
Posted by
Ultilh [legacy]
16 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Wow, could it be? Again?


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 05:19:36

    The ShadowCrown is watching you!!

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    19 September 2002 05:19:23

    This game is about having fun. Its hard to have fun when you try someone solo for a challenge, and they break at their GH or an inn or something and start talking shit to you, then fade and go report you. Then later they grab 4 of their friends and try to bang you. This is ok once in a while, cause it lets you test your skills at breaking. But it gets tiring. I could probably find a way to kill someone in 1-3 rounds even if they had a phial and 2 flasks, but where would the fun/challenge in that be?

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    19 September 2002 03:02:59

    Once again, by your own admission, it's the time of the gangbang. So stop being such a damn hypocrite.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    19 September 2002 03:02:31

    Err no, bkd had shit to do with anything, at all, quiet justifing it, I saw globe I said hey lets get globe, we nailed aldur. I then said HEY barberi is out, lets nail Barberi, Delvar wacked someone can't remember, I was told he was BKD, so I go wack him,

    He then locks me up with Leto, ( I already killed leto so I didn't bother to revenge) But since Delvar reported my 5 solo attempts I said ok and I killed him again.

    Rolf was talking shit, I tried to solo him, but Gazza with whip kinda fucking tore me apart for some STRANGE reason.

    Every time I ran finds on Asgrim I have no clue why I knew he would be out of gh, but everytime I did him and Torulf were in gh, brahm I didn't want already killed him, Drizen, bah he was only level 16 and wasn't good enough for my skills, The rest of the bkd were no names I didn't really care about unless they had good eq, THAT summs up why I and Durms attacked BKD. Nuff said.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    19 September 2002 02:58:33

    No er for a certain amount of times Me and Nagash were the only ones on and Every fucking rim was in GH I don't give a fuck what you say, we ran finds all day. Second Thats bullshit Rims do 5man parties in mt to make gold, don't tell me you don't cause I sat in mt fucking watch you guys. Second I dont' give a fuck if you pk the whole Durmanhoth guild, the fact of the matter is, did you kill anyone that counts? did I even attack you? Oh wait yah I attacked your GM, know what he did? went from rhos, to his gh. Thats the only rim I attacked *laughs I could of soloed him if I headbutted and drank a phial too, but, I didn't think of that at the time, could of been another Brahm, that would of been funny as shit.

    Lastly er I'm am totally fucking serious, this was a one sided war, I was in the guild for a whole 4days, the only one on except the first 2days, and err I was attempted 15 times with 5 people every fucking time except Jerf who got burned, Ronin who got burned and they were solo mad props, lots of respect, the rest of your guild can go to fucking hell, cause well they don't have shit, you can gangbang the fuck out of anyone you want, who the fuck cares, the only thing you did was show ARDA how fucking lame you are. I mean I should of just spammed the log page with senseless rim failed gangbangs that would of been funny shit, wow its a bit diffenernt when I wasn't caught in a bug eh?

    And Again Durms did jack shit to retaliate, *shrugs You can think whatever you want,

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    19 September 2002 00:32:18

    If someone posts here again, I kill em!

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 September 2002 22:08:41

    Woo, this log is second place :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 September 2002 20:29:54

    *remebers the days when if a bkd caught someone killing dwarves they would pk them right then*

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    18 September 2002 18:31:09

    Rimmies in the war? *scratches his head

    Ah well, maybe after we signed the truce to end it, but hot dang we were alone...

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    18 September 2002 18:07:01

    iCk!!I didn't mean to post that here

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    18 September 2002 18:04:39

    *mmmms* two miss on my bs, next time I down a potion :P

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    18 September 2002 12:54:19

    Camillus you bastard! that's my saying!

    heh, anyways, Nagash, what the hell are you talking about? About you's killing our allies as counting, by your logic, then we could go medevil on the Sons of Ulfang and CoU newbies, and they'd count as kills as well.

    Get a grip

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    18 September 2002 10:56:39

    I just have one question to ask....

    Does anyone want a tissue?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    18 September 2002 07:21:32

    I'd like to see a list of kills rimmies were involved in during that war. Cause it must have been towards the end when they all quit/hibernated/etc. Cause when it was thick, and they had gangbang parties everywhere you turned, I didnt see any help. :)

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 September 2002 03:01:56

    can you guys post some short versions/summaries? im interested, just not enough to read 50 lines

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    18 September 2002 02:57:56

    *growls* her post is still much longer than mine!

    *mutters and downs a beer*

    Ah! The reply on the comment about: True non-pkiller should NEVER even try to pkill.

    Since people who choose pkilling to be their delight in this game have (in average) more complexes and psychical problems with themselves than average t2t player, its normal to assume that some totally pacifist people get killed a lot because some mind-wrecked kid wanted some fake adrenaline rush. Fake? Because ya CANT get hurt in t2t. Not for real.

    So totally pacifist people die for no apparent reason. Like Duk? Or Estraven etc. its reasonable to assume that the pacifists will attack back at some point.

    And about guilds helping: Some 15-20 kills were rimsilval only. Others were helped by allied guild members. Which i highly approve cause BkD and some other guilds sure owe you guys some deaths still.

    And Brahm: Rimsilval was also in war with Udungul. If you dont remember. The score was some 40-40? Some chronist will hopingly correct me if im wrong in score.

    *downs a beer*



  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    18 September 2002 02:47:57

    I have to reply to some thoughs here.

    Not many guilds have pkill in their RP. Most of the guilds that protect areas musnt hunt to kill. But warn 3 times and then attack. So if a BkD attacks you in Erebor ya wont die. Or an Amruin in Edoras etc.

    SoU defends Mordor as well as Udungul. But they have no pkilling in RP outside Mordor. Because Mordor is a lawless land and should be here for players that want challenge and possible glory for themselves or guilds. So if i choose to go to mordor i choose a risk of death.

    Durm RP on the other hand is based on the Contract system that is outside lawsys. So if i roam free arda and somebody chooses to kill me when i have a c. i still report him as a law obeying citizen but the killer gets a smallish reward of normally around 1k to few k in gold.

    You say that you agreed to many people not to report eachother to courts in Arda.

    Imagine everybody did so - It would be like all of Arda is mordor. No lawsys - for lawsys is based on reporting criminals. If a criminal doesnt get reported then the courts act as if the crimes never happened.

