
Posted by
Summem [legacy]
26 July 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Wasnt even planned we just ran into him in linhir while we were makin gold :P But hey he is an enemy so he got corpsed!


  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    28 July 2002 17:20:47

    Its not hard to stay alive only killing orcs near thranduil's and having 3 inn rooms 24/7.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    28 July 2002 16:08:18

    A little while ago I realized that NC had a really stupid name.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 July 2002 15:55:56

    But then again NC, you could be a liar and just be lying about not being a liar

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    28 July 2002 09:25:45

    And as far as I remember, I don't recall to attempt murdering you, there are enough people outside there that want to kill you.


  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    28 July 2002 09:24:14

    I am a liar? Maybe you should know me better, I -NEVER- lie and that is my principal. If you want, I can post the log, yes, you have to know me even better because I have log for everything I say, I can back it up.


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 July 2002 20:19:56

    I most certainly agree with Gazza. Sharkan, please try to learn English. It's not so easy to read all those comments, I'm not saying that I rock on English, but I'm a lot better then you are.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    27 July 2002 18:44:18




    shut up sharkan

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    27 July 2002 18:25:33

    *wouldnt recomend messing with NC

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    27 July 2002 17:35:16

    Newcomer you are a liar,did i offer 5k to you lolzz you are one of best liar i have ever seen in my life

    You have tried me 2-3 men gangs but you never take me down!Did you say from here yes did you or one of your friend kill me?NO!!

    So shut up liar

    Nibinving you run for vc for cou for koda lolz if so you are a real bitch of mud!

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    27 July 2002 16:10:56

    I've got to agree with Manner. Unlike Sharkan and Maniac, however, they don't seem to be going after random newbies. Anyone who can raise such hell deserves a bit of respect.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    27 July 2002 08:40:36

    To say that Gman and Summem lack skills is very untrue based on the logs they present everyday. I personally like reading their logs. They are at war with everyone and no one is able to kill them. Give them some credit:) Sorry Nibinving, just had to say that...


  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    27 July 2002 07:29:25

    Feodinur, I can't afford skills :P

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    26 July 2002 23:55:42

    it doesnt show the shape of everything i am fighting. there is a pkill variable, if it is 1 then it tells the comm, if 0 then it doesnt.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    26 July 2002 21:15:25

    alkath shhh :P other mudders arent supposed to know what packet warriors and script kiddies are :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 July 2002 20:11:34

    Well, gman and summem are sure hella better then sharkan and maniac

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    26 July 2002 19:59:09

    Gman tells you: (Eternal) Miner good shape at belegost!

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    26 July 2002 19:58:38

    you could say the same thing for gman and summem, julius

    all i see is a hunt, a usually failed backstab and them holding down headbutt for 75 percent of the log, but they do have a nifty 2 man comm so summem can see the shape of anything gman is fighting, im sure that doesnt get annoying!

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    26 July 2002 19:55:49

    I don't really know any of the people involved here, but Nibinving, you sure do seem to talk a lot for someone that's always on the losing end of logs. Maybe get some skills, and then come back and talk later when you can back it up.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    26 July 2002 19:41:57

    Reminds of me Sharkan looting dwarven hauberk from me and then the next day he offer me 5k to remove him from my enemy list.


  • Author
    Julius [legacy]
    26 July 2002 19:09:38

    Sure, Sharkan and Maniac might make most of their pkills, especially against people who panic....but against someone who knows what the hell they're doing...

    There's a reason why they pick on easy prey.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 July 2002 19:07:51

    I had a char once that failed a backstab on someone unconscious. That was funny till they woke up and kicked my ass

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    26 July 2002 18:57:42

    it has to be said Nibinving, that Sharkan+Maniac do usually pull of their said kills...

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    26 July 2002 18:55:25

    Pretty amazing that when you attack someone unconscious you can still miss... I mean, its not like their body is rolling down a hill or somthing.

    you have to admit it would have been fuckin funny to see you attack, only to miss the hits, and then Nibinving gets up and walks off.

    *would like to see somthign like that - anyonw have links to old logs that does somthing like that - not flask kick ins.....*

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    26 July 2002 18:25:02

    Sharkan listen up, I'll say this again...

    Shut your big fucking mouth, there said and done ;)

    I quest with VC because I have friends in the guild, I help CoU because I have friends in the guild....I help KoDA too, Because I have friends in the guild. Keyword I have friends in those guilds, something you should learn the concept of man. While you and Mr. Maniac are playing slap and tickle everyone else is out doing shit ;)

    And my level going up and down, Yes the Chamberlain in MT does hate me, So does Gerthor the troll Next time I try to steal his Black sword, I might think better of not going afk halfway through the battle......


