. miscomm Sefron: tell clout no sex? Zahal: Lets see... I have my cuffs and I'm naked... So is Westar... I think soon Terius: I'll tell ya who's good is Galadriel. God I hate that skank. Ruiniel: dont use has died on the comm Stryper's got a few spare keys, don't know if they're what you need...let's see. Ex-girlfriend's apartmnet (keeping that one), other ex-girlfriend's apartment (boyfriend's bigger then me, you can have that)... Axhind: why does will in md have a girl in his bedroom, no wonder why hes in jail Musan: ERs are boring :P Karak: But they're oh-so-boring for fun. Karak: I mean... whee! Let's go kill Maegon again! *cheer* Garmir is offering a mentorship for only 11 easy payments of 750 gold! And if you call within the next 2 seconds, i will really do it. Flasd: any amruin on? (no response) Flasd: good, because i really hate amruin Pocus says: k let's idle here for a sex Erwin: What would an ER be looking for in Bree? Filil: Guards Delmor: guards Terius: guards. Skull: death? Leo: the only obvious exits are north and south. You run west. Galuf: Guard is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Guard args. Jasumin: I'd arg too ;) Kayl: throw barrel at army... 'You can't do that! You might hurt The great army of Dale.' Ketan: You punish Uruk-hai Ripper for disobeying the Dark Lord! Mortu: Dark Lord sending them for donuts again? (during a kill_celeborn mission gone horribly wrong) Sackup says: Crap, just run! Zemus: Ungoliant says: I'M EVIL protect ungoliant You should not be protecting the enemy! Jazmin says: i wish i could pull money outta thin air Rauko says: If you could, you wouldn't care about money anymore so you wouldn't. Galuf says: sure I would Galuf says: I'd pay people 10k to grovel before me :D Rauko says: I can make you grovel for free! Rauko takes a mighty swing with his monsterous battleaxe and connects cleanly with his opponent's neck, severing the head. The now lifeless body slumps over as $N deftly catches the head. > read note 22 Note 22 Tevildo (Wed Jul 26) < no title > That's not nice, Rauko. Marigold has died. Rauko grabs Corpse of Marigold and EATS IT! Rendor: "You say: All ERs must die!" "Haradrim Foot Soldier says: Not me! MOOOOO!" You killed Haradrim Foot Soldier. Cowsmoo is dragged kicking and screaming back to Mordor by monstrous Trolls bearing the Eye! Hrdtutiype: Haradrim Courier says: Cowsmoo, me! MOOOOOOO!!! Haradrim Courier tries to flex like Tulkas but falls miserably short. Haradrim Courier moos. Disregarding your own personal safety, you smash your head into your opponent! You hit Haradrim Courier extremely hard. You killed Haradrim Courier. Galuf: NEXT! 14) When Beren first met Luthien, what was she doing? Perlaien: On here? probably bitching about something. Perlaien: Nothing like going to take a piss, and coming back to having 4 hp Westar: Why dosent my spellbook have my name on it anymore? Westar: Strange. Mimak: Your spellbook got drunk and forgot it! _.-^^---....,,--_ _-- --_ < >) | | \._ _./ ```--. . , ; .--''' | | | .-=|| | |=-. `-=#$%&%$#=-' | ; :| ______.,-#%&$@%#&#~,._____ Regret has been nuked! Undertow lols: i bet he'll regret that Narfea: Any non busty megs want to get me a fag Wally: Alexa tells you: After last night, I'm never talking to you again. I had my fun, I'm done with you. Yun thinks Sauron smells funny. Terius: He scares children. Brutus: i predict that yun will be in jail when he turns 100 b/c he doesn't have money for fines :P Yun: blah. only if Rauko gives them the key again :P Erwin: Why did Rauko do that? Yun: Because Rauko is crazy. Yun: maybe he was drunk. i don't know. Erwin: > The Tavern(e) > Gangee wrings his hands nervously. > Corpse of Gangee Westar: You invite Sauron to your room Baal hopes someone wasn't seriously trying to kill him, 'cause that was just sad...my mom can do better Ignatius: Your mom tries to kill you? Galuf got a horse! Jad prefers sheep. Karlun has a log, Jad _really_ prefers sheep. (at 10 seconds into a new boot) Terminus the dwarf Weaponsmaster (Immoral) Beregor the dwarf Weaponsmaster (Angelic) A short scribe taps his quill on a piece of parchment