    Its not the same thing to report a BkD defending Erebor (attacking you withiout hunting after 3 warnings and heared reply) for pkill attempt than Reporting a durm who indeed RPs thru killing people. Its because Durm rp is extremely specific. And i mean the TRUE durm RP. Like the double tap on Majard right before war started: He might have had a c. the first time. But surely he had no c. the second time you gangbanged him. Not thats poor rp of some guild that has a contract RP.

    because of specifics of durm rp the guild rp can and is often abused. Look at the people who join your guild? Its also bullies, primitives, kids with testosterone disorders etc. Insulting, pkilling randomly etc.

    I personally burn my bad energy thru sports and by having some personal goal in life that i have achieved. if i want a good adrenalive rush i go underworld of my city where its essential to keep you eyes open (also very beautiful in its wierd way). I get my rushes that way.

    But i see people that use other peoples time (releveling time after death in t2t) and i mean RL time, to satisfy their need for adrenaline rush. And for NO reason too. Thru computer kills that cant hurt you in rl.

    What id suggest to people like Toto is: Have balls and say fuckoff to somebody much heavier and taller than you in some dark alley. Cause ya and your kind say that awfully a lot in t2t. And try hitting somebody in same dark alley instead of ?? I OWN you!? and such thingies in t2t when attacking him.

    I did this and that in my not so short life and all i can tell bullies (most from durms and few others too) is: Hvae REAL balls in RL. Because t2t wont compensate it for you. You ll only feel the difference better.

    *checks if this post is longer than Necsipaals and grins satisfied*

    Longest post in this comments line!

    I must thank you for your time but then i wanted you to feel how i felt going thru all those 100s comments;) You have the experience of reading one more.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    18 September 2002 01:56:16

    Spansh, I realize that I was a little confusing, for I was just defending claimjumping in general, now I believe rplay/claimjump, etc... is more likely a personnal matter/conviction and if a durm member respect claim (I personally always have for now), he has some rights to await the same.

    If he is not, I guess he has nothing to whin about and I do not know Thery's conception about it so I won't speak for him.

    Same is true for report, I never report and I expect people to do as well...

    Same is, at last, true for rplay-fight,if a durm give his agreement to participate in it,that's just ok, though if you just jump at him with a 5secs warning without having any answer I'm afraid the paranoid durms we are would extend to take it as a trap or an aggression of some sort and look for retaliations.

    I personnally have this agreement with amruins and this works well.


  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    18 September 2002 01:48:39

    wasach, feldon has a log up here of him pking someone with an unavenged ess, so i think you can shut your face for now, quit making boldly idiotic statements

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    18 September 2002 01:41:31

    It seems you don't get my point, Rhoads, I am not reproaching rims to have engaged the war for no reasons(for actually, there always is one) I am just pointing out that they gave a pretext for what their true reason was, which I find hypocrit.

    As for people against pkill, I'd say:

    'The Two Towers understands that the element of interpersonal/intercharacter conflict can be an exciting element to the MUD experience. That said, it is possible to kill another player.'

    T2T is a game which provides challenge death/pkill is a hudge part of it... if the player doesn't like to experienc death he has some other possibilities, though:

    1?)Play a non-pkill mud.

    2?)if not, have a low profile, don't open his mouth, avoiding to belong to a guild, then he will most likely being attempted at the most two or three times in his exciting mud's life.

    and you would agree two or three times is NOTHING as compared to the Mud's general orientation, meaning:

    'Please don`t expect to walk through this mud quickly and easily, because it probably won`t happen. Our goal is to have a mud that will offer you a challenge every step of the way. '

    (help rules.specific)


  • Author
    Spansh [legacy]
    18 September 2002 01:30:41

    I see a lot of durms saying how claims don't exist. I was actually doing the Dragontooth axe quest, with a guildmate a while back, we'd got Jureka to ND, and the master was not alive (so you couldn't do the SS quest). As far as I knew the Shadow sword had already been done, here is what followed.

    The attack breaks your concentration!

    Your spell is aborted!

    Galor inflicts massive damage to you.

    Jureka hits you very hard.

    An empty warehouse(s and back)

    An earthen bowl

    Therigion enters.

    Therigion looks at you.

    Therigion shakes his head.

    You say: mu claim

    Therigion says: the hell it is

    You say: already started too

    You say: 5 mins ago

    Therigion says: than you are a fool

    Skyman enters.

    Therigion says: cause the quest is not up yet

    You say: DTA is

    You say: SS is out

    Therigion says: who got ss?

    You shrug.

    You say: no idea

    Therigion looks at you.

    Therigion says: it's still there

    Therigion says: and my claim

    You shake your head.

    You say: gates down

    You say: master dead

    Therigion says: listen to me

    Therigion says: don't be a fool

    You say: and you weren;t here

    You say: so it's NOT your claim

    You say: you leave you lose it

    Therigion says: it is

    (A bit of me healing and then not getting one fireball off and jureka pounding me a bit cut out)

    Therigion leaves back.

    Therigion enters.

    Galor enters.

    Jureka enters.

    (We relocate to the townhall)

    The town hall of Esgaroth(e)

    The council chamber guard defends his master!

    The council chamber guard defends his master!

    The council chamber guard defends his master!

    Jureka, the commanding assassin

    Galor, the sly assassin

    Therigion the silvan Sniper (Villainous)

    (Quelle suprise, no master, but I'd already told you that)

    (now ok, claims etc we're saying don't exist)

    However Therigion was claiming it was his claim, even though he wasn't there, I'd been there for 5 minutes trying to kill jureka, he comes in saying my claim my claim. To be honest he could have had the claim if he'd shut up, I didn't know the shadow sword was in, we were doing Dragontooth Axe, like I told him. As it happened I then waited for Dragontooth, and when the whoe thing reset I did the shadow sword and then later we got the Dragontooth as well.

    So the durms should decide wether they want to abide by claim rules or not. You either accept claims and use them yourselves (and stay with the claim, don't wander off and assume you're keeping it). Or don't bitch when you get claimjumped/think you're getting jumped.

    (Side note to this, 30 minutes later Bragl and Baral attempted me near edoras, unfortunately (fortunately?) baral messed up and bragl triggered to headbutt but baral forgot to hunt. I now have a contract, wonder who put that in.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 September 2002 01:28:03

    Damn Necsi, who are you to break my record!! (was it my record, wait...there was a record?! how come no one tells me this shit? over)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 September 2002 01:07:29

    Nec, durms started wars for no reasons as well, so what is the problem them?

    'My point being that someone who is _really_ against pkill system would never participate in a pkill'

    I think your point is wrong, I have seen people REALLY against the pk system being killed lots of times for lame or no reasons at all, specialy by members of guilds such as durmanhoth, do you want them to continualy get killed to satisfy durm's bloodlust? I dont think so, someday they will get tired and react.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:59:17

    Concerning claim jumping as far as I know, there are no Rules, concerning, claim, claim_jumping or whatever,just type help claim, if you don't believe me :P

    Claims are just a mutual agreement, between players/guilds and more likely, players/guilds that appreciate each others.

