The Storm?

Posted by
Theodrek [legacy]
17 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

The Storm had been hunting our members as they ran from RP combat and insulting us, so I took justice into my own hands, with the help of some BkD who also wanted revenge for Baral attempting/killing BkD members. My point of view, should be colored.


  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    24 September 2002 07:10:11

    my argument isnt that he doesnt have skill lupin. he obviously knows how to get the job done when pk'ing. my problem is the first few lines of 'help playerkilling' this is not a pk mud, it simply allows pk. baklen acts like the mud is his personal pk playground and it degrades the mud.

  • Author
    Lupin [legacy]
    23 September 2002 22:55:48

    I always liked it when Baklen decided to lvl a char. :P I'd go shield him while he killed a mt guard and then he would go steal me 2k or so. :) Baral's got skill all you people who say he doesn't are jealous and all the others who know respect it. Now he may decide to take on all guilds at once, but thats only gonna make him better in the long run. Cya bro, always fun when you come around.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    20 September 2002 04:51:42

    i turned into a bitch when i saw you start killing people because you were in the mood to kill someone, whether they deserved it or not. people who run around pk'ing just so they can take someone's hardearned work and throw it out the window piss me off.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    20 September 2002 02:58:51

    Now that is a flat out lie, I never asked your ass, I asked hey block my ass while I kill a fucking mt guard, I'll pay, thats what I said to you,I don't give a fuck if people wanna help me, *shrugs* level my own char, bitch, blow me, its funny that you were my friend so helping me get around hardbanns and the such, then you turned into a fucking bitch.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    19 September 2002 23:36:04

    you'd know all about mp wouldnt you baral. when was the last time you leveled your own new char. i think i remember when baral was created. 'vittorio, help me get gold. help me get experience' next login 'vittorio, help me get gold, help me get experience' hell, you got a 75k loan from someone to train all your shit. yeah, i guess you just happened to meet that someone with baral and they decided to give you 75k.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    19 September 2002 04:17:42

    Man, don't go bersek on mud (skiping everything to play), you might end up like Spartan! (jk) ;P

    Cya Baral

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    19 September 2002 02:48:44

    Bah, Fuck this is what happened, I was drunk at the time and I was attacking EVERYONE in edoras, and hunting them. I saw Oseibo and he huntbroke, me at nd which I triggered or tried to but couldn't spell it right:) I gave up went back to going after KODA, I was low on ep, 5minutes later I ran to heal and I saw I couldn't get out of the dunlending camp, so I was like wtf, oseibo was there, good shape, I had 150hp I was like fuck it maybe I can take him, Some figure backstabbed me, for a good amount of time I thought Theodrek was helping me, untill he attacked me, I bounced, I died, who cares. If anyone knows me, they know this whole week 5days I aged 3mud days, thats 72 hours of muding, I skipped a whole week of school. I failed already I can't make up my shit, I almost got kicked from the squad. So I said fuck it and quit, hopefully My ass will not be back. And yes I am sober writing this shit:) Good kill Theodrek, Oseibo you are still a fucking mplaying Bitch, and Brahm who was the Other figure I think, good kill, LATA,

    For my Durm friends:) HOLLA

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    19 September 2002 00:26:10

    lay off the crank ejo :P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    18 September 2002 23:42:51

    Baklen, this time I wanted to be friends or something.. *shrug* may be next time.Anyway, you always tag along with the bad guys *shrug* who knows blah:P

    Hahahahahaha, stupid durms.Your job is to PK? Hahahhahaha.Me keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll!!!! DIE DIE DIEW DIIEEEEE!!!!!

    I mean, you attack someone and then you don't look as innocent and I have a reason to attack you and nothing's gonna bother my conscience after I kill you..hahahahaha!!! Who cares about what people deserve? I fucken deserve a better life but do I have it? You too desrve a little fun too but I wanna PK so you die die die die die die!!!


  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    18 September 2002 23:18:17

    If Theodrek ever killed me, I'd suicide too!

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 September 2002 22:36:07

    thanks for proving your intelligence/maturity level.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 September 2002 21:31:41

    there you go thinking you're cool talking about someone's real life again. you are capable of separating reality from fantasy right?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 September 2002 14:37:17

    if theo's the mud clown, tuaregs the mud latrine

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    18 September 2002 14:09:18

    I login quickly sometimes just to read the boards or say something to friends when I have to, nothing wrong with that.

    Yes, Theo is a little dumb, but if he is the mud clown... what are you them?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 September 2002 13:02:02

    tuareg, do you always feel you have to insult someone's life outside the mud, call them a fag, or spit out some other useless bullshit about which you know nothing? why dont you keep your insults to things you actually _know_ about the character.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    18 September 2002 10:58:46

    One day, hopefully, you will all realize how futile all of this is.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    18 September 2002 07:21:06

    I'm bored.

