Ansel's fatal 100d party.

Posted by
Norin [legacy]
18 August 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

This has been logged by Azaghal, and it shows the major parts of the party and the first attack by Warrax on Ansel. In the end of the log you will see the mayhem that took place at this fatal day. Not all kills is in this log because some people ran into the jaws of death other places too. But enjoy the reading, I know this log is filled with much feelings for many people. So let's get on with it... -Norin the Nameless.


  • Author
    Mortis [legacy]
    24 October 2003 16:57:29

    Just to wrap up this chapter. Ansel is dead, he won't be coming back. I am working on a memorial for him, and then hopefully a legend. I think he that he deserves one.

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    25 September 2003 01:04:45

    Just so you know, i didn't rate this 6 because he died.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    16 November 2002 11:57:10

    And he still has not revived from death... it?s beginning to look sad... my heart is bleeding

  • Author
    Etrius [legacy]
    28 October 2002 01:49:58

    I spoke to Ansel only a few times but I found him to be one the nicest, kindest and most helpful people I could hope to find. For the first time in my life I found myself feeling sad when reading a log from an internet based game, either I am finally losing my grip on reality or the passing of Ansel was an extremely sad event. Personally I think it is a mixture of both :)

    As for 'the legacy and work of ansel' one need only look at the mortal council archive to see some of the work he has done. As has been said before he is probably one of the greatest councillors that arda has ever known. As has also been said before the whole party incident didn't seem to bother ansel that much, he just took it calmly and reassured his friends that he enjoyed their thoughts and appreciated their efforts. His leaving is a great shock and sad for a lot of people but personally I feel should be taken as an oppourtunity to look back on his life and all good memories.My regret is that I did not know Ansel better when he was around :(

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 05:04:56

    The Eyes were here also...

    And I wanted to add, that I think Ansel did it on purpose... People said he waslike Bilbo, doesn't this party remember you of another one?

    Ansel was clever enough to know the risks of this game, and that's verily a cool way to depart, I must say i'm jealous of his birthday ;)

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    27 September 2002 08:20:08

    Ansel was not only the best MC Chair / Administrator he was the Only decent chair / administrator the MC ever had.

    If you like the MC or not, you still have to admit that impartial representation is a truly rare thing. Most MC admins just used their power to abuse the system, remove votes they didn't like, or reword votes so that they had no resemblance to either the spirit of the intent of the case itself.

    I may not have always agreed with Ansel

    But I?d be the first to admit that

    Ansel was scrupulously honest.

    A very rare trait in politics.

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    26 August 2002 11:22:10

    Ansel is gone and many things can be blamed, but I think old age is chief among them. Hobbits do not have the bless?d life of the elves and have but a brief time on Middle Earth. Ansel was old in body and much older in spirit.

    It is a shame that someone who was so selfless and kind could have the spark of his life ended by shallow and destructive children, but that is often the way of things. The FRA has shown that they are as evil as anything that spawns from Mordor. I am sure they take pride in this.

    I encourage those who have had the privelege of knowing Ansel in his life to keep alive the memories of all he did for everyone, even the people who did not appreciate him and his work. His death was but a brief moment in his life. Do not dwell on it and let it obliterate the memory of his achievements. Ansel was a truly good person. They do not occur too often. I shall miss him.

  • Author
    Nikka [legacy]
    22 August 2002 16:25:55

    I think I've prob been nuked/deleted more then anybody on this mud :)

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    22 August 2002 00:01:11

    I've been nuked alot :P but mostly for stupid stuff, like badmouthing Mathias or something like that :P

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    21 August 2002 23:11:48

    oh damn what I mean is: '... but they are _not_ what you usally mean ...'

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    21 August 2002 23:10:25

    Wasach, Tolkien's use of the word 'Knight', most likely doesnt refer to 'a man of arms serving a feudal superior' which is what I meant with it in that particular sentence. Yes there are 'the knights of dol amroth', but they are what you usually mean when you're talking about the knights of the middle-ages. You wont find them trotting around in full plate-armour jousting and stuff. Its just a word tolkien found convenient..

    remember: he pretends to have translated places and things from westron to english, thus the use of knight or fiefdom or shire doesnt mean that they are exactly the same as the common use of the words. Get it?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    21 August 2002 21:16:24

    Actually, Knights did exist...

    the Knights of Dol Amroth, not made up out of our little gondorian imaginations but taken straight from the books, thank you very much.