    Now as evryone likes to raise up the 'thematic' argument, please do tell me, what is thematic in seeing an enemy getting a sword and not try to get that sword? One may say honor...Yes a sort of honor would extend someone to act so... but in war times, one would say his honour is foolish.

    I'm just pretty tired at hearing people yelling at the devil when there is not claim's respect, as if we had rape someone, or as if it was a lack of honor, serious deed...

    When would people understand, that honor as well as ethic, as well as rplay views is/are relative relative conceptions?

    And that it is _precisly_ what is interesting in this mud, the interactions between people is plural and it deals with pkill,* rp fights*,tells,stealing, war,spying, reboot,alliances, betrayals,bribings, etc...

    To enclose rp into rp_fights and area's protection is limiting its possibilities.

    and I'd bet few would like of a world where pkill is forbidden, where you can't claim jump or where you are forced to rplay one and only way, like being strict evils or stric paladdins,how boring this would be, wound't it? Most of us do like to pkill, actually, I do not believe the guy who say 'excuse me mister, I really don't like war, I'm a pacifist, but I participate in gangs.'

    Don't say 'fountain, I'd never drink of your waters', when you actually did drink of it several times.... The true anti-pkill man, is prolly Hochopepa and he is the only one I know.

    My point being that someone who is _really_ against pkill system would never participate in a pkill, end of the story, if you do it, that's because you like it, all of us like the rush of the hunt, the satisfaction of the blood soiled, the inebriet that brings the feeling of taking a valuable advantage on your enemy, the high sense of power that invades your soul just after having accomplish a high deed of war...

    We, in Durmanhoth are bound by this conception of rplay, by this profession of faith: to interact with people through pkill.

    We, Durms members do not seek for lame excuses to satiate our lust of blood, we do not hide behind war's purpose to make roll some heads. This sure is a most hard rplay to handle for people get pissed more easily at you than when you *accidentally* pkill someone in the so-called *rp_fight* (like: 'OoOooPs I'm so sorry, I swear we didn't intend to kill you by fb you to death in rp', and of course the excuse is accepted by the other side who act as well, anyway).

    I'd say we are just more honest and frank in our deadly attitude...

    Now to turn back to this war matters, I'd say that this is exactly the same system.

    The Majard's double tapping excuse, is just well, as it said, an excuse of the following facts:

    1?)Rims were bored and wanted some actions

    2?)They knew if they declared war on us, a lot of guilds would join them...

    3?)They wanted to wash out the dishonor Durms inflict them during six monthes ago.

    4?) They were waiting for a 'valuable' excuse to declare war and,hopefully for them Majard's death fell *on purpose*

    (It would indeed have been a pity if they have had been forced to declare a war without a so precious reason required for them to not seem to act like ruthless bastards, they actually are,but are too hypocrit to recognise)

    Come on guys, just be honest and just admit you just wanted of this war for the hell of it...

    (and I must say the time was,for now, well chosen)

    I guess I'm just asking too much, and one will just show me faces of Right and Purity... But I know what is hiding behind those faces, and I see death shadow 's addiction in almost all your minds...

    What is actually a valuable reason for a pkill?

    Some would say Cs, some would say personnal vendettas...

    Thematically speaking (again), I'd say it's just obviously more logical to pkill someone, because of his belonging to an enemy's side,especially during war times and is not T2T supposed to be based on war times?

    Though, oddy enough, when your prey ask you the famous 'why?' and your answer to your prey something like:

    'I did send your soul back to Mandos, your horn silly idol, weak piece of scum, may the torture of a million death burn your flesh again, because your life as a servant of the valar was a crime against the Realm of Nan Dungorthim, the holy land of the dim ancient gods.'

    (please do admire the rp :P)

    When you answer so, the prey will just whine and argue that his death was *random*, not that it was wholly random. Indeed, if ever it was the pkiller would have just pickuped anywho and not a _thematic_ enemy.

    Though, the prey never accepts this thematic reason, not because he really thinks he has been chosen randomly, but because there is a fundamuntal narcissic injure in not having been chosen as a _valuable_ prey, worthing to be pkilled for personnal reasons, so that people ended to confond unpersonnal pkills with random ones,though, the two facts are slightly different.

    Now, it is a well-known fact that people who just _need_ what they esteem to be a valuable reason to be slayed, would give the same *so called* reasons to moderate their consciences, while accomplishing the sneaky ruthless sin of pkill, or of engaging a war in the case that concerns us...(While, they had swore their holy God(s), they wouldn't comit such evil deeds)

    But, do tell me is really a *reason* more valuable than another?

    And are not hidden pretexts less honourable, than taking one's blades and pkilling one's enemies, because they actually are thematic enemies, without giving some 'I didn't mean so,but due to this, that or that I am forced to?'

    To conclude, the war is NOT over....Whatever how much levels,I'll be bashed,I will not move yet,

    I stand still instead...

    (special song for Ruiniel)

    That's what the minstrel sing

    Join in the horrible screams

    Take part in murderous deeds

    Renowned by the black-hearted

    Join in the shadowly dreams

    wailing in endless grief

    it eagerly longs for more

    Broken bodies lay down on the ground

    Blood shed all over the place

    The green will be stained forever

    And hate reigns all over the field

    They keep struggling in anger

    War and hatred shall reign

    The clash of Iron shall be heard

    By blindness you're driven insane

    You're lost in anguish and grief

    Sorrow won't wane till you die

    A shatterd body deeply hurt

    And Darkness will cover the light

    It's gone forevermore...


    Hail Murder, hail Durmanhoth, hail War, hail Hate.

    PS whee another long post reccord has been broken!!

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:42:07

    Somebody please post one more log so this can scroll out of the main page...I'm sick of people arguing over something that should be bought in the game, not talked about here.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:39:59

    Manni, we're not 'Enemies' with durmanhoth, we're only 20% of my fines are paid :)

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:39:58

    Manni, we're not 'Enemies' with durmanhoth, we're only 20% of my fines are paid :)

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:31:19

    Korzan said: I find it hilarious that people like Konj, Majard, Fofester, Crion, etc, are all out there gangbanging, thinking they're decent killers, or even decent players

    I never claimed to be a good (or even decent)killer or player. I'm just having fun, and that's all that should matter. This is a GAME after all.


  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:23:10

    Hey Feldon! Are you a badass without uniques? I can't recall your guild pulling off a pK without one (you guys RP with them enough though, or used too). I've even seen you fail pK's with them.

