
Posted by
Jerf [legacy]
23 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

2 man kill *shrug*


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    23 September 2002 21:58:10

    I didn't 'openly spoke against' you. I was just leveling the playfield of this pointless pointing fingers this site has shown to be. :)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 21:56:05

    Err, everyone gets that lag, whatever

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 21:45:12

    The mud at reboots everyone gets, including those people with ethernet connections (like me, hahahaha)

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    23 September 2002 21:31:07

    Yeah, every time it's luck and never skill.

    Btw, don't even dare talk to me about lag:P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 21:25:02

    Yes, you soloed Shaft because it was a reboot and he was really lagged and you soloed Serex from rhos because he misaliased. Nothing to do with actually skill, just luck.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    23 September 2002 21:13:30

    I soloed Shaft and Serex once at level 16 and they were maxed...

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    23 September 2002 20:35:56

    Err I see it as Ironic, how the fuck can you tell me different Vittorio? GOD you are a fucking nobody, WHY the fuck or were do you get off that you can even talk and your voice be heard? A nuisance, a fucking fly, is all that you are, a body that someone uses to fucking headbutt, you don't have you own style, you don't have shit, as far as gameplay, well fuck you have none of that either.

    You might retaliate with, oh whoare you to talk, this blah, I killed you blah blah blah, all I can say to that is on this mud. Every dog has its day.

    Yes you are a dog.

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    23 September 2002 20:33:32

    *winces* Lotraz that is the first time you ever, openly spoke against me, and to be honest that hurts. I'm neither Whining or complaining, I could give to shits who they can, or try to kill As everyone on his mud, only a certain few have any respect from me, and they know who they are. Oh yes I kill weaker members but I have never, ever killed the same person 5times during a war, that would be how should I say it, unprofessional, I have standards *shrugs

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 September 2002 19:16:41

    congrats, someone knows how to use a dictionary, wish I could do that

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    23 September 2002 18:23:20

    baral, for your learning pleasure, since you seem to be a bit defficient.

    irony: incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs

    this is nothing near ironic.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    23 September 2002 17:09:27

    Yes Baral, I can certainly see how it can be considered 'level bash their softer members' when killing the Durmanhoth Guildmaster. Both sides in just about any war is equally good at picking weak members, ... even Durmanhoth.

    So don't whine about that, change your own ways if you want to take the moral standpoint ... then you can start whining.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    23 September 2002 15:54:41

    And if we were to kill deadlok, it wouldnt be because of the war or because its easier, it would be because he stole our black sword one or two boots ago.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    23 September 2002 15:49:17

    BKD isnt in this war, and Jerf is not bkd.

  • Author
    Reandor [legacy]
    23 September 2002 15:13:50

    Not again.Hey DL, give that PS2 to me and I can tell you the magic word that will make you invulnerable in the mud.Fair enough deal, eh? :P

  • Author
    Baral [legacy]
    23 September 2002 15:02:00

    I find it fucking ironic when rimsilval or bkd complain when we level bash their softer members, now they do the same thing cause, well whats wrong, can't hang with Serex? or can't hang with Shaft? *laughs

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    23 September 2002 14:53:23

    At least he doesnt hide in his GH.

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    23 September 2002 14:48:25

    But he levels back up. He's quite tough and can take a lot of deaths without starting to bitch and whine about it.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 September 2002 11:24:02

    But yeah, Deadlok dies a lot in wars, 4 times the last war, 5 times (could be more in the end) this war.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    23 September 2002 11:22:56

    I agree with Frankiej, it's war, and they think Deadlok is an easy target, so they kill him!

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    23 September 2002 10:28:50

    hello girls, it's a war, wake up to yourself

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    23 September 2002 09:55:29

    *agrees with Atraa*

  • Author
    Atraa [legacy]
    23 September 2002 09:52:28

    be fair, go for someone else... the address isnt