Ice Staff and OCP

Posted by
Rush [legacy]
02 August 2002 00:00:00

Is this the correct way to do it, uncle Manni?


  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    03 August 2002 07:16:52

    yeah Vit, it cracks me up too

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    03 August 2002 04:20:12

    i like how you all think rush is some oldbie sheriff with a permanent legend. it cracks me up.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    03 August 2002 03:14:27

    Ethereal is funny :P

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    02 August 2002 17:49:06

    1. raen is not a good player at all

    2. rush, being on the mud a long time doesnt make you good

  • Author
    Glen [legacy]
    02 August 2002 15:19:12

    after reading all the comments, i think ethereal is facing some sort of anxiety problems that perhaps should be reckoned with via cognitive therapy. Rush, you did a good job on the theft so props to you! indeed you are no newbie in the game, no more than i am (ive been in Arda for the last 6 yrs at least, under the same character).

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    02 August 2002 14:31:45

    You had the guts to stand up to FRA Ethereal?

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    You tried quitting on FRA's first retaliation against you, and after you died, you put something funny in your legend and hibernated. :P

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    02 August 2002 12:11:03

    Quite funny that the eternal newbie Ethereal calls one of the players longests on this mud a newbie. I think Ethereal needs to get out of hibernation and die alot.

    (And Rush, don't think I won't kill you if I see you in Mordor) :)

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    02 August 2002 12:08:53

    Propaganda is a terrible thing, much like patriotism and commercial ('professional') sport. I suggest you all stop using and/or supporting it.

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    02 August 2002 09:24:06

    Montar left SoU about the time Ethereal started talking shit, then hibernated. Pussy. Gothwin and Duniv were standing up to FRA too. Ethereal doesn't even give props to the ASSASSIN's!!! of SoU that were attacking FRA. I mea c'mon. Know your shit before you spew it.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 August 2002 08:29:34

    They were gone, didnt get a bid on sluggo's, couldn't get a cover on shark (but eventually got one) and a friend wanted ice staff :p

    kind've spur of the moment.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2002 08:07:02

    Leave the LHP somewhere else, steal Sluggo's pack along with all the other stuff, and sneak out next time. I would focus on stealing a pack more than the staff, unless there's a wizard or assassin looking for it...Your call if you want shitty EQ that degrades quickly though :)

  • Author
    Zavosh [legacy]
    02 August 2002 05:49:17

    Rush is no newbie. When I was wittle I thought he was the strongest person in the game! Then I grew up and realized he's not that good.. but still, he's no newbie :p

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:51:07

    look at my log of konthor's attempt

    i used 4 seperate breaks, you've used 1 in your whole life

    and i was afk, but i prob's wouldn't got away anyways

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:44:53

    The old AFK excuse...whatever man. Go back to talkin trash and see how long you live. And whats this shit about breakin? As far as i can see you wouldnt know a break if you tripped head first into one! I've wasted enough time on you :) Go ahead and post more crap if you want.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:32:20

    Coming from the person who doesnt use brief and has only ever broke in his guildhall...... Or almost get's solo killed without a hunter?

    You're funny, come back then Ethereal, like i'm scared of you.... You suck, you always have, and always will

    Obviously 'having my ass handed to me on numerous occasions' amounts to dying twice.... Once to Lotraz in mordor and once when I was AFK to Summem.

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:28:03

    Heh. Well i gave FRA as good as i could. Which is more than most considering no one besides me and Montar had the guts to stand up to them. You on the other hand are always going to be a dumb newbie who talks trash to everyone and gets his ass handed to him on numerous occasions. You havent even made it past lvl 15 and your talkin shit. Here's a tip, make it to 19 and then come see me redneck.

    And comment..That insult was so crap i'm not even bothering to stoop to your moronic level.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:13:35

    Poor wittle Ethy Hasn't got the strength to carry on.

    Call me what you like, wanker, at least _I_ didn't get my guild in a whole heap of shit, hibernate, get kicked out, then hibernate again.... And continue to talk shit on the log page....

    That's just all class.

    Fucking newbies.. *mutter*

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:08:42

    ethereal == ram rooter

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:06:20

    And I aint no fucking pom or red-neck.

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:05:55

    What the fuck are you on Ethereal?

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    02 August 2002 04:03:26

    dumbarses!! FDL!!!

    Always pictured you as either a smart ass pom or redneck! Or perhaps both...eek...must be all the imbreding in the country.

    BTW..Aussies are kickin ass in the Commonweath Games!! All class!

  • Author
    Rush [legacy]
    02 August 2002 03:44:47


    Shark is a cool guy, i almost wish i knew him before i stole this.

    Malark is a cock, i'd've had me a fresh fang to go with the OCP if i didnt lag out.