Naga the Figure

Posted by
Ethereal [legacy]
29 June 2002 00:00:00

Naga gets his ass handed to him. Pity he had that key on him.


  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    01 July 2002 07:43:20

    heh, if he's bryn, that means keea has to be lurking around somewhere :p

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    30 June 2002 14:03:55

    What are you talking about Feodinur. You're my alt, forgot?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    30 June 2002 13:03:23

    And what you do Avaar besides try to kill newbies, be an ass and get your ass kicked by Fra/Beornings?

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    30 June 2002 09:17:59

    When will you be back Balinul, we miss you in the mountain *sobs*

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    30 June 2002 00:15:37

    Nice to see you around Feodinur :)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    29 June 2002 23:57:28

    Bryn? Is that you?

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    29 June 2002 23:43:02

    Also my name is almost exactly the same as one of the last chars I played before taking a break, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out who I am and realize I haven't been around.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    29 June 2002 23:42:11

    Ok all, I'm only posting this here since this is the most recent post, and I'd like to see what people think about it. How many people think it is extremely unlikely that I have been gone from the mud for 2 years, and just recently started a character, which is the only char I have played actively at all, and have just made some enemies so far. And how many think it is much more likely that I'm an FRA alt and am just fighting enemies of my other character?

    Anatharn seems to think it inconceivable that I went away for a few years, so I want to see if it's really that hard to believe.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 June 2002 23:10:14

    It was meant to be funny, Ailin. For YOUR entertainment, am I not nice? I'm providing you with joy and laughter

    ...when I'm not just offending you, throwing insults at you and telling you to shut the fuck up...

    but actually, I'm a nice guy as you can see.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    29 June 2002 22:29:07

    I think it's funny that Anatharn is telling people not to talk shit on here :P

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    29 June 2002 22:28:34

    1. no theres not

    2. rhoads comments on people's pking skills, not their ability to make gold etc

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    29 June 2002 22:19:15

    Newsflash: there's more to this mud than fucking people over and killing them.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    29 June 2002 21:15:51

    rhoads, you talk hella shit for someone that never does a damn thing

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    29 June 2002 19:11:25

    Why post a one man attempt? Especially from someone lower lvl than you.

    Waste of space and time!


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 June 2002 17:33:50

    Justa another newbie assassin....

    Look who is talking :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    29 June 2002 16:20:41

    I got to say that Anatharn is actually starting to say some funny shit. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation I've been experiencing the past week, but I've actually laughed at a few of his comments. That Anathema comment _was_ funny.

    In other news, I haven't seen many theft logs up here, except for Nibinving's theft of a burned out brand when his guildmate was drunk. Someone needs to start stealing shit again!

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    29 June 2002 15:30:09

    *apologizes for offending anyone, and can say truthfully he is drunk as a f**k*r*

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    29 June 2002 15:26:50

    Ethereal and I are friends, I have known him in the game for a while :p I just can't take any more damn attempts.

    This one was pretty good actually, I just would rather see something like a pk or such.

    Wizzies can pk ey! Get SRS, daze spell and maybe a good sword strike your target, daze him, fb him, kill him set traps like this one etc.

    Anatharn shh :p you tried to kill Hobbe and almost got put on a hit list for it... So I wouldn't talk shit about people...

    Ethereal it was a good log, I just felt like being a little nasty in my first comment, I am trying to eminate Wasach :p although he has been gone for a good wee while

    2 words for yah

    Keep it real!

    Nibby the dwarf homeboy AIIGHT!

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 June 2002 15:13:52

    Are you on crack or something, Nibinving? this isn't *YOUR* logpage, you little dumbass. How do you think you can tell people what they are allowed to post and what not? If you have a personal problem with Ethereal (and it very much looks like that) then why don't you talk it out with him and spare with such hilarious comments that make you look like a bloated fool who thinks he can boss others around?

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    29 June 2002 14:58:15

    nice comment Nib. Your first for the log page?

    Well you raised an interesting point. Me (Being a wizzie) cant hunt people so i cant really post pk's. This is the best i could come up with, and i dont post all my attempts. And its not that bad a log is it? =(

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    29 June 2002 14:32:34

    Ethereal, for fucksake STOP posting these crappy ass logs. And what the hell is that do say You Blow! but not as good as yo momma? it aint funny man it is just pathetic

    Post something people will read like player kills on lvl 20's. solo kills on hard to kill players. No one wants this SHITE!

    You are a wizard with phial and fang and lvl 20, Naga is a lvl 18 assassin prolly not as much HP as you and he almot BUTT fucked you into hell.. so just stop posting this.

    Get the fuck outta here you're BEING pk'ed!

    I hardly ever get attempted, I die through my own stupidty, if I did get attempted I would prolly not post it, because I wouldn't want people tos ee what a tosser I am that everyone wants to kill me.....

    Nibby silverbeard dwarf of the Lonely mountain (Nibbled)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 June 2002 11:39:36

    *grin* didn't know my grandma was such a horny beast.. no, that surely wasn't me. But if you're lucky you mixed up my name with Anathema's.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    29 June 2002 11:30:38

    ....Does this mean that it wasnt you who i was mudsexing?


  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 June 2002 11:05:01

    Well.. you don't know how right you are with this, Rush.. I'll tell you a little secret. Me and my grandmother both share this char and you know.. she can get a little bit nasty sometimes.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    29 June 2002 10:53:09

    must be the other Anatharn then :\

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 June 2002 10:36:12

    I don't care how often I die, Rush.. (and it was once yesterday). At least I don't offend and slander people in comments here!!!

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    29 June 2002 10:21:14

    Who says i post every attempt? I got attempted 3 times yesterday and didnt post any.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    29 June 2002 10:19:38


    welp, i didnt die twice yesterday, must be doing a little better then you, eh?

    anyways, i only just got activated, had to make a few comments ;)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 June 2002 10:13:40

    So speaks the 21 hours old level 7 thief! Let's praise his name for the wisdom he shares with us.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    29 June 2002 10:06:41

    jesus christ

    we dont need a log of every fucking attempt you've ever had made on you.

    I got attempted twice by 2 random people the other day, it happens to everyone, so why bother posting it?

    and why did you remove and re-post?