    So, Feldon...are you a badass without a unique?

    I said once how much I'd love to see a pK with an unavenged ess...

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:16:50

    You dont have fines because youre at war?

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    17 September 2002 23:11:54

    Nagash, ever since this war started, I had a certain amount of gold in my banks. Up to now, I still have that amount...How can i pay my fines? Oh, I go out and make my own gold! Don't call us guild rats when you're not online to even witness if this is true or not.

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    17 September 2002 22:25:51

    Uh huh, sure sure... Durms walk all around, wasting all EP for finds on Rimmies who don't even leave their bar.

    If you're too afraid to leave your own damn GH because of the fear of dying, and watch your allies die all around, I wouldn't call that a winning war even if your kill count is better.

    But oh well, I'm not stupid enough to play much on a connection worse than Bashgeroy's, and as an inactive player, I'm shutting my trap.

  • Author
    Avant [legacy]
    17 September 2002 22:09:15


  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    17 September 2002 21:51:15

    One more comment and we make this 100!

  • Author
    Konj [legacy]
    17 September 2002 21:05:43

    Hey Feldon, learn how to read.


    'Date: 17. Sep, 2002, 16:02 By: Kujo

    The amount of dyslexic people that play this game is astounding...

    I am not Konj, I cant headbutt, and i've been involved in 0 pkills so far, so uh, i dunno what you're talking about :P.'

    End quote.

    If you'll reread this string of posts, you'll probably notice that I haven't said a single word of 'shit', to my standards at least. I blame Kujo!

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:53:51

    I was merely stating that you sound almost like Klouse almost Konj. But at least Klouse can back his skills up (when he was an assassin). You've just been talking lots of shit. Yes whip and mels is nice, but are you still a bad ass without them?

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:51:26

    This thread is nothing but a bunch of yap.

    On the bottom line, it's 18 dead Durms, which is really amusing considering I have a certain memory of Serex saying something in the lines of 'I'll either kill you all or make sure you don't leave your guildhall'.

    Well gee, that was back then, and now it's 'Rims are kicking our asses because they're reinforced'.

    Next will probably come the 'It's those ex Rim ainur that are secretly bringing our common skills to 20.'

    And the sky's the limit.


  • Author
    Konj [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:43:48

    I'm nobody Feldon. I guess all the other warriors in pk's have waaaay better triggers than mine.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:35:08

    Feldon got it right, he is offensive...and not just to the nose ;) (this is getting too easy!!)

    poor Jerf, with endorsements like that, who needs to be turned down by women.

    (oh God make it stop!!)

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:21:05

    Jerf is fucking Sexy. and he is my #1 bro

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:18:09

    Feldon is a pimp. and Serex wtf are you talking about you are the nobody/bitch Me and my bro Majard fucking raped you and DL and you had to call for all your friends. i believe it was like 6 people? 7 including Konthor who wasnt even in mordor with you. *shrug* does it take 7 people to take 2 out or are we just that big of badasses? *grins*

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:14:38

    And who the fuck is Konj other then someone that can do trigger Someone todo headbutt someone. Though I guess when he has mels its impressive because he has to use the charge command too

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:10:33

    When in fact the only offender was me... :p

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:04:44

    And the agreement BkD with CoU was to only kill offenders and we would only kill BkD that were on the hit list (which I dont think were any). And then you guys killed balris and blace and maybe some others.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    17 September 2002 19:44:06

    Lost the war?

    More like a Draw.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 19:40:10

    Uhh what rim killed me? No rims have killed me

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 September 2002 18:51:52

    Durms randomly kill people, why people complain when these people do the same?

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    17 September 2002 18:44:13

    Let me say that the BKD didn't 'randomly kill' durms to start any war. We killed durms with contracts because that's the agreement we made with them, to only kill each other's guildmembers if they had contracts. And whats all this stuff about allies? BKD didnt have any ally help during the udungul war. And we still held our own, even though we obviously lost.

  • Author
    Teleris [legacy]
    17 September 2002 18:37:56

    We have a nice saying:

    'Don`t ruin the good fight with an argue!'

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    17 September 2002 18:25:27

    lol.. I dont know what to comment on but I believe you should duel everything out. I miss them times *sighs

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    17 September 2002 18:11:20

    rims suck, and you can take that to the motha fuckin bank


  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 17:22:34

    Haha, just read Serex's post, all i can say is he have a natural talent ot talking nonsense. First of all, since the war started i haven't seen him online, how can you whack someone when he is not online.

    What the real story is - As you have mentioned there Serex, the real story is you couldn't do nothing to Majard, you were the one to cry for help to kill Majard, you were the one who got his ass kicked by the same one you call nobody, so then who are you?

    Let me tell you a story. This happens about a month ago,maybe a bit more. I'm doing some gold in Linhir, and have my herd with me. So, after some time Serex and Deadlok decide that they'll make gold in Linhir too, so they come there... Obviously i'm a problem so Serex (the great playerkiller that got Majard in Mordor (thanks to his friends)) attacks my herd. So i don't want to get my herd killed and don't mind some fight i attack him defending my herd. Seconds later Deadlok comes in and attacks the herd too. So after all they managed to get the herd killed and we continue the fight. Deadlok shields Serex and didn't attack. Serex drank a phial and flask and got his butt prompty kicked so he left miserably. A minute after the fight finished Mandos chanted.

    The funniest thing follows. This great herdkiller reported me for attempted murder, so i tell him ' Come on man, this is cheap, don't do it' to which he responds 'I'll withdraw the report if you agree to pay me some gold' Well, blackmailing me to pay gold for report to be withdrawn is kinda funny, i don't have high fines because i don't go outside to kill people often. Well, i got curious how much he would want. The price was 2k for withdrawing it. I paid 1200 for the attempt on Serex's life. I guess he got about 400-500 of this gold.

    So having all this in mind it was really funny for me to read his post. posts even

    P.S. To Baral: So you say reporting solo attempts is lame, right? What you'll tell about this then? And you're not ashame to be in such guild?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 17:20:14

    lol avaar, didnt you hear, half the mud still thinks kujo is an ainur alt :P

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    17 September 2002 17:13:24

    See Denezar i asked around and nobody knows why you left. Ya just left. Didnt suicide, get nuked or something.

    Another example is Therigion: He joined Rimsilval at lev 14, maxed, left us, joined durms and started killing rimsilval members.

    I know for certain that ya werent helping rimsilval in last 2-3 years i m a member. I guess our guys arrested you cause ya re a non.rimsilval and not friendly with our members. Not to mention the fact ya were wanted.

    Why did you go wanted i dont want to know. But: If you cant afford to be a criminal then dont be one. Or go wanted.