    Also, duels of honour do occur alot more than people think they do. I know that Wyngel and I both challenged each other quite frequently to duels and bouts all the time before he was forced to stop mudding so much (poor fellow). However we do try and find the time to clash swords and bash shields when we are both on.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    21 August 2002 18:46:29

    i dont give a shit how good ketan was 5 years ago, lets see how he is when someone knows a huntbreak and stews arent the bets healing around

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    21 August 2002 18:23:43

    I think spartan has him beat too

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    21 August 2002 18:16:35

    ailin for starters.... vallejo is getting up there too

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    21 August 2002 10:33:03

    I'm pretty sure it is not '97 ;)

    Quote: 'Hate to burst your Vittorio, but I can think of a lot more people that have gotten nuked alot more then Avaar. Some of them just happen to be your FRA friends. So its really hard to dis someone for getting nuked a bunch when infact your friends have gotten nuked a bunch too' - Tarn

    Can you name me who got nuked more than Avaar?


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    21 August 2002 03:12:16

    Hey, but you've wasted more days of your life on this mud then we have ketan! so ha!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    21 August 2002 02:42:26

    Not that I know off feodinur

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    21 August 2002 02:12:48

    No matter what anyone says, Ketan can play. Call him a ball licker or whatever you want, but I've seen logs of some very impressive kills of his. He was voted best assassin of '96 or '97 or somewhere thereabouts. And he was going up against some tough competition too. I'm not exactly sure which chars were also nominated, but Klouse was one of them I'm willing to bet. Btw do they have votes for best <prof/race> of each year still?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    21 August 2002 01:35:25

    Ketan was pkilling while half this mud was still running around the newbie holes. Lets give credit were credit is do fellows.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 August 2002 23:20:16

    shame on me for trying to keep things in one char! hahah, im done with arguing for now

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 August 2002 23:18:43

    i was gonna say that, but i was too lazy, ill add onto that tho, if you are self proclaimed skillless how could you be able to judge others skill? keep making fun of me and tuareg on the log page and maybe fra will think you are cool

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    20 August 2002 23:18:12

    fyi Avaar, Ketan's typist has had some of the best PK chars to grace arda, i believe some of them have legends to, or at least a player he is great....*hopes his facts are correct*

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 August 2002 23:02:35

    Also, whats the point of insulting someone for their lack of skill (something avaar isn't, hes got some skillz) when you suck yourself?

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 August 2002 23:01:53

    *clutches his heart* making fun of a ranger for using one of his skills! now you've hurt me! how about you go train tactics and headbutt someone! haha, im a master of insults!

    how many times have you killed klouse vitt? how about fairfax? nirrab? divaust? delgaur? exactly,my kills and logs speak for themselves

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 August 2002 23:00:12

    Hate to burst your Vittorio, but I can think of a lot more people that have gotten nuked alot more then Avaar. Some of them just happen to be your FRA friends. So its really hard to dis someone for getting nuked a bunch when infact your friends have gotten nuked a bunch too

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    20 August 2002 22:49:54

    vittorio the, i never claimed i had any skill. i just like to insult you for your lack of knowledge, tact, and skill. how many times have you been nuked? maybe you should create a ranger so you can go around fucking your herd all the time again.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 August 2002 22:35:56

    haha, ok the vittorio the great, we should all listen to you since you have almost done something

    the only thing i have ever seen ketans typist do is level fast, show me a log where any of his chars do something impressive, until then ill just think of him as another player

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    20 August 2002 22:11:17

    gee avaar, by that standard, Ketan has only posted one pk log so he must suck too huh? I guess that's why anyone who has been here a while considers him to be one of the best out there, even if he's not very active with pk with Ketan. If you're going to judge the skill of someone, the skill lies with the typist, not the character. Know who the fuck you're talking about before you insult someone's skill.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    20 August 2002 21:21:52

    I got called Prince of Darkness for some reasons, that is my RP and stuff. So who say FRA does not RP? Next time put 'except NC' on your comments, this goes for all of you!