  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    26 July 2002 18:21:14

    Sorry Sharkan, but your a horrible assassin.

    I remmber how much trouble me and Ruiniel had trying to teach you how to trigger hunt properly, and you still got it wrong! :)

    Still, practices makes perfect i guess.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 July 2002 18:10:42

    Nibinthingy, you quest with VC, thats enough grounds to kill you

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    26 July 2002 17:15:14

    Nibi,you are liar,dishonourable,claim stealer,you quest with valacirca then you can go fight with corsairs against morals-you are lover of corsairs,you are bitch of cou for that reasons you deserve to die alot

    I have killed you only 3 times but i always see your level increase-decrease that shows i am not alone who hate you

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    26 July 2002 17:07:18

    Yes Kujo, Yes I do at times..

    I need rehab hmm

    Maybe I should hibernate or suicide or something. I would prolly be better off without the stress hmm.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    26 July 2002 16:57:46

    holy shit Nib, you take this too serious

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    26 July 2002 16:54:18

    Sorry for my language in the last post, I do get a little frustrated when Sharkan opens that _huge_ mouth of his. Oh and folks remember Sharkan's much like an annoying little child (which he probably is IRL), Ignore him and he might just go away....

    Hmm a concept I should try myself.. :D

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    26 July 2002 16:43:02


    PS1: Stop fucking typing PSwhatever before your comments it makes you look like a fucking twat!

    PS2:Shut your big fucking mouth and come out of your inn room so we can beat the living fuck out of you!

    PS3:If nibi apoligize these polite guys will excuse him

    Excuse me but What the fuck have I ever done to Gman, not a fucking thing!

    So Sharkan fuck you and hurry back so you can personally suck my left one! I've said that before and I say it again.

    Put your money where your fucking mouth is biiatch.

    That whole bandage thing was prolly Gman being cool, then Summem getting that huge Ego thing ;) Real Life not good enough for you guys?

    ***Or wait, Are you guys not good enough for _REAL FUCKING LIFE_ that goes for Sharkan, Summem, Gman and Mr. Maniac.

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    26 July 2002 16:30:18

    PS3:bandage nibinving:) then kill nibinving rotfl

    But dont forget you should not play with your meal:)

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    26 July 2002 16:16:44

    Dont cry nib!Behave as a man.

    PS1:Harassment?No Gassa you will see a real harrassment when you begin to go out your gh.If nibi apoligize these polite guys will excuse him

    PS2:Pls log coloured thats too boring to read uncoloured logs type shift+control+enter(step by step)later capture all lines then save it thats all you got a coloured log:)

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    26 July 2002 16:15:16

    I used to do that for 8 months Vit :P It sucks.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 July 2002 15:20:03

    I think that's pretty right vittorio :P

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    26 July 2002 15:17:40

    you don't know what you're asking, nib. you realize he muds for 16 hours, taking an hour off sometime during the day to eat i guess, then sleeps for 7 hours and wakes up and does it again...everyday.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    26 July 2002 15:07:34

    And following on.

    You say you just happened to run into me while you were making gold.

    I had a find done on you while I was in Linhir Gman was still in Lorien...

    So it was no coincidence Summem, so don't come that bullshit here aight.

    Seriously men get a life ;) I've already sent you the tell in the MUD so I will say it here too.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    26 July 2002 15:03:58

    He shouldn't have been attacking Gman.

    Thanks for editing out the beginning...

    You say: oif! I have no problems with you man, I'm just here making gold.

    You hear Someone sneaking up behind you, suddenly you spin and throw your

    attacker to the ground.

    Someone smashes his forehead into your nose.

    That whole failed Backstab by Gman musta been me attacking him while I was blind.

    It's really nice to try and loot the corpse of the guard I killed but find out I can't see.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    26 July 2002 14:51:41

    do you have to say 'owned' after every kill or whatever like a 14 year old wannabe packet warrior/script kiddie?

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    26 July 2002 14:34:16

    He never did, did he?

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    26 July 2002 14:16:36

    only the second time...he shouldnt have been attacking Gman.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    26 July 2002 13:40:21

    Can anyone say 'Harrassment'?

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    26 July 2002 13:26:07

    Jesus, how many time do you have to kill him :(