A duel between two gladiators....a must read

Posted by
Julius [legacy]
26 June 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Props to Klouse for giving it his all, but in the end, the Flatliner was just all out of juice. Another solo kill by your favorite assassin!


  • Author
    Rogar [legacy]
    13 February 2003 06:44:23

    shit good fight.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    01 July 2002 19:41:56

    Hehe. Anatharn said, 'from time to time I gotta punch one of these assholes from the mud in the face when I see a log of them dying'...

    You forgot to add:

    'Or a log of me dying.

    Or a log of one of my friends dying.

    Or a log of someone completely random dying.

    Or a theft log.

    Actually, forget this, I yell at them on every single log...'

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    28 June 2002 22:09:34

    Gazza, I fell asleep during that last comment. Please try to keep your responses more directed and significantly less boring. Thank you.

    On a side note, given Anatharn's hostility towards everything in the world that is happy and good, I just think the dude needs a hug. However, I'll let someone else hug him. Like maybe Lotraz.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    28 June 2002 19:10:43

    I don't think having done anything of note is necessary to have a big ego. I don't think. One could just be delusional, or carrying a rl personality trait onto the mud - which loads of people have a problem with because they think it is necessary to have quantifiable evidence in order to have any type of criticism to have, therefore he's 'trespassing' on their 'hard earned' right to say whatever they want when they want. Heh, now there's an answer!

    In Anatharn's case...who knows what his reason is. Maybe it's his unquenchable hate for all things FRA and other people he's made enemies of. Maybe he's a confident person who's comfortable in himself in real life, who doesn't conform to the 'Don't say shit or I'll kill you' attitude. Or maybe he's a wanker. Maybe he thinks he's above the rest of the mudders. Maybe he's so insecure irl that he has to put others down to make himself feel good. Or maybe 'that's just him'. Just a few -possible- explanations, but like I said...who knows. I certainly don't. Maybe ask him?

  • Author
    Fairfax [legacy]
    28 June 2002 14:46:43

    Oh by the way, I guess Klouse could take that as a compliment. Klouse is cocklover, but he has his moments and can usually back up his threats unlike some of these other people.

  • Author
    Fairfax [legacy]
    28 June 2002 14:44:19

    Haha, I just saw Gazza's comment about the 2 dueling egos on the log page. But one question for Gazza and the rest of the site community. Why does Anatharn have an ego if he hasn't done anything of note except take breaks from biting that pillow to talk shit on here?

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    28 June 2002 12:00:43

    Why do you have to punch me in the face so to speak on the log page. Why can't you come do it with your character? I know you can't hold my jock strap so why are you dangling by the strings like a god damn porch monkey?

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    28 June 2002 07:25:33

    Damm! And I'm sure Ailin is that woman!

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    28 June 2002 03:54:34

    Anatharn, ou said it yourself 'all the responses to my posts are the same' so why don't you FUCKING CLUE IN and stop being such a goddamn dick :P I think you just _really_ need a woman.


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    28 June 2002 02:59:33

    Hey all, I just came on to say hi to people and to read this cool log someone sent me the link for. Just curious is anatharn = tuareg? *shrug* Maybe not. Well, I just hope you guys are all having a great time at the towers. Someone kill glorfindel and fart on his corpse for me.:) Bye.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    28 June 2002 01:11:43

    From time to time? Try every fucking time. And you do it to everyone. You were flaming me and you don't even know me.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    28 June 2002 00:21:11

    No, it's fun from time to time, Bashgeroy. I'm not even reading the responses to my comments anymore, they're always the same :P (Klousiepoo trying to train his cynism, Lotraz trying to convince people that nobody has friends but him, ...) but from time to time I gotta punch one of those assholes from the mud into the face when I see a log of them dying.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    27 June 2002 23:41:16

    Anatharn....I got tired of bitching, you still haven't?

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    27 June 2002 23:38:44

    Blah. Shit happens. Not Klouse's fault.

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    27 June 2002 22:19:45

    fdl, erm care :P

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    27 June 2002 22:19:09

    i'm sorry, but i have to say that most of the mud probably doesn't char wether Anatharn plays or not. just because you don't like him Lotraz doesn't mean everyone else in the world has to

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    27 June 2002 22:01:44

    Anatharn, I don't think you are calling me that cause I don't like it. More that you like calling men pet names. There is someone in the world for everyone, but I am not that person for you. You will find that person one day, she might be over 400lbs and the women who gave birth to you...but always remember there will be hope! I feel for you, I know...I take that back, I don't know what you are going though :)

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    27 June 2002 21:39:10

    Thats great Lotraz.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    27 June 2002 20:10:48

    I think its beyond gay to talk shit to a guy after SOMEONE else kills him. This is why Anatharn loves the log page. Its like Anatharn earns the right to talk shit just by reading the log. If Fairfax gets solo'd you can be sure Anatharn will brag the most even though he would have had nothing to do with the actual kill.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    27 June 2002 19:41:02

    Ugh, nice miswording.... at the least Anatharn got something to yell like a baby about then :)

    Obviously I intented to put Klouse as the ego all the way through, ... but oh well, who cares:

    A battle between idiots!

