A fun day with the Amruin

Posted by
Shadowhand [legacy]
10 July 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

I help myself to some stuff that's not mine, and spend the day dodging the pathetic attempts of the Amruin and Beornings. Finally they call in the cavalry (BKD) and finish me off. Fun for all!

Elariel slices Tenzek cleanly.
Quixef stabs Tenzek in the abdomen.
Tenzek begs for mercy as Ash lands a near-fatal blow.
Andreth misses Tenzek.
Tenzek has died.
Do: starting commands.
Andreth takes some gold coins from Corpse of Tenzek.
Triggered!  doing: do steal armour from quixef,steal armour from andreth,steal armour from elariel
Do: Error!  Loop possibility discovered.  Aborted.
 There is no pack here.
 a menacing spiked mace : You didn't deliver the death blow! It will take you a few seconds to get close enough to the corpse.
sturdy armour : You didn't deliver the death blow! It will take you a few seconds to get close enough to the corpse.
 Do: Commands completed.

*Well hell, if they're not going to pick it up, I will!*

Andreth gives Elariel some gold coins.
a menacing spiked mace : Ok.
sturdy armour : Too bulky.
sturdy armour : Ok.
You wear sturdy armour.
You wave.

***First the fools try me in Osgiliath***
Someone wreaks havoc on you with many devastating blows.
You are too busy to make an attack!
Someone chats with his party.
    Before you rises the western gate of Osgiliath, ancient city
of Gondor... or rather, what is left of the gate.  A gaping hole
in the city's perimeter wall is what you actually see.  Two great
broken gates lie fallen to either side of the space.  You see
that it is too late to aid the crumbling city of Osgiliath; but
there may still be hope for Minas Tirith.
The sky is covered by a dark black cloud from horizon to horizon.
    The only obvious exits are east and west.
Crios enters.
Someone slices you cleanly.
You miss someone.
    You stand just inside the western gate of Osgiliath on the main east-
west road.  The once mighty city spreads out before you to the very edges
of the Anduin.  As you gaze upon the remains of this fallen city, you see
grey stone buildings abandoned long ago, eroded by the ages to ruins, and
now crumbled and marred even further by recent battle.  You see several
columns of smoke curling up toward the sky from spots throughout the 
city.  Perhaps Osgiliath is not as empty as initially seemed.
The sky is covered by a dark black cloud from horizon to horizon.
    The only obvious exits are east, north and west.
Crios enters.
Theodrek enters.
    The main east-west road of Osgiliath continues.  The fallen city
surrounds you completely now.  A sense of the utter futility of life
permeates your being.  Whether good or evil, this mute testament to the
mortality of all beings and their creations cries out of death and loss.
As you survey the ruins all around, you note a large dome-shaped
building to the south.
The sky is covered by a dark black cloud from horizon to horizon.
    The only obvious exits are east and west.
Crios enters.
    The road continues onward, meandering through the city
to the east and west.  The broken city which surrounds you
brings to you thoughts of your own uncertain destiny, and you
can't help but shiver at the prospect of continuing on this
abandoned highway.  You see smoke coming from the south.
The sky is covered by a dark black cloud from horizon to horizon.
    The only obvious exits are north, east, south and west.
Crios enters.
Theodrek enters.
Someone misses you.
You miss someone.
    You are standing on a crude, hastily-constructed wooden bridge
that runs along the tops of a long series of large, low wooden
boats floating on the Anduin.  The bridge is fairly wide for such
a temporary structure, but is not nearly as sturdy as the original
bridge that connected the west bank to the island.  You gaze west
and then east, and can make out the remains of the original stone
bridge of Osgiliath, now in ruins.  The Orcs were quite efficient
at putting up a new one quickly, though.
The sky is covered by a dark black cloud from horizon to horizon.
    The only obvious exits are east and west.
 A large nasty Uruk protects the archers
 An Uruk archer stands guard over the bridge
 An Uruk archer stands guard over the bridge
Crios enters.
The Uruk blocking your way steps aside, bowing to you, servant of Sauron.
    You are walking over the great island that forms the center of
Osgiliath.  A mighty stronghold this must have been in days of
old.  Only crumbling stone remains now, a mere ghost of the past.
The citadel of Osgiliath stands east of here, and you think
you might be able to enter if you head southeast.
The sky is covered by a dark black cloud from horizon to horizon.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, southeast and west.
Crios enters.
There is too much light here.
    You are standing on a crude, hastily-constructed wooden bridge
that runs along the tops of a long series of large, low wooden
boats floating on the Anduin.  The bridge is fairly wide for such
a temporary structure, but is not nearly as sturdy as the original
bridge that connected the west bank to the island.  You gaze west
and then east, and can make out the remains of the original stone
bridge of Osgiliath, now in ruins.  The Orcs were quite efficient
at putting up a new one quickly, though.
The sky is covered by a dark black cloud from horizon to horizon.
    The only obvious exits are east and west.
Someone regains consciousness.
Someone regains consciousness.
Someone stabs you in the abdomen.
Someone stabs Uruk guard in the abdomen.
You are too busy to make an attack!
Someone shields so
meone, Someone hits someone hard.
Someone grazes someone.
Someone shields someone, Someone hits someone hard.
Someone grazes someone.
Someone misses someone.
Someone chats with his party.
Someone laughs.   <----that would be Crios, wondering what idiots 
                       he's working with