    20 mins a week MUD, Hell lot of improvement.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 August 2002 20:36:28

    the great ailin has posted 6 logs, one of which is by throm, and another he runs to gh

    in the other 4 he kills newbies, he must be the best

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 August 2002 20:21:40

    *blink* props for ixnay for being one of the few to have enough nuts to sy what he thinks and not worry about getting killed for it

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    20 August 2002 13:48:13

    Everyone has an their own opinons..and its exactly that. :) dont like um, ignore um.

    I for one dont think the FRA have power like they used to or maybe ive grown older and wiser and dont look at them in the same way. This is why when they do try to demonstrate they still have it, they just make people think they are lame with wrong and bad Tactics.

    why? becuase people dont respect them as a guild anymore.

    These are at least my observations. from comments here and people who talk to me.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    20 August 2002 06:26:40

    Avaar who?

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    20 August 2002 04:20:54

    The ends justify the means. So, run your mouths all you want, afterall we all know that it's the only thing you can do to us.

    am i the only person that gets sick of the we are the greatest ever shit that ailin puts in almost every comment? i mean, i know you think your tough leaving your gh to type party join ruiniel, and then triggering Victim todo strike victim, but belive it or not, you arent

    now i can sit and wait for some perfectly capitalized sentence followed by a ':P' so ailin can think that he is witty with the smily face he puts in after every comment

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    20 August 2002 03:51:32

    I'm not evil, I just like to kill lots of morals and hang out with evil people

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    20 August 2002 03:43:01

    Why are we labled as 'evil' I dont think we are.. I think beornings, amruin and all them other guilds are evil.. just my point of view.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    20 August 2002 00:04:06

    Just a response to what Longfinger said earlier. Sauron actually challenged the very last king of Gondor before Aragorn to a solo duel at the gates to Mordor. Of course Sauron didn't play fair, but I just wanted to point it out that duels to teh death arn't wholly unreasonable.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    19 August 2002 22:17:22

    The FRA take a different approach to being evil than anyone else in the game, unlike the other 'evil' guilds, we actually commit...evil acts, we don't just make a few speeches about being dedicated to an evil deity and sponsor 'injury-free' player battles (heaven forbid our sworn enemies get hurt) We wanted power, we got it through our tactics and now we do whatever is nessesary to maintain it. The ends justify the means. So, run your mouths all you want, afterall we all know that it's the only thing you can do to us.


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    19 August 2002 22:07:42

    How great Ansel chose to use this oppertunity to escape the hellhole he was in... This will surely put the MC into an even greater chaos, ... perhaps its time for the MC to be removed? :)

  • Author
    Ealendil [legacy]
    19 August 2002 21:25:50

    Gman you are a huge asshole you should go and take Ketan in the ass as you did 281469281 times before.Norin you suck and you allways will suck nothing more can anybody say to describe you except maybe a LAMER and finally Warrax you annoy the shit out of me you all came in party braking and expecting for everybody not to attack you damn right they will like you would not?? You pathetic assholes it is a shame that FRA has the missfortune to have some of you as members and they have my deepest regrets for that.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    19 August 2002 19:20:26

    'say,' not 'say out.'

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    19 August 2002 19:18:21

    Wow. Vallejo, no matter how smoothly you say out that 'zip my pants and wipe Tuareg's chin' comment, it still sounds way too much like something Klouse would say.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    19 August 2002 19:04:46

    What fascinating creativity. Appalling that the Germans are finally catching up to the 'Your mother' jokes, you haven't quite mastered it Tuareg, but with your uncanny wit I'm sure you'll be on top of it soon. At anyrate, I'm tired and on my way to the airport.... so fuck off tAureg and have fun drowning in all those floods you spent tampon.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    19 August 2002 18:45:41

    For 3 weeks I've been gone from the MUD, however from time to time I do try to visit friends on here. I just don't have the time anymore, at anyrate, I find it fulfilling that while Tuareg doesn't seem to find me the villain type; I can still find 4-5 references to me in his previous posts, even though we've had no interaction in a month or so. If a true bad guy is the one that is remembered even after he's gone, then I'll just have to take a bow in Tuareg's direction... right after I zip up my pants and wipe his chin.