A sergeant of the guard A castle guard You close the east door. You arg. Beregor says: get in line Rendor the dunedain Sex Crimes Lord (Tatiaran) An intruder has entered the gates of Mordor! Doink: Intruder alert! Go to red alert, Man all stations! Doink: oh wait.. wrong storyline.. nevermind. Mourngrym says: you may not heal, and you may not collect 200 dollars! Bizkit: can anyone get me a weapon? Venice: how about a wooden sword? Solomon: venice! Solomon: you know you aren't supposed to give out our best stuff. Venice: whoops Solomon: give him this fang, instead. Venice: that UN rep, Run Sharp VGC one? Karlun: oh come on solomon, the rim armoury is ful of wooden swords! you can spare one! Galuf: how come I can attack things from a horse, but can't look/align/disarm, etc them? Ignatius tells you: because you're on a horse. Ignatius tells you: you're on a horse. how are you going to disarm a guy? Ignatius tells you: you fake left then disarm orc. on a horse. Taerdal: is eorling an ER? Azmar: yes Rendor: yes, kill them Terminus: sorry..quest info Shively: How can you remove a tusk? They can't be put in a baldric. Jad: It's a 4ft tusk, what're you gonna do, put it in your pocket? Lembas the dunedain Swindler (Immoral) On for: 26m 47s Age: 2d 2h 24s Gender: male Info: I'M NOT BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can be mailed: Lembas@Bree Mourngrym: So, we do still kill people for incredibly stupid names, rockin Stryper args. I can't wear Perlaien's head. I can't eat Perlaien's head. I can't do jack crap. Why'd I buy this again? Stryper: You give Ratty Perlaien's head. The goat munches happily away! The guard kicks Rauko in the ass and yells in Orcish: get moving, you little runt! Zachariah: Hwo am I supposed to get over the southern gate of Dale to meet the Knig?????? Garius: go north a bit and follow "dont ask for quest info" lane till you get to "or you will be nuked" street Still: is that an elvan short sword in your baldric or are you just happy to see me? Sime: ERs trapped at elrond Tamahome: woo! you stole the kill from them so you could kill them later! how thematic ;) Tamahome: wait.. elrond still died, right? hmm.. (ponders this) Tyler: vi bjuder på såsen Siger: Men de luktar pizza på krogen Tyler: usch Toker: 10 minuter Siger: Det är inte trevligt Siger: 15 minuter en kvart Tyler: ska du ha kebaben i pizzan, eller vah? Beregor: puhukaa englantia jooko. Galuf: Get a room, you guys ;D Siger: fine Galuf: You are standing just outside a cave entrance. The old limbs of a large tree hang down in front of you... A brightly colored kite soars in the air (flown by Rendor) {above you} > find Rendor > Rendor is in Rhovanion at Durmanhoth Guildhall (???) Ixnay: long string? Fuzzy: heh, i was wondering bout that too =] Galuf shrugs Solomon: Rendor obviously broke the hunt of the evil pkilling kite by fading and escaping. Variel: or... more likely, rendor was trying to gangbang the kite.,.. but the kite used 'levitate' and got away ;) Stryper shouts: The Edoras civilians die so Easily! Rendor: Cat bites Dog. Dog falls to the ground. Dog is bleeding to death, and needs to be bandaged! Champ: actually fights don't usually happen at mud parties...with a very few exceptions Tyler: i saw a mudder hunt another with a axe once Rendor would love to get into a fight at a mudparty Champ: closest it got to was Tirven vs Eol :P Siger: was he faded? Tyler: lamest mud joke i ever heard was when some dutch people was having breakfast at shocks place and was sitting saying 'You dig into the bread with incredible force' and such things while eating... I was pretty close of stabbing him with a fork then Tyler: Oh i heard thr worst story fromsomeone in the states, about Rathmar falling asleep at the wheels, and the guy next to him laughing his azz off as Rat was mumbling in his sleep: Tyler: 'someone get thoose damn goblins off the road' Eternal: Hmm can someone tell me how to get out lava pit in gundabad? Fast!! Teron: It's a quest Omnicron: quest info Circe: that is qi Eternal: Grrr. I dont want to make quest Klosco: haha eternal is bout to die and we're all sittin