*Thunk thunk thunk go Quixef, Theodrek, and Elariel. Crios must've been
idle, because he keeps following me through the trap and I continually
force everyone else to keep fighting. Too bad they were strong enough to
kill the uruk guard and escape... CRAP!*

*So I sneak out the back way of Osgiliath and head over to Bree from the
North. Rent an inn room (I'm unguilded, remember!) and shoot over to
Adornas to get a backup room. Just as I'm leaving, the professionals
strike again!* 

    You stand at the north gate of the Rohirrim town of Adornas.  Rather,
you stand at what the locals call the 'north gate'; there is no gate here.
This is the northern end of town, the place where its dirt road gives way
to the rolling plains of western Rohan.  The quaint town is to the south.
Lightning streaks across the sky, as rain pours from above.
    The only obvious exits are north and south.
 Crios the dwarf Jedi Master
 Crion the dwarf Berserker (Raging)
 Elariel the dunedain Warrior Princess (Angelic)
 Theodrek the eorling Untouchable (Heroic)
 A large brown bear (charmed)
 Hume the dunlending Master Ranger (Angelic)
 An eorling town guard
 An eorling town guard
 An eorling town guard
 A signpost
Hume waves at Crion.
Theodrek looks around the room with white glowing eyes.
Crios chats with his party.
Quixef tells you: not at all we drank coffee and made friends,
Travelto: Journey begun!  Press return or type any command to stop.
The Adornas road(n, e, s and w)
Crios enters.
Crion enters.
Elariel enters.
Theodrek enters.

*insert long travelto spam where they forget to attack until I'm
nearly at Bree*

 West Gate of Bree(ne, n, nw, e, s and w)
 A wooden sword
 A town guard
 A big sign
Crios enters.
Crion enters.
Elariel enters.
Theodrek enters.
Travelto: Destination reached!

*Time to use the good old-fashioned Midgewater break!
     Your boots start to sink in the muck of Midgewater Swamp, and you
are almost knocked down by the stench.
Lightning streaks across the sky, as rain pours from above.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, northwest, east, south, north,
southeast, southwest and west.
    Your boots start to sink in the muck of Midgewater Swamp, and you
are almost knocked down by the stench.
Lightning streaks across the sky, as rain pours from above.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, east, south, north, southeast,
southwest and west.
 As you enter the area, a small duck waddles up to you.  It looks at
you, quacks happily, and gives you a love-struck, forlorn look.
    You are in the Midgewater Swamp. The stench of rotting vegetation
fills your nostrils, making you feel ill. There is a very large tree
to your east, with one of its huge roots in front of you.
    The only obvious exits are east, north, south and west.
 A duck follows Shadowhand out of curiosity
     You are standing deep within the Midgewater Swamp. There is 
a huge tree standing before you. Its giant roots extend from it
in all directions, causing the murky ground to become dissected 
by the large snake-like roots. Small pools dot the area and reeds
and rushes hide all but the sounds of warbling little birds.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, northwest, east, south, north,
southeast, southwest and west.
Duck follows you.
Duck enters.