    Maybe, Tuareg...maybe he logged off because he has a life, RL. Of course, there's also the off-chance that he may not know which alt you were on, since you have many but you still post on only one name - even if you're posting logs from your other names. *shrugs* But what do I know? I'm a stupid eorling. I wish I could be like Tuareg. With that said, I'll go find to cut off my balls, and shove a tree-trunk up my ass.

    Yes, Tuareg. This one's for you. *raises his mug*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 September 2002 01:03:42

    You tell Ansuil: permission to kill tuareg?

    Ansuil tells you: why?

    You tell Ansuil: he called me a wormtongue and traitor to KoDA.

    Ansuil tells you: ok...go ahead.

    *oops, someone doesn't believe in the power of prayer*

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:52:11

    gazza: apparently any lvl 15 who can trigger :P

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    18 September 2002 00:36:02

    ok damnit, let's get one thing straight from the start Tuareg, you uneducated fop. I am a drunk, not an alcoholic. If I was an alcoholic then I'd have gone through Alcoholics Anonymous, as it is, I haven't so I'm still classified as a drunk.

    As for your attitude, I don't know you RL, I don't care to know anything about you RL. I didn't and don't hate you RL. You insulted my char not 'me'. I'm sorry if you are no longer able to make the distinction between game and RL.

    I've never claimed to be some great player, I know my skill level and who I have more skill than and who has me outclassed. I may be an 'older' player but that doesn't mean shit. Of course I slander CoU members but I don't slander all of them and it's not slander to make statement based on your own experiences with the people you are insulting. Sure, I am an arrogant bastard (my parents were killed by a raiding party from Umbar) but that just comes from knowing myself as I do. I may seem arrogant to you Tuareg but that's only becuase you think you are Melkor's gift to the game...which sadly for you, you are not.

    I made a jest about the way you comment and instead of taking the joke and the challenge you questioned my devotion to my Guild. You called the tune, I will petition my Council for permission to salve my honour with your lifes blood. Pray for your sake that they do not grant it Tuareg and you better pray hard.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    17 September 2002 21:52:16

    Shaft's theme statement poses an interesting question:

    Who fills contracts on the contract-fillers?

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:52:22

    What I think is rather short sighted of the Durmanhoth is how they fill a contract, and then when retribution comes, they act like they've been wronged and start a war. Assassins should expect retribution for what they do. I realize all guilds do this to some extent, but some are worse than others.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 September 2002 20:41:47

    oh wait, I completely forgot about this...a wormtongue eh.

    Womrtongue is a deciever and a betrayer, call me these things lightly no one should ever do. Sadly even the Knights have had spies in their midsts and traitors to our Prince's cause. All have either left or been expelled.

    I will grant you mercy this one time Tuareg. Call me a a deciever and traitor to my Guild again and question my honour and I will see justice done.

    Insulting me and calling me names is one thing but you done crossed the line. Don't call the tune if you don't have the coin with which to pay the piper.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 September 2002 19:57:23

    *chuckles* watch out, Tarn says Tuareg is an ass-kicker and a name-taker. Tuareg, in your idiot paranoia you missed 'jest' that was my post. If I recall (and I am not going to check every log here because I'm sure you've commented on them all), you've made a comment anal-penetration every damn time. I'm sorry if this offended you to point this out but I just thought it was funny for a confirmed homophobe (I think this is on your list, if not 'go me!'...*sigh* it is,nevermind) to talk about the sodomy activities of others so much.

    Anyways, I think I'd rather be a 'neverhasbeen' becuase he atleast has the potential to still become a good player (he is on his way) and an influential (and productive) member of the mud.

    What can one say about you Tuareg?

    You came, you mudded, you MIGHT have been at one time, you found that at some point you sucked, you left(?) kind of, now all you do is talk about how much everyone else likes things in their ass.

    So I can guess, one might say you are just...well, sad. Indeed, please just crawl back to your corner and drink yourself to death.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 September 2002 19:54:30

    Yes Shaft, go fullfill contracts on SoU's and CoU's them :P.

    The thing is, so what durms are the assassins guild? dosen't mean people are just going to get killed and say 'Oh, they are the assassin guild, so it is alright' is is obvious that someday people will get pissed enough and kill the assassins.

  • Author
    Shaft [legacy]
    17 September 2002 19:24:12

    He attacked a member of mine *buhu*

    When are you dumbasses gonna realize that Durmanhoth is the assassins guild its our theme to kill, and then you get all mad when we do it. Remeber that we (at least me)took out C's on everyone that seems good, that means the ones you put up there to. It goes both ways.

