
Posted by
Ivon [legacy]
21 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

It appears only i have it logged in color...


  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    25 September 2002 16:26:16

    You having an agreement to me rather.

    *blarghs again*

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    25 September 2002 16:25:35

    *Necsipaal, I love you, kill me, I love blood, and blabla'

    In your head maybe ( I love you blabber). I do love blood though. And i dont mind getting killed. And i do like you still just less tahn before. And yes: Saying that ya were having an agreenet with you is a LIE. Simple as that.

    And if i look at all of this its all big whining about silly reports. I repeat: Ya had no agreement with me. Nor with my guild. You only have a personal agreement with few of my guildmembers. And i only heard about it AFTER the attempt.

    And Yes: Ill report all non solos from now on. I dont care what ya think of it but accusing me of being dishonorable, ignoring me etc. is just too much to bare.


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    24 September 2002 20:25:16


    Where do you see I whine of being banged or whatever?

    I called you hypocrit and yes I have no fear to repeat my vows, because for someone who spammed me half a night by saying *Necsipaal, I love you, kill me, I love blood, and blabla' someone who was supposed to be friendly to some enjoyable hunts, and who just after I attempt me, height of all, report me?

    Yes, I persist and sign, and find this behaviour particulary hypocryt, period.

    I spent half an hour to explain it to you on a mail,and now you are just putting our disagreement public?

    Up to you, but I find more and more your behaviour as the one of a dismissed male, in some way.

    It would be better to fix that story,personnally instead of putting it to a forum, methink it would be way less despicable.

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    24 September 2002 19:53:56

    Stop whining. Ya never ever made such an agreement with me. Only when i was attempted ya tried to make the agreement.

    And another thing: You called me a liar, a hypocrite etc.

    NOBODY ever had a reason to call me these things!

    So maybe you re just like most of your guild. Whiners.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    24 September 2002 01:46:21

    I'm afraid I do not see your point, Narlg, please be more specific, my lackof english skills obviously makes me miss something...

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    24 September 2002 00:28:27

    Also cracks me up how Ivon's so laid-back about pks that he takes the time out to peruse some goods in the store mid-bang :)

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    24 September 2002 00:19:38

    Anyone else find Heath's comment ironic (although highly un-PC)? In the same vein, aspects of Necsipaal's last post ;)

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    23 September 2002 14:32:39

    Not to enter in a feminism typical arguing, which would be lame and inappropriated on these pages, especially because I'm far to be a feminist of some sort, I just would like to precise than the fact to *fight* has but a little to do with a male attribution, therefore I'm a woman if I fight it is as being a woman, which does not mean les skilled, less poweful, or whatever, it just means it's different.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    23 September 2002 14:24:45

    Kharil, I seriously appreciate the fact you take my defense, but I am far away from what you suppose I may be.

    Despite my natural courtesy, I actually highly like violence pride and war, these words have always sounded like a sweet night music to me...

    Maybe the little difference between me and my peers or enemies that also wander these pages, is that I consider all of it like an art (and maybe is it a part of my *feminity*)...

    Therefore, I do not feel offended to have been banged by 5 people, even though I agree with Serex to think it obviously was a waste of skills, it's not as if I was a warrior or a skilled player of some sort, though I understand it since I'm faded half the time.

    In response to Kujo, I actually did ask if rims would have the consideration to encourage my non reporting vocation (eq or whatever else was actually futile),since they, without surprise, did not have the curtesy to respect it, I must say I do feel superior than all of them in term of honor, and for a guild that place dignity so highly in their Rp, I must say that this feeling has no price.

    I know you'd have give it back, Kujo, but I wouldn't have expected more of your *honorable* mates.

    The one known as Agann?lo.

  • Author
    Bradonja [legacy]
    23 September 2002 13:49:27

    Kharil. Ever heard of the fact that t2t is only a game? And that anyone can make himself a female char? Not talking about Necsipaal but of most of the other female chars. And i know many that have a male typist.

    Only once i met a female that had a male char and she started it because she got pissed off by all men drooling and hitting on her with her original female t2t char.

    All i have to say to guys that want to defend female chars on t2t is that ya re Droolers.

    If Necsipaal is in a guild of professional assassins she surely know the game and pkilling. And i think that if it bothered her she would be the only autorised one to make such comments.

    Not that some droolers insult and emarass her like this on logpage.

    Shes a female but can fight like a man. And thats to be respected. Comments like Kharils and Tuaregs are embarassin for her.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    23 September 2002 10:31:43

    I'll be back, got bored :)

    Um, Kharil, seriously, that respecting women on a game is a load of shit, that would be like not killing someone cause they cant huntbreak, or not killing someone cause they are fags etc.

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    23 September 2002 09:37:44

    Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to be anything that Ruiniel also is.

    You can be nothing on the game anymore though Bluesbreaker :(

    Your char is gone.

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    23 September 2002 09:06:37

    rotfl, Kharil, you can be the second femi-nazi on the game, the first being Ruiniel.

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    23 September 2002 08:51:51

    Actually it's about using 'violation' (in whatever form - I know that this is just a text based game) against females which pisses me off. It's okay if Durms and Rims keep making their testosterone comparisons with each other as long as they keep the women out of it in my opinion. We should be glad that there actually are women playing this fucked up game which is only about hate, pride (arrogance) and wars for most people.

