
Posted by
Teleris [legacy]
24 July 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

He wanted to sell me a dwarven mining pack for over 200 gold! Still newbie logs rule :))))


  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 July 2002 21:11:57

    You can try to kill me for all I care, what I meant was 'I will give this char for a while to a friend of mine who has no idea what a MUD is' that would get you a nuke

  • Author
    Teleris [legacy]
    27 July 2002 17:27:43

    What ... hunting you all down ? :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 July 2002 01:36:56

    Man... if you actualy do that you will get more than a death, a nuke :P

  • Author
    Teleris [legacy]
    26 July 2002 20:16:10

    heh :) Ok I will stop killing newbies .... just have to get some levels up ... and I am beginning to hunt each of you down :))))) then complain ...

    But still ... I will give this char for a while to a friend of mine who has no idea what a MUD is ... so please don`t kill him the next few weeks ! cya all ...

    Ps. gonna kill ya all

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    26 July 2002 19:09:59

    HAHAHA! Vittorio is more newbies for him to kill.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    26 July 2002 18:03:12

    Points to Anatharn's post. Theres the answer.

    I can bet you anything you want, that the target just looked at his screen and shat his pants... he would have seen all this text rushing up, and then, after typing somthing like 10e, he would have been a corpse

    Have to say that in my drunk RL status i laughed my ass off when i scroled up and saw gman's /odd/ post :)

  • Author
    Therina [legacy]
    26 July 2002 13:13:28

    I agree with Anatharn on this. Teleris, stop this newbiekilling at once.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    26 July 2002 02:06:07

    you come up with that all by yourself gman? or did you have to get help from summem. share some more of your wit with us, you're amusing.

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    26 July 2002 02:03:22

    vittorio sucks penis for money!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 July 2002 00:16:01

    I've killed a bunch of level 5s and 6s with 1k contracts cause its funny as shit when you kill em in 1-2 rounds.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    26 July 2002 00:02:38

    i've killed 5 or 6 people for auctioning crap for too much or trying to rip off newbies or whatever on laryn, so i guess you can bitch at me too.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    25 July 2002 23:53:28

    I will have to agree with Anatharn on this one

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    25 July 2002 22:42:43

    Because Teleris killed a newbie in this log, Vittorio. A newbie is not the same as a Lowbie. The person she was hunting had no idea what a huntbreak is I bet, so he was doomed.. same level or not, he had no chance to get away. And that's cheap, especially since Teleris had no reason to kill him (or at least didn't mention any). The newbie wanted to sell her a pack for 200 (which is actually worth that much) and she didn't like it? Uh huh.. good reason to kill someone, really.

  • Author
    Teleris [legacy]
    25 July 2002 20:14:09

    ok ok ... I am beginnig to kill 2 levels higher than me !

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    25 July 2002 19:28:44

    atraa, jen killed newbies 5 levels lower than her, teleris is killing people the same level, why is everyone complaining about it.

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    25 July 2002 14:01:11

    wheeee, another skill filled log

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    25 July 2002 11:14:30

    *or somthing

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    25 July 2002 11:14:01

    Oh god here we go again with the pointless lowbie kills. Are you Jen of somthing Teleris?

  • Author
    Teleris [legacy]
    25 July 2002 11:04:24

    finally I pissed someone off ..... It is boring to sit there on the signpost and nothing to happen .....

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    25 July 2002 07:08:30

    Teleris, you just killed a Meadhead worshipper,

    life will no more be easy for you!

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    25 July 2002 06:02:13

    The vulture waited so long for something to die...and when it finally happens, what does he do? Nothing! Poor guy.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    25 July 2002 03:11:12

    I think that vulture is the only one happy about this log...

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    25 July 2002 02:33:15

    my apologies adunazon :P i saw the 'a' and a long name and assumed it was you :P. i meant shut up anatharn.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    25 July 2002 02:32:46

    shut up adunazon, teleris was the same level as the person she killed.

  • Author
    Morthar [legacy]
    24 July 2002 23:52:05

    Fight me Teleris, we will see who wins.

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    24 July 2002 23:47:26

    If I see one more log of you killing such a poor newbie, you will have to face an equal opponent for once. This is a promise.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 July 2002 23:11:50

    Why you did that?

  • Author
    Teleris [legacy]
    24 July 2002 23:01:23

    ugh :( just saw that I messed up that fuckin trigger for rings the giant bell :(((( what a lame I am ....