*Hah, that was easy! I try and reason with them, but they're pretty
dumb. So I get 'em again!*
     You have come to a scenic valley in the hills of Chetwood.  In the
distance, you see a small farm nestled here among the hills.
Here also is the entrance to the peaceful little town of Combe, you have
heard that it is a small man-town. It is located northeast of Bree. 
The inhabitants of this town are mostly men and hobbits that prefer
men's ways of living to that of their own kind. The main part of the town
is deeper in the valley, somewhat east of here.
Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, town, northwest, east, south,
north, southeast, farm, southwest and west.
 Shiek the silvan Hiker (Immoral)
 Gefaren the silvan Hitman (Hand of Eru)
 A town guard
 A hitching post
Crios enters.
Elariel enters.
Quixef enters.
Theodrek enters.
     You are wandering through the Hills of Chetwood.  Trees are all
about the Hills, making the view from the top of the hills quite
A scenic valley lies west.
Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins.
    The only obvious exits are north, northwest, east, southeast, south,
southwest and west.
Crios enters.
Theodrek enters.
Quixef enters.
Elariel enters.
    Your boots start to sink in the muck of Midgewater Swamp, and you
are almost knocked down by the stench.
Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, northwest, east, south, north,
southeast, southwest and west.
Crios enters.
Quixef enters.
Theodrek enters.
     Your boots start to sink in the muck of Midgewater Swamp, and you
are almost knocked down by the stench.
Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, east, south, north, southeast,
southwest and west.
Crios enters.
Theodrek enters.
     You are in the Midgewater Swamp. The stench of rotting vegetation
fills your nostrils, making you feel ill. There is a very large tree
to your east, with one of its huge roots in front of you.
    The only obvious exits are east, north, south and west.
Crios enters.
Theodrek enters.
      You are standing deep within the Midgewater Swamp. There is 
a huge tree standing before you. Its giant roots extend from it
in all directions, causing the murky ground to become dissected 
by the large snake-like roots. Small pools dot the area and reeds
and rushes hide all but the sounds of warbling little birds.
    The only obvious exits are northeast, northwest, east, south, north,
southeast, southwest and west.
Crios enters.
Theodrek enters.
    You are in the Midgewater Swamp. The stench of rotting vegetation
fills your nostrils, making you feel ill. There is a very large tree
to your west, with one of its huge roots in front of you.
    The only obvious exits are east, north, south and west.
 A duck follows Shadowhand out of curiosity
Crios enters.
Theodrek enters.
    Your boots start to sink in the muck of Midgewater Swamp, and you
are almost knocked down by the stench.
Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins.
    The only obvious exits are north, northwest, east, south, southwest
and west.
 Jonty the dunlending Naturalist (Impartial)
 The midges of Midgewater
Duck follows you.
*And that's that!*

*Now of course, I'm only level 16, and pretty crappily armed, without
a guild. I could just hide for days, until they finally get me, but
that's lame. So I take my death like a man! Didn't even make it out
of the city...*

*It wouldn't be so pathetic if the Amruin didn't have to hire assassins
from both Beornings AND BKD to get me, plus use ice staff and Ithy. I'm
kinda proud I warrant such a muster of forces!*

