Agarvain again

Posted by
Ruiniel [legacy]
23 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Agarvain thinks he's safe.I devote the kill to the Darkness Queen.


  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    26 September 2002 12:37:18

    Damn right.

    And then me am gonnah solo yah arse after me hev gangbanged yer arse!

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    25 September 2002 21:13:04

    I remember when Ruiniel used to say 'me am gonnah solo you all.' Well, things change i guess. Next step up he'll change it to 'me gonnah gangbang you all.'

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 September 2002 23:59:17

    Ruiniel, stop smoking

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 September 2002 23:09:13

    I want my ocean gipsy, daamn.

    You know, everything's your fault:P

    And that's not from the weed we just smoked with Belerig.:PPP

    Roxette are cool.

    bah, forgot to say, me am gonnah PK you all.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 September 2002 23:06:33

    Sod off morons, leave Fairfax alone.

    AARRRGHHH, hit my thumb badly before training, it was allright during the training but now it hurts like hell..I'll go PK someone because of that.Do you now see how PK works?

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    24 September 2002 10:42:18

    Lotraz, not once was I given a sound reason for you guys declaring war on us, other then a general dislike for certain individuals of our guild or being bored, and trust me I have asked several of your members and given up after the nth time of getting a shrug or being disrespected and bitched at. If something that happened within Mordor triggered this whole ordeal, this is the first time I hear of it...but please enlighten me. If it's the usual 'cause we can and want to' answer, I don't want to hear it...

    Give me one example where I complained about dieing in Mordor, or getting killed because of something that happened in Mordor, if you can't, please stop making up shit and twisting my words to make it sound like I do...

    I go to Mordor and kill there to make it what it's thematically suppose to be, dangerous, and everybody that enters, should expect to be risking their lives including me and our members. Just ask Nirrab. But in order to prevent things from getting out of control which you obviously don't comprehend, this extreme type of RP (yes, you heared me right, RP) we try to keep strictly within the bounds of Mordor. You want to take it outside to retaliate, you have the right to do so, but at least have the decency to let me know that is the true reason behind your actions. Is finding the root of the problem and at least making an attempt at solving it really that difficult for you?

    And Fairfax/Holic/whatever...your sexist remarks are not appretiated. Try acting your age and talking to me without hitting below the belt and maybe we can actually hold a decent conversation for once. Or could it be that you and your overblown ego feel so intimidated by me?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    24 September 2002 09:07:52

    Adunazon wrote: 'never once has any SoU member complained about being retaliated against for a Mordor attack,'

    Gothwin, SoU Guildmaster wrote: 'Surrender to prove, that being harassed and abused by you and your pals without a reason, is ok?'

  • Author
    Kujo [legacy]
    24 September 2002 08:00:25

    Yes she does Tarn, very much

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    24 September 2002 05:33:53

    Sorry about the mistakes in my post. I was, umm, trying to emulate Nogothrim. Yeah, that's it.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    24 September 2002 05:27:26

    Necsipaal, I was obviously talking about hatred and other such emotions that occur out of character. I had many friends in moral guilds, but interacted with them in a hateful manner while in character. Whining, best comment threads ever? I think so. Top five comment threads are whining, hate speach, racial slurs, and anything involving sodomy and incest. Throw in a few imbeciles, and you have this entire page, and most of the MUD.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    24 September 2002 04:32:51

    Uhm, this is a game therefore theme only works so far. You attack all your friends. You then dont have any friends. Then everyone kills you. Somewhat counter productive

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    24 September 2002 03:06:08

    Actually, very few Durms kill in Mordor consistently. Most prefer the freedom of being able to enter the gates. I have attacked Serex and Klouse several times when I've found them killing in Mordor.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 September 2002 02:28:49

    Of course, at that time I remember SoU saying that what happened inside Mordor should not affect outside it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    24 September 2002 02:25:04

    25. Jan, 2002

    By: Adunazon

    Type: Player Kill

    Title: Burning tails envelop Azmar...

    Add comment

    Azmar led an attempted gangbang on me several days ago.. I haven't got to the rest of them yet.

    This is a log of Adunazon retaliating an attack that Azmar led against him INSIDE his holy land of Mordor, and I know because I was there, although I didn't attacked cause I felt that banging him would be lame.

    Also, since you defend Mordor by theme, why not get the durms that kill there constantly?

