Died at reboot.

Posted by
Feodinur [legacy]
26 September 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Damn. This was costly. It looked like I might get lucky for a second there, but I didn't figure I could sit up there for too long


  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    22 November 2002 03:08:20

    I don't know about Rhoads, but I hate you because you're a dick. :P

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    16 October 2002 11:44:56

    You hate me because I'm better than you. Understandable.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    02 October 2002 17:54:18

    Not you too! man you peopel have conscience problem! :)

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    02 October 2002 08:44:44

    Bah. Go to hell, Rhoads ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    02 October 2002 00:30:31

    my mistake :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    01 October 2002 23:50:37

    I said the leadership, not gothwin, by leadership i mean other people as well, you know who.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    01 October 2002 23:36:00

    Oh and Limdul, my honour remains intact for reasons you couldn't even begin to fathom. How about yours? Did you ever have any?..spies generally don't so you've got no room to question mine.

    Btw, why is it you keep hibernating?

    Beware the consequences of MPing.

    Never an assassin on when I need one *grumble*

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    01 October 2002 23:29:35

    Actually Rhoads,

    You've got to give Gothwin alot of credit for keeping her Guild aimed towards RP for RP's sake and not RP to pK. Alteast much more than previous SoU GM's. Granted I've not known all of the SoU GMs so please don't take offense, I'm just stating a heavily biased opinion based on my concept of RP as a member of KoDA.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    01 October 2002 19:17:28

    Well, the problem is when the leadership pulls the image of a guild down.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    01 October 2002 18:44:58

    Can't some dude kill some other dude so we can move on?

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    01 October 2002 17:38:19

    Just so I don't unjustifiably slander anyone here, I was mistaken about Camillus' response. He said that he is placing beastmaster on Udungul's restriction list beginning next uptime, not just for next reboot. Also, it should be noted that most SoU do a good job of roleplaying, and most, in my opinion, deserve respect. Not all though.

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    01 October 2002 16:45:25

    Look I said you attacked, not killed. I don't see what my choices have to do with your lack of 'honor'.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    01 October 2002 14:05:53

    Have someone from Minas Tirith align me or any other Knight.

    Anything else is pure conjecture and considering that everyone knows that the Pathors have sworn to kill you...well, I wouldn't be listening to the word of someone who made a habit of spying on every guild he ever joined.

    You want to start divulging info...so can I so let's not go there.

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    01 October 2002 13:55:05

    Yeah, uhh.. hmm.. like terrorizing Minas Tirith women for a better armoury -attacking Tabetha- ?

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    01 October 2002 06:26:27

    Thank you Ailin,

    Paraiko, I didn't say that I approved of the killing of applicants or of low/mid levels partying with your members. Nor does my Guild, but then again when things like this happens to a moral guild (as Ailin has said) you guys just kick back and laugh it up.

    So take your whole last comment and cram it right up your ass. The Knights of Dol Amroth will always maintain their 'virtuous and chivalric ideals' because these are the foundations upon which the Guild was built. Because our foundations are so solid, those that wear the tabard of the Knights will never forsake those ideals.

    Except for those that never believed them to begin with and used false words and spoke Oaths with their honour twisted behind their backs and these never remain members for long.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    01 October 2002 02:21:26

    The KoDA have been in your position, actually a hell of alot worse, Paraiko. Perhaps you shouldn't speak about matters you know nothing of?


  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    01 October 2002 02:02:55

    Wasach, get off your fucking pedestal. I'd like to see how long all your virtuous and chivalric ideals last when your guild is fighting for its life. Your applicants aren't been killed, nor are people that simply party with a guildmember being killed. One such incident involved an 11th level character just travelling with one of us. Your guild would be butchered if you were ever to be in the situation we are in.

    So shut the fuck up. You're in no position to judge anyone.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    30 September 2002 23:27:29

    I'm sorry Feodinur, I thought he'd admitted they had. Also, you are right that they should not be killnig the Beast Master. I might as well go up and kill the First Knight or rush over to Linhir and behead the Gov. Oh well, not my Guild, not my problem.

    Although, if you ask me...uniques being as powerfull as they are should not be just 'go to npc wielding unique and kill said npc.' Blacksword, Dragontooth Axe, Shadow Sword are somewhat close to it but most Uniques are way to easy to get. I mean come on, The Whip? All you have to do is roll a boulder and survive that fall, not exactly difficult now is it ;)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    30 September 2002 20:10:18

    haha, nichodemus quit on me once

  • Author
    Theodrek [legacy]
    30 September 2002 19:46:33

    I call a horse a horse. Do I count?

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    30 September 2002 18:22:13

    Honourable solution? Chances are they wouldn't have gotten the globe anyways. Now they just focus their resources on other uniques. Not to mention the fact that, thematically, they shouldn't be getting the globe anyways. Also it doesn't so much bother me that they claim-jumped. Just that they try to preserve honor, or whatever you all call it, by saying they didn't claim jump. Let's call a horse a horse.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    30 September 2002 16:32:14

    Hehe, that's one of the most funny solutions of a problem i've seen - We wouldn't get the globe next boot

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    30 September 2002 13:46:12

    Wasach, I have three letters for you. FoD! (grin)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    30 September 2002 10:02:28

    *chuckles mirthfully*

    Don't miss the whole point here. I've never heard an FRA member claim that corpselooting, claimjumping was wrong or that they didn't do it. They've said, time and time again, that their Guilds RP is to do as they please when they please and how they please, in order to secure The One Ring for themselves.

    Every other Guild has maintained that all of these things are bad for one reason or another and these things are usually followed out of mutual respect on an individual basis. I think the whole point was, 'Guild A did something (repeatedly) even though it is against their RP, theme, blahblahblah, whatever to do. Guild B that doesn't have this restrictions and sees this, finds it funny, hyporcrital, whathaveyou and decides to let the rest of us share in this.

    I've really got to give a salute to Camillus, GM of Udungul. What did he do when it was brought to him that a member of his Guild was accused of this? Well, I am certain he had an internal investigation first but then announced that his Guild would not attempt to attain the globe during the next reboot. Now that's not handing the Globe back to whoever had the proper claim but it's a damn honourable solution to the problem.

    I recall Nichodemus returning the Globe to me once because he said his guild was more honourable than to pK for a mere weapon, no matter what weapon it was. I believed him, I believe him still but it saddens me that his belief in his guild was off mark.

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    30 September 2002 08:08:15

    I think Wasach deserves a doctorate for that thesis :)

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    30 September 2002 07:26:30

    Some people are really pathetic.. remember your arguement 'I do it because I want to and there's nothing you can do about it'? Comes in handy when FRA corpselooted / claimjumped / random killed someone yet another time, eh? But when someone gives your own shit to you for a single time you start bitching and crying like little girls. You guys know nothing about honor, so don't make yourselves look like complete hypocrits by bringing up moral standards here or anywhere else.