  • Author
    Karvid [legacy]
    19 August 2002 18:04:04

    Please tell me the contract that I put on that fuckwit 7 months ago finally filled.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    19 August 2002 17:56:14

    Tuareg, where in my post do I say that a villain must be dishonourable and that a good guy must be honourable? Nowhere. Thats beside the point.

    However, do you think that Saruman would care one bit about not ruining someones birthday party? Do you think grishnakh, ugluk or shagrath would plan their attack so that the odds always were even? Or for that matter, Faramir or Boromir? The Rohirrim used to hunt the wose for fun.. where's the glory in that?

    Can you name one single occassion where someone challenges someone else to an honourable and fair fight? Lotr is not a medieval world where the concept of chivalry is widely accepted.. there are no knights. The setting is thousands of years earlier than that.

    Screw the glory, we want power.

    And regarding the cheating, every single guild has had it's fair share of that and the FRA no less, or more than other guilds, it's not what makes us strong.

  • Author
    Paazin [legacy]
    19 August 2002 16:32:48

    I made that comment about the 'skillz.' I was not there myself and at the time I had the impression that everyone there was level 5-10 and Warrax attacked Ansel as well as a whole bunch of lowbies. After reading through the entire log, I would like to apologize to Warrax and retract that statement, since it was made hastily and without any good knowledge of the situation.

  • Author
    Ehtyar [legacy]
    19 August 2002 14:18:07

    rosy - (adj) [1] (appreciative)

    Look, Tuareg appreciates us.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    19 August 2002 14:05:02

    Fimbu, they give alright :) Most of them never notices though.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    19 August 2002 13:30:16

    'Who creathed the mayhem? FRA or the vast gathering of people?'

    Warrax created it :)

    His inability to kill Ansel in the first instance, and to be blasted away by Ansles newbie friends...THAT i found funny :)

    If he never died, none of this would have happerend im sure.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    19 August 2002 12:42:39

    In conclusion: Give, and give generously, to your local villain society.

    Villains: Making things Possible, one step at a time.

  • Author
    Longfinger [legacy]
    19 August 2002 12:32:41

    Everyone who was at this party will remember having their hero Ansel killed by a bunch of villains.. And since the QI seems to enjoy roleplaying I'm sure they can make something of this, They will have the opportunity to get revenge when they grow up, hopefully and most likely in game and not by slander on a webpage. Meanwhile they have a goal to work on.

    Remember that without villains there can be no heroes. Or at least not very impressive ones :)

    Sick? Low? Well being a villain isnt about doing nice things you know. And this game needs it's bad guys.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    19 August 2002 10:25:42

    im a fan of babelfish myself, so i can doublecheck and make sure tuareg isnt spouting out bullshit in german as well as english :P

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    19 August 2002 09:45:22

    All praise !

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    19 August 2002 07:38:57

    Oh shit, sorry Ket, I didn't mean to interrupt that conversation you were having with yourself here :P

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    19 August 2002 07:34:15

    Just goes to show, everyone has enemies.

    Hey, what do you know Avaar, at least you and Ancoron have something in common ;)


  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    19 August 2002 07:32:16

    And frankly, I think we did Arda a service. In posting this log, Norin was able to give Tuareg someone to agree with on the comments page for a while. In giving Tuareg a taste of what it feels like to have friends, I feel that this entire log is worth the effort.

