We arrested Fimbu

Posted by
Darkrod [legacy]
04 August 2002 00:00:00

We arrest Fimbu, and we got killed by FRA after. Took quite the party to take him down, but we did it! Another criminal brought to justice!


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    06 August 2002 15:29:35

    You cannot deputize against someone while wanted.


  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    06 August 2002 01:42:19

    terry who?

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    05 August 2002 23:48:24

    Ash, havent you heard: 'Set a thief to catch a thief', its a proverb that at least according to Terry Pratchett replaced the older and less catchy: 'Set a deep hole with spring-loaded sides, tripwires, whirling knife blades driven by water power, broken glass and scorpions, to catch a thief'

  • Author
    Ash [legacy]
    05 August 2002 22:54:18

    The new system is really good. It gives alot more to do in Arda. Alot more fun.. Hiding and Searching. I'm sure we will also know see who are the really sheriffs of Arda. The people who dares go after criminals even their life might be at stake..

    However, I'm not so sure that i like that everyone can be deputized.. How is it a thief and murderer who are wanted in all cities can go to any town and simply just swear he will keep the law and go after a criminal while he himself can be worse..

    Maybe you should only be able to be deputized in cities were you are not a mass-murderer or something..

    Just my 2 cents

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 August 2002 19:14:02

    5k is better spend on fines for killing

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 August 2002 19:13:40

    Level 20 is dumb anyway. I like my wimpy to tell me when its time to leave combat so i dont die

  • Author
    Gnark [legacy]
    05 August 2002 16:57:29

    I really like the idea of the new lawsys, and I've really enjoyed the bunch of logs from people trying to get wanted criminals who have a helluva lot of friends standing by to help. I like the idea of it, specially because the criminal cannot move while being attempted - and it gives us warriors a fair chance of a solo arrest when/if we take up cuffs to be nasty. Apart from that, the bastards being a better gang to defend the criminals, can make it hard to take out skilled criminals, I like that too.

    My 2 cents,

    Gnark, a humble little MeadHead.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    05 August 2002 13:47:36

    No no Westar, that's 'Hey Tuareg, fuck me.'

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    05 August 2002 11:56:09

    Its not sexually-oriented that you want to fuck the sunshine?

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    05 August 2002 08:59:33

    Sorry, I'm a little late in commenting this, but I did want to clarify. When insulting Tuareg, I do not use ethnic, gender-based, sexually-oriented or any other type of crude insult. I go like this:

    'Hey Tuareg: Fuck you.'


  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    05 August 2002 06:27:53

    Hey, don't knock em, Tarn. at least they can _get_ to level 20 :P

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    05 August 2002 03:07:48

    Who can blame someone for killing a level 20, even if that level 20 is a newbie?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 August 2002 01:47:51

    Ok fellas, there are a lot of level 20 newbies out there. Ever heard of Valacirca, Glorglas, or KoDA (to name a few, not that I mean all of there members)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    05 August 2002 01:19:37

    Rangers rule:P

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    05 August 2002 01:15:45

    we all know the ranger profession sucks ass so that would never be the case

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 August 2002 23:49:11

    The system has very little to do with why it took 4 people to arrest one person. The reason it took 4 people to arrest me at this point was that I had people helping me. If all the rangers went around in 10 person parties destroying things, would you say that the ranger profession was unbalanced?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    04 August 2002 23:12:28

    On another note, to those who accuse me of gangbanging all these people who try to arrest me solo: As you have seen, the party that succeeded was a 4 man party. It was met with a 4 man party. The other party that tried to arrest me was a 3 man party, which was met by another 3 man party. All the kills that were peformed on the deputies who succeeded were 1-2 man kills (Agarvain 2 man in Bree, Darkrod solo after he went idle (Weirdo), and Heath 2 man around Edo. Spansh was killed in the other party trying to arrest me by me, ehtyar and lotraz.)


    The difference is, the raiding parts after you, get to attack you For free.

    the people defending you, dont.

    So, fine will get even more high, the novelty will wear off, and life will go on.

    I have to say though, its silly when it takes 5 people just to arrest one criminal. That in my eyes, is unbalanced.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    04 August 2002 22:05:08

    lvl has nothing to do with whether they are a newbie or not. look at darkrod. how he continuously gets to lvl 20 i have no idea, because before vit was hibernated, he didnt do anything but beg me to give him gold and take him on quests and shit. ailin, as for the people on the good side of the law having lawsys on their side, what good does it do. you kill them, you get charged with a crime, so what, you're already wanted, you just add wanted time to yourself, it's continuous cycle. there's no advantage to them when they get nothing out of you killing them.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    04 August 2002 22:04:32

    The new system rules actually

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    04 August 2002 21:44:03

    And Tuareg! I admit, your diabolical plan is working, you _ARE_ making some people mad by acting like an immature, ignorant, bigoted moron! You're sure showing us!

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    04 August 2002 21:39:33

    I don't think I've killed one deputy below level 17 Duniv, so I don't see how I'm luring any newbies into a death trap, everyone knows the risks of trying to arrest a wanted criminal.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    04 August 2002 21:37:05

    You seem to all be overlooking the fact that the sheriff and his party have a giant advantage over the criminal and his friends. The people on the right side of the law still have lawsys protection, the criminal and his defenders on the other hand, do not.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 August 2002 18:18:16

    On another note, to those who accuse me of gangbanging all these people who try to arrest me solo: As you have seen, the party that succeeded was a 4 man party. It was met with a 4 man party. The other party that tried to arrest me was a 3 man party, which was met by another 3 man party. All the kills that were peformed on the deputies who succeeded were 1-2 man kills (Agarvain 2 man in Bree, Darkrod solo after he went idle (Weirdo), and Heath 2 man around Edo. Spansh was killed in the other party trying to arrest me by me, ehtyar and lotraz.)


