Quest info and superfluous commands have been edited out. Fofester leaves boat. l You are hopping about a vast network of rock pools. It is like you would imagine the land around Mount Doom. The sea has shaped the base red rock and formed a cratered, bumpy landscape full of surprises. Countless creatures and other sea life inhabit these rock pools. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exits are boat and north. HP:180 EP:180> boat Inside a boat(out) Fofester the sindar lags. HP:180 EP:180> l You are bobbing up and down inside a rowboat. Upon either side of the boat is an oar. You can see that in order to row this boat you will need two paddlers. Outside you see some tall cliffs which curve out towards the sea. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is out. Fofester the sindar lags. HP:180 EP:180> The last few clouds begin to disappear. HP:180 EP:180> l You are bobbing up and down inside a rowboat. Upon either side of the boat is an oar. You can see that in order to row this boat you will need two paddlers. Outside you see some tall cliffs which curve out towards the sea. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is shore. Fofester the sindar lags. HP:180 EP:180> Fofester claps his hands enthusiastically. l cliffs The cliffs bend out towards the sea. HP:180 EP:180> Fofester blinks. tap You tap your foot impatiently. HP:180 EP:180> Fofester says in Westron: the heck? Fofester leaves shore. l HP:180 EP:180> You are bobbing up and down inside a rowboat. Upon either side of the boat is an oar. You can see that in order to row this boat you will need two paddlers. Outside you see some tall cliffs which curve out towards the sea. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is shore. HP:180 EP:180> l shore A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A silky seal HP:180 EP:180> shore A hidden reef(dive) Fofester the sindar lags. A silky seal HP:180 EP:180> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is dark blue and a yellow glow comes from the west. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A silky seal HP:180 EP:180> Fofester hmms. say Ack You say in Westron: Ack HP:180 EP:180> say Where's the boat? You say in Westron: Where's the boat? HP:180 EP:180> Twilight fades and the night begins. Fofester says in Westron: gone apparently l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A silky seal HP:180 EP:180> scream You scream. HP:180 EP:180> say NOO! You say in Westron: NOO! HP:180 EP:180> Fofester bonks you on the head. say We're trapped! Like Robinson Caruso! You say in Westron: We're trapped! Like Robinson Caruso! HP:180 EP:180> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A silky seal HP:180 EP:180> Fofester panics and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off! l seal A little seal. His fluffy white coat is now all slick and covered with sea foam. The poor creature looks stranded in this little cove. HP:180 EP:180> say We can eat the seal. You say in Westron: We can eat the seal. HP:180 EP:180> Fofester says in Westron: hmm, dive maybe? Fofester pets Seal lovingly on the head. say But we'll have to ration it. You say in Westron: But we'll have to ration it. HP:180 EP:180> l dive You can see the shipwreck through the murky water. HP:180 EP:180> say I'm not going in. Fofester says in Westron: no! it's MINE! You say in Westron: I'm not going in. HP:180 EP:180> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A silky seal HP:180 EP:180> l shipwreck You can see the shadowy form of the shipwreck beneath the surface of the water. A piece of wood, obviously the mast, is above water. HP:180 EP:180> say You go in and tell me what it's like. You say in Westron: You go in and tell me what it's like. HP:180 EP:180> Fofester shrugs. Fofester tips his hat. Fofester dives into the water. Fofester enters. l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A silky seal HP:180 EP:180> Fofester says in Westron: eels! Fofester says in Westron: KILLLL ack You ack! HP:180 EP:180> Fofester wields his Telemnar. Fofester dives into the water. dive Suddenly Eel attacks you! Suddenly Eel attacks you! Inside a sunken ship(u) Fofester the sindar lags. An electric eel [2] HP:180 EP:180> You hit Eel. Fofester clips Eel, opening a fresh wound. Eel misses you. Eel misses you. You hit Eel. Fofester chops Eel into large pieces! Eel misses you. Eel misses you. You graze Eel. Fofester cleaves Eel, leaving a deep gash. Eel misses you. Eel misses you. Fofester begins protecting you. You hit Eel. Fofester destroys Eel with a frenzied series of body blows! Eel misses Fofester. Eel misses Fofester. hb Disregarding your own personal safety, you smash your head into Eel! HP:180 EP:145> Fofester gets a shovel from a ranger ruck. You hit Eel very hard. Fofester chops Eel into large pieces! Eel misses Fofester. Eel falls to the ground. Eel is bleeding making the water scarlet. Fofester gives you a shovel. protect fofester You begin protecting Fofester. HP:180 EP:145> You hit Eel. Fofester barely misses Eel. Eel misses you. Eel is bleeding making the water scarlet. Fofester grins. You graze Eel. Fofester cleaves Eel, leaving a deep gash. Eel misses Fofester. Eel is bleeding making the water