Balal has died!

Posted by
Balal [legacy]
11 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Balal has died!

DIGITALxENTROPY: Someone you on the mud?
Someone: yeah
Someone: whats up
DIGITALxENTROPY: paste my nuke messages to me?
DIGITALxENTROPY: i want to see them =)
Someone: HP:230 EP:230> 
      F     ,pF""b
     $    s$F     8
    :f  d$$".H`? :$  d$b               .u                     u,  u,
    `kx$$R d"  f $F  $$f              d$$                   ,$$f $$f
     8$$F,F ,:' $F   `"              d$$'                  ,$$F $$F
    $$$P%$-'  ,$F     _    _     __ d$$F  __  $Lp    ___  ,$$F $$F  __ __
   $$$F `?   d$":$$" /Y$p*"9$: :$$"?$$F d$F"b ; $$  d$"?f.$$F $$F d$F"X$$
  d$$R   `?UP~  $$F ' $$F d$F d$F  $$" $$" dF/ d$F,$$ ,f $$F 8$F d$F  $$f
 d$$$          $$E ' d$F d$$ d$P  8$F $$LuF"/ d$F $$&F" d$F d$$ d$F  d$R  H
 $$$F        :$$R ' d$$ :$$  $$' ,$R d$E   ! d$R d$E    $$' $$' $$f d$$   f
 $$$f       d $$ ; d$$f $$f d$$.;$$k_?$$.xf  M$$,?$$,q??$$,d$$,d$$bdR$E  f
 ?$$>     ,F  ?$F  $$"  ?$f" ?$F"`RF' ?$P'   `$F  "$F'  "$F "$F `""  R$kf
  $$$L .yF"

                ...her night ended at midnight. Yours ends now.
Cluricaune has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
Runokivi says in some strange tongue:  meaha odhelm a rashyrne fel

^ Adunazon: Dude.
^ Adunazon: Stick to the Minotaur.
Runokivi says in some strange tongue:  theohorn rafhere wesmea thainlan
      arraf Rohirrim eld wesmea thuma tuien.

^ Aldur: whoa
legend cluricaune
Cluricaune was nuked at 01:19 09/11/02
Cluricaune the eorling Crime Lord (Immoral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 29d 13h 23m 26s                      
Info: Too lazy to steal. 
Nuke Reason: cheater, multiplaying abuses
HP:230 EP:230> ^ Carver: I like that one.  It's classy.
tell draugluin Nice touch
You tell Draugluin: Nice touch
HP:230 EP:230> ^ Transron: that was nice
^ Ezekial snickers. Good one.
09/11/02 01:21
HP:230 EP:230> 
            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Fiond has been nuked!
^ Adunazon: There you go. A classic never dies.

Someone: ^ Adunazon: There you go. A classic never dies.
                NO    ============================   YES
         +-----------||       Did you cheat?     ||-----------+
         V            ============================            V
    +----------+     +---------+      +-------+        +------------+
    | Did you  |  NO |   Does  |<-----|  YOU  |   YES  |   Did you  |
    | harass?  |  +--|  anyone |      | MORON |<-------|    do so   |
    +----------+  |  |  know?  |----->|  !!!  |    +-->| willingly? |
         |        v  +---------+ YES  +-------+    |   +------|-----+
         |    +--------+                           |          v NO
         | NO | Damn,  |         +--------+        |    +----------+
         +--->| wrong  |         |  Try   |--------+    |   Yeah,  |
         |    | answer |         |  Again |<------------|   right  |
         |    +--------+         +--------+             +----------+
         |       |                   /\  YES
         |       |            +---------------+
         |       |            | CAN YOU BLAME |
         |       +----------->| SOMEONE ELSE? |
         |                    +---------------+
         |                           \/  NO
         |  YES         ==========================
         +------------>||   N U K E    T I M E   ||
Jaspen has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ Ezekial: Ooh! Always loved that one.
Runokivi says in some strange tongue:  theohorn rafhere wesmea thainlan
      arraf Rohirrim eld wesmea thuma tuien.

HP:230 EP:230> 
DIGITALxENTROPY: he come the best ones
Someone: hmm?
Someone: there are more?
DIGITALxENTROPY: still missing two
Someone: heh
Someone: i thought you were balal
Someone: ouch
DIGITALxENTROPY: im waiting for balal and ciroh to be toasted
Someone: ouch man :-)
Someone: HP:230 EP:230>                    ,
                  /|      __
                 / |   ,-~ /
                Y :|  //  /
                | jj /( .^
               /       Y
              jo  o    |
             ( ~T~     j
              >._-' _./
             /   "~"  |
            Y     _,  |
           /| ;-"~ _  l
          / l/ ,-"~    \
          \//\/      .- \
           Y        /    |
           l       I     !
           ]\      _\    /"\
          (" ~----( ~   Y.  )
Ciroh has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!