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    17 September 2002 17:03:56

    Serex, who the fuck are you to talk about Rimsilval can't kill without their allies..Look at how many kills I posted of US killing durms..Heh, I don't even know why I'm arguing with an idiot like you who doesn't play anymore. If you think this isn't war, hell I don't care as long as I'm killing durms anytime I want. So all of you old durms can say whatever the crap you want, if you aren't active, your opinion matters not. I don't care which alt you're playing, as long as your DURM character is inactive, just shut up.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    17 September 2002 17:02:55

    Yeah, kind of like arresting ex members (who have donated shitloads of eq in the past) of your current guild, eh Bradonja? All just because they wanted some gold out of wasting my RL time. Difference being that my experience had absolutely nothing to do with RP.

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    17 September 2002 16:48:49

    I hate people who mud only for pkilling purposes. And durm guild is such. To do damage to anybody without a proper reason is being a bully. The primitive sort one. Wasting peoples RL time to level is having fun in making damage.

    And placing contracts yourself in order to complete them as RP is something that was done a lot in that guild.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 September 2002 16:29:00

    Vabur didnt assume anything

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    17 September 2002 16:18:54

    To add on Kujos comment:

    Duk died by Bragl (durm applicant) but by durm.

    And Serex: Ya didnt get attcked cause ya know how much ya re online these days. Im on every day for several hours and i NEVER saw you online. Like when we found out that Baral s a durm. After that he never logged in. Or he did once or twice on pkill unfriendly places.

    I personally hate war. But who am i to think? Im my guilds subject and my GM is my boss. War was laid before us. We didnt provoke it.

    Personally my oppinion on durm guild is this: Your RP is really tough. And can also be abused easily. cause placing a 1k contract on somebody and then killing it as a part of RP isnt that complicated. True durm roleplay is tough cause it can be abused. As for your members: Your GM really loves to be insulting with no reason. As for Toto and few others. Nm the claimjumps and such. Honor? Dont think so. I cant understand why does your guild keep such low standards with members. Its bad for guildreputation. Few durms i do respect anyway: Like Necsipaal etc.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    17 September 2002 16:05:03

    I wasnt referring to any pkills, Vabur just assumed I was.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 September 2002 16:02:50

    The amount of dyslexic people that play this game is astounding...

    I am not Konj, I cant headbutt, and i've been involved in 0 pkills so far, so uh, i dunno what you're talking about :P.

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    17 September 2002 16:01:09

    Correction it was a headbutt and a few globe hits kujo :P

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    17 September 2002 15:19:40

    He can wield good weapons and headbutt, Avaar.

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    17 September 2002 15:18:59

    Correction: I did not attack Nirrab, therefore i did not help kill him. And we were trying to kill Delvar anyway, so that wasnt even a rimmie attempt.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    17 September 2002 15:11:09

    1. how is kujo suddenly not a noob?

    2. nogothrim is hilarious

    3. lotraz's comment was also funny

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 September 2002 14:26:05

    *update* i really should _talk_ to Ultilh before i post, miss information :P.

    Ultilh's kill was solo, with 1 headbutt from a non party member..... these percentages just keep getting better and better for us.

    Duk wasn't killed by Durms afterall, only by Brageeeeel. *apologizes*

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 September 2002 13:52:05

    Haha, Toto just got waxed, Ultilh and someone else involved..... kinda fucked up the percentages, but it's still bad for the durms :P.

    But anyways, i'm sure ya'll can jump to your own conclusions regarding the shit Serex spurts about Rimsilval crying to our Allies, I mean, it's not like Durms have been randomly taking contracts on Beornings nor had they just started attacking BKD out of the blue for no apparent reason! *rolls*

    Fact of the matter is, if you piss off guilds that are allied, of course they're going to strike collectively, that's common sense... Once again, the hypocracy involved, Baral uses an SoU and an unguilded to kill one of our members, yet i dont hear a fucking word about it..... similiarly, you's used Gothwin to help kill Majard/Jerf, cant remember which, but of course, that doesnt count as using your allies either.

    *roll* get a clue, Serex.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    17 September 2002 13:38:50

    Erm, is that not the point of allies? USe them right and you are of course powerfull.

    and from what you just said, it seems to me that deadlok tried to abuse the wanted system for a free kill (i have seen the log) and it failed, so got pissed.

    And oh so often do the Durms pick a fight when the get active. Make a few kills, fill that need to pk and demonstrate power, then go inactive, then re-build. The FRA used to do the same (Thats not happerned for a while i have to say) Its a never ending cycle. (and from my understading, it was the random PKing from BKD, a rimme allie, that decided the full war action).

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 September 2002 13:38:15

    Wanna talk 'facts', Serex? Ok, Lets go...

    Durm members killed during the war:

    Nagash (rims), Pageon (rims), Konthor (all rims bar 1), Arne (rims), Prophet (rims, bkd, Beornings), Pageon x2 (3 rims, 1 bkd), Mara: idiot newbie (1 bkd, 1 beorning, 2 rims), Carantir (3 rims, 1 Beorning), Walton (rims), Carantir again (rims), Baral (rims, 1 unguilded), Deadlok x 2 (rims), Randyb (rims), *UPDATE* Pageon just got whacked again (rims) Was Randyb killed twice? *shrug* dont remember, anyways...

    let's count this up..... I see 10 of the 16 kills are done by Rimsilval members, with no help from other guilds.

    Now lets count how many rims have died...

    Duk (durms, I think) and Nirrab (Sou, Durm, unguilded)

    Now, grab your calculators and work out the percentages involved.. (that means you divide 10 by 16 and times it by 100, and then divide 1 by 2 and times it by 100, for the less educated people who have obviously proved that they cant quite grasp complex tasks)..

    You'll find that 62.5% of our kills are done without other people, whilst only 50% of yours are.....

    OH MY! looks as if Durms used other people in their kills more then Rims did!

    So dont bullshit everyone about rims alliances, when you's are just as fucking bad, percentage wise.