scarlet. You hit Eel hard. Fofester bashes Eel with the face of Telemnar! Eel misses you. Eel is bleeding making the water scarlet. You miss Eel. Fofester cleaves Eel, leaving a deep gash. Eel misses you. Eel is bleeding making the water scarlet. You hit Eel hard. Fofester chops Eel into large pieces! Eel misses Fofester. Eel is bleeding making the water scarlet. l Fofester puts Eel out of its misery. Under the murky water is the ruins of an ancient shipwreck. The timbers are decayed and covered in algae and other sea growths. This, what seems to be the cargo hold, is the only accessible part of the ship. The only obvious exit is up. Fofester the sindar lags. An electric eel [2] HP:180 EP:146> You scratch Eel. Fofester taps Eel with the handle of the axe! Eel misses you. Fofester raises Telemnar high above his head. Fofester says a prayer to Eru and deftly brings the head of the axe down, burying it in Eel's skull. Fofester places his foot on Eel's head, dislodging the axe and returning to battle. Eel has died. You hit Eel. Fofester taps Eel with the handle of the axe! Eel misses Fofester. Fofester claps his hands enthusiastically. You hit Eel hard. Fofester cleaves Eel, leaving a deep gash. Eel misses you. You miss Eel. Fofester bashes Eel with the face of Telemnar! Eel misses Fofester. say Easy. You say in Westron: Easy. HP:180 EP:147> You hit Eel hard. Fofester chops Eel into large pieces! Fofester raises Telemnar high above his head. Fofester says a prayer to Eru and deftly brings the head of the axe down, burying it in Eel's skull. Fofester places his foot on Eel's head, dislodging the axe and returning to battle. Eel has died. say chest You say in Westron: chest HP:180 EP:148> (edited) With the help of Fofester, you ... the chest to the surface. A hidden reef(dive) An ancient sea chest (closed) A silky seal Fofester emerges from the water dragging a large chest. HP:180 EP:148> Fofester opens a sea chest. nod You nod acknowledgingly. HP:180 EP:149> l chest Fofester claps his hands enthusiastically. Although the outside of the chest has absolutely had it, with hinges hanging loose and green algae plastered all over it, the inside has somehow remained intact (somewhat). It contains: Some gold coins A tarnished steel dagger A tarnished steel dagger HP:180 EP:149> Fofester gets some gold coins from an ancient sea chest. woo You go "Woo!". HP:180 EP:149> Fofester gives you some gold coins. You put 11 gold in your pockets. get dagger from chest Fofester gets a tarnished steel dagger from an ancient sea chest. Ok. You wield a tarnished steel dagger. HP:180 EP:149> Fofester looks at a tarnished steel dagger. l dagger A tarnished dagger which is unmistakably made from steel. However, even this resilient metal has been badly affected by the elements. It has lost most of its sharpness and is quite dull. Once upon a time it must have been a truly awesome weapon. HP:180 EP:149> Fofester says in Westron: BEHOLD! say Arr! You say in Westron: Arr! HP:180 EP:150> Fofester says in Westron: i bet this thing sucks. oh well! Fofester removes Telemnar, Axe of the Valacirca. Fofester wields his dagger. say Our booty! You say in Westron: Our booty! HP:180 EP:150> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) A silky seal HP:180 EP:150> Fofester puts Telemnar, Axe of the Valacirca into a ranger ruck. Fofester hollers: Ahoy there sailor! ahoy You holler: Ahoy there sailor! HP:180 EP:151> aye You mutter "Aye". HP:180 EP:151> Fofester says in Westron: YOUR booty say Arr! You say in Westron: Arr! HP:180 EP:151> Fofester slaps his hand on his side and laughs loudly. Fofester says in Westron: now, how do we get out of here? :p say Now how we be a' gettin out o' here? You say in Westron: Now how we be a' gettin out o' here? HP:180 EP:152> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) A silky seal HP:180 EP:152> The last few clouds completely vanish from the sky. Fofester thinks really hard. Fofester panics and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off! Fofester looks at an ancient sea chest. Fofester grabs the chest and floats into shore. hah You go Hah! HP:180 EP:154> Fofester looks at Seal. scream You scream. HP:180 EP:154> l seal A little seal. His fluffy white coat is now all slick and covered with sea foam. The poor creature looks stranded in this little cove. HP:180 EP:154> ride seal You cannot ride that. HP:180 EP:154> hop seal You hop onto Seal and shout: GIDDYAP!! YEEHAW! HP:180 EP:154> Fofester says in Westron: free willy! say I'll ride the seal back! You say in Westron: I'll ride the seal back! HP:180 EP:154> Fofester says in Westron: hmm, this may be a problem :p Fofester says in Westron: bring help! say Damn right it's a problem. You say in Westron: Damn right it's a problem. HP:180 EP:155> l shipwreck You can see the shadowy form of the shipwreck beneath the surface of the water. A piece of wood, obviously the mast, is above water. HP:180 EP:156> scream You scream. HP:180 EP:157> l seal A little seal. His fluffy white coat is now all slick and covered with sea foam. The poor creature looks stranded in this little cove. HP:180 EP:157> Fofester thinks really hard. Fofester dives into the water. dive Inside a sunken