Nildnab gets owned

Posted by
Gman [legacy]
12 August 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    15 August 2002 13:27:33

    your girlfriend lets me fuck her in the butt too... :p

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    15 August 2002 13:27:13

    fdls at gman

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    14 August 2002 20:03:05

    lol, thanks for this so instructif anatomic comment Gman,I'm sure most of us are very glad to learn your life sounds like a real heavy porn movie now that you left T2T, now the question remains, why didn't you leave before? :P

    The saracstic Necs ;)

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    14 August 2002 19:11:45

    yeah my gf is hot too and she lets me fuck her in the asshole.. pretty cool huh?? for all of you that don't know, its tighter than the pussy! haha!

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    14 August 2002 15:32:51

    Hehehe how lucky I am.I got no GF to stop me from mudding.Hey or am I unlucky.Well....Hey it seems that another quest has reseted.So who cares about girls.Haha.After all after mudding for few hours,I'll be back home to play Final Fantasy 9 on my PSX.Damn I am married to games it seems.Life of a musician.You always must act like a dreamer you know...

    Reandor the Dunedain Electric Guitar Master.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    14 August 2002 07:22:55

    Not that she's desperate enough Josef, she's just cheap enough for him to afford *pokes his old friend in the ribs and chuckles*

    (and just incase Tarn's comment was posted at me...)

    It wasn't that I was choosing the mud over her, it was more like I wanted to see how far she'd go before she'd start to get frustrated and begin to quit...THAT'S when I'd get off the mud ;)

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    13 August 2002 22:55:11

    How sweet Josef.. you really tried hard.. Still that was not even funny! But you keep up the good work lad!

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    13 August 2002 22:05:57

    Jesus, Did you really find a girl desperat enough westar? *boggle*

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    13 August 2002 21:20:56

    Think of it as a hobbie, and your fine :)

    I have a full time job, a girl, and still get to mud a fair bit. Helps haveing an I.T Job though :p

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    13 August 2002 20:54:30

    Hope that was not a comment to me Tarn, in case it was you miss understod me

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 August 2002 20:37:05

    Dude, this is a game. When your girl friend wants you, you better get off the dumb computer and go hang out with reality for a while

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    13 August 2002 19:47:11

    My girlfriend dosen't mind that i play a little mud from time to time..

    Why should she? Its not like she dosen't have some interesets.. but i can understand why it can be annoying if someone does play 6 hours a day.. :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 August 2002 19:18:13

    Hah, my girl flat out left me, cause of this mud:)

    So I quit!!

    Tell you the truth it didn't help shit, so time to mud again:)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    13 August 2002 18:34:53

    ok, this is where we all start sharing the intimate things our 'special someone' has done to try and get us to stop playing the middle of a session.

    Personally I can name quite a few times I nearly died because she was tempting me (rather successfully on occasion) to just up and log out.

  • Author
    Nikka [legacy]
    13 August 2002 16:45:03

    I know my Fiancee hates this game alot, and I just sit and idle!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 August 2002 15:33:40

    well the eternal(yeah 'I have a girlfriend/real life/loyal pet that is missing me badly when I play' excuse is very lame and used too many times to worth anything, I'd have expect better of you Gman, though you were sure a better player than a speaker! *winks*

    I'm truly gonna miss you anyway, you were a good player and I like having skilled enemies, still your way of depart is releavant of a bitterness quite suprising for the proud Gman who did use to poison himself several times.


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    13 August 2002 11:00:04

    hehe, Gman Gman you think you're the only person who's girl/boyfriend despises that we all play this game? (well, except for you freaky freaky's that 'hook up' due to this mud).

    ps. does your hand count as a girlfriend, really?if so than I'm gonna go broke quick paying for 2 people everywhere I go...

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    13 August 2002 08:54:45

    who cares?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    13 August 2002 06:38:08

    Odds are he had wimpy on, but a client trigger to disable it when attacked. He disconnected, but left his character active. Therefore only mud triggers would work, not client triggers.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    13 August 2002 05:57:00

    If he had wimpy on, he would have kept wimpying. Unless he had a trigger to turn wimpy off as soon as he wimpied once....which would be smart....cause that would help in some situation I'm sure

  • Author
    Darkrod [legacy]
    13 August 2002 05:03:14

    ROTFL! nice comment, hand counts as girlfriend. *ROTFL*

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    13 August 2002 04:01:33

    I couldnt stop myself from laughing.. but, i do admit i quit, but that was after i broke you, i never got a quitter tag did i.. and your hand cant count as a GF pal.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 August 2002 04:00:49

    I liked gman... I like all my enemies because I have fun with them (oh demons am I becoming like Jesus? *covers in fear :P )

  • Author
    Melanna [legacy]
    13 August 2002 03:47:44

    someone actually likes you??! am I missin somethin here?

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    13 August 2002 03:02:38

    Oh well, this game sucks now. all people do is rape , time to move on. i have to finish school anyways. I'm taking compuer programming ... i got a GF too who doesn't like that i ignore her so much for the stupid game. so you all can keep making this game lame, and ill keep fucking my gf.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    13 August 2002 02:59:40

    your words sure were mean, Toto, Gman suicided ;)

  • Author
    Toto [legacy]
    13 August 2002 02:46:58

    Gman, you killed Nildnab, fine, everyone HAS to agree to that, but Owned.. *smirk* Hardly. You didn't even do anything. He stood there for 5 rounds and you killed him. Get some damn skills and stop pretending like your not a newbie. You've died twice by Daedin & Co. now, and have yet to touch us. *shrug* Good luck my little paddawa.

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    13 August 2002 02:11:38

    hes just mad cuz he couldnt quit first

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    13 August 2002 01:19:27

    oh well, moral of this story is don't idle when you are in bad shape. the guy still proves himself to be an idiot.

    at least he didnt get a chance to quit this time.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    13 August 2002 01:10:40

    You people dont read all the text i take it, Jen beeped me.. Instant Message prehaps, i came back to revive and report. I'm done commenting this log.

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    13 August 2002 01:08:36

    Maybe his wimpy trigger included reviving..

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    13 August 2002 01:04:12

    Bah.. theres something called wimpy, i would have broken your lame ass if i wasnt idling out.. you get to move 7 rooms till a compelete round goes by, maiden would have hurt me so there are 3 others which are very close, wait till I come back. (I turn off all my triggers when idling out or else my client would have broken you automaticaly.. Manni knows what i'm talking about)

  • Author
    Centyre [legacy]
    13 August 2002 00:59:09

    Maybe he had wimpy on, without a trigger to wimpy off

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    13 August 2002 00:56:48

    dood, you revived instantly....

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    13 August 2002 00:55:20

    Wait, I actually have because everyone claims they were idling when they killed. Even when they're on travelto's and macros people claim they were idling or afk. Why don't you just admit you got killed?

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    13 August 2002 00:54:33

    I've never seen people move when they were idling before.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    13 August 2002 00:16:39

    bah.. you still arnt shit.. i was idling out.. than Jen beep me saying why i was a ghost. So you can still suck my cock.. fdl

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    12 August 2002 23:31:23

    i removed the part where i trigger the breaks... just so you know :)