"Top 10 ways to tell you have been in Arda too long" "Lame response of the week: Articfox: You end up crapping and pissing in your pants because you forget, that unlike arda, IRL you actually have to do waste disposal" #10: Longfinger: You've been here longer than Rathmar #9: Zekk: You get scared to go outside when the weather is all shadowy. #8: Slapo: You start thinking mudsex is actually better than the real thing. #7: Drizzt: (Well, me on drizzt) You start whining about how your cable modem is fried and now you have to resort to a 56k connection. #6: Durlach: You can actually answer mud history trivia questions. #5: Sylvir: You get mails from your ISP saying: "When we meant unlimited access, we really didnt mean this...." #4: Ezekiel: You are stopped by the police for speeding and all you can think about is if this will be fast enough to get back to reset the armoury. #3: Elastic Bastard: You can remember a time when the Durmanhoth didnt suck. #2: Drizzt: Gilgoroth asks you how you can play so much. And the number one answer comes from someone who I didnt expect to hear it from. Leia! #1: Leia: (taken from a gilgoroth quote): When all the exercise you get in a day is walking from your computer to the coffee maker, you try to figure a way to move the coffee maker to sit next to your computer.