Man, some people can really hold a grudge?

Posted by
Shadowhand [legacy]
15 July 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Where does it end? 14, 13, 12? Real easy to kill an app with half your max hp and all of 70 average stats....


  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    18 July 2002 02:19:35

    Wheet Wheet!

  • Author
    Darknova [legacy]
    17 July 2002 11:13:19

    everybody, relax.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    17 July 2002 00:47:49

    yeah, i remember that shit tarn :p it was pure hilariousityness, they jumped you at ulk so you stole their shit *snickers

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    16 July 2002 21:40:18

    I'm not kissing anyone's ass. I've played a thief for longer then I've played an assassin. Thats what happens when you steal from people. They get mad and try to kill you. I mean, I remeber when durmanhoth stole my fang claim so I stole the needle. Then I got killed cause of it. Kinda funny/ironic?

  • Author
    Heli [legacy]
    16 July 2002 20:58:00

    Ok, now that Tuareg has taken up the ole FRA stinks in general and any concievable way, lets all just end this tread and rest assured that he will keep it alive IC or OOC for a good century;-)

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    16 July 2002 18:05:48

    *gets the measuring stick*

    aight youngens, close yer eyes and drop yer britches, who wants wax?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    16 July 2002 17:57:42

    Quit your bitching Shadowhand. What the hell did you expect from FRA? If you want to steal from people, just make sure you can run fast, otherwise, stop bitching.

    Oh, and my dick is bigger

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    16 July 2002 15:56:40

    And for the 15th comment in a row.

    Perhaps I was a lil harsh on Deboraha, perhaps i vented my anger in the wrong place, *shrugs* oh well, dont bring OOC: shit into an IC: forum and we'll get along just fine.

    As a great man once said (not you, Durkin :p, whomever made that hell funny picture that goes with the caption), arguing on the internet is a lot like running in the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarded.


  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    16 July 2002 14:37:08

    where'd i say i was mature?

    ranting raving?.... yeah you're probably correct, oh well, shit happens eh?

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    16 July 2002 14:33:33

    heh didnt get me fired up at all, someone bites i bite back, pretty easy eh? :p

  • Author
    Heli [legacy]
    16 July 2002 14:04:10

    You know Rush, Deb's comment on your skin condition, (that apparently must have hit the spot since it sure heated you up...-is your brain on fire? need a wiss?;-), might as well reflect on you as a ranting, raving, and seemingly immature brat..

    and btw why are you whining about stryker? I don't remember any player called Rush from back when the FRA fought the Amruin and laid claim to Edoras? Were you there, or are you just spreading seccond or third hand gossip as so many others seems to do here?

    Fyi Stryker had all the chances he could get to keep his badge, only thing that took it away from him was him refusing to admit that Deb beat him with his own methods of reporting after RP...

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    16 July 2002 13:29:10

    oh i couldn't agree more Nibby, just dont like morons bringing RL into this, when they are not the epitome of perfection

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    16 July 2002 13:27:52

    I've said it before and I'll say it again

    It's only a game......

    Couldn't we all remember that and just have fun intead of turning it into this?

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    16 July 2002 12:34:55

    Oh? Real life insults, how mature... Allow me to continue then :)

    Little i'm not, Well.... Compared to you, who happens to be a fat bitch, (Which we all know is true, having seen a picture of your chubby face) I spose some might consider me little..

    Pimply i'm not, but hey, think what you like, you wont ever see me in real life, so why should I care what a fat girl such as yourself thinks?

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Especially if they are hideous morons like yourself. :)

    Hiding behind alts? Please, dont make me laugh.... who am i hiding from? You?.... Shadowhand?... *fdl*

    Funny shit.

    As for you talking about main characters and such (which i apologise if i read it wrong), answer me this, if Deb aint your main character, then why are you giving your fucking opinion in every second MC case with her?

    Aint you doing exactly what you had a go at me for apparently doing?

