I am insulted by this attempt

Posted by
Gman [legacy]
10 August 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

just lame.


  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    11 August 2002 21:47:36

    He sniffs chairs cause he has too much time on his hands sitting in that combe inn room of theirs. :)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    11 August 2002 05:03:35

    Info: I can smell your guildhall chair from here. (Eternal)

    summem, do tell, why are you sniffing someone's chair, you like the smell of ass?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    11 August 2002 04:34:31

    yeah, i do suck tarn :( i've been attempted at least 5 times by eternal and they failed each time :(

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    10 August 2002 19:59:30

    You're good.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 August 2002 18:18:29

    Which is another reason why you suck Vittiorio, traveltos are cool

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 August 2002 18:13:58

    Have you ever heard of 'travelto X quickly' Manner?

    Another thing, Alkath, condiditon that sapphire sword you used cause I think Gman is truly Moral :P

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    10 August 2002 17:18:47

    What's wrong with travelto's? If you use an alias, you can't really reach into your pack to grab that flask. By the time you finish the alias, it could be too late for it to kick in.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 August 2002 16:21:39

    You guys suck. Yes, attacking from rhos can work. But is it really worth the 1 in 5 chance?

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    10 August 2002 14:59:28

    *hmm* that tarihe alias needs fixing - or they might just catch you out there one day

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    10 August 2002 14:17:28

    nah Tuareg, Ruiniel is a good assassin. Its true he dies more than half of the times he goes on an attempt but he is still ok i guess, he has some good triggers. But the funny thing is he has the 'tonight kill' going on, so you would guess that he probably attempts more than he kills!:)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    10 August 2002 14:05:01

    Gman, we were pretty unlucky, Ruiniels stab was hit hard and scrath, Rhoads stab was first a miss and then he got a hit. I missed two of three rounds.

    *shrug* Good thing (for you) that you traveled quickly, else we'd gotten you.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    10 August 2002 12:50:25

    Oh and actually, nibinving, Hippocrate was a famous greek medecine of the fifth century before JC, you know the one's medecine repeat the words for centuries (I SWEAR by Apollo the physician and ?sculapius, and Hygeia (Health), and Panacea (All-heal), and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation, etc )

    the word you were looking for is : hypocrite (from

    the greek roots upo/below krit?s/judge, and which originally meant actor)

    ---this was the cultural minute, thanks for your attention---


    PS:I'm way worst than Ruiniel, heh ;)

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    10 August 2002 12:35:39

    perseverence shall be reward some days ;)

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    10 August 2002 10:01:52

    i always thought that the distance from rhos to thranduils is always enough for a 5 men party to slaughter their victim with ease. I think the problem here is they didnt use a strike or attack all at once, half attacked late and not enough damage was dealt...:) Other than that, there is nothing wrong with attacking at rhos, because its not 'THAT' easy to break if a good assassin is hunting, and ruiniel is not very bad at all...!


  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    10 August 2002 09:57:07

    i think it's pretty sad that you act like you've been here since the game was created and yet you still use travelto's

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    10 August 2002 09:43:43

    Last time Gman attacked me he done it on Mid travelto from Edoras to Lothlorien while I was unequipped. He should have no problem with midalias pk's


    Don't be a hippocrate Gman and Summem ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 August 2002 07:38:54

    See Summem, I am dying with your concern.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    10 August 2002 06:48:11

    nobody can kill summem, hes the greatest player to ever grace this game! and gman, every one probably has like 5 logs escaping parties led by ruiniel or his typist, we neednt post them all

    u and summen r good because u can kill with only 2 people :)))) even if u only kill noobs :))))

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    10 August 2002 06:31:03

    yes Brahm, i pay all my fines by killing thrands orcs...your just mad cuz you cant kill me and you know it :)

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    10 August 2002 05:47:54

    Actually, Gman gets around Arda alot. More than many of the people who are attacking him, anyway. He rarely gets low on HP, and has a ton of healing on him most of the time, but hey, can you blame him? Oh, and no, I don't like him.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    10 August 2002 05:40:43

    A rough guess, this is the .. eleventy billionth time Gman has used this break. Can't expect everyone to exibit the concept of learning.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 August 2002 05:36:29

    When you're killing someone who makes most of his gold killing orc weaklings near thranduils, its hard not to get desperate.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    10 August 2002 04:27:04

    Rhoads legend me...I think it is your chair i am smelling. Man I wish you played more cuz I would love to shove my sword through your body. Ruiniel...what is wrong with you...newbie! YEA LETS ATTACK AT RHOS even with 5 people its hard to kill someone from rhos...when are people going to learn.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 August 2002 03:20:52

    What is up with this rap/gay/anal obcession (don't know if it is spelled right) Gman? :P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:56:28

    Nah, it's funnier with 15 people.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:48:46

    or instead of a 15 man gangbang, you could not suck!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:43:45

    Who cares about you? Your replaceable:P

    I would do it just for fun:)))

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:37:03

    if i'm worth the trouble. go for it:)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:32:18

    Hmm, Gman, your challenging me:))

    I'm wondering if I can do a 15 man gangbang.

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:28:46

    Your rape party skill has increased due to use.

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:24:20

    when i first came back, this worked, and there was a log here with crion killing me with a rape party from rhos.... but i hadnt plaeyd in 2 years what do you expect..... i'm glad they still try this...and give me more experience in breaking assassination attempts. thanks for the practice.

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:21:28

    attacking at rhos.. hmmmmm. i do it , but not to a player with any experience. good chance of failing. maybe if they see my pattern, running to thrans...they will have someone wait in the cell with a trigger to attack!! or are they smart enough for that? fdl. or will i modify my alias and use a different break next time?? or what will i do? ill probably kill a few of them first. then ill expect another 5man.... with a second 5 man waiting at bridge, and people waiting in the cell with triggers...but i'll just trigger their trigger! and whabam! anal rapage!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:19:51

    Gman, repeat after me, 'I wonder where we/I will wait next time.... in a travelto ?'

    Was a good try :P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:19:33

    Come on, what's wrong with attempting on aliases?:P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:17:56

    That's not only sad, it's gay too.I mean, what is Gman doing in the women's privy?

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:15:10

    Was going to post a crappy comment about this but theres just too many.. sorry.

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    10 August 2002 02:13:53

    i solo attempted rhoads shortly after this... too bad i didnt have time to look at the waterfall. i wonder where they will wait next time.... in a travelto ? or on an alias ? which will it be.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 August 2002 01:59:42

    That was just sad, gezz