    Manner - Someone should remove your account. Your char doesn't exist anymore and already switched sides like the two-faced traitor that you are. I don't understand why you're still critizising FRA when at the same time you're getting along so well with their secondary guild (Rimsilval) now. I bet it will only be a matter of time until you got your char(s) in FRA too anyways - I mean.. all rims do.

    Now something pleasant for a change..

    legend fairfax

    legend karvid

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    30 September 2002 01:06:33

    Second choice Feodinur, if KoDA kept killing Theoden for his sword I would surely be pissed.

  • Author
    Manner [legacy]
    30 September 2002 00:31:10

    Hahaha, I really am sorry, i havent read the middle and end part of this thread but I feel the need to jump in here and talk to Mr. RP analyzer Azura. Hell man, you are so funny with your standards, for some reason, those standards you thrieve for in this thread are the exact once you used to overplay like what? a year ago? yeah probably.

    You claim that SoU corpse looted your mels and what not, you remember when you guys said we will use any means necessary to beat our oponents? haha, man you guys suck especially with recruitments like ruiniel and such who think they are the best in this game now just because they can trigger to hunt and have j aliased to say a vegetable name and start attacking the oponnent. I am not trying to mock anyone and espeically you ruiniel, you are better than before as i can see but your arrogance is totally not in position.

    From what I hear in SoU board, there is shit load of kills that happen to FRA members that SoU dont bother posting at log pages. But hell, when you guys kill someone amazingly it is your duty to show the whole of mud that you killed that person and make it appear that you are punishing SoU when it is exactly the opposite of what is really happening.

    Bah, back to azura's RP standards, he claims not to be an RP'er but yet critisizes people who actually try to RP and sometimes slip. Atleast, Azura, they try to RP and if you slip while rping and do a mistake most people would accept it. You people have been jumping on Evil's RP ever since you guys started these thread comments on several logs. But hell thats my opinion.


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    29 September 2002 22:18:42

    you guys are dumb

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    29 September 2002 21:52:29

    Rhoads, when you say why doesn't SoU do something about it, do you mean why don't they try to loot it or why don't they try to stop Udungul from getting it?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 September 2002 17:21:45


  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    29 September 2002 10:33:17

    Hehe, 150 comments!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 September 2002 07:53:28

    What about the Udungul thing?

    And yes, mistakes happen.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    29 September 2002 07:30:53

    This is getting ridiculous. Yes, it was a stupid, dishonorable and unthematic thing to do. But it should not be taken as an indictment of the entire guild. We made a mistake, whether out of mistyping or confusion or whatever, and we wish it hadn't happened. That's all this entire matter breaks down to. This was not anything like a sanctioned assassination, as the DH did not think she was taking up too much room and ordered someone to kill the Master. Jian also did not go up there with the intention to kill her.

    So, we made a mistake. We're sorry. Now just drop it.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 September 2002 07:30:31

    Udungul can get globe? aren't they some elite army of sauron? Aren't they allied with SoU? Why SoU dosen't do anything about it?

  • Author
    Taidhbhse [legacy]
    29 September 2002 07:21:59

    Loot! Loot! Loot! Loot!

    Just seems kinda not cool.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    29 September 2002 07:14:10

    As everyone is well aware, there was another reboot. So in the ongoing thread of looting, I have a few more. I'm not trying to make people care, but on the chance that someone does, here goes: Fuingul looted MELS

    Udungul looted globe. This one's a bit tricky though, so stay with me on this story. Factol had claim. I climbed up with him. He offered me claim for 1k, I refused, he climb down. Haroth climbs up and says its his because he paid 2.5k to Factol. I told him that was dumb because it wasn't factol's claim anymore. After some arguing and fighting, Udungul trigger to take from corpse ended up being fastest. Udungul GM says he won't do anything, but he will restrict Udungul from getting globe for the next 1 reboot, so that should even things out. Also, an offer I made to several people, and I will make to the general public. I am hereby offering claims to any unique for 500 each reboot. Just tell whoever has the claim that you bought it from me, and that should make it yours.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 September 2002 06:46:12

    So, what else not-so-new polemical issue should we discuss now? :P

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    29 September 2002 06:44:53


  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    29 September 2002 04:56:47

    Good thinking Duniv, I was trying to get this one the most commented on. I think this is the comment that will put it over too *crosses his fingers* Of course I would appreciate it if a few more people would comment, cause it'd be kinda lame if my own comments were the only reason it was most commented.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    29 September 2002 03:29:51

    btw, Necsipaal...what is the line record? I mean was I close or way off ;)

    I think I still hold the record for the widest post ;) althought I've no idea where it is on the site now.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    29 September 2002 03:28:47

    Paraiko, suck my ass. I had if you would recall dropped the whole thing. Have I pursued some vendetta against SoU in the last year, constantly slaying your members? I think not. I brought it up because Adunazon asked why I still hated him. That was my answer, it is the only reason it surfaces now. It is the reason I hate him and actively distrust any SoU, except those that have proven themselves more honourable and better at their stated RP then you or Adunazon could ever be. First you say that RP is more then just going out and attacking other players or defending npc's now you say that that is all RP is. Make your minds.

    As I said Paraiko, and you can ask Gothwin and Anathema...I had dropped that whole other issue. Adunazon is the one that has brought it to the fore, twice now since returning from his nuking. Perhaps he kills me because I've commited crimes against the SoU and that is why he comes after me with parties of SoU and Durms...if it is a personal issue between me and him, perhaps he should treat it as such but he doesn't, does he? Either way, that previous issue was dropped and that is where it can stay, or you both can keep harping on it and bringing it up, I don't care.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    29 September 2002 03:24:21

    I'm commenting so that the log of me getting double-tapped will finally be removed from it's spot as most commented. I'd tell you all to stop whining, but then I wouldn't achieve my goal.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    29 September 2002 01:41:53

    Wasach, quit yer bitchin'. You got killed you once for the tag, and you died after you attacked me at the gates of Dol Amroth and then didn't leave before it was too late. If that is levelbashing, then there's a whole lot of it going it. And we resolved this in the MC debate anyway, so quit bringing it up. It wasn't that big a deal, I've died several times in a row too. And everyone who is attacking Adunazon's RP, you're doing the opposite. You're bashing him for RPing too MUCH, not too little. He's more agressive against his thematic foes, and you start whining about it. So shut up and respond in kind, or just accept it and move on. This treaty shit does not define the quality of someone's RP ability.

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    29 September 2002 01:34:44

    Are you trying to break my record wasach? :P

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    29 September 2002 01:16:30

    Wasach, whether you believe it or not, I contracted you once, and killed you once. That hardly constitutes as 'levelbashing'

  • Author
    Anatharn [legacy]
    29 September 2002 00:06:31

    Wasach needs to go out and breathe some fresh air. His brains (or what is left of them) seem to be in serious need of oxygen.

  • Author
    Eothalion [legacy]
    28 September 2002 22:17:41

    big comment wasach ;)

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    28 September 2002 21:58:12

    How conviently Adunazon twists the truth...

