
Posted by
Mizrahi [legacy]
03 July 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Don't be too quick to rejoice, Sons.


  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    06 July 2002 05:11:39

    Where did you see me judging your tactics? I merely made a statement of facts, not comments on those facts.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    06 July 2002 01:37:50

    Whatever Duniv, it's not like we're going to be sitting around wanting to kill someone then just suddenly stop and go, 'Okay, no one come with me, I need to go alone otherwise I will have no respect!' If we want you dead, we'll kill you... that's generally the best way I do think. Duniv, do you disagree that FRA usually has the means to put away targets, wasn't that the whole point? Anywho, as always Duniv's biased little meanderings about lonely hearts and drooping lilles have gone astray. Chin up Duniv, the grass is always greener... for some people :)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    05 July 2002 04:35:37

    mmmm, barbeque from Bits-O-Pig.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    05 July 2002 02:42:34

    I meant that your members don't play any sort of character. By this, I mean that they don't make any effort to develop the personality of a character. It's all about getting uniques, and killing in four man parties. With this said, most players in Arda don't do a good job of playing a character. You're just more formidable, and more annoying as a result. They pretty much do whatever they want, and use theme as a pretence. I don't think anyone can contest the fact that FRA is a fascist, war hungry guild.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    05 July 2002 01:06:12

    Duniv, you don't think we play our theme well, and yet you just called us fascists? That's a contradiction. :)

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    04 July 2002 20:23:32

    Um The FRA's theme is that they want the one ring for themselves to do what they wish with it, not some selfeshness god mongling bullshit. They willstop at nothing to achieve this

    So whatever you think your saying or were saying is bullshit *shugs

    Already talked to the ainur they are on the way of being changed.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    04 July 2002 17:52:34

    Actually, I like FRA's theme. I don't think FRA members do quite as good of a job playing characters which fit into this theme though.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    04 July 2002 17:48:25

    Anatharn, please don't post such bullshit on the log page. I am not wearing any boots today. I am a hater? Not in the least. When someone kills a guildmate do I hate on their log? No, I just handle buisness sooner or later. A hater? Please, not that you would know what a hater was anyhow even though I just gave the following qualities in my last comment. Reason why I posted it on this log was because some people don't venture back in old comments, so I decided to write it here. From 1-5 in the list, you do each of those examples. Don't get mad at me cause you are a hater. Probably some 16 year old high school student who has no friends and sits at home cause he has nothing todo. I'm not trying to make fun of you for that, just saying..but that is pretty much the truth. You are a hater, plain and simple. I posted something, wasn't 'raggin' 'baggin' 'talking shit' about you or on you. I was just explaining your personality. A psychiatrist? Come on now...I don't need a head doctor to tell me what problems I have in my life. I can figure them out by myself. That is all from Klouse the Wise.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    04 July 2002 17:45:52

    First of all, here is the quotation concerning Ulfang in the silmarilion, and whos the beginning was quoted by Adunazon a few days ago:

    'Yet neither by wolf, nor by Balrog,nor by Dragon, would Morgoth have achieved his end, but for the treachery of Men.

    In his hour yje plots of Ulfang were revealed. Many of the easterlings turned and fled, their hearts being filled with liesand fear; but the sons of Ulfang went over suddendly to Morgoth and drove in upon the rear of the sons of Fe?nor, and in the confusion that they wrought theycame near to the standard of Maedhros.'

    Now thematically Sons would merely be Easterlings heirs of Ulfang, but one may also imagine that black numenoreans or cursed elves'd have joined their goaland purpose to serve the emissary of Morgoth...

    Now even if Sauron had moved from Dol Guldur to Mordor back, I believe the white council never fully suceed toclean it and allies of sauron still remained there.It is in the Silmarilion not indeed precisly specify that forces were still gathered in Dol-Guldur, but this would make sense strategically speaking:

    '... and they assailed Dol Guldur, and drove Sauron from his hold, and Mirkwood for a _brief while_ was made wholeseome again.'

    Meaning one may easily imagine, his servants 'd have still dwell there.

    Concerning Fras, I personnally think their theme is one which fit the best with Tolkien's universe for , for the seeking of Power is a MAJOR theme in Tolkien's Work, this is not a hazrd if the Ring is also called Ring of Power.

    Thus, in each camp, power is the seed that has corrupted all hearts, even Galadriel the fair, or Thingol the wise, all they betray and have fallen in their ways...

