l  You have entered a narrow, high-ceilinged, torch-lit cavern ending at a curtain of falling water. While the moss that covers the walls softens some of the roar of the water, you cannot hear anything else. A cool mist drifts against your face, and the air smells fresh. The sky beyond the waterfall must be clearing! The falling water glows with a light of its own, shimmering in the darkness.  l water  The entire west wall, from floor to the high natural archway at  the peak of the ceiling, is falling water. The thickness of the stream is such that you cannot see through it but the diffused light from  outside can pass. l walls  The walls are part finished stone and part rough, natural stone. The inner edges of the cavern walls have been cut smooth to make a hallway. The recessed, outer portions of the walls have been left as native stone. A thick moss grows in the unfinished areas between the smoothed wall.  The effect is quite pleasing and softens the roar of the falling water. l floor  Expert stonemasons have cut the stone floor of the cave smooth and flat. If it is made from stone blocks, the workmanship is so exacting that you cannot see any seams between them. It appears to be one, single slab of gray stone. The sun sinks towards the western horizon.    The falling wall of water glows with a yellow tint as the  sun falls toward the western horizon. The effect is soothing. The continuous roar of the falling water seems to fade.    The falling wall of water glows with a yellow tint as the  sun falls toward the western horizon. The effect is soothing. The continuous roar of the falling water seems to fade.    The moss lining the walls has tiny flowers that have burst into bloom in the pink glow that fills the room. The tiny blooms add a  pungent aroma to the mist. The intensity of color is growing, seemingly magnified by the curtain of falling water.    The wall before you turns to molten gold, filling the room with the happy colors of a summer morning. The strange little moss flowers fold back into the bright green tendrils. You are  transfixed by the beauty of marbling in the stone walls.    The glowing water flows from one color to another, changing from  gold to royal purple. The sound becomes a thrumming beat, felt as well as heard. What seemed soothing minutes ago now makes your heart pound. Tiny flakes of mica in the polished stone floor sparkle in concert with the dancing highlights in the falling water.  Blood! A river of blood flows as a living wall at the end of the cavern. You can almost taste the coppery flavor in the mist that touches your cheek. You are reminded of those cut down by your sword, of battles won and lost. This blood was shed by you. You shiver.  The color fades. The vivid tones are dying, changing to a soft, red glow that disappears completely. The sun sinks below the western  horizon. You are at peace, healed in body and soul.  The Window on the Sunset glistens darkly in the torch light. The sound of the falling water seems very loud. The sun sets beyond the western horizon.