    Your Guild has hunted in RP. Your Guild signed a treaty, your choice, if you didn't like following it, back out of it...which you did finally. if I recall it was an SoU that came up with the treaty in the first place but I wasn't around when it was created so, whatever.

    I didn't coerce you with threats and insults until you hunted me down. I mean you had to send Jian in ahead of you to coverse with me about my RP battle medals in some lame attempt to 'set me up'. I hadn't moved from that spot before YOU started talking to me. Yes, you started the conversation, left that out didn't you. You asked me why it was I hated you, silly question as you knew the answer. I told you that of course I'd hate the person that used his entire guild to gangbang and levelbash someone for something so petty as an auction tag. Shit, if I recall after you returned from your nuking, I tossed a blackfang up there at alexa with a nifty tag. Gothwin didn't like it and asked me to take it down, I did because of how she approached the problem. That was all you had to do. Shit, I didn't even know why you kept banging me for 4 days, when I did find out I told you that all you had to do was ask me to take it down...and you kept on banging me for a few more days.

    If insults are your only justification for killing me, then how come you're not out gangbanging half the mud with your little armies of SoU members-friends-wannabes. Your 'Wasach provoked me with insults and threats ' justification is pure bullshit.

    I told you that at the time of the levelbashing, Ilian had granted me permission to seek my revenge on you and the SoU by whatever means I chose. He only did that because of the magnitude of what you were using your guild to do. I went on to tell you that Ilian did not rescend the permission when he retired and Ansuil didn't rescend it when he accepted command. I am sure he would have had he known about it at all. If I recall, I could have sworn I said something about not trying to kill you over something that happened a whole year ago because that would be lame and as much as I hate you now, I didn't hate you enough to kill you. I also said something about killing limdul and tuareg before I did anything else. (not that I get much of a shot at either on) What's this shit about 'having to hunt him down and kill him', telling you the answer to your question is hardly provoking you with threats and insults. I even thanked you for what you did because he taught me how to escape pK's and that because of your actions I made 10-20 times the price of any contract placed on me before it was fulfilled.

    After you got nuked, I even came to like RPing with quite a few SoU. We did our best to kill/drive-off each other but it was fun. I was even told that the majority of SoU members did not participate in the levelbashing and didn't agree with it. If I recall the reason for your levelbashing me was a tag at Alexa. After you returned from your nuking, I auctioned off another blackfang with a nifty tag, Gothwin didn't like it and asked me to withdraw it in the interests of non-antagonistic aggression or something like that. I saw what she was saying and consented to her wishes becuase of how she approached it. At the same time she was asking me to withdraw it, you sent me a tell saying something like...

    'didn't you get levelbashed for doing that in the past? You don't want that to happen again do you?'

    Now if that isn't trying to provoke someone with insults and threats, I don't know what is. But I didn't kill you then, did I? and why not, by your justification, I could have reduced you to level 1 using my entire guild and whatever friends wanted to tag along. *shakes his head sadly* I never said you killed me in RP, I said you pK'd me using Guild assets and members over some personal grudge you hold against me. Shit, you didn't even fulfill the C while you were at it. Of course I'm sure all the assassins that have failed their attempts on me since then will thank you for the fines they've ended up paying. Of course they also tried me solo...with no personal grudge against me and no excuse other than they were trying to fulfill a C. What are your excuses and methods again? 'He provoked me with threats and insults', insults returned for insults given, threats imagined due to answers to questions you asked. Your methods, grab every SoU, Durm, wannabe, hanger-on, stooly, fuckstick you can lay your hands on and run for MT to kill this scary little pathetic Wasach who is just standing inside the gates the whole time without a weapon on him *shudders what a scary thought!*

    Was I sending tells out to gather up a party, yes. I'm not stupid, I know you well enough, I knew what you were about from the tone and rapid fire consistancy of your tells. It's not as if Jian showing up with srs in hand asking me about my RP battle medals (yes the ainur sponsored ones), wasn't clue enough. I knew you'd try and kill me and if you actually did, I wanted a group of people ready to lock you up. Was it a setup on my part, no. I started trying to gather a party when I saw what you were about.

    You had no justification to kill me, I made no threats to you and the only insults I gave you were for ones given me. I didn't run crying about what you did. I reported it to my Guild superiors and asked them to request justification and if appropriate reimbursement for you unwarranted attack on me. I asked for reimbursement because you felt the need to use how many different guild members? *shakes his head sadly*

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 September 2002 21:11:55

    and I've been around here a lot less then some people (not many of them around any more though)

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 September 2002 21:11:19

    what the fuck does it matter anyway, this game sucks anyway

    all you youngins that think this game is cool now, it was hella better back in the day

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    28 September 2002 20:56:18

    Well, it still doesn't matter, he should NOT attack beastmaster, even if he's ND, that does NOT matter in my humble opinion.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 September 2002 19:56:50

    Uh dumb asses, its based on if you do a percentage of damage to an npc, and since beast master has mad hp and jian didn't do to much is the reason why he didn't get fined

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 September 2002 19:11:29

    Yes, pure luck!

    Jian puts Beast master out of her misery.

    Burning tails envelop Beast master and slay her with searing gledes.

    You killed Beast master.

    Beast master has died.

    Luck for him Feodinur got the dblow, yet he almost got it :)

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    28 September 2002 19:01:24

    If anyone cares, it turns out Jian did not kill the Beastmaster. Our storekeeper has the Beastmaster as one of his friends, and he is not angry with Jian.

    Whether attacking him is just as bad as killing him is debatable, so make your own conclusions.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 September 2002 16:27:18

    Actualy, Jian did got fined cause Feodinur faded off and Jian finished him.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    28 September 2002 11:43:09

    I have to agree with you Konthor: Nice kill.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    28 September 2002 11:41:22

    Btw Jian, do you think that Valacirca should kill Galadriel so you don't get her vials, and so we can use them in pks against you guys. And then, to pay our fines, we kill elven scouts so you can't kill them to get gold so you can relevel? That's what you want, right?


  • Author
    Konthor [legacy]
    28 September 2002 11:25:17

    Wow...check this out:

    Jian didn't get fined.

    That makes all this bullshit what?


    It was a nice kill, stop bitching.

  • Author
    Borkaz [legacy]
    28 September 2002 11:12:31

    I can't even count the number of times I've had a whining Valacircan or KoDA come to me that 'so and so headbutted me when I had 50hp! that's near death!'.. my response: Nothing. Take your whining somewhere else.--'adunazon'

    I also remember the exact opposite thing of couple of times. Using lightning when enemies and SoU are near death and what did they do:



    3:threaten to put a contract on me

    4:using foul language and more

    what's that about then, I ask.

  • Author
    Oslo [legacy]
    28 September 2002 08:07:01

    I say 'Im confused as to what FRA's RP is. I mean what can we get mad at them for

    killing. Just a thought.'

    Then I appreciate Feodinur's response. Then read on to find.

