FRA: The Art of War

Posted by
Adunazon [legacy]
10 July 2002 00:00:00

...sometimes you just get (un)lucky...


  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    13 July 2002 01:12:37

    An example of Manni's 'dumb stuff':

    Asking a friendly guild to help us when half their alts are the people we're fighting.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    12 July 2002 13:26:31

    Gothwin, you can waggle your finger at me all damn day long, but the fact of the matter remains that what I said is the truth. You can look through rose-colored glasses all night, but the truth is there. If you'd stop doing whatever you do off mud with your girlfriend/boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever, then maybe you'd fucking remember something that happened basically only a few months ago. I, however, do remember and that is EXACTLY what happened from the FRA standpoint.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    12 July 2002 01:09:23

    Duniv, you should be able to understand the difference between my talking shit and your pals talking shit. Your friends use this log page as a place to put up logs and give opinions in front of a large/influential population. Instead of playing and dying for the integrity of thier characters they post logs and try to paint one side as the 'good guys' and one side as the mean 'bad guys'. They do this because they believe it is thier only method of defense. That is why i talk shit. That is why i think they are all pussy ass losers. They want to be saved by something or someone outside of themselves.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    12 July 2002 00:39:05

    SoU's staunch allies have noticed that SoU does a lot of 'dumb stuff' and does not support said 'dumb stuff' in the form of providing military backing in defense of 'dumb stuff'.

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    12 July 2002 00:09:23

    quote: 'That means FRA came flying to join with SoU into this war.'

    You really surprise me sometimes, Vallejo, cause I have no idea what in the world you are talking about. And I should remember shouldn't I, considering that I was the one that stole that whip from the Megs back then. At best, we had an agreement maybe, but never a formal alliance, and I sure as hell don't remember you guys 'flying in to save us' let alone move your pinky, since Megs had trouble with you guys back then before that incident even took place, which is why they got pissed we refused to give their preciouss whip back, because they were already keeping it warm for your scrumptious butts that then became ours.

    Now, that was one long sentence.

    Let me know if there are any other facts that you need straightening out.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    11 July 2002 21:59:45

    *wonders why the hell he's saying this but...*

    I've had a bad image of Sou since I joined the Knights. However, it's not the entire Guild (it never is, just a few of the members). There are actually people in that Guild that I like, not that I'll say who they are but they do get some respect from me.

    I do have to say that I really enjoyed this log for personal, IC reasons. I have to wonder though, where are SoU's staunch allies...

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    11 July 2002 21:54:45

    I'll say nothing here :P

    Glad I'm not having their focus for ones..

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    11 July 2002 21:06:05

    You damn right I was Camillus!

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    11 July 2002 21:01:20

    I got character!

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    11 July 2002 20:19:28

    Gee...the no flaming thing lasted a long time.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    11 July 2002 19:13:23

    Nogothrim, hearing insults in that manner is truly amusing. Perhaps you should learn to compose your thoughts before spewing bullshit like that? At least Vallejo can convey his reasoning in a logical manner. You don't really deserve a reply, but hey, I'll give you one anyway. SoU is not a warlike guild, and right now it isn't capable of conducting a war well. What's illogical about trying to seek peace in that situation? That's how the world works. I don't think peace will happen, at least not reasonable conditions, but life goes on, and Duniv will too. On a final note, I find your little rantings about talking trash to be very ironic, considering that's what you're doing yourself.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    11 July 2002 13:49:50

    Thats the end of that Val? For once will you realize that I am joking around? Do you think that Mizrahi's response to me was serious too? As for trying to kill you, yes of course I did, but I never talked trash to you or any of your guild, and I (believe it or not) actually tried to be friends with you. I escaped a pk attempt from you once and I said good try. You escape from me 3 times and all I got was insults, in fact that was all I ever got from you even when I tried to talk about other things. I remember I told you once in confidentiality that i didn't like how some things were going in Megs at the time, and what did you do, you copied and pasted it onto the comm. Thanks though for proving to me that you wern't worth wasting my time on.

