Toto abuse bugs to escape PK's

Posted by
Dreadstar [legacy]
11 August 2002 00:00:00

Toto had no chance since we were predicting everything he was doing. As he allready see himself dead he turns to other means of escape. Nobody will notice him abuse the levitate bug for this little escape hi thinks. Had I not kept going busy for Summem to compleete the C he would not even have had time to abuse his little bug. I will have to admit this level of bug abuse really makes me mad.


  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    28 December 2002 20:33:21

    god what a strange comment from deadlok lol

  • Author
    Cenezar [legacy]
    03 November 2002 11:26:34

    Pretty unpleasant hunting. Makes me want to change to assassin.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    22 August 2002 06:50:27

    Use your heads.

    trigger Slowly, Toto todo kill toto

    That makes combat resume immediately and stops them fading.


  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    15 August 2002 22:47:37

    ok landrian, you can stop saying 'i dont know who you are' in every fucking comment directed at baklen. i think he got the point.

  • Author
    Deadlok [legacy]
    15 August 2002 07:02:19

    damn i missed all the fun ass drama!



    Get off my nigga's nutz for breaking.

    Quit hating, if oyu didnt fucking hunt through every damn break in arda then he wouldn't have had to roast your ass in the air HOLLA!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    14 August 2002 17:45:42

    5 man gangbangs this coming from Summem, when your ass tried me with Hrdtytype, zestril, zero, And yourself? I seem to remember your ass getting fucken burnt.. Don't talk about gangbangs cause your ass does them too.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    14 August 2002 14:04:26

    hurry up and get back then me into the ground....just please dont kill me too much...i already die way to much from all the 5 man gang bangs. I love pissing people off haha

  • Author
    Landrian [legacy]
    13 August 2002 21:44:30

    Date: 01. Apr, 2002, 16:41 By: Baklen

    I can assure the log isn't fake. *snorts* Lets just say I am the brother of Darkclaw

    Baklen, I dont have any idea who you are. Maybe you started kicking ass after i quit. Its very hard for me to argue with you when I dont know who you are and you know who I am. You arent worth my time.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 August 2002 16:09:21

    well I was thinking, there could be some abuses of yourproposition, with hatred people like summem gman or tuareg and Co who would be constantly trying to get bangs on them, heh 5 times normal fines, sure are abunch of gold, now you'd seee people running around arda yelling 'come on bang me!' *snickers for the thought of it'

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 August 2002 15:16:00

    Oh one more comment, You said I hang with nobs. In all honestly that may be right, but they are friends, secondly The character baklen, has always went for the best, and if you are the best when I get back, I'm coming straight for you, but then again, if your the best this mud has to offer, what the fuck is the point of pkilling?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 August 2002 15:09:52

    *laughs When did I ever , ever mention Darkclaw my dear boy. You really got some issues. I could give a flying fuck about what you think of me. There is a thing called has been, I think you fall along those lines, you may of once been great, no doubt( I really think it was Valerian but that an opinion) but hey when you come back to a mud and pick on the fucken nobodies, of course you are gonna rock.

    Now shut the fuck up, and continue playing and gettingall the shit you can, cause when I get back, you are gonna be my little bitch.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    13 August 2002 10:10:25

    New Club was crap, its not like you could really make use of it, i mean, lvl 10 cap? blah

  • Author
    Landrian [legacy]
    13 August 2002 09:10:57

    baklen...for gods know who i am but i dont have a FUCKING CLUE who you are. You seem to associate yourself with darkclaw. If you had any idea how many times i killed darkclaw then you wouldnt associate yourself with him. He is an oldschooler who was a fucking noob at heart. He never had the guts to break away and do something of his own. I dont know who you are. and until i will never get ANY respect from me. because i'm sorry darkclaw sucked a phat black dick

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    13 August 2002 07:30:12

    What the hell you talking bout feodinur?

    i'm talking about _sheriffs_ being able to club attackers, which does act as a mobile huntbreak, knocking the attacker out for x rounds.

    handcuff does as well, but it can be reported.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 August 2002 06:35:16

    How about not whining about being gangbanged. Its a part of life. If you dont like it, play some mush. You can escape gangbangs. There are ways. There is tons of healing out there. Tons of hunt breaks. Hit the people before they can hit you.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 August 2002 05:52:59

    Yeah I love it!

    You got my vote!


  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    13 August 2002 05:44:58

    What do you guys think of this crazy Idea to prevent an overflow of gangbangs?

    1-2 persons (fines are normal)

    3 persons (fines are double)

    4 persons (Fines are tribble)

    5 persons (Fines are 4 times the normal)

    5-x persons (fines are 5 times normal)

    I know it would be hard to make so it would not be abused. But if it was possible what do you think of the Idea?