    Ruiniel- 'Oslo, it's none of your business.We rule you, you don't have to know who pulls

    your strings.This was a clue.Period.'

    What clues? What strings is he talking about? How do they rule us? Will someone please clarify what this guy with and overly sized head is trying to say.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 September 2002 05:11:00

    I was justfying for Ruiniel auntie :P

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    28 September 2002 04:53:08

    Ketan, your actually saying Ruiniel is a better killer then Baklen? wtf

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    28 September 2002 03:34:12

    it's taidhbhse, and it's pronounced 'taishe' :P

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    28 September 2002 01:45:59

    stop seraching for reasons, my nephew, you liked it, you did it =)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    28 September 2002 01:23:38

    For reasons, cant simply be Bragl helped kill a guildmate of mine and today gangbanged 1 KoDA friend and tried to gangbang other, so I asked Ruiniel if he would do the hunting and I discovered he was already expecting an attack from Bragl and his friend whose name manages to be harder to type than Thaidhbhse.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    28 September 2002 00:06:29

    Crap! This mud's connection is soooo unstable now. Come on mud! Don't give up!!!

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    27 September 2002 23:32:39

    Why don't you go ask Bragl.

    If you want anymore responses from me, you can speak to me in person.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    27 September 2002 23:18:11

    and should baklen make up excuses like 'he wouldnt let us kill his horse' to pk? lotraz has said multiple times that fra kills for fun, and no other reason

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    27 September 2002 23:17:00

    when was this?

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    27 September 2002 23:16:08

    Bragl helped on an attempt of a FRA member.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    27 September 2002 23:10:55

    ok, what reason did ruiniel have for killing bragl? he just kills random members or evil guilds and they are mostly newbies

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    27 September 2002 23:04:05

    I work at a Drive-in Theatre in the summer. My fingers have this funny tendency to type 'movies' without meaning to.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    27 September 2002 23:03:23

    You're forgetting to take into account the fact that Ruiniel chooses his targets for a reason, and Baklen will generally kill anything that movies. Killing someone who isn't expecting it is a lot easier than when they are. But what am I saying? Everyone remembers Avaar as one of T2T's famous pkillers, he probably already knows this!

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    27 September 2002 21:44:59

    yeah, ruiniel has way more skills than baklen, ruiniel has mastered the gangbang, and baklen has yet to master the bang or solo, erm, wait, no thats not right

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    27 September 2002 21:04:40

    Just for the record, the 'I'm sure Sauron is cool with one of his people being killed so SoU can have a really good weapon' argument is pure bullshit. Why the hell would you give someone a weapon of great power for their loyalty and service (that's what I gather from the globe's desc, anyway...something to that effect) and then be like 'Oh, good job! You sure killed that bitch and took the weapon I gave her. I'm glad one of my peons in SoU has it now. That goddamn Beast master, it's not like the woman who grooms the fell beasts for the Nazgul needs protection or anything.' And don't give me the 'but it was to pkill one of their enemies too' line, because Jian was trying to loot the globe long before he was trying to pkill Feodinur. The Feodinur kill came up by chance...looting was his original goal. He thought 'Hey, I did it at MELS, why can't I do it here?'

    So in conclusion, don't try to cloud the issue with retarded logic. SoU should not be killing the Beast master. Period.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    27 September 2002 21:02:56

    why, because he has more skill than you baklen?

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 September 2002 20:37:13

    Delgaur, you fucking moron, notice how I was referring to MORDOR.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    27 September 2002 20:16:46

    Man it just urks the shit out of me, that Ruiniel is in FRA. *bahs*

  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    27 September 2002 20:14:17

    Did I mention, I wuv you Gazza :P

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    27 September 2002 18:24:46

    well the log was interesting.

    the comments are boring as fuck. get over yourselves.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    27 September 2002 18:03:33

    You guys are dumb. yea

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 16:42:07

    Same as I did, nothing :p

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    27 September 2002 16:28:32

    What did I do to get pulled into this?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 16:20:20

    So far Duniv I have only see 1 or 2 SoUs saying that what Jian did was wrong, the rest tried to find an excuse or ignore.

    And I was quiet in my corner till Adunazon felt like throwing some 'indirects' on me.

    Come back Duniv, damn you :(

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    27 September 2002 15:50:40

    Wow. What's up with these militant Amruin all of a sudden? If I'm not mistaken, most sons do not approve of what Jian did. You all need to lighten up and stop the finger pointing. Whenever I RP'd with an Amruin, I made a point to commend them on their RP. In my opinion, RP should be about having fun, not some obligation. The finger pointing on both sides does nothing but agravate a problem that's been around for a long time. I respect Feodinur, and others like him, for their ability to seperate things that happen in game from out-of-character debates. Is respecting people so hard? Grow up.


  • Author
    Nibinving [legacy]
    27 September 2002 15:44:21

    Ok lets lay it out here fella's.

    SoU a guild known for honour and Roleplay, they broke their RP here, they attacked their own protected NPC Yes!, but Sauron would rather have his followers killed so that his side could prosper and not lose their prised weapons of destruction than have an enemy of his rule take it and use it against him and his own.

    It's dishonourable RP, evil is dishonourable it's their job leave that alone.

    It was a pk, nothing more, nothing less.

    And might I addddd..................

    This is only a game, a MUD, a text based game people calm down for godsake

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 September 2002 15:39:00

    Heya Avaar, it was just not a ESS or something, it was Globe. And the thing people are bitching about is the 'RP' that was played.

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    27 September 2002 15:37:07

    Adunazon, your RP really sucks. Wait, I shouldn't even call it RP, it should be called PK. Before you re-joined SoU I thought that SoU was a cool and RPing guild. I liked them pretty much and enjoyed RPing against them. But now, after you've re-joined SoU, I don't think the same about SoU as before. And I most certainly hate you and your pretended RP.

    Not many SoU's that I like now a days. Gothwin is cool, and so is Agarvain and Deimos. But that's pretty much it (PS: I don't know all SoU's so I might've forgotten someone).

    And Lotraz btw: 'I personally think more Amruin/KoDA/VC/BKD should gut it out and take the same road ... just like players as Wasach, Woden and Brahm (etc, etc) to some extent has done.'

    The time Amruin/KoDA/VC/BkD plays like the most of the other guild do. I'll leave this mudd, and many others will too. Because it wont be any meaning in playing it then.

    I hope that this mudd will turn back into a RP-mudd again. I don't like the way it's going.


  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    27 September 2002 14:59:59

    you guys are like lvl 5's, *cry* i got corpselooted, quit crying nobody gives a shit when a maxed char gets corpselooted, dont cry, and go fucking do something about it

  • Author
    Spartan [legacy]
    27 September 2002 14:56:05

    smirk. FRA has done this countless of times

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    27 September 2002 14:33:23

    SoU sux:P

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 September 2002 14:16:59

    'Our RP IS to PK.'


    When i was Beorn GM, i Remmberd Adunazon Bitching me out for useing RP as an excuse to complete a contract on Malgrim.