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 August 2002 17:33:59

    Tuareg, your comments are extremely offensive. Very few of my guildmates would resort to such low and blatantly prejudiced statements. Please either stop commenting, or start being more polite and considerate.

    Now, onto the other ridiculous accusations being made:

    The purpose of the MUD is to have fun in a roleplaying environment. This means that whatever way you wish to roleplay, it's fine as long as you are having fun. I personally have enjoyed my experiences as a wanted criminal very much, particularly because I see them as thematically exciting. I do not care if one of you does not see the way I roleplay as thematic. That is your problem, not mine, and certainly not the ainur's.

    Do not call the way someone roleplays as abuse. I find it thematic for a wanted criminal to wait for deputies to find him, and then spring a trap on them. I don't give a damn if you see it otherwise. Nor, I think, do the ainur.


    P.S. I am not a newbiekiller. I have not been killing low-levels, or people who don't know anything about the game. You should have seen me having fun with the newbies in Bree, that was great :P I indulged their fantasies ;)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 August 2002 17:07:48

    Nah, the purpose of the lawsys is to limit pk. If it wasn't, then why would assassins (like me) kill for a while, get high fines, and suicide?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    04 August 2002 16:38:06

    Ok Duniv, if killing people for arresting a friend ain't a good enough reason for you, then I'll go back to fullfilling random contracts. Is that a better reason?

    And this being a limited pk mud? Bullshit, the only function of the lawsys is to give a tad higher challenge in this PK game. Thats the only function it servers.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    04 August 2002 16:06:22

    Actually, there is a fundamental difference with the new system. The sheriff, and his party, have no advantage over their criminal opponents. Longfinger, about your mordor example. I saw very people do this under the old system for the simple reason that it's just too boring. With the new changes, I haven't seen this at all. Wanted criminals have been used as bait to lure newbies, mostly by high level players in FRA. Now, I'm not defending the stupidity of the people who died trying, but it's clear that some players are exploiting it. Jesus. Hunting down people who tried to arrest a wanted criminal? The idea is not to put criminals and lawmen on equal ground. In a limited PK MUD, being a criminal should always be a difficult thing. Have fun killing your newbies.



  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:49:07


    Dont know if that's so funny, what is funny however is that you open your mouth now, with you character gone and that you up until now havent had a single word to say. Coincidence? or are you just a coward?


    sure that's why you wrote the post, but that wasnt the issue, I'm talking about the way you phrase your posts. I suggest you read through the hundred posts you've written and think about how they make you look. It's not about you accusing us of being homosexuals, I could care less. Christ, why bother.. if you havent gotten it by now, there's no way you'll ever understand it.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:46:33

    Yeah, now we just need an 'assist <criminal/sheriff>' command :)

  • Author
    Darkrod [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:45:27

    I actually like the new system :) Now it aint just a trigger <criminal> todo 10handcuff <criminal>. We actually get to get challenged, and try to bring the criminals to justice. If its gonna take a gang of people to take em down, then damn, lets get a gang of people to take em down. Personally, THIS IS GREAT!!!!! THANK THE AINU!

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:38:14

    Wasach, I fail to see how this change is fundamentally different from the old system.

    In the old system: Go wanted, find a nice spot in Mordor. Have your friends gang up anyone trying to enter.

    New system: Go wanted, find a nice spot in Mordor. Have your friends gang up anyone trying to enter.

    Only difference now is, that the criminal actually gets a fighting chance, since the there is the need to fight him down to near death.

  • Author
    Vaporrizer [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:25:50

    Hehe it is so fun to see all the people who has their tounges stuck up FRA's ass. Is it really so fun to kiss FRA's ass?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:18:25

    Food for though...

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time

    Don't go wanted unless you've got enough friends to guard you 24/7.

    This whole set up is a recipe for abuse, if you didn't see this on the day of the change warning your a bigger idiot that I am and I hope you die.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    04 August 2002 12:40:34

    Tuareg, please take your hateful gaybashing someplace else. I'm sure the KKK or some other group with similar intererest can accomodate you with forums where that type of shit is appreciated. You don't like the FRA? Sure we got that by now, but there's obviously some other issues you need to come to terms with... It's not hard, just try to write a single sentence without the words gay, fag or ass. Then work your way from there.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    04 August 2002 11:31:53

    Heh Tuareg, you obviously don't know jack: 'idle-BANG people' ... Uhm, as Darkrod even admitted himself, ... were were stalking him, he knew it, he went idle... one of our party members were still fighting him from the arrest, said party member finished him fighting alone. Gangbang? Nah, Idle? Yeah, if you count leaving the computer mid-fight as going idle, sure.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    04 August 2002 04:31:34

    No exploitation coming from these changes. None at all.

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    04 August 2002 04:17:21

    Oif , well Bag Humbug! wasn't me.. musta been that guy that looks like me.

  • Author
    Darkrod [legacy]
    04 August 2002 04:10:43

    *swears* we should have partied somewhere else. o well. grats on finding out who we are. cheers fimbu! :)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 August 2002 04:05:18

    Bah Humbug! Klardin was the other figure..

    Nice job guys! Although I certainly count this little incident as avenged :P