    And PS, what the hell kind of insult is 'Rosy?' Isn't that the robot from the Jetsons? Unless you're accusing me of being a big blue robot in a maid uniform, I'm not terrible offended. :P

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    19 August 2002 07:29:21

    Is there a record for the longest string of comments in a row? I think I'm going to win it.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    19 August 2002 07:29:00

    Okay, so after reading that comment, maybe it was a bit too negative. I realize that I should leave said Maia alone, as whoever didn't know his/her comment would be showing up anyway, and I shouldn't be lashing out for what he/she said in a private conversation. Still, it bugs me when people are ignorant like that. *shrug* I apologize if 'go to hell' was too strong.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    19 August 2002 07:27:44

    Oops, forgot something. Whoever the Maia in that log was can go to hell. I'm not bragging about 'mad level 8 slaughtering skillz.' What kind of retarded level 8 goes around attacking people with whatever weapon I had (I think it was the globe, I don't feel like checking)? I'm not bragging, but I'm not crying for them either. It's one of those life lessons that some people learn the hard way. The only person I ever typed 'kill' for was Ansel.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    19 August 2002 07:21:48

    Hehe. Hi. Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but death comes to everyone sometime or another. If Ansel left the game just because of this, it's his fault. I mean, jesus, the guy had it coming. He made it to level 22 and stayed for for like 50d of age because he was generally in the MC hall or somewhere else unattackable. I've always sort of disliked him, stemming from an incident when I was a 3d old Ketan, and I was holed up at Kimlo's place in Thrans, with Azrock trying to kill me. I was like 'Ansel, I need help! Can you bring me wine or healing or something?!' And he was like 'Sure!'...and then he never came. *shrug* Anyway, grow up. Don't cry about it, just kill me instead. I promise I won't leave the game if you do.

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    19 August 2002 04:26:08

    I didnt read the log, to long.

    I havent read the comments, to many.

    All I have to say is I knew Ansel. He was a good guy and good at his job. I wish he would return.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 August 2002 04:13:33

    btw Warrax died, HAHAHA what a fucken moron.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    19 August 2002 04:04:40

    Killing someone at a birthday isn't bad, now killing them at their wedding, or bachelor party, thats something to talk about:)

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    19 August 2002 02:47:07

    *nods to Fimbu*

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    19 August 2002 02:35:31

    Tuareg, please don't make up lies about me. I don't do that to you. I won't pretend that your comments don't offend and sicken me, but to a point where I cry? Not even close.

    Borkaz: All I was saying is that Ansel obviously wasn't too upset over his death. People who run around waving flags and protesting about it 'in his spirit/memory' are kidding themselves.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    19 August 2002 02:27:33

    theres nothing wrong with killing ansel, he has a 3k c and it was attempted to be taken out, also warrax died not because of the newbies, but because he is an idiot, the newbies that died also deserved it, they are the ones that typed kill ketan or norin and whatnot, mc is worthless, its a bunch of idling newbies that dont do shit, lastly, i dont think anybody values ancoron's opinion or respects him :p

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    19 August 2002 01:13:06

    Hmm, i can only talk for myself... Warrax wanted ansel's head for his C or whatever. He attacked and got killed by a bunch of wizards. Then I was pissed off because a bunch of newbies looted blacksword from warrax and caused his death. So I joined up with the party and we went out to do the first thing: Kill ansel for his C or whatever, and kill the person with the Blacksword... Unfortunately after we killed ansel it all boke out into a mayhem and everyone started to attack us... we was still looking for the blacksword and people fell like flies around us (they were after all lowbies, most of them). And as this continued we just finished off those people stupid enough not to run from us. So, who is the sinners? Who creathed the mayhem? FRA or the vast gathering of people? Well it can be deiscussed. But one thing is clear: After ansel died they should all have just run away just to save themselves... And that is exactly what _not_ happened. So, blame and flame, my consience is clear. -Norin

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    19 August 2002 00:37:38

    I dont know Ansel and I dont know Warrax and Norin (so I aint picking sides), but Fimbu, about your comment....

    Ansel says: I kind of expected it

    It's kind of funny to see so many people getting angry for Ansel's sake when you look at Ansel's true reaction.

    I ask you: Does Ansel's reaction justify the attack on him?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    18 August 2002 23:46:07

    This log is in DIRE NEED of some sex appeal.

