
Posted by
Vittorio [legacy]
07 July 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

all i wanted was to get rid of my stupid wilderness so i could switch profs :(


  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    08 July 2002 05:04:59

    do not knock the drunken monkey

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    08 July 2002 03:50:23

    i see him there with my lowbie alt kilth

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    08 July 2002 02:22:55

    I love suicide!

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    08 July 2002 01:47:18

    ugh, sorry for another post s/'who dont have openly said'/'who have openly said'

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    08 July 2002 01:45:56

    thx for the vote of confidence kujo, but i talk just as much trash as anatharn does to certain people. although he seems to be the one to have made this personal, i think his thoughtless bashing of me started when I responded to his insults to a friend of mine that were unwarranted. at least when I insult someone, I try to base it on fact. as for my 'no one wants you here' threads directed at him, they were simply based on the 15:1 ratio of people who dont have openly said they dont like him versus the people who do :/ i dunno. my arguments with him have wasted more time than I care to add up and are as fruitless trying to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    08 July 2002 01:41:28

    The reason you see Anatharn so much in west Arda and not east can probably be explained in one sentance: You're spending all your time there too (dot!) Anatharn could probably be a nice guy... if you all would just start over, and forget about all the piss you spilled on eachother.


    And oh... that's a nice log. Really. Secondaries sucks sometimes. I remember waiting for my wilderness to go down when I wanted to be a thief... I had 5k on me so I could train theft. The only problem was that I realized I couldn't do anything when I had so much gold, and I didn't want to deposit it, cause I would loose so much when I withdrew it again. So I just idled, and the secondaries lowered even slower then. Sucked!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    08 July 2002 01:32:17

    Saying Vittorio has no talent is a pretty big call.

    He can Trigger breaks, get his own equipment, lvl like a maniac and he's continually learning this kind've stuff by himself.

    Anyways, Why are you, Anatharn, having a go at him for?


    Admittedly, I've missed the last couple episodes of this Soap-Opera.

    Bah, buggerit, i'll see you's in a couple days.



    I paid 3.5k to have Coolioman's head...

    He was threatening to get Amruin, KoDA and Mirdain to kill me :p (which was funny).

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    08 July 2002 01:22:06

    sorry to not say it all in one post, sunshine makes it so easy to just insult him all of the time.

    adunazon, i must say, most people i've talked to consider you to have been one of the best gm's for sou. i guess i have to respect you on that note, you seemed to RP it well. but otherwise, you dont know me, the few times any of my characters have interacted with you, be it on here, or inside the mud, you've been an udder jackass. anatharn can't help himself, he's mentally deprived. you do things just to get people started so i never much give a shit what you say anyway. thanks for your input, you've given me yet another reason to respond, as if i dont fucking post enough useless comments on here. have a nice day, fuck off :)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    08 July 2002 01:16:10

    i like how you insult my intelligence, yet you're always calling people fags, complaining about MP, FRA and other various cheaters when you dont know dick about any of them. Anything I say about you, I say from experience, from reading your logs, and from seeing you inu bree and bywater more than 5 times as much as I see you in east Arda. Just because you dont auction shit doesnt mean you're not doing it. What the hell else is there to do in west arda. There's the grb which oh, is there once, maybe twice per boot and the flask, which half the other people on the mud do too. As for you attending RL while logged in...when you're idle, you dont age. You have aged a good 4 days in the past 2 or 3 weeks. Come up with something better.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    07 July 2002 23:50:32

    I'm nice to a lot of people :)

    But most of them don't use this logpage, you could say they are my newbie friends who don't even know how to make a log (Camillus is one of them, dunno how he made his way to this logpage though). I'd just like to know what newbiequests I'm raping.. I mean, I usually auction a hauberk, dwarven warshield, mining pack, a few flasks and a good weapon before I leave the game.. what exactly of these items comes from newbie quests, Vittorio? I idle a lot in an innroom, that's true. But that's because I often got to attend to some RL during my login times and I don't want to logout then and later start from scratch again. Unfortunately I don't get attempted lately anymore.. now that I set some new hunbreak aliases *grumble*

    Your 'intelligence' of 38 is not really representative by the way, Vittorio.. it should be around 20.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    07 July 2002 23:46:41

    Intelligence: 38

    That pretty much sums up this log and it's comments.

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    07 July 2002 23:12:28

    omg, you sicko! ;)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    07 July 2002 23:02:49

    *bends Anatharn over* Thanks for being cool to me, here is a present. =

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    07 July 2002 23:01:16

    I want Anatharn here too. Though I don't like lots of his comments, I feel that one less person makes this game that much more boring. He has lots of enemies too, that must make for some excitement that he is still around. He is always nice to me too =).

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    07 July 2002 22:11:38

    *skims over the depraved insults*

    *comments on the log*

    That maiden sucks. It can do some massive damage sometimes, and hardly any another time.

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    07 July 2002 22:06:34

    i want Anatharn here...

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    07 July 2002 21:37:18

    her? let's see. newbies i've killed....i killed coolioman because i was paid 3.5k to do it and then i killed yarl, because he kept killing meryne and the healer in frams and i couldnt ever heal when i wanted to. other than that, i havent killed newbies. so shut your face.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    07 July 2002 21:34:29

    This little outburst was brought to you by Vittorio, the mighty newbie killer who recently lost her life to a wooden statue!

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    07 July 2002 21:11:24

    oh yeah, i left out the fact that between getting flasks and camping in your inn room in combe, you run around bree and bywater for hours raping newbie quests. you have the skill of a drunkey monkey and the intelligence of an amoeba

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    07 July 2002 21:08:14

    i've got about 20 pk logs by me from various character names. you dont know shit about pk anatharn so shut the hell up. you run around with 3 flasks in your pack all day day because you're always getting attempted. no one likes you. no one wants you here. when you dont have 3 flasks, you're sitting in the fucking inn in combe. grow some balls.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    07 July 2002 20:19:05


  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    07 July 2002 20:14:09

    This log was funny. I liked it.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    07 July 2002 19:59:22

    If you want your secondary skills to go down then why don't you just suicide, Vittorio?

    Posted this log as 'playerkill'.. well, you're probably the only person that you can kill so you took the chance to at least post one 'pk'. Oh, I forgot.. you killed Allantir and that low level sheriff already, whee!

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    07 July 2002 17:56:42

    That's pretty dumb. Maybe we could get some logs up here of people forgetting to put wimpy on when they go to the bathroom, or a level 1 suiciding or something. Those might be interesting too.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    07 July 2002 16:31:57

    You fool :P

    Well I'll be a monkey's uncle....No wait that's Vittorio :P!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    07 July 2002 15:52:20


    nay, i say funny!

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    07 July 2002 15:51:46

    lol check out my intelligence: 38 :P that's from me trying to get arrested to get the damn wilderness down...sad part is, this death only took away from my strength :/