    P.S. Watch your mouth. Why would I want that anywhere near my genitals?

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    11 July 2002 11:33:09

    Oh what the fuck ever. Lets get some facts straight. SoU stole a whip from Megs or some bullshit once upon a time and got themselves into a war that they couldn't win, however, because of some lucking timing they had already joined a formal alliance with FRA. What does that mean? That means FRA came flying to join with SoU into this war. Normally this story would end with a 'happily ever after,' but no, it didn't. Want to know why? I'll tell you, SoU, 2 days into the war that should've been decided that they had enough and left the war leaving FRA to fight the biggest guild at the time by themselves. We did alright, I would say :P. Regardless, that was gutless and didn't sit well with any of the members that had been here for any length of time. So if you try to bitch at us for not having reasons to dislike any and all members of SoU, well, you're barking up the wrong fucking tree, cause you're wrong.

    As for Camillus: You son of a bitch, fuck you. Seriously, you're a goddamn 2 faced cunt. You tried to kill me 3 times and my guildmates countless times, but I'm supposed to put on Adunazon's kneepads and start sucking your cock? Dude, fuck that and fuck you. That's the end of that.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    11 July 2002 11:06:47

    Hmm, well anyway. Maybe instead of using this logpage to spew your fucking political messages you should just shut your mouthes and weather the storm. I'm sure if you dont talk trash and post stupid logs everything will blow over. Nah thats too clever for you losrers.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    11 July 2002 10:56:13

    Bahahah SoU is a bunch of fucking clowns. THere strongest members try to convince FRA to leave them alone. They post attempt logs as ammunition bahaha. They really think FRA needs a reason to attack someone. You guys are fucking Ulfang you are traitors by definition you want fucking reasons. While i enjoy watching Gothwin and Adunazon put on thier big red shoes, juggle, and make us balloon animals maybe instead of being fags they should make FRA pay. Oh wait thats right they dont want to fight they just want to act like they do.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    11 July 2002 07:43:11

    Go sick FRA!

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    11 July 2002 01:37:14

    *arg* Cathal where did that come from?

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    11 July 2002 01:36:15

    If it was a lil scrap do you really think I'd bother with any of you, Ailin? There has been a continuous conflict with you guys ever since FRA was created, but you wouldn't remember would you?. I would not expect you to comprehend what I ment with my lil 'metaphor' even if I spelled it out for you, so I am not even going to bother, but let me say just this: You play the game as you like it, but what you don't see is the expense you are playing it at...

    Calarh! I missed you! *sMoOcH!* :)

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    11 July 2002 01:24:55


    Yes, you were given the SoU member list, but Throm gave us yours as well, considering you already had a spy in SoU, who benefited thered?


    Who? Don't make sweeping generalizations. SoU may have a cowardly member every now and then, but hell, everybody has their weakest links.. look at Ailin.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    11 July 2002 00:51:11

    We're just playing the game how we like to play it Gothwin. Sorry, if Sauron's 'elite' servants can't stand up to a little scrap without complaining and whining about it, maybe you should find another role to play, hmm? Also, work on the metaphors a bit more, 'a little boy with no pants yelling war' what the hell is that supposed to be? :P

  • Author
    Cathal [legacy]
    11 July 2002 00:45:38

    I seem to remember a certain SoU member paying me 30k so I wouldn't kill him :P

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    11 July 2002 00:21:11

    Gothwin says: gonna wait for (Adunazon to return)

    I am just going to say, let me friggin finish my sentence next time...geez :P

    And Brahm, after being in combat with 2 people and shielding Adunazon against another 2, your hp does tend to take a good drop. Darn shame I didn't have a flask on me, or Fimbu might have had been more entertained.

    On another note, this whole situation is rather amusing actually. It reminds me of a lil boy that wants to be big and bad, and when someone sneezes around him he puts on his pants and shouts 'WAR'! What are you guys trying to achieve here other then making yourselves look pathetic by it? You certainly can't be demanding any respect for your current and past actions. But thanks god it's just a game, or someone would have put a gun to your pesky lil heads by now and pulled the trigger...

