
Posted by
Ruiniel [legacy]
04 August 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Almost hunting a figure.There's what he gets for helping them arrest Fimbu.And I have a feeling he's SoU too..


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 August 2002 16:17:21

    *ROTFL* Ok bud.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    06 August 2002 12:43:39

    i dont know about you's, but i personally like wine, specially 2 buck chuck wine, *mmm goon bags*

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    06 August 2002 11:34:07

    Baklen said:

    'You fought back? *laughs* all you bitches did was wine. Fucken pathetic.'

    This from the man who just recenlty complained to the Ainur that FRA was unthematic, and said as much in his own comment?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    06 August 2002 01:07:46

    Ok, list of the logs I have (which are missing a fair amount of my pks since I was at my grandparents when I killed a shit load of you fellas)

    Estraven, Balzamon, Sharkan (who was a beorning at the time), Wasach (not sure if he counts, he attacked me though you rims and shit), Drcayngel, Chinaman (help you guys out with random shit), Wormbaneii, Isilrion, Wasach (again), Hayduke, Wasach again (haha, thats what he gets for killing me), Quixef, Dorianna, Anton, Josi, Fofester, Poseidon (probably my fav kill), Guilherme, Lotze, Gazza, Fofester twice (got away with one, got both deathblows on accident), Haplo (finally got that dude, he'd been hiding in his guild foooever)

    wow, a whole 5 rims killed. but then again, I'm missing a few and these were the only ones that were out their gh when I was on for the most part

    Im sure I missed a couple. I also wasn't a durm till the the second half of the war. And the rims sorta went inactive. So I kinda just killed VCs and shit. Oh well.

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    06 August 2002 01:06:35

    Ruiniel... how could you(!)? They were just arresting a wanted criminal! I thought higher of you. =(

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 August 2002 22:17:26

    Counting transfers, and people who joined up rims at the time? sure there were.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    05 August 2002 21:33:39

    There aren't even 20 active Rims. :P

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    05 August 2002 21:30:46

    Go on Baklen! Name 'em! And no reading notes or logs! name 'em from the top of you're head!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 August 2002 21:00:41

    I can name atleast 20 people off the top of my head who got a fucken ass woopen in the war. If we got our assess handed to us Ruiniel, how come rims faught so Gallantly to get the Alliance system changed. *HINT* We were killing every fucken person in your guilds with minimal or no fines. You fought back? *laughs* all you bitches did was wine. Fucken pathetic.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    05 August 2002 20:55:33


    Tell me Ruiniel did not just say he kicked durmanhoth assess. Holy fucken shit that made my day. How many times did we kill you? How many times did you hide in GH when others or I was on?

    *laughs* ah the day is complete.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    05 August 2002 13:41:27

    Toto and Korz both died more then once, dont know about anyone else, kind've forgot :\

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 August 2002 08:07:47

    Yeah, Deadlok died like 2 or 3 times, then hibernated until the war was almost over. Eh. Orlandu died a few times too, but he doesn't like me so he can go to hell. Aside from that I don't think anyone died more than once.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    05 August 2002 07:53:09

    Just as I thought, blowing shit out of proportion.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    05 August 2002 07:32:29

    noone else immorted because of the war.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    05 August 2002 05:45:20

    I'm interested as to who the half of 'your guild' is that immorted..

    Devinius Immorted.... umm.... who else?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 August 2002 02:30:57

    yeah, and I killed most of your guild multiple times

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    05 August 2002 01:48:40

    What's wrong with immorting?

    Anyway, I killed most of your guild, shut up:P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    05 August 2002 01:44:57

    FDL Ruiniel. Wow, everyone has killed deadlok. Heck, I've killed him before... :p

    But, I do believe that you guys lost that war. Badly. And yes, that was a fun war. About half of rims immorted cause of it. That was funny. So now they will be fucking up the game most likely. Oh well.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    05 August 2002 01:40:55

    You whooped what? Come on, we kicked your asses.How many times did Deadlok die?How many times had Korzan been killed before?

    Don't talk crap, the durm asses were MINE!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    05 August 2002 01:19:56

    Those proposals for peace involved you stroking our cocks...with your tongues. And a solid oprtion of your guild was willing to accept that. Anyway, Durm isn't stroking their cocks over that war still, because half of us aren't in Durm anymore :P I'm not really proud of the fact that we whooped 4 guilds in that war, I'm proud that it was one of the better wars here in the last 2 or 3 years.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    04 August 2002 23:58:02

    Jesus christ, Durms are still stroking their cocks over the war. And of course we're hearing those one sided stories of 'Rims started shit, we fucking annihilated them and they BEGGED for an end to the war'. Which isn't what happened. Eh? I remember we rejected at LEAST two of durms proposals for peace.