ship(u) Fofester the sindar lags. HP:180 EP:157> l Under the murky water is the ruins of an ancient shipwreck. The timbers are decayed and covered in algae and other sea growths. This, what seems to be the cargo hold, is the only accessible part of the ship. An ancient iron chest is in the sea growths. The only obvious exit is up. Fofester the sindar lags. HP:180 EP:157> Fofester hmms. Fofester shakes his fist at the heavens. Fofester swims to the surface. u A hidden reef(dive) Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) A silky seal HP:180 EP:157> Fofester panics and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off! ask seal about boat You ask Seal about boat. Seal looks at you blankly. HP:180 EP:158> ask seal about ride You ask Seal about ride. Seal looks at you blankly. HP:180 EP:158> ask seal about help You ask Seal about help. Seal looks at you blankly. HP:180 EP:158> scream You scream. HP:180 EP:158> Fofester says in Westron: we're gonna DIE!!! shout Arr! We be stranded! You shout in Westron: Arr! We be stranded! HP:180 EP:149> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) A silky seal HP:180 EP:150> say you can swim here You say in Westron: you can swim here Fofester shouts in Westron: Argh Matey Fofester thinks really hard. A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) A silky seal HP:180 EP:152> Fofester says in Westron: not any direction i can figure out Fofester frowns. Fofester shakes his fist at Seal. Fofester says in Westron: this is all HIS fault Fofester looks at Seal. nod You nod acknowledgingly. HP:180 EP:153> say Stupid seal. You say in Westron: Stupid seal. HP:180 EP:153> fart seal You fart at Seal. HP:180 EP:154> Fofester says in Westron: let's kill and eat him. The clouds begin to group together, occasionally blocking the light. Fofester looks at a tarnished steel dagger. align seal Seal is Impartial. HP:180 EP:144> say Alright. You say in Westron: Alright. HP:180 EP:145> Fofester marks Seal for death. Fofester attacks Seal. hb seal Disregarding your own personal safety, you smash your head into Seal! HP:180 EP:110> You hit Seal hard. Fofester hits Seal. Seal misses Fofester. You hit Seal. Fofester hits Seal hard. Seal misses you. You graze Seal. Fofester hits Seal. Seal falls to the ground. Seal is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged! Fofester puts Seal out of its misery. Seal has died. skin seal Fofester says in Westron: Arrrrr You must be wielding a knife or have cooking gear to do that. HP:180 EP:111> i Gold: 153 Encumbrance: lightly encumbered You are carrying the following on your person: A tarnished steel dagger (wielded). A shovel (in hands). A commemorative token from the Event2001. A beautiful, albeit empty pipe. The Mortal Council rulebook. A gold ring with a single grey stone. Rank insignia. A commemorative token from the Event2002. A carved war-horn. Mithgil's runed fiddle. HP:180 EP:111> Fofester looks at corpse of Seal. say Got a knife? You say in Westron: Got a knife? HP:180 EP:111> scream You scream. HP:180 EP:111> Fofester cries. say Damn daggers. You say in Westron: Damn daggers. HP:180 EP:112> get corpse Too bulky. HP:180 EP:112> Fofester says in Westron: dagger, knife, SAME FRICKIN THIGN sheath dagger That weapon is not sheathable. HP:180 EP:112> Fofester says in Westron: thing at that! skin seal You must be wielding a knife or have cooking gear to do that. HP:180 EP:112> Fofester panics and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off! say Damn. I'll idea it. You say in Westron: Damn. I'll idea it. HP:180 EP:113> Fofester says in Westron: ok, how the hell do we get out of here. idea dagger Begin writing your idea report. To end a message type "." (just a period). To abort, type ~q. To view help, type ~h. To delete the last line, type ~d. __________________________________________________________________ Report on A tarnished steel dagger: 2: This dagger should work as a knife for skinning. I killed the seal but couldn't skin him with it! 3: . Thanks for the report. It is now saved. Thanks for your report, we're on the case! [Queued message buffer output] Fofester looks at corpse of Seal. HP:180 EP:115> tell lydia I'm stuck on an island! You tell Lydia: I'm stuck on an island! HP:180 EP:116> Fofester looks at an ancient sea chest. tell lydia Arr, I'm a castaway! You tell Lydia: Arr, I'm a castaway! HP:180 EP:116> Fofester sobs uncontrollably. l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is dive. Corpse of Seal Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:116> Lydia tells you: lol Fofester shouts in Westron: We're never going to get out of here! I'm too young to die!!! swim out to sea You can't swim that way! HP:180 EP:117> The corpse completely rots away. Lydia tells you: in other words... You're really drunk and in a bar and you're sitting on a table...? shout I'm going to have to eat Fofie if I want to survive! You shout in Westron: I'm going to have to eat Fofie if I want to survive! HP:180 EP:109> tell lydia No, seriously. On an island in the ocean. You tell Lydia: No, seriously. On an island in the ocean. HP:180 EP:110> l chest Although the outside of the chest has absolutely had it, with hinges hanging loose and