    Does his Hipocracy even end?

    Also, the fact that SoU feels the need to defend there own theme, obviously shows they are worried about it, and are worried what people think about them.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    27 September 2002 13:29:40

    Oslo, it's none of your business.We rule you, you don't have to know who pulls your strings.This was a clue.Period.

  • Author
    Rezos [legacy]
    27 September 2002 13:24:45

    Malaugrym, you're a shame for the variag race!

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    27 September 2002 10:14:27

    If you really think about it, and know that Sauron is a vicious bastard, I am sure he wouldn't mind a death of one of his employees as long as his side still had a very powerful weapon instead of say the forces of Gondor getting such a weapon. I am not trying to clear anyone of wrong doing either. And this log page also doesn't help foster the growth of relations between guilds that have once fought, because when everyone says their piece, they see what their enemies really think and take them for their word here instead of following a treaty.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 September 2002 08:58:48

    I always show my true colors. You people just like to label me something without taking the time or effort to get the facts from the face.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    27 September 2002 08:52:49

    Finally Adunazon shows his true color.

    Good thing for you that you actively supports the 'turning RP into PK' tide that has been going on. That is at the least an honest statement from you, and it puts the playing field straight into that of repeated killings of your youngest members and endless wars with huge inactivety by your less pk oriented members.

    I personally think more Amruin/KoDA/VC/BKD should gut it out and take the same road ... just like players as Wasach, Woden and Brahm (etc, etc) to some extent has done.

    That will, at the least mean the final turn and scare away the few left over players that are here for the 'Mushy' feeling.

    Go Quake.txt! :)

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 September 2002 08:50:47

    I guess it's always easier to make accusations than valid points, isn't it?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 September 2002 08:24:26

    You can't let this treaty thing go, can you? Its all you got. I don't have to call you a liar, because you contradict yourself every time you talk.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 September 2002 08:14:32

    You calling me a liar proves nothing but you like calling names, Trempk. I have never complained about any of the breaches of treaty that have occured on the Amruin side, and I've told dozens of guildmembers who were complaining to shut up and suck it up. Your guild, however, thinks that 'tattling' to a GM is the appropriate course of action. Let me reiterate what I said before... 'Fuck off.'

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    27 September 2002 07:18:56

    Paraiko: Cost analysis has nothing to do with it. Attacking the beast master had nothing to do with killing me and getting whip/globe. I don't think anyone is arguing it was unthematic to kill me, but he could have killed me even if he hadn't attacked the beast master. I'm pretty sure he didn't attack the master thinking, 'Maybe if I do this, I will get a chance to kill Feodinur with the whip and globe, that would surely make it worth it.' It was more like, 'If I attack the beastmaster, I might be able to corpse loot the globe like I corpse looted the MELS 5-10 minutes ago.' So spare me the bullshit excuse.

    To Oslo: We are in the process of having our guild reformatted; etc. You know they were far more lax in handing out guild themes in the past, but we're changing just like everyone else has to.

  • Author
    Oslo [legacy]
    27 September 2002 07:05:06

    Im confused as to what FRA's RP is. I mean what can we get mad at them for killing. Just a thought.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:56:54

    Sauron would have your asses if he knew you condoned the killing of his beastmaster.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:52:12

    I DID say it was wrong, Rhoads. I said it was a dishonorable and undignified thing to do. It is NOT, however, a breach of thematism or RP. Unless, of course, Jian loves Numenoreans (or whatever human race the Beastmaster is, haven't been up there in some time), in which case it would be a breach of his roleplay.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:37:22

    And you have no room to talk Paraiko, you fucking corpselooter. :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:36:42

    'SoU have never complained about Amruin not following treaty' Lol, after that statement, there isnt any use reading the rest of Adunazon's comment because you know he's so full of shit he is shit.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:35:26

    And look Rhoads, here I am. Not in quite as bad a mood as I was before, but pretty damn close. Note the slightly less acidic rhetoric and properly used name.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:28:26

    Paraiko, you are wrong and I am not going to re write a big post about it.

    About SoU whinign about treaty, I can name several and I do not recall me whining to you Paraiko, but I DO recall a lot of whining when I told my members to return the 'favour'.

    Why not simply admit Jian was wrong on the killing of the beast master instead of trying to deny it?

    If one of my members did something like that I would surely say it was wrong instead of trying to get a thematical excuse for it.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:17:59

    SoU have never complained about Amruin not following treaty, because most SoU are mature enough to engage in RP combat without a set of predetermined guidelines about what's acceptable and what isn't. The thing you people don't seem to realize, is that the mud is changing. The SoU will never be like the SoU that had treaties with Amruin, VC, and Rimsilval, because that time is gone. RP was something that existed before legend top and the MELS. PK is the name of the game now, and I think SoU does fairly well in dividing the two workably. No, we do not use RP as an excuse to PK in Mordor. Our RP IS to PK in Mordor. When I personally engage in RP combat with someone else, eg: Valacirca, Amruin, KoDA, I'm going to try to kill them. That is my goal. I'm not going to hunt them, because whether they fall in a pool of their own blood or run away with their tale between their legs makes no difference to me. The point is, you cannot have two opposing forces trying to kill each other then complaining when somebody dies. I can't even count the number of times I've had a whining Valacircan or KoDA come to me that 'so and so headbutted me when I had 50hp! that's near death!'.. my response: Nothing. Take your whining somewhere else. In a recent turn of events, Wasach provoked me with insults and threats until I hunted him down and killed him. Then, a day or two later, Hochopepa sends a mail to Gothwin crying that I pk'ed him in RP? What the fuck is this? If slinging personal insults and penis jokes is Wasach's vision of RP, he needs to head to Fangorn to find his ilk. In a nutshell, RP sucks, whining bitches who think other people need to adhere to their vision of RP suck, and the mud in general is going down the toilet like the condom Vallejo used to whack off in. I'd like to say I hope the future mudders will put more emphasis on RP, but those are the mudders who will get repeatedly killed, harassed and waged war against for attempting to bring their vision of Arda to this game full of 'My cock is bigger than yours' power players until they get completely disgusted and leave the mud.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    27 September 2002 06:16:10

    'We do not relate rp by a stupid treaty, the treaty was there to avoid constant agressive situations it dosen't bother me that SoU dosen't follow it or stoped following it, what bothers me is not following it and COMPLAINING (whining better saying) when we do not follow it, that is being an hipocrit, wich some SoU happen to be!'

    Rhoads, you completely missed the point. I am not irritated over you not following the treaty, I'm irritated that you DO follow it. All it means is that you sold out. Plain and simple You whine about how you get headbutted to death, so you insist on having people regulate how dedicated they are to their guild and cause. And that is just plain silly.