  • Author
    Serex [legacy]
    17 September 2002 12:43:33

    Wow, I just read all these wonderful, fantastic post about how lootings bad, the rims are winning this war all by themselves, how the last war was 'about even' and all this mumbo-jumbo about people and their personal feelings. First off, Let me clear things up. Awhile ago, Majard arrested Deadlok and DL was pissed so me and DL went into mordor and fought Majard and some other pud, I think it was Jerf or some nobody.. Anyways they fended us off the first time. I called in reinforcements and they both died. Majard came back into the same room and tried to loot his stuff back, so I hunted, he went into the well, I waited for him to leave and killed him again right outside mordor. They got all butthurt and asked their allies for help for me taking revenge on them. So now everyone knows what this conflict is all about. You can call it a war for all I give a damn, it matters not. Now the rims think they're all fucking special because the beornings and the BkD are killing durms and their sitting back, trying to take numbers. Thats the real story. Personally, I highly doubt the Rimsilval could do anything without their allies, as has been proved in the past, but they have allies. Big deal. Face facts people, its a fucking game. People live and most people die. Some of you people really crack me up by thinking your big shit cause you and 4 of your buddies from different guilds killed a durm. I know you want to try and make a name for yourself by killing us, but why is it you try and talk shit about us afterwards? get a grip. I took my 'guilds' problem straight to the source, so they come back and kill Pageon. You guys got mad skills. Come on Majard, come try and make a name for yourself. Come and get me. Play the game like its supposed to be played. Watch yourself get played.

    - Serex.

  • Author
    Serex [legacy]
    17 September 2002 12:26:15

    Nobodys killed me. I did the double tapping. I killed them all and they can't really do anything about it. So I guess they like picking on Pageon and getting every other guild, as usual into their affairs.

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    17 September 2002 11:52:13

    Actually Newcomer, about two weeks ago we were about 8-13 khazads

    until about now... bkd is pretty active at the moment i think.

    Although i just went a bit inactive and so did byron i think. It is true

    what uhm Ivon said.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 September 2002 09:22:44

    Viet Nam war, called a police action by the U.S. government. called a war by everyone else.

    It's a war if one side thinks it is. It only really matter how seriously one side takes the conflict, more the pity to the side that doesn't take it seriously enough.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 09:10:11

    Nogothrim I know exactly what you are talking about, first time I ever agree with you. Thats rare:)

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 09:09:23

    I mean your war, I'm still a little tipsy

    BTW someone explain to me wtf happened at the dunlending camp:)

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    17 September 2002 09:09:06

    Thats a low blow Lotraz. I was merely stating a fact to illustrate a point. Things get distorted over time.

    You are different than me, you accept the commie nature of the mud and use it to your advantage at every chance you have. You are too practical for my tastes.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 09:08:43

    Yah I don't call it a war, a war is were I go out and kill your ass, but I didn't lead one party against rimsilval, so in my opinion it was our war, my gold making on your failed attempts, and that just sums it up:)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:58:44

    Easy there big buddy, believe it or not it was a joke. I know you probably don't read the log pages enough to know my humor, but it was a joke.... *hands you a tranq*

    Hey, if people are offended, they can just cut out the bad words and read the sentence in the raw.

    'I... when... PK'd... drank too much... you'

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:58:35

    A shame we don't have a time machine so Nogothrim can be send 'back in the days' when you had to walk 10 miles in a snow storm to get to school.

    It seems to me, that the memory is fading and that hurts...

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:48:53

    Oh and BTW my dad is gay and my mom is a communist so dont talk shit to me you selfrighteous motherfucker.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:44:20

    I'll start using communist instead of gay. WTF camillus you got a poster of stalin by your CPU!!?!!? Communist it up bitches!

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:16:25

    No no no Nogothrim, tell us your true feelings about homosexuals.

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:06:22

    WEll you see back in the gay there was no such thing as 'claims'. It was a fucking idea that Valerian came up with, believe it or not. There was a time when only swedes even knew wtf globe was. Valerian was a fucking politician, or fagggit, that made up claims for the first alliance war so allies wouldnt get all pissed at each other at reboots. UNfortunately it stuck, but WTF i cannot believe that people think it applies to thier enemies. Gay it up homos!

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    17 September 2002 07:54:04

    hehehe.. nogothrim is drunk i guess.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    17 September 2002 07:51:22

    (Ivon's post) So about 2 weeks ago BKD were ready to go in war with durmanhoth. Lucky for durmanhoth Deadlok got some sense and talked with Rolf, the things were settled. While they're talking there're more than 10 bkd members online ready for war. Durmanhoth would have been blown by BKD. (Ivon's post)

    Can you name me all those 10 bkd that is ready for war and active? As far as I know, there are only 1 active pkiller in BkD and he is kinda inactive too. The rest who want to do the PK just like to jump on the get famous wagon.

    And you can check those people who transfered to Rims to fight war, have they been active, or they are only online once a week.


  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 September 2002 07:44:12

    Oh, didn't this war start because Durms double tapped Maj in mordor?

    Oh well, we reap what we sow.

    I see durms trying to say this isn't a war, how isn't it? The way I understand it, it's a war if the Durms are winning, but as soon as they're getting smacked around, all of a sudden it's not a war at all. A durm leaves the hall once every 3 hours, we have 5 on at pretty much all the time, and dont say Durms were inactive before the war, that's bullshit. Even a member told me that they were extremely active at the time of the war. Sure, some of the more talented members are inactive, but so are ours, like Pos and Anton.

    Mentioning that war from last December is altogether irrelevent as well, that was then, this is now, and right now, the war is WAY more lop-sided then the last one... 15-2 at the moment?

    But in December, Rimmie casualties to Durm casualties were nearly the same, give or take 2 or 3, it was just the Rims allies who died alot.... *I think, wasn't a rim at that time, had to watch from impartial perspective*

    That little comment about Durmie newbies made me laugh as well, because now I aint never gonna claim to be the best huntbreaker/killer in arda, because I know there's 100's better, but I abstain from the pk game altogether, having newbie members of the pkillers guild who cant break hunt like Mara (yeah, had to include a reference to you, suicide, abandon your guild, and then talk shit to me :P) is just stupid.

    Whilst we talking about imported killers, what exactly was Baral? You can laugh all you want, Baral, fact of the matter is, the second a durm leaves farther then North undeep, there is a Rim party there waiting.

    Dont bitch about Gangbangs, i remember you saying how it's the 'age of the gangbang', but when we do it, to fight a war no less, it's all of a sudden bad? :P come on.

    Interesting double standards.

    - Kujo, Guildrat extraordinaire

  • Author
    Nogothrim [legacy]
    17 September 2002 07:43:42

    Umm..i think if you have the chance to corpseloot/claim steal one of your enemies and you dont, you are a complete assclown who needs to RP his char better instead of listening to what other peoplet hink is right and wrong. Anything you can do to hinder the enjoyment of your enemies should be used if you want to RP welsl. Doule and triple taps are the natural evolution of the gang bang and you guys need to look into them more..i dunno kill them once they are cannot see in dark all swtich weps pk again and again and again...people who use gods to get you nuked are gay!