green algae plastered all over it, the inside has somehow remained intact (somewhat). HP:180 EP:110> Lydia tells you: okayokay l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:111> scream You scream. HP:180 EP:111> Gildoran fades into sight. l Gildoran snickers mischeviously. A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is dive. Gildoran the sindar Rock Darter (Shadowy) Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:112> whine gildoran You whine at Gildoran. HP:180 EP:112> Fofester shouts in Westron: Over my rotting carcass! Fofester holds Gildoran close. Fofester says in Westron: our saviour! Gildoran says in Westron: It's finny listening to you two shout ;) Fofester says in Westron: I hope :p Gildoran says in Westron: er, funny Lydia tells you: how'd you get stuck in the ocean? idiot. tell lydia Fofie took me. You tell Lydia: Fofie took me. HP:180 EP:113> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is dive. Gildoran the sindar Rock Darter (Shadowy) Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:113> Fofester sobs uncontrollably. Gildoran says in Westron: Naw, I'm just here to make fun of you two. scream You scream. HP:180 EP:114> Autosave. Fofester says in Westron: I don't want to have to eat mithgil! he tastes bad! Gildoran taunts Fofester cruelly, making him cry. Fofester chews on you happily. Fofester sticks out his tongue and says: Ick! Fofester cries. Fofester looks at Gildoran. say It's like, like, Swiss Family Robinson! You say in Westron: It's like, like, Swiss Family Robinson! HP:180 EP:115> say We'll have to make a tree fort. You say in Westron: We'll have to make a tree fort. HP:180 EP:115> Fofester says in Westron: except no big awesome kickass tree house! say With running water and everything. You say in Westron: With running water and everything. HP:180 EP:116> Fofester says in Westron: and we killed our only food source! Fofester panics and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off! scream You scream. HP:180 EP:116> say Stupid daggers don't skin! You say in Westron: Stupid daggers don't skin! HP:180 EP:116> scream You scream. HP:180 EP:116> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is dive. Gildoran the sindar Rock Darter (Shadowy) Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:117> dive Inside a sunken ship(u) HP:180 EP:118> search You search, but find nothing of interest. HP:180 EP:115> l Under the murky water is the ruins of an ancient shipwreck. The timbers are decayed and covered in algae and other sea growths. This, what seems to be the cargo hold, is the only accessible part of the ship. An ancient iron chest is in the sea growths. The only obvious exit is up. HP:180 EP:115> u A hidden reef(dive) Gildoran the sindar Rock Darter (Shadowy) Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:116> Gildoran snickers mischeviously. Fofester cries. Someone chuckles. say Let's throw coconut bombs at Gildoran. You say in Westron: Let's throw coconut bombs at Gildoran. HP:180 EP:119> Fofester screams in horror. Gildoran acks! say Like on SFM. You say in Westron: Like on SFM. HP:180 EP:119> Gildoran fades out of sight. Fofester shouts in Westron: Now we have a bunch of ainu abusing us! l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:120> Someone throws his head back and cackles with glee. Fofester cries. Lydia shouts in Westron: HAHAHAHAHA!!! shout AAAH! It's the ghost of the island! You shout in Westron: AAAH! It's the ghost of the island! HP:180 EP:110> panic You start to lose control, and run around in a panicked frenzy! HP:180 EP:111> Fofester shouts in Westron: That's it, we're killing and eating the Ainur. Fofester marks Someone for canibalizm. Someone shouts: You can't throw coconuts at me if you can't see me! Lydia shouts in Westron: Riki Tiki Tembo No Sa Rembo Chari Bari Ruchi Pip Perry Pembo! say I can hear where you're talking from! You say in Westron: I can hear where you're talking from! HP:180 EP:112> Fofester peers around suspiciously. Someone says in Westron: Die mortals! :sticks a fuse into a coconut and throws it at the source of the noise. You emote: Mithgil sticks a fuse into a coconut and throws it at the source of the noise. HP:180 EP:113> say Damn, forgot to light it. You say in Westron: Damn, forgot to light it. HP:180 EP:114> -> Fofester farts, lighting it from a distance. Someone is silent woo You go "Woo!". HP:180 EP:115> Fofester sniffles. Fofester says in Westron: I guess we could live here for all eternity. :watches as the coconut explodes, and the Someone is torn to shreds. You emote: Mithgil watches as the coconut explodes, and the Someone is torn to shreds. HP:180 EP:116> Lydia shouts in Westron: Mith! I'm gonna save you! Let's leave Fofe on the island though! Fofester says in Westron: The seal will eventually reset. shout Ok! You shout in Westron: Ok! HP:180 EP:106> Fofester cries. ah You get the idea and give an 'AH' of comprehension. HP:180 EP:106> say Yes, the seal :) Fofester shouts in Westron: Curses! You say in Westron: Yes, the seal :) HP:180 EP:107> Lydia shouts in Westron: You okay with that Fofe? say Oh damn. You're right. You say in Westron: Oh damn. You're right. HP:180 EP:107> Lydia shouts in Westron: Okay! Cool! Fofester shouts in Westron: Means more seal meat for me! say Maybe some ainu will listen to my idea report You say in Westron: Maybe some ainu will listen to my idea report HP:180 EP:108> say And we'll be able to skin them You say in Westron: And we'll be able to skin them HP:180 EP:108> Fofester agrees wholeheartedly. Fofester says in Westron: though with how fast idea reports tend to go, we'll be dead long before that happens Lydia shouts in Westron: Dammit! I WANT THAT SEAL MEAT!!! Lydia shouts in Westron: THWARTED AGAIN!!! AAAAAAGGGHHHHH say Damn. how the hell do we get out of here. You say in Westron: Damn. how the hell do we get out of here. HP:180 EP:110> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A light wind blows from the southwest, and clouds form overhead. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:110> Fofester shouts in Westron: Hey, since you Ainur are just gonna sit there and taunt us, could you at least bring some beer? :p nod You nod acknowledgingly. HP:180 EP:111> nod You nod acknowledgingly. HP:180 EP:111> say Beer. You say in Westron: Beer. HP:180 EP:111> Lydia shouts in Westron: Hmmm...... Fofester looks at you. Fofester hmms. Fofester says in Westron: try logging off then back on? say You'd lose everything You say in Westron: You'd lose everything HP:180 EP:114> l fofester Before you stands tall Sindar. His chestnut colored hair goes down to about his shoulders, cut shorter than most elves. His eyes are a shimmering blue, and in them you see that he has been through many ordeals, both happy and sad. He nods at you as he twirls a pair of handcuffs around his finger and says a quiet "Hello". As he walks away, you realize that you have just met a person that will someday be a great influence on this world. This person is wearing a small pin that says "I dunked the Melkor!" Fofester has the look of a seasoned adventurer. Fofester is a Lieutenant in the army of Gondor With 26 wins and 6 losses. He is carrying: A tarnished steel dagger (wielded). A ranger ruck (worn). Fofester's Spellbook. An old shiny badge. Fofester's Rim-Ainacam mandolin. The Valacirca Guild Pendant. A message stone. A large, empty dragonclaw pipe. A silver harp. A commemorative token from the Event2002. A carved war-horn. An 'I've been to The 4th Two Towers EVENT!!' badge. Fofester's El Pollo Diablo horn. Rank insignia. HP:180 EP:114> Fofester says in Westron: i mean you :p hmm You hmm. HP:180 EP:114> say I'd rather find a way off You say in Westron: I'd rather find a way off HP:180 EP:114> The last few clouds begin to disappear. Fofester thinks really hard. say There has to be a way You say in Westron: There has to be a way HP:180 EP:115> Someone hmms. Someone ers. Fofester screams in horror. Someone says in Westron: say mis-hmm Fofester says in Westron: HELP US l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:116> Fofester says in Westron: Pleeeeease Fofester says in Westron: I'll be your personal gopher! say Just tell us, is it all working correctly? You say in Westron: Just tell us, is it all working correctly? HP:180 EP:117> Gildoran fades into sight. Gildoran says in Westron: ok, what happens when you try to leave? Gildoran knows nothing about this area say We can't. You say in Westron: We can't. HP:180 EP:119> say The boat is gone. You say in Westron: The boat is gone. HP:180 EP:119> Fofester says in Westron: we have no idea HOW to leave Fofester nods. Fofester says in Westron: the boat crashed :-\ Fofester says in Westron: i think it kinda bugged up say We shouldn't have killed the seal. You say in Westron: We shouldn't have killed the seal. HP:180 EP:120> Gildoran says in Westron: Why do you say that? say I bet that's the way off You say in Westron: I bet that's the way off HP:180 EP:121> Fofester says in Westron: well, the tide was coming in when we boarded. Fofester says in Westron: and as soon as we rowed off, it said that we now had access to the island, but also that the boat had crashed search You search, but fail to find anything of interest. HP:180 EP:120> Lydia shouts in Westron: Damn the man! Save the empire! Gildoran says in Westron: Oh... for a second there, I was thinking you would have tried to mate Fofester with the seal to breed food. Fofester laughs out loud. fdl You fall down laughing. HP:180 EP:118> Fofester says in Westron: good idea! say Yeah! You say in Westron: Yeah! HP:180 EP:119> Fofester says in Westron: that's going in my story :p tell lydia We can't find a way off! You tell Lydia: We can't find a way off! HP:180 EP:120> Gildoran grins. legend fofester Fofester the sindar lags. On for: 1h 23m 18s Gender: male Age: 48d 16h 30m 38s Can be mailed: Fofester@Havens Fofester has recorded a life story. Fofester is a member of the Valacirca. Info: GettinHappyWhileWeTowerOnTheBattlefield... (See Zoso) (Circaz) HP:180 EP:121> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. A crystal clear sky hovers over the landscape, dotted with a few small clouds. The only obvious exit is dive. Gildoran the sindar Rock Darter (Shadowy) Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:114> Fofester says in Westron: i'm being told we have to wait for the tide to go back out oh You oh interestedly. HP:180 