    Now they are still pure heroes who have resist to this power temptation like Aragorn, Beren and Luthien, Gandalf.... but they are excptions and even Frodo couldn't resist to the call of power.

    Nyssa you advanced they weren't corrupted humans working together, but what do you think sons were?

    if not precisly corrupting people working together for the mightyness of Melkor... As well as Fe?nor's sons working for their own, for an oak, for their fall... And just look at the silmarilion and give me one chapter where the seeking of power isn't mentionned...

    Now one may also imagine some elven smiths of Ost in Edhil, that actually know of the existence of the Ring but who wouldn't have the mind strength of a Celebrimbor and that 'd have gatherd a fellowship to get back the one Ring, but for their own purpose...

    To conclude, what is interesting in Tolkien's universe is that it is not a closed one, there remains a lot of shadows thatare just free areas for the reader to imagine and assume what could have happend.

    now I see t2t like a possible universe of the real story... like another dimension if you prefer, something that could have happend, and that's what myth are all about finally...

    Now you can wake up, I thank you for your attention, if ever you had the infinite courage to read me till that point.

    Necsipaal the devils and devils advocate.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    04 July 2002 16:39:00

    To answer some feeble questions about FRA's theme and how it fits into the theme of t2t:

    '...the rimbor anim is a positive addition to Arda simply because Tolkien recognised not only the balck and white of good and evil, but also acknowledged the sinister grey area of selfishness and greed and power-questing. It is important we represent Tolkien's illustration of megalomania and power fanaticism in order that the realm of T2T may continue it's faithful realism to Tolkien's world. The dreams of Saruman, Ungoliant, and Feanor provide an exciting dimension to the pursuit of the One Ring, and it is a dream with wich the FRA identifies...'

    -An excerpt from theme statement of the FRA.

  • Author
    Nyssa [legacy]
    04 July 2002 16:33:06

    Heh. I'm sorry Vittorio, that's my usual retort which I personally am getting tired of because I've been around for so long and in my opinion if I haven't heard of you you must not be significant. But that's just my opinion.

    I'll have to come up with a new one.

    Anyhow. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS IN FRA WAITING FOR! HURRY UP AND POST THEM! Or are you just not willing to because I'll have some comment to make that will make you just want to kill me more?

    I'm waiting...

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 July 2002 10:30:49

    As far as I can remember from the books (please correct me if I am wrong) the only humans that knew of the One Ring's existance were Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir and Denethor. Boromir only learned of it after the council of Elrond too, which makes it seem strange that so many know about it in T2T, themeatically speaking. Not saying that other guilds are more thematic than FRA, just pointing out that guilds in our Arda are wholly fictional creations.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    04 July 2002 09:59:43

    well that was certainly an insightful comment there, Oiraelen.

  • Author
    Oiraelen [legacy]
    04 July 2002 07:55:05

    <insert general bashing of Vittorio here, use your imagination to come up with several insults probibly to do with dogs and his mother and also put any relevant mplay info you can think of..>

    No hang on.. I'm not going to respond to that and make myself look stupid.. I'll leave that to you guys.


  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    04 July 2002 06:44:19

    the koda's can't be relied upon for that anymore manni. the gm likes to claim jump uniques on reboot :P

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    04 July 2002 05:01:06

    Is there going to be another guild war :P????

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    04 July 2002 03:38:40

    I've observed that this game works a lot better when you ignore theme and have fun. Leave theme to be enforced by the ainur and KoDA :) Now all we need is for them to leave 'balance' to us.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    04 July 2002 02:10:48

    gee, the group hanging together seems the be the same argument that is made about SoU. so, i guess like mizrahi suggest, it's a lose lose argument. and no, im not anyone important :P

  • Author
    Nyssa [legacy]
    04 July 2002 01:54:41

    Vittorio... Vittorio.... uhm I am going to have to check with Klouse as to whether you are someone I ought to be aware of.

    Human corruptness.. see I don't remember reading so much of it that there was a centralized group that hung out together to do this... there were people here and there but none of them worked together.. feel free to correct me. I could be wrong.