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    13 August 2002 05:26:32

    Baklen we dont care what someones old char was named.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 August 2002 04:56:46

    Oh btw,noone stopped you from playing the way you want? I seem to remember Brycin dying hmms, 5 to 10 times then suiciding. Or were you nuked, then again history is a bit rusty

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 August 2002 04:49:13

    Learned from you?????? The only thing I learned after your ass failed so many fucken attempts on me, that you made the book in excuses. I never really went against you, I'm looking forward to it, then again when you tried to kill me with fra, you got shot down like a fucken idiot. You can call my friends noobs, all you want, but I can assure you, that I will be sitting over your corpse laughing. After all I have killed you, you have never killed me, I know more about you, then you know yourself..

    So come on boy, show me some excuses, open that little book of yours, cause you will need alot after you die so much.

  • Author
    Landrian [legacy]
    13 August 2002 02:13:45

    'ask anyone that knows me' bahahhah Baklen you have to understand that the people who 'know you' we consider faggity ass noobs. You are a noobler you learned from us.

  • Author
    Landrian [legacy]
    13 August 2002 02:11:13

    The first thing you will do when you come back to the mud is join a guild, Baklen. And you know me....but i really fucking dont have a clue who you are. But skill means less than nothing in this game. Its how you act after you have been owned. Thats what a makes a char what he is. And I can promise you this...there is no one in this game and there has never been anyone ever in the history of this game that has the ability to stop me from playing my characters the way i play my characters.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 August 2002 01:51:48

    hah at least I've found people to support my cause: I feel less lonely heh

    the still wasted's one!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    12 August 2002 22:32:03

    btw kinda funny we were friends before I left the mud.

    Here is a prime example of someone all of a sudden getting really goodand his ego going through the fucken roof. I guess you havebeen hangen with Vallejo a little to much, hows his dick taste?

    Anyway once I'm back the first thing illdo is send you a mail or a tell saying to bring it

    We will see who is the first to bring a big ass gangang party. *snorts*

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    12 August 2002 22:29:32

    *laughs* Summem, my dear boy, You can ask anyone that knows me, I've been trying to get back for some time now. I rather do it legally this time, so their will be no excuses when I run your little gay ass clan into the ground. I've seen your kills, its going to be quiet different now that you are going to attack someone with some skill.

    I'll say it again, I can talk shit, cause well I've done it all, secondly Again Nice huntbreak toto, keep it up, you've done nothing wrong.


  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    12 August 2002 22:09:45

    Fade wasn't even in the game when levitate was created, so i doubt if levitate+fade has been around that long. Furthermore, Kujo, how the fuck could club be a huntbreak? And handcuff had to be reported to do anything to the sheriff. You think someone would really report someone that just saved their life? Especially since a sheriff would only do that for a guildmate or friend.

    Even if this is a bug, everyone should quit bitching and just figure out a way to kill him anyways.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    12 August 2002 20:06:21

    Err.. levitate + fade have been in game since there is a levitate spell i think. I wouldn't say it is a bug abuse, it's a feature!



    A moron stole my cable line which makes me can't go online for a week!

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    12 August 2002 18:19:51

    Baklen read carfully moron...Toto misses...he is in battle and no it wasnt coded this talk to much shit...if you think you are so great get the fuck on the mud and pk me...I dare you. Mr Genious who knows all

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 August 2002 13:34:19

    well my bad, i thought levitate plus fade was actually a wizard's capacity and I didn't know it was removed, so that's why I couldn't understand why it was a sin to use one's abilities to escape, but well, since i've never tested wizards yet, this explains that...

    I hate to admit it but I was pretty wrong, heh :P

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    12 August 2002 12:26:53

    I have to agree with Lotraz. I also think the hunting in this log was really nifty.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    12 August 2002 09:48:34

    Nec... it appears to me you don't know how this levitate/fade bug works. I won't go into detail on how it works, but it certainly doesn't work the way that you cast levitate, then just plain fade. There are a few more details on how to use it, and its obvious its bug abuse.

    And Theodrek, you can't compare handcuff that way. Handcuff was part of the lawsys, and could be reported if used the way you mention... so it had a coded ingame consequense to use handcuff as you say.

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    12 August 2002 08:46:59


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    12 August 2002 08:27:31

    Um Theo, i dont know what portable huntbreak you're talking about that wasn't complained about..... But if it's the club then you should have a look at some old MC cases.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    12 August 2002 07:04:36

    I'd just like to say...this isn't much of a bug. Hell, Sheriffs had a portable huntbreak too. Only the Sheriff couldn't use it on himself. :P No one complained about THAT. Does this mean others think wizards are too powerful/unbalanced and should be removed from the game? =)

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    12 August 2002 05:00:35

    Hehehehe Off to put a contract on myself!!