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    24 September 2002 01:19:29

    Fairfax, before you go thinking you're hot shit for pking me at level 14, all you have to know is that I broke you once, and could have broke you a half dozen times again. I was trying to set you up, and it got me killed. Besides the obvious heroicism of pking a level 14, (where are you now that I've maxed and stand a chance against you?) I said nothing of it. Although your counting skills leave something to be desired, three teeth is all I would need to tear your lying throat out. So, as before, as again, you have proved nothing to me but the fact that you are cowardly and ignorant. I must laugh at the fact that, lacking any real ammunition to argue with, you create your own little vision of me as a gap-toothed homosexual.. hoping maybe one day your little peepee will fit between 'my 3 teeth'? Keep dreaming, closetcase.

    To Lotraz: The SoU had for a long time defended Mordor, not because, as you say, it is 'an excuse to pk in RP', but because, now I know this is hard for your BkD/FRA mind to fathom, we have a THEME. We are servants of Sauron, and the best way to get someone out of Mordor is to make them think they're going to die.. never once has any SoU member complained about being retaliated against for a Mordor attack, although I think killing someone outside of Mordor for something that occured inside is a terrible waste of fines. Also, where do you come by the reasoning that none of our pks should happen outside Mordor? And you, oh Lotraz, who claim that YOUR roleplay is to pk whomever you feel the desire to, are chastising us for a toned down version of the same? You amuse me. The fact that I've told you to piss off every time you've tried to lecture me or my guild on the inadequacies of my RP might have something to do with the nonsensical babblings you posted, but then again, maybe you're just too stupid to realize when you're talking in circles.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    24 September 2002 00:01:57

    Yeah, she scare me, Devil woman, let her rise out of my body, arghhh!!

    *enters into insane convulsions*


    *has red exhorbited eyes and foam at her lips*

    HELP ME I'm possessed!! gharghhhhhh

    *turns her head of 180? and is walking on four legs from behind her back*


    *vomits a green non-identified substance*

    Necsipaal's typist.

    *Warning, this message mays include a second degree*

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 23:50:07

    Does Necsipaal scare anyone else?

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    23 September 2002 23:32:25

    I'd rather extend to say it's fun to love hate as well as to hate love :P

    Now, I'm afraid Duniv, that my spirit is perverted enough to accept, what most of those of my kind deny, I love competitions, arguing having enemies and I believe a game is before all built on the basis of fight, if not litteraly, at least spiritually. I know the typical arguing against this kind of view is that you play a game for the pleasure it procurs you... still i can't avoid to think,competition is a big part of this pleasure... The possibility to difference you as a being from the others with a particular skill, through a theater of imagination, is, of course very ludic by essence... (I will stop here, it sounds like a boring sociology lesson, doesn't it? :P)

    Now I do not keep any _real_ hard feelings against anyone ooc, and never I'd have the thinking to go beat a typist for real, lol.

    If I may feel a hate deep inside of me when I play somtimes, the hatred is all fictiv and is the one of my character(as a writer who would actually feel the emotions of his character).

    I think the deep emotions you feel by acting in a RP-Game are the basis of a true and enjoyable roleplay even if these feelings are not always *positive*.

    Thus I think T2T would be very boring if all people were to agree and like each other peacefully. What would be this middle earth without its passions, its challenges its rivalrys its duels, that are actually condensed in these pages?

    All hail to conflict, all hail to inimity, all hail to flaming war, and to the log pages!

    Necsipaal_Lord Henry_Eldom

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 22:51:49

    What about thinking its fun to hate hate?

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 September 2002 22:32:42

    If you enjoy true hate, bitterness, and resentment, then you're messed up. Webster defines fun as 'A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.' You could dispute the meaning of the word, but if you do that, what's the point of using words to represent your ideas? Some objectivity is necesary for a coherent conversation. When you say you have fun doing something, it means you enjoy doing that thing, not reaping the benefits of that action.

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    23 September 2002 20:57:26

    Sometimes people's wiev of fun may differ for what we call standards.So how shall we decide that their way of having fun is not right? Well actually I don't know the answer to this.But as Duniv said, it would be better if some people left, no no ,not left,only did not carry their ego to the game all the time.After all, everything is the piece of the balance (not only here) and all has its right to exist.Just opinions of mine. 'd like to hear yours , too.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    23 September 2002 20:43:16

    Fuck, I'm just laughing my ass off, waiting to go to turin's mud:)

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    23 September 2002 20:42:06

    *agrees with Duniv*

    Yea, I'm on Achaea too, might want to drop by and say hi if I'm on. Oh and the mud is completely different then t2t

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    23 September 2002 20:12:32

    But.... Hate is fun, isn't it?