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    17 September 2002 07:17:12

    It was me that the nice Durmanhoths and Sons of Ulfang tried to Claim jump at CC,

    Tot, Kalgaur, Adunazon, Mystique and illadin (gothwin was there as well, kinda left though) thought i didnt need Captain's Cutlass..... But they fucked it up and I got the last guard anyways :P

    thanx guys!

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:12:55

    Yeah, I do actually recall Ultilh talking to me about joining towards the middle of the war.

    Corpse looting _is_ illegal, and enforced by the iron fist of the MC.

    And yeah, just about the only time anyone has mounted a competitive war against the old 'moral alliance' (Rim, BkD, Beornings, Valacirca, and at one time Amruin) has been when one guild has emerged with an incredible amount of power. I would not consider Durmanhoth's position a week ago nor now one of 'incredible power'. Korzan, it's true that these players might not be shit if they didnt have a guild, but they do, and they're in a powerful alliance of guilds. If a couple stable immoral guilds built an alliance, then maybe we could have some wars. However, the evil forces have always been too disorganized and unwilling to help each other, and for good reason. As the GM of Durmanhoth, the only thing worse than losing a war for me would have been talking to Nichodemus or Arthlor and Squibb (or figuring out who to talk to in CoU) about helping us out.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:06:49

    Later (for the millionth time) Baral... have some fun

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:02:06

    Is got all that healings cause f gangbangs hitting me so fcking hard, so i learned to carry alls that shits of healing. HEY Theodrek just soloed me!!

    oh god captains and coke, is all I go to say to thats. No excusess, good kills, kill, laters

    *The Storms once agn goes into a slumber, hopefly not to retun.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    17 September 2002 05:56:38

    Claim stealing is not illegal, corpse looting is not. And Korzan is right. Because he is the man! Plus rl is waaay more fun then this game

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 05:29:30

    Re: Baral

    Corpse looting= while someone else is killing an npc you come in kill it and take the loot.

    Well, that's right but...

    Let's imagine the situation, it's reboot, you got some claim, CC for example, you're waiting for some friends to bring weapons,food, whatever that will help. Suddenly 3 people come with good weapons,equipment,food and do the thing you'll do a bit later. Of course it's not corpse looting. you haven't started a fight you'll lose yet. But with their actions they tell you 'Fuck you, you're nothing to me'. Well, you get angry not only because you lost ht eunique you've been first at but also because those guys disrespected you. Personally for me i do pespect people that respect me and don't do shit. So after this those guys have one enemy (you). They may be some uber killers, people that know the game very well, how is it called hehe, best players, hard to kill, whatever. One by one they'll make many enemies this way (disrespecting people). And one day this all will backfire, those 3 people will be smacked by the others. If not by quality, by quantity.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    17 September 2002 05:21:58

    But in all honesty i dont wanna hear shit about wether you are good or not if you gangbang. Back in the day you didnt have people like Baral sitting at rhos with Phial and 2 flasks in his pack. Its hard enough to get him with 5 fucking people while he has all that healing, how the fuck you supposed to get him solo or even with 2. *shrug* that is just a thought.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    17 September 2002 05:17:12


  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 05:09:49

    you think claim jumping someone is any better than corpse looting? it's the same thing. you're taking away the end product of something that someone else worked for. it's lame. you're lame. you being here doesnt 'balance' the mud, it runs it into the ground.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 04:50:22

    Re: Manni

    Of course you're right but there's more about it. Since Deadlok became gm durmanhoth started claimjumping people. That was the usual way at boot for them to fill the armoury. There wasn't a boot for the last 2-3 month when someone wasn't claimjumped by durms (if there're durms online). So a lot of people got pissed at durmanhoth for this and wanted war. btw talking about this decent boot i've heard from at least 3 people being jumped by durms, i'm completely positive they jumped someone for CC and can't remember who else. Let's not talk about killing people without reason. So about 2 weeks ago BKD were ready to go in war with durmanhoth. Lucky for durmanhoth Deadlok got some sense and talked with Rolf, the things were settled. While they're talking there're more than 10 bkd members online ready for war. Durmanhoth would have been blown by BKD. So the things were settled then but Durmanhoth kept it's attitude which led to this war, it seems it was only a matter of time this war to come. The point is, you can't shit at people for too long and to expect to get off. brw, i really like the way Raqtor is playing and it's how Durmanhoth have to behave if they want to earn some respect.

    Re: Adunazon (Of course you'll win a war when you have 4x the active members of whoever you're fighting.)

    Above you see the reasons why the odds are 4X1 against Durmanhoth. Most of the people here are all the same, just have different faces

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 04:49:59

    Corpse looting= while someone else is killing an npc you come in kill it and take the loot.

    Show me a log of me doing this:) Never have, oh of course I've taken shit while people left, or attacked them. Or I had other people do it, but hey its cool.

    Aranuir? Nah that boy didn't have style, he's a step below when you reach the level of playing that I'm at Dormin You will realize this. Only certain players have reached it, and they know what I'm talking about, I'm just the one to voice it. Come on Dormin here is the deal you are so big and bad, you make a new char, I'll give that char 100k gold to turn assassin. Then come after me, we will see how SO called good you are. After all you'll be found wanting, Lastly this so called war Rims say they are fighting heehee, If I ever showed you the guildboard you would see this wasn't a war we fought, we laughed in our halls at you gangbanging us,(Well I laughed my ass off at how many times you guys failed me) But hey some of the members that died were newbies and haven't been in a war at all you taught them how ruthless gangbangs can be. Good job, next time when we choose to retaliate, it would be a different story. Ah well I was attacked by gazza, an after I'm done messing around with this new girl, I'll bring a little action this way:)

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    17 September 2002 04:35:28

    This is making me absolutely laugh my head off, listening to Rimsilval about this so-called war. If I wasn't having such a good real life right now, I would be tempted to log back on and try and do something about it is, I can stomach reading the log page, thats about it.

    Remember the last Durm/Rim war? The one that was so terribly lopsided, because the Rims and allies got completely stomped?

    Being on top only lasts for so long. I find it hilarious that people like Konj, Majard, Fofester, Crion, etc, are all out there gangbanging, thinking they're decent killers, or even decent players. Its easy to be strong in a group..the question is, which of you are strong on your own? Without your guild, there are only a few of you who could last any length of time at all. The ones I have the most respect for are Delgaur and Leto and Ruiniel, personally.

