The simple rules to follow on this page!! 1. Dont mention peoples alt's. Not even if you think people allready know who thoose alts are. Dont make a little hint to who you thing a persons alt is. Don't even make a joke like We all know who you are Melkor/Aule/Fillsauron/Muaddib. If you see someone try to reveal your alt on this page contact us with the evidence and we will block the user from posting ever again. 2. Do not harass people. Not even if they harassed you first. Do not call people f*cking moron or stupid lowlife or anything like that. If you see anyone badmouthing you on this site contact us with the evidence and we will block the persons account from posting again. 3. Do not post illigal information. Melkor has full access to our web server logs at any time he needs em. And we will always try to work close with the T2T admins to ensure that our site does not offent anyone in the T2T community. At the moment Muaddib does not exist so you will need to MUDmail the charecter Muadd on T2T. Do not contact me about thing that happened before I posted this log. Only do so if it is really harsh. Sorry for the bad typing and spelling. This was typed in a hurry. Sencerely - MuadDib