    And on a side note Sunshine, if Shock's opinion is so important to you, perhaps you should ask him for his specific thoughts about your constant homophobic and bigoted comments. Or Naugrim, or Ancoron, or anyone else who may be on your sunny side, and not with the 'Assfucking enemies'.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    18 August 2002 23:28:57

    Umm Ansel isa dick, I had 2hrs left on wanted time and he kept fucking subpeanaring me so I would stay wanted, so I'm glad that fucken dick died, should of suicided

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 August 2002 23:24:27

    If you had a dick, you would know, Tuareg:P

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 August 2002 22:46:25

    this coming from someone who parties with summem

  • Author
    Netwarrior [legacy]
    18 August 2002 22:11:51

    All I see is many peaces of SHIT that kill around cause they don`t have dicks to play with. I mean ... there are many nasty things a char can do in T2T but this was totally disgusting... A person who has no respect for others is scum!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 August 2002 21:31:16

    Who mortis? Mortis was taking more damage then Ansel was

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 August 2002 20:55:02

    i just enjoyed the part where his guildmate ran and left him there to be slaughtered.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 August 2002 20:53:37

    actually they told me they killed everyone in there because they had something to do with warrax's death :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 August 2002 20:46:54

    Vit, he has that contract because he was asked to punish Karvid for a MC case that was considerated SPAM, wich is proly the reason why FRA killed him now.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 August 2002 20:33:59

    nib, he never did anything? he's had a 3k c on him for months on end. probably for longer than you've ever even been on the mud :P

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    18 August 2002 19:51:28

    I also got this logg, heh, also by Azaghal. It was pretty lame to kill Ansel though, he's cool, killing him is not cool.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 August 2002 19:39:30

    I think it's rather insulting to Ansel's memory to suggest that he quit the MUD solely because of this incident. He was a clever, intelligent, and reasonable person, and he certainly wasn't upset by this.

    Ansel says: Ah well

    Ansel says: I kind of expected it

    It's kind of funny to see so many people getting angry for Ansel's sake when you look at Ansel's true reaction.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    18 August 2002 18:54:27

    I have mixed feelings about this. While there was nothing awful inherently about breaking up a party and killing Ansel (I've stalked him before myself, while he was running around Arda), I am quite dismayed at the result...of Ansel quitting the MUD altogether.

    Ansel was a completely impartial Mcouncillor, and without a doubt the best MC chair i've ever seen and that we will probably ever see again, for a long long time. Any problems with the Mortal Council did not stem from Ansel, but rather, from the rest of the Council that many Ardans elect, and from the apathy of those of you who dislike the MC altogether, and don't participate in getting better Councilors.

    Ansel was an extremely intelligent person to converse with, who stayed in character almost always, and while for a time, he frustrated me greatly, well, the guy was alright. However, there's really no way that Warrax and Ketan could have known it would cause Ansel to 'give up the ghost' (literally and figuratively).


  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 August 2002 18:25:00

    Daamn, was long:P

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    18 August 2002 18:04:37

    Also, the IQ shown in the conversation really makes me sick. Every dead QI is a big step towards cleaning the gene pool.

    I prefer bastards than morons.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    18 August 2002 18:01:12

    Even though I dislike FRA, I have to give them big props for this. They had been insulted by a bunch of idiots, and had all the roleplaying right to attack them.

    Besides, I believe the MC to be the single most detrimental thing to T2T. Tell me, how a person who had not played the game for three years can know what's good for real players and what's bad?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    18 August 2002 17:09:21

    Breaking up a party? You guys are dicks ;)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    18 August 2002 17:07:28

    All I can say is that this was kinda funny :P. Gimme a break guys. Ansel did amazing MC work. You don't need to be level 22 to do MC work.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    18 August 2002 16:21:27

    Galandrin tells you: hi, is there any place in arda, special, that you can take someone you like to?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    18 August 2002 15:56:53

    I have to agree with Nibinving.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    18 August 2002 15:42:50

    All I can say is that this makes me sick. It was low, extremely low. Ansel never done anything to anyone, and only dedicated himself to MC work.