    I can make a fortune on attempt fines.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    12 August 2002 03:29:17

    Geez Necsipaal stop saying Gibberish. You only look foolist. The facts are clear. Toto did fade during a fight using some sneaky resources of the game and even he knows that. The Ainur don't read this page anyways so save your breath ;-)

  • Author
    Jeril [legacy]
    12 August 2002 02:17:59

    This is nothing new, it has been known and it has been done a long time now.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    12 August 2002 02:15:16

    This is ridiculous. If you think there arent ways around this then you arent thinking. You all just fucking pray the gods fix your problems. The fact that mortals know the gods exist is disgusting enough. Due to thier retarded global nuke messages they have slowly transformed the population of T2T into a group of whining, sniveling, losers that can only take solace in the fact that 'The gods will make sure everything is ok'.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 August 2002 02:05:53

    What surprises me is most wizards don't using it already, it's not as if it were hard to find out...

    levitate/fade is actually not more easy as putting an emote in the alias to launch hunter triggers, in the time people didn't know how to avoid it, and I don't think people get nuked for emoting a break, didn't they? as well as they aren't nuked if thy quit during a fight, you can possibly argue that Toto's deed was not brave or something, but are huntbreaks brave deeds anyway?

    It would be a bug abuse, if he had faded during a fight using some sneaky resources of the game, but he did just use one of his profession's ability, if levitate wasn't create to 'do anything you can when not in combat like fade, eaglesight, do finds and so on. '(to quote muadd') please do tell me what was levitate created for?

    If there was a failure on the conception of the wizard's ability, don't blame Toto of using it...

    It's not as if it was some special powers he get illegally, it is something every wizards are able to do and find out.

    This is not giberish, this is logic :P

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    12 August 2002 01:21:58

    What a load of gibberish Nec...

    Its obvious to everyone that having the ability to break hunt in almost any situation like that is.... Bug abuse!

    With this being revealed on the log archive, its evident that most wizards will learn it soon, and start using it, thus rendering one single profession nearly impossiple to kill.

    Remember, this Toto did not escape by quick thinking, great skill or the use of his wits. He escaped through the use of a set of alias/triggers he set up a long time ago.

    Seriously, claiming that its not bug abuse to be able to fade mid-combat is ignorant.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    12 August 2002 01:13:26

    well I'm afraid, but i don't think it would be fair to nuke Totofor that, in regards of what have been argue already it is obvious that if bug abuse there is, this is not clear for all of us that it was a bug abuse, and how the hell are we supposed to know if we abuse a bug or not? I mean if i Type help_bug, for instance, Ihave the directions to follow how to report a bug, but in no way have I the list of the bugs I shall not abuse as a player and which could lead to my nuke.

    I mean some bugs are of course evident, they are bugs, like the one of baklen, or the one Manni just pointed out.... But levitate is a wizard's attribution, if you don't want wizards to use it for their safety, well it could as well been removed, but how are the wizards supposed to know they can't take advantage of one of their power ? I mean I'm aware ainur did let bugs on purpose to whack all the abusers after they did use it for a couple of times, if the bug is obvious, I think that's just ok, but when it deals with a profession's ability,this is just getting very confusing...

    I find that sometimes the limit between what is authorisedand what is not, is easy to break without even knowing it... Maybe a clear help_files would just help...

    If Toto got nuked because he used one of his profession's advantage, I'd find it almost vicious, not that I don't like what is vicious(hehe, everyone knows I do;)) but, I believe this would just lead to more confused statements... I mean I don't see any restrictions in levitate/fade since it's just a wizard ability, it can obviously prevent wizard from being pkilled if they have enough ep, but wizard prof is unbalanced anyway...


  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    11 August 2002 23:17:20

    The bug is:

    After the Wizard floats down the combat does not resume until the next heartbeat. So the wizard can do anything you can when not in combat like fade, eaglesight, do finds and so on. And he can do alot of things that would normally make him busy like eating, shooting arrows, changing equipment.

    Most of theese things might seem harmless but levitate is cast in one battle round and after that the wizard is faded. That makes wizards Imune to Assassins.

    The fact that Dredstor was busy makes no diffrence. You can always do this. If Toto doesn't get nuked I think we will se a drastic diffrence in the way wizards escape playerkillss in the future hehe.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    11 August 2002 21:56:59

    It' supposed to start combat. The speed isn't the bug. The fact that you can pop someone with 50 arrows and not be guilty of attempted murder is the bug.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 August 2002 20:31:11

    Oh btw, if you want proof, go click on my name, you will see a log of me taking on 3durms,(Toto is there tryingto do the same trick, but I still kill him) learn from it, then call me Dreadstar


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 August 2002 20:28:33

    Oh really, have you had a wizard character? Have you even done this so called bug? Is toto nuked?