here laughing sayin we can't help him cuz it's quest info Galuf: Corpse of Smiling man (in response to more Baneofevil blathering) Someone: This is God. You are wrong. Galuf: You ask Guard about personal hygeine. > Guard says: That is beyond my knowledge, friend. Piotyr: Kurak says: Thank you, Dark Lord, for bringing me this food! Kurak has died Piotyr: Sauron should have brought him another SoB... Piotyr: You ask Grim about women. Grim says: I don't know anything about that. Melkor: well, we may ditch dunlending. Sledge: where do i train intelligence? Stryper: College Erwin: Guys, what does constitution actually DO? Glorin: It ensures the freedom for all in the US Wilfred: Huh?!? "Cat enters. Cat closes the south door." THat's a damn bright cat! The hawk is currently carrying the following message: Manni is a turd Wareagle says: give pants to galuf, Galuf doesn't have any hands! More removes a rough couched lance. Your hands are full! Galuf: Does England even have internet access? Ikon: yeah, we take turns Baneofevil: there should be something that has the emote "You deal a blow that will be whispered of in legends for eons to come." Yoshi: yeah and You bless Someone with incredible force, helping send them to Heaven! Yoshi: so what warrax? ;) You are carrying the following on your person: A large bone (in hands) A sack (in hands) Daethaur: A huge troll enters the room and hands you 0 chit for compensation as he rips away your leg and leaves Widower: The hawk refuses to obey you! You killed Hawk. Hawk has died. Florida rips into Darkrain savagely, spraying blood and gore everywhere! Darkrain misses Florida. A bolt of lightning suddenly descends from the heavens. It strikes Darkrain in the chest, leaving only a pile of ashes where he once stood. Mourngrym points at dust and say, "Quitter!". Alexa tells you: Viking's head on a pike is now on sale as lot 287, minimum bid 200 gold Here it is folks! Viking's head has many uses! Why you could start a puppet show with it! Give yourself oral pleasure (yuck). Scare the children! Mop the floors with his tongue or scrub dishes with his hair. Compete for a spike throwing medal in the Olympics. Attract transexuals! and many many other things.. Xazziri: 'Unkind the silvan Landlord'? My, my. Archie: A janitor's mop (sharpened) (wielded) Inglorion: The defiled corpse of Thug Inglorion: new weapon? Dorianna: Dead thugs can't say no Amzel: Skeezy has entered the game. Skeezy tells you: Your gay. Skeezy has left the game. Solon: Your hand are full! Nash: how do u guy's think is going to lose to the mariner's in the world series? Inglorion throws a grammar book at Nash Westar: Comm should be used for thematic stuff. Unless i change the rules again. Reinold: i wouldn't, i would nuke too many pple :) Westar: Reinold.. dont talk on my comm Galuf: Brand notices your feeble attempt and kicks you out! Brand tells you: You can't leave until you return that item! You remain where you are. Brand kicks the good for nothing thief Galuf into the street. Inglorion: You say: Elmdor is a dick. You spit on the floor rudely. Without warning, Anonymous figure stabs you from behind! Anonymous figure sinks the blade into your abdominal cavity. You are bleeding to death. Anonymous figure puts you out of your misery. You have died. Armada: well yeah I think its against Shock as well, he insulted our spanking ability on the comm, therfor, he must be spanked to death. Tatiara: nah, rather spank shock irl at the next mud-party ;P Armada and CotS declares an all out spanking war(massacre) on Shock. Agrash: who's in CotS ? Do you spank eachother (for practise ...) is there like a Spank Break (Hunt break kinda ...) *grin* Armada: well yeah there are spank breaks, same as huntbreaks, Piotyr uses them alot since I tend to hunt-spank him very often. Armada: ridiculous? heck, we have our own guild weapon, right Westar? Durkin: the whip! Westar: er.. YEAH! Westar: the whip! Armada: no! Piotyr, the spanking whip. thats how its called. Westar: Spanking whip! Gildwor is wondering what a massacre looks like with the Spanking Whip? Armada spanks Gwildor unleashing