    'Great for SoU, they killed an FRA, congrats, but killing the beastmaster shows total lack of respect for theme, I hope they have a very fun time paying the fines for it. '

    How do you figure that this is contrary to theme? Admittedly the old argument that 'I had more use of it than he did' is a little strained, but it is still indeed the true way of things. Sauron's forces are not frictionless, after all. Yours are, so nyah. You can't use that excuse. It's ours, however tenuous it may be.

    It's more a matter of honor and dignity than theme, and admittedly the Sons have little of either in this log. But then again, that is the type of offense, if it can be called that, that should be directed at the individual, not the guild, and even the individual isn't remotely worthy of the extent of the attention that has been directed on this matter.

    A more worthy argument than the 'we deserved it more' one is that wars are often wars of attrition. The killing of the Beastmaster was simply an example of cost analysis. Whip+Globe+FRA kill > Moment of shame.

    That should be the bottom line right there.

    As for your comments regarding fines, you really stuck it to the Man there, Rhoads. Normally you should save your A-material for later use, though.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 05:12:26

    I bet he did otherwise he would not have posten a plain log of him dying ;)

  • Author
    Glen [legacy]
    27 September 2002 05:07:43

    er.. thats supposed to be BET, not bed...

  • Author
    Glen [legacy]
    27 September 2002 05:07:02

    bed Feondinur never thought his death would bring about such debate!

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 04:46:17

    Gay Allantir? How well do you know me to say something like that :P

    No, I am not gay, if you are, sorry, I am not interested.

  • Author
    Allantir [legacy]
    27 September 2002 04:36:15

    to Rhoads: you're gay, i take Malaugrym's opinion over damn near anyone elses on this MUD.

    to Trempk: lol, funny shit

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 September 2002 03:58:07

    Top five dumbest log'o'mania things ever: mass conforming to wutalk, overuse of *one*-time funny top 5 lists, 'props,' censored names in logs, allowing newbies to register. Throw in Avaar as well.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    27 September 2002 03:47:23

    I find it funny when people still try to use that bullshit about basing RP on treaties and defending NPCs. Shit, thats been used over and over again against Amruin and still none of us gives a shit, because if you really know what you're talking about, you'll know our goals of RP. Which I'm sure most of you think you do, but in actuality have no idea. And sure, a lot of eorlings are from edoras or adornas and want to fight for their country. But I would take that anyday over the countless numbers of dumbfucks who's caravan, settlement, town, village, etc was attacked by orcs, trolls, easterlings, etc and happened to be so fucking cool that they were ADOPTED by the god damn things and taken back to Dol Guldur, Mordor, etc. and taught the dark arts. Of course its well known that Sauron's genius armies saved the lives of many an elf, hobbit, dwarf, etc. out of the kindness of their hearts to train them as their master's future general.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 03:30:58

    Who cares.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    27 September 2002 03:25:51

    we already did dummy

    tarn, biggest dummy ever? i think so

    top 5 dummies, tarn, jad, direkein, trempk, and ailin, throw in jaren as well

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    27 September 2002 03:12:06

    How about we just kill Rhoads. Avaar is funny, I want to be just like him when I grow up.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 02:55:57

    Also note that not ALL SoUs are like that, but some are and it is a shame that they let things like that happen.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    27 September 2002 02:54:03

    'Malaugrym the variag Bandit'

    Speak with your current char you wuss.

    And Avaar, you speak nothing about RP cause you proly don't even know what it is.

    And to you Malaugrym, get some facts straight before saying our background is all the same cause aparently you have NO idea of what you are talking about kid.

    And who said anythign about treaties? I do not remember saying anything about them you idiot. We do not relate rp by a stupid treaty, the treaty was there to avoid constant agressive situations it dosen't bother me that SoU dosen't follow it or stoped following it, what bothers me is not following it and COMPLAINING (whining better saying) when we do not follow it, that is being an hipocrit, wich some SoU happen to be!

    We never claimed to be super roleplayers but I have seem SoU's that does it, letting pathetic people enter the guild simply cause they are friends in other chars that is what I see.

    Great for SoU, they killed an FRA, congrats, but killing the beastmaster shows total lack of respect for theme, I hope they have a very fun time paying the fines for it.

    'You should also note that the events depicted in this log resulted in the death of an FRA and the acquisition of the Globe and the whip.'

    Congratulations, equipamente is always more important than theme, that is the PP, lets get KoDA to kill the first knight cause of the repectable reasons of they doing it like they knowing if he dies a powerfull weapon is going to the hands of an enemy! Wooohooo!

    Maibe we should kil the first knight and get DAKS and KoDA kill Theoden and Eomer for Herugin and Guthwine, seems pretty fine to me acording to your view.

  • Author
    Avaar [legacy]
    27 September 2002 02:38:24

    well said, well, my opinion is, rp is not aliasing a warning and attacking some guy that is killing in edoras and setting a title that says marshall of the mark or whatever, thats just me

    rhoads, best rper ever? i think so

    top 5 rpers, rhoads, trempk, ruiniel, ivon, and ulric, throw in melkor as well

  • Author
    Malaugrym [legacy]
    27 September 2002 01:31:44

    Rhoads, I'm really tired of this shit from you. The reason the Sons insult your roleplay because every single of your members has the EXACT same background. You don't attempt any improvisation; you're all just mindless automatons following literal interpretations of your guild's theme. I'm also sicke and fucking tired of how you relate RP to the following of your pathetic arbitrary treaties. Not following a treaty does NOT make your RP any worse. In fact, in the case of a guild like the Sons, disobeying such a treaty would actually strenghten my opinion of their RP. The same goes for the VC and KoDA, who are also infested with the same manner of pathetic tools. You should also note that the events depicted in this log resulted in the death of an FRA and the acquisition of the Globe and the whip. There is even thematic arguments for the support of the events depicted in this log, but the facts listed above should adequately explain the acceptability of Jian and Havok's actions.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    27 September 2002 00:17:32

    Then Durms need to changed there Guild employees :0

    Maybe somone who does not care for elfs?

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 September 2002 23:31:04

    Amruin can kill all but moral eorlings, we don't kill morals cause we do not need restrictions to follow our theme.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    26 September 2002 22:58:21

    Amruin can kill Glorfindel, yet Durmanhoth cannot kill Thranduils elves. Yet another reason why T2T is dumb

  • Author
    Narlg [legacy]
    26 September 2002 22:57:34

    Expelting - that's gotta be painful :)

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 September 2002 21:57:37

    And I do rememeber we expelting at least one member for killing Glorfindel to get us flasks even if it is not on our restriction so shove it Adunazon.

  • Author
    Ketan [legacy]
    26 September 2002 21:12:05

    And Ketrempk too!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    26 September 2002 19:26:53

    Sure, Trempkiel:)

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 September 2002 19:13:06

    And my 24th alt will be on the legend top at less than 1d age!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 September 2002 19:00:09

    Just refer to me as Trempkien, Lotrempk, or Trempkbhse.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    26 September 2002 18:25:18

    Heh, yeah, we have a minor problem with some poor SoU urchins petty thieving from us.