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    04 August 2002 23:16:14

    Moral of the story, never arrest anyone again.

  • Author
    Soltan [legacy]
    04 August 2002 23:15:32

    Those were fun times weren't they Manni? :P Actually for those who don't know, these people who were requested to be removed killed two of our members in mordor in retaliation to the arrest. So you see, people do go after each other when somebody makes an arrest :P

    Oh and by the way, this having parties stand there and attack the arrestor didn't start now. When korzan went wanted, he had 4 of his friends stand at rhos with him and attack any arrest that would even try to slap the cuffs on him :)

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    04 August 2002 22:06:19

    Bah! I was 'noble' not 'nobble' Damn you Duniv, hey I got 4.0 this semester :P *cheers*


  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    04 August 2002 21:06:06

    Miz, you spelled 'indevidual' wrong. It's 'individual' you bumpkin! Rar! ;)


  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    04 August 2002 21:00:36

    Yeah. That's what sort of what led to events which started the war, like Variel's letter demanding that I remove Konthor, Jian, Korzan, Therigion, and Toto from my guild or else we would go to war. :P

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    04 August 2002 20:52:06

    Jesus christ Duniv, can you just for once make fun of Ruiniel without using the word 'Bulgaria' or refering to his apparent 'miseducation'?

    Clearly you're a very educated indevidual. All you need now is some class.

    Boy, I sure hope I made no spelling mistakes in this append.



  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    04 August 2002 20:11:33

    Ah...oops. :P Well, I was close. Yeah. I was. Kinda.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 August 2002 19:11:29

    excuse, duh

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 August 2002 19:10:28

    But whatever, it was a nice excess for a war

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 August 2002 19:09:38

    Ok, we all know thats impossible because Variel left his gh like twice ever and both times weren't to arrest rendor.

    Actually, it was Orlando arrested Korzan and then we made their guild, VC, beornings, some other random ones, go inactive do to pking them excessively

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 August 2002 18:48:08

    I certainly don't hate these people OOC, although Heath seems like kind of an idiot. But I feel like my character would want to kill them anyway. Would not a criminal resent the lawmen that finally got him?

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    04 August 2002 18:39:18

    (In regards to Tarn's comment)

    Ooh, ooh! I know! I know! Variel arrested Rendor, mm-hmm, and...and...and...Rendor wanted Variel (or all of Rims) to apologize for it and (he/they) wouldn't.

    ...I think.

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    04 August 2002 17:11:18

    In my opinion if you go wanted for the fun of having people trying to arrest you, then there shouldn't be any reason to hate the person who happened to handcuff you. should just pay your fines if you don't want to get arrested :p

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    04 August 2002 16:39:45

    Killing someone because they arrested you is one of the most thematic reasons for killing someone here.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    04 August 2002 16:11:07

    For all I know, Ruiniel could be a very 'nobble' person in Bulgaria. How the hell does that get you into the paper though? 'Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Ruiniel is a very 'nobble' man!' I'm glad there are 'nobble' people like you around to make me laugh, Newcomer.



  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:52:40

    And I couldn't help but laugh @ Alkath's comment, cracked me up

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:52:15

    Is a 'nobble' man like a 'knoble' man?

    Is a 'knoble' man some kind've pseudoism for a gay person?

    Ah, the possibilities.

    (no offense to Ruiniel or NC here, Bluesbreaker is bored and wanted to make another retarded comment)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:40:06

    Am I wrong if I say that if you're faded (attacked someone faded or got attacked faded). Combat stops if you type 'stop'.

    So, Heath should've typed 'stop' and hidden in an innroom for 6months :)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:39:38

    What do you care Tuareg? For all you can care, Heath died for logging on. Enough reason?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 August 2002 15:12:48

    If you think killing someone cause they arrested you is dumb, guess how the rim vs durm war started

  • Author
    Darkrod [legacy]
    04 August 2002 14:58:41

    *rotfl* nice comment, sheepskin sHEATH. *fdl* i should have thought of that.how stpid of me.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    04 August 2002 06:34:26

    Ruiniel had a haircut, and I think his appearance in local newspaper for being a 'nobble man' proove that he is educated. So how about your self?


  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    04 August 2002 05:37:21

    Ruiniel got a job. Maybe he will get a haircut and an education next! Go Ruiny!!!

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    04 August 2002 05:21:13

    Who said that this system is getting abused again?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    04 August 2002 05:04:24

    i gotta say, killin someone cause they help with an arrest is pretty lame

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    04 August 2002 04:41:53

    I make several appearances which makes this log much cooler.

  • Author
    Heath [legacy]
    04 August 2002 04:27:55

    I'm not SoU dumbass