the wraith of Spankor, the Spank-god. Durkin: the decayded spanked remains of Shock. Gildwor critically spanks Armada with DECIMATING force. Gildwor inflicts massive spanking to Durkin. Durkin: fdl Armada: the hit very hard is Armada spanks Gwildor like a Piotyr spanking through flesh. Durkin spanks Armada with bone-shattering impact. Galuf: You slap the cuffs on Horse < Horse fades into the shadows. Warrax: trigger Without warning todo do reveal flask,5drink flask,shout OH GOD HELP!!!,10n,10s,10n,10s,10e,10w,10e,10w Mouth is dragged kicking and screaming back to Mordor by monstrous Mouth is dropped bodily before you by monstrous Trolls bearing the Eye, who laugh evilly and depart. Yoshi: Guard looks at you. Guard hugs you. Guard smiles. Guard looks at you. Guard hugs you. You say: stop that! You attack Guard. Highranger: Just saying its not likely Orcs/Trolls would be bred in Harad. Ineluki: actually Highranger...since Sauro controled it, I would hazard to guess if he said "I want orcs bred here" they would do it... Valruth proposes the comm filter all curse words into "smurf"... "what the smurf?" "you're full of smurf" "aww SMURF!" Keerval: what the smurf are you talking about?!?! Rathmar: got ho bgell gomhnbel,!!!! i slear i skanbc ;toyul you ah 3to1 Rathmar: yhou sucky oo drbnklu, gfo abck to hiipei school Rathmar: i got tobne pee everyn5 miens Brujah: The ghost of Ghostman enters. Nyret is at 4 hp!!! Galuf: Nyret is in Eriador at Southern Goblin Caves In the room: a well lit room (go get him, boys) Ineluki: that's cold Galuf :) Yoshi: you know what would be funny? if some ainur took someone they didn't like and changed it so that every time they type "score" the mud says "Not in a million years, buddy." [ Rim-Ainacam ] Galuf: we should invade Mordor :) [ Rim-Ainacam ] Aldur: yea, I'm level 11, I think I'll go for a stroll in mordor Darklady: search arda: you find nothing interesting in arda handcuff Grimrod You may not handcuff an ainur! Ratty bites you. Grimrod thanks Ratty Dormin: anyone seen Grimrod's virginity lying around? Morpheus found it and took it a year or so ago. Morpheus: Hmm. That came out wrong. Baneofevil: Look people, "gods" aren't real, God is. You should not swear or make an oath or promise, just let your yes be yes and your no be no. You especially should not swear on Christs name, and harrassing me is fun, it's my favorite hobby! Sauron: Shut up Guarana: You give Nazgul a bouquet of fresh flowers. Guarana: Witch king looks confused and drops the bouquet of fresh flowers. Mrbig shouts: RAPE! Mrbig shouts: help! Mrbig says: sorry my cat was walking acrost the keyboard [ Rim-Ainacam ] Carver: Who would report Sauron. *smirks* :) Go to the hobbit Bounders of Bywater..."Ahm, yes, I'd like to report Sauron for murder...." Bradonja: there are 11000+ chars on T2T? How many people play them alltogether? Aule: 7. Osse summons Golfimbul's medal of honor from the depths of the Great Sea. Osse banishes Golfimbul's medal of honor to the black depths of the Great Sea. Mithgil says: not working Osse? Mithgil says: get() { return 1 }; Frank says: or how about.. find_player("mithgil")->set("retard",1) Spike says: who played golfimbul Paladinz says: I was the guy who was playing dead on the fields Mithgil: "this is not a happy place." is a great touch to the room descriptions for a hobbit battle Bree Erwin: Then of course there's the fact that America spends the most money per citizen in the world on killing people... Bree Erwin: I think it's about $5-10 thousand a year per citizen, isn't it? Bree Carver: We have a lot of people that need killing. Ariadne: I can't just jump up and say, "Whee, let's change the dynamic of the lawsys, okay guys?" [ Rim-Ainacam ] Lin: I invite everyone to my wedding on December 26th. [ Rim-Ainacam ] Galuf: who's the lucky lady? [ Rim-Ainacam ] Lin: I am. [ Rim-Ainacam ] Theodrek: LOL! [ Rim-Ainacam ] Galuf: oh my... how embarassing :) Galuf is in Thranduil's Kingdom at A Damp Cell. In the room: The Long Lake. ^ Rhoads: "Current trigger: 'Galuf' todo 'hung galuf,backstabd galuf,strike galuf,slam galuf,charge galuf,kill