    Little too old to let insults get to you but not too old to slang them?

    The main difference between me and you (other then, give or take, 400 kilo's) is you pretend to be mature, whereas I dont bother.. ;)

    Hypocracy is a grand thing, dont you think?

    And now I feel like a retard for spending 5 minutes writing this up for someone whom I wouldn't piss in their ear if their brain was on fire.

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    16 July 2002 11:41:52

    Just to set the record straight, Rush, at the time I was in the FRA and Stryker, along with the rest of the Amruin, was reporting any FRA that attacked them in RP but demanding that the FRA not report them because they were a 'rp guild'.

    Stryker laughed about it and said he would report FRA until they went bankrupt, or something to that effect. (as this was some 3? or more years ago, you'll have to forgive my inability to give direct quotes) So I said fine and taught him a lesson in reciprocity. If he wanted to report FRA in rp battle, we could report him too and if it cost him his badge, too bad so sad.

    And if I haven't played my most known character in too long to suit you, tough cookies. I don't hide behind alts to give opinions. You may sling insults at me however much you want over it and with whichever alts you choose. I'm a little too old to let a pimply-faced little boy's low opinion hurt me.

    I still think the FRA, and all the other guilds, need more substance to them than playerkilling. After a while, that gets dull and you need other diversions to make a healthy group.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    16 July 2002 11:13:44

    Hey Deb, weren't you the one who reported Stryker (who subsequently lost his badge) in RP?

    You haven't left the white tower in years, shut up, no one cares what you think.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    16 July 2002 10:49:56

    Back in the DOOM Deathmatch days, if a multiplayer level was poorly constructed, it had only 1 respawn site. Alot of guys had the bright idea of standing next it and simply fragging their oppenents as they respawned, without a chance to defend themselves (Shadowhand, logpage)

    That proove you are not a good player in that game. I have survived lot of the respawn. And yes, I am playing on CPL (CyberAthelete Proffesional Leaque) lvl. I am more into CS rather than Quake though.

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    16 July 2002 10:10:28

    'Geez people... you really don't need a reasons just to justify kills on this mud.

    My personal reason for killing people on this mud is the fun it involves. Especially when small people gets a hype out of it.- Lotraz'

    Wouldn't it be nice if the FRA were about more than killing though? I mean, when all is said and done, what is left for a FRA besides killing? I know people say it's the FRA 'rp' to kill anything and everything that stands in the way of their 'dominance' but that's not power-hungry rp, that's just bullying.

    When was the last time that the FRA had a 'guild war' to fight for control of a region and not just an 'I'm the biggest badass' contest between teenaged boys?

    And Shadowhand, if they are massacring you that much, dig in and fight back, get some allies and stand up to them, or back down, but don't yip here about it. You're only gratifying them more.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    16 July 2002 08:40:49

    A better picture would be the small animal, caught in the front light rays of the car on the road in the middle of the night...

    ... stunned by the light, the stupid animal finds itself unable to react, resulting in alot of bloody mess.

  • Author
    Shadowhand [legacy]
    16 July 2002 04:42:26

    The difference is, Fairfax isn't letting me get get a fighting chance.

    Back in the DOOM Deathmatch days, if a multiplayer level was poorly constructed, it had only 1 respawn site. Alot of guys had the bright idea of standing next it and simply fragging their oppenents as they respawned, without a chance to defend themselves.

    This is the same thing.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    16 July 2002 00:45:21

    Uhm... Shadowhand?

    I presume for the sake of this argument, that a majority of the playerbase has been playing Quake or similiar games.

    What is the difference between fragging a few people in Quake and fragging some people on this game? ... I really don't see that difference, but I guess you never enjoyed Quake or similiar games because you felt it was having fun by deliberately hurting other people.

    Tough cookie... go play Barbie World in the cencored edition.