DIGITALxENTROPY: he not done balal yet?
Someone: not yet
         .::::::  .                               ,;;;;
        ::::::::: :::                       .,;;!!!!!!!!,
   .::::'''.,,, ',c,`                ,;;;.
 `:::'J$$$$$$$" J$$'"                `!!.``''!''`    :> `'   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;.
  ::::::."",$",r  $$$c`$$              `''`          !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'''-
   :::::::`$$eee$$$$$$b,"F                           !!!!!!!''`.,cce$$$,
    ` `- `:`?$$$$$P"J$ec $                           !!!'`.cd$$$$$$$$$$$
   ::::' .zc.`$$$" "".,  P%       .,,;;;;.  ;!! ,cec !'.c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
   :::: Jc,,`?$$$c$$$$$$F,d$r  ; ;< z$$$$$$$$$$$$ z$$F'!>  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$$$??$$$$";!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P""
   ,  `!><$$bcecc$$$$";!''!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! ?$$$$$$$$PPF""
 !!! !;`! `$$$$$$$$$",! ;; `'!>'!!!!!!'!!!!!!; -;;
  !!!! `$$$$$$$F,! !!!!>;   !!!! `$$$$$F;!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;!!''`
                           No one's slick as Gaston!
                           No one's quick as Gaston!
                                And you're dead!
Balal has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!

Someone: hahaha
DIGITALxENTROPY: can you legend all of them and paste so i can archive this log?
DIGITALxENTROPY: gotta keep some memories i guess =)
DIGITALxENTROPY: paste a little comm talk too if you can =)
DIGITALxENTROPY: and tell draug i said thanks a bundle
Someone: ^ Oseibo: i know it's the same typist :P but hew as pretty cool :/
^ Hectan: Yeah I liked him too
^ Adunazon: Osamabinladin has drawn the wrath of Draugluin and is no more! (or so our intelligence operatives claim)
^ Aldur: the typist is a cool
^ Adunazon: ROTFL
^ Draugluin: Shh. Don't tell Disney I found a website with ascii art! ;-)
^ Hectan: that was pimpacious
^ Oseibo: that was tasteless
^ Gluon: hmm
^ Gluon: lotsa nukes
^ Crusaderr: get one with Mr. T and I shall build you a shrine
^ Transron: lol
^ Carver: Shut yo jibba jabba!
^ Draugluin hehs at Crusaderr
HP:230 EP:230> ^ Gluon makes a mental note not to cheat when draugluins on :P
^ Crusaderr: damn we're not allowed to cheat?

Someone: HP:230 EP:230> legend balal
Balal was nuked at 01:25 09/11/02
Balal the dwarf Warlord (Hand of Eru) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 18d 13h 32m 24s                      
Info: Hungry like a younger me 
Nuke Reason: One massive cheater. Months of his life. Now gone.
HP:230 EP:230> ^ Aldur: down with Geeks! *throws a barstool at Ezekial*
legend ciroh
Ciroh was nuked at 01:23 09/11/02
Ciroh the dunedain Warlord (Demonic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 3d 7h 58s                            
Info: 9mm heaters stashed in 2 seaters with meat cleavers 
Nuke Reason: cheater, multiplaying abuses
HP:230 EP:230> legend jaspen
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
HP:230 EP:230> ^ Transron: u can will 5 different comps in one room
legend cluricaune
Cluricaune was nuked at 01:19 09/11/02
Cluricaune the eorling Crime Lord (Immoral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 29d 13h 23m 26s                      
Info: Too lazy to steal. 
Nuke Reason: cheater, multiplaying abuses

DIGITALxENTROPY: fiond and jaspen?
Someone: jaspen doesnt have one for some reason
DIGITALxENTROPY: aww what a load of crap
Someone: fionds is the same, like mplay and cheating
DIGITALxENTROPY: its been fun playing with you bro =)
Someone: hehe
Someone: how did you cheat?
Someone: didnt know you were cluricaune
DIGITALxENTROPY: multiplaying gold transfer
DIGITALxENTROPY: old bug abuses
Someone: oh
Someone: whatever
Someone: everyone does that shit
Someone: :-)
DIGITALxENTROPY: yeah, i requested to be nuked tho
DIGITALxENTROPY: figured id give everyone a good show =)
Someone: haha
Someone: did you get caught?
Someone: *boggle*
DIGITALxENTROPY: i was just laying in bed realizing that im actually loosing sleep over the mud
DIGITALxENTROPY: Hi.  I would like the following characters nuked and the following IP's banned from the mud.

Balal = Nuke Reason: Multiplaying / Gold Transfer
Ciroh = Nuke Reason: Multiplaying / Gold Transfer / Bug Abuse
Jaspen = Nuke Reason Bug Abuse / Multiplaying / Gold Transfer
Fiond = Multiplaying / Equipment Transfer
Cluricaune = Nuke Reason: Multiplaying / Gold Transfer

IP ADDRESS(S): (Shell used to multiplay from)
Someone: hahaha
Someone: good stuff
DIGITALxENTROPY: yeah, i thought so :P
DIGITALxENTROPY: anyway, im out