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 September 2002 19:37:18

    Ahem. (clears his throat) I reccomend you all try a MUD called Achaea. What's so cool about this MUD? It's fun, and the people are cool. Overall, the place just has a super laid back atmosphere. I don't play there often, but it's kind of fun when I do. Reading the log page reminds me why I probably shouldn't come back. Why? Because this MUD is populated with people who don't play to have fun anymore. They play for vengeance and to feed their ego. You say you kill for fun? Look at the comments on the page. Some people like Tuareg, Fairfax, and others seem to spew nothing but hate. Hmm. I'll go back to studying now. Not that that's any more fun than the towers. If you still play for fun, great. Alot of people don't, and I didn't before I left.


  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    23 September 2002 19:26:23

    FRA attacks everyone (except Rims), no matter what treaty they may have at them with the time. So a few people from CoU decided to fight back, to just kill the offending members. What happens? They start killing random non offending members and allantir. Moral of the story, FRA = bullies. Unless your a Rim, you'll get attacked by FRA. But then again, everyone knows this, thats what its been for the past zillion years.

  • Author
    Holic [legacy]
    23 September 2002 18:43:32

    I'll speak on behalf of Fairfax.

    Number of Fairfax's required to kill Adunazon: 1

    Total number of teeth in the front of Adunazon's mouth 3.. (disputed)

    At anyrate, I think you said my name earlier, but I can't be sure I couldn't understand through that lisp you have. Moving on, those peckers won't even post that log because it's nothing to be proud about, you reading the log know the same so I won't even bother responding. Moving on, Gothwin, marry me. I know I've been pressing the issue a lot lately, but I just can't wait any longer. Mama wants to be a grandma. As far as negotiating with FRA is concerned, I seem to remember a certain guildmaster of SoU begging the FRA to enter war with them against the Megs, then running with their tail in between their legs when FRA finally agreed and began to annihilate Meglivornth targets. You can throw your communist views right back at yourself if you feel that everyone should fall into line and not quote unquote harass the Mordor RP'ers. If your RP was that sound then really none of your pk's should happen outside of Mordor right?

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    23 September 2002 17:04:53

    Hahah Gothwin: 'Surrender to prove, that being harassed and abused by you and your pals without a reason, is ok?'

    You of all should be the last to come whining about being harassed. I seems to remember how you made an effort out of being a Mordor killer and on top of that attempt to display it as Roleplay (Defending Mordor from intruders).

    At the least the FRA is honest about it... we kill for fun, and as FRA we don't start whining about people fighting back, ... we expect it!

    You on the other hand expect to be cherished for your great RP, yet you call it harassment when someone else tries to use your RP on yourself...


    (And yes, before idiots start shooting me down for saying this, ... I know I in the past has argued for ways to change related issues, but it has never been with the concept Gothwin uses that I wanted to be able to do what others shouldn't be able to do to me.)

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    23 September 2002 15:46:36

    People, I think you did read way too fast your History's books if yout think that it's a number of corpses or the way they were slayed that makes you win or loose a war. The only camp that actually always win is the one of Death, endlessly feed by all these agonies.

    Anyway, I find pretty amusing than in both of the war that matters us, the excuse given was more or less the unrightfull of murdering, which suddendly becomes a sacred Right under the trumpets of war...

    what's the logical in killing people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?

    The more you kill crime's artisan, the more you actually justify us.


    '...The world was void,

    The populous and the powerful was a lump,


    Alump of death_a chaose of hard clay.'


    The one known as Leocolindiel

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    23 September 2002 15:10:40

    I love Ruiniel. I used to hate him, but then I realized that he wasn't trying to bother me, he's just a funny guy! Now, when he says silly things, I just laugh. Ruiney, when will we play chess?

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    23 September 2002 14:13:08

    Wait wait, no no, that's not right.

    Wasn't your fault.

    It was the door's fault. And the key's fault!


  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    23 September 2002 14:12:21

    Damn Adunazon, you're a badass when it comes to recent statistics.

    So hey, number of people it took for Ruiniel to kill you: 2.

    Oh woopsy di huh. =(

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    23 September 2002 09:47:38

    I don't die to PKs, I die to NPCs and in difficult quests. Isn't that great?

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    23 September 2002 06:38:38

    Hah! No one killed me yet! Know why? Because it tooks me a full 10 minutes to get from board room to hitching post!