    They're just gay, Feod:)))

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    26 September 2002 17:49:30

    Jian never attacked me in the first place, only Havok. I personally don't have a problem with getting killed here. It was a smart kill. What I do have a problem with is looting mels and attempting to loot globe. It stings to be killed by a weapon that was looted from you :)

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    26 September 2002 17:16:20


  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    26 September 2002 16:33:42

    Just to clarify a few issues:

    I am not having a problem with Jian or Havok for that matter to attack another player to drive him away from a claim.

    I am not even overtly upset about Jian and Havok attacking a NPC in order to try and force their way onto a claim.


    I have a problem with Jian being member of a guild that claims to RP, yet deliberately kills NPC's on their employee list doing a calculation that a 10.000 gold fine is worth disallowing an enemy the use of a weapon.

    Thats my problem with Jians pathetic move.

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    26 September 2002 15:58:26

    Adunazon's hipocritical comments (like all) about non existed RP in Amruin is pretty pathetical. We don't claim to be super roleplayers as you do, and your Rp sucks adunazon in general.

    And it dosent matter if we dont have npcs that 'worth' in our town, we would still not kill it but I guess that is hard for your simple pp. logic to understand.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    26 September 2002 15:04:12

    Hmm. That was pretty lame. Killing the beastmaster that way, and all. That would have been cause for near expulsion in the past. If that's the directions S0U is going, why fight a war? Is it to become a weak version of FRA? On the other side, I'm amazed to see FRA, along with Trempk crying like they are. Well, I guess ethics were only meant to be projected on others, right? Trempk, do you have an alt in FRA or something? Oh, neat kill on Feodinur though.

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    26 September 2002 13:56:14

    My ex girlfriend's name is Azura

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    26 September 2002 13:55:52


  • Author
    Serex [legacy]
    26 September 2002 13:35:56

    Jian told me to post this:

    Bashgeroy, I left because I had no weapon to fight and didn't know the figures shape. I 'left' to get a weapon to kill the person, happened to be feodinur and no I didn't know who it was, just knew he was a FRA. Those are his words, he can't post for some reason or another cause hes a nerd.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 September 2002 13:03:26

    Did Jian attack him faded first? He must have because he's not in combat when he first climbs up. He could also be lying out of his ass, as usual. And Assdunazon shouldnt even be able to make a sentence with the word ethics in it, even if shady and underhanded.

  • Author
    Konthor [legacy]
    26 September 2002 12:54:35

    That is a fantastic log man, fantastic.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    26 September 2002 12:22:39

    Yeah, Sharkan.

    But sex is good:P

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    26 September 2002 12:20:29

    rotfl, Jian you suck:PPPPP

    I mean, damnit, that's ridiculous:P

    Feod was at 0 HP still fighting your ass like a man and you wimpied out like a scared girl.Yeah, I suppose you went straight to Gothwin, grabbed her skirt and started weeping our ass out.Then she spanked you and sent you back crying to harass people, eh?

    Daaaamn, why am I teaching you anyway..you almost killed me once like that but your wimpy ass got scared and now you know how not be scared a bit *hmm*


    And Adunazon's a pimp.

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    26 September 2002 11:48:16

    Everyone is angry,too much negative energy,lets forget the war for a while look what i found searching T2T web pages

    -'girls are evil' that has been proved

    Proof that girls are evil:

    First we state that girls require time and money.


    And we all know 'time is money'.



    GIRLS=MONEY*MONEY=(MONEY)^2(square-i could not type it:)

    And because 'money is root of all evil' ;

    MONEY=|/EVIL(i mean square root of 'evil':)



    And we forced to conclude that:



  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    26 September 2002 11:06:16

    Why not hack FRA characters, if honor doesn't matter anymore?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    26 September 2002 10:49:03

    Is the beastmaster not on the SoU Employess list of fineable npcs?

    I hope so!

    I Remmber the GG nearly getting closed down becuase of killing protected npcs, untill i saved there ugly butts!

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    26 September 2002 10:36:05

    Corpse-looting is a crime, but not like theft or murder.. Your logic is fucked up, but I didnt expect anything else

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    26 September 2002 10:06:20

    Ouch! That gotta hurt

  • Author
    Serex [legacy]
    26 September 2002 09:56:11

    Ok, heres the question.

    Why would he let his enemy have it, honorable or not, so the enemy can use that weapon to kill him and his brothers and sisters? Especially after all the times the FRA have stolen from him and his brethren? Sounds stupid to me. Sounds to me like the FRA are just butthurt cause their not getting their way. As for Jian looting the MELS.

    He states that he not only attacked first, he stayed in the general area and healed he took em to average before Azura and Haekon tried to take it. They failed looting him and he says all they're doing is crying about it. Get over it, its not yours this boot.

    - For Jian. NOT Serex's opinion.

  • Author
    Frankiej [legacy]
    26 September 2002 09:50:59

    fdl, explain to me how pking someone in a war is as bad as attempting to kill the npc you're supposed to protecting/corpselooting?

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 09:28:21

    Pardon me if I don't give any validity to an FRAite lecturing me on shady and underhanded ethics.

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    26 September 2002 09:25:48

    Ok, completely ignoring your argument here...

    You used to be able to climb down wall even if it got you to negative ep. I liked it the way it was since I could get one more precious headbutt in :)

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    26 September 2002 08:53:36

    'Animosity by any possible means' is a sad justification for anything, though. Anything, including quitting, ping flooding, and making fun of people's dead mothers can fit under that blanket logic. It doesn't stop it from being dirty and underhanded.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 08:36:23

    Also, it's just a matter of your preference. FRA like pking non-SoU who party with SoU, pking alts, or in Direkein's case, killing level 12 characters multiple times.. we choose to remove the tools you use to do this. So, again, if we really cared if you thought it was right or wrong, we'd ask for your permission first. As it is, this seems to have really stirred up the animosity in these FRA.. good, that means we hit them somewhere it hurt.

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    26 September 2002 08:16:07

    I like to sweep my generalizations with a broom.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 08:14:57

    whatever you say Lotraz, after all, you are THE man!

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 08:10:45

    Trempk, I don't bitch about the Amruin's nonexistent RP, of which I could say all of the same things, except that there isn't a citizen in your town that would be advantageous to put out of it's misery. In Amruin, achieving level 20 so that you can set a 'Marshall' title is considered 'good RP'. Considering the overall decline in the RP of the playerbase of the MUD, not just SoU, I think we're doing alright.

    NOTICE: I do not support or agree with Jian's actions here, but he is not an automaton under my control.

    How about you take your sweeping generalizations and fuck off.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    26 September 2002 08:04:55

    Hey Feldon, great argument you used earlier. By the way ... CoU has corpselooted too, so I guess by your double standards all CoU are corpselooting faggots as well.

    Hey screw it... Shark quit on me a lil' while ago, so I guess Feldon is a quitte too... hahaha!

    Great thing!