 There is too much light here.
    The shop is very basic. Wooden shelves filled with various
odds and ends line the walls. There is a row of wicker baskets
along the floor, used to store various small items. There really
isn't very much to see here, except for an entrance to what
appears to be an auction house.
    The only obvious exits are back and out.
 Someone slices you cleanly.
You are too busy to make an attack!
Theodrek leaves back.
Crios leaves back.
Quixef leaves back.
Crion leaves back.
Someone stabs you in the abdomen.
You miss someone.
You are attacked by Someone!
You are attacked by Someone!
Do: starting commands.
Large command count!  Forcing 'brief' mode.
 You can't go that way!
 The streets of Minas Tirith(n, e, s and w)
 A guard's lamp
 The streets of Minas Tirith(n, e, s and w)
 The streets of Minas Tirith(ne, se and w)
 The streets of Minas Tirith(nw, se, gate and s)
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 The streets of Minas Tirith(e, nw and s)
 The streets of Minas Tirith(n, s and w)
 A dark tunnel through the embrasure(n and s)
 A dying soldier
 The streets of Minas Tirith(e, n and s)
 Someone wreaks havoc on you with many devastating blows.
You graze someone.
Someone cuts you with a backhand slash.
Someone misses you.
The streets of Minas Tirith(n, e and sw)
 The streets of Minas Tirith(ne, gate, sw and w)
 A large gate(ne, gate and sw)
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 A city street(ne, nw, se and sw)
 A city street(n and sw)
 A city street(e, n, s and w)
 A citizen of Minas Tirith
 A small cat
 A citizen of Minas Tirith
 A tunnel(n and s)
 A shady looking character
 The entrance to the Great Hall of the Guard(n, e, se, s and enter)
 A citizen of Minas Tirith
 A citizen of Minas Tirith
 A citizen of Minas Tirith
 A High Guard of Minas Tirith
 A High Guard of Minas Tirith
 A city street(ne, nw and s)
 A citizen of Minas Tirith
 A city street(ne, nw and se)
 A small cat
 You notice Someone sizing you up.
A large gate(nw, se and gate)
 A small cat
 Gatehouse leading to level three(se, gate and w)
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 Street(nw and se)
 Someone stabs you in the abdomen.
You are too busy to make an attack!
Someone nicks you.
Someone misses you.
Street(e, nw, se and w)
 You notice Someone sizing you up.
Street(n, nw, se and w)
 Without warning, Someone stabs you from behind!
Street(nw, s and w)
 A guard of Minas Tirith
 A Gondorian civilian
 Street(nw, e, n, s and w)
 An outcropping of rock(n, steps and s)
 A guard of Minas Tirith
 Vermont, a proud Gondorian citizen
 An arched tunnel(n and s)
 An outcropping of rock(n, steps and s)
 Street(nw, n, s and w)
 A pictorial signpost
 Market square(ne, n, e, nw, se, s and w)
 A guard of Minas Tirith
 Street(n, sw and w)
 A Gondorian civilian
 Street(ne, e and sw)
 Street(ne, e, n and sw)
 A young errand boy
 A young errand boy
 Street(ne, e, sw and enter)
 A Gondorian civilian
 Someone wreaks havoc on you with many devastating blows.
You are too busy to make an attack!
Someone slashes you opening a gruesome wound.
Someone slams you back with a frenzied charge!
Someone zaps you with a staggering shockwave.
Street(ne, gate and w)
 A large gate(ne, gate and sw)
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 A tall guard of Minas Tirith
 Street(ne, s and sw)
 Street(n and sw)
 Street(n, s and w)
 Boy trying to help
 Street(n and s)
 Street(n and s)
 Street(n, s and w)
 Inside the gates of Minas Tirith(pelennor, nw, n, s and w)
 You notice Someone sizing you up.
The gates are closed.
 Do: Commands completed.
 Verbose mode.
 Someone chats with his party.
Someone chats with his party.
Someone chats with his party.
Someone chats with his party.
Someone chats with his party.
Someone stabs you in the abdomen.
You run northwest.
    You step inside a room of huddled men, left from the flaming mass of
Minas Tirith's bottom level.  You can see where tent canvas has been
set up to cover the charred walls.  Set in front of you is a small
table with a large sign upon it, and behind it, a gruff, unhappy man.  
You can see other men behind him, presumably waiting to be called on
to do their duty, and protect Minas Tirith.
    The only obvious exits are backroom, southeast and south.
 A Headmaster sits at his table.
 A trash can
You miss someone.
Someone misses you.
Someone bashes you with a magnificent full arched swing!!
Someone scorches you on the shoulder with a large bolt, charring flesh!
Travelto can only be used at a signpost.
 Someone removes an ithildin longsword (glowing).
Someone puts an ithildin longsword (glowing) into an old leather baldric.
You notice Someone sizing you up.
Someone misses you.
You run south.
    This part of the street is barely aflame. You can see a small
bench where the wounded rest until the wagon comes for them to pile
on.  In this room, you can 'dropoff' your wounded and dying soldiers
to be taken to the Houses of Healing.  The dead also come here
to rest in peace.  A small altar has been set up for prayer.
    The only obvious exits are east and north.
You miss someone.
Someone misses you.
Someone crunches your bones with a direct lunge to the body!!
Someone scorches you on the shoulder with a large bolt, charring flesh!
Someone smashes his forehead into your nose.
 Someone wreaks havoc on you with many devastating blows.
You have died.
Laryn tells you: Your auction is cancelled, items sold to shop.

You have a strange feeling.
You can see your own lifeless body from above.