galuf,fart galuf'" ^ Nero: your gonna hung him rhoads? ^ Nero: please don't hung him! ^ Galuf is hung well enough! You shout: OH YEAH, I GOT THE FANG! COME ON, EAT IT, BITCH! Galuf: You give Fred a Corpse of Fred. Fred looks confused and drops Corpse of Fred. Glenn: It's so hard to roleplay when you get tells like: "sup?" Zoso: necsipaal needs to put a cock in it with all this goddess wrath crap :) Zoso: err, sock, SOCK ^ Deboraha: Glenn, you can't join the KoDA ^ Deboraha: You will confuse EVERYONE. ^ Rhoads: [ Knights ] Glenn: Greetings [ Knights ] Glen: Hello Glenn ^ Mithgil: Wow, "Mordor was his playground", how unthematic ^ Ketan: It was his playground alright. ^ Dorianna: Nemesis loved Mordor :) ^ Ketan: Well, more like he was a playground in Mordor for any assassin nearby ^ Ketan: But it's still the same concept. ^ Dorgan: A hangover is nature's way of saying: Fool! I told you not to drink too much! Now you gonna pay! ^ Dorgan: Funny now mother nature sounds an awful lot like Mr. T You tell Morpheus: know what current admin reminds me of? Morpheus tells you: Monkeys in space? ^ Galuf: You know, Deb, since you don't move from that one room, it would be quite easy for anyone to just stand there and have their way with you... ^ Galuf: just thinking :) ^ Deboraha the silvan Queen (Demonic) rules. ^ Galuf: It's my dwarven blood... the nekkid elf in the grey haven's hasn't reset in awile, so I'm antsy ^ Deboraha: It's harder than you think Galuf ^ Jasumin: Because Deb tells them boring stories until they get so frusterated they leave. ^ Galuf: Carver tells you: Come by, friend, come by Valacirca guildhall. (later) Carver says: Galuf has murdered many Lothlorien citizens! Carver sighs quietly. Carver says: Why must you kill our kind ^ Galuf: Put sausage in pants. > Ok. ^ Theodrek: ...the fact that there wasn't one in there already makes me scared. Gazza tells you: 'Get sausage from pants' would be more entertaining :p ^ Azura: I used to have Homeless on ignore. ^ Azura: Someone thought it'd be funny to name themself Homeless, get one of those beds from the Dike, drop it at Bywater, and then bitch to everyone who entered about how they took his house away. ^ Azura: It was kind of clever, but it got annoying really fast. :P ^ Melkor: we dont want you to sucide ^ Phenol: like a bar that hates to see its customers get DUIs ^ Thorgon: I went to a museum with my brother one time, and there was a sculpture of a nude Roman boy... ^ Galuf: ...please stop ^ Mithgil: fdl Rhoads says: In the name of King Theoden and Rohan, cease your attack or suffer the wrath of the Amruin! Toto says: Sup? @Bree Shadowhand: You notice Jezebel's bra is nearly empty. ^ Galuf: unnumbered tears was the first great battle, right? ^ Galuf: all the elves died because they were armed with boys. Theoden fell too ^ Osse: armed with boys? ^ Osse: dirty lecherous elves. Osse says: you know what happens to people who are on crack? Osse says: they get gated to elrond. Tam suddenly shimmers and fades away. ^ Undertow: heck, when i first started mudding, i didnt know that other people were here. it freaked me out when someone started talking to me ^ Wasach: just to late you all know, today and perhaps the rest of time, will be the wrong time to mess with me.... ^ Ailin messes with Wasach. ^ Manni messes ^ Ketan: "Oh shit!" ^ Manni: damnit ailin ^ Wasach: I'm done, spent, you want RP death?....I'll give you RP death.... ^ Ketan: Damn damn damn, I take back everything I said in the last 10 minutes! ^ Ehtyar: Oh well.. ^ Mithgil is confused ^ Wasach mutters a prayer to ERU the ONE and becomes a Ranger of Ithilien ^ Manni: For those of us who havent been paying attention, Wasach's pissed. ^ Ketan: Uh oh, I think I need to repeat that "oh shit" thing ^ Ailin: You wouldn't say a prayer to Eru ^ Ketan: Because I did NOT see this metamorphosis coming! ^ Ailin: You would talk to Faramir, if you really wanted to be a Ranger of Ithlien :P ^ Manni: The guild will not be named the PKoDA, Player Killers of Dol Amroth ^ Ketan: We need to do something fun. ^ Galuf: we need Gildraug's wheel of fun, or whatever it was ^ Ailin: Rathmar's wheel of fun, yougin ^ Dizm: Rathmar's wheel of fun? ^ Gallor: rathmars wheel of fun ^ Galuf: someone go on eyemud and get him ^ Ailin: he doesn't play eyemud, simpleton. ^ Ketan: I can pretend to be Rathmar. ^ Galuf: more than he does here ^ Mithgil: Ok! ^ Galuf cheers for KEtan ^ Ailin: I'd do a better job, Ketan. ^ Ketan: You probably would, Ailin, but I volunteered first. ^ Ailin: I'm much more bastardly than you. ^ Mithgil: Let's take a vote for who gets to be Rathmar. ^ Ketan: But WoF wasn't JUST a bastard's game. ^ Ketan: It needs my style. ^ Ailin: We can't have wheel of fun without Rathmar ^ Ailin: it wouldn't be the same. ^ Manni: It's true ^ Ketan: We'll call it Wheel of Not-quite-as-fun. ^ Ketan: Okay. We'll change the name completely, just so it doesn't reflect ^ Gallor: wheel ^ Tanis: I'm here. All rejoice. ^ Gallor: of ^ Manni yawns ^ Ketan: We'll call it "Get the hell off the comm, Tanis." ^ Gallor: plagarism! ^ Galuf: who was Sindel? ^ Galuf readies himself for a story ^ Ailin: Manni's alt. ^ Tanis: Vallejo and Mizrahi ^ Wasach: I can't remember but it's a familiar name ^ Ketan: The better question is "Who WASN'T Sindel?" ^ Ketan: Or like, "What'd Sindel do?" ^ Ketan: And then I'd laugh and say "Hahahaha, who didn't Sindel do?" ^ Galuf: we should ask Nicuramar to open up the log page to mudsex logs ^ Tevildo: There have been a couple logs... ^ Tevildo: None as good as Turin with Mutalator, of course. ^ Galuf: have that one ^ Manni: i was going to mention that one ^ Ailin: Turin and anything that moved. ^ Mithgil: I propose we develope a secret numerical code that represents profanity so we can mouth off on the comm. ^ Mithgil: For example, I could say "462 you." ^ Ketan: Mithgil, that is a 3745ing brilliant idea. ^ Manni: I think he's a 3435ing retard. ^ Mithgil: Yeah, 2035 me. ^ Ketan: Were you also thinking that Mithgil is 3645'd up? ^ Someone: Wow. ^ Ketan: Hahaha! Someone can't do a 6458ing thing! ^ Someone: er, let's not get carried away. Don't you boys have some porn you could look at instead? ^ Ketan: Porn doesn't talk back, Someone. Talan: You can "turn pk off" by not being an asshole. ^ Glenn: Roleplay gone horribly wrong... "@DolAmroth Eryniel creams loudly" @Bree Quamgced: Disregarding your own personal safety, you smash your head into Stubborn ass! ^ Ailin: What did Vengeance do that was legend worthy anyway? ^ Ailin: besides sleeping with Turin... ^ Ailin: she should got a medal for that ^ Ailin: The Purple Heart :P ^ Zoso: Mithgil, we could blow up at any second. ^ Zoso: Only your constant worrying about it can save the world. Go worry. ^ Crusaderr: give me a finger too I lost one in Nam ^ Jasumin: You better keep your fingers out of Nam :P ^ Ketan: Lord, forgive me for what I am about to say. ^ Ketan: Thank god Jasumin said it for me. ^ Manner: he is not on our friend's list...why do rimsilval kill galadriel? ^ Paladinz: cause she's a traitor and keeps knowledge away from them :P ^ Paladinz: they believe by killing her and eating her body, they can gain her intelligence @Bree Calhoun: Quick question, folks.... if someone collapses and has a seizure.... what's a good 'incident type'? @Bree Calhoun: For a report, that is. @Bree Calhoun: 'chick falling down and spewing frothy vomit' isn't professional enough. @Bree Shadowhand: oh my god, please tell me a real cop is not going on the mud to ask for procedural advice ^ Shadowhand: My porno FTP server has been up for 88d and transferred 311,000 mb ^ Zoso: ip? Tevildo answered [Mon May 13 04:34:23 2002]: My concern is that, like the level 20 titles, people will be inserting totally unthematic stuff for their surnames. "Prophet Mohammed", "Twokool For-U", "Gyro Scope", "Bared Chest", "Shaft Damnrightcanyadigit"... you see my point. Tevildo [Mon Mar 4 17:54:11 2002]: I'm rather disappointed that this vote failed. I'd like to know what specific reasons the no-voters and abstainers had for not approving of changes. With that information, perhaps we could rework the proposal to be mutually acceptable (hopefully other than "I like to hunt them, even if it's thematically absurd").