EP:114> Gildoran says in Westron: That might make sense... daytime It is night in Middle-earth. HP:180 EP:115> shout Seal! Come back! You shout in Westron: Seal! Come back! HP:180 EP:107> Fofester sobs uncontrollably. say It's all your fault, Fofester. You say in Westron: It's all your fault, Fofester. HP:180 EP:108> cry You cry. HP:180 EP:108> whine Fofester agrees wholeheartedly. You whine. HP:180 EP:108> fart fofester You fart at Fofester. HP:180 EP:109> Fofester says in Westron: you don't have guild eq to lose bubbo :p grin You grin. HP:180 EP:109> say I have this dagger. You say in Westron: I have this dagger. HP:180 EP:110> Fofester gasps in astonishment! Fofester falls prostrate before you and praises your name. Fofester says in Westron: where's draugluin when you need him say If all else fails, we can have a knife fight for fun. You say in Westron: If all else fails, we can have a knife fight for fun. HP:180 EP:112> Fofester claps his hands enthusiastically. say And kill each other. You say in Westron: And kill each other. HP:180 EP:112> HP:180 EP:113> Fofester ponders chest. say And our ghosts could float over the water back to shore. You say in Westron: And our ghosts could float over the water back to shore. HP:180 EP:113> Fofester kicks chest. tap You tap your foot impatiently. HP:180 EP:112> Fofester falls down laughing. arc You arc a curious eyebrow. HP:180 EP:112> Fofester says in Westron: there're discussing us on the comm mith :p Fofester says in Westron: Ezekial tells you: ^ Theodrek Eothain: Sure. Mithgil is the Captain, and Fofester is Gilligan. fdl You fall down laughing. HP:180 EP:113> Gildoran snickers mischeviously. tell ezekial I'm the professor! You tell Ezekial: I'm the professor! HP:180 EP:114> say Who's Gildoran? You say in Westron: Who's Gildoran? HP:180 EP:116> Fofester shouts in Westron: For the love of God, don't make me have to procreate with Mithgil! Gildoran says in Westron: I dunno... Ask Fofester? Lydia shouts in Westron: WOO YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO Fofester says in West shout Come closer, Fofie, closer. ron: I dunno, ask Mithgil? You shout in Westron: Come closer, Fofie, closer. HP:180 EP:108> Theodrek tells you: ^ Theodrek Eothain: Taid, Mithgil says he wants to be the professer. Theodrek tells you: ^ Taidhbhse: he's too much of a pussy Autosave. Lydia shouts in Westron: Make sure the ainu get videos! I'm sure they'd like it! *snicker snicker* tell theodrek Gildoran is Mary Ann You tell Theodrek: Gildoran is Mary Ann HP:180 EP:110> say Gildoran, you're Mary ann. You say in Westron: Gildoran, you're Mary ann. HP:180 EP:111> Gildoran goes, "UGH!". Ezekial shouts in Westron: Ha.. (ahem)... HA! shout ZEKE! HELP US! You shout in Westron: ZEKE! HELP US! HP:180 EP:103> Ezekial shouts in Westron: No. ;) shout BASTARD! You shout in Westron: BASTARD! HP:180 EP:94> Ezekial shouts in Westron: No one can help you now! Muhaha! Fofester says in Westron: how's the gilligin's island song go? sing ...It was a three hour tour, a three hour tour... You sing: ...It was a three hour tour, a three hour tour... HP:180 EP:97> Fofester says, "Ok!". Fofester shouts in Westron: *sings*It was a three hour tour, a three hour tour... say I'm looking it up. You say in Westron: I'm looking it up. HP:180 EP:98> Fofester grins. Ezekial shouts in Westron: Who's Marry Ann? Fofester shouts in Westron: Gildoran! (I look up the Gilligan's island theme song and put it on my fiddle) Fofester sighs. Lydia shouts in Westron: I'm Marry Ann, damn you! *giggle* Fofester says in Westron: how long does the tide take for this place. Fofester sighs. HP:180 EP:102> You say in Westron: Here. HP:180 EP:103> The last few clouds completely vanish from the sky. play fiddle gilligan Your hands are full! You need a free hand to play the fiddle! HP:180 EP:104> hmm drop shovel You hmm. HP:180 EP:104> play fiddle gilligan Ok. HP:180 EP:104> You fiddle on your fiddle and sing in Westron: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip. That started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. HP:180 EP:96> You play an interlude on your fiddle and sing in Westron: The mate was a mighty sailin' man, the skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day, for a three hour tour, a three hour tour... You play an interlude on your fiddle and sing in Westron: The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost; the Minnow would be lost. Ezekial shouts in Westron: have you tried swimming? :) Gildoran says in Westron: Hmm... if a day is 2 hours... and the tide completes a cycle every 12 hours... then you only have another hour to wait :) Gildoran acks! You play an interlude on your fiddle and sing in Westron: The ship took ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle, with Gilligan, the Skipper too, the Millionaire, and his Wife, the Movie Star, the Professor and Mary Ann, here on Gilligan's Isle. Fofester shouts in Westron: Yes! You finish your song with a flourish. Gildoran hehs. Fofester says in Westron: damnit, i was supposed to leave an hour ago :p grin You grin. HP:180 EP:99> Fofester claps his hands for you. grin You grin. HP:180 EP:100> Fofester sighs. Ezekial shouts in Westron: Fofester is in Eriador at Grey Havens. In the room: A hidden reef. Fofester says in Westron: well, this is certainly an interesting experience Ezekial shouts in Westron: you said you were on an island! Liar. Fofester shouts in Westron: Traitor! shout We are on a damn island! You shout in Westron: We are on a damn island! HP:180 EP:91> shout It's an atoll! You shout in Westron: It's an atoll! HP:180 EP:82> Ezekial shouts in Westron: Oh, btw. Your not wanted. Lydia shouts in Westron: Fofe's Gilligan! And Mith is the sciencey dude! And Zeke can be the captain! I changed my mind! I'm Ginger! Wheeeeeee! say Oh yeah. Fofester shouts in Westron: That's good to know. You say in Westron: Oh yeah. HP:180 EP:83> shout Gildoran is Mary Ann! Lydia shouts in Westron: I know, right? You shout in Westron: Gildoran is Mary Ann! HP:180 EP:74> Ezekial shouts in Westron: Gildoran is over there? Fofester says in Westron: damn, i'm running low on ep. shout Yeah! You shout in Westron: Yeah! HP:180 EP:66> Lydia shouts in Westron: Okay! As long as I'm Ginger! Fofester shouts in Westron: I'm running out of ep! I need 50 cc's of beer, stat! Ezekial shouts in Westron: Gildoran HAS to be Gilligan. shout No You shout in Westron: No HP:180 EP:57> shout I changed my mind. I'm Gilligan, Fofie is the skipper. You shout in Westron: I changed my mind. I'm Gilligan, Fofie is the skipper. HP:180 EP:48> Lydia shouts in Westron: NEVER!! It's FOFESTER!!!!!!!! Ezekial shouts in Westron: Who'm I? Fofester shouts in Westron: Skip this! *eats Mithgil alive* Lydia shouts in Westron: Nonono you're ruining all my plans, fiend! shout You're the professor! You shout in Westron: You're the professor! HP:180 EP:40> Fofester dives into the water. Fofester enters. Fofester sighs. Fofester shouts in Westron: Carcharoth! Help us! :p Lydia shouts in Westron: Why do you wanna be Gilligan so bad, Mith? Ezekial shouts in Westron: He has a fixation on skinny people in red shirts. shout Because Gilligan is the coolest. And I like his hat. You shout in Westron: Because Gilligan is the coolest. And I like his hat. HP:180 EP:32> hp hp: 180/180 end: 33/180 HP:180 EP:33> mutter You mutter to yourself. HP:180 EP:34> Fofester nods. Lydia shouts in Westron: Grr now I have to give all my Gingery lovin' to Fofester! Fofester shouts in Westron: *blinks* Ezekial shouts in Westron: I, the science professer, have heard on the radio that there is a giant hurricain headed your way. Erm.. our way. Fofester says in Westron: Carcharoth tells you: screw you. You aren't stranded Gildoran has hp: 25000000/25000000 and end: 25000000/25000000 Gildoran hmms. Fofester says in Westron: damn you! Gildoran snickers mischeviously. shout We are too stranded, Carcharoth! You shout in Westron: We are too stranded, Carcharoth! HP:180 EP:28> l gildoran Before you stands Gildoran. He seems to be friendly and helpful, yet you sense that he can be mischievious when near enemies. Gildoran isn't very large- well, he's actually kinda small and rather pale-skinned, but he appears to be somewhat stealthy, and fairly good at dodging attacks. Gildoran grins, revealing sharp, white teeth. He tends to fight without weapons and sells most of what he gets, unless it was given to him by a friend. Strangely enough, the way he moves almost seems to remind you of Gollum, even though he doesn't have any other resemblances. Gildoran appears evil, yet you can tell that he doesn't serve Sauron. He is carrying: A black obsidian earring. A single tooth on a string. The Mordor necklace (worn). A plain silver ring. HP:180 EP:29> say Let's use Gildoran as a boat. You say in Westron: Let's use Gildoran as a boat. HP:180 EP:30> Gildoran acks! Fofester agrees wholeheartedly. Gildoran fades out of sight. l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A shovel An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:31> Fofester screams in horror. blah You blah. HP:180 EP:31> Fofester shouts in Westron: Gildoran left us! Noooooooo l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exit is dive. Fofester the sindar lags. A shovel An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:32> Someone shouts: I only went invis so you wouldn't use me as a boat. (I find something} say OHHH. Laryn tells you: a pair of leggings is now on sale as lot 6, minimum bid 115 gold Fresh You say in Westron: OHHH. HP:180 EP:34> Fofester shouts in Westron: Us? We would NEVER do THAT! say I'm finding a way off. You say in Westron: I'm finding a way off. HP:180 EP:34> shout NEVER FEAR. Gilligan is on the case!! WWOOO! Fofester arcs a curious eyebrow. You shout in Westron: NEVER FEAR. Gilligan is on the case!! WWOOO! HP:180 EP:25> (Woo, found an exit!) HP:180 EP:25> say WOOAHAHHAHAHA! You say in Westron: WOOAHAHHAHAHA! HP:180 EP:25> l A majestic hidden reef. You are completely surrounded by menacing sandstone cliffs. They jut out towards the top because the base has been hollowed by wind and water. The wind howls around these cliffs creating a haunting sound. Sticking out of the nearby water is the main mast of an ancient shipwreck. The sky is black and the stars shine down brightly. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are (something) and dive. A shovel Fofester the sindar lags. An ancient sea chest (open) HP:180 EP:25> Someone goes "Woo!". Fofester says in Westron: the hell? get shovel Ok. HP:180 EP:26> Someone says in Westron: WOOHA! (Exit has been removed, wouldn't want you guys to figure it out :p) HP:180 EP:26> Lydia shouts in Westron: This isn't right! No one wants Ginger! THEY ALL LIKED HER IN THE SHOW!!!! Street end(s, n, ne and climb) Lydia the sindar Guide (Demonic) Ezekial Eothain the eorling Archmage (Angelic) HP:180 EP:27> Fofester shouts in Westron: Mithgil is a genious! say EAOOEOAEOEATHAEHT!! Ezekial falls down laughing. You say in Westron: EAOOEOAEOEATHAEHT!! HP:180 EP:27> Lydia snickers insanely. Ezekial falls down laughing. Ezekial falls down laughing. Fofester enters. say WOWOEOWGEOGWJ! You say in Westron: WOWOEOWGEOGWJ! HP:180 EP:28> Ezekial falls down laughing. Ezekial falls down laughing. Ezekial falls down laughing. say WOWETRIWOERW! You say in Westron: WOWETRIWOERW! HP:180 EP:28> Fofester says in Westron: WOOOOOOOOOO Fofester wets his pants laughing. Lydia bites Fofester. shout I saved the day!!!! You shout in Westron: I saved the day!!!! HP:180 EP:18> Fofester shouts in Westron: WE LIIIIIVE shout WOWOOO GO ME! You shout in Westron: WOWOOO GO ME! HP:180 EP:9> Fofester says in Westron: mith, how the hell did you figure that out Gildoran fades into sight. Lydia says in Westron: Oh shut up Ezekial says in Westron: Oh, that was rich. ;) Lydia bites you. Ezekial says in Westron: Let's go back! Ezekial grins. Fofester agrees wholeheartedly. Lydia ponders something. Ezekial says in Westron: Forget retireing to a tree in the shire. Ezekial says in Westron: Go for the island! Fofester agrees wholeheartedly. Lydia says in Westron: eeee.... Ezekial says in Westron: Remember Fimbu going to retire in the tree? Ezekial falls down laughing. Fofester nods. -> Ezekial tells Fofester that he got a dws, carapace, emerald shield, and four, count 'em FOUR aesses while he was stuck on that island. Fofester says in Westron: SHUT UP Fofester tackles Ezekial! Fofester removes a tarnished steel dagger. Fofester throws a dagger at Ezekial. Ezekial grins. Lydia laughs softly. Ezekial says in Westron: falling apart. :) Lydia twiddles her thumbs innocently. Ezekial removes a tarnished steel dagger. Ezekial gives Fofester a tarnished steel dagger. Fofester says in Westron: gimme my dagger! Fofester wields his dagger. Fofester hmphs disgustedly. Lydia nods. play fiddle gilligan2 You fiddle on your fiddle and sing in Westron: So this is the tale of our castaways, they're here for a long, long time. They'll have to make the best of things, it's an uphill climb. You play an interlude on your fiddle and sing in Westron: The first mate and his skipper too, will do their very best, to make the others comfortable, in the tropic island nest. You play an interlude on your fiddle and sing in Westron: No phones, no lights, no motor cars, not a single luxury. Like Robinson Crusoe, it's primitive as can be. You play an interlude on your fiddle and sing in Westron: So join us here each week my friend, you're sure to get a smile. From seven stranded Castaways, Here on Gilligan's Isle. You finish your song with a flourish. Fofester says in Westron: Mithy! Let's go back! say Let's get the boat, we can all go! You say in Westron: Let's get the boat, we can all go! HP:180 EP:9> Lydia looks at Gildoran. climb You jump on top of the wall but discover that the tide is in. The ocean is too ferocious to swim, so you stay where you are. HP:180 EP:9> say Damn, tide. You say in Westron: Damn, tide. HP:180 EP:10> Ezekial nods mithgil! Ezekial looks at Gildoran. Ezekial looks at a plain silver ring. Ezekial blinks. Fofester says in Westron: i'm gonna go in my gh and cry now Lydia hugs Fofester. Lydia says in Westron: Oki! Fofester points at Gildoran. Fofester says in Westron: meany! Fofester waves. Lydia waves all wavey like at Fofester. Ezekial grins. Fofester says in Westron: i need to go to sleep anyway. bye wave fofester You wave at Fofester. HP:180 EP:13> Fofester holds you close. Gildoran says in Westron: Fofester: Huh? You're crying because you didn't get any hot-seal-action? scream You scream. HP:180 EP:13> Lydia smacks Fofester. say We killed the seal. You say in Westron: We killed the seal. HP:180 EP:14> Fofester says in Westron: I feel so close to you now Mithy... as if i've known you forever... :p Ezekial laughs. Fofester winks. say But we didn't have a knife, so it went to waste. You say in Westron: But we didn't have a knife, so it went to waste. HP:180 EP:14> Fofester falls down laughing. Ezekial says in Westron: thinking of making a seal-skin boat? Fofester says in Westron: Hey, that Seal was sexy. say We were going to ration it for survival. You say in Westron: We were going to ration it for survival. HP:180 EP:15> Lydia sniffles. Lydia looks at a shovel. Fofester waves. wave fofester You wave at Fofester. HP:180 EP:20> Fofester leaves northeast. Final cast: Jonas Grumby (A.k.a. The Skipper) - Fofester (It was his boat) Gilligan - Mithgil (I like his hat) Mary Ann Summers - Gildoran Ginger Grant - Lydia Professor Roy Hinkley - Ezekial Thurston Howell III - Theodrek (Decided on the comm, later) For a picture of us all: