BKD shows their true color!

Posted by
Blace [legacy]
10 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Losers, have to wait till someone is ND in an RP battle!!!


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    12 September 2002 23:47:39

    1)I wasn't trying to make fun of Waldemir just trying to get clarification.

    2)I know I have the best ass in Arda

    3)Talk shit all you want but the only time a corsair killed me (no Allantir, your alts don't count) was Juggalo with a bangs load of SoU.

    4)The best was when Barin and Juggalo had me blinded but made the mistake of eating your guild food during the fight.

    5)The Scurvy must have gotten to someone's head for asking BkD to help them attack Amruin. I mean are you a fucking moron or what.

    Don't try and play the sweet innocent act either. All of you new corsairs are classless, skill-less, wannabe tough guys, whou couldn't kill a fucking baby snake in the newbie tunnels. You've got delusions of granduer based on what you elder Guildmates, people like Waldemir that have skill and Wyngel that has honour. Perhaps instead of taking your cues for RP and other action from Durms and SoU and take them from your Guild leadership.

    It's fucking pathetic when I think about how this second incarnation of CoU began with such promise and now they're letting any tom-dickless-hairy barnacle scraper in. *pats Necsipaal in the back* Lucky you got out so you're not forced to associate with such riffraff.

    I mean your boy Elendur sat there and let me kill one of your poor applicants. 2-on-1, just me against them and he didn't even shield the poor fellow and ran like a chicken after your boy died. Elendur was the party leader and didn't even try to leave the room. Fucking pathetic.

    btw, who the fuck is Balris? Is he your felching partner feldon? (felching feldon, oh Christ that's funny)

    I am no where near the best player in the game but the level of skill I've seen come out of CoU lately is disgustingly pathetic.

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 September 2002 13:05:31

    Wasach... you try to pay out us Corsairs, but alls your doing is making us wanna cut your ugly head off. Do us a favour, shutup.

  • Author
    Balris [legacy]
    12 September 2002 13:03:29

    Wasach... shut..the..fuck..up..tossa..

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    11 September 2002 20:09:42

    I wouldn't think if CoU or any other guild did something like this it would be cool. I didn't think when durmanhoth trapped jerf was cool at all. Same goes for this

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    11 September 2002 18:48:29


  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    11 September 2002 14:57:34

    you damn Bastart dwarfs, piss shark dont off bad happen thing.

  • Author
    Shark [legacy]
    11 September 2002 10:43:41

    You dirty dwarfs really bastarts.

    If you guys wants PK try to who killed you.

    You guys acts like pour assholes.

    And shut up Fool Wasach.You are best asshole.

  • Author
    Jiread [legacy]
    11 September 2002 09:02:30

    Vittorio, it wasn't like: Hey Amruin, could you run over to Golden Hall and attack those Corsairs, and yeah, pretend you're roleplaying.

    Blace and Izratan had been killing in Edoras so I and Theodrek went there to throw them out of our town. And yes, Oseibo asked Theodrek if he wanted to be in on it. But we would have attacked anyway, cause they were killing in Edoras.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    11 September 2002 07:31:49

    if you read the next log you'll see the the rp fight was initiated as a trap :P

  • Author
    Serex [legacy]
    11 September 2002 00:57:59

    That was pathetic. I mean I could understand if you were waiting for him at the healer, but you just sat there and then hit em. I dunno but that doesn't show skills to me.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    11 September 2002 00:32:08

    Clarifying: waiting for someone to go down on hp so you can kill him after an rp battle is cheap to me, but them again, if another guild such as SoU, CoU, Durms or Udungul did it would be smart playing so...bah

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    10 September 2002 23:56:18

    should or would?

  • Author
    Waldemir [legacy]
    10 September 2002 23:42:26

    Never thought bkd should do anything like this..

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    10 September 2002 23:27:47

    LOL Gazza your good for a laugh.

    I debated this point on theme and based on the books. *points to comments done on certain logs pertaining to the worthless Udungul/BkD war.

    Why would BkD ever go against the rimmies if you guys went evil? Frankly aren't many of your members have evil alignment? Please enlighten me on this point.