  • Author
    Eothalion [legacy]
    17 September 2002 18:25:40

    where is Kilth here?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 September 2002 17:37:29

    Btw, very nice set up, you 3.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    17 September 2002 17:33:46

    Tuareg is funny and a better player then most of you. Oiralen or whatever has some serious mental issues though. This is ooc ya know

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    17 September 2002 16:06:59

    Rhoads, you will have to realize it some day...

    Tuareg is a jerk. Let him be...

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 15:00:10

    while we all agree with you oiraelen, it's safe to assume that he thinks those who think that are the minority and therefore he shouldnt care :P

  • Author
    Oiraelen [legacy]
    17 September 2002 14:20:04

    'But no, the amruin get's upset and cocky about solo attempts on them cause they got that stick 5 feet up their ass.'

    -- Tuareg

    That sounds like a twisted form of soddomy to me you sick freak. What right have you to preach about honour? You who insult anyone for anything. You know nothing about honour. Wasach has more honour under his finger nails than you have in your entire body. You're nothing but a bitter hasbeen who should just crawl off into a corner somewhere and drink yourselfe to death. Noone likes you or gives a shit what you think so do us all a favor and just. Fuck. Off.

  • Author
    Deboraha [legacy]
    17 September 2002 14:10:00

    Go Theo!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    17 September 2002 14:05:07

    Tuareg, Tuareg, this was a nice 3 man set up that I have seem your friends Durms, SoU and many others doing it all the time, is it THAT hard for you to say 'nice job' once in a while man?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 14:02:00

    i feel so special, he has a pet name for me now, 'vitty'

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    17 September 2002 13:51:56

    Yeah Wasach, you're a Wormtongue!


    Got you there!

  • Author
    Josef [legacy]
    17 September 2002 12:02:54

    I wonder when he is coming back :P just to suicide another char

    after he pk'ed a few.

  • Author
    Ichneumon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 11:32:21

    Baral, you owe me 3k, you bitch :P

    See you later I guess... *grin*

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 September 2002 10:11:51

    Ooh. Tuareg, as much as I want to answer that in kind and flame you back, I think I will just not sink to your level, and I will ignore any attempts you have to flame me or any others I know.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    17 September 2002 09:48:54

    Tuareg, the next time you post...might it be possible for you to do so with out either directly or vaguely referring to some individual or group with whatever form of sodomy your mind can create.

    Self-Defense: Allowed to respond with that force you deem necessary.

    nuff said.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 09:42:13

    did you mean to spell members wrong or are you just stupid?

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:19:12

    the legend thing was meant to point out his time online.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:17:56

    look at the legend of oseibo in theo's log. the only reason he went down to edoras with the globe was to lock baral up.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    17 September 2002 08:06:18

    Can't say I didn't see this coming.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 September 2002 07:55:18

    Um, no, heh. Baral was hunting my members out of RP combat, and harassing them. Originally, I was leading the PK offensive, with the lockup. I told Oseibo about it, and he said he would be glad to come join, as Baral had just attempted their member, Shaik, and had before killed Aldur and Barberi. My members got tired of waiting for Baral, so, they left. I stayed at camp with flag, and Oseibo said he was ready...I locked it up, they came in, and yeah.

  • Author
    Arache [legacy]
    17 September 2002 07:39:03

    Did I get this right: Baral attempted Oseibo solo, but Oseibo feels the need to call some ppl to overcome him while he can easily do that as a dwarven warrior.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:36:43

    now i just neds to get hardbanned so i can stys away from this god damm thing its worse than alcohol, di drink just as much as i mud


  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:35:44

    Nie fukcing kill

    hmms for a seconds i thoght theo was helping me out

    god its hot in here

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:30:18

    Woo i'm in this..

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:25:29

    hey, at least you wont have to worry about fines :P

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:24:18

    Erm...damn, heh, didn't put in the prelogue...

    'oseibo went to edoras with globe trying to bait allantir and baral, it worked. they attempted him and he tried to lock up the first time, but was blinded and couldnt get in. he broke, got healed and eaglesighted and got them on him again. this is the result'

    I was supposed to put that in, but I apparently didn't save it or something. Anyway, there you are.

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    17 September 2002 06:22:31

    Yeah, I need to explain a few things. Firstly, I didn't realize I was in combat with flag guard, bnecause he autoattacks me. They just don't like how pretty I am. So, I did 'gold' a few times to go busy, but then I saw Baral attacked the guard...and I wasn't going to attack unless I needed to. Well, he attacked, I on.