    If a person is busy, and they are levitating, there is no combat, he is not hitting him, then he has the option to do whatever he wants. Its coded this way, its Dreadstar's fault for going fucken busy. But anyways, oh well, he escaped, better luck next time.

    The arrow thing, and combat is the bug , and I don't know about you, the megs might of used the arrow bug, but us FRA just threw clubs. *shrugs*

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    11 August 2002 20:20:30

    Baklen, that shows how little you know.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 August 2002 20:13:30

    Its not a bug jack ass, its coded that way

    Why knock him for something you were to stupid to figure out?

    Good shit toto, keep it up.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    11 August 2002 19:59:35

    you can still be above someone and shoot 20 million arrows at them and kill them without starting combat. ask direkein, he's been a victim of this, but he was smart enough to get the hell out before too much damage was made :P

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    11 August 2002 18:40:47

    er learn even

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    11 August 2002 18:40:29

    Time to go lean levitate!

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    11 August 2002 16:56:49

    And i also wonder if anyone tried it on a pc.

  • Author
    Therigion [legacy]
    11 August 2002 16:54:15

    Yeah, that was one cool bug Muaddib. I wonder if it still works...

  • Author
    Muaddib [legacy]
    11 August 2002 15:50:01


    I like this one

    *poof* huh where did he go?

    It this is not a sure nuke reason all wizards are imune to assassins hehe.

    This is a wellknown old bug Necsipaal. It was used alot in the fra-megs war where they shot several hundred arrows at Galadriel in a matter of a second.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    11 August 2002 15:34:53

    well yes I'vealways thought it was a wizard attribute to do as well, and not a bug...

    That's another reason why wizys kick all...

  • Author
    Dreadstar [legacy]
    11 August 2002 15:34:14

    Manner << Even though I am busy we are still in combat and that way I am preventing him to fade.

    I didn't want to kill Toto wich is why I was busy to let Summem compleete the Contract.

    If you really think I did something wrong in this hunt I would be glad for serius input. I think I did ok but I would welcome the oppotunity to learn something new and become a better hunter.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    11 August 2002 15:17:32


    Toto had used this bug dozens of times before. Frankly, I don't understand why everyone are so surprised. :p

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    11 August 2002 15:07:18

    Dreadstar, do you even know what you have posted, you look so stupid in this log. If you noticed, you were busy to attack, i think if you are too busy and he typed stop then you are not actually in combat and while he was levitating down, he faded. How is thatbug abuse? *shrug* Thats how i see it, great escape by Toto, he held on very well!

  • Author
    Glen [legacy]
    11 August 2002 14:24:45

    kujo, i play counterstrike (my name is HaldoL on there). no abuse is cool but still he did escape.

  • Author
    Teleris [legacy]
    11 August 2002 12:51:01

    hmm will take some anti-hb triggers :) hope ya don`t mind .. I am still learning :)

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    11 August 2002 12:50:30

    perfect hunt :) nice triggering :)

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    11 August 2002 12:13:40

    heh bug abuse! :p blah I shoudl read the description before posting

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    11 August 2002 12:11:35

    Bug abuse is never a cool way to escape....

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    11 August 2002 12:01:58

    He levitated and escaped the Pk, it was a cool escape, get over it ;) IZZOWNED!

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    11 August 2002 09:12:43

    bah.. you should just kick yourself in the ass for typing 'who 25' so Summem gets the pkill/gold, why didnt you get the C, you kept yourself busy for.. 12 rounds i think.

  • Author
    Rolf [legacy]
    11 August 2002 08:38:41

    He survived, or does it even matter?

  • Author
    Vaporrizer [legacy]
    11 August 2002 07:33:36

    Toto oh Toto. Why go to such desperete messures just to survive a playerkill?

  • Author
    Dreadstar [legacy]
    11 August 2002 05:54:41

    As you can see. Toto knew it was not.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    11 August 2002 05:32:28

    I thought the levitate/fade possibility thing was altered quite a while ago.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    11 August 2002 05:16:46

    I've seen Toto running from assassins 3 times today. ;)

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 August 2002 05:13:20

    0wned, pwned l33t, d00d, izzzowned, n00b

    Do people from eternal play counterstrike by any chance?

  • Author
    Dreadstar [legacy]
    11 August 2002 05:03:27

    I wanted to post this log cause I think we 0wned him. I think it is a nice hunt.

    And it is not the first time Toto has abused that bug

    Here he just uses it to Eaglesight instead of fade.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    11 August 2002 04:55:39

    so if he's abusing a bug, then why dont you shut the fuck up and report him, instead of using the log page as a forum to bash him.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    11 August 2002 04:55:31

    That be some nice hunting.