  • Author
    Shadowhand [legacy]
    16 July 2002 00:38:08

    They can kill me all they want. Fairfax's beef is that I won't cry uncle.

    Which I won't, of course. He can kill me all he wants, but he can't shut me up.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    15 July 2002 23:58:20

    they've killed your typist quite a bit with their gangbangs.

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    15 July 2002 23:52:58

    Is the mud down or something? You're all posting instead of playing and it's reboot. Can't connect either...

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    15 July 2002 23:51:20

    Bah, FRA sucks. Level 12 thieves is all they can kill with their gangbangs.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    15 July 2002 23:48:46

    Shadowhand, two things:

    1. Please stop whining because FRA keeps killing you. You stole from an FRA member. That means certain death, as many times as FRA pleases. It's _not hard_.

    2. Actually, it doesn't matter if you're weak or strong, because FRA'll still kill you ;)

  • Author
    Fairfax [legacy]
    15 July 2002 23:47:52

    What are you trying to get at Shadowhand? You stole something from a guildmate during a melee that could've ended up with him dying simply because you stole said healing from him. I take offense to this and decide to kill you for it, a little while afterwards I drop to villainous without realizing it and knocked on Mordor gates. 2 rounds later as I hovered my way back to a healer, you send me a tell basically trying to take responsibility for NPC's killing... Now, come on, if you're going to act like a stupid ass, then I'm going to treat you like a stupid ass, if that entails you dying 4-5 times, then so be it. Instead of putting this little front aside you continue to post your own deaths with my name attached to them... am I supposed to feel bad for having you killed over and over? Or am I supposed to do what I have been doing and just running along and contracting you again? :P

    Well, I guess you could do like Ethereal did, talk shit while in hibernation, come out of hibernation and get scared shit less and run right back to a 90 day hibernation.

    ...Actually... you should do that.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    15 July 2002 23:34:25

    No no no...there's a second option. You can learn to be good! and then there's a third option...idle in your guildhall/'s always a favorite.

  • Author
    Shadowhand [legacy]
    15 July 2002 23:33:56

    Then I'd have to say there's something critically wrong with you, Lotraz.

    People don't normally get pleasure from hurting others deliberately.

    With this MUD, there's an understanding that death isn't so bad, that you can always get back up to fight another day.

    But not when some people take a perverse gratification in *making them suffer* for whatever justification they can think of.

    People like Melanna, who just killed me for stealing from a guildmate. AFTER I'd been charged with double it's worth in fines and reboot started.

    But, he made the little number next to my gold go down. Let's make that motherfucker PAY!

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    15 July 2002 22:39:09

    Geez people... you really don't need a reasons just to justify kills on this mud.

    My personal reason for killing people on this mud is the fun it involves. Especially when small people gets a hype out of it.

    If you don't like that you are cannon-fodder for other peoples amusement... don't play the game. Its really that simple.

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    15 July 2002 21:55:38

    not to start any shit...

    but how does Shadowhand posting this log insult FRA?

    dont they insult themselves by bashin Shadowhand?

  • Author
    Shadowhand [legacy]
    15 July 2002 21:07:55

    Jesus Christ, listen to yourself.

    'You don't like like, and told me you didn't, so I can hurt you now.'

    I wonder where the fun ends and the 'My dick is bigger' contest begins.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    15 July 2002 20:56:49

    this is a forum that applies the same rules that are found on the mud. everything you say from the account shadowhand is considered in character, and is looked upon as being no different than something you would say in the mud.

  • Author
    Shadowhand [legacy]
    15 July 2002 20:51:43

    I think this is the real clincher:

    FRA tells you: You don't insult FRA. It isn't fair, but it's the rule

    FRA tells you: You posted those logs to insult us

    So now it seems that you'd better watch what you post, but only if you're the weakest guy on the comment log.

    What's next? Killing people because their typist beats up your typist in a Quake Deathmatch?

    This is a forum to channel your rage *away* from the MUD, people. Not focus it.