    If I recall correctly, at the end of the last Durm/Rim war, we had a level 10, 1 day old Ultilh begging for admittance on our doorstep...saying how much he wanted to be a faithful, loyal Durmanhoth member. Kinda funny, huh.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 September 2002 04:35:14

    Fofester...I'm not going to tell you again, stop putting your damned web camers in my house!! ;)

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    17 September 2002 03:43:06

    Or whacking off to porn WHILE mudding?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    17 September 2002 03:34:51

    Guild wars are always fun, gives you something todo. Like go inactive and play some other mud or whack off more to internet porn instead of mudding

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    17 September 2002 03:08:56

    Adunazon wrote: 'You know, for once I'd like to see the Rimsilval/BkD/Beornings/Valacirca (and sometimes Amruin too!) fight a war WITHOUT their allies'

    A: We fought basically the last half of the last Durm war alone

    B: If it works, why can it?

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    17 September 2002 02:25:19

    I think he's a claim jumper more than a corpse looter, but that's just my opinion. *shrug*

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    17 September 2002 02:07:54

    never change a winning team/format.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 02:05:04

    um, baral, you are a corpse looter.

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    17 September 2002 01:53:03


    BkD fought a war without allies...

    Pretty useless one too

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 01:21:21

    Ultilh, that's why you don't charge on a backstab... 90ep wasted for nothing.

    You know, for once I'd like to see the Rimsilval/BkD/Beornings/Valacirca (and sometimes Amruin too!) fight a war WITHOUT their allies, and just see what happens. Of course you'll win a war when you have 4x the active members of whoever you're fighting. Handle your own business for once.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    17 September 2002 00:41:35

    NC, its called the Rims GM and ctive memebrs calling in there allies :) nothing wrong with that, smart tactics if you ask me, look at the results.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    17 September 2002 00:37:19

    This war was ridiculous to start. It started because Durmanhoth had one decent reboot where they got some uniques and some newbies logged on. Then some assassins in the guild got the idea that the guild needed a war.(This wasn't Baral btw) This idea was clearly misled and ill advised. Maybe it has turned out good for you, because now you guys know what happens when you do dumb shit. Some day, you may learn not to act so childish. Until then, don't turn to me for help.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    17 September 2002 00:35:41

    Baral reminds me of someone....oh yes Aranuir, to bad Aranuir at least made up shit that was factual...sometimes.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 00:04:03

    Err rims have never killed me, lately and so wtf are you talking about ealandirl or whatever your name is.

    Oh btw according to bkd

    I'm a corpse looter.

    Guild idler



    and I suck

    Hell, I just pick off your members when it suits me:) don't hate me, hate the game. *laughs

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    16 September 2002 23:48:56

    And I have many friends inside Rims, but gotta love all those youngster that ask 'What the hell you doing here' while i am standing in Jezebel or just hang around to read some articles in the library.


  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    16 September 2002 23:47:49

    And rims sure need those BkD forces to join them to fight the war eh?

    Name me decent rims members that is active now. I don't even see Rims as a guild anymore *shrug*

    I am not taking side in this war part, just want to point some facts.


  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    16 September 2002 23:26:44

    Heh, cool two man kill:)

    Wtf is wrong with you? Doubletaps lame? If the victim can't avoid them he's lame.Lame is when the victim has no chance to defend and when the odds are against him (by odds understand things which do not depend on the skill: slow internet, boss calling etc)Lame is only idle killing cause it ain't no killing.

    Bangs are cool too.

    Me cool too.

    Ultilh ees PK happy.

    Baral, I'm beginning to like you.

    Tuareg you stupid - the chance of the rimmies is not 99%.It's 99,99999999999999%

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    16 September 2002 23:19:05

    Konj pumeeeeeeel!!! Wheee:))))

    Die bragel die:p

  • Author
    Konj [legacy]
    16 September 2002 23:15:29

    Ealendil suicided at 07:58 08/17/02

    Ealendil the silvan Loremaster (Villainous)

    Departed from Arda Gender: male

    Age: 15d 2h 55m 46s

    *spit* ;)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    16 September 2002 23:08:16

    Well, double taps are indeed lame, but Deadlok also double tapped Jerf not long ago.

  • Author
    Ealendil [legacy]
    16 September 2002 23:07:27

    O Baral that is just shit you know Rimsilval is a great guild and it is composed of great if not the best players on the mud and the fact they gangbanged you if you can't figure out why that is it means you just have no brain or you haven't though about it. Speaking of gangbangs Durms did gangbangs little before the war but just because the log is not on this page doesn't mean Durms are innocent

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    16 September 2002 22:33:32

    Well Tuareg's got ME figured out.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    16 September 2002 22:33:19

    Funny Rims can talk all the shit they want, fact of the matter is I never led a party AGAINST rimsilval the whole so called war, and you guys tried to gangbang me in the ground quiet a few times. I died trusting rimsilval friends Nirrab and Majard, Nirrab died along with me. Well I took myself out of the war cause I'm tired of fighting friends. But if you want to spread propaganda I'll be glad to say fuck it and bring the whole force down on Rimsilval. Your so called Azmar even went so far as to call me a guild idler, and the last time I died I was lagged like a bitch but did that stop me from doing shit? nah Live and learn,

    Its all just a matter of time anyways. When you play with fate you one day will loose. Ask Nogothim, he is one of the best players around but he died due to bad luck, it happens. oh sure you can sit in gh all the damm time and never make gold without 5man parties *snorts at rims*

    Just my 10cents.

  • Author
    Darkrod [legacy]
    16 September 2002 22:18:49


  • Author
    Avant [legacy]
    16 September 2002 21:54:06

    I dunno, durmies double tap a few people. Maybe it's bad karma? Shit happens.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 September 2002 21:30:49

    Double taps are lame, don't care who the victim is. You had plenty of time to hunt off, Ultilh. :)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    16 September 2002 21:28:39

    Pretty much like I thought Gazza :)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    16 September 2002 21:18:06

    Hahahah, nasty shit ... I must give Deadlok some credit though, I mean, how often is the target so certain of the outcome that he runs directly to the graveyard when attacked ... even before dying? :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    16 September 2002 21:07:11

    I havent died, but I'm not really active

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    16 September 2002 21:05:52

    Alkath, I think the chances of durmanhoth winning atm, are like 0.00000000000001%.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    16 September 2002 21:00:27

    I don't think so. Lots of the durms went inactive after the beginning of the war, since they lost very much, and if they all go inactive, they'll have no chance of winning it. Baral is the only durm that is as active as he was before the war.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    16 September 2002 20:47:09

    are there any active durms that havent died?

  • Author
    Ultilh [legacy]
    16 September 2002 20:46:52

    Erm, I just want to say that we didn't want to double tap him, but he revived in the same room he died in, and Konj's trigger went off, and my hunt trigger went off too, so I thought what the hell. I got the feeling Konj didn't want to kill him due to the spam he caused on my screen :P