    If you wanted to blame why I am not online during the war, blame it on this number: (888) 262-6300 or visit:!

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    23 September 2002 06:23:15

    I mmust admit guys and girls, that many of you are just whining. People die, and people use good weapons... big deal. I don't hear Deadlok complaining after getting killed this much. Please stop making excuses, everyone dies.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 04:40:28

    It makes me special though

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    23 September 2002 04:14:47

    All I was saying, Adunazon, is that comparing the number of people used in pkills in a few days time means absolutely nothing, and is swayed by a number of factors, including the weapons you had. For the record, you killed me with 4 people, and that included the whip. Listing the kill statistics for 1-2 days when you have good weapons doesn't mean much of anything, and if you want to think it makes you special, or furthermore want to overreact when I point it out, I guess that's your choice.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 03:40:48

    I'm curious Ruiniel, what are your fines like these days. Not that you actually pay them, thats what your million newbie moral buddies are for

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    23 September 2002 03:31:41

    Bud, you just don't realize that the more you piss me off, the longer this is going to why bother? Oh right, ego, sorry...I am wasting my breath.

    Get a grip in yourself, kid.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 September 2002 03:13:45

    My ego needs food too, that's a huge problem usually.

    No way to stop this if you don't surrender.:P

    But, blah, I like it thisway.If only you went out of your GH more often...

  • Author
    Gothwin [legacy]
    23 September 2002 03:10:14

    Ruiniel dear, I could post at LEAST 3 logs of me watching you die, and several other FRA members, so don't try and make a point by counting 'the-all-mighty-score'. You want to talk about surrendering? Surrender to prove, that being harassed and abused by you and your pals without a reason, is ok?

    I don't think so.

    This pathetic war is pointless, the sooner you realize it the better...but oh my, god forbid we find the problem and solve it in a mature way, countless egos would be hurt not to mention your pride!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 September 2002 03:05:04

    He is:) The FRA dude i mean:P

    Oh, well, dunno how you deal with FRAs:P I just like how the average level of the SoUs drops down mostly due to PKs:P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 03:01:42

    And that dude from the fellowship is cool

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 September 2002 03:01:19

    Must have been the 'use a huntbreak without enough hp and die' bug.

    We will never surrender. Why? Because if we did, you'd consider that a victory and about a week later you'd start killing our members again. We've learned how to negotiate with FRA, and it doesn't have anything to do with diplomacy.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 02:49:35

    You been abusing that stupitiy bug again Ruiniel?

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 September 2002 02:32:00


    Surrender damn you.

    Err, what people killed me? I got attacked by 3 people, that's all:P

    And I won't tell you what bug I abused:P

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 September 2002 02:13:50

    Boo fuckin hoo. You guys had the whip and MELS for months straight. We have then for 2 boots and you start using that as an excuse? Please.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    23 September 2002 02:12:26

    Hey Adunazon, is it me, or did those kills of yours also involve people with the whip and MELS? Yeah, that's what I thought. You can't compare a 2-man kill with the whip and MELS to a 4-man kill involing weapons that don't double-attack and don't have insta-damage maneuvers.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 September 2002 02:06:57


    By the way, I forgot one other.

    Number of people required to kill Ruiniel: 3

    So that makes the score 3 to 1 (twice)

    And Ruiniel, as always, bring it solo, and watch yourself die. Think me a liar? Prove me wrong.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 September 2002 02:02:11

    Score for before the last days:

    read my logs, many SoU deaths.

    Number of people reuquired to kill Adunazon at level 19: 2, twice.

    So stop speculating and tell me when are you gonna surrender?

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 September 2002 01:56:33

    FRA - SoU score the past two days: Direkein - 1 death. Fairfax - 1 death. Agarvain, level 16 - 1 death. Agarvain, level 15 - 1 death.

    Number of people required to kill Direkein - 2

    Number of people required to kill Fairfax - 3

    Number of people required to kill level 16 Agarvain - 3

    Number of people required to kill level 15 Agarvain - 4

    Yeah, you guys are great. We're just newbies.

  • Author
    Woden [legacy]
    23 September 2002 01:53:55

    But Ruiniel, I wanted to be the Darkness Queen.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    23 September 2002 01:51:08

    You da man!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    23 September 2002 01:48:05


  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    23 September 2002 01:22:39

    And i gladly accept the soul=)

    Soul and Blood for your Empress :P!