    Women represent other things though and there still are a few other, less predominant themes on T2T.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    23 September 2002 06:02:32

    Not gangbanging a player because they are a female would be more of an act of disrespect because it would mean that you did think that she could make it in this world, which is obviously not the case. Necsipaal is a good player, and deserves to be killed by a gangbang.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    22 September 2002 17:50:04

    What the hell my screen has todo with that :P

  • Author
    Serex [legacy]
    22 September 2002 17:00:23

    Oh my god. May as well have had the mels, a strike, and acouple dragon staves. You guys are just lame. Majard is still hella mad cause he gets his ass served with whoopings from people with style. I'll bag on you all day, with your horrible ass counting abilities and your worse 5+man gangbangs. Necsipaal, you should slay him again for being such a sorry ass wussy. I'm in. Its not about her being a woman though, its about her waxing you with half the effort and with style and you just get your buddies fines raised.

    all 5-10 of em.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    22 September 2002 13:55:12

    Re: NC

    Hey, it doesn't look this way on my screen. i use different color scheme

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    22 September 2002 03:56:13

    heath, you only think gangbangs are for pussies because you can't find any friends to help you kill anyone.

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    22 September 2002 03:35:13

    Well, you _did_ ask for it, you just didnt beg for it :P

    and i said i wanted to, but i was outvoted.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    22 September 2002 02:40:59

    Ivon's screen looks much uglier than Gazza's or Rhoads' :P


  • Author
    Heath [legacy]
    22 September 2002 02:01:53

    Gangbangs are for pussies.

    Am I the only one who thinks this?

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    21 September 2002 23:25:39

    Yes, I think I will stay in hibernation for a bit longer. (grin) Not that I really have any choice in the matter. For the record though, I firmly believe in equality for men and women. Together, Mizrahi and I will fight for women's rights and other pressing social issues!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    21 September 2002 23:06:16

    I didn't ask forit, at the first place, I just said to kujo:

    *would you help no-reporting vocations, by giving me back my eq?* that's lightly different, I didn't beg for it or what, I was sure I'd have got a refuse... and I actually heard what I wanted to hear.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    21 September 2002 23:01:55

    Thats a good idea, whenever I die I'm going to ask for my eq back.

    Hey mr watcher, gimmie my eq back!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    21 September 2002 22:57:45

    cool kill anyway, big bad bang

    hum, i'd given back necsipaal's eq.but thats just cause she's necsipaal in the first place and a she in the second place.

    i'd never give it back to someone else:P

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    21 September 2002 22:56:30

    ako umram il zaginam, ne moy da me zhalite!!!

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    21 September 2002 20:22:57

    Think about it from the other side, man.With killing her with 5 man party, they are trying to say how much they value her.You know 'we couldn't have done it with less people blah blah'.Hehe anyway this log is a fake because it say 'Majard punishes Necsipaal for disobeying the Dark Lord!

    '.Yes, can you see.necsipaal would never do such a thing.It is impossible.Yes, I solved one mystery again.Should I be a detective or something ? :pp

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    21 September 2002 20:14:45

    For real, make women have to sign up for selective service already

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    21 September 2002 18:44:04

    I wouldn't hesitate to kill a woman on a game with five people, if she deserved it. I repsect the equal rights of women, to live and die! It's all about equality!

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    21 September 2002 18:21:37

    OH, yes! sorry! Havent's sleep well for about 24 hours (2-3 hours sleep)

    The thing i forgot to mention is that she didn't report. no one.

    Thanks for reminding me. This is important for me too.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    21 September 2002 18:13:31

    Didn't you forget to mention something,Ivon?

    Maybe you should check the closest courthouse to refresh your failing memory, which sounds like a height for a scholar, methink...


  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    21 September 2002 18:09:33

    Which facts am i disforming?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    21 September 2002 18:02:54

    Hey,Norin! I've told him to go food the dragons instead of trying to cheat the real dark one with a ring he is even not able to get from a silly hobbit...

    I assume he didn't appreciate it...Mays he be burn in Kuma!

    As for ivon, *fdl*, I just looooove, and loving is not a strong term enough, the way you are disforming the facts...Didn't you forget two mention one or two elements in your fair retaliation of the *facts*, and what would be a rims without his precious, transformed facts?

    I'm glad you didn't give anything, it makes feel you uncomfortable with your high sense of honour and this has no price.


    If Rimsilvals were a cast they would be jesuits!

  • Author
    Grum [legacy]
    21 September 2002 17:57:05

    I would say that if you're in war with the person, not to give the equipment back, because if you give it back its just an advantage to them. If you keep the eq, it will force them to come out of the guildhall more often to get more eq.

    Otherwise it would always be nice to return the equipment, you did what you needed to do, the eq's just a bonus.

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    21 September 2002 17:44:50

    Majard punishes Necsipaal for disobeying the Dark Lord!

    How ironic. Bad bad Necsi, what have you don e that hurt the dark lord? *wink

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    21 September 2002 17:28:12

    Anyway. I have a dillema and would like to hear 2 people i can't contact directly about their opition for this - Morph and Pounder.

    So this is the situation - we kill Necsipaal with 5 man party because she killed Majard,then she ask for her equipment (baldric,dws,lhp,2crystals we got).

    The question is would you give the equipmeent back if you were in this situation?

    Others people's opinion is also appreciated.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    21 September 2002 17:21:16

    It's hard, very hard

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    21 September 2002 17:14:40

    those #SUB triggers are really ugly and annoying, i dont see how the hell you play with that shit.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    21 September 2002 16:20:19

    Nah Wyngel's falut, I was talking to him and launched my alias, forgot to fade,*before* :P

    the most funny is that I ended in the glob quest, and you have to do it before you can leave, even as a ghost,lol.

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    21 September 2002 16:18:20

    *huggles Necsi*

    Aww how could you do it to my poor necsi!

    We were talking on ICQ when it happened :P She just said, I died arg

    :P lOl I guess it might be my fault somewhat!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    21 September 2002 16:18:09

    woo, spammy log!

    At least by my death, I may claim I've more honor than you and you guys know why,hehehehe.