towers - Saturday, August 03, 2002, 10:12 PM -------------------------------------------- A duck follows Myfanwy out of curiosity Myfanwy the silvan Witch (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Mead of Rohan Rake the sindar Magistrate (Moral) An orange crocus A swift hawk A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Mortis plays an entrance on his harp and sings in Sindarin: I stand upon the long grey pier and look unto the west and thru the mist I see her still, the one whom I loved best. We roamed the streets here long ago and played at childrens games. And as we grew so love grew too and fondness turned to flame. And where are you tonight my love? And do you long for me? And should I sail to you my love? Across the wide blue sea. Krum drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Ansel says: Most of it! Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. @Bree Ran: Wheres the west arda Warrior trainer at.. the guy you have to clean wounds before he will train ya? ^ Warrax: man ansel is pretty popular with idiots and newbies Strahan says: hey, *HIC*, thats my song you *HIC* Mortis plays an interlude on his harp and sings in Sindarin: And never have I held a lass, who meant so much to me. And never shall I so again, unless I cross the sea. Alone and lost, she payed the cost that many have before. And now my days are dark and cold, my hands are turned to war. And where are you tonight my love? And do you long for me? And shall I sail to you my love? Across the raging sea. ^ Warrax: must be why he gets elected to mc Gyro smiles. ^ Norin: I do not dare to come.... Warrax is in a bad mood. and he needs me here in our tavern. ^ Numensule: Shuttup A small bird chirps merrily. @Bree Dragonzzz: loth Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Taorah says: May I ask you a few questions, Ansel? ^ Warrax: come to think of it Mortis plays an interlude on his harp and sings in Sindarin: I hear the trumpets blowing now, I cannot linger here. I turn and walk up from the sea, I shed an Elven tear. My love is gone away from me, I'll not see her again. And left to me her memory, and along with it my pain. And where are you tonight my love? And do you long for me? And should I sail to you my love? Across the wide blue sea. Ansel says: sure! Tantor enters. ^ Warrax: all MC are that way Tantor leaves east. @Bree Zolork: bywater ^ Warrax: say shut up one more time and you die :) Gyro smiles. @Bree Elcolonel: that's not west arda Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis plays an interlude on his harp and sings in Sindarin: A grey sailed ship it waits for me, along a long grey pier. I go me now to boar at last, and sail away from here. The road goes ever on it's said, I've heard it sung before. But my own path is ending now, I'll walk on it no more. Wasach shouts: Mazza you cowardly faded dog! ^ Warrax: I dare ya Taorah says: 3. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Tao-Rah, Secretary of the Quendi Imladris, the clan hosting your party ;), and a member of the newly formed Arda Chronicle newspaper. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Juska plays an intro on his flute, and then begins to sing: Three rings for the Elven kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-Lords in their halls of stone, Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. Binabik enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. @Bree Zolork: it isnt? Binabik leaves east. ^ Norin: he means it. Mortis plays an interlude on his harp and sings in Sindarin: And where are you tonight my love? And do you long for me? I'm sailing now to you my love, across the wide blue sea. Krum drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Kivi enters. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. @Bree Elcolonel: maybe you should try the bywater dude. he's easy to find ^ Norin: So shuttup! You chuckle. /d/endor/elf_keep/ ^ Norin: heh. Mortis finishes his song with a flourish. Juska finishes his song with a flourish. ^ Numensule: loook Warrax, you do not scare me nor will you ever scare me Ansel says: and Gyro is too! Kivi strikes a bold opening on his silver harp and sings: Tonight the lovers meet... An orchard in a sweet... They kiss and hug... Faster than a bug... Gyro smiles. Gyro nods. @Bree Elcolonel: Lothlorien is west? not Taorah nods sagely. Ansel claps his hands for Mortis. Binabik enters. ^ Warrax: aww Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Strahan puffs contentedly on his pipe. Kivi plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: Several people watch... Some dont watch... When the lovers meet... In an orchard sweet... @Bree Dragonzzz: east Tantor enters. ^ Norin: He scares me, that'æs fo sure. Taorah says: So, first things first, how do you feel? You are 100 days old now. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Juska cheers wildly. Binabik blows a dazzling smoke-ring! ^ Warrax: well listen numensule ^ Numensule: I don't care if i die You say: and the sub-editor, so make sure you get everything down boys /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Bree Zolork: loth is in east arda Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Kivi plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: Or it could be a bar... In a village far... At a party cool... Not like a fool... Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. You grin widely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Juska leaves east. ^ Norin: Cuzi'm n00b w/RREDSWRD! Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Juska enters. Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Kivi plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: And so the lovers meet... In the orchard sweet... Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Yarblek drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Strahan puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry enters. Myfanwy puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Binabik looks at you. Gyro smiles happily at you. Binabik bows like a True Dwarf should. You blow a fine smoke-dragon! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Gyro nods. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Skry masterfully packs his pipe, preparing it for smoking. ^ Warrax: if you don't pay respect, I will come there and kill some of the party goers Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. ^ Numensule: I am simply celebrating the life of one who has done a lot for this mud thats all Kivi finishes his song with a flourish. Ansel says: Well, I feel about the same as yesterday i would say! Kivi regains consciousness. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Juska cheers wildly. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Skry coaxes a wolf's head pipe into fragrant, burning life! Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Juska puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. ^ Norin: Ansel? Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! @Bree Dragonzzz: savareth only guy i know that needs to clean his wounds b4 he trains u Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! ^ Warrax: I'm sure SOMEBODY there doesnt like dying Yarblek looks at Kivi. Binabik blows a dazzling smoke-ring! Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Myfanwy strikes a bold opening on her silver harp and sings: Oh, the life of an adventurer, Is full of Glory, I'm told, And great Honor and Power, Come to an adventurer bold... Spicy smoke rises from Binabik's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Strahan goes "Woo!". ^ Norin: Who is that? Binabik goes "Woo!". Juska puffs contentedly on his pipe. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Juska leaves east. Binabik strikes a bold opening on his silver harp and sings: Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To seek the pale enchanted gold. Mortis takes a keg of Mead of Rohan. Juska enters. @Bree Ran: Yeah i meant east mybad ^ Numensule: I refuse to subcumb to your threats Mortis drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Myfanwy plays an interlude on her silver harp and sings: Yes, it's full of Glory and Honor, And many a lofty Ideal, But what the bards never tell you, Is you can't get a decent meal! Ansel says: the cook seems to catch me a bit more often though. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Mortis drops an empty keg. Yarblek looks at an empty keg. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Binabik grins in a dwarvish manner. ^ Warrax: mwahaha Binabik plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: The dwarves of yore made mighty spells, While hammers fell like ringing bells In places deep, where dark things sleep, In hollow halls beneath the fells. Strahan goes "Woo!". Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Myfanwy plays an interlude on her silver harp and sings: In summer you bake in your armor, In winter you freeze in the snow, And that fancy swirling cape, Flies away when the wind starts to blow! You heh. /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Bree Zolork: oh Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Gyro smiles. ^ Numensule: My announcement is now over, I have work to do. Good day Binabik plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: For ancient king and elvish lord There many a gleaming golden hoard They shaped and wrought, and light they caught To hide in gems on hilt of sword. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Strahan hiccups. Yarblek gets an empty keg. Binabik says: Woo for spammy songs? Yarblek leaves east. Myfanwy plays an interlude on her silver harp and sings: For dinner, you can have Meat raw, or scorched in the fire, Or maybe a moldy bread crust, Spattered with muck and mire. Taorah says: Ansel, are you the only Ansel? Or was there another before you? (Is ansel your first character?) Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Binabik goes "Woo!". @Bree Zolork: hmm I dont know Yarblek enters. Binabik plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: On silver necklaces they strung The flowering stars, on crowns they hung The dragon-fire, in tiwsted wire They meshed the light of moon and sun. The clouds begin to group together, occasionally blocking the light. Myfanwy plays an interlude on her silver harp and sings: A life of Glory and Honor, Fighting for a lofty Ideal, But the life of an adventurer, Is FAR from being ideal! Juska cheers wildly. @Bree Ran: know which one will most likely train agility, the thief and sheriff in loth wont Numensule enters. Taorah sings: da doo run run, da doo run run. Gyro smiles. Binabik finishes his song mysteriously. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Myfanwy finishes her song with a flourish. Strahan leaves east. Skry strikes a bold opening on his silver harp and sings: A day as weary as a soldiers shield our lands do bleed on every field Yet our hearts stay lifted through every day Despite Saurons will come what may. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Krum says: gyro wasach tried to kill me Ansel says: I am the only Ansel! But I have memories of a life before... Skry finishes his song with a flourish. Gyro shrugs. Taorah hmms. Skry strikes a bold opening on his silver harp and sings: Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate And though I oft have passsed them by, A day shall come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the moon, East of the sun. Binabik looks at Hawk. Gyro says: That is your deal Kivi takes a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Skry plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: A! Elbereth Gilthoniel! silivren penna miriel o menel aglar elenath, Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth! A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Taorah says: when did you first come to Arda as Ansel? @Bree Elcolonel: He's about a day's ride west of the bridge, and a few miles north Kivi opens a bottle of Stock beer. Tantor leaves west. Spicy smoke rises from Binabik's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Skry plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: We still remember, we who dwell In this far land beneath the trees The starlight on the western seas. Taorah thinks really hard. Numensule smiles. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. You watch Kivi enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Skry leaves east. Taorah drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Juska leaves east. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Tantor enters. Binabik writes a message and gives it to the hawk. Yarblek says: he probably was a civilian ;) Skry enters. Juska enters. Yarblek looks at Hawk. Mortis looks at Hawk. Tantor leaves out. Gyro smiles. The hawk rises into the air. Binabik grins in a dwarvish manner. Kivi drops an empty bottle. Numensule says: come come wheres a hobbit that doesn't have some history Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. The hawk flies away and is gone. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Ansel says: Oh dear... some time ago I think... A couple RL years at least... Numensule says: none that I know of Binabik throws his head back and cackles with glee. You say: or a norc /d/endor/elf_keep/ Kivi takes a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. A hawk flies into the room. Kivi opens a bottle of Stock beer. The hawk flies down to the ground and lands at your feet. You watch Kivi enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Mortis looks at Hawk. Numensule looks at Hawk. Gyro looks at Hawk. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Kivi drops an empty bottle. Binabik grins in a dwarvish manner. Myfanwy looks at Hawk. Ansel looks at Hawk. Binabik dances a happy little jig. Yarblek looks at Hawk. Juska leaves west. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Binabik grabs Hawk and dances a happy little jig! Binabik looks at Hawk. Juska enters. Kivi leaves west. Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Juska looks at Hawk. Skry says: aww.. I is tooo drunk too make the magic *burp* @Bree Dragonzzz: it doesn't take a day to get to him, only .5 of a second Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Binabik grins in a dwarvish manner. The sun sinks towards the western horizon. Numensule grins. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Mortis says in Sindarin: have a pinecone anyone? Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah says: Tell me a bit of your history, whatever you feel is most important. Yarblek gets an empty bottle. Binabik says: e Mortis Yarblek leaves east. Juska writes a message and gives it to the hawk. Krum drops an empty bottle. Strahan enters. Krum leaves east. A small bird chirps merrily. Mortis leaves east. Krum enters. The hawk rises into the air. Taorah puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Kivi enters. The hawk flies away and is gone. Kivi leaves east. Krum says: i do Irun enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Ansel says: I was born in Long Cleeve... in Northfarthing... Spicy smoke rises from Binabik's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Strahan gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Mortis enters. Irun smiles brightly. The hawk flies back, unable to deliver the message. Skry leaves out. The hawk flies down to the ground and lands at your feet. Binabik looks at Hawk. Irun bows in the way of a true ranger. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Kivi enters. Strahan opens a bottle of Stock beer. Irun removes a sapphire sword. Irun puts a sapphire sword into a studded leather baldric. @Bree Elcolonel: bah, ya no-rp bum Yarblek enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Mortis looks at Hawk. Kivi leaves out. Binabik looks at Irun. You watch Strahan enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Mortis looks at Hawk. Mortis looks at Hawk. Yarblek gets an empty bottle. Krum gets a keg of Mead of Rohan. Yarblek leaves east. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Strahan drops an empty bottle. Irun looks at Ansel. Yarblek enters. Yarblek gets an empty bottle. Yarblek leaves east. Myfanwy looks at Hawk. Gyro gets a keg of Mead of Rohan. Yarblek enters. Mortis starts casting a spell. Mortis begins casting fireworks. Gyro looks at Ansel. Yarblek gets an empty bottle. Yarblek leaves east. Mortis raises his arms high above his head! Ansel says: I believe there is some took in me from great great great Bandobras took... Strahan gets a prickly pinecone from a large satchel. Yarblek enters. Mortis's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Strahan starts casting a spell. Strahan begins casting fireworks. Mortis calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Strahan raises his arms high above his head! A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Taorah ohs interestedly. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Strahan's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Yarblek cheers wildly. Gyro goes "Woo!". Strahan calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Krum drops a keg of Mead of Rohan. Juska cheers wildly. A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Mortis leaves east. Mortis enters. Ansel claps his hands enthusiastically. Mortis starts casting a spell. Binabik cheers wildly. Skry enters. Mortis begins casting fireworks. @Bree Dragonzzz: even in arda's time, it doesn't take a day Juska cheers wildly. Mortis raises his arms high above his head! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Numensule invited Skry to join his party. Taorah cheers wildly. Mortis's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Skry forms a new party. Mortis calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Skry invited Numensule to join his party. Juska cheers wildly. Ansel marvels at the fireworks! @Bree Ran: ..its not that important dude Taorah says: where are you two off to? Taorah hiccups. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. A small bird chirps merrily. Kivi shouts: farwell all thee inthe orchard.... i feel as if i am not welcome here.... now i am gone Strahan hiccups. Krum drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Taorah intently listens to Ansel. Numensule joins Skry's party. Skry drops an empty bottle. Mortis searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Skry leaves out. Numensule leaves out. Gyro says: What do you see in your future Ansel? Spicy smoke rises from Binabik's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. A small bird chirps merrily. Juska sits down to enjoy himself! Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Mortis leaves east. Ansel says: My cousin, four times removed is of course bilbo... Mortis enters. Gyro jots some notes down. Mortis starts casting a spell. Mortis begins casting fireworks. Mortis raises his arms high above his head! A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Numensule enters. Mortis's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Mortis calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. A small bird chirps merrily. Strahan goes "Woo!". Ansel says: Well, hopefully a picnic! Galadedrid enters. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Taorah laughs out loud bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Irun smiles brightly. Juska leaves east. Skry enters. Juska enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Streak enters. Streak goes "Woohoo!". Mortis leaves east. Streak gets a beer crate. Skry starts casting a spell. Mortis enters. Yarblek looks at Streak. Taorah says: that would be the present, Ansel. Mortis starts casting a spell. Streak looks at a beer crate. Skry begins casting fireworks. Mortis begins casting fireworks. Skry raises his arms high above his head! Mortis raises his arms high above his head! Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Skry's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Mortis's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Mortis calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Ansel laughs merrily. Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Binabik puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Mortis goes "Woo!". Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah tries to grin but is too drunk to type. Myfanwy puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Streak drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Yarblek gets an empty bottle. Myfanwy puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Mortis looks at Ansel. Yarblek leaves east. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Yarblek enters. Streak drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Taorah leaves east. Taorah enters. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Gyro drops a keg of Mead of Rohan. Krum looks at Ansel. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Juska thinks these fireworks are the greatest thing! Galadedrid looks at Ansel. Yarblek drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Juska leaves out. Binabik staggers out-of-control into Streak, nearly knocking him over. Kivi shouts: farwell all thee inthe orchard.... i feel as if i am not welcome here.... now i am gone!!!!! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Strahan says: hey streak *Thingol tips his hat at you. Streak says: Not a bad party.. Spicy smoke rises from Binabik's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Ansel is whirling from all the excitement! Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Streak says: What's up? Yarblek nearly falls over, staggering about like a drunken sailor. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Strahan nearly falls over, staggering about like a drunken sailor. Galadedrid looks at Mortis. Ansel looks at Skry. Irun says: Pardon me Sir Ansel.. that's for your protection Gyro wields his axe. Taorah says: Okay, next question, Ansel Some of Streak's bugs crawl onto Myfanwy. Krum says: whos birthday Mortis says: ansel's A small bird chirps merrily. Binabik looks at Krum. Taorah points at Ansel. Mortis leaves east. Yarblek says: ansel's birthday Myfanwy looks at a keg of Mead of Rohan. Krum says: how old Numensule starts to sway and chants Speach, Speach, Speach! You take a cautious step back. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Binabik says: I must be off A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Irun says: If you wish of course Yarblek says: 100d Binabik grips Ansel's arm in a firm Roman handshake. Mortis enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Numensule waves. Binabik says: Happy Birthday Tantor enters. Krum says: wow Binabik waves farewell. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Taorah says: How long were you a newbie, Ansel? ;) Binabik leaves out. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Tantor leaves west. Tantor enters. Tantor leaves east. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Taorah drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Mortis says: around 95 days :P Scapegoat enters. Skry leaves east. Numensule leaves east. Juska enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Gyro's pipe. Taorah laughs out loud at Mortis bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Streak tells you: Out of curiousity is there any way to sober up quick?? Myfanwy grins. Juska cheers wildly. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Galadedrid leaves out. Scapegoat looks at Ansel. Strahan laughs out loud. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Numensule enters. Streak leaves east. Yarblek looks at Hawk. A small bird chirps merrily. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Gyro smiles. Juska looks at Ansel. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Skry enters. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Gyro says: happy Birthday ansel! Scapegoat says: Happy Birthday Ansel! Skry starts casting a spell. Numensule drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Gyro leaves out. Skry begins casting fireworks. Juska plays an intro on his flute, and then begins to sing: Three rings for the Elven kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-Lords in their halls of stone, Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. Kivi enters. Skry raises his arms high above his head! Skry's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! A small bird bounces around on a branch. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Mortis puts a walking staff into an elvish pack. Mortis takes a keg of Mead of Rohan. Skry calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Irun looks like he is in a daze. Streak enters. Scapegoat drops a keg of Aule's Hammer. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Juska finishes his song with a flourish. Taorah screams hApPy BeerthDaY! Strahan gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Kivi says: do i beling here??????? Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Taorah burps rudely. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Streak leaves out. Ansel is in a daze! Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Mortis looks at a keg of Mead of Rohan. Mortis drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Mortis drops a keg of Mead of Rohan. Strahan opens a bottle of Stock beer. Ansel puffs contentedly on his pipe. You watch Strahan enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Mortis takes a walking staff from an elvish pack. Skry drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Strahan drops an empty bottle. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Numensule puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Kivi says: do i beling here??????? Numensule puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Numensule puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Numensule puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Yarblek looks at a keg of Aule's Hammer. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Taorah nods sagely at Kivi. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Skry blows a dazzling smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry blows a dazzling smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! A small bird bounces around on a branch. Some of Myfanwy's bugs crawl onto Yarblek. Strahan looks at a keg of Mead of Rohan. Irun laughs out loud. Taorah says: EvErYone belongs! Numensule claps his hands enthusiastically. The sun sets beyond the western horizon. Taorah laughs out loud at Ansel bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Tantor enters. Tantor leaves out. Myfanwy quacks reply. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Numensule grins. Strahan looks at a keg of Aule's Hammer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Skry leaves east. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Juska puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Juska puffs contentedly on his pipe. Juska puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Juska puffs contentedly on his pipe. Juska puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! There is a loud crack as Juska breaks his glass flute. Taorah looks at a keg of Mead of Rohan. Warrax enters. Skry enters. Juska leaves out. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Scapegoat says: Don't hobbits give away presents on their birthday? Taorah laughs out loud bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Skry leaves west. Krum drops an empty bottle. Some of Yarblek's bugs crawl onto Antal. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Irun looks at Warrax. Someone steps into the background. Suddenly, Warrax stabs Ansel from behind! Strahan gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis very hard. Warrax brushes Ansel rudely. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax massacres Mortis with incredible force! Warrax slices Ansel causing a chunk of flesh to hit you in the face. Ansel misses someone. Strahan opens a bottle of Stock beer. Taorah gasps in astonishment! Irun attacks an anonymous figure. Irun misses someone. Warrax misses Irun. Ansel misses someone. Mortis attacks an anonymous figure. Juska enters. Numensule attacks an anonymous figure. You watch Strahan enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Irun misses someone. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Mortis misses someone. Warrax suddenly looks very dark and mangles Numensule into a bloody piece of gore! Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Warrax laughs. Irun misses someone. Mortis misses someone. Warrax suddenly looks very dark and mangles Numensule into a bloody piece of gore! Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah starts casting a spell. Ansel acks! Irun misses someone. Mortis misses someone. Warrax suddenly looks very dark and mangles Taorah into a bloody piece of gore! Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Strahan drops an empty bottle. Irun hits someone hard. Mortis misses someone. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis. Warrax brushes Ansel rudely. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Streak enters. Irun misses someone. Mortis misses someone. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis. Warrax brushes Ansel rudely. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. There is a loud crack as Juska breaks his glass flute. Mortis drops a prickly pinecone. Irun misses someone. Mortis misses someone. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis hard. Warrax brushes Ansel rudely. The Black Sword flashes darkness over the room and wounds its enemy! Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Irun takes a sapphire sword from a studded leather baldric. Irun wields a sapphire sword. Numensule says: defend ansel Scapegoat whips his glittering Ithilien longsword from his baldric like a weaponsmaster!! Scapegoat wields a glittering Ithilien longsword. Mortis wields his short sword. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis hard. Warrax brushes Ansel rudely. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel hits someone. Skry enters. Warrax misses Ansel. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel grazes someone. Skry leaves east. Irun misses someone. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis. Warrax brushes Ansel rudely. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Taorah says: All protect! [/d/grond/orchard/orchard] You have entered a bright orchard - lush, green and lively - surrounded by a large hedge. Bees fly hither and thither and birds chirp keenly. Amid this fair place, you feel the wonder and magic of Rivendell at work. Next to a small stone path stands a fine apple tree with a patch of yellow tulips beneath it. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exits are west, out and east. A prickly pinecone Streak the dunedain Apprentice Ranger (Heroic) An empty bottle (open) Juska the silvan Tracker (Angelic) An anonymous figure An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Aule's Hammer Kivi the silvan Apprentice Assassin (Impartial) Numensule the silvan Pathfinder (Heroic) Scapegoat the hobbit Crime Lord (Angelic) Mortis the dunedain Archmage (Angelic) Taorah the sindar Thaumaturgist (Heroic) Yarblek the sindar Exterminator (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Irun the dunedain Sapphire Ranger (Hand of Eru) Krum the sindar Exterminator (Moral) Strahan the dunedain Chemist (Impartial) A swift hawk A light blue strawflower A beer crate A beer crate A swift hawk Ansel the hobbit Master Thief (Hand of Eru) A beer crate Antal the silvan Hoplite (Impartial) A beer crate A beer crate A duck follows Myfanwy out of curiosity Myfanwy the silvan Witch (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Rake the sindar Magistrate (Moral) An orange crocus A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun misses someone. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Warrax misses Ansel. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel hits someone. Skry enters. Numensule growls. Ansel sighs. Irun misses someone. Mortis misses someone. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis hard. Warrax brushes Ansel rudely. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Suddenly, Yarblek stabs someone from behind! Mortis starts casting a spell. Irun misses someone. Yarblek misses someone miserably. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Skry drops a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Irun misses someone. Yarblek misses someone miserably. Warrax misses Mortis. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Mortis starts casting a spell. Taorah starts casting a spell. Irun misses someone. Yarblek misses someone miserably. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Warrax brushes Taorah rudely. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Irun looks at Ansel. Mortis starts casting a spell. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Strahan attacks an anonymous figure. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Irun misses someone. Yarblek misses someone miserably. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Warrax cuts Strahan causing major damage. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Skry starts casting a spell. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Irun misses someone. Yarblek misses someone miserably. Irun shields Skry, Warrax hits Irun hard. Warrax brushes Skry rudely. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Scapegoat attacks an anonymous figure. Warrax says: rotfl Numensule says: Warrax you are an idiot Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Scapegoat misses someone. Irun hits someone with the flat of the blade. Yarblek misses someone miserably. Warrax misses Scapegoat. A blast of fire shoots forth from Taorah's hand, striking someone!!! Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Strahan tries to cast a spell but fails. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Scapegoat misses someone. Irun misses someone. Yarblek misses someone miserably. A blast of fire shoots forth from Mortis's hand, striking someone!!! Warrax brushes Mortis rudely. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Ansel misses someone. Strahan tries to cast a spell but fails. Krum attacks an anonymous figure. A blast of fire shoots forth from Skry's hand, striking someone!!! Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Scapegoat misses someone. Irun stabs someone in the abdomen. Yarblek misses someone miserably. Mortis misses someone. Krum misses someone. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Warrax has died. Mortis gets some gold coins from Corpse of Warrax. Mortis gets a finely-shaped pearl carapace from Corpse of Warrax. Warrax says: rotfl Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Warrax says: rotfl Skry whips his sailor's cutlass from his baldric like a weaponsmaster!! Skry wields a sailor's cutlass. Strahan tries to cast a spell but fails. Strahan tries to cast a spell but fails. Warrax says: haha Streak gets a dwarven war shield from Corpse of Warrax into a large harvester's pack. Streak gets a sheath for the Black Sword from Corpse of Warrax into a large harvester's pack. Irun gets a pair of mail pants from Corpse of Warrax. Strahan tries to cast a spell but fails. Mortis gets a large harvester's pack from Corpse of Warrax into an elvish pack. The ghost of Warrax drifts out. Streak removes a serpent sword. Streak puts a serpent sword into a simple leather baldric. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Scapegoat removes a glittering Ithilien longsword. Scapegoat puts a glittering Ithilien longsword into a studded leather baldric. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Irun wears a pair of mail pants. You emote: Azaghal curses the F*****g ainur rules /d/endor/elf_keep/ Mortis puts a walking staff into an elvish pack. Numensule grins. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Irun removes a sapphire sword. Irun puts a sapphire sword into a studded leather baldric. Streak drops a beer crate. Streak gets the Black Sword from Corpse of Warrax. You tremble at Streak as he grows darker. Streak wields the Black Sword. Streak looks at the Black Sword. Skry says: what happened? Taorah looks at Streak. Irun roars loudly! Yarblek looks at Streak. Rake has gone net-dead. Numensule says: Warrax, that idiot Ansel blushes. A small bird chirps merrily. Irun says: keep the stuff Numensule says: Ansel how are you Irun says: dont move Yarblek ponders something. Kivi says: i was wanting that sword Taorah says: see, you warranted an attack. Yarblek says: let's stuff the corpse! Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Skry says: he atttacked Ansel? Yarblek nods at Skry. Mortis says: yep Juska looks at Corpse of Warrax. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah says: YEAH! Taorah starts to sway and chants stuff, stuff, stuff! You take a cautious step back. Mortis looks at Ansel. Strahan looks at Corpse of Warrax. Skry removes his sailor's cutlass and sheathes it in his baldric. Krum says: what an idiot Kivi says: i was wanting that sword Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis gives Ansel a finely-shaped pearl carapace. Numensule growls. Skry grins. Mortis says: wear that Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah turns to Kivi and says loudly, "SHH!". Yarblek looks at Streak. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Ansel drops a finely-shaped pearl carapace. Taorah looks at Streak. Mortis takes a finely-shaped pearl carapace. Mortis arcs a curious eyebrow. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Yarblek looks at Ansel. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Irun says: My hauberk was for Sir Ansel, but because of the crowd its even unknown! Taorah looks at a finely-shaped pearl carapace. ^ Foxhound: how do you know if a skill is class specific? Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Streak leaves out. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Mortis removes a strong steel breastplate. ^ Armel: Check the helpfile on that skill ^ Fofester: Trial and error. Mortis wears a finely-shaped pearl carapace. ^ Fofester: That too. Irun says: Giving armour after attack doesnt make sense Kivi says: i was wanting that shield Scapegoat drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. A small bird bounces around on a branch. ^ Armel hehs. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Taorah turns to Kivi and says loudly, "SHH!". Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Kivi says: i was wanting that sword sorry Skry looks at Ansel. You say: sorry i couldn't do anything to interfere...rules, like i said /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun says: Where is the black sword? Kivi removes a beautiful longsword of elven make. Kivi puts a beautiful longsword of elven make into a Dol Amroth pack. The corpse completely rots away. Taorah grins at you widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Krum says: i helped Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Taorah looks at you. Juska cheers wildly. Taorah looks at Ansel. Mortis says: what rules? you can attack figures ^ Foxhound: the help file doesn't say if it is class specific Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Ansel says: thanks guys! Yarblek says: streak ran off with black sword Juska says: LET THE PARTY RESUME!!!! Taorah says: Are you alright, Ansel? Krum says: yep Ansel nods. Ansel nods. Krum has hp: 170/170 and end: 170/170 Taorah says: YEAH! Irun says: he would die for sure (I) @ Paazin: Where can you get a 29 cent bill? :P Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Strahan goes "Woo!". Ansel is fine Some of Antal's bugs crawl onto Numensule. Numensule says: thatwas just dishonorable ^ Armel: Usually it says 'This skill is primarily a ranger skill' or something Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Krum says: sweet Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Ansel says: Who got the equipment? Kivi takes a beautiful longsword of elven make from a Dol Amroth pack. Kivi wields a beautiful longsword of elven make. ^ Foxhound: ah Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Strahan looks at Ansel. Kivi leaves west. ^ Armel: No skill is really specific, like only one class can have it or anything Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Skry strikes a bold opening on his silver harp and sings: Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate And though I oft have passsed them by, A day shall come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the moon, East of the sun. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. ^ Fofester: actually a few can only be used by one profession Juska leaves out. Strahan has hp: 74/80 and end: 20/80 Skry plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: A! Elbereth Gilthoniel! silivren penna miriel o menel aglar elenath, Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth! ^ Foxhound: I know but you can train in influence as a warrior but only rangers can use it Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Krum drops an empty bottle. Krum has hp: 170/170 and end: 170/170 Kivi enters. Skry plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: We still remember, we who dwell In this far land beneath the trees The starlight on the western seas. ^ Armel: I stand corrected. Mortis wields his short sword. ^ Fofester: hunt, heal, charm, and others Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Krum says: someones here Skry says: figure!! A small bird bounces around on a branch. Skry finishes his song with a flourish. Skry whips his sailor's cutlass from his baldric with a whisk of menace! Skry wields a sailor's cutlass. Taorah starts to sway and chants Ansel is our one true Lord, Ansel is our one true Lord, Ansel is our one true Lord! You take a cautious step back. Mortis says: footsteps A small bird bounces around on a branch. A small bird chirps merrily. Taorah says: wait ^ Armel: *ahs* Of course... Kivi leaves west. Irun takes a sapphire sword from a studded leather baldric. Irun wields a sapphire sword. [/d/grond/orchard/orchard] You have entered a bright orchard - lush, green and lively - surrounded by a large hedge. Bees fly hither and thither and birds chirp keenly. Amid this fair place, you feel the wonder and magic of Rivendell at work. Next to a small stone path stands a fine apple tree with a patch of yellow tulips beneath it. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exits are west, out and east. An empty bottle (open) A beer crate A keg of Whitenose Red Barrel Skry the silvan Sorcerer (Hand of Eru) A prickly pinecone An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Aule's Hammer Numensule the silvan Pathfinder (Heroic) Scapegoat the hobbit Crime Lord (Angelic) Mortis the dunedain Archmage (Angelic) Taorah the sindar Thaumaturgist (Heroic) Yarblek the sindar Exterminator (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Irun the dunedain Sapphire Ranger (Hand of Eru) Krum the sindar Exterminator (Moral) Strahan the dunedain Chemist (Impartial) A swift hawk A light blue strawflower A beer crate A beer crate A swift hawk Ansel the hobbit Master Thief (Hand of Eru) A beer crate Antal the silvan Hoplite (Impartial) A beer crate A beer crate A duck follows Myfanwy out of curiosity Myfanwy the silvan Witch (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Rake the sindar Magistrate (Moral) [disconnected] An orange crocus A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Kivi enters. Numensule peers around suspiciously. Taorah says: it may not be an enemy Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Skry searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Numensule looks at Ansel. Krum says: i see him Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Twilight fades and the night begins. Kivi says: whom to kill Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Drnnivel enters. Drnnivel leaves west. Drnnivel enters. Krum says: the figure Taorah looks at Drnnivel. You scream OVER THERE! IN THE SHADOWS! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Mortis gives Ansel a strong steel breastplate. Skry removes his sailor's cutlass and sheathes it in his baldric. Strahan gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Strahan opens a bottle of Stock beer. Drnnivel looks at Mortis. ^ Foxhound: trying to find what I'm going to replace law enforcement with... God I miss disarming things =( Taorah grins gyro. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Taorah looks at Drnnivel. Krum drops an empty bottle. Skry says: he is till here You watch Strahan enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Strahan drops an empty bottle. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum is the life of the party! His charisma has increased! Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Taorah drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Strahan gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Taorah cheers enthusiastically for Krum. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Scapegoat drinks a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Strahan opens a bottle of Stock beer. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Mortis looks at Ansel. You watch Strahan enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Skry drinks a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Kivi attacks Strahan. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Kivi nicks Strahan. Strahan drops an empty bottle. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Kivi bashes Strahan in the face with the hilt of the sword! Numensule attacks an anonymous figure. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Kivi swings the sword but misses Numensule. Numensule cuts someone. Taorah attacks an anonymous figure. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Kivi drives the tip of the sword into Taorah. Taorah misses someone. Numensule drives the tip of the sword into someone. Taorah tries to cast a spell but fails. Suddenly, Yarblek stabs someone from behind! Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Taorah starts casting a spell. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Numensule drives the tip of the sword into someone. Scapegoat whips his glittering Ithilien longsword from his baldric like a weaponsmaster!! Scapegoat wields a glittering Ithilien longsword. Myfanwy attacks an anonymous figure. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Kivi swings the sword but misses Myfanwy. Yarblek misses someone. Myfanwy bashes someone crushing bones under the blow. Numensule draws the sword's sharp edge across someone. Kivi leaves west. Strahan tries to cast a spell but fails. Ansel acks! Skry whips his sailor's cutlass from his baldric like a weaponsmaster!! Skry wields a sailor's cutlass. Yarblek hmms. Kivi enters. As Yarblek turns to face you, you are suddenly humbled in fear. Yarblek grins with anticipation! Yarblek wields his engraved longsword in one fluid motion! Yarblek smiles a bloody smile. Taorah laughs out loud at Drnnivel bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Yarblek puts Anfidurl into a simple leather baldric. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Numensule swears. Ansel wears a strong steel breastplate. Krum says: comeg get some Skry looks at Ansel. Krum says: i have no wepons or armour Taorah drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Krum laughs out loud. Strahan looks at Krum. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Drnnivel says: Nor do I. Scapegoat leaves out. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Juska tells you: Party for the great Ansel in the Orchard of Imladris, Please join us!!! Yarblek says: anyone know why streak ran off with the shadow sword? A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. [/d/grond/orchard/orchard] You have entered a bright orchard - lush, green and lively - surrounded by a large hedge. Bees fly hither and thither and birds chirp keenly. Amid this fair place, you feel the wonder and magic of Rivendell at work. Next to a small stone path stands a fine apple tree with a patch of yellow tulips beneath it. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exits are west, out and east. Kivi the silvan Apprentice Assassin (Impartial) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) Drnnivel the sindar Loremaster (Angelic) An empty bottle (open) A beer crate A keg of Whitenose Red Barrel Skry the silvan Sorcerer (Hand of Eru) A prickly pinecone An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Aule's Hammer Numensule the silvan Pathfinder (Heroic) Mortis the dunedain Archmage (Angelic) Taorah the sindar Thaumaturgist (Heroic) Yarblek the sindar Exterminator (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Irun the dunedain Sapphire Ranger (Hand of Eru) Krum the sindar Exterminator (Moral) Strahan the dunedain Chemist (Impartial) A swift hawk A light blue strawflower A beer crate A beer crate A swift hawk Ansel the hobbit Master Thief (Hand of Eru) A beer crate Antal the silvan Hoplite (Impartial) A beer crate A beer crate A duck follows Myfanwy out of curiosity Myfanwy the silvan Witch (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Rake the sindar Magistrate (Moral) [disconnected] An orange crocus A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Krum drops an empty bottle. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Kivi says: ummmmmmm should i stay here????? A small bird chirps merrily. Drnnivel looks at Taorah. Irun says: shut up! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Mortis takes a large harvester's pack from an elvish pack. Tar enters. Strahan says: anyone know who that was? Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Krum drops an empty bottle. Skry removes a gold lined shield. Skry drops a gold lined shield. Taorah puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Irun says: dont tell that A small bird bounces around on a branch. Mortis puts a bowl of hearty stew from a large harvester's pack into an elvish pack. Mortis puts a bowl of hearty stew from a large harvester's pack into an elvish pack. Mortis puts a bowl of hearty stew from a large harvester's pack into an elvish pack. Mortis puts a bowl of hearty stew from a large harvester's pack into an elvish pack. Numensule says: I'll be darned If I let these losers ruin this party Ansel gets a gold lined shield. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Ansel wears a gold lined shield. Myfanwy puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Mortis takes an old leather baldric from a large harvester's pack. Numensule looks at Ansel. Mortis wears an old leather baldric. Taorah says: here, here! Mortis gives Ansel a large harvester's pack. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Krum says: here,here Taorah says: Let the PARTY CONTINUE! Kivi has a questioning look on his face. Kivi says: ummmmmmm should i stay here????? Drnnivel looks at Baerd's gold wedding band. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Myfanwy looks at Drnnivel. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry looks at Ansel. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Ansel removes a backpack. Ansel puts a backpack into a large harvester's pack. Ansel wears a large harvester's pack. Mortis nods. Mortis wields his short sword. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Ansel is okay... Numensule says: ok, we have some activities planed by the leave of Ansel... Drnnivel gets a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Taorah nods sagely. Drnnivel looks at a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Ansel says: thanks guys! Skry removes his sailor's cutlass and sheathes it in his baldric. Drnnivel drops a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Skry gets a prickly pinecone. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Skry starts casting a spell. Strahan gets a prickly pinecone from a large satchel. Krum drops an empty bottle. Skry begins casting fireworks. Skry raises his arms high above his head! Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Kivi says: ummmmmmm should i stay here????? Skry's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Skry calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Krum says: stay A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Numensule smiles. [/d/grond/orchard/orchard] You have entered a bright orchard - lush, green and lively - surrounded by a large hedge. Bees fly hither and thither and birds chirp keenly. Amid this fair place, you feel the wonder and magic of Rivendell at work. Next to a small stone path stands a fine apple tree with a patch of yellow tulips beneath it. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exits are west, out and east. An empty bottle (open) A keg of Whitenose Red Barrel An empty bottle (open) Tar the silvan Mercenary (Moral) An empty bottle (open) Kivi the silvan Apprentice Assassin (Impartial) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) Drnnivel the sindar Loremaster (Angelic) An empty bottle (open) A beer crate Skry the silvan Sorcerer (Hand of Eru) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) An empty bottle (open) A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Aule's Hammer Numensule the silvan Pathfinder (Heroic) Mortis the dunedain Archmage (Angelic) Taorah the sindar Thaumaturgist (Heroic) Yarblek the sindar Exterminator (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Irun the dunedain Sapphire Ranger (Hand of Eru) Krum the sindar Exterminator (Moral) Strahan the dunedain Chemist (Impartial) A swift hawk A light blue strawflower A beer crate A beer crate A swift hawk Ansel the hobbit Master Thief (Hand of Eru) A beer crate Antal the silvan Hoplite (Impartial) A beer crate A beer crate A duck follows Myfanwy out of curiosity Myfanwy the silvan Witch (Heroic) A keg of Mead of Rohan Rake the sindar Magistrate (Moral) [disconnected] An orange crocus A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun says to Kivi: Yes :). Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Drnnivel yawns. Strahan puts a prickly pinecone into a large satchel. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Krum looks at Kivi. Kivi says: should i? A short, somewhat portly hobbit returns your look as if curious why you might be interested. His tousled brown hair frames an otherwise pleasant face. He smiles cautiously at you, but large brown eyes betray a sense of mischief. He is properly dressed for a hobbit in green breeches and jacket with a bright yellow vest, in stark contrast to the curly hair on his bare feet. Something is stuffed in his pocket. This person has the weary look of a political appointee. Ansel is a Soldier of the Dunedain of the North. A fine piece of jewelry catches your eye. This person has the air of a scholar. He is carrying: A large harvester's pack (open) (worn). A gold lined shield (worn). A strong steel breastplate (worn). A medium-sized briar pipe, packed with pipe-weed (burning). The Mortal Council rulebook. A small green medallion. A small armband worn by those instructed in battlefield first-aid. A book of poetry. A silver harp. A small silver lute. An opal ring. Ansel's small ring. The Tale of Beren and Luthien. A medal. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Juska enters. Strahan gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Juska leaves east. Strahan opens a bottle of Stock beer. Taorah sings: da doo run run, da doo run run. Drnnivel rubs his eyes. You watch Strahan enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Numensule says: Ok, ok, listen up Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah looks at a blank songbook. Krum drops an empty bottle. Strahan drops an empty bottle. Yarblek looks at Kivi. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Strahan gets a prickly pinecone from a large satchel. Mortis says: everyone quiet for a min Skry stretches one arm out with his other one close to his chest, then he glides back and forth in a mock tango! Drnnivel looks at Taorah. Strahan starts casting a spell. Taorah says: SILENCE! Numensule has someting to say! Strahan begins casting fireworks. Yarblek looks at Mortis. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Strahan raises his arms high above his head! Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Strahan's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Strahan calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * ^ Warrax: haha Yarblek looks at Numensule. Numensule says: We have a Contest to play! Taorah cheers wildly. Skry cheers wildly. Juska enters. Skry leaves east. Myfanwy cheers wildly. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Some of Numensule's bugs crawl onto Ansel. You go "Woo!". /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel cheers wildly. Numensule says: Tolkien Trivia to be exact Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Skry enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Juska gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Strahan says, "Ok!". Ansel acks! Juska leaves west. Taorah cheers wildly. Skry starts casting a spell. Skry begins casting fireworks. Juska enters. Skry raises his arms high above his head! You say: bring it on! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: Courtesy of me, Tao-Rah Numensule says: Taorah is going to explain the rules Skry's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Juska drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Skry calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! A small bird chirps merrily. A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Skry leaves east. Juska cheers wildly. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah says: Ok, listen up. Yarblek listens. Numensule says: The priz is 1000gp Drnnivel winds up and slaps Taorah right across the jaw! WHACK!! Juska has a questioning look on his face. Skry enters. Ansel listens carefully. Skry leaves east. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Skry enters. ^ Warrax: I attacked ansel at his party rotfl Kivi listens. Krum listens. Skry starts casting a spell. Tar leaves west. Juska puffs contentedly on his pipe. Skry begins casting fireworks. ^ Warrax: 10 people attacked me! Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Skry raises his arms high above his head! Tar enters. ^ Warrax: I died! lol Skry's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Yarblek gives Skry a good spanking! Skry calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Strahan puffs contentedly on his pipe. Tar leaves out. Taorah says: Maltandill wrote some of the questions, I wrote a few as well. Yarblek says: let's hear what they're saying ksry? Tar enters. Taorah says, "Ok!". Drnnivel says: AHEM! Juska leaves west. Taorah says: listen up. Strahan leaves west. Drnnivel winds up and slaps Taorah right across the jaw! WHACK!! Skry listens. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Irun says: yea guys, lets listen Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. ^ Theodrek: Heh! Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Krum says: when is maltandill gonna send me the application Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Taorah says: okay, who would like to participate? Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Krum says: me Myfanwy says: Me! Taorah says, "Ok!". Yarblek would You say: me /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry mutters "Aye". Kivi says: i would please Yarblek looks at you. Drnnivel says: Well, if I didn't participate in the writing, I will. Yarblek looks at the Ring of Endor. Numensule will abstain Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Krum drops an empty bottle. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Drnnivel says: I am too tired for this... Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Drnnivel shrugs and says: Nevermind. Juska enters. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Krum drops the ancient Makilotyar. Strahan enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Kivi takes the ancient Makilotyar. Juska gets a beer crate. Juska leaves east. Juska enters. Kivi leaves out. Drnnivel waves. Taorah says: I will ask the questions. Numensule beeps. Juska gets a beer crate. Juska leaves east. A small bird chirps merrily. Juska enters. Drnnivel says: I must be off... sorry. Taorah says: then, you beep in Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Taorah beeps. Mortis searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Some of Ansel's bugs crawl onto Skry. Juska gets a beer crate. Skry beeps. Juska leaves east. Numensule beeps. Skry beeps. Skry beeps. Skry beeps. Myfanwy beeps. Taorah says: first to beep gets to answer Juska enters. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska gets a beer crate. Juska leaves east. Kivi enters. Yarblek beeps. Some of Ansel's bugs crawl onto Krum. Juska enters. Skry grins. Taorah says: if you answer without beeping, -1 point. Numensule says: most answers win Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Juska gets a beer crate. Strahan beeps. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Juska leaves east. Drnnivel left the game. Strahan laughs out loud. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Juska enters. Taorah says: First correct answer wins :) Mortis beeps. Some of Skry's bugs crawl onto Irun. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Mortis grins. Ansel beeps. Taorah says: yes, Mortis? Numensule grins. Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Irun, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Kivi beeps. You say: what about beeping wothout answering /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: Ansel, you get an instant 10 point bonus. Ansel hehs. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Ansel laughs merrily. Numensule grins. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah says: then you are silly :) Some of Krum's bugs crawl onto Numensule. Nella enters. Nella leaves west. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Nella enters. Skry smiles and says: Bah! Strahan says: whoa im confused Mortis looks at Nella. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Krum beeps. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. semote: unable to find kew that already /d/endor/elf_keep/ Nella looks at Mortis. Juska beeps!!! Myfanwy beeps. Krum looks at Nella. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Numensule giggles. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Skry beeps. Skry beeps. Skry beeps. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Skry beeps. Skry beeps. Skry beeps. Skry beeps. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Numensule says: stop that Nella has a questioning look on his face. Taorah says: Okay, time for question 1, a practice. Not worth real points. Yarblek baps Skry across the forehead. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Strahan beeps. Some of Numensule's bugs crawl onto Strahan. Juska says: OK LETS GET THIS GOING....IM CONFUESD STOP AND START OVER!!!!!!!!!!! Krum drops an empty bottle. Taorah says: SHADDUP! Krum drops an empty bottle. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Juska cheers wildly. Yarblek is leaving Taorah says: What are we celebrating here today? Yarblek says: have a good birthday ansel You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel laughs merrily. Juska says: Ansel!!! Taorah points at you. Yarblek leaves out. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Ansel beeps. Taorah says: -10 for Juska :) Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. You say: ansels 100th birthday /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule sighs. Juska cheers wildly. Taorah says: Azaghal wins. :) Krum laughs out loud. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Taorah nods sagely at you. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Skry sings: happy borthday to you. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Skry sings: happy borthday to you. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Some of Krum's bugs crawl onto Taorah. A small bird bounces around on a branch. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. A small bird chirps merrily. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Some of Strahan's bugs crawl onto Antal. Skry sings: happy borthday dear Ansel. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Numensule says: settle down kids Taorah says: so, if this was a real question, Azaghal would get a point and Juska would lose 10 Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Taorah glares icily at Numensule. A small bird chirps merrily. Skry sings: happy borthday to you. Ansel blushes. Taorah looks at a couple of small bugs. Taorah, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Nella kicks Taorah hard. Taorah says: you can just squish 'em Mortis sings: happy birthday fat and hairy! A small bird bounces around on a branch. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah laughs out loud bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Mortis grins at Ansel. Some of Numensule's bugs crawl onto Antal. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Strahan beeps what is history. Taorah says: Okay, are we ready for the REAL questions? Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Kivi beeps. Ansel beeps. Krum says: yes You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Skry nods. Myfanwy beeps. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah says: LISTEN UP, ALL! Strahan says: lets go to diff room Krum beeps. Numensule grins. Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Skry puffs deeply and blows a fine smoke-ring! Nella shakes his head. Taorah says: vote: shall we go to the next room for the contest? You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska beeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skry listens. Nella beeps. Berum enters. Strahan beeps. Nella shakes his head. Myfanwy beeps. Krum beeps. Numensule chuckles. Juska shakes his head. A small bird chirps merrily. Taorah says: no beeping before the question! Some of Antal's bugs crawl onto Numensule. Taorah says, "Ok!". Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Nosehair-curling smoke curls stealthily from Skry's pipe. Skry laughs out loud. A small bird bounces around on a branch. You nod grimly. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: 1. Strahan says, "Ok!". Krum says: ok Numensule says: here is fine Nella looks at Antal. Juska says: Lets do it here....just ask teh questiond Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Numensule listens. Taorah says: What was Elrond's father's name? Juska beeeeeeeeeeep Krum beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Kivi strikes a bold opening on his silver harp and sings: Tonight the lovers meet... An orchard in a sweet... They kiss and hug... Faster than a bug... Taorah points at Juska. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Juska hmms. Kivi plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: Several people watch... Some dont watch... When the lovers meet... In an orchard sweet... A small bird chirps merrily. Strahan laughs out loud. Krum beeps. Juska says: Welll....that would be..... Nella says: Time's Up! Kivi plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: Or it could be a bar... In a village far... At a party cool... Not like a fool... Numensule says: 10 sec rule A small bird chirps merrily. Skry claps his hands enthusiastically. A plume of rich smoke curls from the bowl of your stone pipe. Juska shakes his head. Taorah says, "Ok!". Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Myfanwy's pipe. Juska punches Numensule in the face, splattering blood everywhere! Kivi plays an interlude on his silver harp and sings: And so the lovers meet... In the orchard sweet... Taorah says: what is the answer, Juska? Juska punches Taorah in the face, splattering blood everywhere! Berum says: ugh Berum says: stop that Taorah taps his foot impatiently. Juska smiles. Kivi finishes his song with a flourish. Numensule says: krum was second Taorah says: Krum? Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Juska smiles. Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Ansel's pipe. Juska says: i dunno. Kivi regains consciousness. You say: i was second /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: Juska forfeits. Taorah says: Azaghal? Juska nods. You heh. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Sweet, mellow smoke curls lazily from Juska's pipe. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. You say: earendil /d/endor/elf_keep/ Evil-smelling smoke curls lazily from Numensule's pipe. Taorah cheers wildly. Juska cheers wildly. Kivi says: ouch Evil-smelling smoke rises from Kivi's pipe as if from a dragon's nostrils. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Taorah says: 1 point for Azaghal! Ansel claps his hands enthusiastically. Skry says: have we had the question yet? A small bird chirps merrily. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. You grin widely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Taorah's pipe. Kivi says, "Ouch!!! That hurts!". A small bird chirps merrily. Juska says: I win!!!!1 Numensule rolls his eyes. Strahan starts casting a spell. Taorah laughs out loud bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! ,{@@@@/{@@@}, {@@@@@@} {@@@@} , , {@/@}{@@@{@@@@@}{@@}\@@@@}{@@@} ,{@/@@}{@@@@@/@@@@@@@@@\@@} ; . {@@@@@@@@}@\@@@@}{@@@/@}{@@@@} , . {@@@@@@@@@\} {@@@@}\@@@@} , , ; ; . ; . . ; ; ; . . ,;, . , , , , ; , ; , , , : . ;: . ; , , , , , ; ; : ,; . . : .,, : ,. , . ; , , ; : ,; ; , .; . , , .; . ; ;. . . ; . ; , . . ; . : , ; . , ; , . ; . : , . ,: , .; . ; . ; . , ; .; . ; . , ; , ;. ,; . ;, ;. ; . ____\\___//____\\______\\//___//___ Strahan opens his arms up to the sky, and calls upon the elements to unleash their fury. Thunder booms in the distance, and dark clouds roll in. Lightning arcs across the sky, and rain begins to fall in a sudden downpour. A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the bottle of Stock beer away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the bottle of Stock beer away! A four leaf clover is blown away by the storm. An orange rose is blown away by the storm. An empty bottle is blown away by the storm. The glow in your pipe fades, and a plume of smoke rises from the empty bowl. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Skry grins. A powerful gust of wind blows the orange crocus away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A powerful gust of wind blows the empty bottle away! A purple rose is blown away by the storm. The rain crescendoes into a torrent of wind and fury. The storm ceases as abruptly as it began, and the natural weather shows through. You say: that was on my ainur exam /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel says, "woh!" and takes a step back! Berum says: ugh Taorah says: 2. What was Elrond's mother's name? Numensule says: that was nice Kivi lost hp from playing his harp Taorah coughs politely. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Skry claps his hands enthusiastically. Taorah glares stonily into space. Berum says: dont cast thunderstorm The last few clouds completely vanish from the sky. Berum says: that degrades equipment Krum beeps. Numensule grins. A small bird chirps merrily. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan says: didnt mean to, sry Taorah points at Krum. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Irun removes a sapphire sword. Irun puts a sapphire sword into a studded leather baldric. Rake slowly fades into the mist, out of view. Rake left the game. Taorah taps his foot impatiently. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Taorah says: Krum? Taorah says: who was Elrond's mother? Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Krum says: d Krum says: i know Taorah listens intently. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Kivi is LEAVING because he DOESN'T FEEL WELCOME!!!!!!! Krum says: mithrellas Skry says: mrs Elrond? Taorah shakes his head. Taorah points at you. You say: me meme /d/endor/elf_keep/ Kivi leaves out. Skry says: or mrs halfelven? You say: elwing /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah nods sagely at you. Numensule chuckles. You heh. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska beeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. You emote: Azaghal air guitars like a master - he rocks!!! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah cheers enthusiastically for you. You stop Berum from stealing some gold coins from you. Skry leaves east. Taorah says: Ansel, come on! You can beat him! :) You wind up and slap Berum right across the jaw! WHACK!! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule says: I don't want to give away 100 gold to someone who can't use it!!! Berum says: lol Ansel laughs merrily. Taorah looks at Ansel. A small bird chirps merrily. Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Berum says: hehe azaghal :) Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Krum looks at you. Numensule says: 1000 rather Taorah says: 1000, you mean Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Mortis could always use it Nella looks at Taorah. Taorah says: question 3. Who is Elrond's Wife? Juska bbbbbbbeeeeeepppppppppppssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! You tell Numensule: i will of course be donating it to QI /d/endor/elf_keep/ Kivi enters. Taorah says: or was, I should say Strahan hits someone with small pieces of bark that fly off the staff. Myfanwy pokes someone with the blunt end of the staff, causing massive pain. Taorah misses someone. Numensule draws the sword's sharp edge across someone. Taorah points at Juska. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Kivi swings the sword but misses Myfanwy. Myfanwy misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Taorah hits someone. Numensule draws the sword's sharp edge across someone. Some of Numensule's bugs crawl onto Ansel. Kivi leaves out. Krum says: figure Taorah gasps in astonishment! Skry enters. Strahan could REALLY use it. Ansel sighs. Irun takes a sapphire sword from a studded leather baldric. Irun wields a sapphire sword. Berum says: woah Taorah hmms. Juska says: Celebrian!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mortis leaves east. Taorah cheers wildly. Mortis enters. Some of Ansel's bugs crawl onto Myfanwy. Taorah says: yes Juska says: I win!!!!!!!!! Irun leaves out. Skry starts casting a spell. Skry begins casting fireworks. Mortis leaves west. Berum gets a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Skry raises his arms high above his head! Krum says: figure Myfanwy, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Nella looks at Myfanwy. Skry's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! You say: there was no beep! /d/endor/elf_keep/ A hawk flies into the room. Berum drops a keg of Whitenose Red Barrel. Skry calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Berum gets a keg of Mead of Rohan. The hawk flies down to the ground and lands at your feet. Berum looks at Hawk. Kivi enters. A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * Krum looks at Hawk. Mortis enters. Nella looks at himself. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Mortis leaves east. Numensule tells you: nice of you since is comming from us anyways. Are you so sure you'll win *grin* Ansel looks at Hawk. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Berum drops a keg of Mead of Rohan. Tar looks at Hawk. Taorah says: yeah there was... Berum gets a keg of Aule's Hammer. Berum looks at a keg of Aule's Hammer. Mortis enters. Numensule looks at Hawk. Juska bbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppssssssss!!!!!!!!!!1 Mortis drops a beer crate. Berum knocks back a keg of Aule's Hammer, and tears spring up in his eyes. He gets a wild expression, then slowly, very slowly, topples over backwards with a grin on his face. You nod grimly at Numensule. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Mortis looks at a beer crate. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis takes a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. You grin at Numensule widely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry laughs out loud. Berum regains consciousness. Mortis opens a bottle of Stock beer. Irun enters. You pout. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Berum knocks back a keg of Aule's Hammer, and tears spring up in his eyes. He gets a wild expression, then slowly, very slowly, topples over backwards with a grin on his face. You watch Mortis enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Taorah says: How many children does Lord Elrond have? Juska says: I GET A POINT NEXT QUESTION!!!!!!!!!1 You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Mortis puts an empty bottle into an elvish pack. Ansel beeps. Strahan beeps. Some of Numensule's bugs crawl onto Myfanwy. Taorah drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Skry drinks a keg of Mead of Rohan. Berum regains consciousness. Juska bbeee Berum drops a keg of Aule's Hammer. Nella left the game. Berum says: damn Myfanwy beeps. Berum says: that's some strong shit Taorah points at Myfanwy. Myfanwy says: 3 Skry nods. Tar smiles. Taorah cheers wildly. Ansel snaps his fingers. Juska looks at Hawk. Skry looks at Hawk. Krum wields his sword. You say: i beeped first! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry smiles. A small bird chirps merrily. Some of Myfanwy's bugs crawl onto Strahan. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Taorah shakes his head at you. Numensule says: Ansel is getting on in his years. too slow :( Small white clouds drift sleepily across the sky. Berum looks at a belt pouch. Kivi leaves east. Ansel laughs merrily. Kivi enters. Ansel nods at Numensule. Skry says: I keep missing the question *hic* Numensule grins. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah beeps. Taorah laughs out loud bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis removes an elven short sword. Mortis wields his crossbow. Mortis takes a steel quarrel from an elvish pack. Taorah says: Ansel, you are going to fall behind... Strahan says: qUESTION Numensule says: next Berum says: elvish pack!#%!#% Berum says: heh Taorah says: Name one of Elrond's sons. Kivi says: ummmmmmm that person u nearly killed seconds ago was MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Juska beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Taorah points at Juska. Mortis sheaths an elven short sword. Krum laughs out loud. Mortis wields his crossbow. Mortis takes a steel quarrel from an elvish pack. Kivi leaves east. Taorah says: just one Kivi enters. Krum leaves east. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Berum looks at Mortis. Krum enters. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Juska says: Elladan Taorah cheers wildly. Carver enters. Juska cheers wildly. Mortis puts a steel quarrel into an elvish pack. Tar looks at Duck. Mortis puts a steel quarrel into an elvish pack. You nod sagely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: name the other, someone! A small bird bounces around on a branch. Mortis wields his crossbow. Mortis takes a steel quarrel from an elvish pack. Mortis loads a quarrel to a crossbow. Mortis resets a crossbow. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska beeps. Carver removes Mirmaltaur, Blade of the Valacirca. Carver puts Mirmaltaur, Blade of the Valacirca into a studded leather baldric. Irun beeps. Some of Ansel's bugs crawl onto Berum. Irun args. Carver looks at Ansel. Taorah points at you. Skry says: its a sahme Mal and Val arent here Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Kivi says: YOU GOT THAT!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Myfanwy says: Elohir Carver clasps Ansel's hand in friendship. You say: elrohir /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun laughs out loud. Ansel hugs Carver. Skry says: hic Some of Berum's bugs crawl onto Juska. Juska says: elrohir You say: typo /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Taorah says: Azaghal gets it. He beeped first. Carver says: Greetings, Ansel of Rivendell. You heh. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Berum says: gets what You go "Woo!". /d/endor/elf_keep/ Antal has idled too long. Antal removes a light chain mail shirt. Antal drops a light chain mail shirt. Antal removes a finely crafted longsword. Antal drops a finely crafted longsword. Antal left the game. Strahan gets a finel y crafted longsword. Numensule bows arcver. Berum wears a light chain mail shirt. You dance to a tune no one else hears. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel says: Welcome to all the excitement! Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah says, "Ok!". Skry oohs excitedly. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Strahan leaves out. Numensule says: greetings Skry grins. Berum removes a light chain mail shirt. Berum drops a light chain mail shirt. Taorah says: come on, Ansel! You can get SOME of these! :) Carver smiles lightly. "I wish I could've brought more...but it's all I could pick up on the way." Krum gets a light chain mail shirt. Krum wears a light chain mail shirt. Numensule says: next question Strahan enters. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Carver gets A bottle of liquor from a ranger ruck. Taorah says: Under what circumstance will the elven spirit leave the body? Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Juska beeps. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis looks at a ranger ruck. Strahan beeps. Skry knocks back a keg of Aule's Hammer, and tears spring up in his eyes. He gets a wild expression, then slowly, very slowly, topples over backwards with a grin on his face. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah points at Juska. You say: if its pissed /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah laughs out loud bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! Carver raises an eyebrow. Some of Strahan's bugs crawl onto Irun. Juska says: Ummmm....if you are killed. Skry regains consciousness. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Carver says: The elven spirit? A small bird bounces around on a branch. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Some of Juska's bugs crawl onto Ansel. Berum says: lol bugs! Skry nods. Juska smiles. Taorah says: that works. Irun, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Skry says: good staff that brew Taorah says: any others? Juska cheers wildly. Carver says: The elven spirit is strong indeed. Myfanwy says: despair? Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Some of Juska's bugs crawl onto Kivi. Some of Ansel's bugs crawl onto Taorah. Taorah nods sagely at Myfanwy. Numensule says: sounds like an exame question Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Taorah says: but you didn't beep... Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Berum says: lol Numensule says: exam Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Carver looks at Taorah. Taorah says: -10 for myfanwy. Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Taorah snickers and says: Just kidding! Myfanwy beeps Taorah. Skry says: thats dwarvish stuff, an evil mead Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Kivi says: ummmmmmm that person u nearly killed seconds ago was MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Mortis leaves east. Kivi says: YOU GOT THAT!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Kivi has hp: 58/130 and end: 49/130 Numensule says: whats wrong kivi Krum looks at Myfanwy. Juska beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Mortis enters. Juska says: Who is winning????? Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah points at Juska. Taorah says: dunno :) Skry leaves east. Carver gives Ansel A bottle of liquor. Carver grins slyly, eyes narrowing as he does so. Some of Taorah's bugs crawl onto Mortis. Ansel winks. Juska says: I didn't hear the qeustion Strahan thinks really hard. Berum looks at Mortis. Carver says: Strong stuff, but wicked as well. Kivi IS LEAVING CAUSE HE WAS NEARLY MURDERED BY HIS FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! Some of Strahan's bugs crawl onto Carver. Taorah says: I am keeping track, but I didnt add it up yet Berum says: you got bugs :p Skry enters. Kivi leaves out. Ansel opens a bottle of brew and guzzles it down. Carver, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Taorah, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Ansel puts an empty bottle into a large harvester's pack. Strahan thinks that he should get a prize. A small bird chirps merrily. Carver pats Ansel on the back. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah says: Okay, next question. Carver says: That's the stuff, old hobbit. Skry burps rudely. Taorah says: what do elves call their spirit? ^ Fofester: Heh Juska beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel beeps. Taorah points at Ansel. Strahan beeps. Numensule says: juska Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Some of Mortis's bugs crawl onto Juska. Juska cheers wildly. A small bird bounces around on a branch. The clouds begin to group together, occasionally blocking the light. Juska says: Ansel was first!!! Taorah says: Ansel's turn :) A small bird bounces around on a branch. Taorah nods sagely. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Berum looks at Bird. Mortis says: late for dinner? Ansel says: fei I think? Taorah intently listens to Ansel. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Taorah says: close enough Juska cheers wildly. Numensule hmms. Taorah says: one point for Ansel! Numensule says: its his party Ansel says: fea Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Irun claps his hands enthusiastically. Juska claps his hands enthusiastically. Carver looks at Berum. Berum looks at Carver. Taorah says: What tradition does the father of the bride do in an elven wedding? Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Ansel faints dead away. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Strahan gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Juska has a questioning look on his face. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan opens a bottle of Stock beer. Irun says, "woh!" and takes a step back! Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. You watch Strahan enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. A small bird chirps merrily. Taorah points at you. Strahan drops an empty bottle. Mortis looks at a powerful crossbow. Juska leaves east. You say: he dances the bolero with an ice skating mongoose /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska enters. You say: so i believe /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel laughs merrily. Taorah says: I am sorry, thatis incorrect. Mortis smirks in amusement. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! You slap your forehead and say: doh! /d/endor/elf_keep/ A small bird chirps merrily. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Juska says: NEXT QUESTION Skry nearly falls over, staggering about like a drunken sailor. Taorah says: the correct answer is: The father puts his daughter's hand into the groom's hand. You get the idea and give an 'AH' of comprehension. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: Okay, a hard one: What does 'Elrond' mean? A small bird chirps merrily. Skry says: *hic* I knew that Strahan gets a prickly pinecone from a large satchel. Carver hmms. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan starts casting a spell. Strahan begins casting fireworks. You shake your head and the plaits of his beard swing across his chest. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah points at you. Skry burps rudely. Strahan raises his arms high above his head! You say: no /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Strahan calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * You say: i was thinking half-elven /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah cheers wildly. Juska beeps. Taorah laughs out loud bellowing, HARDY HAR HAR! You say: but its not, obviously /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry starts casting a spell. Skry begins casting fireworks. Skry raises his arms high above his head! Taorah points at Juska. Skry's arms are waved in a mystical pattern! Skry calls forth the powers of nature and creates fireworks!!!! Ansel beeps. Juska says: Wait I know this one........its ummm..... A glowing pine-cone lands at your feet! * * * * * * * * ` | | ' * * ~ ` | | ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ` | | ' ~ * ~ ~ * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * < - < - < - < - (%%) - > - > - > - > * * ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ ~ ' | | ` ~ * ~ ~ * ' | | ` * * * * * * * * A small bird bounces around on a branch. Carver says: You mean his name in the original speech? Taorah points at Ansel. Berum says: ugh Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Berum says: spammers Juska says: Wait a sec.... Ansel says: star dome Mortis looks at a powerful crossbow. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Taorah cheers enthusiastically for Ansel. ^ Orgelmir: howdy Some of Juska's bugs crawl onto Myfanwy. Carver nods solemnly. Juska says: That is!!!! Berum hugs Ansel. You say: he's using the books! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan says drunkedly, "wheres the bastars half-elf." Juska cheers wildly. Ansel shakes his head. Taorah says: I am biased towards Ansel :) Carver says: Or 'star crown' Some of Myfanwy's bugs crawl onto Berum. Juska says: That was it!!!! Numensule grins. Berum looks at a couple of small bugs. Ansel isn't really using the book! Berum says: uh Berum says: how do i get rid of these bugs Skry looks at Strahan. Juska says: Next!!!!!! Taorah says: who are Elrond's mother- and father-in law. Juska beeps. Berum, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Carver coughs. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Carver says: What is: dead Taorah says: That is, who are Elwing's parents. Taorah points at Juska. Strahan leaves west. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Berum says: lol Warrax enters. Some of Juska's bugs crawl onto Myfanwy. Krum leaves out. Juska says: Galadriel Strahan enters. Carver snorts in amusement. Skry hmms. Carver says: Galadriel? Juska says: And Celeborn Skry says: hic Taorah nods sagely. Juska cheers wildly. Skry knocks back a keg of Aule's Hammer, and tears spring up in his eyes. He gets a wild expression, then slowly, very slowly, topples over backwards with a grin on his face. Taorah cheers enthusiastically for Juska. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Myfanwy looks at a couple of small bugs. Carver snorts in amusement. Ansel says: Hiya Warax! A small bird chirps merrily. Myfanwy, feeling evil, squishes the poor bugs. Skry regains consciousness. Skry burps rudely. Irun leaves out. Taorah says: who is Elrond's daughter? If you don't get this... Juska beeps. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Taorah points at Ansel. Strahan beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Carver snorts in amusement. Skry says: arwen Ansel says: Arwen Juska says: Arewn!!!! Taorah says, "Ok!". Skry cheers wildly. Irun enters. Taorah says: you all get a point. Skry says: I got one Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Skry says: woohoo Ansel searches the room, and finds Ketan hiding! Juska says: I BEEPED FIRST!!!!! Ketan smiles. Ansel says: Hi Ketan! Numensule grins. You say: can i lodge a protest? /d/endor/elf_keep/ A small bird chirps merrily. Ketan yawns. Irun looks at Ketan. Numensule says: Welcom Ketan Taorah says: but you spelled it wrong juska Ketan says: I'd prefer if you just didn't speak to me. Ketan says: Thanks. :) Juska says: SOOOOOO Carver raises an eyebrow. Ketan leaves out. You say: elwing's parents aren't galadriel and celeborn are they? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Skry shakes his head. Krum enters. Juska says: Yes they are. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Taorah says, "Ok!". Carver says: Elwing? Taorah says: they are Irun leaves east. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Taorah nods sagely at you. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. You scratch your head. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun enters. Irun leaves west. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Skry says: his mother is human I believe *hic* Juska says: No they aren't!!!! Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Taorah says: wait Irun enters. Taorah says: I mean Celebrian Irun leaves out. Mortis searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Juska says: Yeah!!!! Taorah says: I said his mom and dad-inlaw Juska says: I got it right!!!!!!!!!!!!! Irun enters. Taorah says: you all knew what I meant :) Mortis leaves east. You get the idea and give an 'AH' of comprehension. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska says: Stop pikkin on me!!!!!!!!!!!! You grin widely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel laughs merrily. Berum leaves out. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis enters. Mortis searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Strahan says: pike off berk Taorah says: What is the name of Elrond's ring? Juska beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Myfanwy beeps. Taorah points at Juska. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Juska says: Vilya Irun grins wolvishly. Skry picks on juska Mortis says: peter Taorah says: Juska, do you have a trigger? Juska cheers wildly. Juska says: No!!!!!!!!!! A small bird chirps merrily. Numensule smirks in amusement. Taorah rolls his eyes. Juska says: Im beepin Berum enters. Numensule beeps. Taorah blechs in disgust. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska says: Me quick!!!!!!!! Taorah says: What is Elrond's ring made of? Numensule says: What is Kansas, Alex Krum looks at Taorah. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Strahan beeps. Juska beeps. Taorah points at you. Berum says: so whatcha been up to ansel? Mortis searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Juska cheers wildly. A small bird bounces around on a branch. You say: air /d/endor/elf_keep/ A small bird bounces around on a branch. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Taorah says: NO! You grin widely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska says: False Taorah says: juska? You ack! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan beeps. Skry leaves west. Taorah says: wait Taorah says: Strahan Juska says: I dunno, im not next Taorah points at Strahan. Strahan says: i beeped before juska Taorah nods sagely. Taorah apologizes profusely. Skry enters. Juska smiles. Berum jumps up and down. Mortis searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Ansel searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Strahan says: mithril i think Taorah shakes his head. Juska shakes his head. Taorah points at Juska. Skry says: nooo! weve run out of weed A small bird bounces around on a branch. Strahan swears. Tar has gone net-dead. Krum looks at Tar. Berum looks at Tar. Taorah points at Juska. Juska says: Gold, I think, but im not sure..... Skry burps rudely. Taorah says: sorry A small bird bounces around on a branch. Irun leaves out. Numensule says: hard one Irun enters. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Taorah says: the correct answer: SAPPHIRE! Juska cheers wildly. Numensule ohs interestedly. Krum kisses Myfanwy. Skry says: what was trhe question? You get the idea and give an 'AH' of comprehension. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Berum jumps up and down. The wind picks up, as dark clouds block out the sky. A raindrop hits you. Kivi enters. Taorah says: no-one gets a point. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Taorah says: next: Strahan says: i thought i was mithril with a sphire A small bird bounces around on a branch. Berum leaves west. A small bird chirps merrily. Kivi says: should i fade and see what happens????? Carver says: Mithril metal with a sapphir stone, you mean? Berum enters. Mortis says: it is mithril with saphire Juska beeps. Strahan nods. Taorah says: what is Elrond's ring's domain? What 'element?' Juska says: That was Galadriel;s You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska beeps. Myfanwy beeps. Kivi leaves west. Taorah points at you. Kivi enters. Skry says: water Taorah smacks Skry. Strahan says: well that wasnt the question Carver nods solemnly. Krum kisses Myfanwy. Kivi says: should i???? You hmm. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry smiles and says: Bah! Carver says: Healing. Taorah points at you. Taorah points at you. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. You say: i'm going to stick with air /d/endor/elf_keep/ Berum jumps up and down. Kivi has hp: 93/130 and end: 84/130 Juska says: Air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Juska cheers wildly. Skry has a questioning look on his face. Taorah says, "Ok!". Mortis says: I wouldn't suggest fading, no Taorah says: its Air! Juska says: He got it right!!!!!!!!!!! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. You go "Woo!". /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: Azaghal gets is Juska cheers wildly. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Carver raises an eyebrow. Juska pats you on the back. You say: thats what i thought you meant first time /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Carver says: Are you sure about that? You say: not that i would have got sapphire anyways /d/endor/elf_keep/ Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Kivi says: ill try once... i also got a trigger set Skry says: I thouth it waswater, thus why he could control th river Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Carver shakes his head. Taorah says: Who is Elrond's Brother? Juska beeps. Krum kisses Myfanwy. Myfanwy beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Kivi says: ok Carver says: The water control from the books was not Arwen's doing. Juska says: Elros You say: can i have a point for elros tar-minyatur /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: I didnt point at you Juska cheers wildly. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Skry says: whos doing then? I thought it was elrond Taorah says: ok, Azy Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Juska says: I beeped first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go "WHEE!!". /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: Juska and Azy get a point Carver says: It's somewhat debatable I guess. Numensule says: Juska is going to win, you people got to be gaster Juska cheers wildly. Numensule says: er faster Kivi is gonna fade and see what happens Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Carver says: Some people argue that it was really Glorfindel somehow Carver snorts in amusement. Taorah says, "Ok!". Taorah listens intently. Carantir enters. Someone steps into the background. Carver says: Elrond's ring was that of Healing, however. Strahan pokes someone with the blunt end of the staff, causing massive pain. Myfanwy entangles someone with vines that grow from the staff. Taorah hits someone very hard. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Kivi is gonna fade and see what happens Kivi leaves west. Carver raises an eyebrow. Berum says: fdl Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Kivi enters. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Myfanwy bashes someone crushing bones under the blow. Taorah grazes someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Kivi leaves west. Taorah says: In what year in which age was Imladris founded? Numensule swears. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Juska beeps. Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun leaves out. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Taorah points at Juska. Kivi enters. Someone spins around and throws Krum to the ground. Mortis releases the crossbow and launches a quarrel at Anonymous figure! It's a hit! Kivi leaves west. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Strahan beeps. Numensule swears. Irun enters. Taorah says: must get it exactly. Mortis removes a powerful crossbow. Mortis wields his short sword. Carantir looks at Mortis. Irun leaves west. Irun enters. Irun leaves east. Taorah says: within 10 years. :) Irun enters. Strahan says: what question? Irun searches the room, but fails to find anything of interest. Irun leaves west. Mortis looks at Carantir. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Juska says: The spring.....I think, no......wait....... Skry says: nice, first time Iv seen a crossbow in use Taorah says: when was Imladris founded? Kivi enters. Kivi leaves out. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Krum says: FIGURE! Taorah says: what year, what age? Tombom enters. Juska says: Wati!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mortis grins. Ansel says: Two Berum jumps up and down. Mortis sheaths an elven short sword. Juska says: Second age!!!!!!!!!!! Taorah says: Juska gets his chance first Numensule says: is tha that you kivi Irun enters. Strahan beeps. Mortis takes a steel quarrel from an elvish pack. Numensule says: stop it Taorah says: what YEAR? Strahan says: 216 Krum says: fading is smart right now The clouds begin to break apart and the sky shows through. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Krum says: isnt Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Juska says: Year You stop Carantir from stealing some gold coins from you. Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Taorah says: what year? Carantir looks at you. Taorah says: second age is right Juska says: I dunno. Taorah says: you get a point for that, Juska Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Tombom gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer. You watch Tombom enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Kivi enters. Juska cheers wildly. You watch Tombom enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. A small bird chirps merrily. Taorah says: does anyone know? double points! Berum enters. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. You say: 1210 /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan says: 12 Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops a bottle of genuine Stock beer. Kivi says: god that was scarry Berum says: came to get a drink before i go :P Mortis wields his short sword. Juska leaves east. Carantir leaves out. Juska enters. You watch Tombom enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Skry leaves east. Strahan says: 10 Berum says: hrm, so many choices Skry enters. Taorah says: 1697, according to my sources. Tombom drops an empty bottle. Juska says: Help!!!!! Tombom drops an empty bottle. Tombom says: what? Krum says: what Strahan looks at Juska. Exarkun shouts in Adunaic: Coward! Taorah hmms. Mortis leaves east. Juska says: Ok, next question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mortis enters. Juska says: I dunno. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. [ Jete has left The Two Towers ] Juska laughs. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Mortis leaves out. Berum leaves west. You watch Tombom enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Mortis enters. Krum leaves out. Taorah says: Elves call Rivendell this. Myfanwy beeps. Juska beeps. You beep. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Irun beeps. Berum enters. Ansel beeps. Berum leaves east. Taorah points at Myfanwy. Juska stamps his feet like a hungry troll. Numensule says: myfanwy Krum enters. Myfanwy says: Imladris! Carver clasps Ansel's hand in friendship. Irun giggles merrily. Taorah cheers wildly. Berum enters. Irun goes "Woo!". Kivi says: krum.... thanks for backstabing me Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Irun says: IMLADRIS! Berum says: heh Krum leaves out. Kivi leaves west. Carver bows as a man of honor and purity. Juska says: That is my favorite work!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carver leaves out. Skry says: fi=gure Berum leaves east. Kivi enters. Berum enters. Skry whips his sailor's cutlass from his baldric like a weaponsmaster!! Skry wields a sailor's cutlass. Krum enters. Kivi says: krum.... thanks for backstabing me Taorah says: Erestor the councillor is what kind of Elf? Juska beeps. Strahan beeps. Kivi says: silvan Taorah points at Juska. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Kivi has hp: 55/130 and end: 20/130 Berum jumps up and down. Juska says: Silvan.... You watch Tombom enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum says: srry Taorah shakes his head. Duck runs about Myfanwy's feet, making a nuisance of itself. Nosehair-curling smoke curls lazily from Strahan's pipe. Strahan says: sindar Krum gets a bottle of genuine Stock beer from a beer crate. Krum opens a bottle of Stock beer. You watch Krum enjoy a bottle of Stock beer. Krum drops an empty bottle. Taorah points at Strahan. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Myfanwy beeps. Juska cheers wildly. Taorah shakes his head. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Skry removes his sailor's cutlass and sheathes it in his baldric. Taorah points at Myfanwy. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Krum kisses Myfanwy. Myfanwy says: Noldor Gman enters. Norin enters. Ketan enters. Warrax enters. Suddenly, Gman stabs Ansel from behind! Taorah cheers enthusiastically for Myfanwy. Suddenly, Warrax stabs Ansel from behind! Ketan attacks Ansel. Mortis shields Ansel, Gman inflicts massive damage to Mortis. Gman hits Ansel. Ketan barely misses Ansel. Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax inflicts massive damage to Mortis. Warrax whips the tusk around and slashes Ansel carving a dripping red line. Norin gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into Ansel! Strahan says: sindar Taorah gasps in astonishment! Duck quacks a question at Myfanwy. Mortis shields Ansel, Gman inflicts massive damage to Mortis. Gman hits Ansel. Mortis shields Ansel, Norin hits Mortis hard. Norin snaps Ansel burning flesh and sizzling blood. Mortis shields Ansel, Ketan hits Mortis very hard. Ketan enthusiastically dices Ansel's flesh! Warrax lunges futilely at Ansel. Juska says: Noldor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Mortis shields Ansel, Gman hits Mortis very hard. Gman grazes Ansel. Ansel misses Ketan. Norin sends tails flying at Ansel, but they miss their mark. Mortis shields Ansel, Ketan inflicts massive damage to Mortis. Ketan enthusiastically dices Ansel's flesh! Mortis shields Ansel, Warrax hits Mortis hard. Warrax reaches out and slashes Ansel. Mortis shields Ansel, Gman hits Mortis hard. Gman grazes Ansel. Ansel misses Ketan. Mortis shields Ansel, Norin hits Mortis very hard. Norin hits Ansel with a horrid crack. Ketan barely misses Ansel. Warrax lunges futilely at Ansel. Irun attacks Warrax. Numensule attacks Ketan. Irun slices Warrax cleanly. Numensule swings the sword but misses Ketan. Mortis shields Ansel, Gman hits Mortis. Gman grazes Ansel. Ansel grazes Ketan. Mortis shields Ansel, Norin hits Mortis very hard. Norin snaps Ansel burning flesh and sizzling blood. Ketan barely misses Ansel. Warrax lunges futilely at Irun. Irun wreaks havoc on Warrax with many devastating blows. Numensule swings the sword but misses Ketan. Mortis shields Ansel, Gman hits Mortis hard. Gman grazes Ansel. Ansel misses Ketan. Mortis shields Ansel, Norin hits Mortis. Norin snaps Ansel burning flesh and sizzling blood. Mortis shields Ansel, Ketan massacres Mortis with incredible force! Ketan enthusiastically dices Ansel's flesh! Warrax lunges futilely at Irun. Irun misses Warrax. Numensule swings the sword but misses Ketan. Mortis shields Ansel, Gman hits Mortis. Gman grazes Ansel. Ansel hits Ketan. Mortis shields Ansel, Norin hits Mortis very hard. Norin hits Ansel with a horrid crack. Ketan barely misses Ansel. Warrax gets uncomfortably close to Ansel. Krum leaves west. Tombom says: whos up for a song? Numensule attacks Gman. Strahan attacks Gman. Skry attacks Ketan. Skry grazes Ketan. Strahan misses Gman as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Irun misses Warrax. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman massacres Strahan with incredible force! Ansel hits Ketan. Norin sends tails flying at Ansel, but they miss their mark. Irun shields Skry, Ketan inflicts massive damage to Irun. Ketan enthusiastically dices Skry's flesh! Warrax lunges futilely at Ansel. Taorah attacks Ketan. Ansel knocks back a keg of Aule's Hammer, and tears spring up in his eyes. He gets a wild expression, then slowly, very slowly, topples over backwards with a grin on his face. Skry whips his sailor's cutlass from his baldric like a weaponsmaster!! Skry wields a sailor's cutlass. Strahan misses Gman as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Irun slices Warrax cleanly. Taorah misses Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman hits Strahan very hard. Mortis shields Ansel, Norin hits Mortis hard. Norin snaps Ansel burning flesh and sizzling blood. Mortis shields Ansel, Ketan hits Mortis very hard. Ketan enthusiastically dices Ansel's flesh! Skry shields Irun, Warrax hits Skry. Warrax reaches out and slashes Irun. Mortis leaves out. Krum enters. Strahan misses Gman as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Irun wreaks havoc on Warrax with many devastating blows. Taorah misses Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman inflicts massive damage to Strahan. Norin pummels Ansel with multiple blows from the whip! Norin sets Ansel aflame with the fiery whip of Angband! Ketan enthusiastically dices Ansel's flesh! Warrax lunges futilely at Irun. You say: kill them! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule swears. Norin gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into Ansel! Skry misses Ketan. Strahan misses Gman as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Irun stabs Warrax in the abdomen. Taorah misses Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman hits Strahan hard. Norin cracks Ansel with tails wrapping and burning. Ketan barely misses Ansel. Skry shields Irun, Warrax hits Skry. Warrax reaches out and slashes Irun. Strahan leaves west. Skry sinks the blade into Ketan with the curdling shout of a pirate! Irun wreaks havoc on Warrax with many devastating blows. Taorah misses Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman inflicts massive damage to Numensule. Norin hits Ansel striking and immolating with multiple tails! Ketan barely misses Ansel. Warrax lunges futilely at Irun. Juska attacks Warrax. Gman chats with his party. You say: come on /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska swings the sword but misses Warrax. Juska misses Warrax. Skry misses Ketan. Irun misses Warrax. Taorah misses Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman misses Numensule. Ansel regains consciousness. Ansel misses Ketan. Norin sends tails flying at Ansel, but they miss their mark. Ketan slashes Ansel mercilessly, inflicting great harm! Skry shields Irun, Warrax hits Skry very hard. Warrax whips the tusk around and slashes Irun carving a dripping red line. Juska swings the sword but misses Warrax. Skry misses Ketan. Irun slices Warrax cleanly. Taorah hits Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman inflicts massive damage to Numensule. Ansel misses Ketan. Norin cracks Ansel with tails wrapping and burning. Ketan cuts Ansel leaving a thin stream of blood! Warrax gets uncomfortably close to Irun. Juska nicks Warrax. Skry brutally plunges the blade into Ketan. Irun misses Warrax. Duck gives Myfanwy a loving look. Taorah misses Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman misses Numensule. Ansel misses Ketan. Norin cracks Ansel with tails wrapping and burning. Ketan enthusiastically dices Ansel's flesh! Skry shields Irun, Warrax hits Skry. Warrax reaches out and slashes Irun. Myfanwy attacks Warrax. Juska bashes Warrax in the face with the hilt of the sword! Skry misses Ketan. Irun misses Warrax. Myfanwy pokes Warrax with the blunt end of the staff, causing massive pain. Taorah hits Ketan. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman hits Numensule very hard. Ansel misses Ketan. Norin pummels Ansel with multiple blows from the whip! Ketan skewers Ansel ruthlessly, causing severe damage! Warrax bores in and twists the tusk into Myfanwy ripping skin and guts. Taorah attacks Gman. Norin gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into Ansel! Ketan puts Ansel out of his misery. Ketan puts Ansel out of his misery. Juska swings the sword but misses Warrax. Skry misses Ketan. Irun misses Warrax. Myfanwy bashes Warrax crushing bones under the blow. Taorah misses Gman. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman hits Taorah. Norin wraps searing tails about Ansel's body. Ansel drops to the ground in a heap. Ansel has died. Ketan barely misses Taorah. Warrax bores in and twists the tusk into Myfanwy ripping skin and guts. Tombom says: whats going on??? Skry attacks Norin. Berum takes some gold coins from Corpse of Ansel. Berum takes a strong steel breastplate from Corpse of Ansel. Berum takes a gold lined shield from Corpse of Ansel. Norin gets a large harvester's pack from Corpse of Ansel into an Orc courier pack. Juska draws the sword's sharp edge across Warrax. Skry misses Norin. Irun stabs Warrax in the abdomen. Myfanwy misses Warrax as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Taorah hits Gman. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman misses Taorah. Norin snaps Skry burning flesh and sizzling blood. Ketan barely misses Taorah. Warrax sticks the tusk into Myfanwy nearly driving the point through the body. Strahan enters. Irun leaves out. Taorah swears angrily, saying "this is the Dark Lord's doing!". Juska swings the sword but misses someone. Skry misses someone. Myfanwy misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Gman hits someone very hard. Norin pummels Skry with multiple blows from the whip! Ketan skewers Taorah ruthlessly, causing severe damage! Warrax sticks the tusk into Myfanwy nearly driving the point through the body. You say: you're all rubish /d/endor/elf_keep/ Warrax leaves out. Myfanwy has hp: 124/180 and end: 180/180 Skry misses someone. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Gman hits someone very hard. Norin cracks Skry with tails wrapping and burning. Ketan viciously shreds Taorah into bloody pulp! Taorah says: NO! NO! NO!!! Skry brutally plunges the blade into someone. Strahan misses someone as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Taorah misses someone. Numensule swings the sword but misses someone. Gman hits someone. Norin hits Skry with a horrid crack. Ketan demolishes Taorah in a blaze of furious strokes! Strahan leaves east. Norin gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into Skry! You say: if i had my axe /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry cracks Norin's head with the flat of the blade! Taorah misses Gman. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman misses Taorah. Norin pummels Skry with multiple blows from the whip! Ketan barely misses Taorah. Norin gets a silver flask from an Orc courier pack. Norin opens a silver flask. Norin drinks from a silver flask. Norin closes a silver flask. Norin puts a silver flask into an Orc courier pack. Skry misses Norin. Taorah misses Gman. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman hits Taorah very hard. Norin cracks Skry with tails wrapping and burning. Norin cackles evilly as he burns Skry painfully. Ketan demolishes Taorah in a blaze of furious strokes! Berum wears a gold lined shield. Ansel sighs. Numensule screams. Skry cracks Norin's head with the flat of the blade! Taorah misses Gman. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman misses Taorah. Norin sends tails flying at Skry, but they miss their mark. Ketan slashes Taorah mercilessly, inflicting great harm! Taorah leaves east. Gman nods. Skry misses Norin. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman inflicts massive damage to Numensule. Norin hits Skry striking and immolating with multiple tails! Norin cackles evilly as he burns Skry painfully. Ketan slashes Skry mercilessly, inflicting great harm! Gman chats with his party. Skry misses Norin. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman massacres Numensule with incredible force! Norin sends tails flying at Skry, but they miss their mark. Ketan enthusiastically dices Skry's flesh! Tombom says: stop it Norin gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into Skry! Kivi attacks Gman. Myfanwy has hp: 125/180 and end: 180/180 Skry falls to the ground. Skry is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Kivi swings the sword but misses Gman. Numensule swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman hits Kivi. Ketan barely misses Numensule. Numensule attacks Norin. Skry is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Kivi swings the sword but misses Gman. Numensule draws the sword's sharp edge across Norin. Gman inflicts massive damage to Kivi. Norin pummels Numensule with multiple blows from the whip! Ketan demolishes Numensule in a blaze of furious strokes! Irun enters. Skry is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Kivi swings the sword but misses Gman. Numensule swings the sword but misses Norin. Gman hits Kivi. Norin sends tails flying at Numensule, but they miss their mark. Ketan slashes Numensule mercilessly, inflicting great harm! Kivi has hp: 34/130 and end: 25/130 Skry is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Kivi swings the sword but misses Gman. Numensule has died. Gman misses Kivi. The ghost of Strahan drifts in. The ghost of Strahan drifts out. Krum gets some gold coins from Corpse of Numensule. Krum gets a beautiful longsword of elven make from Corpse of Numensule. Skry is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Kivi swings the sword but misses Gman. Gman massacres Kivi with incredible force! Norin gets a silver flask from an Orc courier pack. Norin opens a silver flask. Norin drinks from a silver flask. Norin closes a silver flask. Norin puts a silver flask into an Orc courier pack. Kivi leaves west. Krum leaves west. Skry is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Skry is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Tombom screams NOOOOOO. Gman puts Skry out of his misery. Skry has died. Norin laughs out loud. Gman gets some gold coins from Corpse of Skry. Gman gets a studded leather baldric from Corpse of Skry. Gman gets a small black tooth on a thong from Corpse of Skry into a dirty pack. Gman gets a pair of Easterling boots from Corpse of Skry into a dirty pack. Gman gets a prickly pinecone from Corpse of Skry into a dirty pack. Irun bandages Skry. Gman removes a dirty pack. Gman drops a dirty pack. Juska stamps his feet like a hungry troll. Strahan enters. Ketan says: Sorry, I'm just bitter about Warrax dying. Strahan leaves east. The ghost of Skry drifts east. The ghost of Numensule drifts out. Gman drops a studded leather baldric. Gman gets a large harvester's pack from Corpse of Skry. Gman wears a large harvester's pack. Norin chats with his party. The ghost of Skry drifts in. Irun roars loudly! Juska roars loudly! Irun leaves out. Norin gets a black Variag helmet from Corpse of Skry into an Orc courier pack. Norin gets a large shining breastplate from Corpse of Skry. Taorah enters. Taorah leaves east. Juska attacks Norin. Juska swings the sword but misses Norin. Norin burns Juska with the FLAMES of ANGBAND! Gman says: who else Ketan chats with his party. Norin gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into Juska! Juska swings the sword but misses Norin. Norin sends tails flying at Juska, but they miss their mark. Ketan smirks in amusement. Strahan enters. Juska swings the sword but misses Norin. Norin pummels Juska with multiple blows from the whip! Norin cackles evilly as he burns Juska painfully. Juska swings the sword but misses Norin. Norin pummels Juska with multiple blows from the whip! Juska swings the sword but misses Norin. Norin cracks Juska with tails wrapping and burning. Juska leaves out. Gman leaves out. Ketan leaves out. Norin leaves out. Berum says: heh Warrax enters. Tombom says: stop it please Myfanwy hits Warrax with small pieces of bark that fly off the staff. Warrax leaves out. Strahan leaves out. The ghost of Skry drifts out. Kivi enters. Kivi leaves west. Berum leaves out. Kivi enters. Krum enters. Krum gets a sailor's cutlass from Corpse of Skry. Krum wields a sailor's cutlass. Tombom cries. Kivi says: is all ok? Krum says: shit /d/endor/elf_keep/ Tombom says: why? Warrax enters. Skry enters. Myfanwy misses Warrax as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Krum leaves west. Myfanwy misses Warrax as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Warrax whips the tusk around and slashes Myfanwy carving a dripping red line. Kivi leaves west. Myfanwy misses Warrax as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Warrax whips the tusk around and slashes Myfanwy carving a dripping red line. Kivi enters. Myfanwy misses Warrax as the staff alters its length unexpectedly. Warrax lunges futilely at Myfanwy. Myfanwy leaves east. Warrax leaves east. Duck leaves east. Tombom says: explain to me why this happened /d/endor/elf_keep/ Skry leaves out. /d/endor/elf_keep/ You get the idea and give an 'AH' of comprehension. /d/endor/elf_keep/ You nod grimly. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Tombom shouts: WHY? You bow with the grace and power of a Dwarven Lord. /d/endor/elf_keep/ [/d/grond/orchard/orchard] You have entered a bright orchard - lush, green and lively - surrounded by a large hedge. Bees fly hither and thither and birds chirp keenly. Amid this fair place, you feel the wonder and magic of Rivendell at work. Next to a small stone path stands a fine apple tree with a patch of yellow tulips beneath it. Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins. The only obvious exits are west, out and east. Kivi the silvan Apprentice Assassin (Impartial) The ghost of Myfanwy A studded leather baldric A dirty pack Warrax the dunlending Crime Lord (Demonic) Ketan the dunlending Word (Camarilla |kam-uh-REE-yuh|) Norin the dwarf Slayer (Chaotic) Gman the dwarf Gangster (Immoral) Berum the dunlending Master Thief (Impartial) Numensule the silvan Trailblazer (Heroic) The ghost of Ansel Tombom the silvan Hitman (Angelic) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A keg of Aule's Hammer A beer crate A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Whitenose Red Barrel A swift hawk A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) Tar the silvan Mercenary (Moral) [disconnected] A keg of Mead of Rohan A swift hawk A light blue strawflower A swift hawk A beer crate A keg of Mead of Rohan A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule says: us Ketan says: I don't even know what the hell you were all doing here. Kivi falls to the ground. Kivi is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Kivi is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Warrax puts Kivi out of his misery. Kivi has died. Tombom bandages Kivi. Numensule swears. Ketan says: No, he attacked Ansel. Warrax chats with his party. A small bird bounces around on a branch. Kivi says: "BASTARD Warrax chats with his party. Numensule says: he had no right Warrax chats with his party. Gman chats with his party. The ghost of Kivi drifts out. Ketan says: And frankly, since it's the first time I've seen Ansel in a killable spot in what, 3 years? Gman looks at Tar. Suddenly, Warrax stabs Numensule from behind! Warrax whips the tusk around and slashes Numensule carving a dripping red line. Ketan says: I'd have taken the opportunity, too. Warrax reaches out and slashes Numensule. Numensule misses Warrax. Ketan shrugs. Warrax whips the tusk around and slashes Numensule carving a dripping red line. Numensule misses Warrax. Tombom says: please leave us i have no desire to fight Warrax lunges futilely at Numensule. Numensule misses Warrax. Warrax sticks the tusk into Numensule nearly driving the point through the body. Numensule misses Warrax. Warrax bores in and twists the tusk into Numensule ripping skin and guts. Numensule misses Warrax. Gman drops elven guard armour. Strahan enters. Warrax shrugs. Warrax sticks the tusk into Numensule nearly driving the point through the body. Numensule misses Warrax. Numensule leaves out. Gman leaves out. Warrax leaves out. Ketan leaves out. Norin leaves out. The ghost of Myfanwy drifts out. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan gets elven guard armour. Strahan wears elven guard armour. Berum wears a studded leather baldric. You hear a bell ringing in the distance. *BBBBBOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG* You hear a bell ringing in the distance. *BBBBBOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG* Strahan looks at Corpse of Kivi. Berum takes some gold coins from Corpse of Kivi. Tombom looks at Corpse of Kivi. Warrax enters. Berum leaves out. Warrax leaves out. Strahan looks at Tar. Tombom looks at Tar. Strahan leaves east. Strahan enters. Strahan leaves west. Ansel is at /d/grond/orchard/orchard (a lush orchard) /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan enters. A small bird chirps merrily. Strahan looks at a large satchel. [/d/grond/orchard/orchard] You have entered a bright orchard - lush, green and lively - surrounded by a large hedge. Bees fly hither and thither and birds chirp keenly. Amid this fair place, you feel the wonder and magic of Rivendell at work. Next to a small stone path stands a fine apple tree with a patch of yellow tulips beneath it. Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins. The only obvious exits are west, out and east. Strahan the dunedain Herbalist (Impartial) Corpse of Kivi A dirty pack The ghost of Ansel Tombom the silvan Hitman (Angelic) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A keg of Aule's Hammer A beer crate A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Whitenose Red Barrel A swift hawk A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) Tar the silvan Mercenary (Moral) [disconnected] A keg of Mead of Rohan A swift hawk A light blue strawflower A swift hawk A beer crate A keg of Mead of Rohan A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan looks at a dirty pack. Strahan gets a dirty pack. The corpse completely rots away. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Strahan leaves out. You say: i dont know /d/endor/elf_keep/ You say: but i am very angry /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel chuckles. [/d/grond/orchard/orchard] You have entered a bright orchard - lush, green and lively - surrounded by a large hedge. Bees fly hither and thither and birds chirp keenly. Amid this fair place, you feel the wonder and magic of Rivendell at work. Next to a small stone path stands a fine apple tree with a patch of yellow tulips beneath it. Black clouds torment the sky, as a drizzle begins. The only obvious exits are west, out and east. The ghost of Ansel Tombom the silvan Hitman (Angelic) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A keg of Aule's Hammer A beer crate A keg of Mead of Rohan A keg of Whitenose Red Barrel A swift hawk A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) A bottle of genuine Stock beer (open) Tar the silvan Mercenary (Moral) [disconnected] A keg of Mead of Rohan A swift hawk A light blue strawflower A swift hawk A beer crate A keg of Mead of Rohan A cute lively bird {above you} /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel says: Aw well. Ansel says: I kinda expected it. You say: you need to go to a healer /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel says: nah, I'll head out later. Tombom says: you should You nod grimly. /d/endor/elf_keep/ /d/endor/elf_keep/ A small bird chirps merrily. Ansel says: Maybe just stay as a ghost for a while... Ketan tells you: I just want to go on record as saying the only person I wanted to kill was Ansel, and anyone who died on my account did so by typing "kill ketan." Numensule enters. Tombom hugs Numensule. Numensule says: Ansel I am sooo sorry [ Ilmarin has left The Two Towers ] Ansel says: It's okay! Numensule says: God I didn't mean for any of this to happen You tell Ketan: In my role as an immortal its none of my business. In my role, however, as c0-editor of the arda chronicle, you just made viallain of the year. bastard /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule says: Blast it all Tombom says: we know numensule Ansel says: Well, I appreciated the party! Numensule says: I just wanted to have a good time and celebrate with friends *You grin at Ketan widely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule sighs. Tar slowly fades into the mist, out of view. Tar removes a large harvester's pack. Tar drops a large harvester's pack. Tar removes the standard Orc blade of Mordor. Tar drops the standard Orc blade of Mordor. Tar left the game. Ansel says: and you all are very good friends! Ketan tells you: Ah well, I can deal with that. Tombom says: i tried to bandage you guy but i was too slow You tell Ketan: thanks for giving us a headline story /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ansel says: and that really means a lot to me! /d/endor/elf_keep/ Ketan tells you: Still, I hate being a party pooper. :P You tell Ketan: couldn't have asked fore anything better /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule says: I can't believe it Gyro the silvan Huntsman (Moral) Level: 5 (male) Profession: ranger Last on: 25m 34s ago. Logon: /d/endor/new_rivendell/grid/grid[010010] Age: 4d 20h 52m 32s Can be mailed: Gyro@Combe Gyro has recorded a life story. Info: Ask me, I investigate! (Rim-Ainacam) /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule says: Warrax is such a jerk Galandrin tells you: hi, is there any place in arda, special, that you can take someone you like to? /d/endor/elf_keep/ A small bird bounces around on a branch. [/d/black/bree/inn_room#55433] This is a private room at the Prancing Pony. It feels relatively ordinary, with a simple bed and night stand upon the sturdy hardwood floor. Nevertheless, it is neat, tidy, and most certainly comfortable. A small flight of stairs goes back down to the inn. It wouldn't be too difficult to fall asleep in here. The only obvious exit is down. Taorah the sindar Thaumaturgist (Heroic) /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah bows to you graciously, as befits a Noldorin Lord. Ketan tells you: Bleh. If Ansel would leave the Mcouncil hall for anything other than a glorious jamboree...then we wouldn't have had to come to the jamboree to kill him. :) Taorah says: you are uninvited You say: you got that in a log /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah grins widely, as all of the great Noldorin Lords do! Taorah says: part of it Taorah says: do you? Taorah says: Up until Ansel's death. Then I had to run [ Ancalagon has entered The Two Towers ] *You heh - why you want to kill him? at Ketan. /d/endor/elf_keep/ You say: fine /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: I was down to 30hp Taorah says: do you have it all? You say: you are now writing our headline story /d/endor/elf_keep/ You nod grimly. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says, "Ok!". Ketan tells you: Because he's had this habit of annoying the goddamn hell out of me over the course of the past few years. :) You say: i'll mail you the log /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: email it Taorah says: ok? Taorah leaves down. Taorah appears from the shadows. Taorah leaves down. Juska appears from the shadows. You say: peaceful party disrupted by warmongers blah blah blah....make them villains...i'll maybe write a piece from ketan/warrax's side of the story /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah appears from the shadows. Taorah looks at Juska. Juska shudders. You say: ok? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: I can't believe it Juska roars loudly! Taorah says: did you live, Juska? Juska says: This will not go unavenged. Juska shakes his head. Taorah swears angrily, saying "this is the Dark Lord's doing!". Juska says: No I died with the rest!!! Taorah says: you lost your life too? You say: can you get it to me by next saturday? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: I lived, barely Juska says: They will pay for this!!! Taorah says: I can get it to you tomorrow, probably [ Ansel has left The Two Towers ] Taorah says: I will have it donw. Juska says: By my father of Gondolin, I will kill them!!! Taorah says: done Taorah nods sagely. You say: dont rush it ... it has to be good /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah nods sagely. Taorah says: I will do my best. You say: saturday is fine /d/endor/elf_keep/ What? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: a report on the whole party or just the attack? Juska says: I will leave for now, goodbye. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Juska leaves down. Taorah says: why don't you tune into our comm You say: whole party.... that way i have it all and can edit it with gyro's and mine as necessary /d/endor/elf_keep/ You say: which? /d/endor/elf_keep/ [ Silvayn has gone net-dead ] Taorah leaves down. Taorah appears from the shadows. You afk. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Krum appears from the shadows. Carantir is legending you. Taorah looks at Krum. Taorah says: Krum-did you live? Krum says: no1 Krum says: no i didnt Krum says: they followed me Taorah says: good. Taorah says: I too lived-barely Taorah says: I had 30 hp left when I got to Combe [/d/black/bree/inn_room#55433] This is a private room at the Prancing Pony. It feels relatively ordinary, with a simple bed and night stand upon the sturdy hardwood floor. Nevertheless, it is neat, tidy, and most certainly comfortable. A small flight of stairs goes back down to the inn. It wouldn't be too difficult to fall asleep in here. The only obvious exit is down. Krum the sindar Exterminator (Moral) Taorah the sindar Thaumaturgist (Heroic) /d/endor/elf_keep/ You say: a sad business /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah nods sagely. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah sighs. Taorah nods sagely. Taorah says: you should listen to the Riv. comm Krum says: i do /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah leaves down. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Krum says: hey /d/endor/elf_keep/ Channel Rivendell tuned in. /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Rivendell Irun: yea, we crushed him at once! @Rivendell Tombom: he attacked his own damn fault ^ Warrax: legend ansel btw The ghost of Ansel Level: 21 (male) Profession: thief Last on: 6m 19s ago. Logon: /d/grond/orchard/orchard Age: 100d 3h 56m 48s Can be mailed: Ansel@Rivendell Ansel has recorded a life story. Ansel is the Rivendell Mortal Council Representative. Info: You don't know what you've got till it's gone... (MU) /d/endor/elf_keep/ Krum leaves down. @Rivendell Taorah: Of course! We should be proud we got one, at least. @Rivendell Taorah: We killed him twice. ^ Jasumin: You killed him on his 100th birthday? Hmph :P ^ Warrax: hey I died too @Rivendell Krum: rivendell we died fighting Taorah appears from the shadows. ^ Azaghal: aw... shame /d/endor/elf_keep/ ^ Jasumin: It's not YOUR birthday! @Rivendell Tombom: who had the sword of mordor or was that warrax's sword? ^ Jasumin: What a mean Warrax ^ Warrax: it's ALWAYS my birthday! Taorah says: krum you don't have to put rivendell @Rivendell Irun: shut up Taorah will be right back... @Rivendell Irun: noone tell who got that sword, or he will die ^ Warrax: also other casualty are irun, myfanvy, numensule, strahan, scapegoat, and kivi.. who so unfortunately attacked me earlier @Rivendell Taorah: What? Why? Krum appears from the shadows. Taorah leaves down. Skry shouts: Today has been a vloody day, but vengeance will be paid back in equal quantities Taorah appears from the shadows. ^ Warrax: may their 1/3 of exp and roughly 3 average stats rest in peace @Rivendell Tombom: i ment so i could return it if it belonged to a QI member Myfanwy appears from the shadows. Taorah says: you died? Myfanwy says: yeah Taorah nods sagely. @Rivendell Juska: Goodbye, farewell Imladris You say: butchers list just went up on the comm /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Rivendell Tombom: does anyone need healing? Taorah has a questioning look on his face. You say: irun, myfanvy, numensule, strahan, /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah gets the idea in his thick skull and gives an 'AH' of comprehension. @Rivendell Tombom: i got alot of stew's and some jerky if so Taorah sighs. You say: scapegoat, and kivi /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Rivendell Juska: I do, but you can't help me with what I need healing. Taorah will be right back... You say: i feel so powerful.... yet powerless /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Rivendell Krum: rivendell ill get some jerky to @Rivendell Irun: anyone attacked gman? who typed kill gman? ^ Warrax: sorry scratch irun off that list, he ran to his guildhall /d/endor/elf_keep/ ^ Warrax: it's hard to keep track You make a waraxe! Krum says: sweet Krum says: how did you do that You say: whats the point in having this, a killer in one stroke when i cant help my frineds? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Maia tells you: warrax really killed everyone at that place? /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Rivendell Antal: who took my stuff Taorah is back! Taorah sighs. Ketan is legending you. @Rivendell Tombom: what did you have You tell Maia: he f***ing murdered them...none of them were tooled /d/endor/elf_keep/ Myfanwy is legending you. You tell Maia: it was impressive stuff, though nasty /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah will be right back... Taorah leaves down. Krum looks at you. Taorah appears from the shadows. @Rivendell Irun: anyone attacked gman? who typed kill gman? again? Maia tells you: Wow, killing a shitload of level 8's that's skillz Taorah leaves down. You heh. /d/endor/elf_keep/ Krum looks at the Ring of Endor. Numensule tells you: Thank you for attending the party, I am sorry I could not provide a more safe atmosphere :( You tell Maia: the way he went about it rather than the age /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Rivendell Antal: a light chain mail shirt and a finely crafted longsword @Rivendell Juska: Farewell! Maia tells you: What do you mean? @Rivendell Tombom: sorry they must have got it Kizbo shouts: COME PLAY ACRO! Taorah appears from the shadows. Taorah sighs. Taorah says: now what? @Rivendell Antal: who is they You tell Numensule: i can only extend my apologies that i was unable to interfere...knowing i could have stopped thw hole thing by typing 'halt all' is not a nice feeling /d/endor/elf_keep/ @Rivendell Tombom: the attackers ^ Warrax: hey maybe now that he's not a level 22 newbies won't elect him :p Zolork shouts: All Yu Alls play Acro @Rivendell Taorah: What shall we do now? ^ Gazza: who killed him? ^ Warrax: umm me Krum says: this sucks @Rivendell Taorah: We must write a joint, personal letter of apology to Ansel. ^ Gazza: tsk. ^ Warrax: with a little help from my friends :) You tell Maia: showed some good skills... send in a dummy first, they all attacked him and when a second figure came in it was all confusion /d/endor/elf_keep/ Numensule tells you: well although temporarily discouraged I will not let it get to me in the long run ^ Gazza: such an upstanding member of the T2T community too :P *You nod grimly at Numensule. /d/endor/elf_keep/ ^ Warrax: upstanding! Taorah swears loudly for a long time. You tell Taorah: mailing you that log now /d/endor/elf_keep/ ^ Warrax: hey man.. it's not like he cares.. what's he gonna use his stats for anyway Taorah says, "Ok!". ^ Gazza: nm, he can relevel :P Krum says: i lost 16 stat,those bastards ^ Warrax: yeah good luck haha.. how much does it cost to level back to 22? :P You say: oh..what client do you use? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: I thought you said you didnt die? Taorah says: why, Azaghal? Krum says: mno Taorah says: MUCKclient Krum says: no i did ^ Gazza: well he has 350k as far as I know. Taorah ohs sadly. You say: thats cool...i'll send you in in that format /d/endor/elf_keep/ Paazin tells you: Wow, that is pretty impressive ^ Warrax: ah hehe yeah that's roughly it Taorah says, "Ok!". You say: oh? MUCKclient? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah nods sagely. You say: not MUSHclient? /d/endor/elf_keep/ Taorah says: MUCK ^ Gazza: 70-80 to level 21. about 225 to 22. ouch :P Taorah says: not MUSH Taorah says: just email it to me Krum tells you: how did you create that axe ^ Gazza: although he won't have lost all his stats. Krum looks at Myfanwy. ^ Orgelmir: howdy there, comm Krum gets a beautiful packed pipe from a small leather carrying pouch. You tell Krum: i'm immortal...its easy /d/endor/elf_keep/ Krum says: cool ^ Warrax: well most of the expensive ones