Just inside the east entrance of Khazad-dum, this cavernous area is called the "First Hall". Great columns of stone are arranged in rows; along each wall and across the middle of the room, they stand. The floor is made of smooth stone and if there is a ceiling above you, it lies somewhere beyond the deep shadows that limit your upward vision. The First Hall continues all around. You hear the occasional scream of a tortured slave. The only obvious exits are north, southeast, southwest, west, northeast, east, northwest and south. A slender orc scout A bowl with a lid A bowl with a lid (//HP:190 EP:174\\) You maim Orc with tremendous force! Orc leaves south. Orc enters. Orc misses you. Without warning, Anonymous figure stabs you from behind! BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB BACKSTAB $ I've been backstabbed by $HIR$Anonymous Figure$0$ with $HIR$HP: 190 and EP: 174 focus dodge focus defense wimpy off [ Valacirca ] Fofester: I've been backstabbed by Anonymous Figure with HP: 190 and EP: 174 (//HP:190 EP:171\\) You focused on dodge last time, try something different! (//HP:190 EP:171\\) You start focusing on your defense skill. (//HP:190 EP:171\\) You don't feel like a wimp anymore. (//HP:190 EP:171\\) You are too busy to make an attack! Anonymous figure MANGLES you with MULTIPLE BLOWS to the body!! Orc leaves east. Orc misses you. e e Just insidee the east entrance of Khazad-dum, this cavernous area is called the "First Hall". Great columns of stone are arranged in rows; along each wall and across the middle of the room, they stand. The floor is made of smooth stone and if there is a ceiling above you, it lies somewhere beyond the deep shadows that limit your upward vision. The First Hall continues all around. You hear the occasional scream of a tortured slave. The only obvious exits are north, southeast, southwest, west, northeast, east, northwest and south. A slender orc scout (//HP:168 EP:171\\) Just inside the east entrance of Khazad-dum, this cavernous area is called the "First Hall". Great columns of stone are arranged in rows; along each wall and across the middle of the room, they stand. The floor is made of smooth stone and if there is a ceiling above you, it lies somewhere beyond the deep shadows that limit your upward vision. The First Hall continues all around. You hear the occasional scream of a tortured slave. The only obvious exits are southwest, west, north, northwest and south. A slender orc scout (//HP:168 EP:171\\) e You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) e e e You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) You maim someone with tremendous force! Anonymous figure misses you. n [ Valacirca ] Sersem: You catch someone trying to steal from you Just inside the east entrance of Khazad-dum, this cavernous area is called the "First Hall". Great columns of stone are arranged in rows; along each wall and across the middle of the room, they stand. The floor is made of smooth stone and if there is a ceiling above you, it lies somewhere beyond the deep shadows that limit your upward vision. The First Hall continues south and west. You hear the occasional scream of a tortured slave. The only obvious exits are southwest, west and south. A torch (burned out) (//HP:168 EP:171\\) e You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) Anonymous figure madly leaps at you and falls painfully on his face. n You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) s s Just inside the east entrance of Khazad-dum, this cavernous area is called the "First Hall". Great columns of stone are arranged in rows; along each wall and across the middle of the room, they stand. The floor is made of smooth stone and if there is a ceiling above you, it lies somewhere beyond the deep shadows that limit your upward vision. The First Hall continues all around. You hear the occasional scream of a tortured slave. The only obvious exits are southwest, west, north, northwest and south. A slender orc scout (//HP:168 EP:171\\) e Just inside the east entrance of Khazad-dum, this cavernous area is called the "First Hall". Great columns of stone are arranged in rows; along each wall and across the middle of the room, they stand. The floor is made of smooth stone and if there is a ceiling above you, it lies somewhere beyond the deep shadows that limit your upward vision. The First Hall continues all around. You hear the occasional scream of a tortured slave. The only obvious exits are southwest, west, north, east, northwest and south. (//HP:168 EP:171\\) You miss someone. You stand within the great Dimrill Gates. The ancient feel of this place lends an oppressive air to this room. To the west the 1st Hall begins, dwarfing you with its size. The evil lurking within this ancient mansion is apparent from its chorus of screams. There is above all else an overwhelming sense of danger almost electrifying the air. Shadows abound from the deep recesses of the vaulted ceiling. The stone floor echoes hollowly with each somber footfall. Despite the size of this room, the walls seem to close in around you. The only obvious exits are west and southeast. A brand (burned out) A brand (burned out) A brand (burned out) A brand (burned out) A brand (burned out) A brand (burned out) A brand (burned out) A torch (burned out) (//HP:168 EP:171\\) se s You heave with all your might and manage to open the gates. You open the southeast door. You stand on the once great road that leads to the depths of Moria. To your east the icy waters of the Mirrormere lie, quiet. You see broken stones and grass covered knolls rising throughout the path. To the southeast the path bends at the bank of the Mirrormere, and there not far from the roadside stands a single column broken at the top. The Dimrill Gate stands to the northwest. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. There is water to the east. The only obvious exits are north, northeast, northwest and southeast. You put all your weight against the gates and manage to get them closed. You close the northwest door. (//HP:168 EP:171\\) s You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) You can't go that way! (//HP:168 EP:171\\) se You notice someone sizing you up. s You see the path continue south, as it leaves the Mirrormere. What was once a great causeway now lies in ruin, and most of the stones that once paved this path have been broken into pieces. A small stream washes across your path and down the mountain to join with other streams. In the distance you hear the river Silverlode which gushes from a natural spring just south of the lake. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. There is water to the north. The only obvious exits are northwest and south. You hear a footstep nearby. (//HP:168 EP:171\\) The path continues through the woody area with trees to the left and right. To the north, you catch a glimpse of something sparkling through the trees. The path continues through the forest to the southeast. You notice that to the east, the forest seems thinner as if fewer trees grow there. The Silverlode River runs to your east, continuing its way south, where it breaks away from the path slightly. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north, east and southeast. (//HP:168 EP:171\\) s w You are too busy to make an attack! Anonymous figure slams you back with a frenzied charge! You can't go that way! (//HP:163 EP:171\\) You can't go that way! (//HP:163 EP:171\\) s w You can't go that way! (//HP:163 EP:171\\) You can't go that way! (//HP:163 EP:171\\) You maul someone like a wolf eating its prey. Anonymous figure misses you. se s The woods here grow densely, though to the north there seems to be a clearing. The broken stones of the path make travel difficult here as the ground is rocky. To the east through the woods you can make out the Silverlode River. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north, northwest and south. (//HP:164 EP:172\\) The woods around you grow thickly along the path. The path itself continues to the north and south. The rocks and stones that once paved this road lie cracked in ruin on the ground. The Silverlode River can be heard to the east. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north and south. (//HP:164 EP:172\\) s You stand in a wooded valley below the cover of high trees. The ground is covered by leaves that have fallen from their high perches upon the trees. The path continues to the north and south. South it descends a gentle hill, and leaves the cover of the forest. Through the woods you can make out the Silverlode River to the east. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are west, north and south. (//HP:164 EP:172\\) w You notice someone sizing you up. You push into a small space where the trees aren't quite so thick and catch your breath. Examining your surroundings, you can just faintly make out the sound of water from the Silverlode away east, but it is covered by the gentle sighing of the trees around you. You lean back against a small, gnarled old stump and gaze upwards, where you can see light filtering through the leaves and branches. Through the tops of the trees you can see the Misty Mountains rise up to the west and north. The heavy undergrowth around you gives this place a close, guarded feeling. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exit is east. Oren the dwarf Man-at-Arms (Heroic) A short, gnarled stump You hear a footstep nearby. (//HP:164 EP:172\\) You miss someone. Anonymous figure misses you. slip You notice someone sizing you up. You stand at the entrance of the Valacirca Guildhall. Looking north at the hall, you are startled: stretched between treetop and ground and from trunk to trunk and bough to bough, billowing sheets of cloth in a thousand diverse colors stretch and weave. The effect is of a ship at sea, with exquisite sails. You look closer and notice that some of the expanses of brilliant cloth have been stretched and tented to make roofs, while others twine about the tree trunks and branches to form translucent walls. Yet others fly free at one end, snapping in the wind like large banners. A stream runs quietly by here; the rippling light it reflects onto the hall's shifting facades creates the illusion of watery depth. The forest floor is covered with thick greenery, mostly springy clover. A pedestal stands among the trees. A black panther sits quietly watching you at the guildhall entry. The only obvious exits are west, in and south. A tall thin cane tree (//HP:164 EP:172\\) $ come to foyer [ Valacirca ] Fofester: come to foyer (//HP:164 EP:169\\) Zoso enters. Ardilion enters. ' south Stryder enters. You say: south (//HP:164 EP:169\\) s You push into a small space where the trees aren't quite so thick and catch your breath. Examining your surroundings, you can just faintly make out the sound of water from the Silverlode away east, but it is covered by the gentle sighing of the trees around you. You lean back against a small, gnarled old stump and gaze upwards, where you can see light filtering through the leaves and branches. Through the tops of the trees you can see the Misty Mountains rise up to the west and north. The heavy undergrowth around you gives this place a close, guarded feeling. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exit is east. An anonymous figure Oren the dwarf Man-at-Arms (Heroic) A short, gnarled stump (//HP:164 EP:169\\) k figure Ardilion enters. You are too busy to make an attack! Anonymous figure misses you. You attack an anonymous figure. (//HP:164 EP:169\\) Stryder enters. fb You start casting fireball. (//HP:164 EP:169\\) You are still casting your spell. The attack breaks your concentration! Your spell is aborted! Anonymous figure PIERCES you with BONE CHILLING BLADES OF ICE!!! fb Zoso enters. You start casting fireball. (//HP:132 EP:166\\) You are still casting your spell. Anonymous figure slams you back with a frenzied charge! Stryder attacks an anonymous figure. Ardilion begins shielding you. You are still casting your spell. Anonymous figure misses Stryder. Stryder brushes someone rudely. Zoso gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into someone! You are still casting your spell. Anonymous figure misses Zoso. Zoso misses someone. Stryder slices someone causing a chunk of flesh to hit you in the face. Ardilion attacks an anonymous figure. Anonymous figure gets a silver flask from a large harvester's pack. Anonymous figure opens a silver flask. Anonymous figure drinks from a silver flask. Anonymous figure closes a silver flask. Anonymous figure puts a silver flask into a large harvester's pack. Anonymous figure gets a silver flask from a large harvester's pack. Anonymous figure opens a silver flask. Anonymous figure drinks from a silver flask. Anonymous figure closes a silver flask. Anonymous figure puts a silver flask into a large harvester's pack. Stryder gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into someone! You are still casting your spell. A blast of fire shoots from your hand and strikes someone!!! Ardilion shields you, and Anonymous figure grazes Ardilion. Anonymous figure knocks you off balance with a hard swing to the body. Zoso misses someone. Ardilion misses someone, and the sword whistles in the air. Stryder slices someone causing a chunk of flesh to hit you in the face. fb You start casting fireball. (//HP:125 EP:134\\) You are still casting your spell. Anonymous figure misses you. Zoso misses someone. Ardilion hits someone, and the blue blade becomes RED. Stryder misses someone. You are still casting your spell. Anonymous figure misses you. Zoso misses someone. Ardilion misses someone, and the sword whistles in the air. Stryder misses someone. You notice someone sizing you up. You notice someone sizing you up. You are still casting your spell. Anonymous figure misses you. Zoso misses someone. Ardilion misses someone, and the sword whistles in the air. Stryder cuts someone causing major damage. (//HP:125 EP:125\\) Zoso gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into someone! You are still casting your spell. A blast of fire shoots from your hand and strikes someone!!! Anonymous figure falls to the ground. Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! sh Usage: shape (//HP:125 EP:104\\) k You can't see who's attacking you! (//HP:125 EP:104\\) Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! k figure You don't see that here. (//HP:126 EP:105\\) Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Zoso smirks in amusement. Stryder smiles. kill figure You don't see that here. (//HP:126 EP:105\\) Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! l You push into a small space where the trees aren't quite so thick and catch your breath. Examining your surroundings, you can just faintly make out the sound of water from the Silverlode away east, but it is covered by the gentle sighing of the trees around you. You lean back against a small, gnarled old stump and gaze upwards, where you can see light filtering through the leaves and branches. Through the tops of the trees you can see the Misty Mountains rise up to the west and north. The heavy undergrowth around you gives this place a close, guarded feeling. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exit is east. Zoso the silvan Ultimate Reality (tat tvam ati, jigga) Stryder the dunedain Warlord (Heroic) Ardilion the sindar Sorcerer (Angelic) Oren the dwarf Man-at-Arms (Heroic) A short, gnarled stump (//HP:126 EP:105\\) Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! ' let him die Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! You say: let him die (//HP:126 EP:105\\) Zoso says: die slow Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Ardilion nods slowly. Stryder says: of course ' i can't get the DB Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! You say: i can't get the DB (//HP:126 EP:105\\) mgrin You grin mischievously. (//HP:126 EP:105\\) Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! spit You spit on the floor rudely. (//HP:126 EP:105\\) Anonymous figure is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! You killed Guimli. Guimli has died. The ghost of Guimli drifts east. cackle You throw your head back and cackle with glee. (//HP:127 EP:106\\) Ardilion says: AHAHAHAH Stryder says: haha Zoso looks at Corpse of Guimli. Ardilion says: durm loot Zoso goes "Woo!". Do: starting commands. (//HP:127 EP:106\\) some gold coins : Gold may only be pocketed. a large harvester's pack : Ok. dwarven battlerager armour : Too bulky. the ice staff of Ulkhalad : Ok. a dwarven war shield : Too bulky. a jewel encrusted baldric : Ok. a crystal (glowing) : Ok. (//HP:127 EP:106\\) some gold coins : Gold may only be pocketed. dwarven battlerager armour : Failed. a dwarven war shield : Failed. (//HP:127 EP:106\\) some gold coins : Gold may only be pocketed. dwarven battlerager armour : Too bulky. a dwarven war shield : Too bulky. (//HP:127 EP:106\\) some gold coins : Ok. dwarven battlerager armour : Your hands are full! Failed. a dwarven war shield : Your hands are full! Failed. (//HP:127 EP:106\\) Do: Commands completed. (//HP:127 EP:106\\) You put 170 gold in your pockets.