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 07:38:20

    Uh actually Klardin it doesn't. No rule for claims. The first person that attacks and stays in the room fighting the npc until its dead gets the weapon. If someone else gets the item thats corpse looting. So its actually not the fastest log in. Its the first person to attack. Not the quickest computer, but the best strategy to get a weapon there and start killing it. So it does envolve a bit of skill or something.

    Oh and I wouldn't corpse loot someone (just incase from the previous comments you thought I would). I'm use to using crappy weapons so I really dont care.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    26 September 2002 07:31:14

    I personally think that this log page reduces the quality of RP on the mud. Before comments were introduced on the log page if this happened, it would be spread as a rumour (and a bad rumour at that) to many people, and in this way people that RP badly could not 'explain' themselves to everyone, like you can do on the comments section here. Seriously, it is pretty easy to explain away any inconvenience to unreasonable people. And I am not targeting anyone with this comment, so keep your 'Camillus is a Ltt333l3l3 noobasshihi' for other people... *licks Miss Rahi*

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    26 September 2002 07:27:04

    That's a good question and all, Klardin. Basically, it's the method of choice because it makes the most sense. If being first there or having the fastest trigger to get the item are the two main choices, the most logical choice is to be the first one there. People had to agree on a system for things in order to keep the peace between people who liked each other but both wanted the same weapon, etc, and the 'log on first' concept works best. Why? Because if you log on first, then everyone knows it's yours, and your guild/friends/self expends the effort required to get it. If everyone just starts hacking on the NPC and waits for it to die to see who gets it, a whole lot of people are wasting their time. Predetermination wins out over postdetermination for convenience's sake.

  • Author
    Avant [legacy]
    26 September 2002 07:19:27

    We all know the Durmanhoth hold the record for Corpse Looting. Why it just shows in other guilds too, due to some certain 'power-player' that happens to be in a different guild.

  • Author
    Klardin [legacy]
    26 September 2002 07:12:31

    hum.. Azura just wonderin but isn't getting the claim just who has the fastest log on? what makes fastest log on so much better then fastest trigger.. i am just curious..


  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 07:09:55

    I would condone SoU if they did this to someone that wasn't FRA, but FRA does this shit anyway (I'm not saying all FRA, but I know its been done, and not just once and twice), so I really dont think the looting is much of an issue.

    On the other hand, attacking your beast master is stupid. Why didn't you guys just headbutt the hell out the figure, I'm sure you knew it was Feodinur (or other various fra). I mean, globe is good, but its nothing compared to el whip.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 September 2002 06:48:23

    *points at Adunazon's comment*

    See, a bullshit excuse to justify their actions.

    I knew I would see the day when durms like Necsipaal would outroleplay SoU. Of course, durms have stayed at the same level throughout the years, whereas the SoU have just been on a steady decline. I'm sure that if any Amruin, VC, KoDA, BKD, and maybe even Beorning or CoU said 'fuck RP, I'm going to kill this rohirrim, CG elf, DA guard, dwarf, beorning messenger, corsair, etc so I can get this kickass weapon and screw over these guys that are pking my guildmates, then they wouldnt get a pat on the back. They might even get kicked out of some of them. Amruin has kicked out members before, and good members at that pp-wise, because they didnt or refused to RP even on the lowest forms. Whereas in SoU, there are numerous high fives and cheers, mass tapping of kegs, and circle jerking over the great event of being able to use the globe for 3 RL days (Woohoo!) But screw roleplaying, our reputation as a roleplaying guild, and what little respect that we have from the rest of Arda, WE GOT GLOBE AND KILLED FEODINUR. Who cares if he relevels in less than a week! SoU hasn't always set the bar for blatent assholism, but they sure do try, they sure do try.

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    26 September 2002 06:07:58

    Sorry, I mean honor in the OOC way, as in respecting the limitations of a text-based mud. IE, looters are basically people who abuse the fact that their trigger may go first if they manage to suddenly attack a target at the right time, etc, or use quitting to 'disappear' from combat. They're both on the same level, because they both require no in-game skill, and are only possible through the 'not real' nature of the game. That's why looting was always frowned upon, it basically gave the EQ to the person with the faster trigger, and made very little sense in the context of the game. SoU, however, feels it's okay to abuse that because they don't like us.

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 05:27:17

    haha. Honor. What a concept. Think thats the wrong word. The command backstab is an unhonorable action. So I think just about everyone is unhonorable. So FUCK. FUCK biology. And persausive letters. I want to go out and do shit. Not this shit. fuckin a'


  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    26 September 2002 05:21:53

    Cool! Since honor means nothing and fucking us over is the goal, maybe you should start quitting too!

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 05:19:44

    This is how I see it: The only person I'd ever loot is an FRA member. Why? I hate them. That's justification enough for me to do anything possible to fuck them over in any way possible. Do I hear bitching? Do I care?

  • Author
    Feldon [legacy]
    26 September 2002 05:04:39

    Nice, score 3 sweet uniques for SoU. Its not like FRA hasn't ever looted anything from anyone. No. Not FRA. Neeevvveeeerrrrr. No offence, but the one time CoU was going to get a good unique in the past centry (captains cutlass), Kaekavoos looted that shit. In the words of Mizrahi (and me).... Karma. Or something. Nice warrior solo! Guess fairfax doesn't have the solo claim to it... ;p

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    26 September 2002 04:26:04

    True enough, Trempk. I've never claimed to be an RPer, so perhaps my opinion doesn't mean much, but I just can't imagine seeing:

    Rhoads gets a wild look in his eyes, then smashes his head into Theoden!



    Trempk puts Theoden out of his misery.

    Amruin: Yes! We got Herugrim!

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    26 September 2002 04:17:23

    What's wrong with me doing ess? :P

    heh Rasgul that's not the first time you accidentally confond me with a SoU, I f i remember right :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 September 2002 04:13:06

    They will just say that they don't have to justify it and a bunch of other bullshit just like they have done every other time they've fucked up their supposed RP in the past. It happens all the time, and it always gets ignored because when you get right down to it, SoU just doesn't give a fuck about RP, never have, never will.

  • Author
    Feodinur [legacy]
    26 September 2002 04:12:53

    Yeah. It was a nice kill, I'll admit that. I shouldn't have put myself in that situation, but I didn't want to let them loot 2 uniques.

    Seems I shouldn't have whipped. Then I would have had ep to climb down, but I thought havok was gonna tear into me and I had to do it quick.

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    26 September 2002 04:09:18

    Nice kill,

    But I'd _love_ to hear the SoU justify that 'roleplaying' right here :P

  • Author
    Azura [legacy]
    26 September 2002 04:07:13

    For the record, the MELS Jian was using at the time was also looted from Celebrad earlier in the uptime. SoU have decided that it's okay to loot people as long as Gothwin tells them they can. That makes 2 loots and an attempted loot within the past two uptimes. They're on a roll!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 September 2002 03:44:29

    Some good SoU roleplay there, I see, good for Jian, attacking that traitor beastmaster who was about to give Feodinur his globe and a cup of tea.