    But you know, I'm not into this, I just wanted to put my piece in. Ignore if you want. I really said what I did to make myself feel better.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    04 July 2002 01:29:52

    Ulfang did exist, so forget about the A :p

    The rest of the comment remains.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    04 July 2002 01:13:48

    that was directed at nyssa :P

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    04 July 2002 01:11:04

    how does their theme not fit tolkien. look around in the books for corruptness of humans, it's everywhere. yeah, i guess you could all call me an fra kissass/suckup, you're probably going to anyway. nyssa, you an i both know that sou can't say a damn thing about RP. SoU is infamous for making a mockery of RP. as for you talking about sou's having lives, i suppose you're inferring that everyone else does not? who are you, anatharn now?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    04 July 2002 01:09:25

    Beh. I had a big post all set, but the 'add it' didn't register and I lost it. I'll just keep it short now. :p

    Nyssa, please provide me with a SINGLE proof, from Tolkien, that would prove that:

    A. Ulfang existed.

    B. A community of evil men who freemindedly (according to an old append by Adunazon) served Sauron infact did exist in Dol Guldur, years after his departure to Mordor.

    Lets be reverse, enough about FRA. I'd like to know where SoU fits into Tolkien, other than 'We're evil, we protect a dude named Balforth'.

    Usually, in guild-theme arguments, there are only losers. Don't go there.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:53:48

    *lol* yeah really nice story Klouse, did your psychiatrist just tell you this about yourself? That comment was completely out of place, since I hadn't even commented on this log where you have been the very first person to comment on, so ask yourself who the person is that 'bothers us with his idiotic comments'. Also I have no clue where you took the inspiration from to write an essay about me.. I guess from time to time the hate just comes up in yourself and the only way you can imagine to get rid of it is to let it flow into such essays.. quite a hypocrisy when a so obvious hater like you tells others they were haters.

  • Author
    Nyssa [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:52:57

    I didn't read the log. What, someone else died. Woo. And now FRA is dancing around happy about it thinking they showed us and ooh aren't they so great.

    Yes I suppose Klouse would call me a hater becasue I can't kill anyone for the life of me and I freely admit that. This is why I don't pkill.

    But let's all take a step back from the computer and look around ourselves... most of us in SoU, we have lives outside of the mud... this is just a game to us. So if you kill us, yawn, the game isn't as fun, we go back to our lives...

    I'd say hey let's have a cool rp battle, but let's face it.. it's not possible when we're dealing w/FRA which, please enlighten me, how does your theme fit in with Tolkien?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:49:43

    What are you talking about Avaar? You never retaliated, and FRA went crazy tons of times and gangbanged you anyhow!

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:35:05

    Oh Duniv. Montar died. The end justifies the means. And that ending was definitely a 'And they lived happily ever after' ending. That's for your comment about logic 2 logs back...

    And Duniv, Montar is the one who goes and attacks members of guilds who have done anything to SoU. So don't put him on a fucking angelic pedestal.

    Maybe if you guys had more control over the actions of your members, you wouldn't end up dying for a guildmate's poor judgement.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:32:42

    here is the part where after someone fights back FRA goes crazy and starts gangbanging everyone

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:25:32

    As some of you know, I am on vacation in California. For those of you who didn't know, now you do. Which is why I haven't been posting any comments. This comment isn't for Anatharn, it is about Anatharn.


    He seems to comment on the page quite often. He seems to tell people all you do is play this game, you have no life, you need to go out and discover the world outside your computer room, or what have you. I find that very ironic...seeing how all he does is log on and comment on almost every log. If he has such a life and doesn't need to play the mud, why does he need to comment on it? If he is soooo consumed with real life events then why does he bother us with his idiotic comments? Simple, it is in his character...his personality.

    Nickname -Hater-

    There has been a few of these in the times I have been on this game. To further explain this variation of charatcer I will give examples.

    1. A hater is someone who wants to be in the game, but doesn't have the potential to be a star..

    2. A hater is someone who is always the first one to be saying 'Nah, he isn't going anywhere. He doesn't know what he is doing.'...

    3. A hater is someone who wants to be famous and known so they will say (cause they never do) anything that will get them noticed.

    4. A hater is someone who wants something then and there, they don't want to put in the work that is involved with becoming successful.

    5. The most important trait of a hater is, they are a leach. They wait for something to happen then they are right next to the person that made it happen. Always trying to make themselves look better through someone elses success.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:22:06

    You don't need to tell me about your masturbation habbits, Gazza.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:15:36

    Quiet Duniv, this was sexual :-p

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:13:15

    You're just looking for a fight. Fascist mother fuckers. Fairfax attempts Ethereal, and he's not justified in attacking him back?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    04 July 2002 00:00:31

    ouch, 70k+ down the drain

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    03 July 2002 23:46:02