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    27 June 2002 19:34:49

    Correction, a battle between an ego and an idiot. Klouse being the idiot.

    Or perhaps, a battle between an ego and a player not welcome by the majority of the mud.

    And yes dimwhit Anatharn, Klouse is still the ego.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    27 June 2002 18:28:06

    The duel between two gladiators in the log, and the duel between two egos in the comments :-)

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    27 June 2002 17:46:53

    I am not maxed, I just died. So I have 98 Aim.

  • Author
    Gangrel [legacy]
    27 June 2002 17:46:05

    I'll be happy to take over Klouse's challenge if you are up for it.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 June 2002 17:36:38

    Klousiepoo, did you ever think about the possibility that I am calling you this BECAUSE you don't like it? *wink* I hope it made 'click' now. And you already told me your genorous and mighty offer to battle me at Rhosgobel.. you are really a brave person to challenge a level 18 dunedain thief with your maxed dwarfen warrior char. On a sitenote.. I don't trust you, because you are a dishonourable character pig and I wouldn't be much surprised if you would make up a trap at the battle scene to make sure I get finished by someone in case you don't manage to do it.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    27 June 2002 12:15:33

    Coward? No, that is called being prepared. I wasn't prepared for the attack, I took it like a man. If you want to see coward...Ill ask you. Log on we can go to Rhos. Barehands, with weapons...it doesn't matter, and we can handle buisness. But what is going to be your answer? No. Just like almost everyother mother fucker on this game, yelling shit from the sidelines. I already told you, I am not a homosexual, if you want to pick up men...you should find out where Elmdor is...you can ask him if you can call him a pet name. I don't like it, don't do it.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    27 June 2002 08:44:51

    Heh, of course it didn't do anything to your ego, Klousiepoo. How could anything in the world do something to THAT ego.. I doubt that it's possible. But well, look at it from my perspective.. not long ago you were still sending me tells like 'I can't be solo killed.. you'll never find a log of anyone solo killing me.'. I remember that I told you that everyone goes low on HP or takes risks sometimes and you said you wouldn't. Now this log proves you wrong, Klousiepoo... You died from a solo attack and you took a risk by waiting in that dangerous place although you admitted that if you had seen Julius on you'd directly have run and left that place (probably to run to your guildhall to get another 2 phials, one for each hand) like that coward that you are.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    27 June 2002 08:35:18

    You know, it would have been possible for you to kill him (tho you would have died too) in one of the rooms there ;)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    27 June 2002 07:29:39


    Possibly cause touching a crystal and lighting a fire are completely different, dip shit?

    Just found it funny is all, a skill you can get better in without wasting ep

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    27 June 2002 06:24:08

    Sweet log.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    27 June 2002 02:25:55

    legend kian

    There are no legends about anyone of that name.

    -Enough said-

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    27 June 2002 00:47:06

    HP:230 EP:230 light crystal

    Your fire building skill has increased due to use.

    You touch the crystal, and it begins to glow.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    27 June 2002 00:35:24

    Nice log Julius, sucks to be killing my guildmates though :\

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 June 2002 23:58:08

    I was bored and went up there later and made about 3.5 or 4k from all the free shit on the ground. lol

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    26 June 2002 23:35:54

    Good show guys.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 June 2002 23:35:49

    Not taking sides, but good log :P

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    26 June 2002 23:34:59

    Oh and did he show me something? No he didn't show me a damn thing. Sorry if you think it has done something to my ego. You are out of luck son.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    26 June 2002 23:32:49

    Lost a unique? Nope. It is where it belongs in the armoury. God? Yes, I am still him. Even God isn't perfect, I mean after all people still have diseases. Don't call me pet names, I am not gay you fag ass motherfucker. My stupidity? What in the log shows my stupidity? If you are going to talk alot of bullshit atleast let me get my boots on so I don't get it on my nice godly shoes.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    26 June 2002 23:19:12

    Well considering the black sword is in our armoury right now, I guess we didn't lose it did we...which makes your celebrations less.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    26 June 2002 23:05:58

    Klouse says: I didn't see you on

    take pack from corpse


    HP:87 EP:74 say no stone

    Klouse says: Otherwise I would of left


    HP:90 EP:69 Klouse says: You posten that I presume?


    HP:91 EP:67 Klouse says: I am not a newbie

    Klouse says: Quit

    HP:114 EP:82 Klouse left the game.

    *lool* Klousiepoo dies and the first thing he thinks about is that the log might be posted and that this would damage his reputation, poor soul.

    What a nice thing :) Klouse gets whacked, Rimsilval loses a very good unique through his stupidity. I just love when someone shows such arrogant fucks that they're not god :)

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    26 June 2002 22:49:56

    Nice Julius. You sure have put up some great logs.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    26 June 2002 22:03:04

    Great fight!

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    26 June 2002 21:56:24

    That unornamented sword beat the shit outa him. I'm amazed.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 June 2002 21:49:26

    Nice fight. Close too.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    26 June 2002 21:44:26

    Yeah, nice fight guys.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    26 June 2002 21:40:19

    Yes, now that is a hell of a fight. I would be lieing if I said I didn't like the outcome. Good job Julius. *kicks his flask*