    You point out a fault in a few of our members and see it as reason enough to make their lives miserable including those that got no beef with you whatsoever, and yet I cannot even count the number of members you have on one hand that come even close to having any character. That sure is something...

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    11 July 2002 00:10:44

    Kian, it should be mentioned that there were two other people to help Adunazon... No ordinary 4 man attempt.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    11 July 2002 00:09:06

    Be nice to Fimbu. He'll get better.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    10 July 2002 22:08:48

    Zavosh is right, I screwed this whole thing the hell up. I was swearing at myself all last night when I reread the log. But Zavosh is also wrong as hell if he thinks I have a big mouth. I think we all know that. Post with your real character Zavosh so that I can discuss this with you and show you how wrong you are? ;)

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 July 2002 21:37:26

    Its not like you were in desperate need of hp at any time, you should have made it interesting instead of just running to your GH. ;)

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    10 July 2002 21:07:34

    just one thing i want cleared up, you're saying lugburz before you come back. so i'm guessing it's a trigger. correct me if i'm wrong :p

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    10 July 2002 20:56:58

    I don't share my favourite things.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    10 July 2002 19:10:34

    Zavosh the sindar Orc-target (Impartial)

    In hibernation for another 57 days 13 hours 4 minutes 47 seconds

    Last on: 32d 10h 55m 13s ago. Gender: male

    Age: 2m 16s

    Can be mailed: Zavosh@Havens

  • Author
    Zavosh [legacy]
    10 July 2002 18:04:03

    If you read the log carefully, Fimbu has no fucking clue what the hell he's doing. For the last 7 rounds of combat, he's fighting Gothwin and Thoras instead of Adunazon. If the little thief with the big mouth had any clue, he would have been focusing, and Adunazon would have been dead.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    10 July 2002 17:07:03

    Haha, they gave you their member list so you wouldnt kill them accidentaly. That sounds more like stupidity than anything else to me.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    10 July 2002 13:14:46

    Geez you are greedy. Why don't you share the wealth, or lack thereof.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    10 July 2002 12:41:22

    Hmm yeah, I'm pretty sure SoU kissed our asses a bunch of times. I certainly remember a certain guild giving us their memberlist so we wouldn't accidently kill one of them. ;)

    And Camillus *kick*, why would I teach him that if I want you all to myself? *smack*

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 July 2002 10:43:10

    You hate me?

    Good, then my time hasn't been wasted.

    Camillus, given some of the other 'RP' logs coming from FRA members, I wouldn't be too suprised to see that.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    10 July 2002 10:13:25

    Man would I love to see some log going like this:

    Adunazon bends over and kisses you square in the ass making you shiver with delight!

    I would probably wet myself laughing. I remember I did that to Vallejo once, and all I got was a knife to the face =(. He could have at least acknowleged my love with something in return (besides death). Mizrahi, teach him a thing or two about returning affection.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    10 July 2002 08:39:50

    Actually your guild has kissed our behinds often enough Adunazon. But the thing is, we are bored and don't like you. In particular you.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 July 2002 07:58:26

    I think it boils down to more like 'We're bored, and SoU never kissed our asses, let's kill them.' Seems like a variation on penis envy.

    Funny thing is, you don't seem to realize that it doesn't matter how many times you pk us, we're not going to roll over and blow you. You may have skill, but you have no respect whatsoever.

    The End.

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    10 July 2002 06:01:18

    GC rep whip blows. I was in a hurry.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    10 July 2002 06:00:11

    I think it boils down to us just plain not liking you.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 July 2002 05:44:16

    Well after being afk for the entire fight, I must say it was a miracle I survived.

    Thanks to Gothwin for shielding and diverting some attacks, Thoras for putting a fireball up Fimbu's rear, Jonny and Fathom for doing a whopping 10hp with their combined backstabs, and Raen for being a thief, and not being able to fight for shit with that whip.

    Remind me once again, what are we fighting for?