    Moral in practice *smirks. Well we are impartial for the simple point that we do what we want to do.

    I would also like for you to read my old comments during the war so I don't have to pull out my books and cream your arse ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    10 September 2002 21:11:28

    1)Rhoads, please clarify your comment.

    2)GO RELG!!

    3)I've never been to impressed with the intelligence of the average CoU member. Perhaps Wyngel could start a distance learning course so all you fellows could get a GED or something.

    4)GO RELG!!

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 September 2002 19:08:56

    We try not to make enemies and we usually only kill those who make us their enemy. When is the last time VC has ever done anything to BKD to deserve a pk? 1 Amruin has come close, and also 1 KoDA, but those were just for insulting our guild repeatedly or pissing of our former GM. Which werent really good reasons to pk them. To date, I don't ever remember any Rimsilval, Amruin, KoDA, VC, or Beorning killing or attempting a BKD guild member. FRA has done it a few times for contracts, but those were settled. On the other hand durms, CoU, SoU, Udungul.. They come to us to make trouble.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    10 September 2002 18:59:44

    Woo, not only am I a lamer, I'm an asshole too! Moving up in the ranks. I'll be FRA before I know it

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    10 September 2002 18:58:24

    Who cares about immora/moral when it comes to guilds (at least in the past year). Its always Rims, VC, beornings, BkD, FRA (somewhat, but they kill everyone cept Rims), and Amruin (mainly rhoads) vs CoU, SoU, Undungul, and durmanhoth with glorglas mirdian clubs off playing tag somewhere (they do still exist right?) and thieves guild chillin at alexa

    If your so impartial go kill some VCs then.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    10 September 2002 18:53:35

    We just realize that the immoral guilds have the most asshole players on average, kind of like Feldon and Allantir, or Jian and Ethereal, Spartan, Rome, etc. I could name alot less that are in moral guilds, I'm sure.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    10 September 2002 18:48:00

    I have to agree with Feldon here

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    10 September 2002 18:44:49

    Josi, BkD aren't impartial. You like to think you're impartial, but you said if Rimsilval ever go evil, we become enemies. So dont start that impartial bull :P You're moral in practise and you know it!

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    10 September 2002 17:33:34

    Hmm, well, that was rather cheap. It is his fault for dying, yet that is really fucking cheap.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    10 September 2002 17:16:12

    ethereal...you've been pk'd repeatedly, booted out of sou, everyone laughs at you and thinks you're a joke... disguising as a lvl 10 hobbit hasnt stopped you from dying. shaddup already. as for bkd's useless attempts, you've already died once or twice to one of their applicants. so stfu.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    10 September 2002 17:12:55


    BkD = impartial ;)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    10 September 2002 16:34:50

    Uhm ok, so when BKD attacks an enemy in a friends town and kills that enemy its a gutless PK.

    But, when SoU/CoU/Durms 'defends' Mordor with gangbangs its awesome RP?

    Please tell me if I understood this properly...

    ... perhaps the problem is somewhere else? *shrug*

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    10 September 2002 16:13:36

    How petulant can you people be.

    Yeah Blace, those gutless cowards, they should have attacked you when you had your hp at 230. Yeah, they'd have been real men then. Yeah. This is all their fault. Yeah. Definately. That kill was so low, yeah, catch you when you're volunerable. Absurd.

  • Author
    Ethereal [legacy]
    10 September 2002 12:14:29

    Only three things to say. Relf your a gutless fag. BKD suck cocks and i'm looking foward to seeing your useless attempts in a month :) AS i told FRA, if you want me you'd better bring some friends.

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    10 September 2002 12:05:40

    oh well, guimli payed... i hope someone gets an account so i can post the logs soon.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    10 September 2002 11:02:20

    i dont see this as being any dirtier than durms using guimli to lure jerf into a trap :/

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    10 September 2002 10:55:30

    You tell Relg: who's side are u on?

    Your own fault? You know that the 'moral' guilds is teaming up to annihilate (Spelling?) the evil guilds and yet you still ask.


  • Author
    Blace [legacy]
    10 September 2002 10:49:33

    This has to be the most gutless pk ever!